Golf Players

Swartz Talkin’ Sports: Special Guest All-Pro Running Back Eric Dickerson

This week Les welcomes Former NFL Hall of Famer & All-Pro Eric Dickerson.

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He And Turn N Oh N He He welcome to Schwartz talking Sports I’m your host Les Schwartz we have got a great show again tonight we just keep up and up and up in the shows we got a great one tonight uh first of all I want to thank all the subscribers out there

We had a record 500 a week and a half ago we’re already up to 633 as of today so thank you everyone for subscribing all the viewers for making this show what it is remember this is the fan show you tell us which way you want you tell us what the guest

Should be and that’s the direction of the show so let’s bring on my co-host former Florida A&M Rattler National Championship quarterback Al Chester and current voice of the Rattlers on the football and basketball broadcast let’s bring in Al Hey Les what’s going on baby happy Tuesday happy birthday yesterday

You celebrated a big one I did I tell you it’s a blessing man to reach another Milestone and uh I know I’m blessed and I and I’m truly blessed you’re the only guy that gets older and looks younger it’s unbelievable I want to I want to I want to know what you’re drinking

Because I want to drink the same thing but before we bring on tonight’s guest let’s have our producer Tony run the Reel and then we bring on tonight’s special guest running back number 29 Eric Dickerson with the second overall pick in the 1983 NFL draft the Los Angeles Rams selected Eric

Dickerson in his first four years in the NFL he scored 57 touchdowns and ran for nearly 7,000 yard we are pleased to bring on one of the best to ever do it number 29 in your program Eric Dickerson Eric hey What’s happen how you guys doing thanks for coming my man

What’s up what’s up Happy Birthday man thank you man I appreciate it you’re welcome brother so Eric let let’s jump right into this thing um cely Texas where is tell us a little bit about cely Texas and growing up in cely C Texas is about 40 miles west of

Houston right up by 10 uh people who know um that area kind of getting familiar with that area it’s about 20 miles from Katie Texas since Katie has grown so much Katie was like Seely like 2,000 people when I was there but it’s it’s uh grown quite a bit now um it’s

Not wasn’t allowed to do there cely I mean it’s mostly a Cow Town you know cattle um farm farm area um High School Football was big there you know that was that was a big thing in SE matter of fact we want to stay first state championship there in

19779 uh my senior year in high school and I think they went on to win five more you know later in the later years but um like I say that’s football country not a lot to do it’s still small I I have a house back there that I built

My mother when she was alive um and so I go back there other Su take my kids back have an older daughter uh that’s is 34 35 36 36 now and I have a granddaughter and I have two younger kids my daughter’s name is Erica my oldest and

My my youngest daughter’s Carrie named after my dad and my youngest son is Dallas named after my dad’s brother but um I go back to my hometown but like I said there’s not a lot to do back there it’s still small Alan we want to talk to Eric a

Little bit about you know his days obviously at SMU you know getting from C to SMU maybe you can talk a little bit about why he chose SMU and his experiences as SMU yeah yeah Eric you know the first thing that comes in mind when I hear

Eric dickon first of all the two guys that were the prettiest Runners on God’s planet was a guy named Ray Robinson who ran track at Florida A&M and Eric dick man where did you learn how to run like that and give us a little background on when you started playing football and

And catches up fast forward to your SMU days well man it was a I always say this it was a gift from God I mean I just ran like I ran that was it and the funny thing my son runs just like me and he’s

He’s 11 he’s fast as I don’t know what um it was you know being in cely you know it was not a lot to do there I mean so Sports was the big thing you know and I I started playing sports early um I won’t forget I was just telling one of

My good friends that when I was like in six like fifth and sixth grade like fifth and sixth grade you know I we play you know pick up football and that kind of and pick up B basketball nobody would picking me you know I was kind of kind

Of clumsy they were let me I I could hike the ball but I couldn’t run the ball you know so that was the thing but you know as time went on I got more athletic um you know and being there and that in that time like I say football

Time I mean it really is um when I think about my time at SMU the reason I chose SMU is because of my my great great aunt who raised me Val Dickerson I didn’t plan on attending that I want to go to Oklahoma that’s why I went to go to

College My First Choice was Oklahoma possibly USC it was far I came out the US on a visit uh to un Southern Cal and I just talked to to OJ and Marcus and a couple other guys said man you want to hi came yeah been beat

Up but um you know just going there the reason I went to SM like I said was C my mom B Dickerson she she pushed that and and I really wanted to go to Oklahoma I mean I never forget she said look son I’m an old lady I’m not said what the

Hell you going to do in Oklahoma you’re a Texas boy you want to go to Oklahoma uh you know I didn’t get in she said you ain’t gonna live in no damn Oklahoma Eric and I never thought about it like I never thought about like that

Right KN I want to go to college but I’ll say this much year really truly it’s the best decision that she ever made for me bner you know that and even playing professional football she made that choice too for over the usfl opp posted to you know the NFL post the usfl

But I’m glad I’m glad she made the choice for me and it was good I mean it wasn’t always good you know you go to college at first you know it was a struggle because you talking about you know 1979 I mean you know it was a

Little different back then it wasn’t a lot of blacks at SMU you know mostly whites but the football team was a lot of blacks but the schools mostly all white so that was a that was a big change for me but uh did I enjoy my time

There you know at my last i’ say my last three two three years man I loved it I mean I love going there I’m glad I went there matter of fact U my my my youngest daughter she she’s going to be attending snu also she just told me that she she

It was between she wanted to go there possibly since we live in Southern California but I think she said she wants she wants to go to SMU which makes me happy I mean I didn’t push her I mean I said you go where you want to go I’ll

Standing hey tell me tell me about your relationship with Craig James I mean today’s game today’s game I don’t know if two backs like you guys could coexist the game has been watered down for the running backs I want you to tell me about that too but tell me about your

Relationship with Craig James man Craig is one of my one of my good friends one of my best friends matter of fact I just text him today because I have to go to Dallas uh at the end of the month and I I told him that about 10 of us guys are

Gonna get together and have dinner and um see see if he was in town he said I’m in town I’ll come um and Craig’s a great guy I mean when I see a great guy he thing I like about CJ never changes always the same what you see is what you

Get I mean he’s he’s loyal uh he’s he’s a genuine guy and I got to say I think you know when when we did that deal at SMU you know the sharing time splitting time he didn’t like it and I didn’t like it either I mean it wasn’t just wasn’t

Something I was I was too keen on because you know he had been the guy strapper and i’ been the guy C high school we both won state championships at the same time he won 4A champ state championship and I won a 2A state championship so we wasn’t big on that uh

And but it worked I mean and I think it worked because Ron Meer you know made it work and and we made the work because what it what how we do it was say whoever started you know you go in whatever have you ran 10 plays or you

Ran five plays you come out the next guy goes in the next series sometimes if if it was a quick out and say man go back in you know get you get you get your car get your plays in so I think that’s why

It worked so well I think you know we we good friends that that that was the most important thing if you couldn’t if you wasn’t friendly you know if you’d be jealous of another guy then it wasn’t going to work and you know I gotta say I

I got the best out of it I mean when I got to the I had no I wouldn’t beat up I wasn’t injured I had i’ still never had a surgery in my life thank God for that so it it say it saved me that way I think

If I went to Oklahoma if I went to USC you know I carried the ball 30 40 times you know I got to the pros and I got I got my carries that trust big time Big Time hey you gotta tell me about this I gotta ask tell me

About that Trans Am am I know you g ask about trans everyone ask everybody ask about that Trans Am man tell me about that trans and then when you sold it to your teammate you had to get an upgrade what was the next ride well I got the TR play my

Grandmother bought the Trans Am let’s go with that and that and that is the truth that that’s a true story my grandmother did buy the Transam and not the lady who raised me my great grand my grandmother in Houston because my grandmother my grandfather lived in Houston and he was

A crane operator so they pretty they pretty much got a new car every couple years and uh bought that I got that Trans Am you know from I said Leo Johan the car dealership I got it I never foret when my mother said uh ER gonna go down to Houston we

You look at that car I’m like okay I was excited Okay cool so we go down look at the car Leo joh in up Pontiac and um she says to me uh go go outside guy gonna meet you outside while they were inside talking it was there was like four white

Guys three white men and my grandmother my grandfather my stepfather my mother and my adopted mother my my great aunt everybody’s in there and I think car for a spin came back and um I never forget she said it’s yours I’m like mine she

Said yes sure so the car was mine and lo and behold I mean the funny thing about it is I think that was like a Friday th I think it was a Friday or a weekend yeah it was a weekend and uh that Monday

Morning NCAA was at I mean at at my high school at C high school and asked me about the trans guy came in I forgot the guy’s name and um he came to my I was in lab class and he came knocking on the door the teacher

Uh said hey Eric it’s a guy I want to see you out here so I walked to he said I’m so and so from NCAA I want to talk to you about your Trans Am I said okay I you talk to my mother so he said can you

Call your mom and so I tell her I can come to the house so I called my mother and he went to the house to be I by the time I got home he was still there make a long story short you know I saw that

Man came to my house for for over I’m going to say three months maybe two or three months almost every day even on the weekend he came so much that he started having dinner with us that’s how that’s how yeah he was a brother so my mother

You know kind of kind of kind of liked you know made it cool because you know you know them being black and you know we could relate but I won’t forget the last time I I didn’t never one day I didn’t see him anymore and I said Mom

What happened to that man she said your grandmother called it he came by your grandmother’s house and then your grandfather’s house and she said she told him if I see you or if I see anybody NCAA again I’m going to sue you personally and I’m GNA sue the NCAA she

Said you’ve got everything on this car and there nothing else you need and sure enough never saw him again so that was it but the long story is the short story is my mother she did bu they paid for that car $14,500 they paid for but and them gave

The money for it back so basically it’s called a transan him and I would end up going to SMU so you know I that’s and I didn’t find that out until I got the pros I think i’ asked my mother one day tell me how that got that Trans in she

Said you never know you didn’t know that I said no she told me no ask so she said she told me exactly what I just told you she said your grandmother pay for the car they paid they wrote a check for it and they could she could afford the car

They paid 14,500 and they gave them cash back for the car I said okay so that’s how that’s how I got the car I got I got a car bet later I did say did I not say he’d go for the Corvette and I’m like he did go for the Corvette later that’s

Nothing that’s water under the bridge now these guys are driving around in Bentley’s and rolls-royces now I mean that’s time right that’s that’s chump change it is now you had a great career at SMU I mean Stellar career like you said who dubbed you guys the Pony

Express was it a sports writer a local guy or did you guys come up with I want to think it was Russ pots because when I got there it was Mustang Mania that was the thing called Mustang Mania I like that Mustang man I think my first

Two years and then I think my junior year came up with a new slogan the Pony Express we deliver the mail on Saturdays that was the slog and it just kind of took off and stuck and I and honestly I didn’t know we were that be because you

Know my thing was when I came to La I was like nobody really knows who we are knows who I am I said I’m G make them know who I am because I knew how good we were as a football team I know how good

I was as a football player so I wanted to show the whole world how good I was so they they didn’t know me and it’s funny when I got to La people said man we we knew who you were he said man they trying to catch you on satellite they

Catch you on the weekend they would show y’all’s games we in Texas they show show in California so we saw y’all and see I didn’t I didn’t know that because you know we didn’t have all these these different TV channels and stuff so uh but that’s how got the name the Pony

Express they to rust pots but your senior Year you guys are the only division one team to go undefeated and you didn’t win it because you tied at think Arkansas in the last Game 17-17 beat a de Marino Leed pit team a really good pit team in the cotton b and a on

Lost Penn State team gets in I think you guys were jipped you guys finished number two man the best we got we got jipped so bad I mean seriously because I’m G tell you one thing about our football team we had so many good athletes on that team a lot of guys went

Pro we had and one thing about our defense I’ll say this much and I can say it our defense was physical and dirty they were they were bunch of gangsters and thugs on defense matter of fact God Daren boom who played got there um he said he said he went to University

Vis visit University of Texas and he said Fred aers told him we we know you’re looking at snu he said you don’t want to go there they but a bunch of gangsters and thugs over which was funny private school but man let me tell you something we had one

Hell of a defense I mean one hell of a defense think about it that defense held Dan Marino to three points in that game it was freezing cold out there but but man that defense was great um we only undefeated team they screwed us because they wanted they wanted Georgia and Pen

State I won’t forget that year they talked about H Penn State is only no Joe patno has not won a national championship and it’s unfair to college football and that was a bunch of BS I mean you know if that have been Texas or A&M had been undefeated with no losses

And we tied the last game of the season arkans Arkansas was ranked like seven eight man they had a great football team they had a great foot lot of Pros on that football team too guys in the first round but you know you know it was it

Was politics that’s what it was I mean all about politics tell me about go ah go out I was just gonna ask you um uh seeing the college game now and even the pro game what happened to the fullback man what what what’s happening to our game

Through The Eyes of Eric Dickenson man they want to throw the football they think throwing the football is showing how smart we are you know how fancy it is I mean think about it I mean when you played and I played you never had a receiver 115 120 catches didn’t happen

If a guy had 60 catches 50 that was big like eight eight catches again I was talking to my friend Roy green who played for the Arizona cardal St Louis card Arizona cardal he said man I think he said most I think I had a game maybe

10 catches he said I had like 190 yards you said I was you know it just wasn’t it wasn’t like that and I’m with you man when you put a full back in it changes it changes the complexity of a football game I mean we had the fullback when I

Ran play for the r we ran the I set and sometime the one back set but now you know it’s all about throwing the football just showing how smart you are they want to see like the 45 44 games 60 to 61 all them go crazy sco I I

Like the Super Bowl was a good that was to me a good hard-nosed physical football game and I think that was that’s a football is all about which Eric which is why your records will never be broken because you know when you played it was run run run to set up

The pass it’s almost the other way around now these guys are slinging it 40 50 times a game I mean you come into the the pros and have a prolific season right out of the gate 1,800 plus yards I don’t think anybody’s ever done it your second year you’re only the second back

In the history of the league to eclipse the 2,000 yard Mark you beat OJ’s record and that record still stands and I don’t think anybody will ever break that record well I think it’s gonna be tough on the break because they don’t run the football like like we ran the football

Um and do I want anybody to break my record absolutely not I don’t want anybody to break that record matter of fact I’ll say this it’s funny uh my my son he’s 11 and he plays flag football um and like I say man he he’s I’m I’ll

Say this much I’m not saying he’s gonna play professional football I’m not saying that but if he does he plays my position he’s gonna be better than me and that’s that’s saying a lot because my friend my best friend Charles B I told him that he said come on don’t say

That I said I’m telling you what I see I said I saw it at five years old on the stuff he could do I said now just watch him and so it was like two years ago Dallas 11 now his name is Dallas he said

Man dick he said man you might be right I said I told you you see what I see don’t you he said man he’s so competitive he’s so fast I mean it’s funny how fast he I mean he works out with the high school kids he’s 11 years

Old you know he’s he’s that fast he had the fastest time in the nation at a kid for his age group in the 200 and second fastest in the 100 so you know I I said this when I was when I was young I didn’t have I didn’t have any kids

Especi that boy they asked me about I’m breaking my record and I said I don’t want about to break my record and they said well records are meant to be broken I said who said that I said people who said that don’t have records I said I

Said never heard that one before yeah I say so if anybody breaks my record I said i’ like to see have my son break have a son and the funny thing was he asked his mom I think like a year ago he said mom he said what is Dad’s record in

In in Russia run the football she said over 2,000 yards he said I’m going break that record one day and I I man that would be if I’m around that would be the happiest day of my life to see my son break that record so if it if it’s

Broken I I hope I hope he breaks it well speaking of Records Al Al and I talked about this so you’ve got you’ve got two really big ones you’ve got the single season but you also and Al can talk to this that game against the Cowboys were

You lit up against the Tony dor setled cowboy team what 248 yards in that game and we’ve got some video on that game uh my producer can uh cue that up but maybe you can talk a little bit about did you just feel something extra in that game

Did you have some extra juice or you just feel it during the whole game like how did that thing unfold well first of all I didn’t like the Cowboys I just could stand the Cowboys Texas boy doesn’t like the Cowboys no I couldn’t stand the cowboy that that that

America’s team crap I I just that that really hurt me and uh when it came for draft Tom Landry told um John Robinson that he said I don’t think I don’t think I think he made a bad pick with him you know he say he’s too big he’s too tall

And he’s he’s not as fast as he looks you know so when I heard that I’m like okay cool like so every time we played them I stuck I always had 100 yard against Cowboys every time we played them and that game in particular was just a

Really good game for me uh because I knew the guys back in Texas was watching at my home back in my home state of Texas some of the guys with cowboy fans matter fact I got one of my friends now who still talks about it from Lynch I

Went to college together he said man you know I left my team said I was hating you just killing them you killing me with so um but yeah I never did like the Dallas Cowboys Eric tell me about the cut block you did your rookie year on Lawrence

Taylor uh well we uh we we had a play and matter they call it lateer in the week you know usually have plays a little early week it was like a Thursday and uh my moneyback coach Bruce snid say gotta play where you got the block La

Taylor and I’m like I’m a rookie this my first this my first football game we going to New York to play the Giants opening day and I’m like what you mean block him he says you know you just got to cut him get his hands down and G

Throw the ball po to the tight end like a little tight end in in route so make a long story short the game started I mean he was you know LT you you know he crazy he cursing you know you a rookie I’m you get no 100 yards on us you know

This and that and I’m like I ain’t saying nothing so late in the game I think it’s like third quarter third like late in the third uh we needed one yard and they call that play and so he rushed because he was on the end and Mike Barber was right over

Mike slipped inside he came rushing up in I I cut him really good and uh he got up and he grabbed me by my arm and he said hey you mother don’t you cut me and so I’m standing there like we gonna laugh talk kind of sh you hear me and I

Just said yes and I just went to the sidelines cuz he CU he said man told me I’ll kill your ass you cutting me so I went straight to the sideline I sit on the bench and we had picked up first down and so uh it was funny it was funny

Then it wasn’t funny it wasn’t funny to me then it’s funny now they like they looking for the running back and they came find I said I said man Bruce I’m not going back that’s man said he gonna kill me man I y’all call that stupid

That man cursing me out they Eric okay come on he said you don’t have to go back I said I’m not going back in that game right now so I waited a while I want to come I went back in and then after the game I went up to to apologize

To him and he said man don’t cut don’t cut me you hear me I said man I’m sorry he said man I’m just joking man he said man good game so you know he he got me that and he he did another player like that too I can’t think another running

Back he said he did the same thing to me you know linebackers don’t like getting cut especially Lawrence Taylor Lawrence Taylor well so what we do Eric so during the show you know we do have a we do have a lot of viewers out there we got a

C few some Q&A going on we do have a question out there from one of our uh subscribers and viewers and our amazing chat girl Joanie is back ladies and gentlemen Joanie is back in the seat so Joanie why don’t you uh throw a question out to our our special guest number 29

Eric Dickerson okay Les well it’s good to be back back in the seat um so we’ve got Greg the movie guy who asks Eric what would you do if you were a running back today with the money situation the way it is now a lot of

Stuff hey I’d be loving it I know that you know I say this much I’m I’m happy for those guys that’s making real money because we didn’t make you know that kind of money um it much wouldn’t change I mean I I’d be the same guy I

Bought my mother a house I build my mom a house that was the first big purchase I got first I bought i g getet it was Christmas I bought a brand new car got a a Cadillac you know that was a black man black man’s and black B Mercedes back in

The 7 back in the 80s I was like for us so I bought her Cadillac Then I then I built her at house in seedley um but really it wouldn’t be it wouldn’t be any change I just have probably a lot more money that’s about it but you know I

Wasn’t real flashy I mean I really would I mean I had I like my sports cars like clo clothes and stuff but nothing it it would be the same I’d be the same guy now Eric I’ve got a question this is this is a personal question for me now

You put together a tremendous career with the Rams you start off like a house of Fire and and in doing the research you know I’ve obviously followed your career all the way back to SMU in basically 11 Seasons five of those Seasons you were a pro bowl running back

And a first team All Pro not everyone makes the Pro Bowl everybody makes the Pro Bowl you were first te All Pro back in out day they didn’t everybody makes it anybody but you were first team five out of those 11 years which mean like you were the top-notch

You know running back 50% of the seasons that you played it’s incredible but in all of that amazing you know just great Seasons with the Rams up in in 87 they go and trade you to the Indianapolis Colts which at that time was not the greatest destination for football

Players I’m I’m thinking your first reaction when you heard that you were being traded but from the Rams to the Colts well I didn’t I I I found out I was at home getting ready to go to a Halloween party I was in my kitchen actually and Jim Gray was here uh

Another guy and uh I was in my costume and the phone rang in the kitchen and you know back in them days I had a phone in my car but you know it was most the phone in the house and the house phone you know so I I was getting ready to go

Out the door the phone rang and I he said man come on I said let me answer the phone right quick so I pick up the phone it’s my old coach um Ron Myer I didn’t know why he would he said Big E I

Knew it was his voice he called me Big E I said what’s up coach how you doing I said good he said I just made a trade for you I’m like what he said I said where are you I didn’t know he in Indianapolis he said I’m in Indianapolis

And he said said I got you got to be on a flight tonight at midnight it was like 9:00 then midnight uh to catch a flight into Indianapolis and I that’s how I found out I got traded that’s right there when I found out I got traded it

Was it was a shock to me too um did I want to go to India no I did not want to go to Indie I mean where I wanted to go my c i I want to go to Washington rescue where my cousin was uh but they wouldn’t

Send me there I mean I won’t forget he called me and he said man I hear we trying to get you Dexter Manley was my cousin he said man I hear we trying to get you said man I know and I never get his word man they ain’t gonna do that

That’s too much like right man he said you kill it up here so then tra to the Colts and the crazy thing about it is just show you how how messed up they were tried to screw over me and he mean and I gotta say later he admitted that

He was trying to send me to Siberia you know to try to kill my career um um John the GM John Shaw yeah John Shaw John Shaw I we we’re good friends now believe it or not and I hated John for a long time I did I mean a long time until he

You know we met up and he called and apologized every man he said I just want to tell you you were the greatest players player I ever seen and that should have never happened as long as I’m with your Rams you always do you a ram forever and so um you know after

That it laid some stuff to rest because I mean I was making I was making 150 175 and I remember 2000 Mak I was making $175,000 I was the second pick in the draft John was John was number one I was two I think JN was making like a million dollars I’m making

175 which was way off kilter that’s just how that’s how that’s how they could do back there Rams and the Rams known for being cheap but you know did I did I want to play my whole career that yes I did but you know knowing what I know now

They were broke they kind of like say they wasn’t what they are now for sure because uh it was funny I us used to get two checks you get like a check from say Bank of America and a check from let’s say City Bank and I found out they were you know

Shuffling money around I didn’t know that because I was a kid young and you know you two checks when I got to indap you got one check I said hey what about the other check he said no you get one check talking about two checks so but

Like I say you know that was that was then this is now but you know the hard feelings are gone but I do I wish I could have played my whole career to Rams yes but I played my whole career to one or two things would happen uh I have

Shout out those records I mean no doubt I mean walk pton said to me we we did we did the show Coach and um we were backstage meet him and LT and he said Eric man I want to say something to you and I said I said what wal he said man I

Want to say thank you for getting traded and I’m I said traded why why you say that he said man you broke all the records I said come said ER trust me I’m telling you broke all the records so I said he said he said the Rams messed up

By doing that I’m just telling you that’s how good you were I say thanks Walter so but you know like I said I was carrying the ball a lot so could have got hurt so you never know so I always fig everything happens for a reason God

Put me in Indian office for a reason and then so be it Eric what what advice would you have for high school and college kids coming out today what would you what would Eric Dickson say to a upand cominging high school and college player uh not an

Athlete period it didn’t have to be a football player what would you say to me well most get you education education is very important education is power is knowledge and everything else because you know you can’t play this sport forever any sport you can’t play any

Sport forever I don’t care if it’s golf or whatever you get old your body gets old and that’s that’s the facts I mean you look at me running on that football field I look this picture behind me I was a young Eric Dickerson but one day

You’re gonna be an old man and I tell all these kids that man take advantage of that that that education that you get in for free a lot of kids don’t uh I I take myself I didn’t take full advantage of it either because I didn’t graduate

Messing me I wish I would have they Tred to even didn’t come back but and I’m just like I’m just going to school even though I tell my kids you know you going my kids you going to graduate I I just think that’s important because it’s no guarantee you going to play professional

Football it’s no it’s no guarantee you play professional baseball but if you have the knowledge to do other things other than play that Sport and take care of yourself because it’s life after Sports it is I tell all kids it’s life after that I say you gonna be an old man

Or old woman a lot longer than you gonna be that young person that you see wearing his uniform absolutely well Eric so I know you know I know the time’s short I know I know you’ve been super nice you know coming on with us and we do want to go

To a quick commercial break but we do want to get and then we want to talk about Young Warriors because I think that’s very important what you’re doing there we’re going to put up a lot of things on that uh Foundation that you started but we do have two questions

From some of our viewers so let’s just Joanie get them in quick before we go to our first commercial break okay Barry asks back in the day you rushed for 3,000 yards you set the standard where did you get your drive from it was just an end the drive it was like

I said it was it was god-given talent and I hate losing man I mean I hated it my son hates it too he like me I man I could not stand losing and my thing was I always want to be the best that was it

I mean I I’m that that was my that was my whole thing I didn’t want to be just one of the guys or good guy I wanted to be the best player on the field and I get my senior year at times I felt like

A man playing with boys and even in the pros it was time like they can’t run with me I’m bigger I’m faster than them they can’t keep up and it’s just it was a good feeling when you when you got that much athleticism but you taking full advantage of it because one thing

About me I worked at my C I worked at it hard and uh I was very proud of it and I thank God for the gift that he gave me and that’s what it was it was a gift but I I worked at it all right well we’ll

Come back with that question after this but Eric we’re going to do something real quick you’re the first person we’re doing this with and we’re going to do this with every athlete of every sport we’re going to call this this in the NFL the two-minute warning so real quick

Myself and Al G to give you four questions you don’t have to elaborate on it just a quick five second you just let us know and let’s do it so let’s let Al start us off Eric uh what’s your favorite color and why black because it’s mysterious and it’s cool

Looking nice all right Eric SMU going to the ACC good move or bad move I think it’s a great move uh they’ll be taken seriously as a football program in the PowerHouse I think they’ll get back to where they should have been years ago without that death penalty right yeah it’s Black History

Month when I say black history what comes to mind Muhammad Ali my favorite athlete nice and number four I can’t top that one Eric that’s a really good one but my my my number four question favorite pregame meal I didn’t eat candy bars believe it

Or not what kind of candy bar uh Three Musketeers that’s why I like this guy he likes candy bars just like me plus we’re both left-handed golfers and you’ve got the sweetest left-handed swing next to Ken griffy you both you guys can have a sweet swing and golf swing but well

Listen we’re gonna come back I want to talk about Young Warriors we’re gonna bring Benny the book on as well and I think we have a couple more questions from some of our viewers so we’ll be right back with more of Eric Dickerson and our guest host tonight alchester after

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Al Chester the Rattler and we’ve got special guest Eric Dickerson hanging out with us for a little bit so going over Eric’s career and things like that I think we’ve got like one or two more questions from our viewers so uh Joanie why don’t you rule him in okay Barry

Smith who’s always very inquisitive he asks what was your first couple years like at SMU uh my first couple years was kind of tough I mean my first year because I was a number one recruiting Nation coming out of high school and uh I got hurt

Quite a bit I mean I was I wouldn’t really college football I thought I would but I wasn’t uh had had some injuries uh nothing serious but enough in to keep me out of games I think I end up with 477 yards and like six touchdowns that year

Uh and then I won’t forget they said I was a bust in the Dallas money knew I was a bust and they should take my scholarship that was hurtful to see that uh my sophomore year uh I did better I had 928 yards I know I remember those

Numbers and I forgot how many touchdowns was was my those was my two you know it was kind of rough because I was just kind of getting acclimated to it and then my Junior and Senior year then I killed it so oh yeah it well I’m just

Thinking now based on I remember Ella brought up the the question with you and Craig James coexisting in the same back field with the transfer rules the way they are today Eric it seems like guys kind of shy away from competition you know they don’t want to split it they

Want to be the guy and in today’s the way that college football is today do you think both you and Craig could have coexisted or would you know I’m sorry to say I thought Craig was a great player I’m a patriot guy from Boston but you

Would have been the guy and I think Craig would have been the guy to transfer out of town but do you think you guys could have coexisted today with the rules and the way transfer portal is today well that had be that have to make be a choice probably not just because of

The way the transport transport transport the portal is I just I don’t know if it worked um I think it would have worked if you know because you had to stay there you know now you don’t have to stay thing I don’t like about the the portal is is that you know you

Can take the money and you can leave if you don’t like it that I don’t like that if you gonna take the money from the school not the school or from whatever industry you take the money from you get the money back then you go you can go as

Many times you want to I that’s the only thing I say because I’ve always felt that NCAA has really robbed kids for years and gotten over you know they I kill these coaches say well this you know kids shouldn’t get paid well you shouldn’t get paid either if that’s the

Case the head of NCAA he shouldn’t get paid either you know nobody should get paid if it’s if it’s if it’s a if it’s a sport where it’s an amateur sport no one should get paid I mean why why not I just feel like that it would have been

Tough you know in this day and age because you know everybody’s going have to and the cash is astronomical I mean you see these kids getting a million dollar $3 million $6 million I mean I didn’t make that my whole NFL career I know it’s incredible blame them but I

Don’t I don’t blame those kids I mean because you gotta understand one thing some of these kids are not going to play professional football basketball or baseball this is the most money they’ll ever make every kid that’s that’s a top player in college doesn’t make them Pros

It they don’t you know it’s no guarantee that Caleb William is going to be hey Mahomes it’s no guarantee of that you know they hoping he’s gonna be like Mahomes but Patrick Mahomes but it’s no guarantee he may go there and get hurt maybe a bust or whatever and that

Happens I mean look at the guy that was the Chicago’s uh trabis yeah that their first pick man I saw him play his his first year and I told Richard D I said he’s a I said he’s a bust I said he can’t hit the side of a bar in his first

Game I play you’re right you know shov I mean they moved up they could have gotten the homes they they took the biscuit so you know it’s it’s just no guarantees it’s gonna work out so if you got to get as much as you can why you

Can that’s that’s on a job you know you if you working at at X over here and Y is offering you this much more you don’t take why if it’s the same kind of job so I mean I I hate to say it but that’s just today that’s that’s how today’s sports is

Today Eric uh you know you you you you’ve been around the block a few times man you got a lot of miles on you how’s your body holding up man I’m beat the hell up hell I’m beat up man I got I got back problems I can’t can’t sleep at night I

Got shoulder problems you know people think you know you look good like you play I’m like man what I couldn’t play nothing you know by getar that’s about it look at that picture right that you two you two with the College Football Hall of Fame I see it now good that’s a

Good picture of us yeah uh yep no I mean I got matter fact I’m going I got to go back to Dallas I’m getting stem cell a former stem cell in my back because I mean I can’t stand up long periods of times um and I can’t walk long periods

Of time so you know that that sport takes a toll on your body and and your mind too it really does I think people realize you know how brutal football is they they think they know but till you get out there you have no clue what it’s like and

Al Eric Eric in that picture with you and Al you have to remember Eric you’re the Hall of Famer but in that picture there we go bring it up alchester the only HBCU quarterback to win a National Championship in history that is history right there and he should be inducted

Into the college you should be going into the black College Football Hall of Fame that’s that’s what I’m saying right there there you go there you go there you go I’m glad he said that because my boy Richard D he always bragging about uh he went to Tennessee State about they

Could have beat us I said then we’ have beat we’ have beat y’all to death beat the team we had I I was going down there SC I said y’all playing P Chattanooga and all the scho man with But Eric I want to ask you a question

You brought it up earlier during our telecast the usfl now that was a viable option back in the day you know Jim Kelly went there and Doug fluty and Hersha walker uh Reggie White uh we got actually an Oakland Invader helmet right behind me here from the usfl was that

Something that your agent and you looked at as a possibility or were you like n I’m going to the NFL I don’t care what the money situation is yeah I I looked at it I won’t forget it I looked at it um they were not they they would out a

Lot of money but um I asked my mother my my grandmother who raised me like my great great B Dickerson U who adopted me I I said Mom I said let ask you a question I said it’s too she hated football too let me tell you she hated

She did not like me playing that sport she says okay son she said I said they got the usfl and NFL I said’ which one you think I should go to and I never forget what she said she waited a few she said well you know I don’t like let

Me think about it and she asked one question she said which one’s been around long I said the NFL she said go to the NFL they gonna be there I don’t think it’s gonna be there so I chose the NFL so that’s why that’s why I went to

The NFL not the USF if she see the usfl I to the usfl yeah that would have been the NFL’s loss and our loss too because usfl kind of petered out but oh look who joined us we got Benny the book I didn’t even see Benny there because know I

Can’t I’m not looking at the view I’m looking at the camera I can’t see what’s going on you just you just asked Eric the question I was going to ask him you always listen to your mom and I I wanted to know why why why did you why did you

Why did why did your mom want you to go to the NFL and you answered the question y that’s that’s the that’s the reason I went to the NFL right you know they they’ll never steal you wrong always got to listen to your M you got

It you got it your right let me ask you a question because we got questions coming in too I want to get to Eric’s foundation and everything else but a quick question Benny where do you rate Eric in your uh Pantheon of great running backs this is post Super Bowl I

Can’t talk Jim Brown or all these other guys I’m talking post Super Bowl where do you rate Eric oh top top three top three top three he he mentioned he mentioned hey that that must have been some compliment that Walter pton said to you I was that

I mean I that that had to make you feel like uh yeah that was a big time compliment because I won’t forget Eric was Eric Eric hey he was uh Walter was some Runner boy yeah but thank you matter of fact I’m looking at I have a

Picture right here on my wall I’m looking at over here me and Walter P one of the first times we met we played him here at home and um I didn’t want to go over and say anything to him for the game you know you know running back I

Want to have a better game right and I had 149 yards to touchdown and so I went after the game I went over and I we about to touch hand I said Eric dick he said I know who you are so you know we became we became really good friends that’s

Great was a really good guy I missed him well let’s get a couple I think we get a couple more questions Joanie let’s get them in quick yes Eric uh Barry wants to know Rams Falcons Raiders Colts who’s your fave Rams of course the other don’t even

Count you but you had that great year with the Colts though you that Pro Bowl year right when you got to the Colts which you really lit it up for a team that really wasn’t very good man we didn’t have much of anything yeah I had

My first year I had well my first year I came in because it was a strike season I think I had almost like like 13300 yards in the strike season because I didn’t play all the games then the next year I had 1679 I think the next year with the

Colts um and then they start getting into the players you know I mean I got to say man that was just a bad organization I thought the Rams organization was bad that one was 10 times worse was it really you have any good stories about

How bad it really was I can tell you I can tell you a couple good stories about how bad it was let’s hear it matter of fact uh let me show you I’m gonna tell you how racist it was out there was it is it was it Indiana I hear the thing

That the clan started in Indiana or eventually originally the clan started the clan would started in Tennessee that’s why Clan started but but Indianapolis was a big big part of the clan also and it’s funny you say that matter of fact I never seen a play rally

To I was I was an indie and my my my cousin called he living in he said what you doing I said uh nothing Landing B it was a off day he said turn the TV on I said what channel he said any channel I

Turned it on this is my first year ever and uh it was a big clan valy downtown on MAR and I’m like what the hell is that he said I just want to show you where you at now he said this is what this is what it’s like in indana and so

I won’t forget I think it was 1991 or 90 um they took you know you take a banner and hang over rail you know like like we love the coast or we love whoever you know we love Eric yeah we love AJ or whatever we love Al they took a banner

And they hung over rail big sheep and they had a a picture of a black baby in the Middle with Indian style POS in the Indian style position with a stack of money on one side stack of watermelons on the other side eating fried chicken and I won’t forget I’ll never forget

That that was like so demeaning and I remember some of the players laughed about it some of the black players and I’m like you MFS I said you so stupid that could be you oh this just change the number then they oh yeah man you right that’s messed up so it stayed up

There to after half wow you know and I like I never forgot that matter of fact the girl I was dating we best friends now at the end of the game you know I came you come out tone and she was crying Eric how could you how could you

Play how did you how could you even play you know for this for this team I said you know I said I have a job to do that was that was hard that was hard that’s why that’s why honestly I mean I don’t go back to Indianapolis I mean I don’t I

Mean and I’ll say this it’s some good fans IND me everybody’s not like that every person like like that but you know when you when you have something like that it’s far as you you don’t forget it I’ve never forgotten it that’s why I don’t go back there unless my my my

In-laws my wife’s parents and are some very good people uh I go back there for her birthday but I don’t go back there nothing for the Colts I just refuse to go back I just I I just can’t do with it Eric I’m going to throw I’m going to

Throw something completely out of left field too because I want to see if you remember this back in I don’t even know it was 83 84 85 this is sticks in my head and I don’t know why but you were on I think it was the Oprah Winfrey Show

And they were setting up athletes with actresses and they set you up with sherid Sher Hedley Sharon Sher Hedley Sher Headley Sherry Headley friend am I right is she was on coming to America right yeah did did you guys actually go on a date I always wanted to know did

You go on the date yeah yeah we went on a little date nothing serious I think after New York GL was Chicago was and we remain friends man I I talk to Sher every once in a while sher’s a good person you know we never dated but right

We just remained really good friends and and I thought she was beautiful so we just and at that time man I was young I had so many girls man I didn’t want to mess up that girl’s life with that crap you know you know what I’m talking about

I got you I got you you guys do you play ball Benny and I didn’t so but but that’s okay because I got I got Jo now that’s all I care about it’s like it’s like people talk about this this Taylor Swift uh what’s his name um Kelsey Swift K Kelsey deal

I’m like look that’s gonna last a quick minute thank foot player football player uh he’s an athlete I said look right now every woman in the pretty much the world knows who he is and one thing it’s hard for a man to say no when you’re young it’s just

Facts I’m not gonna argue and I agree with you I think you’re preaching Eric no man know hear me say this they know I’m Tru look look at the but look at the girls he dating look at those look at the the difference in the bodies like

Wow it’s a big difference so it is what it is you know I mean I can say and a sad part is when they break up people going to hate him the girls going to hate him they going to hate him but the guys be like that’s all right you took

You took one for the team now ER Eric put your analyst hat on what did the Bears do are they gonna trade Fields do you think that they’re going to take Caleb Williams just analyst hat for a second what do you because they basically control the whole draft board

Whatever they do there’s a domino effect I think if if you’re smart you you you you uh you try to trade that number one pick and get as many players as you can for it many draft picks as you can for it I think I don’t think I think Justin

Field is a good quarterback I think one thing he doesn’t have time no one who sets up behind that offensive line has time to throw the football I mean you can put Caleb Williams back there it’s gonna be the same thing I mean if you don’t put a offensive line in front of

Him what can he doely you know you only you’re only as good as your the guys in front of you I’m telling you I don’t care how great you are big you are me in Indianapolis my last couple years there man that line was so bad that M I just

Talked to my friend BR Smith at the Super Bowl we were talking about it again he I remember we played y’all he was they were hitting in the back field so much that he helped me up a couple times Eric man we’re gonna hurt you man

They can’t block us up here I mean and that is what will happen to Caleb the same thing because them guys they they’re not pulling back even if I went to UFC with it hey dog I gotta hit you that’s what it is I just feel like that

They should maybe trade to pick take some take to take the draft picks they can get for him or if you think you’re gonna keep him how what are you gonna do I mean you g you gonna trade you gonna trade the other what’s the other quarterback name um field you gonna

Trade Justin Fields And if you trade him you’re not gonna get anything for him because they know you want to get right so I mean that would be my Pi that would be my take on but I think you build a football team in two ways offensive line

And defensive line you make the call on that’s it it all starts up front if you don’t have nobody pushing people around on offense open them lanes for the running back protect your quarterback you have nothing you can have Eric Dion in the back field if you don’t have a

Tissue paper line nobody’s gonna do anything you put you you you put you put you put P Mahomes behind that Chicago offensive line you gonna see him running for his life and getting hit and he won’t be the P Mahomes you know right now that’s right y dayquan has that

Problem in New York I said that I said it when he got drafted there they don’t have an offensive line I said I said he not gonna lie I said I said he Ain got no offive line they gonna kill that boy he not Big K Eric’s absolutely right

Remember them Giants against those Patriots it was that offense and defensive line that took care fact matter of fact I took a bet on that game straight up I said the Giants gonna beat the Patriots I’m like no way I say I said that defensive line I said helli

They healthy now yep they certainly did a job on it well Eric do me a favor tell me a little bit about Young Warriors tell me about when you started it uh you know what it’s about we’re going to rule some things on it right now but just

Kind of let everyone know out there what it is and when you got that thing started well it’s really my my friend this is my friend Jason Hills uh Foundation who is is it’s for fabulous boys I just I’m just on the board I help raise money for

It okay uh it’s a foundation that that helps kids with our dads you know how to become men how to you know talk go out and get a job you know and how to carry yourself because matter of fact I went to a prison about five years ago and um

They had about 80 prisoners in there we talking to them and they had them all line up and they said everybody who didn’t have a dad please step forward about 75 of those guys step it was a trip I mean I’m like wow and I’d heard

That my friend who run who’s the founder of young War Jason Hill he always said Eric a lot of the kids that don’t have fathers that’s why they impr prison he said I was one of those kids he said I didn’t have he said I don’t know who my

Dad is today you know he said imagine living in a drug infested home that’s what I brought up in and I couldn’t imagine it so but that is what the foundation is for to help the the Young boys and uh we’re doing our golf event this coming Monday we have a dinner

That’s Sunday night and it’s our 10th Annual uh Young Warriors golf event nice yeah and we’re we’re gonna run some things on as a matter of fact what I’d like to do Eric and and we’re going to send you a couple of things maybe you can sign we’re gonna auction

Those off and we’ll get the proceeds that will go out to Young Warriors as well so no problem we definitely want to do that um real quick uh quick a quick hello from uh our friend Vince Coleman who said that number 29 he loves you because you wore his number 29 and he

Was a big Rod Karu guy but he’s like Eric was my favorite player in the NFL because we wore the same number and I said may maybe was Eric faster than you ah that would have been a nice little 100 yard dash you against Vince it’s

Good not R me you know he’s a kicker he’s a [Laughter] K’s one H athlete I gotta give one oh man yeah how’s his golf game I haven’t seen him play golf man Ben got Ben got a really good golf does he yeah you don’t you don’t want to bet Ben I’m

Put like unless you can play because he he is the straight all right right well I’ve seen y swing and I you’re heading to Vegas what tomorrow I leave to Vegas tomorrow yeah I’m going to vented Cordell students doing in Las Vegas all well uh listen we appreciate it I know I

Know you’ve you only had like a a little bit of time and you really stepped stepped over the bounds here for us so we really appreciate you coming on and your stories are great uh we love having one of the greatest of all time coming in and uh you didn’t disappoint so uh

Thanks so much Eric uh safe travels to Las Vegas and hopefully we can have you on again if you had a good time we’d love to have you on again no no problem thank you very much for having you all right class D appreciate you man happy birthday man have a good one

All right we’ll do it thank you all right well listen we’ll be back with Al Chester and Benny the book we’ll talk a little college basketball after this Jim’s Pawn and Gun shop located at 4212 Oleander Drive Wilmington’s number one Firearms dealer sporting a large inventory including all brands of

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Sports I’m Les Schwartz joined by my host Al the Rattler Chester and Benny the book that was that was something guys yeah great show man tell you what Eric’s a class guy man got a host of stories and I tell you what tremendous Talent man you talking about a guy finishing

Third in the highest one I mean all the yards that he’s rush for and you’re right nobody’s going to break those yards man not in our lifetime I can promise you that not unless they go to 20 Game season or some crazy thing right I mean not even not even that because

They they just like he said they don’t they don’t want to run the ball they don’t want to run the ball they they get inside the Red Zone man they go five wide empty back field on the 5 yd line throwing the ball in nobody’s running

The football anymore well first of all I want to say you know this is the first show we’ve had on since the Super Bowl so both you guys nailed it you both had Kansas City winning Brian Holloway Our Guest Al I don’t know if you remember he

Actually had the game every single way he said the Niners would be winning San FR I mean Kansas City would come back and then it’ be an amazing ending it would be an amazing game and Kansas City would win on the last play of the game and he actually nailed it

It was exact it went just like that too what a great Super Bowl it was fantastic plays I mean you you got to see the heroics of mome right there in overtime what what a great and all the folks that were out there they had a great time I’m

Sure well I gotta ask both you guys this because you know uh Al you’re the former athlete Benny you’re the man when it comes to uh you know the sports books do you think there’s at least for me there is uh it Chief’s fatigue like all right

It’s almost like now I know what anti- Patriot fans were like when they won it every year and there was sick and seeing you know Brady Che that’s what I call it Tom Brady and Bill bellich I’m coing that phrase Brady Che is it kind of like okay all right Patrick Mahomes he’s

Great we know he’s great I don’t want to see him I don’t want to see Taylor Swift I don’t want to see the Chiefs anymore give us some give us the Lions give us the Dolphins give us something new what do you guys think well you know what go ahead benett

Go ahead no no yeah it did it get a little uh crazy there with that Taylor Swift uh uh as a sports fan I would never get tired of watching Patrick Mahomes do his thing you know uh there’s a lot of uh there’s a lot of things that are going to go

Into it you know Andy recalls it quits you know he said he’s not but you know how how much longer is he gonna he keeps he wins another one or two Super Bowls he’s going to he’s going to say you know I had enough you know I I made my mark

Yeah so there’s a lot of things that could go into to it but I I would never get tired of watching Patrick Mahomes you know I never got tired of Tom Brady to tell you the truth what about you you want to see I tell you what I think that

Uh Mahone is a special talent and and just like we talked about in the pregame uh the week leading up to the Super Bowl we talked about uh the difference in the two teams San Francisco on paper actually had a better football team in terms of I think talent and skill but

Then Kansas City had Patrick mahom now they had great players as well but Patrick when you get to that big dance he already he’s got that thing figured out he knows how to win everybody wants to win but everybody don’t know how to win he got he has that thing figured out

Yeah you wanted to see Detroit who had never been there in a 100 years and of course you wanted to pull for green beay and even maybe the Cowboys but once Patrick mahom gets to that big dance he’s gonna will Victory and he finds a

Way to do it he’s a special kid man no doubt about it if you saw him he took off running a couple of times and uh and I’m going to tell you the first first half San Francisco did a great job on it and I was surprised San Francisco fired

The defensive coordinator yeah but he’s a treat to watch yeah it’s uh you know he he he just makes everybody better on his team I mean you could put you could put any look at it they got rid of hill now we he won with guys that you know

What what they do all year they didn’t do anything right rice rice Got Rice got better he he he got a he got a he got together with him he played good Kelsey started you know maybe maybe maybe that threw him off a little bit with Taylor

Swift there but Eric Eric’s right he he next year that’ll be forgotten she’ll be with somebody else he’ll you know he’ll be playing football again and honeymoon will be over honeymon over well you know what’s funny I mean the probably the biggest play in the game if you really

Want to analyze it was a fourth out of one momes takes it fakes inside to the fullback he Sprints out gets the first down if he doesn’t make that first down the game over absolutely to your point now like he did it with his legs and he

Did it down inside the 40 he scrambled and took off for 15 so you know he can beat you both ways there’s no doubt about it I said the Niners had the better team the Chiefs had the best player and the best player in the league ended up winning out he makes everyone

Better but uh that was a great Super Bowl you guys nailed it I mean we all got it right uh but now we’re talking about a little NCAA basketball we’re switching totally up now I don’t have my top 10 here um you know because it’s only Tuesday and normally I would do it

Wards the end of the week but Al let’s get your analyst hat on when it comes to A&M basketball and I know you’re going to be uh doing the game on Saturday but when it comes to college basketball looking at you know the big- time division one uh teams this year anybody

Stand out that you think can make a run we’re getting down to the nitty-gritty here it’s uh you know another week and a half left of conference play and then we get into the conference tournaments and and ultimately the NCAA tournament uh that first uh second week of March there

Anybody stand out to you that maybe could take a run here uh maybe besides my number one team the Yukon Huskies anybody else besides Yukon well I tell you what there’s some talented basketball teams out there but this time of the year everybody’s trying to fine-tune and polish up their skills to

Get to conference tournament play once you get the conference tournament play anything can happen so to answer that question I think you know the object of the game obviously get that ball in the hoop and uh you got to get the ball in the hoop more times than your opponent

So right now everybody’s trying to fine tune and make sure they’re in the right position to get the conference play and I think we I could I could add a little more juice to this conversation after we get the conference tournament yeah no I I agree it’s going to be who’s setting

Up to make a run Benny other than Yukon who’s like the number one team I think Purdue lost this past weekend they got upset by Ohio State who would fire their coach yeah the guy guy gets fired and and and the team win they lost I think

They lost nine out of 10 going into the game that’s how that’s how Sports is it’s it’s unbelievable like how that Team all of a sudden could just just rise to the occasion just because they got a new coach and uh you know I the

Big the big 10 uh they’re not too too strong I I think I I personally think yukon’s gonna gonna repeat but uh I I I believe the uh winner of the NCA tournament is either going to come out of the Big East or the Big 12 Big 12 has

A lot of good teams you got that Houston team is very good big win last night well they just had yeah they beat Iowa but it was a really good game Iowa State’s they’re a tough team too you got Bay you got Kansas uh couple teams I

Throw in there uh from the SEC Tennessee and Auburn two two really good teams don’t ever sleep on Caliper and Kentucky they have talent uh they have talent yeah they have talent but then they’re I they’re not gonna they’re not gonna they’re not gonna they’re not gonna be

Tennessee Tennessee has Tennessee has a a player that he’s he’s like Pete maravic the guy necked the kid is unbelievable he could take over a game I watched him a couple times oh if he’s like Pistol Pete I want to see I want to see this guy

Got Al pistol had a handle on didn’t he yes sir he could he can fill him up boy I can tell you what you talking about somebody who could put it in the basket but look we can’t under under undermine or underestimate the lady basketball South Carolina is rolling USC is rolling

I mean they play I mean IA can shoot that ball I mean they they playing some good basketball on the ladies side yes the ladies do have a I was goingon to say South Carolina’s I think 40 something straight wins but what about I guess this past week uh Caitlyn Clark uh

From the University of Iowa just set the record and she hits like a 40-footer from like I mean she’s like the female Steph Curry this girl’s just just filling it up from everywhere Al I’ve never seen anybody with that kind of range in the female game before yeah she

Broke the record she just came across half court broke the record on a long three-pointer and knocked the bucket down she can shoot they out that basketball man but she’s going to stay at Iowa because she makes more money at Iowa than she would at the WNBA level

You’re right you’re right I mean she’ll stay in school for seven years if she could but well we’re going to talk a little we’ll talk you know NCAA basketball as we get closer to you know once Conference tournament play gets underway uh you know we’re gonna have

Actually we got uh ESPN Wilmington we got uh slack on Sports Randy slack I spoke with him uh he’s going to come on and join the show he’s got a hook up with UNCC Wilmington which could make a run and could be a surprise team in the

Tournament they pulled an upset in be Kentucky early this year uh by I believe uh eight or nine points at rup Arena and uh they look like they’re going to make it that’s that’s my producer that’s that’s Tony’s favorite team here UNCC Wilmington the Seahawks so uh you know

We we’ll talk a little bit with Randy we’ll bring him on in a couple weeks and we’ll talk more NCAA basketball but uh Al your homework between now and next week is let’s talk about we got to talk about a little NHL next week right so

We’re g to start bringing up a little we got to get a little hockey talk going hey I got to do some homework you don’t find many black people playing hockey now so I Gotta Get Smart on hockey get your skates on Al come on put your

Skates on we’ll teach you we’ll get you out in the we’ll get you out in the rank we’ll get you out in the ring but uh but listen guys I appreciate you guys jumping on Al as always you know my amazing co-host uh you add so much to

The show we all love you again happy happy birthday yesterday I hope it was a great one happy birday y thank you and uh Benny uh you know I’ll take care of Benjamin anytime you need me to take care of him he’s a he’s a good cat and uh

We’ll see you uh we’ll see you this week some give a shout out to to my grandson happy birthday one year old today one year old very Happy First Birthday to Nathan Nathan Nathan happy birthday champ all right that’s right in West Virginia that’s what Benny’s Old West

Virginia Benny’s hson West Virginia I gave you I gave I gave you the game today West Virginia plus the two and a half points yeah who are they playing they’re playing UCF University of Central Florida up up up up 10 with 14 minutes to go all right well well there

Goes that’s why we call them the book ladies and gentlemen because the book Ben the book Benny the book Benny the book is just we keep going chapter after chapter the book never ends so uh all right but listen out we’ll see you next Thursday with uh Jeremy ronck uh NHL

Allstar and should be Hall of Famer but we’ll do that next Thursday and uh Benny we’ll see you later on this week I’ll see you around the neighborhood so guys have a great week have a great week take care see you next week guys we’ll talk

I’m gonna be back with the rap after this high tide Chiropractic located in Leland North Carolina off Village Road Dr Levi Bradburn and his team specialize not only on spinal and extremities care but also focus on sports injuries and a variety of chronic ailments treatment plans may include diet and lifestyle

Behavioral modification to achieve Optimal Health call us to schedule your free consultation and we will design a personalized program to meet your needs it’s time to get the the results you deserve welcome back to Les schwarts uh welcome back to schwortz talking sports that’s gonna make the blooper real I

Guarantee you that’s live television this is what happens but uh again want to thank our very special guest tonight Eric Dickerson uh tremendous back I’d say all time number five top five back of all time there’s no doubt about it again uh my co-host Al Chester thanks

For uh joining uh you can hear Al down in the Jacksonville area he’ll be doing the Florida A&M Rattler game this weekend Benny the book thanks for jumping on glad you made it back from Florida and West Virginia and again a special thanks to everyone out there for

Subscribing we just keep cranking it up man 633 I hope to get 700 by this weekend so really appreciate everybody uh tuning in and supporting the show remember this is your show it’s the fan show I’m a fan all out there we’re fans we get a chance to actually talk to our

Sports Heroes and ask questions and uh they’ve been so so grateful uh answering them so uh special thanks to uh Joanie Who’s Back in the Saddle Again so Joanie thanks so much for uh those questions uh my producer Tony the tiger smdi as always and remember next Thursday the

29th I want to make sure I got that right February 29th we’ve got former NHL Allstar Jeremy ronck 500 goal scorer with the predominantly with the Blackhawks and flyers played in the Stanley Cup and Jeremy will be here answering your question talking a little about NHL hockey next Thursday the 29th

Until then have a great week I’m Les Schwarz we’ll talk to you take Care for


  1. One of my favorite running backs! I will be tempted to bid on that signed helmet🤔 Great show….again!

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