Rick Shiels BRUTALLY honest opinion on his BAD golf!

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All right guys welcome back to the rich Shields Golf Show podcast everybody episode 222 all the twos um something I didn’t achieve last week I didn’t achieve a single two in my match against Sergio Garcia but we’ll come on to that we’ll come on to that very very soon uh how

Are you guy are you well really well really really well you know why Rick this might be a golf podcast yes it is but I bloody love my football I’ve always said that everyone knows that I’m a Liverpool fan Die Hard and um I’m sat here now with ex trophy

In the cabinet The League Cup we beat Chelsea 1 nil Virgil Van djk header uh enough about me that Mickey Mouse trophy yeah Mickey Mouse Trophy and U the one that United was celebrating like crazy last year correct and speaking of United I believe you took your young family to

Watch Manchester United this weekend to make sure they become hardcore United fans because obviously kids these days want to support man city or Liverpool or even Arsenal a successful team with promise and and a positive future ahead you took your children into Old Trafford the theater of Dreams it used to be

Called used to be yeah not really um against Fulham obviously you’re going to batter that makes the kids become hardcore lifelong fans they love United Etc and what happened it it didn’t go to plan no it did not go to plan yeah I’ve got this ongoing battle at the moment

Certainly with my with my youngest child Jude my little boy he’s only five he started to really show a lot of interestes in football and all of his mates support different teams like from Man City like you say Liverpool Real Madrid Barcelona it doesn’t matter any from anywhere and obviously growing up

You’d typically follow the in your footsteps of your family Etc who who they support so I’ve been really really trying to work on Jude making sure he does become a Die Hard United fan I’ve bought him all the kits as I have the girls the girls certainly Ivy my eldest

Child is just like y she’s united through and through done pleasing done deal that’s an easy one PE my middle child she just loves to say she isn’t a United fan just because it annoys me she’s much more in the camp of a friend at schools a Liverpool fan so she’s kind

Of supporting Liverpool a little bit which just hurts me a lot my little boy has been influenced by another young gentleman at school who’s a man city fan so it’s very difficult at the moment to try and get a young my son yeah who who I dreamt of

All these years walking down to mat buby way and getting into the theater of dreams and having our season tickets as we sit there and week in week out and a cold wet night against Stoke we would there be cheering with a pie and a pie

Um so I took him to the match I’ll be honest with you it was done in a way that I certainly was never taken to a match when I was a kid okay it was full on over the top Hospitality arriving 3 hours early nice meal everything else

Before in the comfy seats it was a bit it was a bit I think once I’ve taken now Hospitality I’m not sure if they’ll ever be able to kind of really go there on a cold Tuesday when it’s throwing it down and enjoy a match because as much as

They enjoyed the experience and they really did they got looked after really well the football was diabolical we lost in a 96 minute goal against Fulham uh iy Ivy loved it up until we lost and then she was crying her eyes out Jude and PE my youngest kids were crying their eyes

Out once United had equalized in the 86 minute or whatever if they went on to score a winner I think it would have crushed them why were they crying that when just the noise oh the noise how loud he was um cuz up until that point

It was pretty quiet old traffic um but anyway hopefully I made the right steps in steps in the right direction whether they’ll now continue to be United fans I don’t know and to be honest I’ve kind of given up a little bit of Hope as well myself well what happens if if Jude

Comes home next week says look Dad I’ve been thinking about this long and hard I’m a city fan but also the bigger bombshell I’m a live golf fan what word’ you go then he ain’t my son um it was funny last night I was putting him to bed I

Said you enjoy your weekend cuz we we also went to a monster truck show wow which was actually incredible sounds that sounds like a lot more fun was absolutely incredible the monster truck show at at the Manchester Arena but you have a good weekend you know this that

And the other I said like do you enjoy the football yeah I enjoy the football who do you support now and it’s funny the kids call it they call it Manchester United don’t really ever abbreviate it to a United or manu at the moment it’s Manchester United and that’s it I

Support Manchester United and I was like like yes this is it I’ve done it and I silenced and I kind of just put my arm around him and gave him a little squeeze and then he looked up and then I also think I spoke a little bit of Manchester

City oh wow I was like no this is something we spoke about the other week off podcast and what baffles me and it it it it’s almost humorous but you know realistically people can change a lot of things in their life can’t they so you could be married somebody for 30 years

Have four children and five grandchildren and decide you know what I had enough this partner I’m going to get divorced and find somebody new you can do it can’t you it’s it’s done very often you could work in the same employment for 20 years and decide you

Know what I’m sick of working at Nike I’m going to go work for the arch rival Adidas it’s accepted all these different things you could swap your religion I won’t get into all these different things you can do so many different things if you ever change your football

Team when you’re an adult I should Dad wow well you can’t imagine if you one day said you know what I’m sporting City myself now that would just be the most random thing ever and I feel like I’ve got a very small time frame to get him convinced and my wife said something

Ridiculous we we we talk about divorce yeah oh yeah of course it was on the line she actually said in front of my son he can support who he wants and I and I I lost it I must admit um he can’t support who he wants he has to support

Manchester United as much as it’s going be it’s going to be five years minimum of misery who knows we may also one day lift the League Cup maybe you can keep Dre speaking of misery though we had a big video out the weekend nice I’m sure a lots of people have seen it

And lots haven’t yet it will do very well on views thankfully you teed it up against absolute Legend of a golf we spoke with this for a couple of weeks leading up to it it was you versus Sergio Garcia the 10 shot challenge you start 10 under par he starts even par

Who wins the 18 holes who wins well if you’ve watched the video you will know if you’ve not spoiler alert you might want to skip a few minutes ahead um it you know what was really interesting okay and I kind of want to I’ve been very conscious this weekend I’ve not

Normally when a video goes out out I am obsessed with that video that’s gone out I watch The Views I see the comments I I almost read every single comment I reply to as many as I can I’m obsessed with social media comments what what are people saying about the video how many

People are sharing it what what is the vibe of this video and often luckily in 11 years almost getting close to 12 years making YouTube content I I have enjoyed that process enormously like that that is where I get my most Buzz once we’ve released the video and you

See all the wonderful comments coming in everything else this weekend I made a conscious effort I had a nice weekend planned as I mentioned I made a conscious effort not to ruin that I didn’t want to be in a mood already going into watching Manchester United with my kids so I

Didn’t watch and I didn’t I didn’t study the video I didn’t want to read a single comment and I yet have done thus far as in I’ve not actively gone out there to search for ments what was interesting then though you said going to the match in a mood so you must

Have known there was going to be an ounce of negativity in these comments before was an ounce of negativity there was a tidal wave I would even go as far as saying a tsunami wow of negative comments towards me and my golf game which it’s it’s hard to take it really

Is what what’s really interesting with with this particular match of Sergio Garcia is I actually don’t know what happened to me that day it was a very very very B bizard day and let me give a little bit of context for the listeners so again this is why we first off ever

Made a podcast to have these kind of more behind the scenes chats and stories that you’ll never hear on on Main YouTube channel that video the one with Sergio Garcia was filmed straight after the week i’ just spent with Bryson D Shambo so I was over in Bryson with

Bryson over in Jupiter filmed a loot of videos you saw the 10 shot challenge against Bryson where I tied it on the last hole and all in all didn’t play brilliant but all in all that week I played pretty well solid enough not incredible but solid enough we then had

A bit of a Mad Dash to Austin Texas and Matt and Ed who were behind the camera today they were with me and it was a bit of a Mad hectic crazy crazy Journey from finishing quite literally film finishing filming with Bryson one day we had to

Pat the car at the golf course we then had to travel 2 and a half m 2 and a half hours down to Miami airport to catch a flight to Austin Texas and on Route we had very limited petrol fuel we went to a gas station and didn’t know

What type of fuel we needed for the car so we went s it let’s just risk trying to get to the airport you know when you have on on the dashboard how many miles you’ve got remaining well the miles remaining married up to the miles left

To the airport okay so let’s say 21 and 21 for example exactly the same so I’m a risk taker okay I’m a risk taker and we were very very last minute so I was like right let’s just do it getting all the way down the motorway freeway and we

Come off getting off The Junction at Austin Texas to the airport we like we’ve made it we’re literally on gas now we’re on we’re on on fumes ping this vehicle as we come to come off the junction The Junction is closed because of a huge car fire okay like a huge car

Fire off off to Miami airport so I’m thinking oh God so we have to then go a complete detour added 10 15 20 minutes onto our journey if not even more we then parked the car managed to get there in the car we were running through the airport like absolute Mad Men through

Austin Airport Miami airport trying to catch this flight to put into context our flights leaving in 15 minutes and we’re now at the airport okay we’re thinking there’s no way we’re getting on this flight we run to the desk I can we check into the Austin flight tapping away I’m sorry it’s it’s

It’s already gone I was like are you joking and then suddenly they went hold on a minute it’s actually delayed by 50 minutes you can actually get you can still get on wow so we we manically got all the then they charged me ridiculous amount of money for putting my golf

Clubs on the flight and all this other Jazz it was it was crazy we were going through security Matt and Ed with all the camera gear were trying to get through security it was super slow we absolutely then legged it to the gate and I mean legged it as quick as we can

I I went ahead of These Guys these guys end up getting a a golf boogie in the airport all the way to the actual gate we get on the plane we’re sweating we’re hot but we’re on the plane and then we have a we have a late flight over to

Austin I think that right there yeah the car fire yeah is the reason why I played so bad because we then we end up getting to Austin it was it was quite a decent Journey to the hotel um amazing Hotel don’t get me wrong and then literally

Next morning we were straight at Spanish Oaks golf club setting up for the podcast we did the podcast with Sergio gcia which hopefully you all enjoyed and then straight out on the golf course and I’ve got to say and actually I’ve had a few uh friends message me to say they

Who have played that Golf Course saying it’s one of the hardest golf courses they have ever ever ever played the greens were like this table the fastest greens I’ve ever played on faster than Augusta National faster than any other greens I’ve ever played on you then throw in the mix you’re playing against

Sergio Garcia a boy Hood hero somebody who I’ve literally grown up watching golf you know was it it 96 valder when he hit that ridiculous shot around had his eyes shut and all this against tiger like or it might have just been 99 I think that was like I’ve watched Sergio

Garcia from from when I first started Golf as someone as a hero as you mentioned on the podcast last week as he was on a guess you had the boy T to the side side of your head like he is in our generation top five most recognized

Golfers of Our Generation sure and I’m getting the opportunity now to play with him to film with him he was a really really nice guy but also he a competitive match play player he has got the he’s the most decorated rerup player ever and he just had this air of like

Intimidation he didn’t mean to do it he wasn’t doing it on purpose I don’t think just this like just this air of imit intimidation and I just flapped it to be honest with you I looking at the footage weirdly enough my swing looks awful I fell into so many bad habits of opening

The club face I looked at the footage well I’ve stood so far away away from the golf ball which was dead weird I normally I’m good distance away from the ball I’m look like I’m miles away from the ball at setup I’m Fanning the club phas but I’m missing it right I’m

Missing it left it was just a horrendous horrendous I wanted the ground to swallow me up interesting though right and this is are going to get a bit deep now and this is exactly what you said before this is why we have the podcast for these conversations that people

Wouldn’t normally hear and I think when we unpack it a little bit there there’s a number of things and I think also what we have to remember is this video was filmed in no November I think wasn’t it so intentionally we wanted to bank some amazing content ready for the winter

Months which I think we did do but also November was a good few months ago now and you’ve focused on some of these things I’m going to touch on and tried to address I think you have addressed them but we have think about R first things first you obviously anybody would

Want to play well when you’re playing with Sergio Garcia regardless and then you think about the fact it’s a match against him and then you think got the fact is getting filmed for millions of people to watch so inevitably there going be some pressure irrespective of

All the full and the fath getting there that’s one thing to add I think secondly and this is something that you know you remember and I think we do but on occasion if I ring a golf course to try and book in us to do a filming video

Thankfully you know most people have heard of you know what we do and it doesn’t take too much explaining on the op J I have to explain what a break 75 is I explain that you’re a PJ professional who turned Pro op three or four handicap whatever and that a break

75 is you trying to do just that break 75 gross because that is a decent golf score for you right I think sometimes people Overlook that and think that because you’ve got a large following and thankfully a huge following that you are a Tor Pro which you’re not and that’s

Fine but one comment and you’ve not looked at comments that really hit home to me and I think you won’t mind me reading this and this is something I know you’ve taken account of but a constructive comment from someone called Chris and he said the hard part of watching this

Video is when Rick is so hard in himself it’s okay man golf is hard we all have bad days but I think about how blessed you are how blessed we are sorry to even play this game not to mention with Sergio on an awesome golf course and

YouTube is your job enjoy it mate we root for you but it’s a shame when you get down on yourself and you know what it resonated with me so much because I don’t think anybody is blaming you and I’m certainly not for getting hard on yourself because you want to make a good

Video you want to play well you want to be competitive but it’s that such a hard balance of you an Entertainer making a a fil if you like but you’re also a competitive guy who wants to play good at golf and golf is the most frustrating

Game in the world and it’s such a tough balance isn’t it yeah it was it’s I I’ve definitely taken a lot of learnings from the the back end of last season and hopefully I think that might be the last one that we released yes I think you’re

Right with with kind of maybe oh know we’ve got some Dubai ones where I was I was a bit harder myself I’ve certainly aimed to move into 2024 with a slightly different mindset set and a lot of those videos that we filmed pre 2024 um that have not some of them

Haven’t even still come out yet I am definitely definitely too hard on myself I am and and I put a lot of pressure on myself and I think some of it is is because also behind the scenes you might like I have been in my head working hard

Like I’ve been working really hard on my golf swing I’ve been working hard on my fitness been working hard on my health I’ve not been drinking like I feel like I’ve been putting a lot of effort into to my performance and my development yet sometimes that that doesn’t always

Guarantee results and I think I’ve been really hard on myself in the fact that it’s like oh come on where’s the results like I need to be able to see the results quickly and I’m I think I’m a bit impatient I wouldn’t say the H being

Hard on myself I think just comes from lack of lack of patience yeah I’m expecting to see results straight away I’m expecting to see changes and differences straight away another question then for you as well and I might be kind of making this up but you think about reasons why you might feel

Under pressure when playing golf is well first we all put pressure on ourselves again if you go back to the Sergio example you’re playing with the world famous golfer on a hard Tough Golf course you’re getting it filmed you know anyone that’s on the golf course is

Going to stop because it’s you who’ve got a profile it’s Sergio Garcia Etc but one thing I think about a lot is if I compare that to myself which is obviously a very different scale my last official handicap was four now I can play to that occasionally and other

People watching thinking no you can’t I can also shoot Millions more than it but that’s okay because you’ve done your PJ professional qualification which obviously for you was very much to get into the coaching world and things like that but does that sitting on you sometimes at a level of pressure that

People see the word Pro and and that like they expect or you maybe even expect that you are going to shoot closer to par a lot more of the time definitely without question there’s there’s an air of that on me and it was funny actually somebody uh on Twitter um

I saw this back end the last week this was before the Sergio video went out so it might changed now and it actually tracked my uh golf round um this is from 43 medal rounds that I’ve done and at one point it had me playing off plus three handicap and

After 43 rounds actually had me playing off plus 0.4 so effectively a scratch golfer now a lot of people that go bloody h r don’t be D but if you actually look at the rounds of golf yes I throw in bad ones I do as a hand AP and certainly the new

Handicap is based it’s so much more geared towards good scores anyway and there’s been loads of times where I’ve shot under 75 on tough golf courses or close to 75 on really really tough golf courses when you actually take that all into account the I surprised but I’m I’m

Guessing they’ve done it the right way um this is for all rounds on UK courses in season one two and three you know what’s mad as well with with you in particular I think it’s probably is the same for everybody if if you went tomorrow and played at the belfrey or um

Berdale or whatever it might be a golf course that we would kind of typically film at and I said to you how did you play wasn’t there obviously how you play not very well 81 right wouldn’t massively surprised you be like oh you’ve not played well not

The best score you can do better however if you a m of a normal course and by normal course I’ll use a mar at wory Park as an example and it’s still you and you’re playing the Saturday medal I would never really expected to shoot more than 77 no because of that it’s

It’s your golf course you’re familiar with it’s cic an easier golf course so I think a lot of people who are members of golf clubs might look at your scores and maybe look down at them but it’s so hard traveling with a golf game I think you

Know you would be probably a scratch golf at a normal Parkland course but as I’ve seen from my experience growing up when I had members of my golf club who were scratch you were good players whenever they went to go to another open another golf course we Sho 85 cuz it’s

Just different isn’t it it it’s it is very very diff difficult sometimes when you’re playing a brand new golf course and often on videos I am playing like I’ve never played Spanish Oaks probably never play it again I’m playing with Sergio Garcia who plays it literally all

The time I mean Sergio only shot level power that’s his home Golf Course for him plus six let’s be honest quite a bad score for him really um just to deflect it for a minute um you know what it’s it is frustrating I am too hard of myself it I

Understand when people say it’s ult watch and it’s something I’ve definitely as as I’ve blended into into moving into 2024 I’ve rechanged My Mind Set On on outcome and and certainly videos that I filmed in um the most recent Orlando trips a late known this is the thing at

The moment there’s videos that have been kind of some of them have been filmed December 2023 some of them been filmed in January 24 some of the new ones as well start to be filmed in February we’re actually still releasing videos from December so you so you actually and

Again I said mentioned this on the podcast recently videos aren’t going out in chronological order so you might see differences and going oh Rick was dead positive last week why is he not positive this week is because my mindset has probably changed more to a positive mindset but I’m still releasing all the

Videos on top of that I think the reason why you said sorry people think it’s a hard watch isn’t it’s not a hard watch but I think it’s because it is relatable that’s part of the success of it but at the same time people are rooting for you

Aren’t they so it’s almost like people when they see you playing typically if the fans of the channel want you to do well and when you don’t do well it’s like if you were playing with me in a in a midweek medal or whatever at a golf course you know you weren’t playing

Great orever and I was doing really well and then a double bogy the last three holes you’d feel for me wouldn’t you and it’s like oh it’s like hard to watch I think it’s more that than like oh it’s a hard watch but I remember I remember

Playing in the open qualifying it was actually year after it was a year I got my hole in one on 17th and I was I was out of it I wasn’t going to qualify it but I was playing with a guy John Carol yeah you say you know him and he was on

For a really good round and uh from memory had to par the last to get through to final qualifying and i’ made a hole in 117 it was all a bit dramatic all exciting like you know we’re all going crazy and I almost felt quite

Guilty cuz he had to then step on the at and still make power and he actually unfortunately carved one out to the right into the water and he ended up not making p and I felt bad terrible for him I also felt guilty CU I’d almost I felt

Like I’d influenced his Behavior his result for that shot CU he played so steady all day but you’re right sometimes when you watch someone you know unfortunately hit a bad shot and it and it affects that performance it’s like oh no please I wish you could take

That shot again yeah and I think everyone can take something from this that whether you’re playing like you are with a tour pro or you’re playing at your your local midweek medal on preferred lies everybody needs to play for the enjoyment of golf because if you

Only play and enjoy when you play well then statistically you’re going to probably enjoy one in 20 rounds if being perfectly honest I think we all have to remember that that we are you know it sounds a bit deep and corny but we are lucky to be able to play golf it’s a

Great sport it’s a great game there’s so many benefits other than just how well you play in terms of exercise and getting fresher and spending time with friends or whatever but it is hard in that moment but actually I’ve done this once or twice not many times the times

Where you do have a terrible hole and really just chill out about it you then do play better or most people do anyway maybe someone like T Hatton the OD exception can be angry and still play well but for most of us the more you can

Let it go and move on you will play better golf what what was funny about that as well though so straight after the round Sergio had to shoot off because he had his foundation evening um which was amazing by the way Sergio hosted me unbelievable all weekend he

Was he was such a great host but he had to shoot straight away cuz he had duties so I literally had load spare time I went on the driving range for probably close to two hours to try and hit I hit as many golf balls I could to try and

Find a swing and even then I I couldn’t even find it then like I was I was really just I everything just felt weird and different that day um it was it was the end of a busy like I said I can come up with a million excuses but it’s not

Good enough and hopefully we have got new break uh new 10 shot challenges in the diary yes with some more major winners which are not going to give away just yet at all in fact um so the mission is now to get the game in A1

Position and also not only my mental my physical game but my actual mental game you’re right I think one of our strongest performing pieces of content and the ones that I enjoy the most as to you as to the audience is you versus a tour pro starting 10 under par it’s

Incredible however nothing and then I say this word not lightly nothing comes as close than Rick versus guy the match we’ve had many we’ we’ve had many many discussions and debates about who is the better golfer is it Jung gck Shields or is it guy Chik who wins over 18 holes

Match play does he even make it to 18 holes in match play so we had a match in Dubai that video is out on Friday the champion is once and for all crowned it an amazing video it was officially in Abu Dhabi we did duai my bad sad be um

It is one of the most interesting matches I think you’ll ever ever ever see on YouTube um there was ridiculous highs outrageous lows correct um cap opportunities that were capitalized on opportunity that were massively missed yes um I can’t wait for you to see it Friday 400 PM is the big

Match I yes I think people will have no idea who’s won off this conversation and I don’t think starting off well yeah I don’t know but it is a it certainly starts as a bit of a landslide yes and then and then it well too much away it’s

A very very good video If I say so myself keep watching keep watching after the after five holes yeah you’re going to want to watch till the till the the very very very end however speaking of watching and of YouTube and things are happening in the future you obviously

Know about this Rick but some of our audience will know some won’t but something interesting is happening so the world of YouTube and you golf is um G gained some attention because there’s a PJ Tour event in May which is the Myrtle Beach Classic okay they have done

Something very interesting where in a couple of weeks um there’s going to be an event okay where there’s 12 YouTubers so far named I believe there’s a few more getting announced as well on the April 23rd is I should say whoever wins out of this golf YouTuber over 18 holes

Is getting a spot in this PJ Tour event at Myrtle Beach your friend Peter Finch is one of those there’s a couple of guys from good good there’s fat Perez from Bob the sports um there’s George Bryant from the Bryan brothers who’s also played on the PJ tour before and made a

Cut so he’s got a great chance what’s interesting is open qualifying is often sold as this dream which I actually get behind where three rounds of golf can get you in the Open Championship if you then play great for four rounds of golf even two rounds of

Golf your life could be change so you know with no disrespect a Joe blogs pro at a golf course who’s 21 who assistant Pro is three rounds away from you at the open it’s it’s magical and that’s why so many people get behind it this is even

Different this is even a Next Step Up Peter Finch Grant Horvat Michael Morris Etc George Bryant are one round away from a PJ tour start right it’s incredible there’s been a lot of interest around this there’s been a lot of positivity and a lot of negativity

Ity and I want to hear you all taking it rick but the positivity has come from the fact that the PJ tour are looking at YouTube and jokes aside I think the reason that these guys have been called out is that they are the most competitive of players aren’t they for

Being you know for being frank there’s other people with huge profiles like yourself who have got you know maybe more followers and stuff but maybe aren’t as competitive is that fair to say does that HT or is that fair I’m I’m just checking my emails where my invite

Was for this obviously uh I didn’t I didn’t quite make the call you’ll be in the R5 version better however yeah however so there’s been a lot of positivity around that that the PJ tour are on it that they are forward thinking that they’re you know the’re leveraging the fan base of all

These YouTube um golfers which again we are kind of part of and that’s great to see some of the negativity from some of the more kind of authentic golf fans or people in the golf media has been that it’s somewhat kind of gimmicky now for

Me in my take before I hear yours cuz I’m super Keen to hear your take is that it’s great for YouTube golf it you know it’s incredible that people are getting this recognition and that there’s a spot and it’s interesting the downside for me if you like it’s nothing to do with the

Gimmicky nature the only downside for me is that the PJ tour is in a spot albeit for one event a year where it kind of needs to do this for eyeballs if you think about something like the Premier League football what they’ve very cleverly done is they they you know they

Utilize influencers and creators for things like commentary and these sub kind of bits or Premier League online content the Premier League would never ever ever dream or need to have a YouTuber playing for Arsenal in the Premier League to get eyeballs on it would they of course they wouldn’t so

The very fact that the PJ tour thinks they need to incorporate a YouTuber to play in its event to bring over some more eyeballs surely has to be somewhat of a sorry state for golf although I do not blame the YouTubers for getting involved why would they not yeah I think

It’s I think it’s very interesting because you can you can you could see an argument from E both sides so for the the YouTubers the 16 of them um I think it’s a wonderful opportunity and like say if you are brave enough and I think

That’s the word this is not a light if you are brave enough to put yourself out there and to compete an 18-hole tournament to try and become a PGA tour star I mean that that’s I mean sends kind of Goosebumps through me I think that’s probably an indication that I’m

Not the person to go for this but I think it’s very very very brave for those guys to be going for cuz they’re really putting the the their I won’t say careers on the line cuz that’s that’s quite bold but they’re certainly putting themselves out there to potentially

Obviously either play really really well and if some of them have a bit of a nightmare they’re going to probably get criticized as well which is unfair but it’s one of those things um with the other side and I’ve saw a lot more like to say the traditionalist not

Only golf media but also people within golf who are absolutely hating this idea because they think that spot should be going to to an actual authentic PJ Tour player somebody who is a member of the PJ tour who deserves a spot in that event not some kind of again it’s not my

Thought but what I’ve seen online come kind of this Mickey Mouse shootout with 16 YouTubers to get a spot that an actual Tour player whose full-time career is to play on a PJ tour however if you gave it to Joe plogs the PJ Tour player there is no more eyeballs on that

Event correct like this is going to bring eyeballs so I I can see it from both sides I’m definitely slightly more on the camp of I think I’m more Pro it than I am against it in fact I am more Pro it um I just hope they do a really

Good job I hope it’s um filmed well and really captivates the excitement and also the respect of the PJ tour I want PJ tour players looking and go actually that was pretty cool it’s got more eyeballs on this event because as we see in sponsors are dropping out of PJ tour

Events correct like quickly as well and I think if if PJ tour want to continue to grow and attract new audiences and new sponsors they do have to think outside the box it does feel a little bit like the they’re throwing a a life ring out at the Titanic I don’t think

It’s going to do a great deal of difference but I think it’s they’ve got to try something I think as well this is you know we had George Bryan on the podcast he was a lovely guy and him and his brother Wesley are doing some great stuff on YouTube and they’re killing it

He he’d be a weird one for me if he got through and the chances I probably will get through she’s an incredible gol fan I said already been on the PJ tour and made the call it’d be strange one if he got through because as much as I’d want

Him to go through with anybody as much as I want anybody else to go through and be on that PJ Tour event it’s kind of like well to me kind of you know is a kind of P borderline PJ Tour player so not that I don’t want him to have the

Opportunity but it’s it’s almost less of a story in my eyes that well yeah he’s played on there before if somebody like Pete got through or Grant Horvat got through or whoever mik Mar the list goes on it feels like that is truly a YouTuber getting through and I’m trying

To say this in a compliment to George that he’s such a talented golfer are you with me though it kind of feels like it somewhat Waters the story down a little bit um but who knows and do you get my point about it’s bad the PJ tour need

This to a degree like it’s it’s yeah but it’s interesting it’s good to see that people are finally understanding the the power of YouTube the pull of YouTube the eyeballs on YouTube and let’s be honest more people are watching YouTube than a lot of the golf on the TV AR without a

Question without even a question speaking of YouTube though and videos we have got a video coming out is it today or sorry that was loud that was a good good do a whistle can you whistle as well as that I can whistle really loud

But I’m not going to do it what if you sit further back yeah but if I finger whistle yeah but further back cuz otherwise you blow my ears out I’ll do I’m going to do it backwards and then finger whistle go then flipping heck that might have to be

Checked for audio cuz that might blow people’s ear that was good that was not even near the when do you use that whistle uh I use it at the monster truck show just to Che the so no we had a moner we had a dancece off at the monster truck show oh

Right okay it was Kids versus parents so the kids had to can you do your dance for us now let’s do it yeah well the kids had to dance to uh baby shark baby shark and then the kids sat down and then all the adults go up I was like

Probably maybe if not first second adult stood up on my feet okay and we had to dance to YMCA oh nice so you oh that so that’s the standard dance the standard dance and then um it was a a noise off for which team W I bet the kids yeah the

Kids won they were they were actually really really loud to be honest yeah more kids participated I would actually yeah I think the kids did win but I pulled out the old uh the old whistle what I’m really happy about there is i’ I’ve utilized you doing that then to

Fill the time I needed to find out when the video’s going live so all that time I was using my laptop and I found out when the video was going live wday what video is it it’s the Adam Scott one so on Wednesday we have got a really three

Videos out this week no two we’ve got a really exciting video on Wednesday so and not why not three cuz there’s two you want to about the Sergio one then we push that back to next week um so some of you may be aware that Adam Scott was

Using some incredibly cool muons that were were were are um some of the rarest golf clubs in the world basically money can’t really buy CU they’re so exclusive money can’t buy them now because they’re out they out stock but your man Ricky Shield managed to get himself on little

Set C didn’t he well Mr uh can I call him Scotty yeah of course you can Scotty uh personally wanted me to have a set so just stop you there one sec I think you’ve gone full circle you used to call him Adam Adam Scott then he went to

Scotty but now you’re so close to him it’s like a family M you’re back to Adam again okay so Adam ads um Adam reached out and said I’ve got a set do you want them said yeah yeah he said great so he sent them me and this Wednesday I not only open this

Incredible incredible box we have some surprises in the box which genuinely blew me away and then the clubs inside were just I don’t even say too much they possibly the best looking Golf Club I’ve ever seen in my life yeah we not only looked at them I also hit him in the hit

Studio uh full review and also a deeper topic around potentially the actual collaboration with M and Adam Scott and the clubs that Adam Scott’s currently using we cover it all in this Wednesday’s video where I test the Adam Scott and M Adam and irons it’s um exciting it’s a good one

And they are are I think you know what like we speak about golf clubs being affordable and things like that and obviously there’s different types of golf clubs but nothing excites me more than this kind of actual unboxing where these golf clubs that people buy let’s

Be honest might never even use them but you’re buying them for the whole experience and yeah these AR set to these aren’t set that that open up the game or make golf more accessible no they’re quite the opposite that’s okay that’s fine um okay the little topic on

Touch on I’m guessing the fact how viral it’s gone a lot of people watching and listening to the podcast we love seeing it but a PJ golf professional called Georgia ball um who kind of does online content as well she’s a go she’s obviously a PJ go professional she posts

A lot on Instagram like tip videos instructional videos uh some fun videos she’s a relatively local to where we are now and she actually practices at my driving range because the video that’s gone viral was filmed at my drive R so obviously I recognize it and she was practicing and grinding filming self

Which again must ad she does for a lot of her content and a random bloker you don’t see in frame but questioned it on her swing mechanics methods told her she was doing it wrong told her she was doing it wrong that he’s been playing

Golf 20 years and then she kind of very politely kind of nodded along to a degree and then flushed one down the middle in which case he took credit for because he said you’ve done what I told you to do it’s absolutely gone insane she’s gained like hundreds of thousands

Of followers on Instagram and Tik Tok Etc and you know kind of great for her and it’ll grow her profile and she will continue to do what she’s doing in coaching and hopefully gets busier if she’s still actually physically on toone Coach you know whatever it looks like or

Growing her Instagram following and you know that’s that’s brilliant and kind of well done to her but it almost open to a wider topic as well doesn’t it about people at the driving range or any Walk of Life but who give tips when firstly they don’t know what they’re talking

About and secondly it’s unsolicited no one’s asked their advice yeah I mean it’s it’s an unbelievable clip I personally think she did really really good to manage the situation uh it’s had on just on Instagram alone it’s had 13 million views is that just her Instagram

Lad Bible put it on as well and that’s will be had similar it’s honestly it said hundreds of Millions on um Twitter or X as it’s now called it’s been picked up by all the news outlets it’s absolutely she was on this morning which

Is a TV show here in the UK uh on um oh does it not show the video views on that’s it doesn’t show the video views on Dad B lad Bible um it’s it’s amazing and and I feel she dealt with it very very politely uh she got a little bit of

Criticism for not kind of standing up for herself a little bit more and kind of almost saying excuse do you know I’m a golf professional I know what I’m doing but I think that’s very difficult in that situation like I think she was being very very polite and I think she

Kind of brushed it off um in in in a way yet I’m sure in other situations and other um maybe females who have been manscaped not manscape that’s that’s totally different mansplain to before probably would maybe stand up and say I know what I’m talking about don’t you know you

Don’t need I wouldn’t even put in this case you know is getting that term of mansplain him but even in any situation I mean I don’t you didn’t see the guy he could have been a massive Big Bly bloke who’s quite intimidating and in the fact

The very nature that he had the audacity to say that to it shows he’s a bit of a word might have to bleep that M sorry um but you know why yeah what an idiot so I I think I think the way she dealt

With it and and fair does to it the way she’s capitalized on it yeah good on her she’s really taking a lot of opportunities I think her Instagram’s blown up like I say it’s it’s nearly up to 300,000 followers now in fact I keep meaning to follow her I’m going to

Follow it right now you know what I’m just hope that nobody ever outs me for being that guy in the video CU it wasn’t my driving range oh yeah and I do give out advice and you have been playing golf for about 20 years exactly if it

Was you I’m actually so I was 6 seven I’m 20 to the voice excuse me excuse me what you’re doing there you shouldn’t be doing that what you’re doing there you shouldn’t be doing that so there we go the the the the masked adviser has been thank you

Very much revealed I say Tri shs me um no but you know as well it brings me on to and I’ve thought this many a Time there’s not many things in in the world I know much about I’m being honest with you I don’t know much about cars I don’t

Know much about anything yeah I can’t even put a shelf up one thing I’ve got de I’ve not got much knowledge on the golf swing a little bit maybe more than the average person but not loads I do know quite a lot about golf clubs and

Equipment I will own up to that right sometimes I’m at the driving range and you hear a couple of BLS chatting and there’s one who the golfer of the group AKA this guy on the camera on the video should I say and when they talk to their friends about golf clubs who know

Nothing right because I have decent knowledge I can tell nine times out of 10 what they’re talking is absolute waffle right just nonsense just rubbish just absolute garbage but they come across so convincingly and knowledgeable that their friends naturally take it as gospel because they don’t know anything

About golf what worries me is that same guy could tell me something about my car why I’m a dis dishwash is not working anything in life and because I know nothing I would go okay you must be right how many people people walking around this planet talking absolute

Garbage I mean you’re one for a I was just going to say that the um I always remember I remember story I think I’ve actually told this on the podcast before about a young lad I was coaching and certainly when I was coaching at Trafford Golf Center you got a lot of

Young um boys and girls come for a lesson they come with the parents and you could sometimes the parents really weren’t interested in golf at all and little Jimmy or little whatever Sarah would be dead into it and what too and dragged m mom and dad to the driving

Range on the other situation and this was probably the more popular side of things you’d actually see it was Dad or M that was so so into it they were dragging little Jimmy or Sarah down to the driving range making them have golf lesson I remember one time I I really

Caught wind of this very quickly young lad came in and his dad and his dad was being like even I’d ask alsoo what your name and dad was answering I’m like I’m asking the kid what what how old are you and the dad was answering and I was like

I think just for this session I think what would be best dad if you go and practice and go and hit some balls let me let me coach little Jimmy cuz I think I’m probably going to get more out of you know get more performance out of I

Need to know a little bit about him and once dad left little Jimmy opened up a little bit more was chatting and was was having a great time and had a great lesson because of it and improved enormously because of it because there was no other barrier I remember

Sometimes where I’d be coaching if parent was present I’d say right we’re going to make sure your feet are like this and then suddenly dad’s chirping in saying oh but uh you still a b too far away you stood too close I’m like chill out if you’ve paid me to coach him let

Me coach him and I remember this little this little boy had a brilliant golf lesson he really enjoyed it he was he was grinning from here to a and we walked out and I said oh let me show you what we’ve worked on Dad like I think

We’ve really made some big steps today and we stood there and we went through everything and I told him all the things that we’d worked on he was like brilliant and I went and grabbed some lunch and as I came back towards the teaching Bays I I walked past the bay

With little little adad and little dad in in the bay little dad lad and dad in the bay and lad was hitting shots I could just tell he was so deflated dad was saying what did Rick tell you Rick said you should always keep your head down on every single shot

And I’m walking past Co that’s not what I said not one bit so I came back around and turned around and said I’m really sorry it’s not what I said like I said he don’t worry about his his head it’s more important about x y and Zed and he

Just didn’t like that at all then it was annoyingly I never got to see the kid again cuz I really wanted to coach him cuz I thought I thought he showed a lot of potential but that as well like parents kind of being almost too forceful with the kids and and and

Putting on these ideas that aren’t really true um you got to see professional advice and like in this situation this video she’s a golf professional what is he doing chirping up and trying to say stuff it reminds me of of a different story but it’s similarish I was at this um watching we

Were at the part one time there’s kids football this little kid he was loving it he was running around he scored a few goals he assisting he had like a little um I think it was Aguero or something little man city shirt on he was loving

It killing it and then his dad came and kicked off going you don’t support man city Jude you support man united and whipped off his shirt and put his Red Man United top on him something like that something like that similar kind of story you’d have a Harland shirt on

Though yeah of course you would I tried to think of a name that you wouldn’t know I was going down that route you know what we did we when we went to the United match again um we’re having some food it was really nice and some nice um

You know waiting on stuff oh first game first game yeah and she came up to him and said oh who’s your favorite player and blessed you doesn’t have he know players yet at all but I know he knows Harland and I’m looking at him thinking oh my God please don’t say Harland

Please don’t say Harland and and I said do you know any players junior said no I don’t I don’t know any Manchester United players I went no he’s learning he’s learning Manchester United players at the moment I’m thinking if anybody says har this is that been hilarious fail

Epic pair of okay to wrap this up a few questions from our fantastic Facebook group my friends your friends lifelong friends um if you not joined yet feel free it’s free feel free it’s free free that’s a good uh good little motto I must admit as well when we talked

Earlier on about the YouTuber kind of joining the PJ tourament that was a question from aliser Pickersgill I didn’t say his name and I saw his name and partly felt a bit mean for not saying his name and also wanted to say the word Pickers Gill because it sounds

Quite nice thing to say so aliser Pickersgill there you go say it your question aliser Pickers Gill yeah he he asked about people playing in the mytle beach yep nice Pickers um little I remember do you remember watching birds of the feather when you

Was a kid uh yeah kind of the two women who like friends birds of a feather you do it was you’ll know them and one of them was on a diet one time all right the one said little Pickers need bigger nickers it’s always stuck with me that little Pickers need bigger knickers

Little snacks all the time up bird of a Feather you do no birds of a feather I feel like I remember the the Eng like birds of a feather fly off together or something stupid I’m not quite sure this is taking a real turn this

Is oh py one of them called py I don’t think so but that’s them anyway I know what you mean right anyway enough about birds of a feather um what was I going to ask you I don’t know so oh yeah Kieran biss it has your game got worse

Since drinking that was a laughy joke face emoji thing it’s not gotten worse since drinking has it since not drinking yeah has it I think it has you think I think I he not drinking again yeah at the turn couple of guinnesses yeah no it’s it’s not I think like you said

There’s a lot I think you’ve got this summer some um some low scores in you I have I think you have it’s getting there um then I’m learning Erin I think it’s Erin cber said what driver were you using in that 10 shot challenge versus Serio there a few questions on this a

New one one that’ll never be seen again I was tring a few drivers when I was out in America a lot of the new drivers that were being released and I was kind of of test him but I couldn’t use him in that video I wasn’t confident enough but

There’s one that kind of I talk as a bit of a a rogue driver just bit I bit of a difference a bit of a difference driver and uh I decided to take the Adams driver with me and uh I don’t think I got with it that was one of the worst

Shouts you ever had that thanks it was one it you know it could have it yeah but one little thing you have done recently you’ve sorted out your Club storage so you’ve got a really nice place now to keep golf clubs yeah and to use them and find them and do more

Reviews on I’ll swapping a lot more clubs to tell you that you will yeah okay um how long are we on Matt 50 minutes okay I’m going to wrap it up one last this was a bit annoying but I’m going to read it out so we had loads of questions loads of nice

Feedback up the vide which love to see I don’t like reading too many of those out and blowing our own trumpet too much but the Serge video did get a lot of love Rick so although you didn’t play your best it’s done really well so thanks everyone for watching if you’ve not

Watched it yet please do check it out as Rick said earlier on we’ve got so many more 10 shot challenges on the horizon and we know people enjoy them sorry what sorry sorry I was uh I was looking at what the birds of the feather okay names

Um you know and obviously we we do a lot of work at looking at what videos do well and what don’t do well and there’s many ways to measure that obviously whe it be likes on the video whether it be what views whether it be the actual

Watch time so many comments etc etc and it’s something we don’t do lightly however Rick I think we’ be doing it all wrong why because Cliff Anders has commented and Cliff you know you put your name on the comments we asked for comments for the podcast so you put up

You know you you’ve will willing to be put forward to Cliff said the 10 shot challenges are not working Rick stick to break 75 and weekly topics where has it gone enough of the tiger love let sleeping dogs lie you make of that what you will so I can’t do 10 Trot

Challenges and I can’t like Tiger Woods anymore absolutely not so he’s going to hate the 10 shot challenge against tiger wood that we have planned for next month oh yeah um not true but maybe one day maybe one day yeah Cliff thanks for your opinion you’re wrong I think was

Annoying that everyone’s entitles opinion they are however your opinion is actually wrong when those videos are doing well so this time of year is notoriously a little bit slower for YouTube golf because people obviously aren’t playing as much Golf and there’s not much interest and kind of come to

June July August it goes crazy but for us now our 10 sh Challenge videos are performing really nicely certainly for the time of year that’s not that’s not up for debate that’s fact so I don’t know why he says to stop doing them Rick stop doing them um but he’s spoken

So that’s uh yeah then you could easily watch another read another comment saying stop why are you doing break 75 correct should only be doing 10 shot challenges to end that rather negative on and this time we are going to kind of blow our own trump it last last thing

And it’s not us actually we want to thank all of you lot listening and watching we’ve just hit a quarter of a million subscribers on the podcast so if you watch the podcast on YouTube which many of you do there’s 250,000 of you whove hit that subscribe button so we

Appreciate it massively if you watch great if you listen in the car that’s also great but thanks everybody didn’t you have a head cover giveaway we’ve got a head cover giveaway and we do a drive giveaway we have that picked in the next couple of days and announce it so nice

Nice guys thanks for watching thanks for listening uh bear with me I’ll be back I’ll be back fitter stronger longer than ever before um we’ll shall see you in episode before you go tell me 10 things so you’re fitter stronger come on get eight more do it what’s fitter stronger

Longer got longer wiser I’ll give you that one reading no I’m never going to be funnier clever no I can’t be cleverer Wittier I can’t be Wittier sober well yeah yep sober get six less yipper y seven less Yia and less three B come on

Uh I’m going to be less I’m going to L I’m going to pro pro what’s the right word go keep going uh um prognosticate no when you don’t delay on things you know what procr procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate there’s only two more now uh I’m going to convince Judy’s a Manchester United fan correct

Um and lastly but not least I am going to Endeavor to win a 10 shot challenge brilliant there you go looking forward to that new fresh Rick Shields next week I shall see you all soon thanks everyone peace that’s


  1. How about doing a Break 75 at a normal members club to put it back in to perspective, I’m sure this would show how good you can play at courses like we play at, that should help to stop the negativity. I saw a recent vlog at my home course from Real Golf, these guys were 14 &18 handicaps but still good to see my course on YouTube, if you and Guy did a vlog there it would be incredible and you’d shoot the lights out. Check out Ogbourne Down’s Golf club

  2. I watch some of your videos, cos I know what to expect now. The guest & courses & tips that’s why I watch the channel. I never know if you’re a pro or 4 handicap.. GUY is the golfer we all relate with. 🙂.

  3. Does no one else think this Georgia Ball video is a complete setup? The whole interaction just seems weird and forced… cant believe its got so much attention. Literally loads of these fake videos on instagram 😅😅

  4. Don't worry if not getting the scores you want. Content is so entertaining and a great weekly treat.

    I play golf every week, scores go up and down but important to enjoy it. When playing with someone who is negative, it sucks the joy out of the game and also impacts people in the group. Important not to let this into your game and videos

  5. personally idc if u shoot an 85 in any video, i just like the channel , and when u tilt or get hard on urself i understand it but brother i feel like if u stay out of ur head and getting mad about any givin shot or hole u would do much better, i feel like every time i saw u do good it was when u had a good mental that day , or if u have been challenged and ur mad (in a good way) like when u beat grant , i still remember that insane fade u hit in that video , goodluck mate always rooting for u

  6. Interesting, just saw a video with Trottie and he was saying it’s a reputational thing – once you put yourself out there publicly to talk about golf you need to play well…

  7. I don't watch Rick because he plays with a good score, but because he portrays the reality of golf. He's someone I can relate to and seek support from when I've had a bad round of golf.

  8. Just a footnote on one of your comments regarding your invite to the utube golfer,s tournament. Mr Short Game mentioned in one of his podcasts that he hoped you would be involved, but also commented that Rick Shiels needs to be involved in this! Think he also mentioned you couldn't make it because of other commitments. Either way, l agree with Mr Short Game, l don't think a utube golfer,s tournament would be quite the same without Rick Shiels playing in it. Matt Fischer mentioned that you were the "original" utube golf content guy.

  9. I have been guilty of coaching people in the next bay of the driving range. Mainly when they are skying the ball into the roof and I am in fear of my life. I tell them to tee the ball down a bit.😊

  10. Playing in a brand new Golf course i usually don't mind the score squares/double square….. i enjoy the fairways, greens , bunkers and a couple of water hazzards… and thank the gardeners, green keepers … its the only sport to truly experience something new ! Keep golfing Rick / Guy!

  11. I watched that 10 shot challenge with Sergio: I felt so sorry for you Rick. We’ve all been there. A few years back I shot my best round yet in a tournament 79 shots, the week after under similar circumstances on the same course I shot 113(!). I just couldn’t put the ball in play and lost 9(!) balls.

    About the YouTubers getting a sponsor’s invite; my 2 cents it’s a great idea. 1. Getting eyeballs on, 2. Giving the sponsor more noticeability. But they need to show that YouTuber as well on TV. Or have a live feed on YouTube, showing his progress.

    Anyway, Keep up the good work guys. Love the content.

  12. Just as a suggestion why don't date stamp the start of your video with when they were filmed? It won't work for everyone but might give a better idea of what Rick we are watching

  13. I’m flabbergasted that Rick hasn’t been asked to play in this PGA event tournament, Rick is the biggest name on YouTube so if the pga tour wants eyes on them they should get the biggest & best name

  14. The problem is he needs titleist t200/300s and refuses to use them. Get rid of your pride and hit the clubs you're meant to hit.

  15. I went from mid 80s to sub par just with titleist t350s changed in the bag. Golf courses are not for pride – it's about consistency. Knowing your footing/knowing when to aim left or right instead of flag stick/it the ball up or down. Is the position of the ball correct for my swing? If you want to play pro you need to think pro. I can't tell you how many times it took me 3 minutes to tee off to choose the right club and people were agitated with me, but I put my ball within 5 yrds of the pin 180yrds away.

  16. if you need to tee off and hit a fairway-hit a long iron. This is why I say pro golfers really aren't pros. There are 100s of eyes to find your ball. When is the last time you saw a pro on TV lose a ball that wasn't in the water? I sure as hell don't have people down the hole looking for my shot after I hit it. Play courses you don't know-this is your true handicap. I'm a 15-17 handicap and still shoot under par on a course I know well.

  17. Enjoyed the podcast very much. Would like to comment…Guy mentioned that perhaps golf is ailing and this Youtube event for a slot in the PGA tour is perhaps evidence that golf is hurting

    Mauled the comments over in my thoughts I think "professional golf" is hurting. You guys eluded to the fact and I know myself I watch way more "Youtube" golf then PGA or LIV or Tour golf on TV.

    It's an interesting time for golf for sure.

  18. Do t take this the wrong way but bad golf good golf who cares what these haters say u are making a good living doing what u love and 95% of us watching would trade places any day. Keep it up love the content!!

  19. Just ease up on yourself 😂. I played yesterday, walked 18 holes, barely broke 90 and had a blast. I dream of being at the point that I can stand on a PGA course and have a shot at breaking 75. Don’t be so hard on yourself and have some fun!

  20. Sorry but haven't watched the vlog or the 18 holes.
    Garcia must be one of the biggest disappointments in golf and i just can't watch him anymore. Shame really i have been to watch him regularly in the past.

  21. I’ve really enjoyed the 10 shot challenge videos, however well Rick plays. They give a unique, up close insight into how the best tour pros play. They are my favourite content on golf on YouTube

  22. I don’t like when you get down on yourself or moan but we gotta remember you’re playing a new course from the tips on camera with legends.. half of us can’t tee off with the group behind us watching.. just enjoy.. practice like you tell us and kick ass.. lol

  23. Rick is very like Rory McIlroy, in that its very easy to read their demeanour on the course, bad shot, shoulders down, oh whoa is me. But why is Rick not doing the Dan Grieve chipping stuff anymore? those video's have improved my chipping no end.

  24. I remember the video where Rick was comparing himself to the other youtube golfers. Put himself ahead of them all. What a headcase.

  25. Keep ur head up Rick. For as disappointed as u were, u played bogey golf on a very difficult course on a windy day. Clearly the travel and project were exhausting. Thanks for posting the video, it was a pleasure watching Sergio in an informal setting.

  26. They're just little kids, they'll change their minds 1000 times before they decide on their own who they're supporting!! Right now they're influenced by what their friends are saying, but they are also little kids so you can't take any of them too seriously at that age because none of them really can have formed opinion about something they don't know much about!! As for the golf, I see a lot of "STINKIN THINKIN" out on the course that sets you up for failure on those chip shots and putts!! See the shot you want to hit, not the shot you're afraid you're going to hit and be positive!! The PGA youtube OPEN golf experience would be an experience of a lifetime for FAT PEREZ, he would light the PGA ratings up ala John Daly!! But I would love to see Grant Horvat win that spot, he's an amazing golfer, with a beautiful swing!

  27. Wish he would stop making excuses and own it! He played bad he should
    Practice more! Or maybe come to the realisation that he isn’t as good as he thinks he is and just accept it

  28. Rick that course looked so difficult! We all have days where we just don’t strike it well, Sergio was a gentleman. Tiger can go 67-77, one word sums it up GOLF!

  29. Why would anyone comment on your game when it's not good, it happens to ALL of us. People forget that golfing AND making a youtube video will likely make u play less focused on your game. Keep these videos going! i realy liked the episode with mr. Garcia , very nice guy

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