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JON JONES visits Bangtao | Day 1 | Meet & Greet | Open Workout | Bangtao Muay Thai & MMA

Another GOAT coming through the gates of Bangtao Muay Thai & MMA today! Last month we had GSP, this time round we have Jon ‘Bones’ Jones – widely regarding as the greatest to ever step foot in the Octagon, Jon shared his time and some techniques with us on Day 1 of his 2 day visit here and the best mma gym in the world, Bangtao Muay Thai & MMA.

Welcome to the bangau YouTube channel guys um we’re here waiting for Jon Jones to arrive the legend of MMA I’m exciting times for bangau we’re growing and we’re not going to stop growing guys the place is popping off the weather’s good smoothies even better and train is going

To be good too are you taking part in the seminar tomorrow uh yeah I’m going to take part in the seminar come and learn a thing or two from the champ you know yourself the the go the goat the greatest of all time I’m sure there’s always something to learn always

Something to pick up and uh it’s going to be a great day o for everybody yeah another day another day in the life Another Day In The Life bro it’s not a bad life though is it made hey how are you feeling today good I feel good yes I’m glad to be here

How are you good to see you George my man Frank how are you good to see you guys what is it woody woody nice to meet you Woody how are you good to see you guys this is it huh it’s awesome just got expanded it

Used to be just the so we just expanded it dude I’ve always wanted to be here I’ve always wanted to be here hello hello how are you guys good to see you guys what’s up what’s up how are you you’re my second favorite fighter who’s your first favorite who’s

Your first favorite fighter all right all right all right that’s fair that’s fair wow it’s beautiful it’s like a whole Community yeah it’s pretty wild we just had this as one morch area but we were so busy so fast we built that whole area and we built that area as well nice

Bro it’s beautiful it’s really beautiful Jers these are pretty lightweight it’s not that jerseys you have a black T-shirt we got black on black oh yeah pink on black that pink on black look we got like a this is our OG logo and then this is like Miami Vice VI where you go

This this is the move right here there have 100 bilon people what’s [Applause] up what’s going on how you guys feeling you guys doing good what’s going on how you guys feeling we’re going to be playing some music man I want you guys to have the most fun you possibly can have today

Make sure you say hello to somebody that you didn’t come here with and uh let’s leave here with new friends today how about it let’s go let’s go let’s have fun let’s have some fun turn it up in here get up son all right we’ll let we’ll let

Everyone else all right thank you mik thank you yeah yeah I’m going kick somebody’s ass before I leave here somebody somebody back from anah it’s good to be back around the gym good to see the boys obviously we brought in Jon Jones to do a little meet and greet to kind of give

Back to the community and that so seems to be going good he’s got great energy he’s American obviously he’s a good [ __ ] you know what I mean un like the English so it’s been great we’re really looking forward to seeing what he’s got together for us he’s got this he’s got another

Thing and then tomorrow he’s got a seminar so yeah looking forward to it how was the overall experience in overall experience was good in California obviously it’s not the result you wanted obviously you wanted um I wanted Vault to and still get his hand raised again you know but sometimes it

Doesn’t always fall that way but again uh you live you learn in this game did a lot of good things um but the good thing with Alex is he’s a he can figure out a puzzle if anybody can figure a puzzle out it’s him you know I’m looking

Forward to him being the first two time featherweight champ so I reckon the rematches on the horizon don’t know when let say in Spain end of the year I’d love to go to Spain get the belt back two time featherweight champ and then we build from there did take you off the sh

By this Zuck did not well I call him Mark the shark as I call him no he didn’t um but he’s a good guy I like Mark he’s a bit he’s a bit misunderstood but if you get to know him he’s actually a good lad you know he’s a good man he’s

A United fan so he got that going for you know I saw that Meme yeah I saw the meme there’s been a couple memes floating around everybody keeps sending them to me and I don’t really know what to say it’s just I didn’t even know that

Was going on when it was going on you know I was obviously he had our job to do and he his first time there he didn’t know what to do but n he did well I thought I thought Mark did good for he was in the locker room hanging out with

Us he came to the locker room after the fight gave some words of wisdom so anytime you have a medium m that magnitude that can give some advice you got to be able to take it in but it’s good to be back man it’s good to be Back O I thought it was going to hit me easy but I suppose his easy kick is like my hardest kick hey I can still feel it a bit I me playful it’s mad it’s like uh Bank to just a place to be at the minute

You got tsp here you have sang way lead training here now you got John Jones it just the place keeps getting better bringing better people the UFC heavyweight champ of the world probably the best ever fighter on planet Earth is here bang if you’re not here you’re

Missing out missing out another day at bangt this is a legendary place if you’re not training here already you need to be because you’ll be around greatness all the time every time welcome baby welcome to Thailand so my uh my plans was to do a seminar are tomorrow I don’t want to

Really go over what we’re going to go over tomorrow so we just going to wing it and uh I’m going to do a takeown entry I want to show you guys a few take down entries all right so one of the most important things about shooting the

Double Lake dive is the timing behind the double leg dive um and um I’m just going to show you guys some of my favorite uh double leg Dives single leg Dives coming from some uh kickboxing positions so the first one I’m going to go over with you guys it’s called a snatch

Single we’ll be here we’ll be on our fight stance I’ll get coach fighting with me I’m going to throw a hard faint right here get coach sing high and then I’m going to just come down and snatch right here boom if you notice my head is

Up and one of the first steps is to pull coach’s leg upward right here I pull him up and I and I back out it’s a very um it’s very kind of unpredictable move it looks really simple I find that this move works on heavy weights a lot easier than it works

On lighter weights lighter weight lighter weight guys are a lot more athletic they tend to be able to keep up and bounce but when I do this move on heavy weights I pull their leg out from underneath them so quickly a lot of Fighters aren’t used to coming in this

Forward Motion right away often times I pull the guy literally like to his knees by how hard I pull his his KN leg so I’ll be here fighting with Coach I’ll be here I’ll go like that and I’ll pull him so far pull him backwards from there you can go ahead and finish

The single leg another awesome single leg I really enjoy is to come this one Daniel Cormier does very well he’ll be here with you he’ll come with an overhand right as soon as you bring your hand up to block the over overhand right he’s coming with

A high crotch with his left arm it’ll look like this I’ll be here with Coach I’ll come with my overhand right immediately into this High crotch a lot of guys like to finish the high crotch position by dumping I can dump coach from there I can dump into a barsbar which is a

Double leg gu from there one move that I learned from Gord Ryan was uh an easy back take from there for your jent guy it’ll look like this I’ll come in I’ll go overhand straight into a high crotch I’ll give them a slight pull and then

I’m going to reach with my lead arm right here and just take his back I’m there I can do all typ watch SL but mainly we just got to focus on that back tape so we’re here I go over here here P reach Temple stuff one more uh let’s say coach is in the South Wall stance this is a move uh this is a double Lake dive that I did

To I did it to chill Sonic I also did this move to Alexander G it’s a mixed Direction double a diet the way that it looks when I’m fighting against a South ball fighter I’ll lead with my head coming in the inside and right as he reacts I’ll

Switch Direction and bring my head around the outside it looks like this we’ll be in here fighting I’ll start this way and then at the last minute I’ll switch my head this way come this this way so we’ll be in here I’ll go here I’ll go finish that way

Right so from this position I could also throw that snatch single that we talked about earlier I’m here with Coach I just grab lift or I can go mix direction right here look like [Applause] this let’s go that was fun that was fun nice hanging out with you guys today subscribe to the channel or otherwise this guy’s going to beat you the [ __ ] up


  1. No Weapon Formed Against God's Best Masterpiece JonnyBones Can Prosper! No Weapon Formed Against God's Best Creation JonnyBones Can Prosper! No Weapon Formed Against The Mightiest GOAT JonnyBones Can Prosper! No Weapon Formed Against God's Best Son JonnyBones Can Prosper! JON BEFORE GOD CREATED THE WHOLE UNIVERSE, GOD ALREADY HAS PLANNED TO MAKE UFC THROUGH DANA WHITE TO SHINE ONE MAN AND HIS NAME IS THE ONE THE ONLY JONNY BONES JONES! JON YOU ARE STRONG IN THE LORD! JON YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST! NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST U CAN PROSPER!

  2. This man has the same reflexes as he did at LHW 😂 only man to frighten me more than Pereira

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