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FIRST TAKE: Lakers Plotting Trae Young-AD Duo Post-LeBron Era? Stephen A. Weighs In

“FIRST TAKE: Lakers Plotting Trae Young-AD Duo Post-LeBron Era? Stephen A. Weighs In”

Description: Stephen A. discusses the Lakers’ reported interest in building a Trae Young-Anthony Davis partnership for the future once LeBron James moves on. Will this potential move reshape the Lakers’ roster dynamics? Dive into the analysis now! 🏀🔥 #NBA #FirstTake #Lakers #TraeYoung #AnthonyDavis




Now it’s like teams and and you talk to agents teams everyone’s a little bit more relaxed really right now it’s like buyout guys that are on the market you start you have some teams planning for the summer so you do you have a little bit of Summer chatter right now but a

Lot of it is is you know the stretch run of the NBA Kendrick Perkins told us yesterday he said I said this on get up I said this on first take and I’m saying it on your show if Lakers fans can just wait one season here and do a little run

Or whatever you said have your little fun he had a sweet beard good Cuban Lin on turtleneck whenever he said it we love perk we are big fans of old racist ass perk he hates white people but he comes on our show anytime we ask which we appreciate but like he said there’s

An Allstar coming to the Lakers this next summer or next offseason do is that just rumors around the NBA how does Perk know that does everybody know that and who is that that he’s talking about well I don’t know his sources I don’t know who he’s talking to but the Lakers have

Will have three first round draft picks and they’re going to have players guy a guy like Austin Reeves Austin Reeves was was a guy that everyone around the league wanted when they went to try to get dejonte Murray when you try to go get Zack LaVine is that how that’s

Pronounced dejonte Murray okay okay M we got it we got it we would have got that role I did not think that’s how you pronounce Deon Dante Deon the J could be so many different ways in so many different languages know everyone wanted Austin Reeves the jont when you have Austin Reeves three

First round draft picks you could put yourself in a position to go get Trey young dejonte Murray Atlanta this summer I think a lot of eyes are on them they’re going to have to make a decision they they have two guys two point guards that clearly you know they feel might

Not mesh and so when you look at the summer the the Hawks gave up a lot to go get dejonte Murray a couple years ago they gave up three first- round drave picks and a pick swap to San Antonio to get dejonte Murray in and now they explored the marketplace but they didn’t

Get quite the return so I think a lot of teams are keeping an eye on Trey Young potenti in the market this year but again there’s going to be plenty of teams that would want a guy like Trey young as well but the Lakers knowing what the Lakers are we know the market

There they’ll have three first round drapping of course they’re going to be aggressive we also don’t know the future of LeBron James right now he’s committed to the Lakers he’s got a player option for next season we know bronnie might have an impact on what he does how’s he

Playing bronnie is still a guy NBA guy Bron’s I think he’s finding his footing still collegiately but when you talk to Scouts they view him a lot further along defensively than offensively defensively he’s already got the makings of of an NBA caliber Defender it’s about the rest

Of his game getting there yeah because everybody just assumed that LeBron’s going to go to wherever Bron gets uh drafted to so it’s like a two for one because he’s always said he wanted to play with his son potential I mean there’s potential for that but there’s

Also the chance let’s say bronnie gets drafted by another team what does LeBron do at that point do you play out the year with the Lakers next season do you opt in do you opt out do you go to that other team but but what if that team

Doesn’t have cap space do you take a pickup like there’s all these different scenarios I think LeBron James going to have time after the season to figure out exactly what it is he wants to do Conor has a question for you bronnie also put out a sweet Photoshop of him in a Lakers

Jersey just yesterday what was this is this confirmed yeah this is from brony’s Twitter account you should we should not be telling Twitter I don’t think he has a Twitter account I would do that too that USC team stinks yeah they’re brutal they’re terrible yeah but they got cool uniforms

And LeBron goes their games is pretty cool yeah I saw him walk in there one time yeah everyone went Zoo it’s a zoo yeah it is I saw Bonnie’s first game at us um it was it was definitely a spectacle LeBron James was there I I I the one I

Saw had way more retweets this is not from Bron’s account this is Su this is sus here Pat oh it’s fake news not on this show I know not on this show information out on this show that’s not brony’s account not that hasn’t caused us some trouble in the past no never

Anyways it would be cool I listen I there’s definitely a chance Lakers have looked in have scouted him Miami scouted him Toronto scouted him plenty of teams have gone out and scouted Brony James the question is you know will Youngy that we’re talking about Trey young is

One of the names I think if you’re the Lakers you have to keep an eye on because Atlanta eventually come summertime they’re gonna they’re going to do something Trey young friend of the program yeah that would be cool that’ be very cool if Trey young ends up in La

Not that Atlanta’s not fun but you’re saying they brought in another point guard when they already had Trey young what are the coonin doing over there yeah I don’t know Conor’s got a question for you another guy that was rumored to be traded at least recently Klay Thompson and obviously you got benched

Last night comes off the bench has 35 points unbel G for him yeah crushed it what’s going on with him are they done cuz Steph Curry you know after a debacle on Wednesday nights where he fed a guy with plenty of time on the clock he

Decided you know what I’m not going to DAP up Steph Curry even though we are the splash Bros he even takes a little jab towards Steph then you know rubs his hands together what’s going on with the Splash Brothers because a lot of people are saying hey Splash Brothers no longer

A thing the era is done so let’s look at Klay Tom’s going of the year they they discussed an extension they offered him an extension around two years $48 million I think when you look at it they just gave Draymond Green 4 years 100 so if you’re Klay Thompson and you’re in

That same realm you get offered 2 years 48 I think the extension the lack of an extension and then his free agency is looming that’s a factor I think just off the bat going into the season and then he’s had you know an up and down year

Last night amazing you know and he’s had these performances he’s shown still that he can be Klay Thompson like he can go and help a team I think to a high degree he helped the Warriors last night and then you have this this question of his role right when you talk about

Sacrificing role you talk about your minutes last night he comes off the bench still play significant minutes but this is a guy Klay Thompson he’s four-time Champion all NBA Allstar caliber guy now coming off the bench that’s an adjustment when you think about his his contract situation you

Think about the team as a whole they’re 500 team right now and they haven’t performed they suck yes they do I I think they still have potential Warriors stink but this isn’t the Warriors that we’re accustomed to right at least in this dynasty era so when you factor all

These things together you know from everything I’ve told I’ve been told like Klay Thompson’s been this has been a stressful year for Klay Thompson I think he’s he’s he’s been going through it at different points and I think he’s doing the best he can to get through it but

He’s he’s set to be a f agent at the end of the season from everything I expect him to test the marketplace I would expect both Florida teams I would expect both La teams um Austin I I I would expect potentially a couple East Coast teams uh to have interest in Klay

Thompson he’s as of right now unless there’s a miracle extension and he’s going to test the marketplace and I think the Warriors have understood going into the year after they didn’t extend him his future his future is up in the air just for the simple fact he’s going

To be going into free agency okay did this all start at that golf thing whenever he was just horrendous and remember Draymond killing him yeah duning on remember that and Steph was good uh clay stunk he was wearing his own uh clothes clothes stunk too I mean

There everything about it seemed to be bad news bad vibes clay always just marches to his own beat beat of his own drum so I I think he’s very very comfortable being out there and doing his own thing I don’t know if that you know if you struggle at golf that might

Impact a lot of no I mean just Draymond was burying him and killing him remember Von Miller was going bad for guys that weren’t his teammates let’s talk about Draymond because we are huge fans of the Phoenix Suns huge huge love the Suns that we love the Phoenix Pat the Gorilla

Pat the gorilla I think have bonded for life now the Phoenix Sun social media team kind of put me on Front Street when they posted the highest I’ve ever looked in my I think I think you were just the lights were bright moment there’s a lot going on

That night yeah was there a lot going on that night brought red lights social team and I certainly have a conversation to have at some point but from aside from that the way the Phoenix Suns are run from the top all the way to the bottom that’s right first class top tier

That’s Kevin Durant’s team now right Kevin Durant Devin Booker Bradley beill why is Draymond Green calling Kevin Durant whack is there what what the hell’s going on is there there’s beef there do we have beefs again in the NBA we like that I thought Dylan Brooks was

The only guy that had beefs turns out now there’s real beefs around the NBA now there was there was a lot said by Draymond Green toward Kevin Durant I don’t I don’t think this is I don’t think we can say a lot of it on on these Airwaves well you would never because

You’re like a super professional well you you had me say the SW word once which sh stupid the SH word the four-letter sh how old are you how old are you I’m 29 you should never sound the way you just sound I’m you had me

Say the S well this is a as a 29y old you should never this is a family you know this a familyfriendly show no it’s not actually there’s actually a thing before that that says like adult speak you had me say this guy’s terrible k out now just

Ruined the K just once just once do we have more beef behind the scenes than we once Kevin Durant left the Warriors I think obviously there’s going to be that level of rivalry but I think even over the years I mean anytime you’re not on the same team there’s

Going to be some level of competition Kevin dur got his own Squad now Draymond Green obviously has his own team but Draymond Green you see the chip that he plays with right now you see why the Warriors are a totally different team when he’s in the lineup when he’s not

And what he’s done for the Warriors he kaminga Wiggins these guys are clicking now that Draymond Green is back so J green obviously we can’t condone some of the stuff that that has happened when you think think about Rudy gobear and things like that but off the court we’ve

Known him as nothing but a professional obviously he’s never got in trouble always been a professional and when he’s on the floor and off the court didn’t I guess practice was on the court on the on it was on the Basel it was kind of

Pads near the pads cuz I saw guy end up started on court it was in the arena it was in yeah it was ARA yeah man Arena but I think Dray M green thing was when he got suspended I think he wanted Kevin Durant to call him directly I think

Kevin Durant made some comments but again I think a lot of it SS from they’re not on the same team anymore and that’s what happens when a player leaves in free agency Vinnie has a question for you Shams the only question that we all want to know who’s going to win the NBA

Finals that’s great question that’s great question you put me on the spot good question absolutely you know the answer I’ll give you the I’ll give you my contenders in in each I think you got to put Boston in the East I think you have to put Milwaukee out there even though

Milwaukee’s gone through a lot of ups and downs Doc Rivers I think they’re what three and seven yeah we’ve heard that yeah some people are in Cabo he said yeah that’s that’s a little that’s a little dicey you know there’s a lot of things said about the AL altitude in

Utah in his first game coaching there there there was a lot I think you know get out but I will say about Milwaukee this is a championship or bu season for them and I think I I don’t think there’s like you can’t make excuses for this

Team well it sounds like they like big boss in the game a lot if it’s Championship or bus they need to win that’s a championship orust season I think them you have to look at ums obviously we’re not at the West yet so we got we’re at Milwaukee do we do we

Consider Philadelphia a contender Jo ID maybe he’s back early early April okay so he’s coming back the hope is that he’s going to be back by late March early April that would put him at the tail end of one to two months okay sweet the hope is so if he’s back let’s say

He’s back 100% you have to put them in there right okay so let’s let’s put them in there and then I think when you look out west I think you have to think Denver you have to think the Clippers you have to think Phoenix they’ve got

Star power now the question is do you put Minnesota and Oklahoma City in there obviously they’re there yes Minnesota OKC so that’s what five teams six teams so to me those are the eight teams eight or nine teams that I think could go into the CH playoffs and feel they have a

Chance tone has a little bit of a followup on one of those teams yeah about the bucks um I saw around the internet going you know there was the elevation excuse for uh the Bucks and the doc and Doc Rivers potentially and you know it started with they were had a

Good record coach cire Doc Rivers comes in and then I saw on the internet they said you know the only thing that you know doc has left in his bag is to throw his players under the bus and then last night was the uh you know half of us

Half of the players were in Cabo half were here tonight is that already are we are we is everyone is the NBA super worried about the the doc Buck situation is it already like oh boy this mistake I I will say this I will say this before

Doc Rivers took over their defense was the biggest problem and since Doc Rivers has been there their defense has been among the best in the league so I will say they have flipped on the defensive end but again you have to win games winning games is the cure and they have

Not won yet but anytime you have Dame you have Giannis I think you have a chance thanis they just got Deno galinari sure as a free agent uh they were pursuing him a few other contenders were pursuing him uh I I think their team you still have to consider his

Dangerous okay and are you in K Adams dating that’s why you valtin got her shoes I I I that’s a great colleague of mine you know I think she’s amazing you you got to know her a little bit too we do know her yeah we’re big fans we’re

Certainly big fans her I think I think she’s amazing what she does I enjoy going on her show uh you know obviously she has to me like with you similarly you make me feel comfortable when I’m on your show she makes me feel very very comfortable oh you’re comfortable around

Each other that’s that’s a good start that’s a great great start that’s number one we saw we saw the Super Bowl together we were in the suite we were in the FanDuel Suite nice did you get drink was out there she was doing her thing nice was raffensberger there

Raffensberger was there I didn’t see him on the uh I didn’t either whenever they the stock thing I didn’t see him up there I thought maybe he wasn’t anymore that’s good crew got some inside info on that it was good um so you are dating I

I I I wouldn’t classify uh myself any news we have not asked you about that we should ask you about any news you guys haven’t asked me about we’re not big NBA people we’re I mean last Commission on yes we are I I think I think you have

To look at the west and and look how stacked the West is we know this is a phoenix friendly friendly show bro love Phoenix Sun another in this reminds me of Boston Conor actually Isaiah Stewart I don’t know if you saw this story is in back tunnel in the back tunnels of the

Arena punched a player on Drew Eubanks in the face actually and then we heard con would do to me on let me ask you about when I was draining those jumpers Boston was looking at me crazy I was just testing we were very proud of you he did want to

Put a little heat on you see if you could handle the kitchen or not welcome to the Thunderdome B uh but you did you handled it perfectly so old buddy who tried to get at LeBron a couple years ago from the Detroit Pistons where there was like six people holding him back as

He was sprinting to go fight LeBron was in a back tunnel of the Phoenix Suns Arena which we’ve been in beautiful so nice punch Eubanks in the face yeah allegedly yeah that happened then he got arrested he he got arrested uh I believe for assault and citation and then

Released so how’s that happen Eubanks has to press charges there Phoenix press charges I I think there was police obviously there there’s always police there’s Security in these Arenas and and yeah that’s that’s what happened but has that ever happened before that feels like something in the sport world the

NFL tunnel if two guys got into a fight I don’t think like police would get involved ever so I so on my show Chandler Parson Lou will obviously played a very long time and they said they’ve never seen anything like this I mean usually there’s stuff that happens

On the court all the time but I mean for you to be walking to the arena and then you know you exchange words all the time and from what I was told went Chester chest but then you know anytime you you throw you throw one and then old buddy

Didn’t even you said I think you reported that he didn’t even Flinch he cold no sell Eubanks ate it yeah so Eubanks big winner in this whole thing didn’t get arrested and didn’t get really that’s a win for you don’t get arrested that’s a huge somebody who has

Been arrested not getting arrested a huge life that is a huge win just as somebody who’s been a part of it okay so when how’s that get ended well this is not now a league investigation so it’s up to the league and it’s and it’s also a police investigation it’s it’s really

Not even don’t have more to worry about two NBA guys punching each other in the face it’s it’s now up to up to them to to figure so nobody would have seen this no kids would have known this happened like nobody’s getting influenced and do

Bad things two NBA guys get into a fight in an NBA building and now we got police involved for for one of them yes yeah yeah there there was police there was police involved who in here can’t be just punching people in the face we get

It of course who in here would do that though I feel like there’s got to be some energy like that in here that would punch somebody in the face stop looking at me dude I I I understand what you’re trying to say here Shams and what plane you’re trying to land actually think

Nick would be the guy that would punch you in the face yeah I think Nick would be the guy and and Nick is the one who’s the quietest you know it’s the one who’s the Qui he’s not the quietest that is on the show The Shadows yeah quiet mouth

Normally means loud mind don’t ever forget that and fist uh all right trums I have a fantastic should have just came here in 2020 I should have you know when everything was was shut down I should have just been making the drive back and forth when you guys had the Thunderdome

In the city this this is a beautiful setting seriously thank you very beautiful it’s much nicer than the the last office and it’s much closer to all of our houses so this is about a 5,000 time sources say you live near oh yeah you know where Monroe Lake is there’s a

Lake a lake 40 minutes away yeah it’s 40 minutes North 50 I heard yeah from the city minutes 50 minutes north mhm people found my house it’s not good need security just like you shs you guys got security all over here yeah we got Navy Seals and we got can’t see them they’re

Hiding you want to hop off fence we got M Adam Silver came in we got a moat too on the back side Adam Silver came in was like there’s not a lot of security here I’m like well that’s good you didn’t see our Navy Seals they’re in the trees

Glied up yeah you Adam Silver didn’t even know there was in the upcoming offseason the Los Angeles Lakers are set to reignite their pursuit of Atlanta Hawks versatile guard Dej Murray as reported by Jake fiser for Yahoo Sports throughout the current season the Lakers made multiple attempts to acquire Murray

But a deal was never finalized due to the Hawks insistence on including Rising Talent Austin Reeves in any exchange despite the hawk High asking price of at least two future first round picks for Murray League insiders anticipate the Lakers engaging in negotiations with Atlanta once again the New Orleans

Pelicans also have the opportunity to resume talks with the Hawks as discussions took place earlier in the week Murray representing Ed by Rich Paul of clutch Sports Group shares the same agent as Lakers Stars LeBron James and Anthony Davis the 24 to 30 Hawks guard has been posting impressive numbers this

Season averaging 21.6 points 5.1 rebounds 5.4 assists 1.3 Steals and 0.3 blocks his career accolades include being a former All-Star a member of the 2017 to 18 all defensive second and winning the Steels title in 2021-22 with a current season salary of $17.7 Million Murray signed a lucrative

4-year $114 million extension with the Hawks last off season set to take effect next season with a salary of $24.8 million NBA Insider Mark Stein suggests that the Hawks might shift their focus to trading Trey young also represented by Paul instead of Murray during the upcoming summer young with impressive

Averages of 27.0 points 2.8 rebounds and 10.9 assists has been a target of interest for the Lakers Roller Coaster season for the Los Angeles Lakers LeBron James emphasizes that the team’s performance hinges on one critical Factor Health the ups and downs in their win loss record 27 to 26 have left fans

Searching for explanations but for the four-time champion it’s a simple equation following the recent loss to the Denver Nuggets James highlighted the significance of a fully healthy squad for a successful push up the standings speaking to the media James pointed out just health max Christie went down today and didn’t return to the

Game so our whole year has been about health the 20-year-old guard Christie suffered an ankle sprain during Thursday’s game joining the list of Lakers dealing with injuries D’Angelo Russell was sidelined due to a knee issue while key players like Jared Vanderbilt cam reddish and gab Vincent are already absent due to various

Injuries despite the uncertain surrounding the return of these players this season James acknowledges that the Lakers must navigate the challenges with their current resources as the team clings to the ninth spot in the standings just barely securing a play in appearance the road ahead remains steep with over two months

Left in the regular season the Lakers faced the uphill battle of maintaining their playoff aspirations in a fiercely competitive Western Conference in the wake of recent trades the Los Angeles Lakers find themselves at a crucial juncture navigating the complexities of reshaping their roster to contend in the fiercely competitive

Western Conference the front office’s commitment to bolstering the team’s chances has led them to closely monitor the market for players who can make an immediate impact and complement the existing Talent on the squad strategic Maneuvers have prompted the Lakers to explore the potential buyout Market where seasoned veterans and hidden gems

Can emerge as game-changing assets this presents a golden opportunity for the Lakers to strategically refine their roster addressing specific needs and enhancing their Competitive Edge for the latter part of the Season among the potential Acquisitions the tantalizing Prospect of Kyle Lowry Dawning the purple and gold arises from his journey

Through recent trades beyond the stats Lowry brings a wealth of playoff experience and a tenacity synonymous with his playing style offering the Lakers a season hand in steering the ship particularly in the backcourt Spencer dinwoody poised for a potential buyout emerges as a compelling figure for the Lakers

His skill set aligns with the team’s needs providing a scoring punch and playmaking ability in the backourt DW’s potential acquisition could offer essential depth contributing to the Lakers aspirations for a deep playoff run the Strategic position to pursue versatile forward Danilo galiner after a potential buyout adds another layer to

The Lakers post trade landscape galiner scoring prowess perimeter shooting and playoff experience present a compelling option for the Lakers as they aim to fortify their roster for opposing post season push as the Lakers explore potential additions the departure of Joe Harris from the Detroit Pistons positions him as a prime candidate

Bringing a coveted three-point specialist to address the team’s need for enhanced floor spacing Harris’s Sharp Shooting proficiency and playoff experience could prove invaluable alongside the star studded Lakers lineup amidst trade shuffles the potential acquisition of sharkshooter Seth Curry from the Charlotte Hornets after a buyout emerges as a strategic move for

The Lakers Curry’s three three-point prowess and ball handling skills provide a solution to the team’s spacing issues while his clutch shooting and playoff experience add a valuable Dimension to the Lakers roster Christian would Express his optimism about the Los Angeles Lakers chances to avoid the play in tournament this season despite their

Current Ninth Place standing in the Western Conference would bels the team can secure a top six seed for direct entry into the playoffs with a record of 28 to 26 the Lakers ranked 13th in points per game 116.5 and 18th in points allowed per game 117.1 with a net rating of minus 0.7

Placing them 19th in the league in his inaugural season with the Lakers Christian Wood has been contributing solid numbers averaging 7.0 points 5.1 rebounds and 1.0 assist per game his shooting percentages include 46.8% from the field 31.5% from Beyond The Arc and 69.6% from the free throw line with a

Plus minus rating of plus two two the Lakers face upcoming challenges and opportunities against the Detroit Pistons and the Utah Jazz before the All-Star break while the Pistons with the NBA’s worst record appear to be a likely Victory the Jazz boasting a strong home record of 17 to8 POS a

Formidable opponent as LeBron James nearing the Twilight of his career at 39 contemplates his future with the Lakers speculation arises about his potential free agency in the summer the decision may be influenced by the Lakers playoff fate this season and James also Harbors aspirations of playing alongside his son

Bronnie adding an intriguing Dimension to his future decisions


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