Golf Players

2024 COGNIZANT CLASSIC, DraftKings Plays | Fantasy Golf Degenerates

2024 COGNIZANT CLASSIC, DraftKings Plays | Fantasy Golf Degenerates

Ryan Baroff and Tyler Tamboline preview the course and run through the odds while making their 2024 Cognizant Classic picks. The guys give their fantasy golf picks and best bets for the event at PGA National Resort

Episode “359” | The Honda Grand Prix

#CognizantClassic #FantasyGolf #PGATour

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Intro – 0:00
Recap – 1:23
Listener League Recap – 7:54
Course Preview – 11:55
Tiers – 17:21
Story Time – 48:59
CGCs – 51:47
Bets – 53:44
Outro – 59:36


Tyler Tamboline Twitter:
Ryan Baroff Twitter:
Fantasy Golf Degenerates Twitter:

I’ve been getting dirty money Jordan Bing Penny STS while I’m flipping these biring on what is going on DJ Nation Tyler tamboline here bringing you another fantasy golf degenerates podcast this week for the cognizant classic and I am very cognizant that this is the Honda Classic and we will probably call it

That throughout the show no Kenny Kim for this week as he is way but we got our resident fill in favorite as always Mr Ryan bar off bar off got to bring you in man it’s a it’s an event right in your hometown right there I wish I could

Be there I opted for the Waste Management Phoenix Open but this is a tournament I love excited for this one we got Rory here get into all that and more in a minute but how you doing my friend what’s going on it’s nap time baby uh still surprised he’s on the

Field but yeah super excited about this one um I think we talked about it a few weeks ago I I had a feeling this field was going to be better than people thought and it definitely is so yeah bumps have a pretty jam-packed week plan but certainly looking forward to this

One yeah think can do some other shows stuff we’ll talk about all that after excited to have you on for this one so we can break it all down hear about the course got some thoughts and insights on it but we do have to talk about last

Week before we get into last week I want to remind everyone very quickly this show is brought to you and presented by shipit you guys can go over there and check it out you can use the code Mayo to get 10% off bear off everyone’s got the same thing you you

Said it yourself nap time baby people said you know don’t sleep on them Jake I had to come up with my own the original Wide Awake Jake because people were certainly not sleeping on Jake nap he was bet all over the place lots of screenshots out there loved to see that

The ownership was up but he did well and he came through man even with bit of a rough Sunday to be expected but either way came through got the job done like you said he’s still in the field I saw him taking the shotguns afterwards but the interesting part about this cuz you

And I chat offline more than online like this where it’s basically you’ve been on this guy since he came out and if you remember went like I forget what the event this was now five or six events ago where everyone’s like who the hell

Is Jake Napp and why is he 20% own but you were on him and it didn’t matter what he did that week it was that you just knew about this guy you said it’s going to be something man that might have been his only real bad week right

The rest have been pretty solid and now goes out and gets a w on his fifth start so talk to the people a little bit about that and why maybe you were on him well before others were and now congrats to you getting the job done with the win

Last week yeah I I would not have been okay if I missed that one uh obviously know how often I bet him last year how close we came so many times but yeah when he came out so it would have been the Sony which was his first start he

Was probably 250 to one like down very low in the 6K range but we don’t have a lot of really good stats on the corn faor guys so obviously the things you look for are the consistency the winning upside and then the ball striking and he has the distance obviously you saw the

Iron play so like that skill set can get you pretty far and I think um I don’t remember maybe it’s a smiley podcast but they had him on a couple weeks ago and he was talking about his journey and talking about courses and his game and

Stuff like that he said weeks ago he had nexico starred because he saw that Tony fow won year he knew that this was a golf course that you just had to hit it far and just had really good vibes um but yeah obviously great form was playing great at Farmers almost won that

Uh he didn’t have a great finish in Phoenix but he played still pretty well uh despite a pretty poor weekend um awesome to see really happy for him uh if you want to talk nick names I was calling him Jake snap on on Sunday morning because that was getting Snappy

Very very quickly yeah there was a lot of good ones I mean people said like he he he was a bouncer and they had that one come out this week so sort of bouncing his way off the leaderboard on Sunday when Val macki makes that eagle

And they’re like oh [ __ ] here we go you know the the Joker give and here we go we were watching that was Terri man that was terrible that whole yeah I mean the one thing was it was kind of a a two- horse battle it’s really tough to make

Up the ground that heavy on that course so he kind of like you you said it earlier I think you could shoot a two under and still be good and in the end it was I think he shot even but he still end up getting the job done so either

Way so solid for him I think you know I saw him in Phoenix he looked good there I say a little picture of him I saw right with Jake nap I’ll send you this over your boy and then he goes out and gets it done but yeah you were betting

Him a lot last year letting me know about him quite a bit as well so nice to see him get the job done it was interesting otherwise it was the smiley podcast that you talked about where he was all smiling Coffman talking about marking the calendar saw feno did well

Here feno man t13 wouldn’t even have known he was playing the whole week like didn’t didn’t even know he was there and he ends up coming t13 just the way it goes with these we’ll talk about Rory when we get to this week it’s kind of interesting but anybody else on that

Leaderboard I mean Steven Jagger third he he comes through when Kenny says he can never do anything this guy comes through and gets a T3 at least did something but uh CT Pam Bobby Mack from the clouds a cool leader right I mean obviously Sammy was up there uh one of

Our young Euro guys that guy’s going to be a stud kind of the new Bobby Mack if I I mean not that Bobby Mack is old but kind of the new version of him um obviously EVR was up there for a while um Patrick Rogers was up there for a

While our guy Ben Silverman Chan Kim there was just a lot of really fun dudes up there so um yeah really good grappy young players I’m I’m excited to see if they can do it again this week in a slightly stronger field because pretty much all of them are here again yeah

Definitely excited for this we we can move on let’s go to our list League winner we’ll talk about that one quickly round out last week’s stuff I don’t know is there anything else in the world of golf you wanted to talk about I don’t get you on here too often we got Anthony

Kim coming back I don’t know if you want to bring that up now or later but go ahead no no no we get yeah I mean very excited for it again like most people I think I’m just more excited to see if he talks uh you know he speaks to the media

If he answers questions I assume they’ll give him a fun pairing with like Phil and those guys but um yeah look he he wouldn’t come back if he didn’t feel like he could at least play a little little bit uh I expect him to probably finish kind of middle back third of the

Pack but uh yeah I’m just way more excited to see him talk and anting question wonder how much the books will take in the 150 to one they threw out there is like come on please yeah um I’m sure they’ll get a lot in on it like people will just take

A shot and not want to miss out but I guess one thing I saw today a little bit of the chatter out on xfk Twitter whatever you want to call it like people saying about you know the media piece that you mentioned and we get it like we

Know why you want that interviewer you want him to talk a little bit but what else is he going to say like what do you think is going to be said if he does speak to the media what he’s been doing for 10 years cuz he it doesn’t seem like

He’s been working obviously he had big insurance money seems like he was maybe playing a little bit of golf but I mean people saw him in La they saw him in Vegas there were photos from nightclubs just seemed like he was having a good time I I don’t know his his personal

Life I I don’t think he’s married I doubt he has kids or anything like that so just yeah interested to see what he’s been doing for the last 12 years yeah it’s a long time man it is really and you say like that the fun part of it

Sure people have seen him at nightclubs or things like that or maybe out on a rage or whatever people there was like it was almost like Bigfoot stories like oh I think I saw him on the rage it’s like okay well what’s he actually been

Up to at such a long time so yeah I’m excited to see how it goes probably the first time I’ve been excited I’m not against the live coverage I don’t talk about that on here too often or anything but we’ve went and I’ve watched it

Plenty like I I do like to see these guys down the stretch the Night Under The Lights with nean in them like that was hilarious just lots of fun stuff that we’ve seen but this is definitely one I’m going to tune in for so not betting him at 150 to1 but definitely

Excited to have him back into the game of golf people will say whatever exhibition he’s washed up whatever we’ll see it’s still fun it’s interesting the thought they could have done a better job on the trailer video what’s that girl’s name Claire Claire Rogers and she said it best I’ve never seen someone

Make a hype video with all Dell desktop wallpapers it was just like random as could be but nothing about him so yeah all right well we we’ll get into it let’s talk about the liser League winner from last week you mentioned did nap easy to fit in well when you went to

Feno still worked feno Steven Jagger nap Novak valami and Hayden Springer to score 630 points so shout out to Seth sgaa you’ll join us this week it’ll be a fiveman which we’ll talk more on in a second because we’ll get bar off in there Kenny and then we did have a

Winner in the comments this week I think it’s the first time someone actually picked the winner as is the case for most people this season shout out to our guy Pat Mayo shirtless from the beach finding a winner but give me your thoughts on this lineup Fino Jagger nap

Novak valami Springer yeah really good team obviously aen Springer was a key to that lineup uh with how how cheap he was but also his scoring Eagles streaks all of that um obviously had the winner there you didn’t see a lot of fenale Jagger nap teams that’s for sure um I

Think the key to the week there was he did not have Sam Stevens yeah noback the pivot obviously Ste stens was 7100 Nob back 7K uh you could say it valami to a little bit cheaper all of that but we’ll note with this set again shout out to Seth sja

Congrats to you we’ll see in the fiveman but this pricing is back for this week we’ll get there in a minute when we get into breaking it all down but they brought the 5K range back what did you think of that last week what what was

Your take on it what do you think it’s good for the game did you think it was done right because they didn’t really bump feet out they left him at 12K even though he was a h that’s what I mean like if it was kind of weird because you

Would do that if there was a guy who they bumped up right and again like same thing this week like yeah Rory is quite a bit higher than anybody else but I feel like he’s not high enough when we’ve seen the pricing like this I think it was probably the match play right

When they did like really really weird pricing um and Scotty shefford was like 14k maybe it was the Tour Championship a couple years I think it was one I was gonna say was maybe like Ryder Cup or tour Champion we yeah they buned yeah they bumed them up to 14K and then like

The 465k golfer made cense but yeah like I I feel like all this is going to do is it’s going to inflate Lor’s ownership a bit um people are just going to realize oh I can get Rory plus Eric Cole and pretty easily and go from there so yeah

I will note too again we looked earlier did the first look hoop and myself on the ship and Nation YouTube station we brought up the optimal from last week and it obviously didn’t need feno it had like EVR and some of those guys now it

Did fit a 5k guy into it but I’ll note that it scored 680 points so it’s like it’s not NE like this is 630 and blew the field out you could have easily popped the 5K guy up to somebody else whether it was Novak or someone else in

That range like a valami who was obviously already on the optimal lineup but there was ways to get away from that price range and still score well enough to win gpps and sat lights and all that sort of stuff last week as well yeah like my team was okay I mean

It ended up as a four of six but it was a 2v2 the two them Miss cut was a 2v2 off the team that won the 200 single entry um it was nap and balamaki was the winner I had Sue and Stevens like very easy pivot to make and I probably did it

For ownersh reasons but um I think I think the lineups were there last week for sure let’s hope they’re here again this week as well obviously good to have you on to go through this one let’s talk a little bit about the course here in a

Second but before we do just want to let everybody know so the comment contest has been a big success it’s been a lot of fun you’re watching this on playback we don’t record this live so as you’re in the chat or if you’re listen to on a

Podcast go to YouTube quickly leave in the comments below who you have winning this week’s event and then make sure you leave your DraftKings handle as well because then we send you the fiveman last week’s winner was auton bt03 Oten bt03 picked nap there was somebody else

Who picked nap but you were first we go by the timeline when it comes to that so auton vt3 you will join us in the five man we’ve had one person already this season get through that way as an additional way to get into our Tournament of Champions with tons of

Cashes cash prizes Etc at the end of the season so let’s move on bar off let’s go to this week let’s talk about the course you know it quite well I’ve got some early Insight I got some friends down there as well talking to me to they said

Very fast very firm baked out they said they just the one of the caddies he knows was out there this morning said that super fast he thinks they might even throw water on it before the weekend because it just before the tournament starts because it’s that

Dried out but you’re in the area talk to us a little bit about what you’re seeing at the course and then what you know in general when it comes to this place yeah obviously haven’t been out there yet but uh we’ve had rain here but I mean not

Enough that it’s going to be wet and again the sun bakes it out the wind bakes it out uh they like that or plan pretty fast and firm um always windy right so I don’t think there’s going to be much out of the ordinary uh again always have to talk about wave draws

Here not just for weather but for wind um even if there is no uh pre tournament Edge I think you do this really well you still build those teams right not just by the wave but almost like blocks of T times St so yeah I love doing that in

General I think a lot of people focus on it because they think it’s just a weather Advantage thing like I have to do it because this week is p p.m am because the wind or the rain or the storm or whatever it might be those actually more times than not get knocked

Out because there is like a delay or a lightning warning or something that screws it all up what you actually end up doing is blocking out natural chalk like it’s just a natural pivot off certain chalk pieces and then they Wonder well how did that guy get off of

Stevens in that spot well it’s because Stevens was in that draw I was on this draw and it just happens to work out that way so little things like that I got no problem with but at this course especially anything with I I I saw the banter back

And forth if you will around the uh the extension the par 71 now and anything there what’s your take on any of that or anything else with the course that you no I mean that’ll boost look I mean that’ll boost draf te scoring a little bit it doesn’t really change the

Tournament that much other than there’s that extra part five so it opens up you know opportunities for birdies and streaks here I guess you’ll see a few Eagles not too many um it’s still a hard hole it’s still a hard Golf Course yeah um yeah I mean I think for this one

Again uh I don’t want to say course history but course fit guys who play well in Florida like this is some of the stickiest history and again not necessarily course history but Florida Bermuda history so um I think the guys who Stand Out are the guys that

Everyone’s going to be on so the key is going to be how many six6 can you get and can you find these right five and sixk guys yeah and you mentioned that I love that call when you know I so sh a we got Lee aldri over there formerly a

Faner he does these course fit rankings really solid I always followed them in the past but the way he puts it together is kind of just like what you said it’s really tough sometimes to tell on a course like you know oftentimes we know the sticky course history gets brought

Up all the time but another thing we know about this course it’s not usually one to come into and get right it it’s very tricky it’s very challenging we’ve even seen you know tons of spots on Sunday where there’s leaders that have trouble with it or you know the Chasers

Come through and find them and all different things like that so so I do think the course fit is probably the best way and there’s some guys I’ll ask you about throughout when we go through it here but let’s hop into it anything with the stats you want to bring up I

Mean we just talked a little bit about but any stats before we go to this upper tier yes so uh a couple things off the tea again if it’s windy and it’s burned everybody is going to struggle to hit Fairways right so I don’t think you need to uh weigh driving accuracy it’s

Certainly going to help to hit Fairways but everyone’s going to miss Fairways right you just have to miss them in the rough and out the water um I think the other one uh last week obviously everybody was hammering distance especially like the the approach from over 2 200 you won’t get

That quite this week it’s more of that 150 to 200 range even some shorter like there are plenty of holes here that these guys will be hitting wedges into so I think again mostly 150 to 200 but even some of that like 125 to 150 um yeah much more shorter irons than we

Saw last week and you think that’s the ca I mean if these greens stay fast like what we’re hearing right now I mean you know there’s got to be something to some of the around the green stuff we’ve always seen this in the past some of

These just skilled guys look at a Lowry what what do we know about Lowry I mean he he shows up here for whatever reason every year but I think it is part of it is when we’ve seen the last couple years and had some of these faster and firmer

Conditions just some of those bumping runs and around the green he’s so good with his hands reason he’s a winner of the CLA jug and won the open that year was the same type of thing so do you think it’s going to be some of that as

Well mixed in yeah I think so and again with the approach place it’s not just just the buckets but it’s the clubs that they’re hitting in right if you get like a downwind shot even from the Fairway with a six iron or five iron you’re not

Get to stop it on these greens but if you get somebody like a cam Young Who we’ll talk about who’s hitting wedges and nine irons he will be able to stop it on the green so like yeah we’re not just crossing out cam young because he

Doesn’t seem to be a good course fit here I like that too I actually like that angle that he just brought up for sure it’s different a way to get naturally different with the real concept behind it of what we just talked about tying it all together so let’s get into these tiers

Uh you just made me think about something when you said that like the the Eric Cole didn’t he have like remember wasn’t it last year when he had the chance to get it like he he could have won that chip man it just went too long and we’re like dude just let it

Coast up and it just floated past the hole and I was like damn he he had his chance there but either way we we’ll get to him in a second he was 6K or in the 6K range last year I should say now up to almost 10K but let’s go 10.1 and up

We got Rory who you mentioned 122 we do have a 5K and upu range this week we know it earlier but Rory cam young Matty Fitz Russell Henley and Tom Kim who looks to get extremely squeezed here because Henley and others above him and then Cole Poston him a lot of the

Favorites Benny an those guys below which we’ll get to that range in a second so give me your first thoughts on this upper 10K range it’s it’s strong I mean I don’t I don’t really have good arguments against anybody um I think like we talked about and we will talk

About the pricing is going to lead you probably more towards Rory than you normally would be uh like people might say it’s not a good course for him but then they’re like oh wait I can afford him and still get Five Guys that I’m okay with I think they’re gonna go there

Um if I had to like pick one that I probably didn’t like uh quite as much guess it would be Fitz um he just seems not quite 100% he’s he’s trending up from where he’s been he’s obviously Global now plays down here out of the Bears Club so of course the conditions

To win he’ll have no issue there but I think it’s it’s a clear Rory number one for me uh and and honestly probably cam young young number two um I think people will play these other guy even Russell Henley over K young so if he’s gonna get

Squeezed a little bit I have no issue going there yeah I I saw early this morning Mayo was out and about talking about mattye Fitz and I then I realized he had his shirt on he’s back home he’s not on the beach so I feel I’m going

I’ll be with him in the studio on Wednesday but I’ll probably be going against him on that one I actually don’t have a lot of interest in him I’m with you I think if you’re going regard it’s just Rory separates himself the price didn’t separate itself enough

There tons of guys when we get down low I’ve obviously already done a first look so I know what’s down there but keep in mind that but in general it’s the other two for me are what you mentioned were uh Russell Henley and cam young and and

I know you chose cam young first I’m probably fine with that I think if you look at it he’s not trying to get right he’s got a third an eighth and a 16th and three of his last four I love that kind of tidbit you Dro there of just

Kind of thinking out loud concept wise of how this could work for a guy like him and then we know what his upside and capability is so I don’t have any problem with that speaking of uh what I mentioned earlier opens I know it’s totally different but that the year what

Was it uh him and Rory came second and third right when cam Smith goes and gets the job done so maybe there’s something to that but I do think in general you could see cam young come through here but Henley the history is good 24th fourth couple of the stats and stuff

That I was looking at I think he’s fine but it looks like Tom Kim and Fitz will be the ones that go at least a little bit overlooked as people get very excited about this next K range yeah I think so at um yeah back to C young for

A second but yeah he had what an eighth and a third at the last two open championships uh the ball striking as of every event this year has been pretty lights out and he did play here before 2022 finished side for 16 uh was one of the best ball Strikers uh he couldn’t

Chip but he actually Ed these Rings pretty well so uh I definitely have some interest there yeah that that was the ep one the uh the magical wind that popped up on Lowry as ball just we all had the Lowry ticket did that was bad that was

Brutal it was literally like the wind just came out of nowhere just planted them grabbed it and took it right to the ground and then set straa gets like the perfect calm right set up and just pushes it way out there I remember Keith Mitchell was out on the green former

Winner year and he was pretty pump for his other bulldogs so let’s go on though I do think this 9k range is going to be extremely popular this week speaking of Keith Mitchell he’s right there at the bottom of this range at 9k and then you

Go all the way up to the guy we mentioned earlier Eric Cole pushing 10K now but well he did have that one Mis cut in there I mean he seems sort of back it’s got another 14th and a tenth in the two of his last three obviously

Came second here last year what are you doing here in this 9k range yeah mean Eric Cole uh pretty pretty clear number two in the model this week behind Rory so um I think he’s definitely number one there like everybody I bet Benny on think this is a

Great course for him obviously likes it here and then I would say Kirt and Mitchell probably the other two that I have the most exposure to I did bet keth Mitchell at 45 or 50 this morning but again if the leader of board wi hoston Lowry sunjay it would be very obvious

Too right so I think there’s Merit for all these guys I just I like the course fit and the Florida form a little better for KK Co Mitchell on and I think somewhere in there is the chalk and the secondary chalk of this range so give me

Your quick takes on minwu who also saw this course he saw it last year came 26 he’s been doing some things but 9600 feels like a lot I get it but he’s super talented and then um Daniel Burger who again coming back from injury I was looking it up today surprisingly I guess

It was the farmers he had that rough round of like a 79 but then the other stuff was all fairly decent so he’s had good results here I’m not sure what you think of him guys in Florida all that stuff we talked about but just quick thoughts on minwoo and Daniel burer and

Then I’ll give some thoughts yeah I I I would say Mino is probably going to be the lowest in this range I do agree with that um I don’t know if people are ready to click burger at this price right when he came back in a weaker field and was

8K you know I think that made some sense especially because that was the MX where he got three rounds no matter what um I don’t know how you can click him over Connor or Mitchell or Lowry or C I just don’t see it so yeah Min will low his

Zone probably ber second lowest owned and then honestly probably Poston even though he seemed like a a great cor bit hasn’t done well here and I think if people have $9,800 they’re just going to find a hunter to get the call or they’re goingon to leave 100 and take sunj who

One yeah and I got a lot of love for sunj always but mean the fact that is nice he hasn’t been doing much lately but fits the course and maybe could bounce back and the one interesting part is I think uh Benny who makes perfect

Sense to me at 9500 and then the Cole and if I don’t have money for Cole Poston it has to make it so at least somewhat somehow sunj comes in just a little bit squee but you know you never know maybe it’s a spot he can bounce back though hopefully

It is so I do like sunj I like Benny with you I like Lowry still I I just don’t I I don’t know how this bottom range goes because I think it’s with Cole hoston IM Benny I think that’s where you see people go so I could say

Two things play some of the guys down low I like Connor and then Lowry as my two guys there or I think you could actually do the ultimate fomo play which we’ve seen it work so many times even though it feels when you when you do do

It you hate it but just skip the 9k range alt together make some decisions up top on some of the guys we just talked about and then we’ll get into this 8K range in a minute but definitely names there we could show some interest in that you could make some comparisons

With yeah and I think think about Benny obviously he’s goingon to be popular because of the form and because everyone’s betting him and you know they like to click the guys that they bet what’s interesting about him is he’s he’s a completely different player like

He is actually in this ring now he’s 12 in my model right now but in that ring he’s basically the lowest right and I think the reason for that is long term his putting is still showing up pretty bad right and he’s a much better putter

Now obviously gained off the T so I’ll probably manually bump him up there a little B too yeah and he’s raing out like cam young basically in this field as far as like you talk with price point I know he’s 95 but you know he’s he’s

Raing out like a 107 cam young in this field so you gota keep that in mind as well but I do think like I said between Cole man I just never know SJ if he actually will get squeezed because people still like to get there including myself but with Poston Cole and Benny

Makes me think that I don’t hate your Kirk call but I like some of the the other guys I mentioned Connors he’s like a stroke away from us saying it’s three top 20s in a row and coming in in perfect form as opposed to on paper it’s

Like yeah they’re not that good where’s his ceiling at could be this week when we find it right it’s kind of weird that he has played better here and again he’s only played here twice miss miss the cut and barely made the cut but he again he lives down here practices on these

Courses in these conditions all the time time form is amazing plays well at Bay Hill I don’t know what it is but uh yeah would definitely not be shocked to see Connor is in the top five this week yeah just to be in the mix I think that’s the

Key I don’t think he’s gonna be your first guy in you’re not building super balanced in this field by the looks of it at least with all the guys we’ve got down low and then the ability in this 9k range to stack on top of them on top of

The guys we mentioned earlier in the five figure range but let’s move down let’s go Denny McCarthy down to Justin Rose you know more about some of these guys than most so I’ll let you talk about that mainly Rasmus we we saw you know he’s he’s been on a little bit of a

Heater of his own his brother fell apart down the stretch last week but we we’ve seen these guys in the fields lately and then of course Jake knap here others that you could probably want to mention so talk to us about this AK range yeah I

Was making the joke like is it really rasmi or is it Nikolai who’s just gonna play Under the Alias because he’s already down here um yeah I I think this is a very interesting range I think it’s going to be completely squeezed um the only one that I can say that I’m

Going to go out of my way to play in this range is probably L Bliss down at the bottom there um I could see playing some McCarthy but again I I like Mitchell and Kirk and those guys so much that I’m probably not going to get there

Um I think this is finally a week where we can knock out uh these guys like Bo Hustler and Matthew Bavon and stevenh jger who have really played well in weaker Fields um this course is going to get them uh I’m not going to play R Smith

Uh probably not going to play Jake knap again we saw what can happen to him seems like a very very bad spot for Jake knap here at at 8,400 and then Justin Rose at the bottom I mean makes some sense but uh not a guy

I like to click and not a guy who seems to have a lot of upside sep like the 5ifth the first the 33rd the 27th I guess he’s going to be the the battle though right is it recent form or is it course history because like I said I

Don’t I just don’t think you come in here and all of a sudden find it but maybe I I didn’t look back yet at his previous years to dig in deeper to see what his form was like coming in in those years but miscut miscut 26 or he

Rates out pretty well right so again it’s just that that recent form and again it’s like he’s puted really badly but that’s West Coast POA so are you willing to throw that out probably you know he’s still he gains off the tea every event he gets a ton of Fairways is

He can lead a field and show get approach any time any round you never know what is coming so if if you’re looking for you know a price pivot the guy who’s going to be probably seven to 8% owned I think stru is definitely the

Guy here yeah and I’m going to mention a few but maybe not get to them all but just to say a couple things like Denny McCarthy and you one thing you brought up that I think was really good was like it fits probably Steph Jagger Bo Hustler

For sure like the guys of what you talk about playing well in weaker Fields now you’re coming into what’s a stronger field for this tournament plus a tough course where yeah they’re playing good but like like Denny McCarthy I think could still beat up on the seal he had a

Third here just a few years ago a 30th the year before last like he he could do well and he’s priced ugly at 8900 so I think people will just be like H that’s a bit much even though it’s the Best Buy pricing go ahead what’s your quick

Thoughts on him yeah I mean I mean not that this is very surprising but his only good appearances here are are extreme putting weeks right he just sure he he does not hit Fairways here he doesn’t gain around the green he doesn’t gain on approach and the putter you know

He had a couple of good weeks recently but the putter over the last call it what year seems to not quite be at the peak that it was so it’s a lot to pay for Denny McGarvey that’s all for sure and I mean we got a real cut event here

So it could just be that then hope to get one of those Spike rounds with the butter make the cut get a spike round and now you’re in good shape at 89 but like realistically you said it it’s been hurting him though 39 22 26 24 it’s listing score listing results but it’s

The truth that’s what ends up dropping him from that top 10 down to these top 30s and top 25s because he needs that butter to get hot and that’s his strength so maybe it’s something that could pop up but if you wanted to Pivot off I’m sure people are still going to

Play McCarthy uh SE straa is one that I would still say fits it like you said I think one good point you brought up on him I just sort of talk through it as you’re talking think through it sort I should say now talk through it is the

Miscuts and stuff with some of the putting on the POA and things like that whereas other results are second 12 26 there there is some other ones mixed in there so maybe he finds it norin is a guy I like especially fast and firm just thinking about somebody with those hands

And the AR like it’s definitely possible someone like him pops up and then I like your Lop list call anytime you’re going to have a ball Striker and back to the putting point on McCarthy why it might be a negative against McCarthy but as if it’s gonna be harder for everybody to

Putt out here than we kind of like that for a guy like Luke list where kind of you know evens the field if you will and then it would be guys like norin list uh straa and and probably that’s it for me like sort of those guys that fit the

Mold of what we’re looking for did you I I like the joke on Rasmus but he has been tearing it up what’s you you you know more about those fields than I do they were some stronger Fields his brother won the the DP World Tour Championship when he finished just

Behind him he was close at the Ned bank which his brother was also up there in so some of those were a bit stronger but what what’s your quick take on Rasmus for some of the results we’ve seen lately a lot of top form finishes yeah

So he seems to be coming out of a fun where’s the it’s really most of last summer he kind of just sucked he missed four or five cuts in a row something like that seems to be finding it he’s not um quite as prolific and long off

The tea as his brother is but he’s a fine putter he got an okay short game iron play can be spotty um I just again we haven’t seen him over here and this is probably the hardest horce to come over here and play um so I’m I’m I’m

Gonna say there this week all right 18 guys in this 7K range one note about that for those that didn’t catch it last last week it was the same way but remember that makes it so when we get to the 6ks in a second there’s probably a

Lot more love than usual because what happens is a bunch of guys that could have just been priced as duplicates in the 7K range all at the similar prices they just push all those down instead so only one guy at 79 or one guy at 7,800

And then a couple at each of the other price points but start at the top another battle of recent form versus course history Tom hogi yeah is coming in off 8th 7th sorry 8th 6th and 17th and he’s got four miscuts and a 37th here so oie and then you can go through

The sevens just just talk through some of these guys you like yeah I think so there’s really only two guys in the entire 7K range that I’m excited to play number three would probably be Tom hogi um I am okay I think overlooking the course history here uh because of how

Good the form is and because of how he’s doing it right just striping the irons he’s he’s still gaining off the te he’s been putting pretty well um and he’s a better player than he was back then right like these last couple years he certainly elevated his game a little bit

Um I would say the same thing for for Fowler but the flip side right the form hasn’t been great but you know that he can play here is going to be very comfortable here so like I think those would be the two Fringe guys that I

Would play but the two and I I I think everyone’s going to land on the same two every week that are like far and Above the Rest here are Bez and senson I don’t uh there’s there’s just nobody close in this range and you know I’d be very very

Happy just starting with those two in a cap build uh and then going from there yeah don’t hate that obviously they’re going to pop I know some people bet Fon today for sure uh just looking at the card I didn’t get online up here so we’ll talk through your bets later on in

The show but what about some of these price drops I know one of the pieces that people were very interested in our Discord and up on the first look show earlier was some of these price drops olison price falls off a cliff EVR just had a great result and automatically

Just drops to 7,400 Rio uh 7300 who was the other one Matt Wallace mcne down to 71 gim should be popular at 7K so what about some of those guys in the mix Matt Wallace as well well I think we still have price drops that went lower

Right like you have guys who were mid sevens eights last week I played Justin suit for what 8,300 now he’s 6,800 so like you can still save an extra five or 6 hundred bucks and is is is he any worse than EVR GE probably not um but no

I think Doug G’s goingon to be popular again you know that’s your argument he’s what 0 for three uh in Cuts here but is playing awesome uh third place but three Miss Cuts yeah it’s last three versus last three here yeah yeah I but like yeah that range it just like I’m not

Going out of my way to play Shane or glubber or MC Ney or Ryan fox or Eevee even Mark hubber is going to be popular but you know what’s his upside 25th 30th something like that so um I’m going to go with those two that I mentioned in

The sevens and then I’m very happy to find some guys uh like in the mid 6K range hubard does have an 11th and a 15th here before but like you said and we’ll see how it goes with the ownership and different things like that this range is you know 18 guys total uh

Glover stood out for me a little bit uh you know we people make the jokes about him making his tea ties but his upside has been 21st 17th 4th 19 30 he’s done fine at this course not the best the last two or three events but in general

Uh course fitwise he he would be a guy that fits my mold at least going in so I see him and then I I like the Bez the senson calls are the obvious ones EBR in the back of my mind just says 3M Minnesota all the water everyone always

Says this is the spot he knows everybody and then it’s like water balls and stuff so I don’t know maybe that’s wrong but that that’s one thing I would see Matt Wallace could be a guy uh you know we what was it um Ron CLA PJ splits 101 he

Had the the stronger fields that he’s played in and it’s not like the super strong field but it’s stronger than what we’ve been seeing in some and for here and Wallace was popping in those he’s at 7200 don’t hate going to a guy like him did you have McNeely thoughts at all so

Look mat playing well I was all over him last week he was one of my favorite bets to win probably he probably should have been right there I think he was nine under over the weekend after barely making the cut he was on maybe he was on

With col Lo and SLE on their podcast and basically just talked about again grass types and putting and how if there’s anywhere doesn’t feel comfortable it’s the dormant Bermuda like an API and down here so that’s a big part of his game obviously you need him to make every put

He looks at and if he doesn’t feel comfortable on it I’m I’m okay staying away this week and we talked pre show on this one but I think it’s going to be a very tough click for people but Billy Orel this is usually when you play him

In Florida he RS out very well trust me I know yeah it’s just funny though because like no it’s going to be so hard someone’s on gim they’re not going to be able to click off gim and put it horel when they Lo but look at what gim’s done

Lately look at the game log who cares he’ll figure it out and yet again we’ll see something where Doug gim misses the cut and Billy H’s T10 somehow going into the last round and whatever happens happens but it’s every week it seems or when we get to Florida at least with the

Swing there so interesting note at 7K uh you mentioned some of the guys as we hop into the sixes but Thomas dietry 10.1k last week or 10.3 I can’t remember between him and olison he’s even less than olison and drops down to 6,900 you got Justin s who you mentioned there

You got AE batia Davis Thompson big drop down to 6,800 who are some of these guys in this 6K range and it’s bigger so you don’t have to go through all of it but maybe just the the upper 6K range to start yeah I mean all of them um yeah I

Mean dri you mentioned he does rate out pretty well don’t love the course sit for him but he’s he’s a better golfer than these guys um in terms of other guys here that stand out um I want to go back to S just because I was all in last

Week he’s done well here and I’m kind of willing to overlook that but I would say sa stands out quite a bit uh Ben griffinan stands out quite a bit Lee Hodes stands out quite a bit um Carson young Johnny Vegas guys we were all on

Last week um I would say h is probably my favorite in that range just because again longterm form yeah yeah go ahead um yeah long-term form has two good finishes here and if you want to use you know 3M as as a conour uh I think that’s

Where he want right it is that’s what I was gonna ask you I just in my head every week I’m not like Mayo where he remembers all this [ __ ] and why he remembers it I just remember [ __ ] and that was one to me where I was like in

The back of my mind when I thought of the EVR thing that was the that was the place because I think his wife is from there whatever it is and then you go to which kind of means nothing but then I go to Lee AES who popped and has done

Well here 9th and 14th the last couple years 24th the last time out stats-wise looks good long term but then is that a thing like it’s a TBC course got a lot of water like what what else is there to it anything I mean I think the green types

He does put really really well here both times he played here uh I think that certainly helps but he’s pretty accurate off the tea obviously grew up playing in the wind um yeah sometimes it’s it it’s just that it’s just comfort and yeah um yeah he really stands out and actually I

Was putting together my first click dummy team earlier and I landed on 6,500 for my last spot it’s tough it’s tough not to click Gary with that in there but I think that would be a spot for Lee Hodes Woodland man quite the quite the record here but again he’s battling

Right now three Miss cots at a 39 since his return obviously happy to see him back in the mix but it’s just that’s a tougher click to me than Billy Orel or something like that I just feel better about even though it’s $500 savings it’s just I haven’t really seen anything now

What has Billy o I say all that Billy o has not been much better to be honest so it’s just no that’s a yeah that’s a course history course fit type of play and again it may work this week because he’s a direct pivot off Doug gen who’s

Probably G to be 16% 15% I guess that’s a better way to put it you’re reading my mind it’s like year will Le aers get some ownership yes will it be Doug gim levels probably not that would be a spot where I would see the pivot make a

Little bit more sense and whether I end up in this spot or not like you said you landed there in your last play Perfect sh Kim going into this next range I know we saw Justin lower do some stuff but I again I just think the setup in the

Course is totally different here so I could see sh Kim typically and we we had him at 7,900 I think last time out and again not expecting anything crazy but if this price tag of 6400 I think about if he if there is going to be some of

That around the green stuff that’s just how I think of him so maybe sh Kim um you know KH Lee is here CT pan crushed last week give me your thoughts on this lower 6K range yeah again lots of stuff here um I bet CT pan this morning at 350

To or something like that so he’s certainly in play you mentioned uh Justin lower you mentioned sh Kim I think Chan Kim makes a lot of sense again we don’t have really good data on him but I mean you know I’ve been talking about him for a while he hits a

Lot of Fairways he makes a lot of birdies um I was shocked that who rated out the best in this range but it was Dylan woo uh at 6,100 and then we talked about Lee hod I I always kind of lump them in with Grayson Sig I get them confused they

Seem like the same type of golfer uh so if I’m gonna play hoders I’ll probably play some Grayson Sig too I like Sig what what do you like so Chang Kim you’ve been on this guy too for a while and I was making fun of you at the first

I don’t know why you know way more than I do about it but I just still Raz you for these things and then he starts showing up and he starts showing up again and now we’ve actually seen some stuff eth and 14th two of his last three

Starts but I feel like for whatever reason I just thought he was more of a fit for something like last week where you just bomb it out there and go and make birdies how do you see that setting up here so I think of the reasons why I

I’ve liked Chan Kim historically he’s a little bit older he’s probably 34 or so so he’s been around he’s won a lot right he won I think eight times on the Japan Asian tour um which got him into a lot of big events right he’s played in 12 15

Majors uh he’s made cuts at a bunch of them as well so like I just feel like he is more experienced he’s much more reliable I don’t see him blowing up um he kind of just does everything well but his his uh his strength is is certainly

Off the te he is plenty long hits lots of Fairways and he’s in as good a form now as you’re going to see even going back to those back-to-back wins he had on the corn fairy tour last summer yeah that too I mean obviously that’s where

You you were on it before then and it was kind of like then that was the The Happening or the moment for me where I you don’t get many guys who win twice on the corn fairy tour that are like back to back in the same year so yeah pretty

Good stuff that’s what I mean so that that one did stand out to me I was just seeing if there’s anybody else here oh Tyler dunan he finished th here right uh I think he has to make sense he he drives it really well seems to be a guy

That people like to play for some reason uh playing for first round leader in Showdown he has a good first name but other than that I don’t know about the the rest yeah but he was third here last year people are gonna see that he was third here last year behind Kirk and

Cole and then and then probably just probably just play him from that so I do like your uh I I don’t know if you like him as much as you said that he B but Dylan woo dialon he can come through at 61 100 as well I’m probably playing him

Here in the fiveman so so just get ready he’s got a 10th and a 30th coming off the 24th I think he had a solid Sunday round too specifically like he was just feeling it coming in so I definitely think he’s an option here that again

Nobody down here is going to get too crazy that is one thing about this Dynamic pricing that I noticed last week is yes you we already know like it’s it’s insane how quickly you know where the ownership’s going to go it’s Doug I mean we can go back up to it but it’s

You know not to run through it all but it’s Doug gim it’s and Bez in that range it’s the guys you mentioned in the AK range with like if people are going to go still to Hustler and list and Jagger and those guys for sure and then Benny

Anne Eric Cole hoston Rory up top just because they can fit him and probably maybe one of Henley or somebody else like it’s pretty easy to tell where people are going to kind of end up so after that it really does spread out and it’s no no longer a thought of can I

Play this guy or not it’s like how much leverage do I want on this guy because you kind of know that they’re going to just come in in that 5 to 10% range and you can just pick your spots so yeah I I do like that aspect of it at least yeah

And one more guy I mention here I I thought he was lower but flat 6K is our guy Ben Silverman uh your Adan Brethren he was right there last week like as nap started to come back I think when still got to the ninth hole he was tied for

Third uh completely ejected on the back nine and finished tied for 13 I think I think if you look he lost like five Strokes approach on the back because he kept hitting it out of bounds into the water um but he’s a very solid player

Hits a ton of Fairways um he again been around a while won twice on the corn fairy tour including last year just makes I think he lives down here now I’m not 100% sure but uh he’s you know another 2% guy who I could definitely get behind this week yeah most the

Canadians just go Florida or Arizona right just to make it EAS so um you know just the way it works but yeah the one thing I will say that scares me a little bit about that is just hearing you talk out loud then me putting my quick two

Cents to it is the conditions he saw down the stretch it was a joke but I mean there was some back and forth there for a minute when people were like okay are we just going to let Justin lower get to 15 or 16 under and then watch

These guys crumble because the wind was picking up down the stretch it was whipping there in Mexico you saw a lot of these approach shots for guys like for valaki and for um for nap come up short or roll out I mean nap had speaking of bouncing bouncer he he had

Three or four good bounces yesterday actually where it could have went in the water or it could have went off and rolled away but sure I mean maybe that’s what got Silverman I don’t know it’s only such a short period of time in one round he was playing really good golf

And he was late into those groups because of where he done in three rounds yeah for sure and again like I’m unwilling to overlook a lot from especially last week with the weather and the wind and the water and the out of bounds so um yeah he’s but at 6K I’ll

Pretty much play anybody do whatever you want yeah exactly I like some of the other guys you mentioned but I get you for sure um who else do we got to talk about here I’ll tell the Ben Martin story in a second for those that haven’t

Heard up for the waste management but I guess for the 5K range like Novak ramlet Lashley some of these guys that I see popping really all what’s your take on some of these upper 5K guys yeah so I mean I did have been Martin star just because we’re back on Bermuda so

Obviously that um I think I think the two that make the most sense are probably right at the top there and Ryder and Novak uh with Ryder it’s your long-term for course history play with Novak that’s your recent for play um I think people will play car we want again

Uh they just like to play him I I don’t play him too often Ryan Palmer is there just a name that people know and then um I think etra Bia right he he just seems to like this kind of golf didn’t play great last week but still made the cut

Um obviously won I didn’t know where he won corales or something last year 5700 he’s the type of player that I would take a shot on down here yeah the Sam Ryder history has talked about and then also Novak a recent form plus that lashley’s missed a couple cuts here but

He he was popping a little bit too I heard some people mentioning him so uh yeah what was the other guy I wanted to check real quick n Smith yeah that’s your guy he’s down there for sure man he’s been bad lately but yeah his results here are just kind of like if

You need a cut 25th 36 38 that’s what he’s been doing what he will do I don’t know one of the guys that we know uh his caddy buddy is actually on Bridgeman’s bag and that’s what he was talking about saying his guy’s really in good shape

But I mean like last week missed the cut I just don’t remember by how much and who’s that other guy you told me about keep an eye on oh Joe heith yeah what what about him he’s so he’s a West Coast guy probably not what I’m goingon to do

Here but if you want guys from this part of the world who I think could play well I mean you could talk me into camil V jagas here just because uh Jimmy Stanger who I think people played last last week surprisingly he’s a Bermuda guy plays

Pretty well um probably does uh 54 okay 5,400 yes St yeah these guys are down there pretty low and then I I think the one that will get Stam pretty high is gonna be Parker Cy he’s he’s made a few Cuts in a row now he’s basically the stone minute

5100 um that just that just seems like a very very low price for a guy who was 25th at the farmers and 24th in Mexico so yeah feels like I’m mistake made him same price as his brother not like a big price mistake where like lock him in I’m

Saying like it just maybe the you know the air I can tell you for a fact today they were getting their pricing out late because I was texting my rep for the first look show just seeing like hey it’s usually out what’s the plan here no

NFL we should be good oh it’ll be out in a minute and the WD comes up for Vince wayy and it’s MC Meisner gets in and so then I’m like oh damn I hope they got that before they put it out 10 minutes later pricing comes out you scroll to

The very bottom MC Meisner 5K it’s like said screw it throw him on there there we’ll get him into the pricing so not sure but yeah the real quick I’m with you a lot of those guys don’t have much more to add the Ben Martin story people

Want to tell it he actually does pop up this week as a guy that you could go to you talked about obviously Bermuda Benny we’ve talked about him plenty fifth here last year he’s made the cut every time he’s played it I believe uh even back

Where there used to be like 75 and whatever but he is in the field he missed the cut in Phoenix and it was round two and I don’t you know this course I’ve been there I feel like there was still enough kids around but anyway a dad basic Al was

There his his shot went over the green R5 went in the bunker up front gets it out of the bunker and rolls off the green and down into the matted down rough so it kind of sucked they’re all pissed off as they huddle over there a dad has like his two-year-old you’re a

Dad I’m a dad you get it like well it was the kid was doing nothing I can promise you I mean my my guy is bad my little guy he’s three it he’d be impossible to bring to a course this kid was good he was doing nothing the dad

Goes to pick him up put him on his shoulders and try and stay out of the way completely and the caddy just like snaap and the Caddy’s like take the kid and go over there and Ben’s like yeah please take the kid and I was like oh

And so the crowd was kind of like taking back a little bit and then we’re like oh all right whatever we’ll see and then you know these guys are betting on his shot and all this stuff and anyway he’s already tilted he clicks it up it goes

Way past the cup like 15 feet 20 feet the other way and I just yelled out I said kid karma and then everyone started laughing and someone’s like Ben Martin hates kids and they just kept piling on this guy and you could tell he was like

The back of his neck turns red he’s just not impressed and then he goes up and misses the putt too and makes bogey on that he kind of like blows it off and just shakes his head and then somebody yells good luck on 16 Ben because this

Is whole 13 and he’s coming up to the party hole on 16 so nothing crazy but I just thought pretty funny don’t bring Ben Martin around your kids there is kid karma if you want to talk [ __ ] to kids when they’re not even really doing anything that’s what happens right yeah

And this is an event though I mean it’s not going to be wild like uh like Phoenix was there there will be a lot of kids out there this week it’s for sure I can say this too because I also didn’t get to talk a lot about the Phoenix trip

Nor do I care anymore but I would much rather it was a great time we had the ship at Nation crew out there a bunch of the DJ 75 was a good time with everybody but I would much rather be at this event I’m over that event now it’s not even

Like maybe I’m old the a boomer now I don’t know I’ve done it enough times it’s my fourth time it’s just not even it’s what people said it’s just not the same it sucked because of the rain usually there’s a lot of room to stand

On hills and and sit on the grass and you know get out of the way because of the rain and the mud everybody was jammed into the cart path in that area where it was just just overdone man it was it was overcooked for sure so probably the weather but you over the

Edge too so yeah brutal I mean better than my weather I was coming out of a snowstorm up here in Canada but other than that yeah I mean I would much rather be at this event with you this week down there having a good time but

Let’s move on I got nothing else when it comes to DraftKings you talked about uh a couple cash game Corner CS we usually do this quick when Kenny’s not on if you had to guess the cash game cornerstones I think you said spencon and Bez right

Yeah all right who would the other two be that you think that he would probp in gim maybe the G he always says it’s he’s yeah probably gim I think I think he would play Dylan Lou I think if he looked at it with that price and he’s

Probably gonna want to play Cole and Rory or Cole and Henley or something like that so yeah probably some Dylan wo action I’m gonna say we’ll get woo in the bonus section but I’m going to say Cole senson Bez and gim I think that’s a good start to your cash game lineup and

Then go where you can from there you’ve mentioned the other ones I saved the betting segment for you because usually it’s me tailing some of your stuff anyway I’ll I’ll confirm which ones I tailed on last week I think I told you I think I said I forget what I said

Exactly about nap I’m pretty honest about I think I said that’s terrible and that’s a that’s a terrible idea at that number no chance in hell or something like that then you go and Josh said the same thing so so I was talking with slep

And he he tailed or I think made a punches own bets but he he bet everybody plus the top five on nap he for he he deleted the outright because he said he can’t win and only bet the top five just brutal man like that that’s what it is

But I guess like you said you you would have a harder time missing that one of course after everything else and it was when you now thinking back I know H sight’s 2020 but you look back you’re like the smiley interview not because of that tidbit or that nugget but what he

Was saying was he obviously didn’t manifest it it turned out he did manifest the win but it’s like he’s saying this is the course for me these guys know what courses they’re going to play well like it doesn’t always work out but yes they if it’s going to go

Well this is the place for me and sure enough it did I loved your comment I forget who the response was to when you’re like it turns out when you play like Tiger Woods for three days things go pretty well that was a good one too

All right who who do you got for betting bets this week on the we’ll do PGA Tour first we’ll get some bonuses in there yeah pretty pretty shocky like I I kind of I kind of made up my mind a couple days ago who I was going to bet this

Week and I just went with it so uh Eric Cole 33 to1 benan 45 to1 uh Keith Mitchell at 50 Luke list at 55 Adam senson at 60 and then just 10 bucks on CT pan at 350 to1 bz W yeah I didn’t do the CT pan one and I can confirm your

Winner this week will be Eric Cole because I said that’s a loser number we Eric Cole as well I’m pretty sure I’m with you on the other four and then I forget who long shot was that I lik that I added it might have been what did we talk about earlier it

It might have been uh I forget who it is I’ll post it out in the Discord over at [ __ ] Nation but yeah there was somebody I hopped on that was a long shot but those other four of your six the mid-range of your guys not Cole not Pan

The I jumped on with you I like those ones overseas real quick do do the uh the DP World Tour what do we got there yeah that’s a big card again I I went with long shots there so uh I went back to Argy nacho after the second last week

That was painful but he was about the same number uh 55 to1 uh Ugo cassad who is a challenge forour I think he was number one on the challenge tour last year at 66 and then since they’re down in South Africa I bet four of the long

Shot South Africans uh Ryan vanven at 66 Dion gerus at 125 uh Daniel van Tander at 200 and AI strium also at 200 to one I bet them all I bet those last three bigger than the first three just I do like those three quite a bit that you said for whatever

Reason they stood out to you get the each ways you might as well you can get eight places for you probably so just yeah just take as much as you can yeah and for whatever reason there was like good eight places on those ones versus some of the other ones they really screw

You on where it’s like top five is this eight you lose a bunch of points you lose some but not as much with those guys and I just like them and we bet them in the past the the DG guy I don’t know how to say his name but definitely

Bet him at least a few times so we’re going to try and get that one set up we talk a little live earlier with AK but you had a few bets over there what what was the ones that stood out I think some got cut now yeah I’m I’m going to regret

These because it’s it’s probably going to be either DJ or Bryson who wins but so most of these guys played the Asian Tour event this past week uh live numbers have been posted there for a couple weeks now for this event just trying to drop some interest so as those

Guys replying on the leaderboard these numbers weren’t changing so um I bet Matt wolf at 50 Meo at 60 and Lucas Herbert at 80 and again all those numbers are probably cut in half at this point so we might not win but we got those sansky B yeah that’s right I

Didn’t see what the other two did but I know Meo was up the board they all the top 10 yeah Meo probably should have won uh he had won really really bad round which you know Meo can do wolf was about ninth or eighth and I think uh Lucas

Hert was also somewhere in the top 10 so I think uh I’ll I want to ask you more thing actually is funny but I’m gonna just say one and done quick you don’t have to get into it but I’m going to put Eric Cole in one and done I think since

I didn’t want to bet him with you if he if he comes through and gets the job done somehow maybe that’s the spot to use him I never care about it as much because I suck at one and done my dad is just crushing right now I think he’s in

The top 200 he just plays the chest guy every week I told him the rules are I can’t talk you in or out of any plays like if you have a question about a guy I’ll answer it I send him the golf betting system where you can kind of

Just see like all he does is look at the recent form and the Cor hist and then pounds it together and every week like last week Brandon woo I’m like of course he’s going to do it again Dad like great pick yep Brandon woo does just fine 13th

Place like he he just always finds it so good for him but maybe it’s teaching me a thing about one of done I do want to ask you though uh full swing season two is coming out I’m assuming you watched season one and went through all that

Were you on team F1 this is going to change the world for golf or were you on that it’s just going to be people that like golf that are interested in this series because finally you get to go behind the scenes and see what’s up yeah

I mean definitely the lad I’m not an F1 fan I don’t watch it haven’t watched the show but yeah this show is for us it’s not for for anybody I feel like ratings might have went down since it came out but people were like saying it’s gonna

Be the like the be all end all to like put it on the map these guys aren’t even and like these guys aren’t aren’t that personable like even a big personality like Brooks right he doesn’t come ACR well on camera Matt Fitz I love right the masses aren’t get

Morala is not interesting Rory is honestly not really that interesting of a person um outside of golf so yeah it’s we’ll see how it goes but it’s definitely for us I thought last season they should have led it wouldn’t really matter probably but I thought they

Should have led with the Joel Damon or Tony feno episode like the first episode everyone knows Jordan Speed and Justin Thomas but I don’t even think they know how to gamble like they were just they were betting a thousand straight on picking the right card out of a 52 card

Deck and that was for the C that was for the cameras yeah had it had to be like just I mean I think this one will be better just because there was just more organic drama I think you’re going to see like even guys like Don Kim and uh

HTH are a little more interesting I think and I feel like there’s going to be a lot more smack talking this year so and we got a good year in golf like a lot of stuff changed and transferred over so hopefully we get some of that stuff I’m certainly excited for it did

You watch quarterback just a side note I did yes I did so and like I thought that was well I thought that was very well done and with a nice balance of like a momes Kirk Cousins and with marota where it’s like okay that’s pretty good spread

Of guys and there was different stories to tell narrated a little bit better all right well I appreciate it as always man thanks for hopping on why don’t you let the people know where they can find you I think you got some other shows coming up as well maybe starting as early as

This evening that’s right uh off to my son’s basketball game now but then we’ll be recording with Joe on her lines tonight and then morning tea time with Joe and Chris Po tomorrow which uh should be fun oh nice you’re bringing out the uh the pleed khakis rip DFS open

But I know you got to play this course after that that event this year that’s where the the pitcher came from you got those still uh probably not no but uh but no we’re looking forward to it Chris’s at at the match tonight so hopefully get some good Intel from him

After that one should be awesome man definitely appreciate you hopping on as always we’ll have Ryan back again thank you guys so much for watching you know where to find me on X at toag Ando tidbits will be out whenn as always those are free and then at shiing you guys can check that out use that promo code Mayo to get 10% off we got a ton going on over there right now that’s going to do it for this week guys let’s win some [ __ ] money DJ Nation Dirty Money Jordan Bing Penny STS while I’m flipping these birding on Rock

Trip them up with the words I the and I think it’s be my third Jordan never



    Intro – 0:00

    Recap – 1:23

    Listener League Recap – 7:54

    Course Preview – 11:55

    Tiers – 17:21

    Story Time – 48:59

    CGCs – 51:47

    Bets – 53:44

    Outro – 59:36

    2024 COGNIZANT CLASSIC, DraftKings Plays | Fantasy Golf Degenerates

    Ryan Baroff and Tyler Tamboline preview the course and run through the odds while making their 2024 Cognizant Classic picks. The guys give their fantasy golf picks and best bets for the event at PGA National Resort

    Episode “359” | The Honda Grand Prix

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  2. Shane lowery
    Dk ryancool6544
    Man, i had knapp last week. But i was the second person to pick him. How about a 6 man tournament. Lol. I guess im 3rd with shane this week.

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