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In this video, we give you everything you need to know on how to fix your takeaway. This is compilation of takeaway drills that we worked on in our most recent lesson. What I would recommend is to find the takeaway drill that works best for you and implement it into your routine.

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And guys this is a great lesson here’s the thing kev’s going to trim this down a little bit to where we’re not seeing all the work we’re putting in in between but we did alignment Rod got better got better it didn’t get perfect until you actually just went up yeah turn now what

I want to talk about how the arms and hands should work relative to the body hips should always be in line with the ankles you can see that if I drew a line from your ankles up your hip joints behind Okay so two things that’s probably going to happen before I even

Look at this inside takeaway hands lift to the top that leverage allows him to hinge the club properly so when you look at this he’s going to set the club the right way butter the club down inside the ball watch this weight still up in the balls of the feet there because the

Right setup turn it right back to the top and there’s the mint you know perfect position that we’re looking for okay now ready there’s that line on my feet that’s the train track for my hand path and the takeaway my first 12 in 18 in is going right down that line ready

And all I’m doing I’m using the angle that I have here and I’m pushing away on the handle to create that L maintaining connection between body and hands the same turn that I worked on from the face on view ready for this there okay look at the downward

Pressure down this line right there and then from here boom nice turn to the top right down the line so here set up in here all right start with the hips over your ankles so here’s the way I like to do that stand up straight cuz you know

Your hips and ankles are in line at this point you know they’re in line now ready here’s the next part all right don’t push back at all just go straight forward on your toes mhm okay ready now just break the knees a little bit and go down a little more forward tilt going

Feel like you’re really on the balls of your feet okay there you are now take your grip nice hip bump and I’m going to show you guys everybody what we’re looking for ready if there’s a little downward pressure look at this the club’s right in line there maybe just in front even

And then it goes up that forearm and then he can just relax this elbow and just turn your body and there’s that perfect position at the top when I keep my hands low and Away mhm that’s really my body pushing the handle away you see how it’s like really built up watch when

I just pick up my hands kind of you know that move right here is like this the club’s like right there and it just never gets in a good position but when I push my hands low and away you can literally see my body winded up it looks powerful it

Looks like it’s collected up the top Al together rather than just lifting alongside you the set position my chest is facing it look at that I just have to move this under and past my chin and then I’m done that’s it it’s not some big move

It’s just you know 90% of your swings right here and then it’s a little turn to the Top This is an old thought we gave on YouTube and Kev film film this up close here bud here’s where I’m hitting okay the 10 and 10 is so good

For people who get low and inside right here’s why zero is when the club is right down the line of your feet when it’s parallel to the ground it basically from Kevin’s perspective there makes my hands disappear watch this 10° out 10° up that’s where people should practice it who come back

In here because that’s what it’s going to feel like right in order to get it up in front of you you’re going to understand that a lot of times people who take it inside are low and then inside so what are we looking for higher

And a little out so I call it the 10 and 10 right here rehearsals there rehearsals there often lead to this one right here it’s like if I held this right here you’re not letting your hands get outside you want the club to be outside and I’ll exaggerate like this

The club should be there it is do you feel that that’s the one right there do that again so look what I’m doing guys I’m I’m I’m I’m preventing the big mistake everybody wants to move their hands out to get the club out don’t do that and here’s the exaggeration get the

Club out there there we go that’s more of the 10 and 10 I can always tell it’s right when kev’s back there nodding his head he knows you know right right C we might have to then just illustrate this for you and have okay club and shaft matching right Midway point between

Hands and feet and have this right here so when you’re in here the club stays on top of this as you turn back that definitely going to force ready for not because you’re pushing your hands out my hands are actually staying under that line it’s the fact the club staying

Outside that line that then gets that look right there let’s define that watch this if my hands are hanging on this white line if my hands are connected to my body’s turn and moving in the direction of my shoulders right there’s never a time they’re ever going out away from me

They’re only going straight and then up the escalator cuz they’re moving in the direction of my turn but this will never touch your downswing so I don’t want you staying on top of it on the downswing I want you over it and under it okay yes keep doing it that’s perfect right there

And then there’s your hands going up the right path look how better that position is it’s so hard to come over the top from there you can just bring that thing straight down underneath you I’ll be dead honest with you I sucked at this when I was learning the game and working

At it I used to rip it inside and the only way that I got it I can run you through every drill in the book to how to get that club outside but here’s the funny thing about it it wasn’t until I did this right here that I got it I

Literally did this for like three weeks straight I remember doing this with my my dad and I yep nice and you know the reason being and the reason why that’s so good right there is because here’s the thing it put me preset in the position that when I

Turn back here I’m like oh wait that’s where I need to get and I memorize this spot so then I went like this uhuh like this and was like okay hold on I can get there you know what’s funny about that watch this when I get it there if I turn

And face Kev see how it’s right in front of me still M okay okay that’s what we’re doing to start with it’s amazing how well you can hit it like that too by the way it’s it’s unbelievable puts the club in a great spot now here’s the thing we’re

Then going to go up as a drill and feel like the rehearsal right here and then what I want you doing is rehearsing it and trying to get back there after feeling that drill right okay so here’s me just trying to get right back to that same spot all right got it all

Right dude yeah you’re going to be hey you’re going to be going back home playing golf like you’re going to take some money off everybody doing this oh and you’re just going to be just like this you’re going to be like all right here we go guys yeah right here right here

Just you know but it’s funny how when you do that like you really feel where it needs to be halfway back and at the top in a good position so many people will work on getting the club back in the right spot MH but they lose the path of their hand and where

The hand should be traveling that’s a huge part of the back swing is the hand path right and then you know it’s swing plane and hand path swing plane is Hey where’s the shaft pointed right hand path the direction the hands turn those both need to be correct in order to be

In a position to where you don’t have to manipulate as much coming down but like I said you know here’s here’s me Swinging normal now watch you can gas it with this drill you don’t have to even go slow but just slow back yep I mean I’m going to start

Playing like that too you know that was pretty yes yes yes I mean best of the day right there yeah that was good felt solid Square I mean just feeling it dude right at it understanding it’s going to feel at first it’s going to feel like two pieces you know and that’s

Why the drill that’s going to be awesome for you is going to be this drill right here right where you get in here like this right you go okay right that drill right there is awesome cuz it guarantees the proper set position absolutely and then you know

We’re going to have to work in stages here right after we get that down to okay I get it that’s the under the belt that’s the over and then I turn through we’re going to then blend it into like a what I call the sun JM right where it

Just becomes okay hold on this feeling but hold on we’re going to blend that together nice and slow and then go okay get it there once you’re set you’re set you just turn and fire and then ready let’s get it there but let’s just keep it

Going and then there it is what the viewers don’t see Kevin does an incredible job of chopping this up and maybe only seeing me repeat myself twice right what he doesn’t what viewers don’t realize is I probably have repeated myself saying that 50 times in the lesson but how many times that he’s

Going to do that drill necessary to make a real change we’ll sit here for 2 hours and do that drill for two straight hours you know what’s funny we’ll come back tomorrow and do the same darn thing of course we’re going to blend it into the

Other swing to the real swing as fast as possible Right but in order to create a habit I always talk about this you have you have two columns right you have this column that you’ve done this many times and you have the new swing until we’ve

Done that enough times to where we felt this position yeah and we just start to kind of even that out and then get it to be even more yep I agree if I I disagree with people who say if you’ve made 10,000 swings one way you need to make

10,000 in one swings the other way I don’t agree with that I I I I from watching students and watching people who’ve worked at it the right way you just need to make the next 200 the right way right and an athlete will pick up on

Yeah what it is that you were doing it just can’t be back and forth and the problem is if I let you go with no drill you’re going to be somewhere in between yeah and it then our unconscious thoughts get overridden by the subconscious thoughts when you’re taking

A to two second golf swing and then you work back into Old Tendencies Kev you know what’s funny Kevin like can you just like you’ve watched enough of these lessons now it’s time you get your takeaway down kev’s a Kev Kev has a great swing by the way but if I had to

See him take the club away one more time like this I’m like dude I’m gonna you’ve watched so many times me explain this you have no excuse I’m pulling it up right now right now for the viewer what I’m working on look here here’s where I give him credit oh oh you’re right

Wait don’t know what happen show you my new video I saw the 10 video here to redeem himself oh yeah wait just put the hat back on I take it back I take it back put the hat back on getting better like oh dude it’s almost

There Kev this is a this is like an a for this is a big a for you yeah okay okay okay myself there okay at poor Zack golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity

Our full swing master class will take you on a stepbystep easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the mini before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond


  1. A big aspect of this for someone so used to rolling the arms and/or turning flat is getting a steeper shoulder turn going back

  2. Me all day. Rehearsing it and feeling good, then looking at an actual swing of mine on video and the club head is out of frame inside/behind me immediately 😓

  3. My issue is I push my hands/arms away but the club goes inside. The set and go drill helps a lot

  4. Mannnn. This is a great video. Beginning golfers need to focus on hands and wrist practice like this. Made a massive difference for me.

  5. Excellent point about how people have to continually repeat the drill otherwise they will revert back to their old habit of how to swing. Many people do it a few times then try to move to something else thinking they got it, and go right back to the old motion.

    Like you also said many people who have been told they get the hands swinging up and out with a roll that the club around and inside will go to swinging both the hands and clubhead out and away creating too much separation between hands/arms and body just replacing one error with another.

    The palm pressing downward on the handle where the hands stay down while the clubhead elevates – like the pressing down of a beach ball underwater that you describe – is an excellent analogy for what the golfer should feel the are doing.

  6. So easy to understand! Thanks Adam for great content yet again. I think most ams like myself also struggle with closing the face the wrong way, which cause an out2in path/overthetop-move. Love to see some tips on this as well 😊

  7. Adam, awesome explanation and taking your time to do so. I suffer from inside takeaway as a 5 index, and it’s a killer under pressure. In your opinion, when do the hips start turning ? I.e. when shoulders and hands start, or when hands get to the right leg etc. see all different answers from instructors.. thanks

  8. After seeing so many different golf videos I am convinced that there are millions of ways for people to swing the club. This just further proves that individualized golf lessons which tweak your current swing are the way to go.

  9. Love that Kev’s swing got some screen time! Swing is looking good Kev. When I’ve lost my swing on the course, I’ll literally swing from the preset. It’s the only way to get through the round.

  10. It always amazes me how easy Adam makes everything. Just the greatest there is. I need to book another lesson soon! April time!

  11. His hands move off the plane, initiating down swing from top due to excess right arm folding?

  12. Your guy doesnt seem to have hips over ankles (his hips look deep when doing the drills?) or am I wrong? Great vid , many thanks as ever !

  13. Adam, simply pure instruction that is intuitive and given in a way that students have a process to follow when they are practicing on their own. Also, by checking their video, it will be clear if they are in the right positions. Your instruction is the best!

  14. These last 3 weeks of videos have been absolute bangers! Been fighting an inside takeaway lately that hinge first then turn has helped me so much. Thank you

  15. Thank you so much for this video. I was absolutely striping shots doing the lift up and turn drill. Including driver. Can I play on course like this? That lift and turn puts me in the slot and just crushing shots. Coming too far inside normally but having a hard time blending it naturally to the correct position vs just lifting and turning. Any tips for that? Practice time!

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