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OU Football Live: Where will the OU offense rank in total offense in first year of the SEC?

In this live episode we discuss the OU offense heading into the SEC.

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Happy Sunday sooner Nation Chester you don’t have to worry about it we’re right on time even though uh hey I don’t know I’m introduce you to our special guest tonight uh this is Jason dude stop stop I’m not in the been here in a couple of days but I want to introduce everyone

Back to Jay hey did you survive without me I don’t know if you survived oh we rolled it the last two days bro you did I’m sure it was a struggle I I missed you I missed you because it was hard to argue with the screen instead of you but yes uh yeah

Lots to talk about Sooners undefeated 67 straight uh on their way to 100 not gonna say I told you so but uh I told you it’d be two run rules today this team is unbelievable Ella Parker is the real deal Ella leave the Parker how about

That I I was going to go with Ella hit it out of the Parker you know Chris Burman Chris Burman was the greatest at the nickname man loved it Chris Burman was great very biased towards the bills and the 49ers though yeah is playing really well at shortstop she’s playing really well at

Short Stop been great her bat speaks for itself uh yeah Jay I know we have on the graphic tonight Seth latr correct I’ve went and watched some some uh North Texas tape Jay I’m very excited oh I’m I’m pumped look real quick I agree Chester I’ve seen some

Stuff on that and Richard you’re trying to get us going already bud trying to get hey that guy won’t be back on here I promise you do know what he didn’t know the definition of a casual fan uh okay so set the trail I I understand what you’re saying but I I

Don’t think we really know yet what’s what’s gonna we know you know well I’m assuming he’s GNA run his stuff Jay Iowa I’ll bring listen here’s the difference I will bring it if needed but I will not bring it to rant for no reason somebody go give me something to rant about

Okay no I’m not just now watching film but I’m just now watching a lot of film specifically I I just really want to see some what I know he’s an air raid guy I’m going to tell you J just based on what I’ve seen a couple of things I

Think is going to be different couple questions are we still going to see The Zone read yes we’re gonna see the Zone read uh one thing I think we’re gonna see is two tight ends next to each other on the line of scrimmage and uh one of the tight ends

When they run a single tight end that tight end is going to be in the backfield a lot as an HB and I think Bowers sharp uh could be very very special in this this offense and and H pretty much hit Hunter hit it right here I think

More tight end more Zone run the Zone run is something they have to do more of period and hey who would you compare him to as far as the Mike Leech disciples give me another coordinator you think he compares to I don’t even know I know a lot of

People like to compare them to Graham Harold but they’re different uh Josh hyp no uh Gary Gary he doesn’t run the jet sweeps like there’s less of the short short passing game hey I will say this I watched one game uh uh pretty much a full game that North Texas played

It was 2020 maybe I I don’t remember the year but uh the guard and tackles pull often that he he pulled guard and tackles and they were pulling them often the the linemen are moving and I think Bill Bebo is going to like that and and

Listen Seth L Trail look at the graphic I mean just look at him the guy is a definition of grit okay to play on this offense I think he’s gonna want that Line’s gonna have to be that yeah and you Hunter brings up HB I’m interested to see what they’re going

To do there GRE got said gonna be B Sharp Devon Mitchell fin to eat how young bro is his body type and athleticism is crazy uh yeah I I agree I I don’t know how soon he’ll get out there I would think he’d play this year

Though because he’s a he will Beast uh you think bow sharp will be the starting agback I think bow sharp will be the starting tight end the tight end is used as agback often and listen I think last night we talked about four tight ends possibly that could get some run I think

It’s possible because sometimes he plays two on the line of scrimmage sometimes they only use one H uh tight end there in the back field but I’ll tell you something else that stood out Jay the amount of times the wide the amount of time the running back leaves

The back field for for a catch uh the running backs are going to be much more involved in the passing game than they ever were into Jeff Levy here’s what I’ll say the running backs when Lincoln Riley left took a major drop off in pass catches I mean linol Lincoln Riley like

To use them go back to Joe Mixon Joe Mixon cut a lot of balls okay even Kennedy Brooks other guys Jeff weby did not use running backs out of the backfield very well I mean gray he used gray pretty good but I still don’t think it was gray now like Hunter’s right

Sachu could have a great year in in the passing game uh but two things I’m looking to see this year in this new new offense that we’re talking about whatever they’re going to do I think you kind of mentioned earlier two tight ends two backs I want two backs I’m not saying the

Whole game at all I’m just saying you got to see it more than twice a year I mean that’s ridiculous twice a year to have two running backs in there don’t you got to see it more than that yes well duh and D is If U is not

Ranked ahead of Mississippi State in total offense where do you think they’re ‘s in trouble D po where do you think they’ll fall you’re you were gone the other night Jay but I I mentioned would love to have a a 10 20 30 uh offense defense special teams but I would take a

15 25 35 top you think the offense where top top 15 Jay uh total offense top 15 yeah I mean that’d be great I I would be fine with them that’s fine but I would be fine with them not scoring as many points but having better ball control and being

Better situational I to me me I I love scoring a lot of points I get it but when you play the Big Time games you got to be able to control the ball you got to be able to situationally call the right play I think that’s one of Le’s

Bad mistakes is he could not in very meaningful situations call a good play go back to the Kansas game fourth and two you throw a one yard pass to Drake sus you can’t call that play there you can’t they did they did call that play

In the ball game on Fourth and two and Jackson arold went to the second read I am just saying that okay but what I’m saying is they got to be better situated fact it’s a fact and controlling the game how many times last year I would

Say two years under Jeff Le did they have a game where they could extend the lead and get a little bit more of a lead and they couldn’t couldn’t do it they couldn’t put people away and I’m also gonna say Jay that part of the reason I

Think saluk and some other guys didn’t get the ball out of the back field they never really went to the sack the safety valve and listen chuck more than two uh but not a lot of two backs man I I I think what’s gonna happen when I say two

Backs it’s an HB and it’s a tight end that’s what I’m saying I think that’s what you’re gonna see more than anything real quick absolutely not hunter that is that is so bad of a take that I’ve ever heard let me say something about this college football has gotten be so

Bad about the coordinators telling the quarterbacks where to throw the ball you never do you ever see a quarterback make an audible anymore no hardly ever like an audible on their own now Jackson Arnold did I think in the BYU game I’ll give them that but you don’t see it

Anymore they’re going off reads they’re not making decisions as much as they used to make it’s all in in what the coordinator is calling and I think that’s why a lot of times the quarterback play has dropped off I think in in at some level in my opinion

You go back 10 years ago the quarterback play was out of this world I mean go look at the big 12 I mean it was unbelievable and some of it was also the offens but some of it was these guys also knowing the game I think a little bit

More yeah I don’t know what it is but if the first Read’s not there you gotta go to the second one and Eric new offensive coordinator new offensive line new scheme new quarterback toughest schedule in recent memory top is not happening Eric I know that we had a great time on

The Discord two days ago talking about it and by the way like the Channel please that would help us immensely uh turn on your notifications comment all those things join the Discord if you’d like uh sooner Serge UNL members but listen it can happen for one thing if

U’s getting drilled every game they’re gon to put up massive numbers because they’re going to have to to get back in games but I said I would love to be 15 25 35 offense defense special teams go when was the last time U wasn’t top 15 in total offense it’s been a

While okay I mean I I’d have to look it up I don’t have it in front of me Jeremy greay God I’m not concerned about the depth that offensive line I’m concerned more about the inexperience than the depth I’m not concerned about the depth depth if if well I mean if you

Don’t start ever dep is numbers Jay oh Jeremy stop dude listen also depth is players talent in the second position if you start baits or whatever and you go with ever as your backup center are you happy with that I said I’m not I’m unhappy with the

Inexperience is my question mark not the death also death ever can be a backup ever’s a fine backup I’m never happy if Five Guys on the line gets hurt now now Jonathan says or or Delo said who was it that says it Chester the offense will take a hit the

Opponents are much better now okay take a hit and drop 10 spots and you’re still 15 okay what makes you say top 15 I think ‘s putting a lot of yards up next is it the talent of Oklahoma’s offense or is it the the scheme they’re going to be running or the

Combo it’s all of it I think U’s GNA put a large a lot of yards up next year Jay I think ‘s going to turn the ball over some but I think they’re gonna put a lot of yards up that’s all I’m saying Hunter says they were 18th in 2021 which would have

Been uh Caleb Williams is senior year I mean Caleb William last year here hey there’s no doubt Jay that stutzman’s on them and guys like stman Bowman Woody guys they want to make a playoff stutchman wants to make the playoff okay you know he’s driving these guys to do

Whatever it is to get there but can they do it that’s the next question is can they make that next step and the offense here’s here’s my concern I I’ll be 100% open like I’ve always am and I’ll tell you my concerns about offense and if you

Want to bash me you can Jeremy that’s fine I don’t care you have to I don’t I don’t know if you can look at it objectively and and look at it and say well offensively here’s the issues you do have a I know he’s not a freshman but

He is only started one game as your lead quarterback here okay that is I could say that’s great for Oklahoma he’s super talented I could also say that’s also could lead to some games where they struggle I could say that secondly brand new coordinator running his offense also

Takes time maybe he comes in here shake your head all you want I’m telling you what what could get on with it get on with it I I’ve said enough okay Jay you can find research for anything viewers guess what I could say there’s not going to be any film on Seth

L Trail recently how about that and you can’t say that and that’s right that’s what I’m saying you can say both they don’t know what his offense does in fact they probably would have been able to figure out Jeff Levy’s offense easier there’s that too that’s what I

Was trying to say Colin we talked lot about it yesterday on the live but Javen McCullum season saving shot okay that’s what it was What offense right now is better than this offense in the SEC would you put ahead of it right now what offense is better than

Use yeah What offense in the SEC is gonna score more points to know you next year average wise Texas possibly who else uh outside of Texas maybe Old Miss that’s it there’s no one else wow wow what what do you mean wow I I think that’s you tell me then is

Alabama’s offense better Jay I think Old Miss is really good I think Texas gonna put up a lot of points I think uh Georgia lost Brock bers guys L I just don’t know about the court Missouri’s gonna put up points if Missouri has a better offense than U U’s

In major trouble Jeremy Tennessee’s got a good offense they got a Young quarterback too that’s the problem they have a new quarterback you can’t say they have a good offense then how can you thank you very much thank you very much if you’re gonna if you’re gonna say

Oh you is good you can’t say Tennessee is as you would say the truth shall sh Set You Free as you would say what are you talking about you’re the one that said it no you said Tennessee how can put them up there new quarterback how can

You if you can’t put OU up there you can’t put Tennessee I’m right I wow okay hey I I think there’s gonna be about five teams if I had to pick right now five teams that are gonna be up there in point totals probably averaging in the

Mid-30s and I think U’s one of those teams and I think it’s U Tennessee Old Miss Missouri and I’ll say Georgia I think those five teams and you’re saying Oh’s in the mix with those five yeah I think I I think they’re in the mix I don’t think they’ll

Be top five I mean I don’t think they’ll be number one they won’t be number one they they’ll be in the mix they won’t be number one okay if they’re not the number one offense in the SEC so be it what are you saying dude if they’re in

The mix Texas George okay yeah Grey God I agree with those I mean that’s yeah really close that’s what I’m saying great God they’re all very I think they’re all going to be similar in in and three of those teams you think are playoff teams so so I guess U’s in a

Good spot Jeremy I said U’s right on the cusp of making the playoff I think yeah I think they’re in the playoff next year but yeah long season if you you got to run the ball and listen Seth L Trail and Bill beaten Bo that’s their number one goal over

Everything is get a running game get a running running game going and this is why this is why you have to be and that Bobby you’re you’re hitting the point that I was trying to make look at what you got coming back you got new coordinator it it’s fair to say you

Could not finish ahead of these teams offensively Jeremy I didn’t say you can’t but I just don’t think they will for one I think that the quarterback is better for U this year and the offensive line isn’t yet uh so that’s that’s really the position they lost they pretty much have

Every receiver back outside of Stoops that they’re super deep the tight end room is way better the running back better I think the talent’s better I do my thing is I think sometimes sometimes when you get new coordinators and you’re in a new conference and you’re playing

New teams sometimes it might take some games it might they got also also sometimes you could go in there and play really really well because these teams don’t know you like the big 12 does I think it could go either way so is right both have good points moving

On gotta keep three durable running backs and the way that Seth lat tril has shown that he likes to use running backs out of the back field you may have a guy who’s better at pass catching that plays more honestly and you’re right about that Eric we’ve talked about that before a

Couple of games really skewed their numbers under leby uh yeah so hey and here’s what I would say to Eric in that case Eric here’s my question for for you I absolutely agree with you that’s why their numbers were as great as they were don’t talk about Dylan Gabriel that he’s all World

In hey don’t talk about Dylan Gabriel when all his numbers were against those teams either you can’t have you can’t say Jeff lebby got all his points against Bad teams and then also in the same Senate say Dylan Gabriel was El leite I agree with that Dylan Gabriel rarely Dylan Gabriel rarely against

Really talented teams played great I would give you that hey greay God says to be honest it’s up to Arnold Talent is oozing around him uh I wouldn’t disagree with that I mean the quarterback plays a huge role in any offense okay and even more I

Think in U’s offense and running a new system I think A lot’s going to be riding on his shoulders I think he’s ready for the pressure he’s ready to take that step now it’s time to do it I think he’s gonna have a lot on his plate though I really

Do Robert’s got a little synopsis here and Robert here’s what I would say I think that Sydney Sanders uh better watch out because Riley Lam or Ella Parker can play first base and they may play over and sec I want to see Elena Torres more that’s what I would say on

That yeah L it’s up to the line the line’s a big part of it uh for sure and I mean probably the most important piece of the offense really is what how the line’s going to be I mean I saw somebody walk into your room J

Uh it’s up yeah there was get to Hunter it was my son and Eric said the Discord conversation started because I said show me five plays when I said wow when you said wow and DG yeah that is what I started it man yeah Chester have fun at work as always

Uh enjoy that night hope it goes good uh DG was making that work that’s why he didn’t follow lbby to Mississippi State so you’re saying Kenneth is saying DG was running the offense it wasn’t Levy I I disagree so I think that’s not that’s not true at all Kenneth I think Levy’s

Offense made DG look better than he is that’s what I would say he didn’t follow leban Mississippi State because there was a million dollars apparently waiting for him in Oregon okay and maybe an opportunity to play in Big Time games fix your Aquatics terrible what is aquatic maybe it means

Audio Hunter is my audio bad I I don’t know my audio bad I haven’t heard anything uh I I don’t know uh I I think I’m fine but why would DG follow in Oregon yeah gave him one Millie exactly and why would go from Oklahoma

To Mississippi State or and not go to a bigger school I mean that would be that would have been a silly move uh well all hey Blake there’s always one that’s louder and that’s Jeremy all the time so his voice is ridiculously loud yep Hawaii Legend Marcus Mariota yeah that’s right that’s right

But they’re not playing Hawaii now which is interesting no they’re not they’re not I mean here’s the thing we can talk about offense till we’re blue in the face to me the offense if they have a good year they finish top five I would say top five in the SEC and

Offense I think they’re going to be in good shape to make the playoff because I think top five in offense I think there’ll be top four or five in defense that should be top five in the league should it not be it should be uh I’m not

Using my I’m not using my new lapel Mike tonight am not using it maybe I should be but it wasn’t working earlier and let me go back to something and let me go let me go back to something when I was talking about Seth the trail and saying it’s a new year you

Also on the same hand go back to Lincoln Riley coming in changing the offense they looked pretty dang good that first year did they not so and they had a great quarterback that year so I I think it can go either way I just think it’s

Kind of a mystery right now in my opinion it’s kind of a mystery because they could be Seth the trail could come in there and they could be unbelievably offensively they have great weapons on receiver great weapons at tight end I think really deep there and Jackson Arnold’s really really good and talented

They could step he could step in and just dominate they could have a great year they could also have some Growing Pains so I don’t know yet I think it’s up in the air it’s mystery did great God want my take on H Eric Lincoln Riley is an elite play

Caller I agree Seth lro is one of the best too do you think do you not think Seth trell is a good play caller he he’s been proven to call uh have really good offense oh Blake this is a great comparison is Trevor Knight

To Baker same as DG to Arnold is it that big of a jump no D DG was better than Trevor Knight not even close yeah you said DG was what like Trevor Knight better than Trevor Knight right don’t you think DG was better than Trevor Trevor Knight I I don’t think

There’s as big of a jump from DG to Arnold as there was from Trevor Knight to Baker Mayfield hey I also think that anyone who’s gonna sit here and say that U’s offense should not be top 15 or top 20 that they’re going to struggle with everything new then you can’t be soow

Down on the defense what do you mean by that the defense has everyone back Who’s down why why are people why are people saying that the defense can’t be can’t be top 30 in America uh when they have everyone back but they’re saying the offense should be a crap or

Top 40 because they lost everyone like it doesn’t make sense to me hey real quick Oki long guy I I think I’m more of the baseball uh Basher than Jeremy probably and I’m not feeling too bad after today’s loss I mean they they won three out of the four you’re baseball’s

A weird SP you can’t win every game I mean I say that in softball too but they just keep winning every game I don’t know about I didn’t wonder about hit though and how pitching wise I mean we’ll see how he bounces back after this outing but defense is what really matters we

Were top five in 23 and still lost two games and missed the playoffs true yeah defense where has to be improved exactly I I would I would go I would I would gladly say Okay offense you can drop from five to 20 if the defense would be top 30 I I i’ switch

That into heartbeat trivia Jay and Hunter maybe you can give an update on Spiker what maybe Hunter can give an update on spikerman if he knows anything all right and let me do trivia you know I don’t know the do trivia last two nights Jeremy absolutely did hey go hit the

Like button people absolutely you think we don’t do trivia When You’re Gone Bud guys let me know if the trivia sucked the last two nights were the CRS awful uh the first night Jay was named four major uh actors or actresses from uh League of Their Own because we were

Talking softball last night you the movie every night no last night was tip in last buzzer beater tip in who did it then tournament Ryan Humphrey I stumped some people on that one though hey here’s the tribute for tonight we were talking about Chris Burman earlier I’m

Gonna give you a sports center guy’s name saying and I want you to tell me who said it that’s all you have to do okay it’s pretty simple cool as the other side of the pillow tell me who said that on ESP and Sports Center all the time cool as the

Other side of the pillow this gonna be easy Bobby Wy Bingo Stuart Scott Bobby Wy gets it man they don’t really do that anymore do they no you ever hear Do you ever hear any those guys doing that kind of stuff anymore no they that’s kind of lost

Art I agree yeah he did pass away unfortunately yeah uh the Jacob Lacy stuff we heard this same stuff last I don’t like to get in rumors until something comes from an athlete I think there’s a lot of uh rumors that swirl and there’s no truth to him at all so I

Well I don’t even know what you’re talking about oh people are talking about Jacob Lacy retiring I I don’t know I I I don’t think there’s any truth to it people said the same thing last year about him didn’t they yeah and greay God I literally

Would watch it from about the two hours it repeat over and over over ESPN sports center man who reported it Bobby I have not seen anyone report it so yeah I either uh pillow guy yeah cool is the other side of the pillow hey Jay Dan Patrick was awesome on Sports

Center yeah he’s I mean he’s still good I think his radio show is really good uh you know I couldn’t even tell you right now an anchor on there that that I watch right now that I I you know used to be I would be like who’s on there tonight yes

It’s a good crew I don’t even watch it now I couldn’t tell you could you no Jay it’s never been the same as Hunter said it’s not the same it’ll never be the same I’m not gonna get into my opinions on it either yeah and they gave all that money to Pat

Mcfey Rich Eisen was really good too you know who the best who would you say the best two were together do you remember the commercials oh the SC commercials were great the sports center commercials were the best ever I do not watch Undisputed I’m sorry and this is going to sound

Probably the biggest hypocritical thing you’ll ever hear in your life you ready for it Jay I’m ready I don’t like to watch Talking Heads who just sit there and argue about things that’s all you try to do I I just said said it was going to be very hypocritical you’re a skip

Wannabe I’ll take his money I do this for fun not for money you’re a skip wanabe you’re talking head half the time oh please I acknowledg that I said it’s hypocritical to say it but I’m sorry you’re like skip bis do you take your Dallas Cowboy jerseys and burn them or

Throw them in the trash like he does on no I don’t do things like that for here’s you I’ve never done anything on here for show here’s what I want never done anything on here for show here’s what I want everybody to do right after

This live I want you to go to our Channel because a lot of you are subscribed I want you to go to watch when we first started this channel Jeremy did a a YouTube short it was Moser magic Jeremy you need bring post that what I need to repost that you need

To repost that for sure van pel’s pretty good still I still think Scott vanel is great at golf I think he’s good at the other stuff he’s exceptional at golf agree I agree with grey got here Stuart and Scott velt together were unbelievable I I think the biggest thing

Is ESPN got rid of a lot of their good guys uh and why does Skip and all the I mean Skip’s on Fox now though I don’t even know yeah I don’t either I mean they get they must make they must get the ratings because they’re still on there I don’t I

Don’t know how they get the ratings Jay brings in the money man what can you say uh soft you remember the lady that was the big hockey uh she was Big Time on there for years you know what I’m talking about Linda con Linda con Linda con yeah Linda con she was

Great hey uh Gary I I know as much as we bashed baroo he had the most scrimmage Ys lashing his did you see his Instagram post the other day I did he’s looking he’s goingon to be good a he that was last year’s tapes hey I

Think he’s I think he’s going a great year I think he’s all in he’s going a great year so who’s not playing Jay I’ve had this argument with I’m not getting into it hey uh Jeremy is a lot like Jim tror best friends when you agree with him but

Better watch out when you disagree wow hey okil long guy oky long guy first off Jim travor my son is named travor uh his first name is travor uh we met Jim travor told Jim travor that my son was named after him it was a great day great

Day there at the OU game against Iowa State second of all if you disagree with me you better watch out really because that’s news I’ve never attacked anyone hey let me say something about Jeremy and I should know best I’m his twin brother we grew up together forever okay

He can yell at me right now till he’s blew in the face he can call me names five seconds later it’s no big deal we’re over it it it’s same with you guys listen I promise you it’s the same with you guys on here he may say something he may

Rant you don’t need to describe it don’t anything personal you don’t need to explain the ranting and how it works everyone is’s a big boy or big girl they can handle it yeah you can disagree and move on that’s right yeah now if if you can’t that’s a problem uh

Jay softball loves field Friday night it’s getting cold on Wednesday I think by Friday it gets back warm it’s only a one day cold front it’s going to be in and out yeah so Friday should be beautiful weather for loves Field opening I am super pumped about thaty

This is probably the biggest weekend in Norman uh till the spring game when you look at what’s going on in Norman you got you got softball and then you got the biggest game of the year for Oklahoma basketball because they’re gonna lose Wednesday at Iowa State I mean maybe

Not are you kidding they’re number six or five now okay West Virginia almost beat him okay Jeremy Anyway You Got U softball opening up blood field on Friday You Got U Houston Kelvin Samson coming back to town in a game that if U wins for seating for everything it’s

Massive they clinch a birth if they win yes so a lot going on uh Grey God silly question I mean just look at me I’m the best athlete out of the two of us I mean it’s not even close uh I I’ll say this I’ll actually answer the question uh we

Pretty much tied when we sprinted if we arm wrestled it’ gone for two days because no one could ever move each other we’re about equal okay except in basketball I’d back his butt down and on the post all day long okay hey okil laon I don’t know what you mean too many fat

Bad too bad many fans still can’t get the standing watch the game they’ve sold out like you can only sell as many tickets as you have it’s Standing Room only man I think what oilon saying is that they should have made it bigger even I I mean I don’t know I think it’s

A good siiz Stadium it’s the biggest one uh SEC wise I think uh Gary says that the SEC goes to the 14 pod system uh who would you like to see U face every year for me uh it’s Texas Arkansas Missouri I don’t want Missouri that would be the

One I wouldn’t want I want Texas I especially when Arkansas living over here I want Texas Arkansas the third team I would say I want Aggies I want Texas A&M yeah Arkansas and A&M I take them every year they’re not because let me say something I don’t I don’t think

Missouri recruiting wise beating them I mean you yeah Kansas City’s a pretty good market for recruiting but if you could beat Texas Texas A&M and Arkansas I mean you’re especially Texas Texas A&M that mean you own Texas I think i’ like to go to Auburn every

Year yeah hey R let me say this too let me say this Arkansas fans they are silly when it comes to football them wanting Oklahoma is ridiculous they’re going to get handed to him oh yeah for sure uh the girls and boys play Will Rogers Jackson

Uh girls will go to state boys got to win two to go to state but man they’re they’re playing well right now uh only losses on our schedule is no Arc or A&M agree I agree Greg God and I just to me Missouri I I mean going there blah to me

Colombia blah them coming here I mean I I just it doesn’t do a whole lot I think Tennessee would be up there for me Tennessee would be a good one Tennessee Great Road envirment Hunter do you know anything about this I haven’t heard but if they

Help pay for the stadium give it to him I that’s right Tyler everybody wants a you until they play OU yeah Hunter says a loss to Missouri is 100 times worse than any bedum or Red River Li I don’t know about that Bam’s pretty bad Mark those fans at Missouri though are unbelievable

Dude he wants Oki state in the Pod Jeremy would you like to see Oki State join the SEC no I wouldn’t either would you like to play him every year at this point it doesn’t matter ‘s in the SEC uh Jay DPO is 83 does latr call

A lot of design quarterback run no there is some Zone Reed I don’t know how much they’re gonna run Arnold I don’t think they want to run Arnold lot I think it’s gonna be spotty I think he’ll run but it won’t be called runs there’ll be a few

Called QB runs it’ be him Le see three a game three to five a game possibly hey I Hunter don’t know the answer to this off the top of my head I know go back in a ways they played uh Hunter says he’s done he thinks it’s

Gonna be hard to not throw in the quarterback run game I just I think he really good I don’t think you’ll have to throw it in as much because I think he’ll take off running so I just if it’s if if it’s quarterback run off Zone Reed I don’t really want it

Much to be honest no you know what I think we could see next year Jay quarterback under Center really Seth you don’t see that very often Seth L does some Pro style now he doesn’t play Eye formation that I’ve seen but it’s an air rate offense is it

Oh is it a speed offense they’re gonna huddle more I I don’t know how much they’ll huddle but they’ll huddle some I think they’ll slow it down well according to Jay uh it’s going to be according to Jay it’s going to be Faro what do you mean no way Jeremy no way

What hey my starting receivers are not what not Farooq that’s who I got starting yes over got Faro I got Farooq Anderson Anthony and Gibson if you go four wide you’re unbelievable that you’re not starting Deon Burks I I’m telling you what I think they’re start don’t get into me like

This again tonight don’t do that listen you ask me who I think’s gonna start you didn’t ask me who I would start you said who do you think’s going to start if Deon Burks doesn’t start then we have idiots idiots coaching the re hear me I would start I

I think burs but I’m telling you who I think they’re gonna start we’ve been over this how many times dude so is faroo moving to the slot so Bobby Bobby are you seeing are you saying this because you don’t think Anthony will be healthy or are you

Saying you think his spot’s gone now because he was the leading receiver last year till he got hurt are you saying because of health reasons do you think he’s not gonna be ready to go or do you think being injured he kind of lost his spot is that what you’re

Thinking I like what Mark says Faro Freeman and the third Whoever has been on the team longest I don’t know why you’re outside your ever loving mind to say that faru Mark is trying to get you started I I know I’m talking about you why in the world would you say F Bobby

Answer he do think Anthony will be healthy do you really think frugs will start over Burks I think F’s gonna start next year at the slot I’m assuming I think he’s gonna start yes at the slot I think he’s gonna start yes you can’t answer the question it’s

Ridiculous Jeremy if it’s an Anderson and anony where do you think fruit’s gonna play slot yes so say it yes so he’s gonna be the slot receiver instead of Don Burks I think that’s what they’re gonna start the season with now I’m not saying you are outside your mind I’m

Just telling you what I think they’re gonna do you haven’t been on here in two days and you’ve gotten a little bit you know I my opinion Kenneth says I know Jim tror you’re know Jim tror at least he admits why he doesn’t like Baker Mayfield you can admit why you don’t like

DG that doesn’t make sense is Kenna saying tror can’t ad white Kenneth is saying that Jim trabber can admit why he doesn’t like Baker Mayfield you can’t admit why you don’t like DG it doesn’t say can’t it says can admit oh okay maybe that’s it first off

I like DG as a person as a player he’s got a lot of limitations in my opinion that caused me to not be a big fan gez hey do you not okay yeah Bobby you’re right yeah I’ve heard the same thing can’t compare the two purple Orca cannot compare the two Purdue

Perdue H Jeremy okay and I mean we’ll see I mean we’ll see if faroo is starting I’ve got issues I Jeremy loves Tiger Woods I love Tiger Woods is my favorite athlete of all time behind Michael Jordan did you hear me favor not maybe ahead of Michael Jordan

I agree Gary I agree with that Big Time Jackson Arnold to Nick Anderson is the ticket it’s a good ticket yeah I’m in on that I’m all over that hey h have you talked about the fan stop tonight have not and do it Jeremy hey subscribe to the shirt of the month

Club okay you’ll get 10% off if you use code surge you’ll get a shirt every month as part of the short of the month club you got to get on it check it out fan you won’t be disappointed hey oh that’s a great Copenhagen this is great let end it with

This everyone drop in your Mount Rushmore of sports or should we do Mount Rushmore of vou let’s do Sports of sports Jeremy do you know how many are on Mount Rushmore there’s four Jay who you got uh hey Gary Jord tiger or two of them Gary we’re working on it working on

It buddy hey you see you got am I going as a fan who’s on your Mount Rushmore are we saying as a fan or what Barry Bonds wow Hunter awful Hunter come on bro Barry b he cheated bro I would put Mark Maguire over Barry Bonds no bonds is better than

M he was not the greatest baseball player of all time oh wow Pete Rose was way better Bond was really good okay I think most people a lot of people are gonna say MJ woods and Mark I’m dying here bro I’m dying now this one’s hard to beat right

Here Copenhagen that’s hard to beat yeah Muhammad Ali on there he’s a definitely a generational guy what’s not cheating steroids I’m pretty sure they were Jay do you remember the old cartoon do you remember the old cartoon with those guys on it you cut out man do you remember the

Old cartoon with those guys on it MJ Gretzky no no no what you’re talking about hey Mark I love Tyson when he was in his prime but you can’t say he’s better than Ali because he didn’t have the career length as Ali and but Jay lagging I

Think Tyson when his prime he’s am I lagging or is Jeremy it’s always you Jay it’s always you I would never put a NASCAR guy and I I look nhart was one of the best I would never put a NASCAR guy on it yeah you remember that Dow that TV show was

Cartoon was great so Jeremy who would your 4 B uh Michael Jordan Tiger Woods for baseball golly uh man man I how about this Jackie Robinson maybe for me uh and then I’m not sure who my fourth is Tom i’ already got I’m trying to do one for each sport there

And maybe that’s where I’m bad I would would go I would go Michael Jordan Brady’s got to be H it I think Brady Tiger Woods and golly I mean I I I don’t know on baseball baseball’s so hard for me at Atlanta bra Atlanta Braves had their own Mount Rushmore Greg

Maddox Tom glavin Smoltz and Steve Avery they had their own R and Hunter I agree with Hank Aaron Hank Aaron would probably be my pick for baseball maybe yeah Gretzky you’d have to be the hockey right yeah Armstrong yeah for his sport obviously hey this is totally off

Subject but I see some people talking about the baseball people with the steroids if there was a new league started where everybody could do drugs and play would you watch it I’ve heard they’re going to do that kind of Olympics thing that’s kind of what I’ve

Heard would you watch I would watch it I would watch it really like if everybody was Juiced up yes I would watch it it’d be very entertaining uh steroids save baseball Hunter said hey Tanya Hardy re oh wow axis of Evil hey Pete Rose I would say is nothing like the

Others no I mean you got Rose is the outlier the one that does not fit in that Chief T Bird noan say this noan Ryan was great I’ll say this uh I think and this is a totally off subject we could do a whole live on this Barry Bonds Mark Maguire everybody

That played in that Juiced up area should all be in the Hall of Fame no I Jeremy I’m I Jeremy they should be Barry Bond should be in the Hall of Fame if you’re going tennis Pete sis Ro Federer uh I don’t know I you go John maell and Jimmy Conor too Andre

Agassi yeah Andre Agassi no way are you say I’m sorry I think they should be guys hey and grey God I think this a hot take I think Patrick Mahomes will pass Tom bra on Super Bowl rings I don’t but I don’t but hey uh appreciate everyone tonight Jay welcome back Jay

We’ve missed you the last two days it was great to have you sorry guys been busy it was great to have you back thanks for being here and thanks for everyone that’s being on this hey real quick how long you growing this out man well I thought about doing this till Dad

Got home maybe keeping it till Dad goes home and then shaving it but uh I don’t know I’m kind of liking it right now kind of liking it can’t say can’t say that I’m not uh and especially since you can’t grow it Jay makes me feel more

Like like I like it even more hey real quick though I gotta say one thing on line what did they do before they used drugs though they were still pretty dang good were they not but okay oky long guy I know you’re trying to get me fired up first off he

Is love it an hour hey do you realize an hour every night isn’t easy you know we we have other lives outside of this and J that’s a bogus statement right there too okay Jay are we the only I’m just wondering are we the only show that does

A live every night I think we are as far as sooner so uh we’ll keep doing it every night what about this right now what if i k grow a beer to I’ll try to grow one as long as I can go till softball loses wait you’re you’re telling me

Right now Jay you’re gonna start growing a beard I can do that hey we’ll see you guys in about three months Jay will have a little uh couple things on his face in about three months but uh appreciate everyone that’s watched make sure that you uh if anything if just like it

Please but if you want to become a sooner surge unlimited member and and and watch Eric and I go out on the disc because we will you can do that by joining a sooner searge unlimited membership uh appreciate everyone that’s on here though and we will see you

Tomorrow night appreciate you guys so much thank you


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