Strategies To Playing Good Golf in Windy Conditions

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In today’s video, Adam Bazalgette shares general thoughts on how to play good golf in windy conditions from how to release the club for lower trajectory, driver strategy, and a whole lot more. If you’re wondering how to elevate your golf game during windy conditions, this is must-watch video!

βœ… 4-Time SW Florida PGA teacher of the year winner!
βœ… 27-year Class A PGA Member
βœ… Former director at David Leadbetter Golf Academy for 13 years
βœ… Hosted corporate outings worldwide
βœ… Regular Golf Channel appearances
βœ… Coached players on PGA, LPGA, PGA Champions Tour, and Canadian Tour






Hi there Adam Basel jet here founder of scratch Golf Academy I’m at the beautiful Club at mediteran Naples Florida Today strategies for playing good golf in windy conditions it’s the toughest of conditions we give you a few General thoughts we’ll look at how to release the club for a lower trajectory

And then we’ll end with a pretty interesting drive a strategy tip in the wind okay three little cues to get you started conservative strategy I don’t care how good a player you are in windy conditions it’s not that windy out here right now you will not have the kind of

Control over your direction or even your distances as you would in a normal day so be conservative secondly hey remember keep your expectations down you look at a Tour event light rain cold they’ll never drive the scores up like wind will it’s going to be the same for everybody

That day out on the golf course so have reasonable expectations third and final one related a little bit to that the mental picture you have the mindset you have when you play golf or anything else in life probably is very important so try to relish the challenge not just

Feel like you’re getting beaten down you don’t like the weather it’s a struggle you’d rather it was different relish The Challenge and you’ll be ready for action let’s look at how to keep the trajectory down so obviously unless you’re with the wind you want to keep your trajectory

Down strong cross winds against you you want to keep it down first thing of course is you can move your ball position back a little bit and I would suggest you do so we’re going to momentarily look at how to really add some deal off through impact the

Technique of it the other thing is Club selection take more club and I mean if it’s windy a couple of clubs at least and just don’t swing as hard if you play the ball back and I’ve got a seven onon here I’m about to hit I’m trying to hit

At the distance of baby my n on if there was no wind let’s try one here get set up balls back a little bit nice smooth swing 3/4 finish you will have far better control the ball will go lower because you’ve chosen left sloft and because there’s less swing

Speed that also keeps it lower and takes spin off the shot so play it back a little take extra club and swing smoothly let’s have a look at that release so I’ve got my ball position a little bit back I’ve got my seven on so you have to have shaft lean when the

Shaft leans forward it’s delofting the club but a pitfall is people often when they do that they start chopping down too much we don’t want that we want to be fairly level certainly with some sha lean there is a descending blow we’re not against that but we don’t want to

Hammer towards the ground and not only must you lean the shaft you need to tilt this lead hand as that’s going to change the loft of the club face and we show you a great drill for that well if you like these videos here at scratch Golf

Academy I hope you do hope you find them helpful love it if you’d subscribe or hit the like button hit the Bell as well you’d be notified every time a new one’s coming your way cell phone that’s all you need for this drill I got it from my

Buddy Jeff Ritter teacher out in Oregon there wonderful teacher put it in your lead hand and if you are pacing yourself coming through in slow motion just the lead hand what would it take to look at the cell phone what would it take to read the screen of the cell phone I mean

Anybody could do that in one try now again I teach go fulltime have for decades don’t unempowered to work on it rehearse that feeling just one hand looking at the palm of my hand there where the phone would be that would probably hit the ball a bit to the left but now handle

Forward tilt the Palm upwards here’s the key don’t go at at full speed don’t even worry about contact just get in there and feel something different just feel your body give it a chance to sort of show up those are low left I don’t care I’m feeling something different here and

Remember the more you drive the grip end of the club forward the more of that tilt you can afford and the more you need if you’re scooping it and you tilt like that I’m afraid you are going to hit it left so work on that and then

Build your way up to a little bit more full speed now couple of other thoughts once you start really adding speed obviously those are very very soft you are going to need some movement from your core and your hips in order to get the club Shar forward different great

Players do this slightly differently but it is always a combination of some weight shift at least hip to front foot front ankle like that and some hip turn it’s not just hip turn and I think as you work on this I’ll do a small one with a reasonable amount of speed here

You’re really looking for not only that Dynamic move of the hips that gets the the shaft lead and of course the left hand but more of a punching short soff kind of a finish you don’t want the high finish that’s indicative of too much release so here we go small shot but

With a little bit of speed there we go now that thing you’ll have to take my word for it was I don’t know 15 ft in the air probably went 130 yards so you can do this stuff if you practice it start on the small scale now

We said at the beginning we’d give you a driver strategy tip this might surprise you let’s go back to the tea and have a a look so final thoughts if you’re on the te and you’re downwind or close to straight downwind that’s the time to be

Aggressive number one hit it hard Get It Up In The Wind let it carry it number two the wind is always going to channel your ball forward so if you fade it a bit it blows it this way same with a bit of a draw be aggressive take advantage of the

Few opportunities you have when you’re downwind or when you’re in a windy day let’s get a little rehearsal swing here see what my version of aggressive is these days that wasn’t too bad be aggressive downwind generally be conservative relish the challenge hope this [Applause] Helps

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