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100 Hours With Golf Influencers (Our Experience)

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Can we post for a picture yeah yeah yeah a good this is as good as it gets I’m readyy high I’m loving this I’m about to jump out of this thing and then over the next 100 hours we’re heading to Phoenix Arizona to compete in a $5,000 golf influencer tournament

We’re going to good Goods live event and then we’re heading to the Waste Management Phoenix Open with all these events happening in Scottsdale everyone in their mom is going so you know what that means we’re hanging with the top golf influencers and giving you an insight into what it’s like all right we

See boys there have you ever raised a value of everyone around you have you ever been so high to got to down you think peace is getting written about you have you ever been Italy and eaten Italian have you ever booked a club and came with a battalion have you been to

Montana and seen the MS have you ever looked around felt all right boys we officially made it to the $5,000 influencer golf competition event we’re warming up and the first one’s here we are it’s a tough look I don’t know if that’s something to be proud of what’s up what’s up nice meet

You is he what do he say he’s him he him that’s a good one there’s going to be a Riz competition B who said that said that who said rumor I heard who said and I think they said that you and someone else I think are up

In the rank one of the ladies here 5 hours L welcome welcome hi how’s it going I didn’t think you were coming we knew you’d be here so we were like hey we got to come I’m so special we do candy RW you want to do a

Candy review real quick right here what kind of candy is it oh no oh my gosh does it really get you good we haven’t done it yet well you guys have to try is it really sweet Cy review what we do candy review we’re trying try C kind of candy I like

Piece of you stick which one do you want take one you like red super what do you think First Impressions really good really well I got my flavor I love blue Rasberry oh my God that was a huge that is really good you know who would love this Wesley Bryant I say it’s

A seven out of 10 8 seven this is I’m pretty high I’m pretty high I’m loving this good 85 wow you guys thumbnails are insane I appreciate you guys have really good thumbnails you guys what do you think about that that is actually cool

So so I love this idea I think long term this idea is amazing what I would do this is the guy that beat Rory Ma I know you to win tonight you you got a chance at the long drive yeah I don’t know who’s here I feel pretty confident

About the long drive unless like Mark here swing really hard swing really hard that is holy cow we did not come here to mess around we are going to be playing a couple games tonight on the brand new inrange system here’s what’s on the line for first place there is going to be

$3,000 on the line for second place 1,000 thirdd 725 and fourth 275 me the best golf for a win let’s go man arms heavy there’s vit on his sweater already mom spaghetti he’s nervous but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs but he keeps on

Forgetting what he wrote down the whole crowd goes so loud he opens his mouth but the words won’t come out he’s choking everybody’s choking now the clock R out time’s up over there’s three different mini games we’re playing the points add off with each mini game from

The top four people are going to go to the end and compete so far we’re not doing too hot K is wa Pi shot pick shot pick shot pick shot pick shot oh wait we have one more no we sh music the moment you want you better

Never let it go you only get one shot do not miss your chance to blow this opportunity comes tell what’s up okay I guess supposedly the Blackjack was the only thing that really mattered that was the only Event John won so he’s moving on to the finals it’s John DOD King and then

Another woman over there definitely not goodlooking you ready to get going yeah let’s go what is this this’s is Black Jack to move on to the next round okay okay do you know how Blackjack works I know how the card game works you play Blackjack before so I’m going hang around

Here not getting over 21 you can’t get over 21 points in this game no busting she got a gol swing wower JT later JT that’s that stinks that stinks okay so we’re in the playoffs we got Darren Tony feno’s brother Grant Horvat Murphy it’s Murphy our boy we got big murf here

What is up you going to win maybe the long drive you got winning this do I go with Grant I got go I got to go with gr I have nothing left to prove nah this for me though I’m just trying to stay alive and take a little bit as a chunk

And they don’t have NOS suit I got my whole country on a new way put it away and $3,000 so big I haven’t seen them boys in days three grand he just this is one of the biggest events of the year peoplewise that actually come to

Event last time we were here there was like four people hey a lot more girls for you though do anyone like that’s catching your eye yet no I don’t know if anyone on the TPC ground is actually going to catch my eye today I think they were like you know in Michigan or

Somewhere over there you call me up and ask me would I like to go with you and see a mo first I I know I got some plans for tonight we out here at the Cove this is like the perfect area we’ll Scout for our influencers and go try to meet

People from here dude you got 16 17 drivable and then look at that view 18 with the mountains in the background okay you want a good Icebreaker yeah yeah okay literally just go up and be like you can only listen to one male one female artist for the rest of your life

Give me them right now it’s just a good idea Breer should I start off young what do you mean young like young over 18 and work your way all right so I think the video is actually going to end here there’s not a single girl in sight Ash Ash on the on

The left on the left these three on the left no no ah she got to picked one dud oh all right yeah good timing dude there’s been a lot of close calls honestly the video would be more fun if asle gets jumped by the boyfriend wait they’re coming they’re coming

There’s two girls by the wall with the green shirt oh my God actually I will actually push you down oh my gosh ladies ladies want Daniel I tried I Tri see you later I got oh is he doing it oh he’s doing it is he going to be like a roadblock oh

He turn turn around turn is he going to put like a road block up Ash what happened I got it you that no you didn’t of course all right some random guy just walked up to me and gave me this 16 hole pass so I’m

Going to go in there and Vlog a little bit probably you lucky son of a godun dude John and Ashton they didn’t really appreciate them too much he said I have eight drinks left on this so let’s go check this out you got it I spotted bust back we made no

Way look at that but look it look who’s over there you see right there I’m not 21 wait what no I said out really I mean we got she’s good she’s good no no I’m I’m gay it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter goodbye are you serious run run run the boyfriend

Show you’re officially here at the good good event it is crazy how many people a YouTube channel the biggest golf YouTube channel thousands of people are here crazy so we’re here we didn’t get in tou but we’re here to support our boy Ashley Hometown hero him and Ben Cooper

Bringing at home today for the boys we officially made it in um there are a lot of people here righted hair on top all right righted hair on top but come on oh didn’t know yeah what boys what’s up Mr let’s go boys how are you dude we’re rooting for you let’s

Go here come on let’s go this is the team PA King King can I be your PA Queen yeah she might Beed please hey I know who you are I’m John friend go how you doing how are you good how are you I’m great you getting

Dial greens are P now man F downhill hey what’s going on nice to meet you this is the see in my room I would love to hear it we’re definitely underdogs but it’s a little old college student from Michigan sitting here in Arizona doing what what

Am I doing here give us a little rundown on what you’re doing right now well I don’t know where I’m going to go say what’s up Co how you doing doing good good to see good luck today thank you you got it take you home Mr D I’m John what’s up

Man pleasure to meet you nice I I run the channel J gol I recognize your face short for what’s up man how are you good good oh taking it home stack field bro stack field got to play against this guy John’s right there dude what’s up man good I’m John I love

Business so I love the CEO work you’re doing yeah yeah it’s awesome what you got going on here he’s leaving the event he’s literally leaving the event to go buy a fortnite vbuck gift card for Wesley what is our life dude that was crazy in order to leave I had to snag a

VIP pass from someone and now I’m allowed to re-enter I need to get these v-bucks the first place didn’t I have at 7-Eleven and I got to get this card back to who gave all right Tempo Town see what you got this is for team Tempo to par I might

Just hit it BR hold on that’s my element I like darkins love a melan cring look when I’m stepping in 30 bottles of tell I’m Cent I had the lambo switch to the brry I’m a Ganga but I like the party Pap a pery go [ __ ] I’m a brooken

[ __ ] I’m cold harded that’s why I like the back John’s coming back he had a faga VIP pass to get back in cuz he needed v-bucks for cuz he needed v-bucks for Wesley better be worth a reaction imagine if Wesley doesn’t take him I just drained a 65

Footer imagine a kid from our hometown comes to the good good desert open freaking wins it I know right oh my goshy we got a gift for you we got a gift for you we got to com that’s coming later yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Let’s go we got him dude Wesley’s going to be so happy I I War Wesley that we got some he knows it’s coming he knows it’s coming we just saw everyone tea off and we’re following them Ashton’s waiting for his food but we’re going to get Wesley this febu gift card we got

Him candy and an energy drink his favorite things and then we’re going to refill Grant and Mike on the candy that they had last night cuz they gave it a high rating so why not then we’re going to jump back over to Ashton and see how they’re doing all right first item we’re

Going to give to Wesley is the energy drink we got two more coming for we got to give them to all right yo Wesley ready oh I’m ready I’m absolutely ready if it’s a ghost energy you know me too too well if it’s not I’m going to be

100 I’m going to be very disappointed I see can we post for a picture does that just’s to a good Freak Me Up perfect this is as good as it gets what’s your hierarchy of flavors I haven’t gotten into go oh what you think what do I get into it’s cracking it w

Water fet water fallet oh I’m about I’m yeah I got another I’m going to have two before the end now I just was playing on war oh oh all over the chi one sip everybody knows the rules that is freaking good I’m have to like lick my fingers

Up wow so good what do you rate it what it g goes it’s a ghost we’re going to give it a 94 so have you watched any the jna golf stuff uh we watched a video the other day we did y’all have the most hype intro in all of YouTube

Golf 100% the most hype intro I’ve ever seen on YouTube which one the waste management unbelievable I mean it was unbelievable appreciate that I’ll let you get back to it but there’s more there’s more there’s more there’s more there’s more the question is when youall come into South Carolina when are we

Filming oh it’s do if there’s more and this is the start I it’s only it’s only disappointment from here on out set the bar too hot yes you you came in way too hot too early we’ll see you soon absolutely we’ll see you soon hey we got

Refill that’s awesome is that the fu yeah that’ll get me DI in that that’s that’s the birdie fuel right there love we just got Insider information that Ashton and Ben are currently in the lead it was what 700 through 10 yeah that’s going to be that’s definitely

AET hero if they pull through they have the advantage because it’s only going to get colder it’s only going to get windier or if they pull this thing off rain here so we’re going let’s go Ashton let’s go we’re going to go watch them finish right now they’re 8 under through

12 if they go birdie birdie they might win like a legit win that’s a you see that Miss six do good so far guys last they just waited on know right go no masterpie 10 bad [ __ ] and they after me one bad B look like a masterpiece looking for a dunk like a

Athlete big drip what you call it ice chain P Water ice you got the C can’t afford them cash you got the B can’t afford them give me the beat I ride it like a jet ski some of the bad [ __ ] they harassing me me got a 25 footer up to

Hill give me roll let’s go Ben come on Ben oh it’s fine it’s completely fine the make par the chance that they still win let’s go bring you home to Sag thanks boys to the team back home is Happy guys dude you too I think N is a

Great dri people have to these aren’t like there’s the part four is only gim the other ones are like tricky cuz then you got like wasting on this 167 let’s go uh check out the groups that are chasing all ready watch hey watch heal up man clusters let’s go what a time

Yes up let’s go he’s opening it right now he’s dial though he’s got it got he wants to win like he should but guess what Ash Gold’s man what I recognize you where do you recognize me from gaming gas right there can you do your

Little dance for us on camera no way I can’t do oh come on please please please please please please for the culture for the culture for the culture for the culture for the culture for the culture come on come it goes It goes behind

R Ash I think you need to go R up pige you could practice with P you could practice with pig I even got b-roll of them for you so just because you put in a little bit of effort means I should go and risk my life put my reputation

Online P your reputation is already down the drain so no don’t me like that course not playing good thanks dude thanks man you guys kind of matches that kind of little like me seven years ago oh you got you got me another one let’s go baby up up dude I start riing the

Camera are that way we’re going to leave Wesley his rebuck card last his last gift last GI we don’t want to bother him too much so this is the way coming down to the stretch because it’s coming down to the stretch if it wasn’t coming down

To the stretch we would hand it to him on 18 it’s getting a little dice I think it’s a good gift for Wesley Bri yeah I think so that’s the best gift I think you give him go put it like right there no put it right there oh yeah now we got

To dip out of here all right I just put my hood on I’m in silent mode right now I’m going to film Brian Bros reactions to Wesley’s v-bucks right here than you apprciate it Hey Wesley check the steering wheel oh v-bucks v-bucks I just got word

Brian Bros have to birdie in the last three holes coming down the stretch in order to tie Ashton G really the hometown hero might bring it home wow we’re currently on whole 14 T the last hole R Bros have to chip this in or make

A hole in one on this hole in order to be Ashton gold asht could bringing it home no freaking way they almost just did what you said now we have vely stepping up I like oh my gosh this isn’t the E opportunity we were hoping for this really isn’t

Wow deep deep long it’s all down to Wesley Bryan can you make the whole one if he doesn’t Ash going Ben coper they win come on I mean this would be the SI would be the sickest oh oh my goodness that is so long what that means Ashton that’s

Crazy I had my boy Ashton going the whole let’s go boy let’s go Hometown Heroes they brought it home Hometown freaking hero brought it home come on ref some love special


  1. All ⛽️ no brakes! 💯 this has got to be the best video showcasing the best week of golf this year 🙌 the youngsters on YouTube are killing it. Congrats boys

  2. I am from saginaw!!! Awesome to see ya'll getting huge in the youtube world. And good to see Ashton winnin the cup!!

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