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Fred Hoiberg MBB Show, Alexis Markowski on Sports Nightly: Monday, February 26th, 2024

Sports Nightly, presented by the NDOT Highway Safety Office with Greg Sharpe & Jessica Coody, live from our ✨brand new✨ studio in East Memorial Stadium. 6-8pm CT, M-F!

It’s time for the Nebraska men’s Basketball coaches show. Lawrence on the other end lays it up. Shot blocked by Williams into the hands of Lawrence. The baseball pass and the jam. The jam Ola by Gary on the other end. Puff Johnson dancing around the step back. Long

Three on the way. Got it, got it, got it, got it. Casey Tominaga. To Tominaga who is zero for two. Has the ball. Throws it right side Lawrence with a good look. Got it. Got it, got it. Three ball. Lawrence comes picking up where he left off at Indiana with his

26th three of the year. It’s 12 to 9. Here comes Lawrence across the timeline. Puts it on the floor off the screen to mast. Puts his man in jail a little hostage dribble and a long three. Good. It’s Juwan Gary with a three. And that’s six threes in the first half by

Nebraska. Now with Fred Hoiberg . Here’s your host Jessica Coody. And welcome into our Nebraska men’s basketball show Big win to talk about as the Huskers pick up their 20th of the season. Joined by the head coach Fred Hoiberg. Congratulations. That was quite the performance in front of a

Great atmosphere yet again. Yeah, phenomenal crowd. I walked out of the locker room before the game and I just you know I saw every single seat was filled and that’s such a great sign. They were electric right from the beginning and you know, the ball was not

Going in the hoop for us early. But, you know, that crowd stayed behind us. And, you know, one thing I was really pleased with and it’s becoming a trend for us is we’re giving great effort on the defensive end. We regardless of what’s happening offensively. And when you have a team that competes

For those dry spells and continues to battle, well, uh, defensively, you’re going to give yourself a chance. Most nights you step on the floor. So you know we miss we ran a really good play for Casey. You know first play of the game. And unfortunately we missed a layup which happens. And then

Josiah misses the dunk on an alley oop. Uh Sam had one that stat in the rim for about 30s and bounced out. We just had a lot of those types of plays early. Casey had a couple open looks from three and the ball didn’t go in. But we kept uh,

Right there. Uh, it was pretty much even. And then we pulled away, uh, to have that eight point lead at halftime. And then I thought the start of the second half is really was the difference of the game. And that’s what Minnesota, when you look at their record and what

They’ve done this season, they have I think only had leads at halftime in two games. Uh, but their second half they’ve been phenomenal. Which happened to us in the first game. They they absolutely drilled us in that second half up in Minneapolis. And the first Big Ten game of

The year. Uh, so the way our guys came out of the locker room and really set the tone right, got a three point play and we got that thing up to 12 right away. Forced them into a timeout and then got it over 20. Uh, that’s what you want to

See out of your team is to continue to compete and, you know, try to really keep a team down. Uh, as you’re going on your run, 73 to 55, the final over Minnesota, it was your fourth straight win by at least 15 points. Bryce Williams in the first half joined Gary

Seemed like in the second half. But Bryce Williams to get things going for you guys offensively. How big was he to start. Yeah Bryce Bryce was great. He was phenomenal in the second half in Indiana as well. So you know just Bryce is really getting used to that new

Role that we put him in. And you know when we went with a bigger lineup with Jajuan at the three, we got Josiah back in there at the four rink at the five. You get great length from a guy like Bryce and that helps you on the glass. We’ve

Been much better for, uh, you know, as far as competing, uh, rebounding and Minnesota, that’s that’s where they got us in the first game. We turned it over and they beat us up on the boards. So you know, Bryce, not only what he’s doing offensively for us, but he has

Really taken pride in that role of taking the point guard and trying to take him out of it. You look at what he did with Bowie. You look at what he’s done with the couple of the other games against some really good point guards in this league, and he’s going to have

His hands full again with Thornton in our game at Ohio State on Thursday. Who’s playing great basketball right now. But yeah Bryce on both ends of the floor is making a huge impact. And then Juwan Gary we’ve seen him have some big scoring nights throughout this entire season. Not always

Does it show up like that. But what was it that got him going offensively in the second half Yeah. You know when you see that first one go in it’s amazing what that does for your confidence. And when you look at you know I think we hit nine

Threes in the game last night. And Casey Rank CJ and Sam were a combined zero for 11. So to find a way you know with Bryce with with um with with Juwan JaMarcus had another great game I think when he made his first three he made eight in a row.

Going back to the Indiana game. So it’s really nice to see him knocking down shots and hit big ones. When we were keeping our lead uh, there at the end. But yeah, Juwan was phenomenal. I mean finished in the paint uh knocking down his threes making his free throws. Uh just a

Really happy for Juwan. On how that hard work. He’s putting a lot of time into his shot. And it’s good to see that paying off. How happy were you when you got the final box score and you saw you won the rebounding battle? Well we talk a lot

About that. I know we talk about rebounding. We talk about taking care of the basketball and I thought we did a solid job with both. We had a couple turnovers late. Um, you know Minnesota as they were trying to come back uh got us from behind a few times. Had a

Couple sloppy plays. Uh, but overall I thought we did a good job. The last play of the game, Bryce throws the ball up in the air and hit the scoreboard. And unfortunately, that counted as a turnover. Uh, but it it was. Yeah. Rebounding Um, you know, like I said, they pounded us in

The second half, especially in Minnesota to, uh, so for us to come out, I thought we did a good job of winning the 5050 game. And Minnesota prides themselves on that. They talk about that a lot. And that’s why they’ve been playing really good. They had won five of

Seven going into that game. Jessica and the two they lost. They had a 20 point lead at Iowa with ten minutes to go. And they had a ten point lead in the second half at Purdue. So this is a good team that that we beat last night. And pretty much from start to

Finish. I liked the energy and the way we played and we had stretches where the ball wasn’t going in the basket, and that’s what I was most pleased with. 402413 2400. If you’ve got a text for Coach Hoiberg, that is our Woodhouse auto family text line mentioned that you guys

Have won four in a row now by at least 15 points. What are you seeing that’s clicking because it’s different ways that you’re winning ballgames. But what is it that it’s allowing you guys to dominate these games the way that you have? Well I think we’re we’re very connected team right now.

And when you look at I think since February first, we’re top five in the nation in defense. That to me is how we’re winning basketball games right now. And pulling away from these last four opponents. Like you said, uh, you know, offense. Listen you’re gonna have nights where that thing’s going in where

That rim looks like an ocean, and you’re going to have some nights where that thing looks like a little thimble up there. If you continue to guard, you’re going to have a chance. And that’s what I’ve been really happy with our team is they’ve been so bought in the scout discipline that they’ve

Shown on the court the following the game plan, all those things that they’ve done are leading to, uh, you know, when we do get the ball going in like we did in the beginning of the second half, we continue to defend at a high level. And that’s where you get that lead

Up over 20 points. You all, you guys also tied a school record with your 17th home home win matched a record there inside pinnacle Bank arena. How have you seen the confidence grow in this in your in your program? Um, not even just this season but throughout your years that

You’ve been here that when they take the court and PBA, they want to protect it. Yeah, it’s it really is one of the best atmospheres in the Big Ten. And that’s saying something because there’s some big time venues in our league. Uh, Purdue is incredibly loud. Indiana uh, especially when it’s full. It

Wasn’t didn’t have a lot up in the upper deck the other night. But when that place is full, that’s loud. The Breslin Center , obviously in East Lansing, Michigan State, uh, everywhere. You know, I could go top to bottom and you’re going to have great atmosphere, but I’d put

Ours up against any of those. It’s absolutely rocking in there. You see the fans on the on their feet, uh, for the majority of the game or student section has been absolutely phenomenal. Uh, so yeah, it’s fun. It’s fun to go out there and celebrate some of these

Great wins that we’ve had with them. Well, and before you got that one, you got the big win on the road at Indiana. How big of a relief was that for your guys? I mean, so much was was made about it going into that game and which every game you

Guys were on the road. But to walk away off of a road court with a win, how much of a sigh of relief was that? It was. It was huge. And we’ve been close. I mean, we had a great performance at Illinois, unfortunately couldn’t couldn’t finish the deal. And, you know,

I’ve had a couple other ones where we’ve been right there overtime. It Rutgers you know the Minnesota game we were had a 15 point lead in that game. So we’ve had uh solid stretches of basketball in a lot of games. And for us to find a way in through a tremendous

Adversity, you know, you get up, uh, another big lead. Then at ten minute mark, it’s three point game. So you know it. Just the way our guys continue to believe and uh, you know one of the key plays in that game, Sam, um, uh, took the ball away from Ware on an offensive

Rebound. It was a great play. And then we come down on the next possession and JaMarcus hits a three, and then the next possession. JaMarcus hits a two, and then we get an inbounds play where, uh, Josiah gets an and one, and now it’s back to double digits. And we

Kept it there. So you know, to find a way to play a really good first half Casey goes for 18. Uh, had a 20 point lead at halftime. And then find a way to show tremendous resolve when they were making their run. And then finish it off in those

Last ten minutes. And that’s what you guys have been asking for. This team is to handle the runs, the adversity, the punches, like they do at home on the road. And it seemed like they they answered the bell on that one at Indiana. Yeah, 100. And you know I give our guys

Credit. You know one guy that I thought did a great job in the huddle, he stepped in, uh, you know, after the coaches got done talking, was was uh, Jaren Coleman Boogie stepped in there and he pulled those guys together and said, guys we’re going to be okay. We’ve got to

Get it together and get back to what we were doing when we were playing really good basketball. And they did that. And I give Boogie a lot of credit for that. He’s been he’s been great. Uh, you know, on the bench and you know still showing leadership out there on

The floor. So I was really pleased uh with that for a guy like that to step into a big leadership role when we needed it. You mentioned Sam and the big plays that he makes. He. I feel like he does it every game, and it doesn’t always

Show up on the stat sheet. And he told me that that’s something he takes a lot of pride in doing. Those kinds of things. Has that always been a part of his game? Is that something that he’s had to? I guess, grow into and see the benefits that how much that can

Benefit a team? No. He’s always been feisty, no doubt about that. Uh, he and his twin brother, actually, uh, they got in a fight on the floor, uh, when they, I think were like, in first or second grade, I was on the road playing, and, uh, my wife called me crying, and

Sam and Charlie got into it like they were on the same team. Yeah, on the same team. Yeah. So But that’s just how they’ve been. They’ve always had that edge. And, you know, that gritty grittiness and you know. So that’s for Sam. It’s an innate quality. And you know

It’s when that ball is on the floor he’s going after it. Uh, when a bigger guy has it, he’s he’s trying to dive in there and take the ball away. So you know, you look at his rebounding rate for a guy that’s under six feet tall, it’s one of the best on her

Team. And you know getting deflections and all those things that he’s doing to make winning plays even though he’s not putting up big numbers. And that’s what you have to do. You have to find a way to impact winning. And Sam does that every night. Did, uh, get a

Text for you on the text line? John in Omaha said, uh, coach was so much to keep track of during the game. Do you have an assistant keeping you up to date on how many minutes each player has or rotations? Yeah Go big Red. Yeah. Um, yeah. Thanks for the message. Ernie

Zeigler is a guy that really helps me with with substitutions, and he’ll come up to me and give me a suggestion. Sometimes I take it, sometimes, uh, you know, I’ll continue to roll with a group that’s out there, but he’s he does a great job of, you know, seeing who’s who

Needs a break and who’s played a stretch, uh, you know, to get him out. And it might be right before the media timeout. So if there’s, you know, 13 minutes on the clock in the under 12 media is coming up, maybe you get a guy out for a minute and

Then get him right back in. Uh, after the media. So yeah, he does a great job with it. Uh, all of our guys do. Nate Lenser. You know, obviously he’s done a great job with this this year. Adam Howard’s right there by my side. And, uh, yeah, everybody has a say in

It. But Ernie is the one that really will come up to me and give me the suggestion on rotations. Another question for you, Andy. And Phoenix coach, did you have anyone scout that halftime dunk contest? Looks like there might be some hoopers on the football team. You saw some of the highlights,

Right? Jeremiah might need to be a three sport athlete right May need to get him out in the basketball court. Yeah I saw that. I coach rules a lot more a lot more brave than I am letting this player jump over him. But I was impressed. I thought those guys were

Phenomenal. I did see the highlights. Um, you know, we’ll see. Maybe they can use that extra year, uh, to come out and help us. I had my first year at Iowa State. We lost a couple guys and I was we had that was back in the old days when

Transfers had to sit out and I had four of them, and I called Paul Rhoades, the football coach. I said, you got to help me out here. I got seven guys eligible. I in an emergency, I might need a couple. So he sent me a couple football players.

My first year at Nebraska, um, we had, uh, we had a couple guys from the football team that came out and actually played in the big Ten Tournament that year, where they wheeled me off the floor when they thought I had Covid. So we had, uh, Brandt was out

There with us and, uh, the quarterback that ended up going to Rutgers, Noah Vedral. So yeah, we had those two guys, uh, on our team. And I still love the picture of Luca Virgilio, our director of operations, does a phenomenal job for us. He’s sitting in between those two football

Players in. Brandt was right up next to him and just smushing him in there. But yeah, it’s, uh, it’s good to have that when you have a great relationship with the coach, which which, you know, which I do with Coach Rhule. And that’s one thing that’s special. I think about

Our athletic department is, you know, everybody, you see all the coaches at these sports pulling for each other and in attendance. And it’s just so nice to have a group of coaches, you know, where you can bounce ideas off of or talk to them. You know I get messages after every game, you

Know, from a lot of the coaches. And that’s really cool. When you have a group like that that gets along like we do. Yeah. Trev Alberts had mentioned that last week on his show that just in the relationship too, with you and the women’s basketball team, and we saw your team there like

The biggest cheerleaders during that Iowa win. Um, you know, just the camaraderie between the basketball team seems really neat and the way that you guys keep continuing both to protect the vault every seems like every night is really been cool to see, too. It is it’s awesome. You know I

Love Amy. She’s doing a tremendous job. I just love the success that they’re having. Uh, this year, it was great to see them on their senior night. The, you know, a couple of days ago, uh, you know, get that last win. You know, they’re really positioned themselves well for the postseason. And

It’s going to be fun to continue to follow them and watch them and support them. All right. Let’s step aside for our first break here on our Nebraska men’s basketball show. Contact 8112 days before you dig to protect your underground utilities and yourself. It’s free. It’s easy. It’s the law.

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Huskers radio network broadcast center, which is sponsored by Acres, the Midwest premiere John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance agriculture and much more. Acres solutions for every field. Welcome back to our Nebraska men’s basketball show. The head coach, Fred Hoiberg. I’m Jessica Cudi. We got a

Couple of texts for you on the text line art in Los Angeles for my wife to watch basketball . It has been something special. Special She has not missed watching one game because of you, coach in these great players. She is now a big fan. Oh and by the way, she

Also said Coach Fred looks like a movie star. GBR that’s very nice. How about that text? Yeah. And then Dennis said said um, besides football, if you had a choice of coaching for a day, what sport would you choose besides men’s basketball? So besides basketball, what sport would

You coach for a day? Um, golf. Golf. Nice. That’s a good one. Yeah. My players wouldn’t be worth a, but it’d be. It’d be be fun to be out in the course Bryce. Bryce is a golf great. Uh, he’s a good bowler. Uh, well, I think he had just

Picked up golfing when I talked to him last summer. Yeah, yeah, he just picked it up, so he’s probably not good yet. Yeah, he. He told me it was funny. He said I didn’t realize how many golf balls you have to get, because I didn’t realize how many you lose. Yeah, well,

Yeah, because I played. I played with Casey once and. Yeah he lost a lot. And uh. Yeah. Sam. Sam was really good at one point. State champion. Right. Well, they got second. Okay. Yeah. And um. Yeah, he and his twin brother Charlie and Jack, actually, who played at Michigan State. He

Originally signed a golf scholarship to play. And all three of those guys are left handed. So yeah, kind of that’s the fun fact of the day. Jessica. So you had to get left handed golf clubs? Yeah, it was too bad. I had like 800 sets of clubs because, you know, when

I, when I was playing, I wore Adidas and Adidas owned TaylorMade. So TaylorMade would send us new sets of clubs every year. And I’m like this is great. I can just hand them down to my kids. And then all three of them turn out to be.

You didn’t try to like to be lefties. Put them on the right side. It didn’t work. Yeah, they weren’t good. Because you see, Jack shot left. He does everything else right, Sam does everything right. But you see he’s probably a better finisher when he goes to his left hand.

So yeah got a little bit a little bit of both. Wow. Um, this text came in um, no name to it, but it seems like we attack the inside much more after halftime in every game. Is that planned or a coincidence? Sometimes it’s. Yeah, sometimes it’s a conscious effort to get that

Thing inside. And, you know, I think we’ve done a pretty good job this year of taking what the defense has given us. You know, I thought we did settle a little bit early in the game last night. And then we did a great job attacking, uh, you know, we really made a

Conscious effort to try to drive the ball, get it into the paint, and then, uh, get your shots from there. And, you know, again, Casey had a couple shots that he, he would normally make, um, you know, CJ had a couple shots that he’s been making. So uh, our guys

Did a good job in the second half. I think we had 28 at half time and then at a much better, uh, more efficient half on the offensive end in the second half. Dorothy Lynch Homestyle and light and lean dressing, endless flavor abilities. You’re talking about the coaches here that support each

Other. How about Zach Taylor being in the stands for you guys at Indiana? That was really cool. Zach came back a couple years ago and his boys are huge hoops fans and he brought him over to the facility and I got to talk to him and meet him. And what a

Great human being. Just an awesome, awesome person. And he sent me a message that he was going to be at the game in Bloomington. So he was getting a tour from one of the Indiana staff members, and I went up to him like, hey man, where’s your Husker gear? He’s like, well,

It’s underneath my sweatshirt, but I’m getting a tour from somebody here, uh, from the Hoosiers. So it was pretty awesome. He and his son were there and his son had a Casey jersey on. Um, you know, I think everybody saw Zach had his Husker, uh, shirt on underneath the sweatshirt, and,

Yeah, it was it was great. I thanked him for coming out and supporting the team. It was really cool to have him there. He spoke to the women’s team a couple years ago at the Big Ten Tournament, and he said, we don’t miss a single men’s or women’s basketball. We watch

Everything, so they just are die hard fans. So that was cool to see them get to go to a game. Uh, another thing I wanted to ask you about that, um, Indiana game. You had 19 assists, but we’ve seen this team really share the basketball. And you know, I

Know it’s one thing to bring in guys that are, um, open to that and want to share that and be a part of that. But how do you get that to develop throughout a season where where it does flow so naturally? Yeah, we really do preach it. We work on

It. And you know, the biggest thing on offense, we try to create is good spacing. Draw two to the ball and then take advantage on the back side with numbers. And you know I thought we did a good job when we did get the ball into the pocket. Um Minnesota plays a very

Aggressive in their pick. And roll defense. And when we got the ball in the pocket, I think you saw one clip where Josiah got hit the nail made an extra big to big pass to Jajuan in the block. We’ve done a good job in the pocket. When they collapse, kicking it out for

Open shots. And you know everything depends. And we have a different way to attack all the different coverages that we see, whether it’s an Ice, which we’ll see on Thursday. Uh, you know, whether it’s a blitz, whether it’s a drop and, you know, or a switch, which we’ll

See some switching as well on Thursday. So just try to attack it the best you can. And then again, our guys have been very unselfish fish. Uh, the one thing Indiana, we only took six contested shots at the rim. That’s really good when you can keep that thing under ten. Uh,

Because that’s a very low percentage shot when we get it into the rim. If you can draw the extra defender, that’s a great time to kick it out for an open look, because you got a lot of guys that pass it and want to make that extra pass. That’s probably the ideal

Makeup makeup of a team for you, right? Well, absolutely. And we’re really doing it without a pure point guard on a roster right now. And you know, you look at what Renk has done to lead us in assist to take over that spot. That was so important last year that

Derrick provided for us. So to have your big guy that can make plays like rink, like Josiah, uh jajuan has got a solid feel. And then again, Bryce and JaMarcus really playing positions they’ve never played before and doing a doing a really nice job. Uh, text for you. Hey, coach Hoiberg, just

Wanted to say thank you for all you do for this program. And university. I’ve always loved Nebraska basketball, but it hasn’t always been easy. You’ve made it easy for me. Thank you for giving us teams we can all get behind and love to watch. Well thank you I, I appreciate

That message. It really has you know, when I look back at the, you know, the years that we’ve been here now it’s, you know last year’s team was a really fun team to coach. And I think that’s the group that really, you know, kind of made everything, uh, you know, as

Far as building a culture that people could be proud of and the work that they put on the floor, uh, you know, diving on the floor out, working a lot of teams and playing through adversity with the two injuries to Banda Mel and Gary, uh, last year we wanted to build a team

With a very similar makeup, and I think we did a good job of that in filling some pieces. And then you lose Derek and Sam Griesel, who, you know, I’m so appreciative of for helping us really turn the corner. And then this year’s group is has been phenomenal. And we still

Have work to do. But you know, I love the way we’re playing right now. Here’s another text for you. What’s the one thing coach picked up from coach or or Johnny that he still incorporates today? Yeah. You know coach or he he was a larger than life figure growing

Up in Ames, Iowa. And you know, he really put Iowa State basketball on the map in the early 80s when he got the job at Iowa State, coming from Michigan, where he was the all time winningest coach at. And the thing that he did, he played such an exciting brand

Of basketball. It was up tempo. They got the ball up the floor in a hurry. Um, you know, they took a lot of, uh, took a lot of threes and it was just a really fun system. And you know, I grew up watching that and I took several visits and

Had some really good programs that I considered. But you know, that’s what I grew up watching. And I dreamed about that as a kid. I was a ball boy . Uh, you know, when Johnny Orr was on the sidelines and being able to play for coach for three years, and then I played

For Tim Floyd my senior year, it was, uh, it was absolutely awesome. So you know, I consider him a mentor. Um, and, uh, you know, still use some of his concepts for sure. Here’s another great question for you on the tech side, Casey is consistent, being held and

Pushed around with no calls. Why is he not being protected by the officials like many other top offensive players in the league? Well, if you saw Indiana where he got hit in the face on pretty much two consecutive possessions, he got elbowed across the face coming

Off a screen, and then he got hit in the face in the next possession. And they called a travel on him. I mean it’s he does he he gets he gets held uh, a lot. I give Casey a lot of credit for continuing to fight and battle through it,

But believe me, we bring it up. We bring it up pretty much every time out. You know, you talk to the refs about it, um, you know, but Casey just keeps moving. You know, that’s one thing. You looked at the Illinois game. I talked to Brad Underwood a couple of days

After that game. He said Terrence Shannon came in his office the next morning. He was a really good defender and said, I don’t know how that guy does it. He said, I thought I did a good job on him in case he goes. I think for 31, uh,

That game, and he just moves constantly without the ball. So it’s amazing. You know, when you look at Casey and, you know, his athleticism and his size, you know, to get the shots off that he does, it’s a testament to him and his work ethic and really his conditioning is that something

That he did well when he got here or has that even improved since he got here? I think it’s improved with his strength because you know, as as we just heard from the, uh, you know, the text, he does, I mean, he gets held and grabbed and that

Type of thing. So he has to fight that off. And then our guys do a good job. Like when you look at the Indiana game in that first half, they were finding him pretty much every time down the floor, making a conscious effort to get him the ball. And he just moved so

Well. And he’s got a great understanding and he’s got such a wide array of shots with the floaters and the runners. Uh, his finishing ability with what he did, you know, last year I’ve talked about this second in the Big Ten and two point field goal percentage, uh, this

Year, finishing at a very high rate inside the arc. So you know, we’re using a more in ball handling this year so they can’t hold him coming off screens and getting him at the top of the floor and putting him in pick and roll and against the drop. He does a

Great job of being able to hit that little mid-range shot. Appreciate the texts coming in on our Woodhouse Auto Family text line. Woodhouse Auto Family is your trusted auto partner with 20 brands and 20 convenient sales and service locations. We’re making car buying on your terms. Visit us

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Here with Coach Hoiberg for one more segment. Then we’re going to hear from JaMarcus Lawrence coming up in the final segment of this hour. Coach on the road again at Ohio State. What did you guys do at Indiana that you’re hoping that they duplicate and take on the road

Again at Ohio State? Yeah, very, very important on the road to go out and have a great start. And that’s exactly what happened in Bloomington. We had total control that first half got that lead built up to 20. And the biggest thing for us is sustaining that effort for 40

Minutes. We’ve we’ve shown flashes. We’ve had really good. Um uh uh, quality minutes over the course of the game. But we have to play a complete 40 minute game at Ohio State in the last week has beat Purdue. And then yesterday their buzzer beater on the road at Michigan

State. Their lone loss was to Minnesota on the road. So they’re playing their best basketball of the season. Uh but so are we I love how we’re playing right now. We just have to stay connected, keep our edge and give ourselves a chance. Got an email today that

At the Rutgers game is sold out . The last home game of the season coming up on Sunday. Also going to be senior night. 530. Uh, you know, just final home game. How special is that going to be? And to honor a really special group of guys too. Yeah, it’s going to be

Very emotional. I think, uh, when you look at Casey in his third year with the program, he had a big decision to make last off season. We were very thankful. That was a huge, uh, probably the biggest thing that we had last off season was to

Try to get Casey, uh, back in a Husker uniform. And thankfully, he did. And his dad, his dad’s here. His dad was here for the game last night. He’s going to be here for the game, uh, next week against Rutgers as well. Josiah Allick. You know, he wanted to come home and really

Leave his mark on his, uh, his last year playing college basketball. And he has been so good for us on the floor, off the floor. Leadership group, setting the tone for us every day in the practice floor. And uh, you know, pretty special that he’s been able to be here.

And I think you’ve seen the documentaries with him and, uh, or sorry, with he and Becca. And, you know, you see his mom and what she did to raise, uh, the six kids. And, you know, the very emotional piece with Bill. I didn’t even realize that. And, uh, you know, Josiah

Wearing the same number, number 53, was incredibly emotional watching that. So, you know, really cool. And honoring some really special guys all right, well, one of the young guys, we’re going to hear from here in just a few minutes, DeMarcus Lawrence, talk about playing some of his best basketball of

His career coming off the bench. And just with so much confidence. How important has he been for you guys during this stretch and what’s working for him. Yeah, just I love the confidence that JaMarcus is playing with right now. And how he accepted the new role that

He was given when we decided to go with the bigger lineup and bring him off the bench, and he even told me when I, when I went to him and talked to him about bringing him off the bench, he said, coach, I need to I need to get a new rhythm.

I need a new, uh, you know, get I think coming off the bench is a great idea. And he’s really embraced that and what he’s doing coming off and hitting shots right now at a high level. Uh, he’s he’s been a change of pace guy as well for

Us. And I talked to him about that. He did a really good job in the Penn State game when we were struggling early of beating the press, getting down the floor and either scoring it or spraying it out for an open shot. So he’s just doing a lot

Of things. You always know he’s going to go out and give you a great effort. On the defensive end, but it’s great to see him. He did eight eight threes in a row. He hit the five five for five at Indiana. Made his first three last night before he

Missed a late one. Uh but just love the confidence he’s playing with right now. And I’m really proud of him. And he’s a guy you want to root for. I mean, you want to talk about a really great person. He is one of those guys. Yeah. Awesome kid, great student. He just

Does all all the things, right? He comes in with a smile on his face every day and yeah, absolutely. Jessica Very easy kid to cheer for. All right. We’re hear from DeMarcus Lawrence coming up next coach I appreciate your time. Best of luck at Ohio State. All right

Jessica thank you all right. When we come back we’re going to hear from the sophomore DeMarcus Lawrence. Coming up right after this. Pizza’s here Oh great I’d love some. But I’m worried about my stomach issues . If you’re worried about having diarrhea gas bloating stomach pain or loose oily

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Talking about him DeMarcus Lawrence has been so big for the Huskers coming off the bench in the win against Minnesota 11 points, five rebounds and three assists. And he was just critical in the win on the road at Indiana. Had a career high 19 points, five assists, six rebounds and just

One turnover. He was in the starting lineup, moved to the role coming off the bench has really found his confidence, his stride in that role and last night following the win, I got a chance to chat with DeMarcus. All right well this is feeling. Ever get old walking off the court here

Inside PBA with yet another win. Man it’s just special man. We just keep protecting the vault. And that’s what we got to do. You know just amazing fans. We play in front of. So just keep going. That’s all. Seemed electric in there. Describe just the atmosphere

And how loud it was out there. Man. This was this game was this game was loud. Um, probably the third most loudest game I’ve ever been a part of. So, um, you know, good Sunday night, good crowd. It was electric. All right, well, you guys had dropped the game at

Minnesota earlier in the season. How badly did you want this one back here today? Oh this one? We wanted this one bad. You know, just it was a little bit of altercation that went on the first game. So we kept that in our mind. And you know we just wanted to come out

And play aggressive. So what about you. Another great performance for you coming off the bench. Um, how have you settled into that role. What are you trying to provide when you’re when you’re coming off the bench. Yeah I just think, you know, when I come in, you

Know, just allow me to see the game when it starts. Um, you know, seeing what I got to do to come in. So I think I just stay with that. Keep, keep being aggressive. I’m good. Well, how has your confidence grown? It seems like you’re shooting the ball with a lot

More confidence now. Um, you know, just I think just keep working, you know? I just, you know, been struggling, you know, I’ve been thinking that, but, you know, that didn’t let that didn’t let affect me. So you know, just keep working. What does it do for you to when

This coaching staff, your teammates believe in you and what you can provide? Yeah, they know what I can do. So, um, they just need me to stay with it. And, you know, just, you know, stay committed. So. Okay how about the defensive effort? What went into the defense here tonight for you

Guys? Um, yeah. We knew we knew we they was going to get the ball down to the big guys. You know they’re real big. So you know we just had to protect the basket. Um, you know put pressure on their guards. Um really icing their ball screens. You know, all of them

Like to go. Right. So just trying to force them to their opposite hand. How good is this team when you guys are all locked in defensively like you were again tonight man you can you see you see what happens. You know like I said we just I

Think now at this point you know we kind of get our concept you know our assignments for our defense. So it’s real good. You know when everybody’s locked in we’re good. Won the rebounding battle. How happy does that make the head coach. We did wow amazing amazing thing. Especially against this

Team. You know just you know like I said the big guys down there um you know it was important for our guards, you know, to go in there and rebound help rebound too. So and then and turnovers too is always a big emphasis. And you guys protected the ball again

Today. You’ve been very good at that. How important has that been for what you provide as well. Yeah most definitely. Um especially especially home um home in a way just protecting uh protecting the rock, you know, just get us in good positions to score the basketball. So Juwan. Gary, how

Big was he for you guys tonight? Man? He’s been big for us all season. You know the confidence he’s been playing with this year is amazing I love to see it. So you know him just going at it like that is amazing to see. Josiah Allick seems to just provide some

Energy plays when you guys need it to the most. What what kind of energy does he provide you guys? Man. Like you see him like attacking attacking the glass. Um, 5050 balls, you know, that’s a couple guys on our team. You know, even me. I tried to get in there and, uh,

Hustle, hustle to get those plays. So you know, it’s multiple of us with the effort You know, the three didn’t fall as well as it typically does for you guys. What goes into that where you guys can find different ways to score when the three isn’t going as down

As much as it normally does? Um good question. Um, I think usually when we get stops on defense and it allows us to put allows to get us in transition, you know, we can set up our offense from there. So um, Ohio State on Thursday, how do you guys go about preparing for

That? Already beat him once. Faced him once. What went into that one that you can maybe take and provide on the road? Um, you know, they know. They know we beat them the first time. So they’re going to give us our best shot. Um, but, you know, we can’t worry about

Them. We got to focus on us. And we need this road win badly to put us in good position. So, you know, by any means, we just go in there and just win by any means. Speaking of that, you got your first road win in the Big Ten at Indiana. Um, how

Much did that how much, I guess relief did that provide this team? How good was it to walk away from a home court or an away court with a win? Yeah, definitely a relief. Um, you know, we can, you know, we was capable of winning a road game.

You know, I think it was just, uh, you know, the energy we bring on the road. Uh, most of the time, you know, it wasn’t. They’re sloppy. And, you know, Indiana, we came off. We came off hot, and we kind of was a little slow. It was a little

Slow in the second half to start, but you know, we picked it back up. So you know we just got to continue that. So what are the things that you guys did well at Indiana that you can apply to maybe pick up another road win here at Ohio

State. Uh, one. We was hot um, making shots. We was moving the ball early. You know, started second half ball kind of got stagnant. And you know just keep playing defense. But I think the key thing, the key on the road is just moving the basketball. You know when we

Move the basketball we got we got guys on our team that could just score it. So how much fun is it to be a part of a team like that that shares the ball like that, that has so many different guys that can contribute it? I mean, man, it’s fun. You know, it’s

Special. You know, thank God I’m in this position. Um, you know, future ahead of us, you know, is bright. You know, he’s got to stay locked in right now. But man, this this journey has been amazing. You know, with these guys, these good players. So stay at it. And how

Do you guys go about managing balancing the talk about postseason but also just staying locked in on one game at a time? Yeah You know it just we can’t let we can’t let that get to us. Um you know one game at a time. That’s what we

Try to focus on. And you know, this next one on the road is big. Appreciate your time. Thank you. Thank you. He is he is just such a great kid and one that you want to root for. Always enjoy chatting with DeMarcus Lawrence and playing some really good basketball.

He’s going to be continue to be a big piece to this thing moving forward. So Huskers 20 and eight overall. All ten and seven in the Big Ten. They’re currently fifth but really jumbled up in the middle of the standings in the Big Ten. Still have a chance to secure that

Double bye. But certainly would like that. Just the first round bye for sure, but still have a chance to get that double bye in the Kenpom rankings. The Huskers continue to move up really in both the net and the Kenpom and Kenpom. They’re up to number 34 now and in the net

Up to number 41. And on that note, quad one a big key. Uh big key to all of that Kansas State, which the Huskers had a big win on the road earlier back. Um before the new year and Kansas State leading West Virginia at halftime, 48 to 26.

So need the Kansas State to hold on and win that one so they can stay a quad one and look good on the Huskers resume. So again, coming up next Ohio State Thursday 530 on the road. So Huskers will look to build off and see if they can pick up another road win.

Coming off what they did at Indiana. Really impressive win there. So let’s see if they can carry it over against Ohio State who’s also playing some really good basketball. Pregame show will start at 430 with a 530 tip. And then Sunday, uh, senior day against Rutgers, 530 tip and got an email mentioned

That it is officially sold out. So should be another very loud rocking crowd for this team as they take the court inside pinnacle Bank arena for the final time this season. It was so loud it was deafening at times and I was sitting in the media room, which is underneath

The tunnel on around, and it was just loud. The entire time last night. I know it means a lot to these guys and certainly has played into what they’ve been able to do at home. 17 wins inside pinnacle Bank arena, which also matches a program record. So they’ve got

One more here. They can break the program record coming up on Sunday against Rutgers. But up first is at Ohio State when and you know you talk about they still have a little bit of work to do to be able to secure that spot in the NCAA tournament.

But it’s one game at a time. And up next is Ohio State. Bill in Portland on The Text Line said, you’re an outstanding coach, Fred from Bill. And I did tell him that I didn’t read it to on the air while he was here, but I did read it to him

During the commercial break and he said, thank you. That is very nice. He is absolutely an outstanding coach and deserves a lot of credit. You know, he gives a lot of credit to his players and coaching staff, but he has done an outstanding job coaching this basketball team

This season. You know the men’s team, not the only one picking up a big win over the weekend. The Nebraska women’s basketball team getting a win over Minnesota. So we’re going to talk about that. We’re going to hear from Alexis Markowski. We’ve got another hour of sports nightly ahead Greg Greg

Sharp going to join us. So keep it right here. Hit us up on the text line. Text 400. 2413 2400 with your Husker thoughts, not all companies is proud to support Husker athletics as a leader in commercial real estate, we create thriving communities, discover what’s new in the builders district in

North downtown. Sundays at aksarben and row House townhomes on Leavenworth. Not all companies is adding Omaha’s first hybrid timber building to the skyline. Soon to follow is Builders Green Park, surrounded by mouthwatering food, exciting retail and a hub of thriving businesses. Not all companies building a better Nebraska. For

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In the safest manner and at the most competitive price. Trust Sapp Brothers Petroleum to protect your equipment and keep your farm fueled, Sapp brothers is proud to be an official partner of Huskers Athletics and to serve Nebraska Farmers and Husker fans across America’s heartland. Hey, mom! Yeah I got in a

Crash. I’m okay. I was wearing my seatbelt. 11 Silver Hollow Road. People count on you to buckle up. Brought to you by the n d o t highway safety Office . Good evening. I’m Henry Goodwin and our sports sticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative beach volleyball

Played their first outdoor home matches today. Thanks to the great weather in Lincoln today. The Huskers swept Ottawa five zero and beat Wayne State 4 to 1 on the campus. Beach volleyball courts and Husker women’s basketball news. Natalie Potts earned her conference leading seventh Big Ten Freshman of the week award

Last week. She averaged 15 points, eight and a half rebounds and two steals. Bill Andrews was named the Big Ten Softball Player of the week Monday following an outstanding performance at the Mary Nutter Collegiate Classic over the weekend, where she went 13 for 21 with one double, four home

Runs, six RBIs and eight runs scored. Our sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative. Do you want to support Husker student athletes through name, image, and likeness? If so, visit 1890 Now get ready for hour two of sports nightly right here on the Huskers Radio network. Coming to you live

From Memorial Stadium. It’s sports nightly all all the Huskers, all the time time sports nightly is presented to you by the n d o t highway Safety office who remind you to buckle up and put phone down the pump fake by mass. Step back three on the way. Got it,

Got it, got it, got it. Holy smokes. Holy cow! The Flying Dutchman with a big three to tie it at 65. Andrews line scored. Right. And it’s over. The head of Medellin and rolling all the way to the wall building on her way to second. Not stopping there. The cars

Relay from short right field is wide of the mark. Billy Andrews with a lead off triple. Ryan Webb with the three oh pitch drilled into center field. Long run again for Musco on to the track, looking up and it is gone. Home run. Josh Kerins Second home run of the night,

This 1A3 run blast to right center field. And Nebraska now leads it 9 to 1. Kelly throws down low. Markowski kicks it out to jazz. Knocked away by Marshall 7 to 6 to shoot Kelly for three to betcha. Huskers take their first lead of the game with 30s left. Here are

Your host Greg Sharp and Jessica Cootie on the Huskers radio network. Welcome back. Our number two sports Island here. On a Monday night I hope you all enjoyed hearing from the Big Ten Coach of the year. I agree, I agree. Is there any doubt I don’t I don’t think so.

Unless they’re going to give it to Purdue just out of the but they were picked to win it. I know I agree, but I thought the only one that could maybe slip in and steal it could been Ben Johnson from Minnesota. But we won the game yesterday handily.

So I think that kind of run I’m so happy for Coach Hoiberg. That team is good and I hope Husker fans are stand up and shout at people. We have a good basketball team. That was an impressive performance yesterday, a really good basketball team. When they play

And we still have not seen them play 40 minutes of their best basketball. No. Yes, it was close. Well they weren’t great offensively early. They didn’t shoot it well from three I mean a couple guys did. But the for the guys that typically shoot it well didn’t. So like Casey

Sam um C.J. so for them that’s what’s scary is that and think about when they do put it all together. They can match up with just about anybody in the country. I mean, they knocked off the number one team when they were here, Purdue in the country. So they certainly, you

Know, can compete with a lot of the best teams in the country when they are playing their best basketball right now. I think Nebraska is clearly a top 20 team. I do, and now I understand the record and some losses that they’ve had. Maybe they don’t match that, but the

Way they are playing, they are one of the 20 best teams in the country, right now. Now, I think you may be argue, let’s see how they play at Ohio State , because if they played back to back games on the road where they put together a good performance, maybe more people,

I’m with you. I agree. I’m just for the sake of argument. Maybe that’s what some of the voters are looking for to see if they can do it again on the road. I’m looking at Seamus James’s The Husker men’s basketball sports information director. He had this note yesterday that

The Huskers win, and they have now won four straight. Did you see this note? Four straight conference games by 15 or more. Yep They haven’t done that here in over 100 years. 1911 1912 yeah. Can’t when they were the Kent was a sophomore in high school then Mountain West. Um

Then the Missouri Valley Conference. But that’s what I’m saying. That’s four straight games and not all of them have been at PBA. That includes the Indiana win last week. And how about that? We haven’t even really talked about because I’ve been gone, but they beat Indiana by 15 and Rick scores

Two points. That shows you how deep this team is. They don’t need one person to be there every night for him. Yeah. And I to me what was most impressive I said this. Yeah they the end score was impressive. But what was most impressive to me is what we

Haven’t seen from this team on the road this season in Big Ten play is they withstood the runs and they handled the adversity. And that’s we had you know coach Ziegler on that week before leading into it. We’ve heard it from the assistant coaches. Coach Hoiberg the things that they the thing that

They do really well on the road is when teams try to, you know, come back, get on runs. It’s a game of runs. They handle it really well because the crowd gets behind them here in PBA. But when they don’t have that crowd, how do they handle it on

The road? How do they handle that adversity? They haven’t handled it well at times. And so to see them handle it well at Indiana, because Indiana got back into it, they cut it to a four point game. They call a timeout, they settle things down. They get back to doing

What was working. And they ended up they were able to withstand that run. To me, that was a really key and it could be a really key turning point for this team moving forward. And I thought the guy that cued it was your guest last hour,

DeMarcus. Yeah, he hit a three He dropped a dime. He made a defensive play all. And then all of a sudden you’re going oh now we’re back up 11 again. Yeah he was he’s like a six point swing. Yeah. That it went from four to double digits

Again. And he spurred a lot of that. He did playing great. He’s playing so confident. Sure is. And that just adds another layer to this team. And we heard even at the beginning of the season, um, you know a lot of people that cover this team saying that JaMarcus was going

To be a key and he he struggled and wasn’t in a good rhythm. And we just heard coach Hoiberg saying about how they said, hey, we’re going to move you to coming off the bench. And he said, yeah, I need to find a different rhythm and he really

Has embraced that role. And now you’re seeing that confidence. He is shooting it with a ton of confidence right now. He and CJ have kind of flipped. Yeah. You know CJ is kind of was in a was in Fuego there for a while. Now he’s cooled off a little bit.

But you know CJ is certainly capable still of putting together those games. And he’s still he’s he’s making some incredible passes. He’s doing some other good things in his role. But yeah he still you know that CJ’s shooter. And he’s going to he’s going to find it. He’s going to get it

Back. So you want to be playing your best basketball come March I think this team is doing that. And now having said that, they will be challenged Thursday at Ohio State. Who now and coach even said this to us off air. He goes they’re kind of playing freer now that their

Coach is gone. Their interim guy, they’ve won two games. They’ll be they’ll be revved up to play the Huskers. But I love where Nebraska is. Joe Leonardi by the way, has taken Nebraska off the bubble. Let’s go. They’re off the bubble. So they’re you know they’re not sweating it right now. And I

Think that’s appropriate. I think that’s exactly where where they are. Speaking of playing good basketball right now, I think the Husker women are playing really good. I thought, you know, and I get it, Northwestern and Minnesota are not great teams, but they cut them both up. And that’s

What you do when you’re a superior team. You make those teams look silly. I thought it was a really good final home game on Saturday for the women And look at this stretch now. Matt Courtney had told me going into these final four games that he thought they needed to

Win three of four. They’ve already won three, and they’re sitting in that four seed and they are in control of that. If they win on Sunday, they get that double by the number four seed going into the Big Ten tournament and so this I think, you know they had already done

Enough I think to be an NCAA tournament team. But I think, you know, you still don’t want to drop games going in. You don’t want to be on the downward trend right. So you didn’t want to lose to Minnesota at Illinois in the Big Ten Tournament. But I think that win against Minnesota

Absolutely solidified their their spot in the NCAA tournament. No matter what happens from here on out. Totally agree. I think that, you know, what I would like for them is to get off that eight nine line, get up to the seven if they can. You avoid those

Number one seeds. I think after you come past South Carolina, who are the other ones? Ohio State, they might be right. I think they might work their way to a one. And you don’t want to play. Well, we and we wouldn’t they wouldn’t match us up in their same region for the

Second round. But you definitely do not want to have any part of South Carolina now know if it’s Colorado. Colorado I think it’s got a shot of being a one. I don’t think they will be, uh, that they don’t scare me as much as the South Carolina, but, uh, you got

Life. Get away from that eight nine line and get up to the seven line. And I think they can do that by beating Illinois Sunday and then maybe winning a game in Minneapolis in the tournament. And how about the women’s tournament is sold out? How about that? That crazy? I’m

Sure there’s a lot of Hawkeye fans that have bought tickets. That’s that’s the name of the game Iowa doesn’t play every game. No they don’t. And they don’t play. They’re going to probably have a double bye. They will have definitely have a double bye. So they’re not playing. So if it’s sold out

From the beginning to the end then I was not going to be playing on those first two days. Yeah So it wasn’t all Caitlin Clark. No but she’s certainly largely the other ones. According to Charlie Cram by the way, on the women’s side are Stanford and Texas and Texas. I’ve watched a couple

Times. They’re fine, but we’d have a shot at them. I don’t think Texas is not on the same trajectory of South Carolina. Right. I think there’s a clear cut difference, don’t you? Absolutely. And Stanford, I’ve not watched enough, so I can’t I can’t comment enough on them

And you’re right, Ohio State is way better than Texas or way tougher matchup than Texas. I agree, and then I think the rest is all kind of, you know, it’s it could change a lot. And it’s not like there’s a bunch of world beaters at the top. Well, just avoid South Carolina

And get in a different bracket. I think it could be fun for the for the women. We’re going to hear from Alexis Markowski coming up here in just a couple of minutes. Something happened today. Henry had it in the ticker that has never taken place at the University of Nebraska before. Beach

Volleyball actually played outside in Lincoln, Nebraska today. They had two matches. Henry gave you the results of that. And you. Why would you? It’s February. There shouldn’t be a nice enough day to play outside in Lincoln. And they did today. That’s pretty cool. They got a chance to play

Outdoors. So fun. Yeah it was nice today. It felt like beach volleyball season. It was kind of warm a little bit. It’s 82 degrees. You told me his fake spring. You still maintaining it’s fake. It’s kind of snow tomorrow night, right? Cole? And by the way, Cole. Cole has

Something over there that’s he. I’m. I’m not a happy. There’s Girl Scout cookies over there. I’m like, wait, oh, the Thin Mints. Where did those go? Where’d you get those? I need some. If somebody at a Girl Scout find me, I need to buy some Girl Scout cookies. I love

Selling them here around the stadium. They were. I thought, how did I miss that? Where did I see? I saw them for sale somewhere. I got to get some, and I think I probably stop by a grocery store or something that sometimes they have stands at the grocery stores. Have you

Put thin mints in the freezer? That’s exactly what you do. Yes, absolutely. It’s the only way to eat. Way to eat them. Yes. Yeah He’s got them mints over there. Those are not in the freezer. They need to be at least our fridge over here. Cole, get those over here in

The refrigerator. So So good stuff. All right. Uh, 402413 2400. The number if you want to be a part of the program and Eric and Lincoln is exactly right. He said, what are the odds that baseball’s midweeks in March are going to be 40 degrees? Pretty good. Eric That’s it’s coming. We’re going

To we’re going to flip back and we’re going to have like 42 degree highs and trying to play baseball and softball games, coming up, Husker softball has their home opener Friday. We’ll do some listen in as they play Wichita State, who’s been a nemesis of Husker softball over the weekend, and also the

Missouri Tigers, who are a perennial team coming in as well. I had a conversation with Nate last night. We were texting back and forth, Jessica, because they were flying back from California. Huskers go two and three in the Mary Nutter Tournament out there, and I was listening to Nate over the weekend and

They’re playing Oregon. And then they played Utah. And like everybody records like right around 500. Yeah like Oregon was like six and five. And I think Utah was eight and four or something. And Nate comment was he goes right outside of Oklahoma. You kind of drop back down. So like we were talking

About South Carolina for the women. It’s kind of that way for Oklahoma softball right now because there’s a lot of teams kind of muddied in there. Records just went over 500. I was impressed with Nebraska softball and how they played. They swung at bats. Great They played well. They had, you

Know, some some arms that came in and did some good things. But but look, and that’s kind of what I was saying after the we heard the news about Jordy Ball is that this has been a good offensive team for three years now since I’ve been here, that they’ve outhit people. And

Billy Anders, she’s she’s an All-American. She is, um, six away from tying the home run record, the career home. She’s going to get it at. And so she it just there’s Sydney Gray is playing really well. They’ve added some different some other bats. Uh Sammy. Sammy this the freshman unbelievable performer

. But the way that they responded after getting walked off twice and against UCLA. You talk about a perennial power that’s good. Every single year UCLA. And they went head to head with them. And they just had some mistakes in the end that didn’t allow them to close

It out. But the way that they responded and bounced back, I was just so impressed. I saw some really good things. That’s going to be a team that competes in the Big Ten for the Big Ten title. Oh there’s no doubt. I think. I think it’s kind of the normal characters.

Northwestern, Nebraska, Indiana I think will be the three that will battle for that. But UCLA is a prime example of what I was talking about. They were like six and five going into that game. And or maybe they were even under 500 and yet ranked so early season, everybody’s trying to find

Their way. But you’re right, Nebraska can swing it. They really have it. They got to get some more solid pitching from some of their twos and threes. And what they’ve been getting. You got to hang on to some of these leads. You got to do that. Yeah. So all right 402413

2400 I’m getting a lot of advice on Girl Scout cookies. That’s great. Keep it coming. I knew they were out. I knew they were out about a week or two ago. But I had not seen them until Cole flashed them in front of my face just a few

Moments ago. I was very rude of him to do that, so did you eat one? No, he wouldn’t let me have one. What? Hey, what else? Auto family is your trusted auto partner? 20 brands, 20 convenient sales and service locations. We’re making car buying on your terms. Visit us

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Hook because I don’t want people thinking bad of Cole, because a couple people in the chat room are saying, wow, Cole doesn’t share his cookies. He does. I was putting him on blast a little bit. He walked over and gave you some Thin Mints. I refused him because

They’re not coming fresh out of the freezer. They’re still good. They’re just better when they’re coming out of the freezer. So Cole, Cole’s a good guy, so don’t know. People don’t be picking on Cole. He’s a good. He’s a very. He would give the shirt off his back.

Yes he would yes he’s a nice guy. Yes he would. All right. Husker we talked about Husker women getting a victory over Minnesota Saturday. Final home game. They now have the entire week off. We’re going to hear from Amy Williams tomorrow night on the program. They do not play again until Saturday

Or Sunday at three against Illinois in Champaign. That will be the last game of the regular season. And then it’s off to Minneapolis for the tournament. Talking about Fred Hoiberg, I think he’s got it locked. Being Big Ten coach of the year. I think Alexis Markowski is an absolute lock

To be all conference. I mean, she has just been phenomenal all those double doubles. She just continues to play great basketball. Yeah. And if there wasn’t a Caitlin Clark in the league or really Caitlin Clark is because Ohio State is a group like they have more of a group multiple. You got the

Girl McKenzie Holmes from Indiana would probably but one be Alexis has got to be what third, third or fourth? I think so too. Yeah. So but I’ll tell you what is locked up is freshman of the year Natalie. She wins it again. She’s the freshman of the week. I think

She’s almost locked up big Ten freshman of the year. But a big part of that is the job that Alexis Markowski does. They’ve played starting to play really well off of each other. They have to really double Alexis in so many cases. And so that gives Nat some free shots at

It. And she does a great job with that. But Alexis Markowski coming off another really good game on Saturday. And after that game Jess got a chance to talk to her. On the win protecting home. What did this one mean to you guys today on Senior Day? Yeah, you know, you

Hope to send the seniors off with the W. And I thought we did that today. And you know Darian just has a little injury right now to get her on the floor too. And Husker Nation just kind of cheer for her. The last one was super cool. So not

Just the season but just the emphasis of protecting the home court and continuing to go into the postseason. How important was this win for you guys? Yeah it’s huge. You know we really want that by going into the Big Ten tournament. So we know that these last four we need to win.

And destiny is in our hands. And we have about a week off before this game. And we’re just going to, um, start scouting next week, recover, take care of our bodies and hopefully end up with a win in Illinois. You guys got off to a great start. How big that was

An emphasis going into today. Yeah, it always is for us. I feel like strong starts. Um, you usually for us end up in wins and especially with Minnesota. I think they have really good shooters on our team and they didn’t hit a three till about the end of the

Fourth. So I think that was also in today’s win, another double double for you and another day that you guys won the rebounding battle. How much pride is taken. Do you taking that personally. That team comes out with the win on the boards. Yeah I think we’re one

Of the best spending teams in the country. And that is something that we know we need to have. We need to outrebound our opponent and that’s key. All day, every day at practice. Um, film, just talking about rebounding. But yeah, for me that’s what I feel like I bring

To the table consistently. And that’s why. Well for this team, how about the balance too? I mean you guys just really spread the ball around and everybody was contributing. It’s fun. Like to see everyone contribute and play and um, to cheer for them. That’s why I do

It. That’s why I love playing for this team and program. We just love to celebrate each other and it’s fun. Like, especially for Senior Day, just seeing you hit those three. Maddie having a great, um, it’s really cool to see. All right. What do you guys need to accomplish this week? You’re

Off for a week and a day before you take on Illinois for the final game of the season. Yeah, I think we have to work on with us going into, um, Illinois and postseason play, just cleaning up a few things and execute and stuff like that. But I just

Think kind of mental, physical recovery will be huge and then start prepping Illinois. What’s going on? Do you guys kind of starting to put together and play some of your best basketball here these last few weeks? Yeah. Um, our motto all year has just been in the work,

The win. And we’ve just trusted the process and spent a lot of ups and downs along the way. But we’ve just kind of stuck through together and, um, that’s why this is the whole year we’ve just relied on each other. Trust our training, trust our coaches, and we’re

Starting to peak at the right time. Last thing you came in with jazz when she had transferred in? Uh, Maddie coming in. Ani his whole career, and then Darian is the senior class meant to you personally? And how you the player that you’ve become? Yeah. You know, they all have

Changed my life in so many different, different. We one of them’s been here for a year and one’s been for here for two. One’s been here for one’s been here for four. So So, uh, definitely an interesting dynamic, but I’m going to miss them so much. Um, I was talking

To jazz the other day. I get really emotional. Just, like, think about her. Not being any more, because I’ve been a Husker with her, and I’ve only known playing with jazz. Shelly So. And even just Maddie Crowe. Like our relationship, we’re just best friends and, um, I

Just can’t wait to see what all of them do in the future. And even on Stewart’s, we’re both bigs. We want each other every day in. Darian just brought so much to this team as well. But yeah, I’ve haven’t been a Husker without the jazz. Shelly So, um, it makes me really sad

To think about, but I’m just really excited for all of them in their futures. Still got a few more games to play with them. So we’re not we’re not done yet, but Senior Day. So appreciate I’m like thank you. Uh, there she is. Alexis Markowski. This you talk about playing your best basketball.

This team has put together a good stretch and so continue on the upward trend, which is what you want. And we’ll see. I hopefully they can get off that eight nine seed as we talked. That’s just a terrible matchup I hate that matchup. And I think two more wins will do it.

I think winning it at Illinois Sunday would be big and then winning whoever they play in Minneapolis round the first time they play win that Illinois still pretty good in the they are right they are it still would be a around 40 win on the road. So that would be a

Quad one. Yeah yeah. And then yeah if you whoever you beat in the Big Ten tournament surely that puts you over that. They’re kind of locked into that 4 or 5 seed for the Big Ten. Which means a semifinal matchup with the Buckeyes. That’s not going to be a piece

Of cake. No. They’re really good Ohio State I think is in a bad matchup. I think Ohio State is one of the toughest teams in the country. I think, and we’ve talked about it with Jeff Coatney. Everyone seems to agree they’re the best team in the Big Ten. They’re just so

Hard to match up with their athletic. They’re long, they press and you can’t simulate that when you’re prepping for it and they’re just and they’re old. They’re so old. They’ve got like six grads graduate seniors that are playing on their team. That’s just in basketball. You just can’t.

It’s why in in both tournament really. But the men’s tournament, you see so many upsets. A lot of those Cinderella teams that are making big runs because they’re older, older guys that have played a lot of basketball. Yeah. And Fred Hoiberg’s team is old. Yes. In a lot of ways

They are. But I was just that’s what Ohio State women, they have so many experienced players that have played so long together. And so they’re just such a tough matchup. All right. Phone lines text lines open 402 413 2400. Lots more to discuss this hour, but fine to

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Broadcast center sponsored by Acres, the Midwest Premiere, John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance agriculture and much more. Acres solutions for every field. Greg Sharp, Jessica Cootie, with you here on a Monday night and we talked about the men’s basketball game yesterday and first that we’ve

Been happening. Well it was a first to have a slam dunk contest with some members of the football team out there. And the head coach was right there rooting them along on the bench. How did that go over? How was that? What was that like? Oh, it was electric. Was

It. Yes it was funny. Um there’s a lot of build up to it . Coach roll was excited about it. They had all the cameras there, but I went over to the tunnel beforehand and just saw him, you know, getting hyped up. And Heinrich Haarberg brought in his basketball shoes

And they were, uh, it was hilarious to watch him get warmed up and then had to be they run out in front of 90,000, but an arena like that for a lot of these guys that played basketball, to get to do that again. And that’s what Jeremiah Charles told me after

Was, you know, it made me miss it a little bit. But these a lot of these guys start on the basketball court too. And so for them to go back and do that in front of Husker Nation and PVA and a sold out arena and them to be cheering the way

That it was, and we had Jeremiah Charles brought down the house. He was impressive. So it was it was legit. It was legit. Okay. Anybody did anybody embarrass themselves? No, I don’t think so because it was Fredonia. They all made a dunk. Heinrich. Yes, Charles Johnson, Emmett and Emmett.

Cadwallon. Cadwallon was the one. I couldn’t tell who that was. Yes. So, Emmett, coach Will comes out and stand in front of the basketball. I saw a video of that and tells Emmett to jump over him, and he’s holding up the bones like throwing the bones. Emmett misses the dunk, but he did

Jump over him. But he only got one try at that and Coach Rollins back down. So I’m not doing that. So Jeremiah Charles was the winner. I saw a lot of people saying that was the best halftime show all season. Yeah, it might have been right. It was awesome. Yeah, it was so

Much fun. I you know, a lot of times you see people go into the concession stand and a lot not a lot of people left. They stay halftime. That’s cool. Jeremiah Charles, your dunk champion. Yeah. And just to think that he had just been competing with track and field.

Yeah. He was at the big Ten indoors in Ohio. Like the day before. Yeah. Wow crazy. Let’s head to the phones Dave in Lincoln is up next. Good evening Dave. Hi Greg. I got a question that I’ve never seen before. When our team flies, football team flies to a game.

Do they take the people that hand out the drinks with them? Like the managers and stuff? The girls and the guys? Yeah. You know how they run it? Yeah. The whole crew goes sometimes. Sometimes those people, if we’re like, semi close, they might put them on a bus and

They’re not on a plane. But yeah, for the most part, yes, they are on the plane. Okay. That’s what I want to know. If they were using our own or if it was somebody else. No, no. We take our own. Absolutely. Yeah. The other thing I wish. Are they still working in the

Southeast corner, the building Um, well, they’re working on that. There’s still the go big, the go the go big project is still it’s not completed yet. They’re still working on it. I know they want to totally get in there this summer, but it’s not completely done yet. Well,

Tell Chad Albers why he’s got equipment there to hang another big screen up there. All right, we’ll do. Thanks. Thanks, Dave. Appreciate the call. Yeah, there’s a lot of people that travel on a football trip. I mean, it’s like a mini army that’s going on those football games. We’re blessed to be able

Have a seat or two on those planes, but a lot of people that go to help put a football game on, who is that? I know, but yeah, all the managers and equipment people all go. It takes it takes a big group to execute a football game day. It

Does. And everything that goes into traveling and the prep work beforehand, the nutrition staff, it’s a lot. It’s and then then you see the big truck. We waited because it was what I guess it was Minnesota. And our stuff went on first of the semi and it it took a long

Time for us to get to our get unpacked. So there’s a lot of stuff that travels uh, big story over the weekend was the court storm at Wake Forest. They upset Duke, came out on a Dukes star players got kind of shoved to the ground. He’s he

Was injured. I don’t know how bad I’ve not seen an update on him. But you certainly it’s been a talk I guess ESPN spent a lot of time on it all weekend long. Even today on some of their morning shows about, you know, what to do. Should we ban

This type of thing? Trev Alberts, uh, put out a statement through Nebraska Athletics today saying that the issue is not, um, the issue is not the home team and its fans. It is the safety of the visiting team. There is an area where you can do a better job

As schools and as conference, and there must be clear protocol in place to make sure the opposing team gets off the court safely. It is important for schools to communicate that plan and that the opposing team adheres to the plan that is in place. Uh, Nebraska did change what they were doing. The

Visiting team after the Purdue score fort storming, and they were much more prepared when the same thing happened when the men defeated Wisconsin win in February. So Nebraska women defeated Iowa. Both both of those times, they had a good plan. And it was it was followed and executed. That’s

The that’s the key. And I don’t know, I did not look like Wake Forest was very well prepared to get Duke off the court safely. They had a lot of confidence going into that that they could win. May not have, but no, most arenas have tunnels ever. Every corner. And

So you could easily get them with the security. You could get them to the closest corner and get them in and out and around underneath the concourse. Um, yeah. I saw Jay Bilas was saying that you need to start detaining people and it needs you need to start holding people accountable. But

I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know how you’re going to be able to stop it. You know here court storms have been going on for decades. Why is it all of a sudden a big right? Why is it now become something that we got to find people and

Put people in jail? I don’t quite get it. It’s so much fun. It’s such a cool part of the game. Well, it’s being a college. It’s part of the college experience. It makes the difference between you don’t see court storming the NBA because most of the people that are in NBA games are

Paying big time money to be there. They’re not kids. They’re not having, you know, it’s a different thing, and it’s what makes college cool. And really, how many courts dorms do we see a year? Ten. Maybe ten. Yeah maybe a few more than that. But 10 to 15,

It’s not like it’s that many. Well and Jay Bilas, this is the first time we’re hearing and you know, we go back to the Caitlin Clark one. But you can say that it was a little bit over dramatic. I’m sure it was um, so I thought even the Duke

The Duke was a little over dramatic. So it looked like he ran into somebody. And then it I know he was caught up in the middle of it, but still, um, you know, I, I don’t know, I just how many times do people actually get hurt in it? Well

And here’s Jay Bilas on ESPN. Doesn’t ESPN show. So every court storm and that’s like part of their back to it. And that’s part of their Sportscenter or over. And so they’re kind of they’re kind of promoting these things. And then they want to come have all

Their talent go on the air and go, we need to get rid of these. Wait a minute. You’re you’re promoting it on your sports centers. And now you want to get rid of it. It doesn’t make much sense to me. Yeah. And as a player to me, maybe you I don’t know why

You’d run in the middle across the court. Like, don’t you think you’d maybe be a little bit smarter about how you got off the court? I don’t know, yeah, I don’t know. I’ve never been court storm before, but I would think that I wouldn’t try to run into the masses. Right.

I would go the opposite direction. So yeah, just is amazing. I had some of the ESPN stuff on during the day today, and they were all over it. And yeah, it’s just, I mean, and I think Bill has even said he goes ESPN. We kind of share in this because we promote these

Things when they happen. So now we want to pull it back. Kind of hard to do that. And again been going on since I was in college. Now now it’s a big deal. I mean it’s the field storming, the court storming. It’s just it’s part of college sports, right. And I don’t know

Unless I wish it hadn’t even stopped the SEC has fines, right. They do. And so but still we saw we even saw field storming happen on it with them last year. Even despite the fines. So I don’t know. Yeah. Mike on our text line says along those same lines, you

Know, goalposts coming down, will they ever happen in Lincoln again? Yeah it will. It’s going to happen again, Mike. And build storming. I think we’ll have a field storm if the goalposts lay down now. Right. They do. You can snap those things pretty quick. I don’t think you would. I don’t

Think the field goal posts are going anywhere. Probably. But but a field storming? Probably Yeah. And you know, we’re kind of due for some of those. Hopefully we have some of those coming up who would be the on the trying to think of our essentially this year’s schedule. Maybe Wisconsin here

UCLA. I don’t think that would be a big enough game to get people unless they’re having a great year and they’re raking in the top ten, Wisconsin would be maybe one. You might if they’re ranked, if they’re ranked and that’s that’s not in our control, or if it’s a come

From behind win or something. Yeah. All right. Good stuff. 402413 2400. That’s our Woodhouse Auto Family hotline. They are your trusted auto partner. 20 brands, 20 convenient sales and service locations. We’re making car buying on your terms. Visit us We’re back with everybody’s Winners weekend winners coming up next

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More acres solutions for every field. Tim and Minnesota said. I wonder if coach Rural has any or much concern about players getting injured during the Slam dunk contest. I don’t think you can live life like that. Worried about a guy getting hurt doing something as simple as that. I just don’t think he

He lets himself worry like that. No. And you know, this is just a big part of what they do during this time to build the culture, culture, camaraderie. Look at the amount of social media attention that also this program got yesterday. You don’t think young recruits are looking at that and thinking,

Oh, that’s fun. I want to go be a part of that. It was just it was a cool event that I think they can utilize in recruiting. It also builds some of those bonds. There’s a lot of positive things that come along with it in front of the basketball crowd. It’s a neat

Bond between Coach Hoiberg and Coach Russell and the way that they support each other. There’s just a lot there’s a lot of benefits from it. If he was concerned about somebody getting hurt, there’s no way he would have let polar bear wrestle, right? I mean, that’s where you could get hurt doing

That. And they they do this like Husker Olympics where they’re playing other sports and competing. And it’s part of what they do here throughout the off season leading into spring ball. But even think about guys could get hurt going out there playing seven on seven. Exactly right. Or running routes and there’s

Injuries. Can happen at any time. Absolutely. You can’t just live your life scared of stuff like that. Mark on our text line said court stormy never used to be an issue because people weren’t running around videotaping with their phones. They paid attention where they were going. I again,

I don’t know. Yeah, some kids are running out there holding their phone up, but I think you brought up a great point, too. After you’ll see those mosh pits going on with the team that wins, and nobody seems to get hurt in that. That’s Andy in the chat, said he goes the

Funny thing about court storming is it’s always the losers that are injured and the winning team that’s all up in the middle of it don’t ever get hurt right? So what’s what’s yeah, what’s going on here? It’s not like the people that are storming the court are maliciously going out to hurt

Players. No, they’re trying to go celebrate with their fans and their own team. Yeah. At that time saw Andy in Phoenix. He tried to give me a baseball glove. Andy, I don’t I don’t need this glove. I don’t keep it. Keep it. Pray for decoration. We got a glove

Right back there. Oh so yeah. All right, winners, let’s go. What do you got? I’m going with Jeremiah Charles because he competes. He’s a freshman. First time competing for Husker track and field. He finishes fifth in the triple jump sixth in the long jump. And the men’s

Team they got back in it. It ended up being a tight race for the Big Ten title. And they would not have been that close had it not been for the points that Jeremiah Charles and Jalen Lloyd provided in those those jumps in their high jump and long jump are, sorry, triple

Jump and long jump. And so he he goes back to back days there and competes really well in his first time competing in the Big Ten championships. And he comes back a day later and competes in the dunk contest. I talked to him afterwards and he was so

, so funny, but he had nothing planned. The other guys, all I think knew which dunks they were going to do had practice it, he said. I had no idea. I just was feeling it in the moment. What I wanted to do. He’s just had no legs, gets up

There and just wows the crowd. It was cool. The reception that he got and had that’s just raw, pure athleticism right there. He’s a freak athlete. Yeah, he really is. All right, Henry I understand you have yours and Kohl’s I do. Um so I’ll start with mine then I’m going to go

With Jalen Worthy. Um yeah. He came up big after we gave up those those runs in game four. Um and then Kohl’s is uh Josh Karen who had a two home runs on in uh, Friday’s game and ended up with 11 RBIs for the weekend. He better get named

Conference player of the week that comes out tomorrow. But he had a great weekend. Jalen was awesome. The Lincoln East product three shutout innings. Good job by him. He was kind of the hero of the game. On baseball as well. Bryce Matthews got into a spring training game with the Houston

Astros yesterday. How about that? That had to be a special moment for him. Got to play some shortstop in that game. Good luck breezy. Keep going. Keep showing him what you got down there in pro baseball. That’ll put a wrap on Tonight Show. We’re back with a full two hours tomorrow. We’ll hear

From Husker women’s coach Amy Williams tomorrow night. And there is a new kicking back with the cooks at his out. Will play a part of that podcast tomorrow night as well. Thanks to Henry and Nicole and all of you, have yourself a great night. Hit us up on the text

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