Golf Players

😥 BSFP Ep.76 | IF

Ewen Cameron AKA Jambo Bear, isn’t happy after the weekend and you will hear his tale of Hearts being gubbed by Rangers. Of course, Steven Mill is completely sympathetic!

As a result we have Ewen’s sad dance, impressions of Yoda and talking about dog sized millipedes.
Plus Scottish Football’s even greater harder hardest question, an animal showdown on Start, Sub or Sell and can Ewen do better in the Big Shoot Out Quiz when it comes to films?

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  1. Let’s see if Mystic Meg can go 3 for 3 for wrong predictions. Hearts didn’t beat Rangers, Celtic didn’t drop points to Motherwell. Look forward to Wednesday to see if Ewen gets the hat trick

  2. Why did Ewen sound like one of the Meerkats from the TV advert when he said “hello and welcome” as Yoda

  3. Could you not do the show with just a cardboard cut out of Ewan? He talks a power of pish, lapdances, ruins movies, throws his toys out the pram and his yoda accent soumds like he chocking on boaby! He has also asked for movie questions on a fucking sports podcast!

    Edit: Could the next start, sub, sell be 3 people to replace Ewan Cameron!?

  4. That guy way baseball hat loves 2 hear his own voice, not a gid voice at that, total fud, don't think his son will b bragging that his dads famous 4 doing the radio, his m8s wid RIP the pish oot himif they saw this, is this actually on the radio, IF aye whit do they discuss

  5. At 5 minutes to 3 my heart and my head tells me we're going to beat Rangers.
    At 2 minutes past 3 my world crashed 🤣🤣🤣
    Say what you want about Ewan but the guy is funny and a damn good sport.

  6. Start – Dog, give him the captain's armband. Plus if he's a wee dog get him in defense and he can nip the ankles of the other players.
    Sub – Kangaroo, get him in goal if we're struggling to get balls out. Have him bounce about like he's Jack Butland saving right, left and centre.
    Sell – shark, I'm a shitebag and feart of them and it might eat my kangaroo and wee dug.

  7. Hardest question – I think I've maybe underestimated this. Fernando Torres and Maurice Malpas both made debuts in 1984. Malpas made his Scotland national team debut in 1984 and Torres made his debut in the world 1984… I know pish right?

  8. Maurice Malpas was a one club man with Dundee united.

    Geoffrey Hayes, the presenter of Rainbow, was a fan Dundee United, having lived in the city in the 1960s. Hayes said that he asked the producers of Rainbow to make the Zippy puppet tangerine in colour, to match Dundee United's colours.

    On the 14th March 2013, Fernando Torres scored his second goal for Chelsea against Steaua Bucharest in the Europa League, with cult children’s TV hero Zippy from Rainbow in the stands at stamford bridge.

  9. These 3 just trying to set each other up to say something ridiculous is just comedy gold love the podcast

  10. Think the show is starting to lose its focus a wee bit, was good because it was mainly football with a wee bit of other stuff but now we have SSS about bloody animals, not a mention of Hurlock, Mike Galloway or Duncan Ferguson, but bloody millipedes and now even the quiz is about films? Time for the show to get back to its roots….on the plus side, Ewan digging his own grave last week was fantastic…although he sounds like Jota being abused rather than Joda

  11. I wish I didn't come from Spotify to YouTube. Jambo Bear that move was disturbing. Why are we still having the discussion about eating in the bath, it's fucking disgusting 😂

  12. Are we calling Edinburgh City Edinburgh City…John: Aye, just give him the answer ffs.. Ewen you are getting proper stitched up my friend.

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