Golf Players

고진영 Jin Young Ko | 2024 Honda LPGA Thailand 1라운드 하이라이트

2024시즌 데뷔를 Honda LPGA Thailand에서 한 고진영 선수의 1라운드 하이라이트!

#lpga #골프 #golf #하이라이트 #고진영


LPGA 코리아 공식 유튜브 채널에서 투어 최신 소식과 라운드 하이라이트, 세계 최정상 여성 골퍼들의 다양한 순간들을 만나보세요!

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Oh now Sophie did you have a word with the producer and say I it’s a straightish part and it’s a part for a birdie for jinang Co play so if it’s going to be interesting watching jinyang Co with find it quite fascinating when she pulled out of the CME Group

Torch terrific shot good distance control birdie got to hit it everyone’s leaving that short yeah but an exceptional player when it comes to plotting her way around a golf course and it be see where it and that’s what does happen on this screen you can see the length of the green it’s narrow

Side go yeah she changed clubs there from her lob wedge to a 52 I think it wasn’t that bad a shot that’s just it was just awful part slightly left to start with straighten up at the end well it’s going to be the first drop shot easy there’s a 12 for good

Reason what were was saying you about the difficult it was crazy stuff now jinyang Co it’s a tap in for jinyang the interesting thing is going to be with these two players this one through four holes you know the former world number one is very very capable making a number of birdies

Having a bit of an anxious look at that one slightly down the right hand side that’ll be fine fine a Cod looking to take dead aim oh now that’s that nasty it’s a very tricky spot that’s deep try and land it on the front edge yeah that was a making sure it

Would have been and no problems for Co Sophie you’re either playing into the breeze and Sophie area has got the three-wood out again so persevering oh having a good look at it and that is why just coming up a little shy there is the bunker to slope towards the

Hole well that was very good no problems driver in hand just glanced at the branch coming down that’s in it’s crucial She lays up correctly to that pitch in yardage I’m guessing Lily ofo oh left was pretty I think an important save there isn’t it on the par five well and three

Good up and downs for Jinan Sophie chasing it up to the top will it stay there it won’t good looking part it’s a brilliant part and it’s in for a two it’s a good shot it’s almost impossible to get near that flag unless you Brook Anderson and hit the flag so Qui she’s

Aiming well right similar to what Daniel Kang had and Daniel Kang missed this 4T to the right Jan CO’s done much better just allowed a little bit too much but a great lag that look to be heading right looks like playing four from 44 yards it’s an awkward number when you’ve

Got Forin from right to left that’s the difference in the grains see two them she’s hitting into the narrowest point of this Fairway proud like it yeah beautifully negotiated between those two H she found this very narrow gap between these two bunkers hand comes off the club didn’t have a lot of Club

In there well there’s not too much to complain about feeds down it’s looking good oh just grabbing the two playing 162 just leaving it on that right side letting it hang out getting that check and in it goes two you know from the moment she hit

That that was never going to be far away from the down the left that’s where jinon Co needs to go yeah that’s that’s pretty good if you get left or left Center uh anything down that two yards must carry this 136 to avoid the bunker shot yeah I mean it feels like that

Right now hit the down slope and scuttled on tell it was turning on the right but being downwind even she should carry it yeah that’ll be a good result for jinyang Co not an easy hole this green is something else lot of stay there a wide from jinyan me but actually

It was five fingers on the aim Point that’s how much this one moves from left to right did you wave back yeah all L and then I realiz she caught that one heavy that’s a drop kick left that’s a very ordinary shot cing and that’s going to oh directly behind

Thate I’ll do it Again country she oh I wouldn’t put a past her not this time B is holding her own and will stay at two under a few holes remaining you just feel that she is in oh that is straight at it and if that’s not a two I go

Hate there a three four jinang Co I should say a two of course it is a two she’s on a path three she’s birded every single one today so T shot this is driver picking the tea up straight away usually a very good side taking that

Down the right hand side and that is going to be you need Loft in your hand she’s playing up the green that gives you such a clear look at what you’ve got uh just stay there playing longer as well it’s more Lush or not releasing as

Much oh nice part but certainly down the Fairway right on that line as well yeah no problems for Co is she still 40 yards behind her playing partner Sophie and just playing for position there jinyang Co yeah the rough is uh is much longer look at the difference in

Divit that’s why that one was so good Beau Shar from jinang so good even when she’s not playing her best and she missed a lot of Greens on the front line had to get up and down


  1. 시합중 어프러치 연습하는 고프로 구경하는데 사인볼을 주는 고진영에 감동해서 팬이되였습니다 화이팅

  2. 고진영선수 퍼터 스파이터 장착 했군요, x5 하고 느낌 완전 다를껀데 ….왜 바꿨어요

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