FINALIZING THE BAG: Putters & Midranges [I Surprised Myself]

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Welcome to the finalizing the Bag series where we’re going to be taking the next 3 days to go over everything that I’m going to be bagging for this year however it’s not going to be quite like last year for me and I just realized I left that door open classy move last

Year especially with all the disc reviews I was doing and I will continue to do a ton of them this year don’t worry but I was really intent on finalizing and keeping one bag for the whole entire season and I really think I did that but this year things might be a

Little more fluid but this is still generally what’s going to be in my bag for the whole entire season and it will take a lot for me to trade out a disc in the bag however I feel like I’ve gotten a lot better since when I built my bag

Last year so if I need to put something in that’s newer to the bag I don’t think I’ll have that big of a learning curve like I did because of the more experience that I’ve gotten but denz decided to not be kind with me and my filming schedule so we

Got a little snow luckily it should actually all melt by tomorrow but today we’re just going to be looking at the bottom of my bag tomorrow will be Fairways and then Thursday will be drivers before we get into some other really fun videos and then I leave to go

To wakeo and by the the bottom of the bag I mean Putters and approach discs and mid-ranges we’re going to go over what I’m going to be bagging by talking about a lot of the choices that I had and why or why not I’m going to be

Bagging them I’ll also try to throw them here at Johnny Roberts whole 3 cuz it’s 275 ft and so it’s kind of good for Putters mids is going to get a little touchy we’re probably going to rip them past the basket a little bit but I honestly don’t think I have my mids

Fully figured out and so today’s actually going to be helpful in that because ultimately it’s just going to come down to choosing one My Philosophy around building a bag is that there are so many discs that fly so similarly that it’s hard to say that there’s a unanimous best-in class in any category

Of disc and so it’s just going to come down to what feels good for you and then committing to it I feel very lucky that I get to review a lot of discs all the time so that kind of scratches that itch of putting things in and out of my bag

And so if I’m going to go and play around I have a set bag that I’m going to be using for that and then I still get to go and review a bunch of fun things that being said being sponsored by infinite discs I get access to any

Disc in the world basically that I can throw as long as it’s PDG approved for my bag and just to be open a lot of companies or people will say that this is like the best disc for anything and to them that might be true cuz it’s the

Best disc for them and maybe that’s because financially it’s beneficial for them maybe they’re slightly biased towards it and there are going to be some discs that I’m going to be bagging because there is a slight bias towards the company or I have a financial incentive to do so but that doesn’t mean

You should bag that disc you can buy it if you want to snack some stuff with my stamps on it but I just wanted to put that out there there is bias in disc gol I don’t think it’s a bad thing because there’s marketing people want to sell

You discs don’t buy discs if you don’t need to buy discs or don’t really want to buy discs that being said let’s take a look at what I’m going to throwing this year and we’re going to start from understable all the way up to overstable in the putton approach discs which to me

Are going to be two to four speeds and because I’ve said that some of you already know that last year I really loved and bagged the glitch which I have in hereit um and I’m not going to be bagging it anymore the glitch is one of my favorite molds that’s ever been

Created it’s just so fun to throw but just meaning a Spore arguably might be more fun for me cuz I like how a little bit extra torque resistant it can be not all these TOS are going to be good sorry but this disc is so fun and I bagged it

A little bit last last year but this year it’s just more likely than not never going to see a place in my actual tournament bag I just would rather be a little touchier with a two-p speed and so there’s not going to be any one

Speeds that I bag not this not the Berg and moving up in speed we actually yesterday did putter Wars which if you haven’t seen that there’s going to be spoilers in a couple seconds but I’m going to be putting with the birdie Disc Off Supply Marvel for this year it’s a

Two-speed I have a good relationship with birdie they sent me out a ton of these I like a two-speed throwing cter because it just kind of slows down faster and slows down differently instead of really just pushing forward as it slows down it just kind of drops a

Little bit more kind of like why people like on speeds like the Berg or even the glitch so because of that in my bag I actually have a Marvel that I’m going to be throwing with this is a stiff blend Marvel and it’s a little beat in and a

Little lighter maybe I’m not 100% sure but this thing is a pretty flippy throwing putter kind of the flippi it is the flippi throwing putter that I’m going to be using this year and I really like it for that slot I like having something that I can just stand still

Throw and kind of be touchy with I can get it to fade out still I’m very interested when I go down to wo and to other tournaments that I play at sea level not here in Denver elevation how much is going to flip and honestly I’ve

Had people question who are you going to use the same bag for Denver and for sea level and the answer is yes I might just change some of the discs in the slots or discs in the same molds around so maybe this one because it’s pretty beat in I

Just put a new one in and it flies like this one this one probably will still work though for just a little bit touchier and I’m not 100% sure to be honest with you that’s why my first official in the bag of each specific disc I’m going to be throwing is going

To be happening at wo after I’ve already practiced the course now some other discs that I was thinking about bagging in that kind of two to three speed slot there’s actually not too many Putters infinite makes a lot of Putters they make the tomb right here which people

Love the infinite disc tomb part of Tomb gang this is uh got a slight bead on the bottom some people say it’s a Colt on the bottom and a rat on the top it’s very very shallow some people really like it and say it’s akin to an envy and

I just kind of never got super along with it the kind of bluntness of the edge and then the flatness of the top we not what I was looking for it was very new to me so I think I could get away with it I’m still planning and reviewing

Every disc and infinitees lineup for my second Channel banana fro and so I’m excited to actually give this another chance but unfortunately for Tomb gang it’s not going to be in the bag for me this year similarly uh actually no infinite discs are going to be in my

Putters for the year the alpaca was really close I really like it for very similar reasons that I like the Marvel they’re both seemingly are to be based off of p2sh discs slightly deeper dish the Marvel was po Wars for why I think it’s a very retooled version of that

That is very different alpaca I liked for my like touchy approach they still both go very far this one’s definitely a little more overstable to get start they might be similarly overstable actually to get started as we’ll see later subscribe by the way and the alpaca is

Another solid one that I’m not going to end up throwing some soft Blends this is not actually going to go in the bag I like how soft it is um it’s a little extra Dy the soft BL marble I like that’s kind of murdered out and it’s

Very overstable for a base putter so maybe this will go in the bag uh if I need it to but moving up a little bit staying in the two speeds one of my premium throwing Putters this year is going to be a premium Marvel which it’s pretty overstable I only have one of

These so I’m going to need to snag some backups but I really like that it’s torque resistant it’s overstable but it’s also relatively slow because sometimes when you move into three-speed discs you move into discs that kind kind of encroach on mid-range distances for context I’m kind of reaching for a

Potter if it’s anything under 340 330 ft I think kind of my Approach discs are kind of up to around 300 maybe I can push them a little bit farther and these I can push a little farther I probably wouldn’t really want to I’d probably most comfortable around the 320 to 340t

Range Max is what I’m going to be looking for a putter for um but these ones can handle some Flex so I’ll Flex these they’ll fight out of it and finish a little bit left but also kind of slow down fast then the next kind of class of

Disc that we’re going to look at which where did that one go where the heck did it go oh it fell down the proxy I really liked at the end of last year you guys saw the pure was in my bag cuz I was putting with PES and I do like throwing

The same mold that I’m putting with I don’t know why it’s just weird and I do it some people don’t and I’m like for some reason I feel like I have to fill one of my throwing putter sock but the proxy is a really really solid mold I

Just am not going to be bagging this here basically just because I think I can get mvs that fly basically identical to this but I can’t get proxies that fly identical to the more overstable envs here’s a prism plasma Envy I’m going to hopefully get some other different ones

I have some glow ones I think or maybe one that I liked and then here is a proton mvy which right now is kind of what I have in the bag for very similar to the Marvel but a little farther and a little faster flight the Marvel is going

To kind of bite out of stuff a little earlier this will kind of hold it and then pan and finish flat much more like a mid-range 3 and 1 halfish speed and then in the same vein I also want want something like that that’s a little faster that is also somewhat flippy

Which is where this electron firm Envy comes in and this it flies like a proxy like this is a Hiser flip up disc I can get it to turn I can get it to drift I can get it to never come back if I throw

It hard enough but it goes so far some iteration of a bass and a Premium MV that are overstable and straight to understable are going to be in the bag because this is more of that kind of mid mid-range putter hybrid disc whereas the base Marvel is more of kind of an upshot

Disc the two-speed base plastic I probably wouldn’t throw it off the te very much whereas this one I would interesting distinction but it’s kind of there so and that leads us into approach disc and I was very surprised by what’s going to happen because instead of bagging all the same approach disc like

I did last year I’m going to be bagging two different overstable approach discs it is not the Zone OS I think that this is a little bit much I know some people really like it and I do throw harder than when I last reviewed and through

This so maybe I throw it better now it is very stiff though and still definitely is kind of close to that like true four speed as we’re going to get into the mid-ranges I still have some things to figure out and decide and there might be some discs that I like

Sideline or molds that I want to get comfortable with and use that will cycle in and out of the bag depending on courses what I was bagging and loving last year was a zzone and an ESP zone and right now I still have the ESP zones in the bag basically for Hiser

Approaches and like slight flexes where I want it to flex and then get back to flat and finish a little bit not super super overstable and to be honest with you these are relatively close this isn’t quite as overstable as they get the Zone OS is definitely more

Overstable people really liked the bang and ring top zones for being a little more overstable than just your typical zzone but I am also going to be bagging which surprised me a prodigy A2 I took this out I bought this from Nate Turner in his Vlog stamp drop I believe is what

He calls it Vlog drop and I was throwing it and I was like this kind of fits a slot that I didn’t even know I really needed I have all the Prodigy approach this that I’m going to be filming and making a video for I was going to doing

It here today probably going to be in a couple days after the snow all melts but this disc I kind of love right now it is so overstable and very fast I thought because it was over stable it was going to be dumpy like the zon OS but it

Pushes so much farther that it’s kind of eliminated the need for me to have an overstable 5-speed which we’re going to talk about here soon but I’m pretty sure the putter lineup for me is going to be enves and marbles in both B and premium plastics for very different occasions

Maybe not going to have all these in the bag at the same time time this is a lot of Putters to be completely honest with you and then on top of that having not a zzone but an ESP Zone and an at I know I’ve reviewed a ton of discs and there

Are basically every disc in the world available for me to throw and so if I don’t mention your favorite putter or mid-range it I just didn’t really think that I would need it or I just hadn’t had enough experience with it and these are all discs that I’ve had some

Experience or some incentive to throw like to be completely honest or that have like really blow me away like the A2 where I just like bought it for my buddy and I was like holy crap this thing is so good for mid-ranges I bagged three last year I bagged An Origin which

Was one of these three typically it was either this Neo origin or this midnight prow 2 that I got from my buddy Matt or this midnight prow 2 that I got from David over at Apollo disc golf then I also bagged Pathfinders which I ended up

Running cuz I really lik them and we have those here and I had overstable which was the bird disc golf supply Ultra this year I think I might actually need four mid-ranges because I found a slot where the ultra just turned turned out to be too overstable and too flat

And like definitely felt more of like overstable mid-range disc rather than slightly overstable like this was more of a forehand disc or I really need something to finish left or Glide for a while in anheiser and fight out and Fight Hard versus something that I want

To be able to throw on Annie through a gap and have it hold a very tight flight for a while that being said now that I have the A2 I don’t even know if I need something as overstable as something like the ultra but that’s kind of the

One slot that I was like maybe this is where I need to have some on Deck because there are times when the A2 throwing it on a forehand I’m really chopping it over I’m throwing it hard it’s getting there and that’s fighting out and moving back to the right or I

Have to throw it so hard to get that flight whereas something that’s slightly less overstable but still for handable like an ultra or a dis Mania md5 or maybe even the infinite disc raw would work for those long panning anheiser flexes that fight out and Skip back to

The right similar to the back end doesn’t seem super necessary so that’s actually not a category of disc that I think I’m going to be bagging a lot this year it’ll be very very specific if I do bag it that being said let’s work up from understable to overstable cuz I

Actually need to decide on which understable mid-range I’m going to be using this year so we’re going to take it out to the course instead of all these shots that You’ just seen me throw we’re going to actually be talking through that and then we’ll come back to

Talk about the next steps so before we get back out there I have a good amount of unstable mids that I’m going to be trying out for the bag I do think it’s an important slot to have especially in the woods first one we’re going to be looking at is the thought space

Athletics Mana never really gave it too much of a shot I just ran some cash ones but I had the origins of the bag last year so mono’s going to be one the second is the jester disc piece train which people are more compared to a

Lobster than a mono so maybe it’s a little more understable they look similar but not identical but I think these are pretty similar molds if I was to throw them I would throw these interchangeably with more pieace trains more Manas maybe other companies who are least companies or their molds are

Leased by MVP next are Origins which is what I bagged last year they’re such a good disc feels good flies good but there are some other ones that I’m really interested in trying these are the new konu from infinite discs which it’s a very interesting mold it’s got

The most interesting shape out of all these the rest of them are kind of similar in that they’re kind like a more round typical style midrange and then these are kind of bladed very similar looking to a Rollo but it doesn’t fly quite the same I think it’s definitely a

Little more overstable they gave the numbers 55-3 0 the flight is a little unique and interesting I’m not sure if it’s going to go in the bag it’s not going in the bag just cuz it’s infinite and The more I’ve thrown it the more I kind of wanted to gravitate back towards

Some of these other ones we’ll give it a shot as well we also have the Peach from Clash I was throwing this in The Clash Mystery Box thing that they gave me and this was like the star of the show I loved this disc four speed they call it

It does feel a little smaller diameter I’m interested to try another plastic this is the only one that I have which is a sunny Peach just a little harder plastic which I really love not sure about it and then we have a detour and a

Meteor kind of got to throw these in cuz they’re great so we’ll throw these all and ultimately it might just literally come down to me choosing one right now it’s like origin or Mana or Peach but we’ll see if any of these surprise me with their flight it’s 273 to the basket

Straight Ahead we have a slight right to left we’re just going to start throwing see what we like best just pretty consistent clean P train does seem to be a little flippy I threw that softer got a similar flight but it also went as far so they

Might be the same might just be like different runs origin baby just kind of hard to beat that it’s kind of hard to beat that midnight F two for a little more over stability as well jeez same exact shot I’m really interested to see now that I’ve thrown all those how the konu

Flops it’s a little more Dy similar interesting oh slip slip and flip okay that one’s pretty flippy I think honestly it’s a little less Familiar of a rim configuration for me I would say if you get the opportunity to try one out if you want to buy one you

Can I don’t know if we’ll have any of them run with my stamp but the peach which I’m hoping flips like those and if it does it’s going to be sick ah straighter yeah more like a Pathfinder unfortunately I like that this but I do remember it being slightly

Different to like the easy flip like all the rest of these this is a meteor from Discraft also slightly more of a stable both the meteors I’ve have been more of a stable now try our detour okay that got some flipped that was the worst throw of the bunch I’m

Going to be honest the Mana and the origin are so similar in the pece train it’s definitely between those two honestly a little bit of the calculus going through my head just to be completely honest with you is one this and I have a good relationship thought space and I don’t but thought

Space and infinite have great relationships not that I have like I don’t have bad relationship with them I just don’t have a relationship because thought space has a really good relationship with infinite there’s opportunity to run a lot more like Manas much easier than origin but like those

Are some of the things that like are just going through my head as I’m trying to decide cuz they are so so similar and they fly so well that I don’t even know if I’m going to be able to make a decision I think I’m going to choose the

Origin and the origin is going to be what I bag for some reason I keep getting called back like I want to choose the Mana but I think we’re going to go with the origin the Mana is going to be sidelined cuz I could see myself interchanging those like that’s one of

The things where it’s like the bag is not going to be as like this is what it has to be the whole season for some of these molds and they could be fluid they could change if we decide to run some Manas and we have with them with a fun

Stamp that I have then yeah I’ll probably switch over to Manas instead of origes maybe on some or like I don’t know what’s going to happen but both of those I think are really really good molds that I can see myself bagging and I I think I have more experience again

Similar to what we’re going to talk about here in a second with one of the more overstable discs that I’d rather just I think I should probably just stay with the origin even though it’s like a little less exciting for me than the Mana to be completely honest with you

And so I think the origins are going to be in the bag for now moving up from there we have our straight mid-ranges where I’ve pulled out a couple interesting options a straight mid-range to me means like backhand straight and for straight I mean throw it on a little Hiser it

Stands up to straight and just ride straight from infinite and some other offering including one that you’re probably not going to expect but we have the infinite discs Anubis this disc a lot of people have called it AO some people called it coyote might be a

Coyote but I’ve also I compared it to disia md1 when they were made by Inova looks very very very similar to that so if you want an Inova made md1 probably going to be an Anubis for you I don’t think that’s going to be for me it’s

Kind of too similar to those understable mids and just like a weird feel cuz it reminds me of AO which I treat is slightly more understable and I like a more buzz style mid-range for whatever reason and so moving up we have Pathfinders I have these three I’ve also

Been really testing some of these in my bag so this isn’t like officially they’re there but they’ve been around and so I also have this Aura Pathfinder which is the neutron plastic and this one has been very straight like more straight than I want overstable wise

Like I throw it flat and it just rides flat flat flat flat flat flat flat I can Flex it and it’ll like pan and come out of it maybe at the very end whereas these are more heer Flippy mid-ranges and so I honestly debate even really throwing these but I think they’re still

Going to have a slot in the back it is a unique enough flight especially since these are slightly beat in these proton plastic or uh ethereal ones they beat in pretty fast so these cash test ones I had to cycle through a couple of them but I still have some I was complaining

At the end of the year about how they were so straight and I wanted something more over stable and so I have a disc later in here that we’ll talk about as well as a different Contender but I I realized that’s not a problem cuz it’s a

Good flight I just need both slots which is why I think I’m actually still going to have three mid-ranges in the bag like I was talking about earlier with the potential to have four with the overstable mid-range but the Pathfinders I think are still going to be there it’s

Just going to determine which Pathfinders in the bag and a lot of that is going to depend on the over stable mid-range that we’re going to be talking about shoot I forgot to say the buzz was also an option I was genuinely considering it Buzz sucks I just have more

Experience and trust with Pathfinders and then this is kind of in between slots and so Buzz is solid still has a weird hand feel so still not happening but I I I gave it a shot and moving up into the slightly overstable mid-ranges the ones that I can throw on a backhand

Anheiser and have them kind of hold and pan and fight out of it a little bit actually kind of overlaps because there’s a disc that I already have a ton of that I I think I can use for that Pathfinder slot and for this slot even though I do think the Pathfinder goes

Slightly farther and when we’re talking mids we’re talking basically up to 360 365 maybe 370 if I’m feeling it I can probably get a little farther but like if I see a hole that’s 360 and in I’m probably reaching for a mid-range or or putter the two this that I’m really

Thinking about for this slot are the Chariots which I picked up and I was like okay this is fine and The more I’ve thrown it the more I’ve actually like really fallen in love with this mold considered to be the old Inova made md3 which people really loved cuz it got

Pretty overstable this is an ey blend one which isn’t even known as being the most overstable plastic I had an S blend one which I was more overstable that I gave to Joel Freeman cuz I didn’t even think I was going to be bagging this and

Now I love it and I kind of want it back but I’m just going to grab some more s blend and eye blend ones cuz this is such a money disc because it does come in some other Plastics as well I have this DB blend glow Chariot which I

Haven’t thrown a lot of but having kind of a baseline mid-range I’m kind of interested in because I feel like it’ll beat up pretty fast feel like I need that I don’t know why but I feel like I do so we’re going to mess around with

This guy and then these are all glow ones this is a collor glow Chariot that Joel Freeman gave me and then I have two metal flake glow chariots some that have the bananza stamps which I really like these are actually still available on infinite new stamp coming very soon but

These are very similar to Pathfinders the Pathfinders I found especially that white one just tends to be a little more wind resistant and I think honestly part of that could be because these are a little bit gummier you’re not going to see it now cuz it’s literally 38° but

These are a little gummier than the harder Plastics of those Pathfinders but I can see myself not bagging Pathfinders at some point maybe bagging them at some point it’s going to really depend on the specific disc but the options that I’m going to give myself are whatever that

Flippy mid-range that we decided on earlier and then Pathfinders and chariots to kind of cover these slots depending on which runs and Plastics and beaten levels of those two molds I have the last two that were options were the infinite disc Inca which is fine it’s

Kind of like a big breed Rock 3 it just kind of never fit my hands super well uh and I’d much rather throw the Chariot than this it feels much more familiar and better in my hands and the last one I really wanted to go in the bag and

Love but I think it’s going to end up being chariots but the Clash disc guava is also so so so good I could definitely see this at some point taking the place of those chariots not 100% sure that’s why there’s just so many good discs and it’s like I have these they actually

Sent me out one of their planty ones which is made out of a bioplastic which is super cool but I have a lot of Chariots and I like the Chariot a lot I don’t think one is better than the other and so I’m sponsored by infinite so I’m

Going to throw chariots essentially it’s kind of what it is glash wanted to give me a signature guava I would throw the guava you know what I mean like I’m just trying to be real about it because there is bias that happens in disc golf and I

Want to be kind of open CU I I really like being authentic with you guys because I me you’re supporting me through this whole journey so it might as well be as honest as I can’t be so it’s going to end up being chariots I believe and now moving into the

Overstable mid-ranges I was intrigued by a couple of these the raw I’m interested in I don’t think it’s as forh handable it’s much more kind of traditional mid-range kind of v-rock or lion is what I have heard and so oh that was straighter than I expected I don’t think

I’m going to be rocking with it this year so it really comes down to the disia md5 and the birdie disc offl Supply Ultra for kind of like it’s kind of like the bened player slot you know what I mean it’s not in the bag but it

Could be in the bag if I really really need it I honestly think the more I get familiar with the disc that I’m actually bagging the less I’ll feel like I actually need this maybe the A2 will get a little seasoned cuz it’s still new and

So beefy and so maybe that will make it even less necessary but this is kind of the disc that for Ganon has replaced the A2 for him that the md5 actually feels a little smaller diameter slightly smaller than the ultra or other mid-ranges in its class and I really love the feel and

I think I could absolutely use it and get used to it but especially for something that’s not going to be in my bag consistently and I’m probably not going to get nearly as much practice with if I ever do need it I don’t think I’ll have as much faith in it as

Something that I did bag for a whole year and so the ultra is not going in the bag but it’s going to be that bench player for me yeah it’s solid I don’t know how much use if any it’ll get but it’s nice to know they actually sent me

One out with all the marbles which this Ultra look incredible I love this little baby blue shout out Derek but I don’t know I have a really good relationship with this Mania as you guys will see here coming up in some future videos I have really good relationship with these

Guys but these were in my bag for a while and I trust them and I know how they fly in a lot of situations and that’s kind of how I’m building and finalizing the bag thank you so much for watching we have Fairways tomorrow I have to warm up and I’m really hoping

The Sun stays out for a while because I’m ready for the snow to be off the ground that means I’m ready to go to Texas I cannot wait for the season to start baby see you tomorrow


  1. I understand what you say about the Origin. But frankly, unless the Detour stock run is something wonderful I feel like Origin is such a bomb to put on all lines

  2. I got one of each of the Pixel stiffness snd they feel like aviars. But better. My putting has improved 20%. I tee off hr harder plastics because they dont flip as much snd have a little finish.

  3. I know I’m jumping the gun but how many discs to do you plan on bagging while on tour… like on hand/ready to throw… no sideline or backups

  4. 2:50 "Not all of these are gonna be good sorry!"
    I'm currently living in Erie PA and I SWEAR the locals are low key trying to gaslight me that throwing in the 25* snow is no different than the summer 🥶🥶

  5. In my opinion, the Paradox is the best under stable mid that stays super consistent 🤷🏻‍♂️

  6. If you love Lat64 and you liked the Alpaca but it was too deep for you, how come you haven’t tried the Lat64 Hope?
    It’s just an Alpaca/Marvel but shallower.

  7. Is the Ultra as Overstable as the MD5? I have been thinking about getting one to slot between my Hex and MD5 but apparently they are pretty close….right now I have a Reactor that is pretty nice but I may want just a tick more overstability

  8. Meteor does not fly like its number at all. It’s like a buzzz SS for me. My -1 turn Fuse has always been a lot flippier than my meteor.

  9. If you’re still wanting to experiment with an OS midrange, the clash mango is freaking sick, feels incredible in the hand

  10. Love your transparency in all of this and to see your reasoning behind what you’re throwing! We are all routing for you at Waco! Go crush it!

  11. I wasn’t a fan of the zone os until I bought it in a putter line plastic. It’s a lot like my regular zone but I like the lack of glide.. it’s really nice for dropping and sitting where you want it to especially because I tend to juice shots past baskets😂

  12. To piggyback on comments I've read, thank you for the transparency, so many good/cool/new discs to tryout. However, I am curious of your opinion: can one be overwhelmed by too many choices of discs?

  13. I'm glad the Mana was at least in consideration. I recently picked up a Bodanza stamp Mana, or Bodanmananza as I like to call it. I've chained out for ace twice since grabbing it. Such a great disc! Good luck in Waco! Very fun course. Very tough though.

  14. Really love the A2! I actually throw an A2 and A3 for the different shot shapes, especially flex lines. Also, I bag two mids that are similar to that pairing just faster: a Pyro and a Terminal Velocity Ursus which is a lot like the Birdie Ultra. The A2 and Ursus are beefy but a useable beefy, if you know what I mean. The A3 and Pyro are overstable but have a good amount of glide and not extreme overstability at the end of their flights.

  15. Beat up a fission envy…. They last 10x as long as an electron but get basically the same proxy like flight after about 2-3 months of use. They don’t get knicked up, warp, or taco like electron, but still feel like a very “premium” base plastic

  16. I want to like the A2 but the hand feel doesn’t agree with me. Went with Proto lucid Culprits to compliment my X-zones (more straight) with a Berg as my 3 approach discs.

  17. When you where throwing the understable mids, why did you throw them on that shot shape and not a turn over which is what you would be using them for more in tournament?

  18. Whatever happened with the Tempo? I think I remember you liking how it flies when you reviewed it. Maybe because it’s not on the market yet?

  19. Nice, the Opto Ruby just slapped the Glitch out of my bag, much easier to use as the glidey understable alternative since the Glitch simply isn't understable but a great tool for form! xD Looking forward to the rest as well!

    I think the connection you got to that first Pharaoh made this bag and trying to use as much Infinite molds very much easier. 😉

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