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WAYNES WORLD &kelly ep 80 w Dawn Miller of The Paving Lady

Welcome to the 80th episode of WAYNE’S WORLD & kelly,…with Dawn Miller of The Paving Lady. 3rd generation Floridian and 1st class American. Be sure to link up w/Dawn M. Miller on LinkedIn.

Please pray for Israel.

Today’s sponsors:

LG Consultants LLC – LGC
American Building Contractors, Inc.
The Terminator Clip
Becker & Poliakoff, P.A.
Rockin’ Wellness, Inc.
SOPREMA Entreprises Gabriela DePillis
m2e Consulting Engineers Rudolph Martin “Rudy”
The Water Restoration Group John Marks Monica Martinez
Best Roofing Diana Ollert
Florida Community Association Journal
PD Concrete & Painting Specialist Michelle Gomez
Environmental Control Industries, Inc. Roberto Lozano Jr.
Glazer & Sachs, P.A. Eric Glazer, ESQ
Kaye Bender Rembaum Lisa Magill, ESQ
Nouveau Elevator Joseph Hartley-Vittoria Erica Dalesandro, EBP, CAI Social Committee Chair
Lerch Bates Inc.
The Paving Lady – Dawn M. Miller
Women Empowering Women In Development
CitiQuiet Windows and Doors – Ben Friedman
Brown & Brown Insurance, Ian Kubbe Mark Sergio Jordan Knowles
Callaway Blue Spring Water
Callaway Golf
Technical advisor Nouchelle Hastings
Executive Producer Kelly Kuhn
Talent Wayne Srsen
To be booked on a future episode of WW&k, reach out to Kelly Kuhn via LinkedIn

Got it okay so today I had to look it up I thought it was a 7 night this the 80th episode of Wayne’s World and Kelly and we have a special special guest it’s Valentine’s Day so happy Valentine’s Day Dawn Miller baby lady yeah we I think

We’ve invited her on the show 79 times so 80s charm baby yes we have a little statistic I I I had them run it the uh the technical team they said your name is the most mentioned name on our show other than Wayne or Kelly so how there’s

No question yep it is we’re always giving you a shout out because every I know I’m gonna have to go watch those 79 episodes you you’re hurting me you’re hurting yes no just maybe like well Dawn Miller is the paving lady um and do well here I’m gon let you talk a

Few minutes and then um then then I’ll pontificate but go ahead Don please tell us what’s it like being Don Miller well once upon a time in 1972 where it all started I remember when turned 50 you can knock me over with a feather I’m

Like there’s no way that this girl is 50 years old so umly yourself oh now I’m talking about when you turn 50 all right I’m sorry this isn’t you know only real time we actually go back a little bit let’s play with those numbers and it Dawn’s beautiful but she’s a lot more

Than that but I’ll tell you what the seed doesn’t fall too far from the tree because when I met her mother the first time my God she’s one of the most gorgeous women I’ve ever seen on the planet and she but she’s wearing high heels she’s got

This beautiful dress I’m going if Dawn’s 50 is this her stepmom I mean I’m telling you and and and she’s so he’s doing a math in his head yeah I’m like I I think that’s I mean I she she’s just gorgeous and it’s you know and it’s it’s not surprising because you know

Because who you are but and it’s not all about looks D’s a very brilliant and wonderful human being but she does have her mother’s probably one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in my life so there you go thank you how how what generation are you of

Florida I’m third generation from South Florida so my father was born in Miami my both of my parents were born in Miami my grandfather was born in Miami and I was born in Miami so and where are your great-grandparents from that’s a good question I think it

Was a mix I think it was like Mississippi but I mean generational it was Irish German Puerto Rican that so yeah I didn’t mean to get too deep on that it wasn’t a [Laughter] test so most people think you are the paving lady and I and I I agree because

You are the face and voice of the paving lady no matter what you’re owner thinks um but tell us a little secret it’s sort of like Victoria’s Secret the paving lady is owned by a man and his name is Maro camuzzi yeah it is and the reason for that is is

Because a lady by the name of Janice Potter started it in 1985 and Marrow actually did some subcontracting work for her over the years so when she decided to retire he decided to buy it and not change the name because it was already branded and it’s catchy

So yes so the paving lady is owned by a man there you go I felt breaking news so when I don don when I first met you um when when I moved to Florida I think I met you prior to that I’ve been in Florida for about a year and a half

Now um you know you were one of the most welcoming people that uh that I was able to uh you know to talk with and become kind of instant friends with um tell us a little bit about prior to when you came to the paving lady about what you

Did and kind of how you ended up where you’re at right now um I’ve been in the industry for 27 years so uh prior to the paving lady I worked for a manufacturing company which manufactures their product which is asphalt and that was Ranger Construction and learned a lot about the asphalt

Industry because prior to that I come from a third generational concrete contractor my grandfather my father and myself um had a concrete company so that’s basically how my life has unfolded over the years but and and so so so part of being in the industry um I

Know that um an organization that that you’re very active in along on with Kelly and some other folks that we know is um women empowering women um I I I think that is absolutely fantastic um as far as you know being representative um you know to everyone in our industry

What has that done for you um you know both both as a you know on a personal level and as a businesswoman and um the exposure and the message that you get out to everybody is basically what well as I mentioned after 27 years and being in a male dominated industry

To have the support of women is everything and it makes you you know it makes you thrive I think you know it’s always been kind of where it you know there was very few women in the workplace that could identify with what it is that you were dealing with or even

Having a voice for that matter so being able to being in an organization like uh women empowering women and seeing the strength in these women that have actually gone through the same things and a lot of a lot of different things as well not only professionally but

Personally and be able to have that camaraderie and those discussions and those talks and laugh you know laughter Beyond everything so whether it’s um you know supporting them in their in their professional careers I think that per you know supporting them personally is just as important because it comes full

Circle and it just it it really um it it doesn’t exclude anybody in any industry and I I think that you know goes a long way and well even exclude men for that matter because yeah one lot of men are yeah that’s that’s one of the things I

Like with uh you know with Kelly’s involvement Ben fredman and other guys um I here’s a good question for you do do you think we finally reached the point um in America where women are on an absolutely equal plane with men because I okay I go ahead

You know expand on that a little bit as much as I’d like to say we are okay um you know I come from an old school I I still you know there are people that are just beginning to retire that you know that I started the in the industry while

They were you know up and coming so you know it’s it’s a mindset and it’s giving women the opportunity and I think we’ve come a long ways basically what are we there yet no along with everything else in the world yeah well in men we think

That women run the r world so it’s all perspective one of the great perspective one of the great stories Nelle Told Me Maybe in the household but maybe not in the workplace you know I you know I think there’s Arguments for both sides but I but fortunately I think with women

Empowering women there is no argument Nichelle shared with me a long time ago that early on in the organization a woman came in and she was uh I guess You’ probably term her a manher little angry about men and Nelle kind of stopped her dead in her tracks and says

This is not a manh organization this is empowering women which empowers everybody and I think the outbreaks that y’all do like you’re now it it’s it’s tough in life when you go from the mentee to the mentor but you and Nichelle and several of the women are

Are um help molding the Next Generation and giving them that support and it’s a beautiful thing to witness in the last several years I’ve watched several women in South Florida Blossom as well as men and you see them make mistakes and grow from it but it’s to see that there’s an

Organization that really is there is like what y’all call a Sisterhood to really Empower them and not rip them apart and bring him down is a beautiful thing no and again it’s a mindset and it’s just having those conversations you don’t know what they’ve been surrounded

With or exposed to I mean so it’s just it’s being comfortable enough to have those conversations yeah I was uh I I I was definitely the beneficiary of um you know my my mother was the strongest woman that that I’ve ever been around ever you know she’s you know strong

German the work ethic um she she had her own career she was always home for my sister and I when we got home from school but but like the takeaway that I got from her as a mother was was like when there’s work to do we’re going to

Do the work and you know she automatically put herself like literally front and center out there both in you know in the workforce in the family and and right next to my dad and my dad recognized you know the strength and beauty in having you know a very strong

Wife and so for me to make that you know there wasn’t even a transition for me I mean when I like all throughout my life um I like to think for the most part you know we’re we’re we’re all on a level plane now I know that’s that’s you know

That’s a dream world okay every day we every one of us has to go out we have to prove ourselves right okay but I can I can look you you know in the camera and tell you that I at no time have I ever looked at you know like a woman in a

Work counterpart or anything like you know they they are not my equal and it’s my parents to thank for that 100% absolutely and again like I said it’s where you come from it’s what you’ve been taught and you know you can only go from there and hopefully be open enough

To learn and you know either you are or you’re not y good point either you are or you’re not but your organization for maybe the people that aren’t there yet you know I would say hey take a look at what they’ve done take a look at what

They built go up and talk to them and learn from them don’t don’t mansplain you know that’s another that that phrase was kind of big man but what does that mean it’s like so like if if if here may please man explain it yeah pleas please

Man explain what mansplain is so like we use Kelly as an example Falls a foot in a mouth normally if if uh if if you’re talking to another male if you’re talking to me about let’s just say a business issue okay a lot of men would

Have to come up and further explain it thinking you don’t understand that oh yes first go round which is and I see that more often than I’d like to and I’m sure you’ve experienced it I have experienced it more than I can even I bet you have put it that way where I’ve

Been cut off cut off the middle of explaining something to somebody else in front of a group of people and it’s just um and could have done a better job explaining it but you know that’s when I just take them aside at a later time and

Say you know and address it and sure I mean you can’t just let things like that because they’re not aware I mean it’s with anything painfully they’re not aware painfully no you can’t painfully and I out mansplaining you know good luck it’s happened one too many times so

That’s why I’m like well no that’s right right well you’re not afraid to speak your mind which is something that that that that I find attractive in any person is is you are not afraid to literally put that person on the spot and in a professional man place a Time

Time a place right but but but you’re going to say your truth and say we’re on an equal playing field here and I won’t accept anything different and nor should you nor should anybody nor should anybody I mean if it happened to you you would do the same thing you would

Address it because it’s not comfortable situation I don’t care whether you’re a man or a woman so thanks for mansplaining that full in full disclosure a lot of time off air I have to explain all kinds of things to Wayne so yeah he does but but but I’m not a

Woman so you’re not mansplaining to me you’re mansplaining to man expain to a man well I’m Kelly explaining so there’s a you know I love it when people try to defend oh no your name is both a guys name more a girls like no it’s not it is

I’ve always told you this dude I I I I don’t get this thing with you you know since we’re worldwide right now and it’s unedited I don’t get when you bring that up dude but whatever man and he does it a lot he does it a lot to the point

Where I find it pretty irritating listen I I think I even mentioned a couple weeks ago where a guy says oh I was expecting some cute little blond hair blue-eyed girl and there you are as as a board member that we’re doing business with um and also on my on

My feed on on Facebook today it came up and it was five years ago me living here and I a guy tells me that at an an event that he thought I was going to be a girl so I actually showed the video I mean I

Made a video of him I go just say what you just said again and I started pop it up today on my speed maybe I will if I can find it again so no it is a real it’s a real thing and I’m okay with it I

Think it’s funny I didn’t think it was funny when I was little but you know but you’re over it I don’t think so you know what I just realized I just you know Dawn is known as early to bed early to rise and her name’s Dawn it it it just

Clicked just now you want me to explain that to you Wayne no but I I I I would like Don to explain I know that you and I have had conversations Don regarding you know the mindbody connection and the fitness portion of of your life um I I think

It’s something that uh you should definitely be proud of and explain to everybody how that works for you well I’ve tried to explain it to a lot of people and they’re like you’re crazy yeah there’s no reason for you to be getting up at the hour that you get

Up or going to bed but it works for me um I’ve had people suggest changing it but I said why am I going to change something that works for me I’m not changing for you so um no reaches out to dawn after 7 PM that’s if anybody knows

Or they know wait till you know the next morning to and it’s not even that I’m asleep by S it’s my electronics go off at 7 you know I don’t need to be tied to my phone until I close my eyes or you know it’s just shutting everything down

Recharging um I wake up at 2:30 in the morning usually I mean weekends I’ll sleep in until about 3:30 so um and try to get to the gym by 4:30 so okay and in bed lights out 8 o’clock 8:30 to the latest so are you talking about a pretty

Regimented Fitness routine I mean I’m I’m I’m a fitness addict too I’m 4:30 a.m. guy also um it it definitely sets the tone for your day correct is that probably why you started out at that hour yes and if I don’t I feel like my schedule has been off yep right I feel

Like I’m running late I mean I I’m very disciplined in you know the time that I spend at the gym the time that I get ready for work and I’m ready to you know start my day at 7 o’clock in the morning yeah that’s been a big challenge for me

This is my uh second week on the road and hotel workouts don’t really cut it it it’s okay for the weights and a treadmill I guess but getting off the routine when I travel is the hardest thing for me by far it is by by far and

And and the routine goes right out the window you can you can fit your workouts in but then you got the nutritional component and if you’re out with clients you’re at dinner and lunches and visiting with them or at trade shows and you do it far more than I do and I you

Know I’ll do I’ll go away about once a month Mon and that’s enough at three four days at a time and right it really it really messes I don’t feel good about the food that I’m eating I don’t care if you try to eat healthy or not when

You’re out it’s not about having a cocktail but it’s the food itself because you know you prepare your meals you know what you like right to try to to figure it out when you’re on the road is not an easy task I I have not mastered that one at all nope I I

Haven’t either and I’ve been I’ve been traveling nationally for my whole 22-year career and I’ve never been able to figure that out so I guess what I do is you know kind of kind of right kind of present be in the moment and then understand that when you

Get back home you know like I’m flying back at the end of the week and then I’m I’m going to be able to get back in my routine for a week you know until the next traveling starts again so you know to your point it’s something that you

Can try really hard but regimented people like you and I when that routine is broken it takes a lot of mental kind of wherewithal to kind of get back on the rails right it is well and I’m sure for you as soon as you get back on

You’re back off you know you’re turning right back around it’s you know right um like I said for three or four days for me to even get back it’s the food more than it is the exercise um absolutely and the rest to sleep I was just gonna

Say that I mean I’ve got to have and you know right bad pillows you know just all of the above right and like I woke up at I woke up at 3:30 this morning you know Don already had me by an hour she woke up at already had her

Second cup of coffee right and and so again you know in a full day and all that what that entails and whatever but you know I’m fortunate it’s I I I do enjoy the travel portion of my life but you don’t seem you don’t look like you’re struggling Wayne so well like

Like like I mean I don’t know how how bad you’re trying to make us feel but no well Kelly Kelly and I always talk about this so this will be good to get your your input so Kelly and I strongly believe that that that sales sales is a

Performance right and right now this is a performance that that all three of us are on right now and until you know the day ends when we’re in front of customers we engage we listen intently we try to focus on their problems and help them out you when I tell people

It’s a performance they think well you’re you’re like slick salesperson like no you don’t know me because that’s not who I am it’s the listening part and always absorbing good way to put it connecting and yeah and hence the recharging because a lot in so um I

Don’t know that people I you know I I’m definitely a you know take care of your mind and body because and get your rest some people can burn the candle at both ends I’m not one of them I can’t no um touche to them I mean or kudos to them

If they can but I’m I definitely and I prefer this way of it I I don’t there’s nothing good that happens after after 900 p.m. after 730 oh that’s great pastor Barry White said that years ago at Park Valley Church in hey Market Virginia he says nothing good

Happens after nine o’clock really like and and then his wife stood up and said we conceived our for kid he didn’t say didn’t say that I sometimes I forget it’s not just us talking but you know most you know I I thought was a great

Thing to be said because I know when a lot of times if I’m at a business event and people want to go after hours with which you know after 8:00 or whatever it is I I run home I’m like I’m such a bad idea I can’t say that I’ve never done it

Been there done it don’t want to do it and it never and it doesn’t end up well I mean again anything after 900m nothing good is happening yeah I I was like the way that I feel I don’t like the way that I feel the next day

Yeah like been jipped I was at a National Conference in Orlando a couple weeks ago and and you know some of the knights went into Extra Innings not Extra Innings like it was when I was even like in my 30s or 40s but it it it

Was encroaching on way past you know my bedtime and what time is your bedtime Wayne it’s about 10 o’clock okay how about you Kelly I think he’s sleeping right now that is not true no I I’m I’m I’m late to to um sleep and early to rise not

Early to rise like you I you know I don’t get up till 545 in the morning so I’m like the late guy in the group here but um but I you know usually I won’t go to bed until 11 or 12 or go to sleep yeah I know the tossing and

Turning part of it too right so really like for me I don’t toss and turn I sleep when I when I go to bed either I’m reading or watching Bravo um because I have to keep up with and uh but no I I I’m the youngest of nine

You could put a train tracks next to my bed and I’m going to sleep and I’ve always been a sound sleeper way you wish you could see you were the youngest of nine da oh no no I wish I could sleep with a train running by because a pin

Can drop and I’m up I mean I have a fan I have soundproof walls I’ve had to insulate because I live live in a town home I’ve had to insulate extra insulate so I don’t hear my neighbors right ear plugs okay were you the first born is

Your brother older or younger than you younger or he’s older really oh yeah because my mom used to say you know like with the first baby you everything you keep quiet second one you’re trying to keep things quiet she says by the third one she’s like I’m running the vacuum

When they’re napping whatever so I’m Number Nine so you know here hence the train you know I wake up I you know I roll over I go back to sleep and I you know I hear noises I’m two blocks from from the ocean and there’s a lot of um

Socializing sometimes going on outside my windows and I just don’t care I I’m sound sleeper no Wayne you said that you toss and turn yeah I do um just you know trying to unwind with a lot of a lot of things going on you know especially with this right here

Terminator clip um when I got there Wayne I know yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s pretty cool so a lot of a lot of having to unwind you know thoughts um I do some uh some meditation prior going going to bed to to try and calm down and put the

Mind in a good meditative sleep State sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t um depending on what time you eat last too I mean the whole well I I try I the the the intermittent fasting is is pretty cool so I try and not eat after 4 pm same but again when you’re traveling

Try and do that hey what time do you want to go out to dinner tonight well let’s meet at 3 you know so I can I can you know that’s not going to happen six seven o’clock right that’s that’s what I do let’s have a big lunch let’s have a

Big lunch right because mittent fasting I believe is one of the best underrated hacks to readjust your body and have the metabolism go on a consistent rate there’s a lot of people talking about it right now but I encourage everybody to implement that because that that’s a

GameChanger I I think so right do you do the same then I do I eat a bigger lunch and I might have a small snack later snack right fasting means you don’t eat between meals mansplaining no not really I know it isn’t I was being funny people come on then say something

Funny I had last night I have a nice vegetable and a piece of like a steak or something for lunch and I have walnuts for dinner or I might have a rock and wellness shake for dinner and I always have it for breakfast that’s a woman-owned company just throwing that out there

Right a wonderful woman Alison didn’t you have her on did you have we did I thought she’s an absolute doll and you know she she lost her husband he he actually developed the product she carries the the company um now for the last several years but um and she’s

She’s she’s awesome but um I just I thought we’d throw out some a good woman out there angel Reed ran the White House for several years on the bang an amazing human being there’s a lot of amazing women I could probably tell you more women that I’m impressed by than

Men all I do male friends and Inspirations but yeah I I I couldn’t agree with you more the the the female guests that we have had on like the owner of rock and wellness uh right shelita who is an is an actress and and a stunt woman I mean you listen to their

Stories and yes how and how about New Shell I mean the I course she started a live recently I was at an event that she had me do boing Superman and so I told people I said you do realize she’s twins that’s that’s not one person that’s two identical women

That are running around doing that and and like oh really like no that’s what I said at our lunch the other day um you know she’s explaining what she does and I told the the rest of the folks there I’m like um yeah she’s there’s 10 of her

Because I don’t know how she is everywhere that she is no no I don’t either I mean she and and you want to talk about again just like a credit not only to our industry to the State of Florida but to the United States I mean a wow just spiritually everything

Everything right everything man if I could be a quarter of her I’d consider my life being very well- lived a friend to all yeah brilliant and thoughtful and generous and I mean just always always she she gets multitask in a whole new meaning she needs to bottle that oh

Right but you know and we’re all blessed to know her I mean I just the day I met her was one of the best days I’ve had in Florida other one of the best days was meeting her husband because I was a little in fear for my life and he’s a

Lot bigger than me too fortunately gave me a big hug called me brother like Oliver I talked to her after seven o’clock several times oh boy so anyway yeah she knows she knows to get me early in the morning like she’s the first one if she knows

She needs to reach out or she’s reaching out just to say good morning she always sends me the sunrise yeah yep she’s an early riser too good allaround energy a lot of love for you today n shelle I’m I I know you’re going to be listening to this

Later right out there for you sister every day for her is Valentine’s Day she is the me of love I can’t wait to see her outfits yeah I’ve never seen her wear the same thing twice no yeah she always goes oh you wearing that shirt again big

Hearts big hearts for Nichelle yeah our favorite Valentine right there oh my golly so we Wayne has a hard stop okay Wayne so know I gotta nobody else has does sorry about that but you know Don thank you Min appolis okay yeah thank you very much for coming on thank

You guys it’s always good to see you I I I will be seeing you on the front lines at the next probably the next show coming up or whatever yesterday yeah no I know it’s like there’s only one me I I can’t be everywhere but again I want to

Appre tell you how much I appreciate you and thank you for your time Miss anybody else yesterday at show soon anybody else did you miss anybody else at the show yesterday or just wne well I saw you the day before and I knew you weren’t gonna be

There just trying to play the jealous little brother but so but know it’s great for all the people have heard about Dill that didn’t know where they finally got to meet her and now they’re gonna go oh now we get it she is amazing so absolutely thank

You so much um I want everybody to have a wonderful day follow Dawn Miller what’s your middle initial M thought it was forer I always thought that was fun and and of course hopefully you gota be following Wayne and I already so everybody have an incredible day Wayne

Be careful up there and get back home Happy Valentine’s Day everybody half your day happy Valentine’s Day all right adios

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