The Role Of The LEAD (Left) Arm In The Golf Swing

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In this video, Adam goes over the role of the lead or left arm in the golf swing. Many golfers that set up right handed use their right hand as the engine to gain power. Doing this will cause excessive flipping at impact while using the lead arm will create more shaft lean naturally at impact.

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Have if I drop the right arm off the club and I film them with the left every time it’s going to look like this okay there’s an imaginary air bubble right here right my hands are going to pierce through that bubble on the way back mhm

Well guess what they better do on the way down right in right back through bubble here’s an imaginary wall there’s a nail in the wall right here uhhuh you’re going to turn and you’re going to hammer the nail into the wall boom that’s my man right that’s exactly what

I want to see right there from you best of the day right there best swing of the day by far okay now here’s what I want you to do I’m I’m going to take you one step further cuz I know you wanted no flip in your swing and here’s

The move for no flip okay all right all right here we go hinge it up okay okay come in front of me bud turn it back we’re now going to be left arm dominant and we’re going to drive the handle this way you feel that yeah and

Then rotation gets the club to the ball not the club getting itself there with your your hands does that make sense so watch this go back halfway again here’s an imaginary wall there’s a nail in the wall right here mhm you’re going to turn and you’re going to hammer the nail into

The wall boom that’s my man right that’s exactly what I want to see right there from you you get that down and now you got your anti flip as well feeling it oh dude right at it do you see how fast it left the face even with the contact

Not being perfect there’s such a difference when somebody goes like this you you get somebody in there like this right here and you get him a little bit of like like that versus the guy who’s in there going like this okay you watch the difference here

You can hear the sound too oh it sounds every and look at the look at the trajectory how just left yeah no wind’s moving that ball nothing’s moving that golf ball yeah that’s what I want more left arm dominance in the swing is a big thing you know it’s like you watch me

I’m always trying to swing with my left arm if I I film anybody doesn’t matter how much flip they have if I drop their right arm off the club and I film them with the left every time it’s going to look like this the minute you know you

Swing this way it’s going to go like that so so maybe just focus more like for like I know I was just trying to drive the nail but just just maybe just left hand left arm dominant you know I me I’m going to do that right now for

You and here’s what’s funny what’s funny about left arm dominant um you know my mentor Todd SS he always told me he goes hey you know the most underestimated muscle in the human body for a right-handed golfer is the left tricep you know just yeah you know pulling it through

But I’m serious about that you know he’s so right just as strong as the right and and that’s where you got to use it you know this is me pulling the left side through okay oh my very nice best of the day right there best

Swing of the day by far yeah like by far that thing just went another 20 yards past every other shot you hit today yep that was incredible I’m always trying to put stuff up oh I see it to to help but look look at this one I love Kevin’s

Graphics here on this one this this is so cool one two 3 it’s not just a drill that increases the angle but it induces connection sternum and hands together there’s the connection sternum and hands together St and hands together so I’m maintaining that connection I’m not just

Moving my arms and there’s the hammering the nail right so when I’m doing that what I’m doing is I’m actively feeling like okay I’m here I set it right I’m here I turn I’m bringing it back down and there’s the hammering the nail and then rotation there it is and look at

That club so you know when you watch me you’re not going to see the club head swing towards the ball at all I drive the handle yeah and like you say speed trajectory everything it’s going to yeah and to think about it on the way down

You can fix it already you just go okay my hands my hands went back through here they got to come back down through here yeah right so it’s here it is I went back right here right back right here and they come back through here okay not not back through here back

Through there right with missing this right here with your hands and then bring your hands right back down underneath that I lose my hip bump I think when you get here and then here just drive that handle down right kind of for for somebody who’s been over the

Top yeah right into their right hip you know what I mean does that make sense so it’s like here’s your spot don’t get your hands outside there exactly yeah go set up again your hands should never get outside this line turn them uh yep come

Back inside there it is there it is with the hip PMP so you know I have this I have this personal thought I give all my players at one point that’s it just helped me so much as a kid and I and I never had issues after I had this

Thought and I said okay there’s an imaginary air bubble right here right my hands are going to pierce through that bubble on the way back mhm well guess what they better do on the way down right in right back through bubble and I just never had any struggles you know getting getting the

Club you know back down the right plane and I’ve seen you do that in the videos before you it’s like yeah it’s like don’t ever let it get outside there again there you go buddy all right always want those hands to return right back to where they

Started get over that golf ball less off the heels there you go buddy get that big hip bump hinge it up smooth and then down oh yeah and look it there’s a baby baby draw not a big one just the one that gets tipped by the wind that’s

Going you know about 10 mph this way that was beautiful and shallow yeah so before with our lateral movement with our strong grip with our inside takeaway like this strong grip shuts the club face inside takeaway you know what we struggled a lot with was the Big Top

Spin forand that kicks left it’s like think about a ping pong paddle like this and going like this yep it’s going to go that was me and then all of a sudden you get that and you come over it you get start left and go left think about like

This right a ping pong paddle you get it right here well if I rotate through look at this it’s going to cut it dead straight down the line that’s how I feel like this club head is in my hands I get it right here uhuh and I rotate look at

That it just has that nice straight spin right and that’s what you’re trying to do with where you get that club going back and and it doesn’t stays down you know exactly because you got a better angle of attack and no reason to flip it oh yeah you feel that yeah woo look

How that ball is just right on starting right online falling online yeah beautiful I gave you the something simple of hey by the way in the down swing yeah because we’re rotating this way it’s easy for people to want to swing that way yeah you get your hands back to the bubble yeah

That’s true yep that was the only thing I gave you and I did talk a little bit about hey left arm driving down but the funny thing is you know what all that’s irrelevant until setup’s good turns good hands and Club are going back in a good direction

Okay and if you can’t reach us from the east coast in person can you zoom in on pity down there there’s Mike down there and there’s Mike down there teaching somebody right now from the East Coast oh Mike’s giv a lesson to a guy in New York right now okay little

FaceTime lesson and he’s found himself in a nice little shady spot yeah just uh but hey we got options right you you know whether it’s FaceTime in person you’re going to get your you’re going to get your plan of attack at porzak golf we take a lot of pride in having

Developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take you on a stepbystep easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the mini before you who’ve

Utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond oh


  1. Do the arms + hands meet at the finish line (impact) because of the lead hip joint firing straight back or is the core/rib cage assisting the arms to impact zone?

  2. I hit 13/13 fairways and had long drive on every hole yesterday, unfortunately putting was awful…wack-a-mole golf, you fix one thing and something else goes wrong.

  3. Adam, that you're not at a million subs is beyond my comprehension. People are just not paying attention. ^^ This is the best teacher in golf folks. Period. It's not close.

  4. Have literally been working on this, but found if I don’t commit and get my hands rights. I hit a hosel rocket dead right :/ but that was also after hitting 200 balls 😂

  5. I'm not saying this is wrong. To each his own. But I see it differently. For me there is a reason your dominant hand is usually your trail hand, not your lead hand. I see the golf swing as similar to a hockey slap shot, where all the power and control comes from the trail hand, which is usually the dominant hand. This may be because the pectoral muscle is much bigger than the deltoid. I feel a lot of people slice because they're not using their trail hand to close the club.

  6. I've been following you for a few months now since I just started playing golf recently but I found your instructions to help your clients are really to the point. Also really like the way you encourage them like "that's my man" stuff. Keep going!

  7. You make the golf swing so simple and your instruction is on point. It has improved my contact and I rarely early extend nor cast. It's still a work in progress but improving. I'm 56 and I can carry my 8 iron 165-170 now. Thank You. Hammer time!!

  8. Is it possible to do a video on the driver takeaway? I’ve watched just about all the drivers videos you have but still can’t figure it out. Thanks!

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