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Brian Callahan and his new coordinators give Titans fans incredible insight on their vision

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Welcome in adz sports prime time on this Wednesday evening lovely to have you guys in for another episode of The Prime Time show always good to spend time with you guys and we have Titans news actual Titans news to talk about so we announced they announced the staff

Yesterday but we actually got to speak to the new coordinators today and including Brian Callahan at a press conference uh long press conference very long press conference but I feel like we learned a lot so I think you will uh you will glean uh a good amount an

Incredible amount frankly based on how how Mike Vel has conducted press conferences in the past and what you stand to learn from these coordinators based on listen it’s day one maybe they’ll clamp up at some point maybe when they suck uh or start to lose or something like that is inevitably

Football teams do perhaps it will be different but today I really feel like I learned as much about football and football philosophical approach as I have really at any point in the last six years at least in one sitting so we’re going to talk about that together you’re going to

Hear from both of the coordinators and the head coach momentarily we uh have the best of the press conference and we’ll talk about the worst of the press conference before we do a rising and falling and here’s excuse me here’s what I’ll say to start the

Show um we’re not going to do rising and falling tonight it’s a it’s an awkward kind of time to try and jump in here and and act normal and do normal Sports Talk and discussion and everything like that with what I watched today take place at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl Parade

Uh a Kansas mother passed away uh 22 people including nine children uh wounded in a uh in a a just an active shooter situation at a Super Bowl Parade so I’m kind of in a weird mood we’re probably not going to do rising and falling I don’t really

Feel like joking around but obviously we’ll do the show and we’ll talk about serious uh or we’ll talk about like football news stuff but yeah I’m not gonna lie to you I’m not I’m not really in the head space to screw around and do what we normally do at the end of the

Show so we’re we’re probably gonna skip it uh I’m still trying to figure out how I want to talk about it on the radio show tomorrow because I know how I mean God I mean we we covered we had the Covenant shooting happen live while we were on the air um not that

Long ago this very fresh in my mind um having to cover something like that not on site the way that the people covering the chief Super Bowl parade today had to but uh just just awful just so awful and and I guess I’m I guess I’m a little

Depressed about it because we go through these things so often and nothing ever changes um so I I don’t want to you know I don’t want to bring the mood down right at the gate but if I if I seem like I’m a little bit out of it I I’ll

I’ll tell you that’s why uh anyway we’ll go ahead and do the best show that we can we’ll talk about the best and the worst and then we’ll let you get on with your Wednesday evening and and hopefully your Valentine’s Day hopefully you’re with your loved ones and if you’re not

Uh if you don’t have a significant significant other right now hopefully that you are hanging out with friends or family or something like that because you know I don’t think anybody should be alone on Valentine’s Day which is why I have you guys and you know a couple of

Cats running around here and Bert kind of playing with his uh make out doll I’m pretty sure it’s a sex toy that he’s constructed in the background based on what I’m looking at right now it seems that he’s got a particular type and that type is uh oversized

And I’m Gonna Be Careful With My phrasing no I’m not talking about birds holding this up in fact I think I’m just going to put you on camera I don’t think you have anything problematic uh in front of you Bert what do you have there what do you mean this is my dude

Look at that face what are we doing with all right I just told people I didn’t want to screw around and do put the normal graphic back up he just kissed that thing on the mouth all right this is what I deal with thank God for burp because I need something to

Make me laugh tonight either way we’re happy to have you and we will get into the prime time show together I don’t know what happened there let’s go ahead and get it started welcome into AD toz Sports prime time from the Zen Sports Studios I’m your host Buck Rising I’m

Proud as always to be presented to you by the great people at the Zen sports book download the app plug in the promo code at ozt TN get up to $1,000 on your no danger first wager prime time is also presented by trumath Fitness in The

Gulch a new way to work out for the best version of you go to trumath where you can get your first workout free I uh was at the press conference today we carried uh basically the first half of it on the radio show and then uh

It bled into Blaine and Mickey a little bit it was a long press conference today we spoke to both the head coach and both coordinators um and like I said I felt like we learned a lot so we’ll keep it simple in the comment section your Two Rivers Ford take on Facebook YouTube

Twitter and on Twitch what was the best thing that you heard from Brian Callahan dard Wilson or Nick Holtz today you can say something that you liked from all three of them you can say uh that you liked something from one and dislike something from from another we’ll get to

The worst here in just a second but the best thing that you heard at today’s press conference if you were able to catch it maybe you read some tweets maybe you saw some videos on Naz Sports um we’ll talk about it together right after I remind you that the prime time

Program and your two rivers for take is presented by the place that I was today we shot a TV commercial for Two Rivers Ford today and it was awesome can’t wait for you guys to see it there’s going to be a lot more cool ones with a lot more

People involved it’s going to be a big time and Two Rivers Ford is not just a fun place to shoot a TV commercial but it is the best place for you to get a quality americanmade Ford vehicle and award-winning customer service Two Rivers Ford in Mount Juliet it’s truck

Month as a matter of fact at Two Rivers Ford go check out all their F-150s on the lot or or online at Two Rivers I uh they let me keep the mustache by the way which was a huge upset in fact they love the mustache I

Was surprised I thought I brought my Razor I was prepared to shave uh and yet still so there’s going to be a television commercial with me and the mustache God help us anyway what was the best thing that you heard at the press conference today uh Vernon Sanford says

The attacking defense that the defense was going to be attacking I think you guys are gonna I don’t know how he’s going to be as a defensive coordinator dinard Wilson but I know he’s a fun quote and an interesting quote he’s out here uh I think he quoted today General

George Patton as a part of his press conference he’s obviously a very high energy individual he’s a very focused individual um and I thought that his his feedback on the defense was something that I uh was something that I enjoyed I think that the correct answer you know

We asked uh we asked basically what is your base defense and how are you gonna approach it and what he said was the correct response which is you well we’re gonna figure out what the base defense is once we figure out who the hell we who’s playing for us right because we

Talked about this on the radio show your defensive line room kind of is bad right now Beyond Jeff I mean I guess if you want to count Herold in there you feel a little better about it but like what do the Titans have on the defensive line moving forward that’s under

Contract other than Jeff Simmons it’s a pretty scary drop off it’s a bunch of dudes there’s no more tier tart we’ll see what happens with the ni Autry um like I said Landry is a is a good to great in in moments players as is Jeff but we saw 2020 the two of

Them simply hard enough they were part of the worst third down defense in the sport and couldn’t get near the quarterback when it was just the two of them ardan key is inconsistent Weaver is I don’t know Weaver’s out there he doesn’t he doesn’t seem to make much of

An impact on the game even though I uh I enjoy uh I enjoy and puka says did your girlfriend hurt you did you did you get flowers sent no puka I’ve been single for I think I’ve been single since before Christmas for sure so no I don’t

Think I’ve done Val val ‘s day oh my God it’s probably been since Dar and I were dating and that’s been uh I don’t know when did Dar and I break up that was October of last football season that sounds right either way we didn’t do Valentine’s Day I’m I’m absolved from

All Valentine’s Day responsibilities but we’re not here to talk about relationship status and the like we are here to talk about the coordinator and the head coach there were a couple of things that I like that I heard today that I really enjoyed um in particular Callahan on play

Calling versus what he was previously as a as an OC what Nick Holtz will become as an offensive coordinator um and kind of the detail that he went into I really really enjoyed the explanation and it painted a pretty clear picture of what this thing is going to look like when

They get out on the field is the answer uh because of the way that that that the week operates and the way you build a game plan with the input from the staff and the input from the quarterback which is sort of the the the cherry on top of

The preparation process as you get Saturday quarterback’s going to have a lot of input as to what he likes and where his favorites are he’ll rank the plays as we get ready to go to a game so for example uh you know we might have

Our top two plays in third and two to three and third and four to six they’re going to come off the sheet just like that especially early in the game until we have to adjust in between series or at the quarter at the half however that

Works but we have a starting point plan just like you have uh you’re kind of we call them openers some people call them first 15 but uh you have a handful of plays in there that you’re trying to probe the defense you’re trying to uh

Give your guys a chance to get a rhythm going uh quarterback’s gonna have an input into that portion of the game plan so the early part of the game when you the calling of the plays is really sort of already done before the game starts uh where good play callers I think make

Their money and we’re good staffs uh separate themselves in this league is how quickly you can pivot uh in the process of a game again whether that’s usually in between series you’re even trying to think about what’s coming next and so the anticipatory part of that process is really I think what separates

Um play college in the league but as far as the game plan and the early part of the game it’s going to be relatively well set u before the game even before it even hits Sunday and so that’s that’s how you hope it to be that’s how you

Want it to be and then again where we make our money on Sundays is how quickly we can adjust and pivot and adapt to whatever we’re seeing that might be different than we anticipated so that’s Brian Callahan and sitting next to him as his new offensive coordinator Nick

Holes Holtz and they’re describing the process of what this is going to look like as an offensive play calling head coach and an offensive coordinator who does not call plays we will uh get into more of what I liked from the press conferences today here in just a second

Right after I remind you that the prime time program is presented by truma Fitness in The Gulch go to truma get your first workout free as a middle Tennessee resident no workout ever recycled or repeated true math Fitness goes above and beyond to help you achieve your fitness goals

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Offseason shape for me is better shape than football season because of course I’m living terribly and sleeping poorly and uh eating in press boxes around the country and internationally because we were in London for a week true MTH Fitness is here to help rescue my physical fitness to get me ready for a

Bunch of vacation that I’ve got coming up in Los Angeles and Miami At The Beach uh here in the very very near future which we’re excited about but we’re not going to look like a slob because Trum man Fitness has us covered you can get your first workout free and try it for

Yourself at trumav with with uh Callahan and Holtz there’s an interesting Dynamic there apparently they bonded in the one year that they spent together with the Raiders that they’ve maintain and and obviously you know both products of the same high school they’re both of uh in fact I

Think they’re the same age or they’re very very close in age both in the early or early 40s late 30s uh point in their lives same High School Oakland Raiders staff for a year as uh Holtz was a hold over over on John from D Jack Del Rio to

John Gruden and Brian Callahan was hired by John Gruden and so kind of hearing the dynamic and understanding the relationship and understanding how they game plan and things like that to be ready for the week and how involved Nick Holtz is going to be in that and how involved

Brian Callahan was going to be in that or was as a Bengals offensive coordinator and what he learned from Zack Taylor it’s the same model that they’re trying to implement here so we will see whether it is successful or not I’m sure there moments when it’s going

To drive you crazy I’m sure there are moments when you’re going to love it I guess as a Titans fan you hope uh if you if you’re you guys that that the moments that you love are more than the moments that you hate and we will uh we will see

How long it takes for that Vision to be realized based on the structure that they have put it in together uh I think that when you look at a lot of this stuff there’s a lot to like in principle in practice TBD the three least experienced people at their jobs that

They are going to be doing with the Tennessee Titans are Brian Callahan Nick Holtz and dard Wilson now that does not mean that they are unprepared or that they uh are not equipped or that they don’t have the support system in place the staff is there and a really really

Good wealth of knowledge and experience and different backgrounds from different places and different schemes offensively and defensively that I think is going to put these three gentlemen in position to succeed but you know we’ll just have to wait around and see how that plays out because it’s February the 14th uh which

By the way it hit me so hard in the chest that franchise tag stuff is next week and that combine is two weeks from today the idea that I am going to be in Indianapolis for a week full you know full face down in draft stuff uh two

Weeks from the end of the football season or almost two weeks from the end of the football season really it blows my mind every year and I guess it it feels shorter because it is now that they have the extra playoff game and the extra regular season game

So that football is just not letting us come up for air at all is great for business but I it was kind of jarring for me to think about oh my God i’ got I’ve gotta go back on the road it’s been a while I mean I’ve been chilling for a

Month because the Titans are suck and uh they didn’t make the playoffs this year so it’s been a I wouldn’t say it’s been a lowkey off season but I haven’t had to go anywhere in a while so uh yeah we’re excited for the combine and we’re

Excited to be up there covering it for you guys for uh 1045 The Zone of native Sports uh another thing that I liked from Brian Callahan Nick Holtz and dard Wilson’s press conference was uh Wilson’s thoughts on becoming a defensive coordinator and Holtz on Levis we’ll play both of those clips uh for

You here in a sec well actually I’m gonna I’m gonna play for you first Wilson talking about becoming a defensive coordinator and then you’ll hear from Callahan on why that was the hire that Callahan wanted to make it’s still early in the process but you you

Know we have OTAs we have training camp as we go through that cycle you know you get better and better you learn by doing right so you get better on your job iron sharpens IR so we’ll have call it periods and all that stuff so you know

You’ll get better on the job but also it goes back to what I just said earlier the people that trained me to get here and then I I can’t mention enough the defensive staff that we put together they’re going to all be a part of it when we get into game planning they’re

Going to have their own sections they’re going to be head coach of of of of their sections whether is third down TW minute first and second down drop back the Run game so I’m going lean on those guys and then when we get in the game plan into

The game the game plan is already done right so now it’s about calling it how you saw it in terms of how the teams attack their personnel their Tennesse is on situational football okay and then as we start to play we have to adjust to the schemes that they have because

They’re going to have new wrinkles and with the guys we have and the wealth of knowledge that we have in that uh defensive room we’ll be able to adjust quick all right play by play quarter by quarter all right half by half so we’ll we’ll be fine in that direction so that

Is dard Wilson speaking on becoming a defensive coordinator you’re going to hear from Brian Callahan on hiring dard Wilson to be the defensive coordinator here in just a second a quick reminder that the prime time show is presented by Zen Sports basketball I’m watching the vs and Arkansas right now Tennessee on

The road they had a terrible uh they had a terrible slip up against Texas A&M a little while ago they are looking to rebound after Saturday’s loss as a 17 and 16 they’re up 30 to 22 right now and if you are betting basketball you should be betting basketball at Zen Sports

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Right so this was Brian Callahan speaking today about hiring dard Wilson for his first defensive coordinator job uh a willingness to be multiple to play different coverages to play multiple fronts uh to be able to mix the coverage steam with the talent that you have to

Be able to Blitz when it’s required to Blitz um be able to play Max coverage when you have to play Max coverage there’s just an element of of playing defense now in the NFL with with the way the passing game is and the way these offenses are that um if if you lock

Yourself into one thing you tend to to get found out pretty quickly and so uh just one of the things I always respected about the places dard has been and the defenses he’s been a part of is that ability to to be flexible and adaptable to what the scheme on offense

Is presenting you meanwhile still keeping a core fundamental approach to what is important on the defense and as as Denard has talked about it but that’s to me was the most important part schematically the other part of it was the person um you know as you guys get

To know dard as I’ve got to know dard is is great energy uh really positive good to be around he’s a guy that that I like sitting next to and and I I hired a lot of the people on the staff with that in mind is that they’re guys that I want to

Go to work with every day and and and I hope that they as a staff want to work together themselves and I think that your team feels that as well so when your staff is connected and you want to be around them uh hopefully the locker

Room feels that as they come into the building with us but at the end of the day they’re guys that I like being around and and present a lot of positive traits both uh in the schematic portion and the relationship portion which to me are are equally as important when you’re

Building so that’s Brian Callahan speaking on hiring dard Wilson I know the audio is a little low there but just describing you know how much energy he brings to work how it’s going to be a great place for people to want to come to work uh between the uh between the uh

Coaching staff the players the support staff and things of that nature that’s where they’re at uh with it and dard Wilson is very very highly regarded a text that I got from a Titan Source today about dinard Wilson and I will read that for you as soon as I pull up

My text messages um all of the people that this particular uh Titans individual uh knows in both Philadelphia and Baltimore love dard Wilson um says a little bit lesser known commodity is Nick Holtz uh and provides some additional color commentary that is not necessary for the purpose of the show

But Ray reviews for dard Wilson he had options he chose the Titans it is uh the coaching staff is good in principle but the roster is still bad and they’ve got a lot a lot a lot a lot to uh get it done so a lot to get done right between

Bill Callahan and dard will Wilson and Tracy Rocker coming back to the state of Tennessee for his third stint uh first with the Titans and then with the vs before uh being in I think he went to South Carolina and then went to Philadelphia after that to be their

Defensive line coach Tracy rocker is back right so there’s a lot of familiar faces there’s a lot of names that you recognize there’s a lot of career position coaches who are um going to be sought after Commodities they were sought after Commodities here good on Brian Callahan and Rand carthon uh

People brought up ran carthon a lot in today’s press conferences which again speaks to the importance of Rand carthon as a relationship person even if he’s not you know I don’t know what he is as a general manager or or a a a what his draft record will end up being if draft

Record is a thing or his draft hit percentage however you want to describe that I have no idea I don’t think he’s done a good job as Titans GM I don’t think he’s done a bad job I just think that ran carthon is kind of an incomplete grade right now but the

Connection for dard Wilson is not Brian Callahan like the entire offensive coaching staff is it’s Rand carthon because they spend time together during the Rams uh Wilson brought up the idea of him and ran used to talk about hey when we come up when we get there when

We get to the place that we want to be in Wilson’s case a defensive coordinator and I don’t know if he has head coaching aspirations but it’s fair to assume Rand carthon now one of 32 NFL general managers at the at the top of his particular profession uh right now that

Was a critical part in landing dard Wilson from you know going to the Rams or going to the Bears or all these different things this is uh this is something that for uh for the Titans and for you guys is a good sign like I said

I have no idea what their football what their actual football team is going to look like so it’s it’s tough to uh it’s tough to make any kind of drastic assessments right now other than they’re saying all the right things and I I have enjoyed the media availability that we

We’ had with them so far I feel like i’ I learned something every time and uh and with that I think that uh and with that I think that there is a lot of the uh there is a lot of the a lot of the signs that this will be

Productive for the most important players on the roster um Danny says you’re right man no doubt but it was the one guy I mentioned he did it in the oh I don’t know what that’s that’s something different oh that’s about the the press conference stupidity today I

Just it’s so embarrassing um we don’t have to that would probably be my worst but we don’t we don’t really need to I don’t know maybe I’ll about it on the radio show tomorrow I just don’t want to waste waste air here talking about it even though it does seem to be

Interesting to some of you guys um boss man gem says of Rand carthon he’s done a good job so far drafted Levis scaroni and sharp um yeah yeah but Levis was three and n as a starter I don’t know that he’s your definitive franchise quarterback um scaroni okay foundational piece looks

Like he could be good didn’t play very he looked like a rookie offensive lineman on a bad offensive line Taj Spears is for sure a feather in Rand carthon’s cap to his credit that’s a position he played it’s a position he knows um I remember Rand talking about

Spears glowingly when they drafted him because when they took a running back in the third round you know amount of Titans fans looked around I I based on the feedback that you guys were providing me on Twitter and uh we’re not particularly pleased with the Taj Spears

Uh with the Taj Spears uh oh you said sharp and I said sharp it’s Taj Spears damn it don’t do that to me uh boss man I’m trying I’m having a hard enough time I thought I got through a season where I handled it pretty well but I’m sure

There’s going to be moments where I slip up and say Taj Spears instead of sharp either way I think that uh I think that you know results are it’s it’s an incomplete gr they were six and 10 last year they’re shitty football team so I’m

Not going to say that anybody did a good job when your product is six and 10 when your product is unwatchable when your product all all three of those players offensive players averaged uh what combined or helped combin and tanah Hill’s a part of this and dard is a part

Of this all the bad parts of the offense right um because you didn’t mention any of the the free agents that were signed in Rand carthon’s first year you can blame Vel for that but if you’re going to blame uh if you’re going to give Rand credit for the draft and then blame

Frabel for free agency you understand why that’s you know that’s not exactly uh exactly the correct approach they’re bad football team we’ll see if they get better Levis definitely belongs we’ll see how much better he gets I think that uh I think that with scaroni I’m optimistic Spears is

Definitely a hit so one of the three players that you mentioned I definitively know to be a good football player how they construct this staff to better improve guys like scaroni Levis we’ll see if uh trayon Burks and Kyle Phillips guys like that are salvageable um there’s just uh you know

There’s a lot of unknown so I I’m not going to say that anybody did a good job on a six- win football team last year especially one that averaged 17 what what were they up they were up to 17.9 after averaging 17.5 points per game in 2022 so yeah no nobody did a

Good job and and Rand carthon we’ll see he he basically just got a promotion to be the general manager after being the general manager the general excuse me the general manager for a year uh Dennis brona says Lev’s record means nothing uh we saw what he can do he’s going to be

Very good well no you have no idea there’s nothing there is nothing that you can stand on concretely to say he’s going to be very good definitively no of course that’s not the case I would have said the I would have said Trevor Lawrence was going to be very good after

His first year Trevor Lawrence kind of mid um Levis has plenty of stuff to clean up his record absolutely does mean something three and nine uh as a or excuse me three and six in nine starts is not good the Dolphins game is something but he damn near lost them

That game in route to going on to win that game so I think it’s fine to be optimistic about Levis I’m not down on him by any stretch of imagination but I’m not like you know I’m not sold on him by by any means I and you know to if

If you want to if you want to hear people smarter than me feedback on Levis and kind of see the mixed reviews go check out Jimmy Wyatt’s uh go check out Jimmy Wyatt’s timeline from the Super Bowl he’s talking to Brian baldinger he’s talking to Dan orlovski he’s

Talking to and everybody he’s talking to he brings up will Levis and even for me who is optimistic about Levis it was more of a mixed reviews than I than I honestly expected so you know there there is a lot to like but you guys aren’t going to come in here

And definitively tell me that will Evis is for sure going to be good because rarely do these quarterbacks actually work out and uh you know I love that he plays golf with Phil Molson I love that he uh bet the or that he guessed the

Flop in poker uh and I love that he beat Trevor Lawrence and pingpong I’m sure you did too it’s the biggest win that you had in the AFC South last year um no Levis is is far from from proven by any stretch of the imagination he’s got a ton more to prove so

Don’t don’t get too ahead of yourself um keep your expectations relative and you know I think realistic expectations could pay dividends here I don’t know that he’s going to make a huge leap from year one to year two I don’t know that the offensive Line’s going to be that much better right a

Rookie left tackle is not you know rookie left tackles in the NFL man they struggle they strugg even the best ones um look at uh is it Andrew Thomas for the New York Giants um that was just one of the worst offensive lineman in the

Sport and then turned out to be a 20 a 20 plus million dollar a year player so it’s it’s progress for sure they’re making they’re checking the correct boxes to get the best out of him uh boss man Jim says the talent is there though Buck just has to be put together it’s

Literally what I just said and unless you weren’t listening to me um he is a talented player I’m optimistic about him uh it just has to be put together you make that sound so simple when it’s anything but for any quarterback in the league they’re not all CJ strout in fact

Nobody historically has been CJ strout not uh not Joe burrow not Justin Herbert CJ strout is the best rookie quarterback that we have seen come into the league and take it by storm that way win a playoff game it’s it’s there’s a lot of stuff that has to be done like I said

Continue continue to make the moves to fortify the thing around him but uh you know if Will Evis is going to give you a chance he’s got to be a superstar and will Evis is you know will Evis looked like a starting quarterback last year

There’s a lot of work to do before that person be can become a legitimate Superstar and the hope if you’re a Titans fan is that they’ve made the correct tires that they’re going to maximize the skill sets of the offense this is going to look like more modern

Football and that that’s going to help the quarterback in a huge way and that the continuity of keeping him in the same system with an offensive coach who’s going to call the plays here is a big part of that so going to progress he’s going to make strides uh Marco said

Of course he’s going to progress It’s only year two like I said you could say uh you could say the same thing about Trevor Lawrence you guys can’t speak definitively about any of these guys five firstr round quarterbacks in that Lawrence class right Lawrence Zack Wilson Trey Lance Justin fields and M

Jones I don’t think a damn one of them is good or like worthy of a first round draft pick I mean they were worthy of a first- round draft pick but like the one that you feel the best about is Trevor Lawrence and Trevor Lawrence is

Really you know middling here um so I I appreciate your optimism not I’m not trying to I’m not trying to Tamp it down at all but I want you to be well I am trying to Tamp it down I’m trying to make it realistic because I think you

Guys are getting way ahead of yourself and I think frankly I think those uh I think that uh I think that the I think you as a fan base and I’m not you know it’s not all of you there’s a handful of people who are who are

Bringing this up but I think that there’s there’s a lot of you who do him a disservice by trying to get too far ahead of yourselves with this stuff uh uh Terry Anderson says how long did it take Josh Allen to figure out well they were in the

Playoffs Josh Allen was a better rookie quarterback than Levis was now he had a better football team than Levis did because if I recall correctly Josh Allen was in the postseason in his rookie year now they didn’t win uh that was a struggle he definitely took a

While to get there he’s still not completely there there’s still a lot of dumb Wyoming type that Josh Allen is out there on the field doing that he’s an incredibly Josh Allen is the most physically talented he’s not the best quarterback but he’s the most physically talented player at the

Position uh that we’ve seen since Cam Newton so with that I am curious to see I think Levis and and Allen aren’t Fair compar the the comparison that I think is fair and Levis is further along than Josh Allen was in terms of accuracy but it’s a the

Accuracy of the quarterback and how Levis progresses how he manages things how he sees things how he identifies how he isolates and eliminates when he’s going through his progressions how he figures out how to adjust at the line of scrimmage to get them into more favorable spots all of that is going to

Be a learning curve his rookie season having a bunch of speed bumps and hurdles provided that he stay healthy he’s only going to get better from that with the right coaching and it feels we’ll see if it plays out but it feels like um it feels like they are on the

Right track uh theod says Levis can make every throw sure he can make every throw but he can also make every throw in the direction of a defensive back and he had a ton of passes he had a ton of interceptable passes this year in

Fact I will uh I will look up for you um it wasn’t like jamus Winston 30 for30 level but he did have a bunch of of of interceptable passes Dro now all quarterbacks do that’s fine you you don’t hold it against Levis that he has interceptable passes that aren’t caught

But the rate of them is concerning he was the league leader after he became a starting quarterback in of Target throws among any player in the NFL uh any starting quarterback in the NFL he’ll get there maybe we’ll see I don’t know I’m not going to speak definitively

About anything but we don’t have to excuse me we don’t have to get too hung up in the uh we don’t have to get too hung up in the Lev stuff tonight it’s going to be interesting though I’m I’m looking forward to it I you know listen I’m rooting for him I’m rooting

For him personally he seems like a nice guy I’ve enjoyed getting to know him a little bit look forward to getting to know him more over the course of his career but uh you know I don’t want to watch shitty football anymore than you

Do I I would like to see will L succeed I’m tired of it I would also like for you to get your left tackle situation fixed but I’ve been waiting on you to do that for five years so we’ll see all right let’s uh let’s wrap it up um not

There we have the worst blocked out here but there wasn’t really like a bad moment for the press conference other than the uh um a a small moment that I think went out over the live stream and then carried over into the media room and then in the hallway of the second St

Story of of St Thomas Sports Park and it’s just the whole thing is embarrassing and I was I was very disappointed um I wasn’t disappointed in PK I thought PK was in the right there I don’t know uh the name of the gentleman who now works he’s the new Sports

Illustrated guy but uh I want to say his name is nobias I think he sits a couple he was he was hired late in the year I I don’t know him I’m not there every day anymore uh but I have been in a couple of press conferences with him and and he

Just shouts over everybody it’s completely untenable and it’s super annoying and it’s frankly unprofessional uh and he did that today he did it to Kayla he did it to PK he did it to a couple of people and you know PK went back at him and then went back at him

Again and then went back at him again uh so you know all right we got into it hope you’re happy uh everyone asking questions at the same time well sure yeah that’s a press conference like I’m not mad at people talking over one another you need

To talk over one another um but some dude who I don’t not not that it matters if I don’t know him but like I’ve been this is going to be nine years coming up Paul has been here for 25 years like I no matter what you think of karski or me

Or Kayla or Teresa or whatever uh we have a dynamic that works and if you come in and try and be the the loudest voice in the room and just talk over everybody else when you have zero credibility with any of us with any of

Them uh or or the like you know he may he may be a good journalist I have no idea I don’t I don’t know the man I’ve never read anything he’s written um all I know is that he’s a screamer in press conferences and he really really pisses

Me off so um hopefully that gets better I don’t want to dislike anybody in Titans media I’ve always had Titans media is basically my family I’ve been with those people hell I’ve lived in Nashville longer than I’ve lived in any place in my entire life

So I consider all of those people to be my family they’re closer than friends those are the people that I’ve spent more time with than my family in my life so uh never had an issue with anybody in Titans media and I hope that this person

Isn’t the first but he’s not off to a great start and I would like to see him do better all right that’s going to do it for us tonight uh radio show tomorrow from 10: to 1 on 1045 The Zone tomorrow’s my Friday I am uh off Friday

And Monday uh I got a bunch of vacation coming up but don’t worry we’ll be here in some form or fashion and we’ll continue to uh we’ll continue to provide you coverage franchise tag stuff starts next week um radio show tomorrow we we’ll cover a lot more that we didn’t

Get to from today’s press conferences from 10 to1 on 1045 The Zone uh Stephen King says is Bert you’re Valentine no not even Bert is is here with me anymore I’m looking at a blank screen in some movie I think he’s turned his laptop away to whatever he was watching or

Trying to put together his punching dummy that he’s setting up Bert’s the closest thing that I do have to Valentine uh this year but Bert was also the closest thing that I have to a valentine last year because for some reason I always tend to uh I always tend to uh

Avoid the parts of the Year well just basically holidays I don’t I don’t really do holidays generally it’s not my thing anyway uh somebody asks oh you must be new here says twins are you a Titans fan no I work here um I don’t work for them either I cover them um so

You know it’s great that you all are fans but uh you know that’s okay we’re happy to see you that’s a new uh YouTube uh name that I’ve seen in here but no my job is to cover the team um to about the team to talk about the things

The team does good to talk to people who are on the team and yeah uh I don’t have to be a fan to do anything which is great because it makes it a lot easier to do I oh my God can you imagine if I actually if I actually had some kind of

Emotional investment in this team other than the the success of the radio show and the prime time show and the 615 session podcast and the install podcast and all the other I’m doing on a regular basis um I don’t think I’d be able to do this I don’t think I’d be

Able to do this as a fan I think it would make me very very upset if I was a fan of this particular team because this particular team is frustrating as all hell so I I love you all um but you know your your football team does not

Necessarily reward your love in that return Rishi says uh uh it’s stressful Buck yeah I uh I agree Eric Alonzo says Buck is the biggest Titan hater no I don’t think so I mean Stillman has tried is Stillman try to fire an carthon or something like

That I I uh I mean I love him I love him for that it’s a ridiculous thing to say but Jared is a ridiculous person so I don’t know that I am the biggest hater but I do hate watching them sometimes because they play a lot of shitty

Football since I’ve been here now they win uh they win more often than not since I’ve been here which is definitely an improvement upon what my first year was three and 13 Marcus mariota’s rookie year uh so they definitely had a great stretch of football in there that I enjoyed

Covering but yeah they’re shitty again and I would like to see them do better because you know that’s what it is Stephen King says we need the honesty uh puka says Terron went after Stillman yeah and you know what to tron’s credit I think I think he called Jared out on

Some important stuff because there is a lot of you know whe whether you want to make it about race or not um and I’m not going to speak on this as as somebody who’s I mean I’m I’m not uh I’m I’m Middle Eastern I’m Egyptian right but

I’m not I’m not a a black general manager the first black general manager of the Tennessee Titans there is a lot of this language that is being used around rayan that feels a bit racially coded and I’m not accusing Jared of doing anything intentionally racially charged in fact Jared is very much that

Not that person his politics are very much not that uh and I I’ve known him for a long time um so but you know you have to be careful about how you phrase things uh in talking about some of this stuff because there is a lot uh a lot

That people will and can read into it William Jones says Egypt isn’t Africa you’re black Buck I’m I am North African-American yes that is so uh but um you know it’s kind of like uh I’m not gonna t almost compared it to Tiger Woods because the Masters commercial

Just played on ESPN obviously not Tiger Woods but if you want to claim me I’ll come to the cookout if you don’t you don’t have to that’s okay that’s what it is but uh yeah Stillman Stillman needs to be careful around around some of that stuff

Because he is uh you know Terron Terron pointed out some blind spots that I don’t think are necessarily just about football for him and I appreciate TD doing that anyway uh okay what else did I see that was worth talking about oh uh asks who’s my football team I don’t have

One um we’ talked about this before I uh my mom bought me a Jets Jersey in second grade because we lived in New York it was a John Abraham Jersey I never went to a Jets game I don’t think I ever watched a Jets game until I I mean I

Watched I saw the Jets with Mark Sanchez a couple of times or something like that not in person just on television um but yeah it was like wear a Jersey to school day in second grade they I didn’t have a jersey because my mom single mom uh

Didn’t give a about sports so I didn’t grow up watching football I uh you know I’m a basketball fan basketball’s my favorite sport I love watching football now I enjoy covering football football games the best it’s the whole reason that we do this but uh

Like I said I really enjoy not having a team because I don’t get upset the way that you guys do when my football team where I don’t get I don’t have to deal with the highs but I also don’t have to deal with the lows which is a blissful

Existence uh and Indiana basketball has plenty enough lows in my life to avoid all of that um twins says you are not a real Egyptian you’re Arabian oh well that’s just somebody who doesn’t know anything about geography that’s unfortunate you know know maybe we should stop reading their comments then

I would I I would say uh that you need to improve upon your uh geographical uh knowledge your ethnic uh ethnicity knowledge um because I think what you’re trying to say is that I’m Arab not Arabian because Saudi Arabia and Egypt are two very different countries so no

That is not in fact the case so we will leave that dumb comment behind we will move on with our evening we will wrap this show up I will be on from 10: to 1 on 1045 The Zone David Brown says Arabian laughing emoji yeah like a horse

Like an Arabian horse what are we talking about here all right that’s what I get for read reading too many comments of somebody who I didn’t of somebody who I thought you know may may just make one and then we could move on with our night

Then they made two other not great ones and we had to keep moving so that’s going to do it radio show tomorrow 1010 1045 The Zone come hang out with us there uh no 615 sessions this week I am off on Friday we will still do prime

Time tomorrow night no radio show on Friday I will be back on radio on Tuesday which is the next time that we will do the prime time show after tomorrow always enjoy you guys thank you for hanging out even the new ones even the even the ones that made done

Comments it’s okay you’ll watch the film you’ll get better it’s just like football you watch the tape and improve you watch the tape and improve I Believe In You twins you can watch the tape and improve you can go I have I in fact have

A globe up uh hung on the wall in my in my office I can provide it for you if you’re so inclined and you need to learn more about the world um but that’s okay you have the entirety the internet at disposal given that you have a I assume

A computer or phone in front of you so get better get smarter I’ll see you guys tomorrow on AD toz Sports prime [Applause] Time


  1. My problem with the Peter Skoronski pick is he turned out to be a first round guard. I mean dang we could've got a guard in the second. I would've went WR at thins point.

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