What To Focus On For Your Golf Game | PXG #shorts

Let’s face it – we all have a lot of room for improvement when it comes to our golf game. It’s what keeps us coming back. It’s also what drives us a little crazy, as it can seem a little overwhelming sometimes, choosing what to focus on next. #PXG Troop and Pro Coach Alex Riggs provides some food for thought as we rank next steps in improving our game.

📹: Alex Riggs

If we rank things in terms of priorities okay I would rank at the absolute top of the list in terms of things that we are going to focus in on number one is always going to be Target and Alignment okay number one is Target and Alignment

So let’s make sure that again we know that your tendency is probably to aim a little bit right so let’s ensure that before every shot we we start the routine from back here you can hold the golf club up if you want to just to give yourself a reference in terms of where

You’re going to set yourself up but start every golf shot okay once you’ve selected your golf club start every golf shot with your routine behind the golf ball I want you to be able to see your target line and then when you walk up to the shot making sure that we’re aiming

Parallel to that Target line again we’re not trying to point ourselves at the Target we’re trying to point the club face to the Target and then have our body parallel to the aim of the club face okay so it will inevitably feel a little bit left okay that is very normal

So number one in terms of our priority list is always going to be your alignment to Target number two on your priority list is going to be brushing the ground okay it seems like a very simple task but often overlooked we need to be able to

Get this club to strike the ground if we’re going to have a quality Iron shot okay let’s leave driver just for a second and we’ll just focus in on irons we have to brush the ground to get that golf ball up in the air we have to brush

The ground in order to hit the true middle or Sweet Spot of that club face so what we’re looking for when it comes to a solid brush of the ground if you take our stance and you think of where the middle of the stance would be the brush where

My golf club strikes the ground should always be slightly after after the center of my stance so I’m always looking to make contact with the ground just after the middle of the stance so being able just to loosen yourself up perhaps like in between shots maybe while your playing partner is hitting

His shot like making a couple practice Wings where you brush the ground helps us to get used to what we are going to eventually need in the swing okay we just need that little brush we need to take some divot okay we don’t want the club digging but we have to hit the

Ground a little bit okay okay so brushing the ground I’d rank that second on your priority list ranking third on your priority list is going to be something

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