Golf Babe

WHAT TEAMS MAKE THE FINALE ? Round 3 Part 1 | Golf Girl Games

Welcome to the first golf Girl Games event, where four teams compete for $5,000. There will be three 9 hole rounds with various formats and only the TOP two teams will advance to the finale. This event is being held at PGA National in Palm Beach, home to the famous bear trap and site of the former Honda Classic.
Each round will be split into two videos showing 2 teams in each. For round 3 part 1 we have Dress code Violators and legally Blondes. ONLY two teams will make it to the finale after Round 3! What teams will make it and WHO will take home the money!!!

Mei Brennan ​⁠ ​⁠ @mei.brennan
Cobair Collinsworth ​⁠ @cobaircollinsworth
Cailyn Henderson ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠ @chendogolf
Deanna Confesore ​⁠ ​⁠ @Golfgirldeanna

Thank you PGA National for having us!

SoFlo Girls: Allison Dusek & Sabrina Andolpho
Legally Blondes: Cailyn Henderson & Deanna Confessore
Winter N’ Miami: Hannah Leiner & Sara Winter
Dress Code Violators: Mei Brennan & Cobair Collinsworth

Round 1: Scramble
Round 2: Alternate Shot
Round 3: Scramble from the red tees
Finale: Best Ball Matchplay

This is the FIRST of MANY amazing events! Stay tuned and hope you all enjoy.


May what is our motto today Confidence go really good though are you kidding I I need you as my Hy you welcome back you guys this is round three we are here at PJ National the Champions Course we are playing the red teas today Twan scramble we’re in the bottom group too so we are

Going to work our way up which is going to be a good thing you know May and I have been underestimated and we’re we’re here to piss some people off yeah I think we’re all feeling good today which is nice okay do you guys have your scorecard yes right here official

Official perfect oh yeah we are the legally blondes and we are the dress code violators and we’re going to win for this nine holes there’s going to be be a cut so we are all trying to work our way up there’s two groups that will make that Final Cut and then it goes

Back to just even golf we’re going to be scratched back to zero and then yeah head to Head our strategy is I’m going to go first and then if I have one good in the Fairway bombs away love it de let’s see where that lands okay so that’s bunker so what do you what do you want to do should I hit driver or should I hit something safe if

You feel confident with driver well I mean it’s the first T you never know but then the bunker that one’s actually an easy shot should I just hit should I hit something safe if you want to hit something safe okay I’m just getting a four hybrid okay just like a nice little

Choked down one okay you’re good like it’s so wide on the left side that’s true [Applause] yeah okay that’ll be good stay right there okay we’re good let’s go man code violators on the te uhoh uh-oh I got it time to get an iron rip I like that

Ball just kidding we didn’t want that ball anyway bad energy upon further review we’re hitting a five iron and I’m just going to try to knock it out there that’s it hole perfect okay that’s good yep nice we are back baby hello you guys we got a

Good night sleep the best sleep I’ve gotten on this whole trip I passed out I think I slept a total of like 9 hours while we’ve been here for the three days May what is our motto today confidence and it’s dwindling fast with this first

One I know my golf ball is OB so we’re going to take coar we got 158 Ys to the pin bunker on the left so we’re I’m going to play it safe put it right in the middle of the green that pin is tucked really tight to the back yeah um

Do you want me to go first hit my seven okay hit it on and then we can go from there okay I like it I’m going to go first and just hit a seven iron um because to the middle of the green is about 140 sorry May oops

Okay did you hit I hit my seven hit it good dude it’s the first hole Jitters yeah they get you know they get we just it’s all good rental cases wrong way but not in the sand we’re fine let’s get let’s get it we had the

First old Jitters and so we uh missed the green but we’re really good at scrambling and I think that we got it so we can get an up and down on this first hole they chose the bunker shot for some reason I don’t know why di hit in the

Bunker off the tea and Kaylin’s like oh that’s an easy shot and I was like H that’s like the hardest shot in golf for me we decided to go with herball just because on the other one we didn’t know if both of us could make it over so this

One we have Two Shots which is that’s what you want I’m going a little right of the pin just cuz there’s more room over there but I feel pretty good like there’s not a lot of sand in here either so you can really like Get down on it

Okay you’re good it’s fine I’m sorry okay so I’m taking a pitching wedge and I’m just going to I’m going to grip down on it a little bit and do like a 3/4 pit pitching wedge literally all I want to do now is just get it on the

Green I don’t care where just anywhere on the green okay how did we both both of us did the exact same thing oh my God okay the end we really need an up and down okay 66 yards to this one yeah they’re definitely going to run but yeah I’m

Going to take the heel and kind of get it up run sucker run baby no run okay so like I normally hit my 58° 65 to 70 yards so I think I’m just going to hit like a soft 58° cool go come on come on go go go go

Where’s the run will you hit it high I did hit it high I didn’t think it was gonna run okay let’s go make it we always take care of the course oh yes thank you for getting mine this course is in like beautiful condition super thankful to be here go good

Chip go go go come on Crawl you little go mark it go run run run May amazing chip okay for real though if we actually did make this that would set the tone for the day I really think so that would be huge for us and

Then after this like we’ll be fine it was just the first hole yeah I don’t know what we did in the S CH we both like I literally think both of us just came up I just didn’t down yeah sit sit beautiful can you got my putter dude

What if you donked it I I was trying to like just play the I was like I got one safe let’s go what’s the best part of y’all’s game nothing nothing okay my best part is playing with people I like talking to people yeah yeah so we’ll have fun today

Uphill a little bit breaking right to left not going to line this one up with my line come on baby break break hard break hard break hard all good pup okay well we have secured the bogy so that’s really good so like inside that Mark probably right maybe

Just a B I think I did I go a little outside of it a touch yeah stay up okay oh I think just inside okay just go ahead and knock that one in yep okay so well all right we’re well that was the first hole whoops is this

Uphill it’s a little there it’s it’s a little bit um I think you don’t just worry about getting it in you know like you think left you don’t think it okay I think I don’t know how far that is but wait let me put the mark down not high enough all right whatever

Confidence get it there cuz we got the got the old boy secured I think that was the line yeah yeah withm o okay okay okay well we’re doing real solid we doing great two groups okay you guys there you go you’re welcome get it together everybody no I’m just

Kidding go get the first ho that’s okay so did they they had a pretty good chip and we just missed the putt a little bit Yeah dang they’re just not dropping dude these birds are kind of scary like look at this guy what’s what he doing what’s

He up to he’s just hanging out itching his belly cutie I like playing from the red coming nice yeah ready go take it away boms Away yeah that’s really good perfect ni little Stinger Stinger down there you like it okay good let it rip me okay sounds good yeah that that frees you up you can just pound it now yeah yeah there you go that was so solid that’s a 290 that’s it that’ll be good I think

Right uhoh I think that one’s fine right all right I think so okay think okay this hole is 302 yards par 4 this is a really short one it’s kind of treelined but not thinking about that or else my ball will go there so I feel like my partner’s fine

So I feel like I can just kind of Swing freely at it beautiful beautiful thank you yes straight down Broadway baby go so good okay this is an eagle I’m I’m dead serious we’re going to drain it sink it like a bomb right there that was needed because I don’t think

Mine is okay oh really no oh shoot wasn’t okay you have to tell me no I’m not going to tell you that worked well you thought it was fine sh I’m glad I hit that fine you hit it perfect perfect that was a bomb I will say sometimes

It’s good not telling me because I am a mental golfer yeah no it’ll be fine I think that was fine H egg we both punched it down the middle mine was a little bit short it was just low it was a little it was a stinger all right me

And kayn drove it within like a foot of each other if that our balls are practically touching so yeah let’s see let’s see what we can do here um golf is so dir 30 also you guys we just smashed it like 305 that’s what it said well the

Hole was 302 oh so I think we hit it like 275 the thing says 305 really yeah okay maybe the score card was wrong these were smashed they were really good they were good 41 yards okay so what are you going to do I’m just going to hit a regular like 54°

Okay that’s what I’m going to do we just got a regular old chipping competition ooh Saucy I’m so sorry Saucy whoops really let it go there all right mate come on L we’re on the green we’re putting we’re good we’re putting great yeah it that’s my partner

That was good nice good job um yeah I’m going to take it 54 I think I’m going to do that heal up thing again but just better on than on the last hole Yeah you say it goes a little bit right to left right I think looks it looks like it

Okay go run out did that just oh actually go go oh wait that actually not bad that was good so good thanks damn it that was good M get it in oh get oh my gosh dude that was going to go in the hole I’m not I’m not kidding what the

Was that that was actually going to go in the hole I’m not kidding that was sick our balls just hit each other like T we have a tab for birdie Bas finally and I’m telling you yours would have gone in that’s okay we should not complain with birdies no you’re because we just

Got that was sick though that’s going to be sick to watch that was kind of cool heel up all day all day I don’t know do you see that would mine would have would have gone would have wouldn’t have gone in if her ball wasn’t there very good chance we just

Let’s mark yours okay the pressure is on here I think it’s literally going to start out and go this way and kind of like a low Point here and a low Point behind you so I don’t know this is the line like there’s a ridge do it okay just let the

Ball die in the hole go go go I think too yeah like Cruise it right down and like I was kind of almost looking at this dead zone okay come on come on give it to you oh my gosh that was right in the heart that

Was right in the heart good P I got to stop repeating stuff I say stuff twice a lot okay knock it in nice good birdie partner let’s go this is what we needed so okay three for us we really are back in it we were out

Of it for a sec even though we’re really not it was first go we’re fine bir D okay what do we have coming up this is car five 424 424 this stinking Eagle no no no this is our mindset it’s a par 4 yeah true okay

It’s a par 4 it’s a long par 4 and we’re going to get a birdie on it that’s what our mindset is ball in the Fairway another ball in the Fairway do you like that juice it’s not bad it’s not bad at all don’t try it it’s

Yeah this has been going on for like years it’s a little like that is awful you don’t like it it’s terrible they don’t have no not a fan of that let get it straight down the Fairway huge Fairway we got a par five coming up definitely a birdi b is that a word

Birdi b hole all right let’s do it or not okay it’s low but uh it’s safe so we’re fine no it is it is probably fine no it definitely is I saw it scar all right okay this one’s only 424 yards like we’ve got a shorty here

So my partner and I are going to think it’s a par for our mindsets I’m going to name at the Palm Tree there’s a whole lot out there ooh the driver is working dver onday I love it I love it all right awesome thanks wa that was that was weird but

It’s safe where’d it go um low and left okay okay it’s kind of By Di okay join me me come I need a a comeback good yeah good nice using that one down the middle we like it I didn’t pack as many snacks today though no I

Just packed the rest that was in the S it was all that was left you ate them I did when I did I actually have this is a nice little surprise today I’ve got some pomegranate flavored those are the best what is this pomegranate asai balls is that your favorite on the

Chorus like when you’re golfing beef jerky no I like some jerky oh yeah I like and I like the tender bites a lot okay hole number two how was it it was good okay sharp down the middle yeah let’s do it it’s a short part five mhm you got to evil this

What’s a food that we that you have at home that’s not here I feel like they have ever that they have in Florida in Indiana okay that’s bad yeah I mean I eat a lot of like fruits meat yeah and you don’t eat meat but fruits meats and like oh

Actually I don’t think I like that one either um and vitality bowls 185 165 to the front I’m playing to the middle so yeah hting my0 Club feeling good about that there’s a little off the back but all right let’s go oops I hope you didn’t get that okay that’s okay you’re

Good okay what is it 190 mhm I got my four iron is this girl going to behave today oh let you know did it go right right can’t see it oh where’ it go I think it a little right no it’s it’s going backwards towards us on the cartar it’s still

Rolling trees are not 90% air you guys it’s still rolling backwards is it on a cart path it’s on the cart path like right there okay let’s go find mine 143 oh even wow 143 so I’m going toit it’s a part four okay that’s our mindset we’re

Going to get a birdie but an eagle we have 143 to the pin and I’m going to hit a seven iron this is probably like your pitching wedge nine iron it’s n but Kaylin hit a bomb drive so do you want me to go first or you whatever you’re

Feeling I mean this is your dve so if you feel let’s do I’ll go first on away take it away yeah let’s do that I like that this is great our strategy for this ho is we’re playing it as a par 4 even though it’s part five but it’s very

Reachable so I just got to aim small Miss small get left dude get left it’s not getting oh I’m in the bunker kind of just hung that one out there fine that’s stunk okay just nice and easy You’ done this before Oh get left get left stay left stay

Left that was that was such a good miss that was good such a good mess we’re like I feel like it’s going to be 15 ft yeah no we’re pretty good Eagle Town baby I was kind of nervous over that one not going to lie cuz I feel like oh yeah

You took the slope nicely perfect thank you golf Gods they’re out there thank you Jesus not the golf Gods which one can’t you find we found both okay okay okay okay it’s shot thanks oh that’s not me are you kidding work uh uh what’d you

Get 40 okay cuz if this is good this will be pretty cool let’s get it you got it okay it’s okay what how was it hitting it’s it sand communicate over I don’t know it feels like grass it just feels like thick grass so just swing through freely

You know swing all the way through it you’re okay par five you got it okay all right let’s start getting a read on it while they’re deciding about clubs are we using yours yeah okay it okay we’re on yeah yeah o that was really nice cool I’m going

Grab nice co bear what our strategy on putting like who wants to go first um I think we could do it like whoever feels whoever’s feeling it okay yeah I’ll go on this one I’ll go first on this one yeah it’s definitely breaking right to left outside outside for sure yeah

Okay I think I like that line a lot come on break break J I think thank you I think the first line might have been the right one okay so not as much as we thought I mean I’m talking like a hair not much yeah the shadow definitely I didn’t hit

It go oh man I didn’t hit it I I have it in my head that it’s like did you put yours out oh just put that one in I didn’t put mine out you’re good okay birdie okay great birdie back to back back to back good job okay knock this one in come

On good yes really good is that par for y’all yeah yeah okay okay what a what a ride Jing it so good okay so after three what are you guys plus one plus one okay so after three they’re plus one and then we’re minus two yeah we’re tracking wait are

We minus two oh no sorry no we’re minus one my bad I wish we were minus two this whole we need to play smart yeah yep did you know that uh no I don’t I want to know I don’t no just listen this is kind of crazy in Nationals yeah there one year

Where I shot 7591 here I don’t know I I had The Yips and I don’t know what happened and that happened yeah I I felt like I wanted to cry on round I really did I didn’t obviously gol makes everyone cry at one point how do you have fun how do you

Have yeah how do you have fun you guys it’s weird cuz when we play together like for shits and giggles it’s shits and giggles and now we’re like playing for competition and it’s like a little dark there’s like a Darkness there is a Darkness for sure these girls like they

Compete they still compete in tournaments and stuff yeah we Don’t let’s get it Why do I keep doing that H okay should I switch should I use like an iron whatever you feel most comfortable with cuz Okay real quick the hole is 285 yeah I I think so probably an iron just to be safe okay that’s probably smart even if I F this up let

The big dog yeah okay I’m going to hit a five iron okay trouble on either there’s no water only 285 yards so I’m going to hit a five iron just middle of the Fairway and it should leave us like 80 yards in I think I yeah I will say if you’re in

That front bunker that’s like that’s scary perfect thank thanks okay see that’s good okay really good really good all right May let’s let the big dog eat o drivers let’s go this is fun where are you aiming at on this one okay so I’m going to aim um see that

Dude in the red Behind the Green yeah I’m aiming at him okay cool I do not see that far I can not see I even know there was a dude up there that went at the guy in the red I mean in a line with him really good that

Was really like right on a line wooo good are you in the sand I think I’m just in a little bunker okay but I’m on the left of the bunker little bunker never hurt nobody that was really good aggressive be oh wait you should aim a little more

Left yeah and just let it curl up to that left side of the green so good yeah really good those are truly on a rope little Bingo nice our strengths are the same our weaknesses are the same and that’s why we struggle it’s true our strengths are the same and

Our weaknesses are the same which like we have fun when we play together for that reason it’s a scramble when it’s a scramble we both hit it 300 but we can’t get on from there that’s a problem on my channel I have a YouTube channel May Brennan and we do a match

Mhm and we’re going to do more too so and you’re going to see how we compete the same too you it’s a different vibe for sure we should have drove this green good job though no we’re not sad about it 75 to cover yeah 84 I’m going to take

My 58 let me put a te down real quick yeah I’m going to okay so it’s yeah 85 yards to the pin I am going to take a 58 mid grip it and then just do like a nice and easy swing there’s literally nothing nothing

Crazy to the shot like a 3/4 I’m going to aim at that tree right behind the pin Deanna remind me of my Tempo you’re good you got good Tempo don’t get quick that was really good be the number be the club could be good I think it’s

Pretty good yeah I think it’s really good you know you hate to see good shots like that when you’re playing against them she just stuck it within like 5 ft that’s why I don’t like the competitive golf I think like I feel mean almost cuz

You want them to lowkey do bad and I’m like wait but like I love them as a person yeah I’m like cheering against them that ain’t right yeah I just feel it’s just not me and that’s why I struggled in college that was really good thanks what did you hit you hit

Just a steady 58° mid grip 3/4 58 yep okay I’m going to do the same but with my 54 Where we that looks really good too come on get up there oh oh oh oh all right just a little short really close Okay yours is good though I’ve got you with the sand

Partner got our mini shovel out here that grass will definitely be growing back they actually they have a hard stinking shot they do yeah I would not want that shot do you like that shot I feel like you’re good at no not really I mean like I I’m good at not letting

What’s around me affect what kind of shot I’m going to hit like I kind of just imagine that it’s not there mhm y yours is literally perfect like it could have it’s on the edge like it’s on a CL yeah we got the same yardage again 42 yards perfect we got we’re getting

Better at this this is your yardage you did so good on that last one let’s see what do we have looking it my opponent my partner is walking around which is really smart and I’m a little too lazy to do that so ooh the breeze feels good

Okay same shot we just had but on grass let’s go that’s it oh oh I use my 54 though okay I should have used my 58 dude we’re literally so funny everybody else is like so good and then there’s us we’re good too wait where’s the wind you think the

Wind took that a little bit helped it a little I also like hit the ground first too so go one a little left sit down it’s okay pretty good feel the divots those they’re too nice those were not those were not really good like they said baby rolling them

In right off the right off the gecko kind of Slants this way yeah do you guys have get-go gas stations in Florida no no wait that was so Random well no I just said right off the get-go it looks like it does this and then I thought the gas station gas station

Here you think right here I don’t see that personally I kind of see the ridge here okay I feel like it’s going to fall the other way no I I no I no I see it I kind see what you see too so I’m just

Going to a at it from here I would go left Edge yeah that’s what I see too they know it’s their turn ooh that looks really good easy left Edge it was left Edge good that’s no reaction I’m like jumping up and our goal today was to be more

Stoic cuz yesterday we were like just looked like we were on drugs we were so excited and then so sad so excited so sad okay great freaking pup though right off the down like that looks straight to you right great looks like a little bit left but it’s

You you do you feel it be it do it yes checking out her butt oh that was the right one if you just got a go gosh dang it it was straight right yeah okay this would be really big I keep saying that but it would

Be she’s going to make it so holy cow did we have in should I tap this one just in case cuz people might be like oh that’s illegal yeah I do it let me just tap it in why not the more just cuz it’s trolls cuz the haters

Yeah man if we had my speed in your direction it would have been that would have been really nice man I wish the wind had kicked up when we drove cuz look it’s like with us now I would have gotten the ideal spot would have been just left of the green

Right there cuz that would have been an easy so like let’s just freaking enjoy it yes we just got to soak up the moment I agree with you yeah okay may and I are up first we’re going to both hit our Gap wedges and just do a full swing at it

And feel good about it and I don’t Know um I’m going to kind of Swing Swing under it I’m going to tear up to get kind of high M okay cool give her some height you know yeah what gave it some height that’s cool too I like that oh what was that a bad kick

Yeah it went in it went in yeah what yeah what that was a bad kick though did you hit a good yeah maybe you could just do a 54 if you want I hate my 54 yeah use that you did hit that perfect yesterday too I didn’t don’t think I’ve

Hit my Gap in three days so I don’t know if I want to tea it up though yeah don’t tea it up perfect yeah sit good bite bite bite bite do you want to go first yeah okay okay we got a nice little short one here everybody’s long so I feel like I’m

Going to play this 70 I don’t know like four yards so I’m going to grip down on my sand wedge just like a nice little 3/4 one short part three got to take advantage of it good sit that’s what we should have done settle settle wow that is playing

Like way short actually that is that’s crazy I thought you hit it perfect same me too I feel a lot better about myself now to be honest I’m like it’s not me it’s the whole thanks for doing that I would hit my 65 yard shot yes yeah 65 68

Yards would be perfect I think 68.3 would be honestly the best that’s like a compressed 58° perfect that’s perfect that should be really good go that was good communication oh we spoke too soon that was going to be really good too fast okay okay if that was another foot

Foot it would have F another foot so good dude we killed that I had no idea I was like this strong you know all the years at the gym have paid off I was not expecting all of us to be this far away on this hole I know it was such a baby

Hole yeah it is like a little baby little baby all right we’re going to get a line from y’all’s putt so hit a good one so we’re going to watch in depth taking notes it’s uphill this is a speed putt like we just got to get the right speed

That was my line it’s got to go that was a good line though I think it was turning a little bit to the left yeah do the same line that was that was the line okay you hit that pretty good right like hard um I actually did was pretending

This was the hole cuz I anticipated it would speed up just get it to it and I’ll tend it so you can just drop it in okay okay nope all right it’s pretty SL yeah it’s slow gosh dang it okay those did not help us at all I’m

Sorry oh I thought I kind I hit it really I was afraid of wait wait wait right I got yeah was right here yeah well I saw your guys’s maybe it’s super slow okay I’m not even going to mark that cuz that’s really bad anywhere in a twoot c cir’s

Good oh go go go go okay okay that was that was fine lag all good okay this is for par very slow really all right not good Indiana do you guys have any golfing XS that you do like for me mine was like when you like sink it and then you go in

And bend down to get it and you miss you got to go back do you have any half my golf cave let me think about it yeah I feel like I have yeah good good part my shirt’s untucked in half that bugs the crap out

Of me and then I’m like yes noone’s ever asked me what my EGS are for myself it’s always like XS for guys or for something else my I is I I give myself so many gimmies that’s why you miss so many little ones dude I started doing this

Thing where I curl my toes when I’m putting and like I put pressure in my toes yeah that’s an ick I think because it takes the pressure out of my hands so I’m not nervous I am personally thinking of what the other groups are shooting

Are you or no I am but I’m trying to block it out I know like we just got to do us cuz this is probably good enough to be honest this course is playing pretty hard I think they’re doing well today Hannah and Sarah I just wish I could ask you guys what

You’re shooting but we’re not we’re not going no we’re not going to yeah we are one under and then they’re even right Now part four I literally thought it was a part four we’re playing it like a part four what are you talking about it’s a part four there are no part fives only part fours all right we’re just trying to hit a straight shot here get it in

The Fairway take some pressure off kayin love that that love love to hear that why do I keep doing that oh okay this could be interesting this could be really that’s my ick Kay’s got to car the team here okay I’m still going to hit driver okay you

Feel conf and like on the left yeah it’s bad so I think I’m just going to aim right and if it goes there it’s in the land it’s in the open land you’ve been hitting your driver so well yeah it’s the first time I’ve actually felt some

Nerves okay now I’m Oh shoot that’s not good for us that’s our that’s our opponents and that’s not good focus on us not them okay get me right in the head no you’re good get me right in the head mess me right on up yes let’s go let’s

Go so good so good are just saving me left and right off the tea it’s okay you’re going to kick it on on the greens we love the palm trees nervous woo I haven’t hit her over there yet went after it hello what after that I don’t know I think it’s okay I

Mean I think there’s a fairway over there that’s the other hole this is in the first hole it’s fine all right pipe it down the middle May okay palm tree time okay uh-oh uhoh uh-oh sit sit sit sit I didn’t see it it’s in the water it oh no

Just turned she was like it’s in the water already heading to the hole we just got to go find mine it’s in that Fairway I want to get there before like I feel like we’re so much more entertaining though cuz everybody just hits Fairway Way Green you are really

Good at keeping me in check with my head you need to have the confidence your swing is like before we came here I’m like oh my God it your swing is beautiful that’s so nice I’m so hard on myself you I look at my S and I’m like

Garbage no no oh my gosh that was actually kind of tight too that Fairway really tight she wish yeah no one ever told me that I’m glad you guys didn’t you know what you’re doing with me you really do because you can do this like you just have to believe in yourself

Okay are you kidding me right now my dad you’re a monster my dad tells me that all the time he’s like just believe in yourself K it was really it was really good though I just really I don’t want someone to hit my ball and I I feel like

That’s going to happen okay I have visuals on the palm trees I want okay I want big mama okay what club got 180 to the flag it says you should go first okay I say that because I’m going to hit my my rescue which is

Do you want me to go for it yeah cuz there’s girl you’re so good with your forearm there’s water on the other side it’s fine though because look we got that palm tree we’re aiming at I see those two little like in the distance the ones to the left those the far ones

Oh these these ones right next to us right in front of us no to the right and on the Behind the Green yeah that one perfect you son of a I love you wa oh m oh May what are we good okay my turn okay okay okay we’re a

Mess am I on the GRE you’re just barly short but it was it’s in the middle of the Fairway like literally we’re fine perfect dude that was so good I feel so free right now I don’t care where this goes that’s on the green it’s either on the green or to the

Wait that was so good oh is it good is it oh my gosh that was so good oh that was so good we we’re on the grade so many emotions dude it like literally po looked to the left of the flag that’s me wait wait wait wait wait

Wait where’ it go it’s on the green by the flag oh yeah okay that was so good it was like and then it like perfect draw that was because of you go cuz you hit that perfect look that’s you well this is like the double whammy of golf yeah cuz

The hill is this so the ball’s going to go more left and the wind is coming this way so we have to aim pretty far right on this cuz the everything’s going to tug it left that’s true you’re gripping down and you’re in the rough yeah that’s fine yeah you go goig

Go 137 shoot my n iron goes like 145 I don’t know if I don’t know if that’s going to be enough oh my my God that’s not the line I was oh Deanna oh Deanna okay that’s fine this lie really like it tugs it okay that’s really good

To know okay so partner is left so I’m going to aim probably more right just to counter it just in case you never know just put a nice good swing on it be confident got confidence is key sit all right you’re fine okay so that

Was like a really bad shot yeah and then I was like okay just try you got some groups coming so just try to pick it up a little B cuz they’re going to be they’re going to be coming quick quick you guys playing a scramble yeah oh did you see look at me

Look at me I’m on the green we’re last place that’s why we’re so happy we’re The Underdogs we’ll make the eagle when I saw your shot and you hit it so flush I was like we might we might get a nice florid to rain here if we get an eagle this

Would be really good for the program okay this pot is a big Bender we got to aim like I don’t know 12 yeah way left but it’s all about speed it’s a straight PT that’s true it’s a straight putt everything’s a straight Putt in gol actually I’m just going to try and let

It die at that hill and then let the slope take it to the pin right inside of the hole it breaks both ways I think I like that but that looks so good that unfaced that’s going in oh my gosh that was Closs that was thank you thank you

That’s a tough one great speed right there that was fun that felt like mini golf want so what me she was so close that I I feel like I’m going to take the same do better you got it do better you can come on it’s uphill a little just

Got to get it there there will you tend it and that way you can watch the line we’re at or would you prer to do that oh that was a really good put both puts yeah very very good thanks I got it yep so we got an uphill from here totally

Straight from here it’s going to break left oh but there is like this this situation higher yeah there’s a low Point here it breaks way that way did you pull it no I thought it was going to break to the the right more there’s a little bug on my ball

Hello oh get in oh my God that was really good that was an eagle nice job so good wo guys that was so good so much let go let’s go Eagles are fun oh okay boring birdie now good thank you okay birdie that was insane where does that put both of us

Our teams at okay we’re at two under right now through I want to say six holes I could definitely be wrong on that and then I think they’re at going but it was like so through six holes we’re two under now eag oh I think

They’re at 200 as well for the day now yeah cuz they were even before that hole and they just eagled yeah I right cool okay stiff competition here people are draining puts left and right and we are not we’re going to stop being negative are you your putts have been so good

Your pace is so good we’re fine we’re fine well yeah yeah we we were not that’s past tense you’re trying to cover it up but it’s now I know we do so as you know from our last video we were pretty excited and then may just

Suck that was awesome and we’re back to being stewing one shot at a time I don’t know I think it’s good that we get Excited it I got my seven iron um I’m just going to hit to the middle of the green so I don’t want to know the exact distance I’m just playing to the middle to hit it safe and so making attack it coar does not want to know the distance but it is

155 yards and the wind I feel like it’s the wind’s kind of helping a draw for sure so this is tricky I might do a MIG grip eight iron or a full nine come back sit down oh okay that’s okay it’s 14 it says in the car sprid it a little

Bit dude your feet look perfect yummy so good be good perfect that’s super solid okay so Deanna she’s going to go first and she’s just going to play the middle yardage 145 and if 150 oh yeah yeah yeah that’s perfect yeah and then if it’s

Good then I’m going to try and go for it more cuz the pins at the back that looks good yeah be the number that looks good nice that looks really good yeah I think we’re GNA be above the okay I’m going to do a mid

Grip eight iron on this one and just aim probably at maze ball I feel like that would be perfect I can’t even see my own golf ball so but yeah you don’t see that okay so that’s just our safe ball that’s not good sit right there whoa

That is long so I really hope that you’re fine de yeah Di’s tight I feel like it could be like I think you’re perfect I really do please you know in High School Musical and sharp and she’s like that’s what we need to do before every shot Shake on our fingers shake

Out the nerve also my shot really wasn’t that bad like look where it landed hit the edge of that grass and yeah no it wasn’t bad please be okay I really think it is oh I see you you do that is good it’s good news yeah left good job nice let’s

Go we are are going to sink the pet May what did you hit seven okay cool that was so good that was so good that really was thank you okay partner what do we see here I always like to feel little and then that waybe yeah yeah you’re good at feeling it through

Your feet see that like little I see like a little like an S breaker I don’t a lot anyway I don’t so you think straight I think I think it could be pretty straight yep I really do yeah let’s just let’s just be loose Loosey Goosey and just feel

It oh okay I was yeah that pulled it really hard this way yeah yeah definitely aim right at the pin like a cup or two right yeah for yeah I mean that actually pulled a lot more than I thought might just do not not outside the cup not outside the cup the little

Like bump to the right okay just tap it in for good pot yeah nice okay good three good par all right pars are never bad all right y’all could go Eagle birdie that’d be solid oh okay so it’s just straight it actually broke the other way a little

But see this can I touch the I’m going to touch it little yeah you can touch right here yeah just knock we got the par just knock it in the back of the cup you got it Bingo let your guys’s Putters on fire so good okay so what are you guys now three

Under yeah no we’re two under oh no we’re not three gotten four bird so there three under through seven and then we’re two under through seven so we’ve got to make some moves big moves here so me me and May in the me and May in the

Long term of this we are down by one so we got to get them for two more holes let’s go that was so good I like hit that P with confidence too you know what like what’s to lose that’s what I thought that’s literally what I was

Thinking like hit it like you know get it there don’t be a little we saw like mine and it was like okay that’s it and then I was like hit it right here man and she hit it right there okay let’s okay we got to stay calm we got to stay

Calm got bro yeah two more holes knock get a couple more birdies in college was your strong suit would you say like your mental game no oh I I Feel Like It Is Well I’m good at like helping someone else like being their like support system but my own forget about it okay

Um one of the lpj players was saying like you care so much obviously but you have to go out and play like you don’t care yeah and just play free and that’s really hard to do Yeah okay my partner’s smarter than I am she’s going to lay up first so then I just like can rip it to clear the junk is 23 38 Y and the wind might be in our face a bit so we’re going to try and go

For it Let the Rain Fall Down fun fact I love Hillary duve um I was born and raised in Japan moved to America when I was 8 years old and had a really thick accent and I listen to Hillary Duff and she like helped me remove my Japanese

Accent fun fact nice and easy six iron so coar can just rip it good yeah good nice easy perfect let the big dog eat all right now that she’s secured it let’s see if I can do like a little two 20 carry um typically my carry is about 220 and then

It runs out maybe 30 to 40 yard so hopefully that’s what we do here let’s do it pounded it all right so I killed it but let’s see if I get it over oh we did it for fun you hit that really solid though I’m

Going to take the safe option and hit a Hybrid just before the water and then Kaylin’s going to hit the bomb it good yeah good yeah it’s good good yeah okay cool perfect wonderful great job okay I’m going to try and carry this it might be

A it’s a it’s a long way to carry but I just you have to try you can’t not try okay let’s see I destroyed that ball come on over give us a bounce oh yeah let’s go let’s go so good that’s okay we we suck at 40 yards

In so I don’t really know why we did that anyway kind of just for fun just cuz we’re dumb from now on like every post that you post on Instagram going forward I’m literally going to be like your motivational like little hype girl because you don’t give yourself she just

Bombed it over the water well that was like a that was like a 340 carry no 240 carry yeah yeah oh actually that that went very far wow are you a kidding I I need you as my Hy I will dadd for you I will for you so sweet this is why

I love her let’s pick up my hybrid shot cuz we don’t need it thank you okay let’s get another birdie okay we got 120 she’s got 120 I have my good old pitching witch this is actually her whole in one Club so oh I hold it it’s okay stay up that

Went left okay stay up baby we like the we’re beachy see what coar does I feel like they’re really good at picking up each other’s slack yeah they are yeah beachy Vibes look at that big old green you got it okay if we can just finish this out

Biry I’m thinking to head again but if we can just finish this out pry I’m chipping this head good good come on chip it in there we go we got sticky with it pretty good that’s going to be another what what what was that that was so

Good I feel assaulted by this course on this hole just on this hole shoot I thought that was on it too is that like your top like best drive like are you going to remember you better remember that one I’m going to remind you of it well I feel like yeah

Like that that was that was a good drive fin felt good to finally good drop finally she hit the past five in the Fairway I did too she just told me that she’s going to chip in I mean and so now I’m expecting I got to do something

She’s been carrying my back carrying my back you have been wait I need very good for my head space you really have you’ve been doing wonderful team effort do you want to go first on this or me it’s up to you it’s about 20 yard 20 yard 20

Yard little pitch okay chip do you want to go first you want me to go first that’s F I don’t really care okay I’ll go cuz you’re probably better at these I am I’m going to give myself a nice lie right there and I’m going to go once

Again heal up chip I’m just I’m just looking at the hole right now we’re just we really want to chip in on this one yeah looks good oh that why didn’t that spin at all that’s whoops okay partner all right all right I have a 54 I’m just

Hitting like a regular 20 yard sh sh yes yes wonderful nope that’s perfect great job good CH that is what we needed so bad this is our marker don’t highight me with the teeth no oh my God no okay I’m just going to chip this in real

Quick and we can get on with our day okay that sounds good please I’m going to land it right on between those two dead spots I like it yeah I did not land it between the two dead spots you got it to the dead I got it to the I also looked

Up okay before this tournament me and Co practice just literally land it right like we should practice um and we practiced chipping one day we practiced chipping for the first time since College yeah there we go okay I didn’t that go in dude what good chip here go do the honors do the

Honors nothing to it really good good park it up and down really good y short game is just like it’s on right now blooming it’s blooming it’s the one day you help with liner all or do you got it Prett straight like practi feel like most of

Those puts are pretty straight if you have a firm Pace like inside right yeah I think that’s good yep good that was so clutch of you so clutch of you let’s go we needed that okay do we have one more hole left right yeah yeah okay cool all right

Going to the final hole legally blondes we are three under and y’all we’re three under wait no we’re four under no we had an two we had two birdies and an eagle so yeah we’re four and no we hady we so we’re three under yeah so we’re tied

Both at three under so things can get interesting on this last hole here we go I want them to get a boat that’s terrible but I want to get an eagle what sucks is like in the first few holes we were I was nervous still yeah well and

We’re from Utah so everybody here plays on this type of grass plays in the humidity okay that was that was key that was key sorry excuse me that was we’re working on her yes my being nice to people and cursing we have no idea what the other

Groups are at a good thing which is really cool I’m so excited do you get in your head at all when you don’t know what’s going on or you like it no I’m good I’m good I don’t want to know I will say if we birdie this hole I think

I would like our chance but if we we’re fine we’re fine we’re not going to talk about it stop talking okay IOP stop I’m going to Stop wind is straight into us on thisle little longer uhhuh a little dog leg left but I feel like we’ll all probably go over those palm trees around cuz it’s like a shorter hole Yeah okay let’s get it kayin likes the aggressive line I’m going to the right of the palm

Trees you know there’s a lot of Fairway out there you know we just need to think about that and think about where the balls is going to go so I’m going a little to the right of the palm trees oh hey hey Reds oh yeah

S we got need all the advantage we can we’ve got this Bally yeah that’s really really good we go cool great good job finally a good drive well my partner’s got me on this one but I’m still this is just this really frees you up it does so I’m just

Going to hit It Whack It great drive thank you so good thanks oh my God okay so I’m just going to go first cuz that’s what worked for us today on this nine and then let’s see what happens you just never know with us honestly that’s literally what I

Wanted to do wait that like that works yeah I played the duck hook I was like I feel like this is going to be bad so let’s play for it a little tail little whippy with my hands but we’re good okay we’re chilling okay so cute got it you got to

Take multiple options this is almost like sour really you’re not eating it that fast I feel hopefully we me get to the next mat I’m feeling good though like I’m not even thinking about that like let’s just think about this shot okay okay I wish

You see why I’m a head case when I’m in tournaments yeah cuz all my all my inner thoughts I’m actually saying right now but good say it all like I am I will I will I will put you in in a tournament I’d be like I wonder what this person’s

Doing I wonder what that person’s doing I can’t believe oh my god do you want to know how far you are oh yeah tell me 110 perfect I have the right club I’m going to hit my nine iron here I’m going to go a club up cuz I’m

Not hitting it quite as far today but we’re going to get sticky with it again and this time it’s going to get up there dude why are our Miss is the same I’m on the green I know you’re fine no hold on let me see something dude just get sticky with it I

Have my IP perfect that I had too much Club okay I got a little activate something um so literally let’s just throw it right on up there um play for it okay got it got it let go away great shot get little left sit dang

It I pulled it too bro what the it’s fine yeah we’re putting I thought we had a way longer putt yesterday you drain about one foot remember there’s a lot yeah so we have a lot of green to work with then all we want to do is I personally just get it

Within 8 8 ft okay so this is about 50 yards I’m going to lift the heel up again and just do once again a nice big putt stroke turn my body I’m getting technical which is not good that’s really good that could be pretty good I hate to see it beautiful

Wait that’s so good I’m so happy I’m so happy go I can’t you underestimate yourself she’s nuts okay we’ll put it closer do even better that was really good too I think I like it even more I think I like it even more nice good

Job baby I think I am too now baby you make me feel good boom okay you know what right now reminding me of my dad is like so like extra like he’s nuts I feel like him right now we need we need that energy I mean my shot was really bad but

It’s on the green positive shock dude honestly like think about this one I like really hit it bad stand on the left side aim at your feet other side wait really yeah I’m going to I thought it would break this way it is yeah stand on that side oh oh you you’re

Left saucy those are not my line that was bad too low come on come on Keep It Coming Keep It Coming good good speed great speed M yeah really good speed nice okay that was I’ll go first I think it’s definitely outside yeah I would say

Like left Edge and I like I think I I like putting it firm you’re firmer than I am we really need to just focus on this partt cuz I feel like if we secure this it’s going to be really close this part only this part only’s go

That great birdie thank you that was good good good that watching this I got good say I like this group this is a good group I lik it we are finished up these guys got us by one on this to offer today okay so right now as we’re

Speaking the other groups are playing we won’t tell you what they’re doing you have to go watch that video to find out this course is amazing so thank you PJ National for having us like And subscribe if you like this stuff which I don’t see how you wouldn’t like it so

You’ll be subscribed see you next time Bye


  1. You girls are freaking hilarious! I had a hunch when I subscribed when you first started the channel that it would be a fun watch. I’m not disappointed, keep ‘em coming ladies. Love it. 👍🤜

  2. Caitlyn you need to read this book by Dr. Bob Rotella -Golf Is a Game of Confidence !! You have GOT to get the negative energy out of your head , you are a wonderful player and have a wonderful swing to have all that negative energy !!!!
    I hope you 2 lovely ladies go ALL THE WAY !!!!!!!!!!! $5000 BABY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. C'mon the ranger tells the girls to move it along take a hike dude its a $$ scramble i like rangers that nap on the course LOL Or wave & say have a good day HA Ha Chill Mr Ranger !! Jimmy the Italian Stallion been in too many tiffs with them LOL

  4. Cobair is my spirit animal. Mei and Cobair are YouTube gold. I would love to see a monogram towel for Cobair that says get it together woman!

  5. This was the format the Legally Blondes and Dress Code Violators were waiting for! Super round from all four of you! Bombs and birdies and eagles, so much fun to watch ladies!

  6. Is it just me or does Cailyn have the cute laugh ever!! 😊😊

    Loving the golf games keep it up ladies!!

  7. Mei and Cobair,
    What would you both say are your strengths and what are your weaknesses when it comes to golf? You mentioned that in the video, but I am curious about the specifics.

  8. Is it just me or is Cobair more hyper than usual? I don't think I've ever seen her like that, and she has been like that I never noticed. lol

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