Golf Players

Rory McIlroy WINS the 2024 Capital One’s The Match Show 🔥

Presented by @ATT


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Major Champion number two in the world Rory melroy so again playing 12 holes and four of those are par threes players will play the same teas there and we have forward and back for the other holes might be a little right that makes me I freed up so freed up

Thank oh no it’s on The Fairway hi ladies full of sand now did you say imperical I did man keep it to a couple oh my gosh so that the ladies can play Hey I’m used to working with Kenny and Shaq I’m not used to the big words chill nice there so mroy

There now Rory maroy with his fourth shot on this very reachable par five so sh turn turn make it it’s turning but not good for five thank you Lexi do you want to in her out that’s good that’s good out in yeah D deep into the West Palm night almost cans

It almost can cans it oh no go over corrected go it’s trying yeah how was going greens are quick H top Tracer brought to you by Capital One tracking this one from Rory oh that’s well that sneak back here we go yes it no did good shot pretty good

Shot oh yeah look at that nothing for a four time major Champion right there let’s go how boring matching birdies at the third for Rory and Max that’ll be carried over andos to the hole there on number three think’s looking out dude yeah looks that’s two scary

Not maybe she should like a horrific number Rory you regretting your Club Choice well I’m regretting not doing better in the first three Halles there I could have chosen first this is uh this is going to be interesting I would have maybe gone with a six iron for you instead of a

Fivewood all right that was sick oh this is this is really I don’t care where it is that was pretty cool thank you off the right side of the green dare that was pretty tight Rory this is better than a chunk chip anything’s better than a chunk chil hey oh this is tidy

Dang wow now do they make him put that with the fivewood of course you got to make him put that with a fivewood and you are putting that’s mean that’s just mean oh Chris Chris that’s just really hilarious and so inappropriate keep it civil chuckster as you always do I promise you

Listen Chris soltius wherever you from so now the boy sliding by so look you should have just gone first Rory’s in Rory’s in good position right now okay I’m pretty sure he’s aware of that for the fans watching at home and and wondering what the heck are we

Watching on this hole that’s what we watching this one Club Challenge and now with that four iron again here’s Lexi thank you Lexi we tied got why there’s 14 of these things so this for a par for Rory mroy with his five that one actually

Came off pretty good just way left or he can miss it in tie Rose and $200,000 yeah wow there you go there you go on fire ah stay oh L 175 and another great shot that was good thank you one back at 611 for Rory yeah should be

Perfect I don’t know how I can follow that but I so cool great job by our uh photographers our camera operators who go maybe pry good looking line there oh that is going to be bunker short yep he got some room to work with he’s far

Enough up there gets on the up slope it’ll be okay kids and I’ll get into that a little more after we watch Max with his third and that’s taken off on it wow oh Max you’re so strong God the wind died like immediately oh that’s I got to use that

Excuse you you got the kids excited down there though man they’re going to get I’m a man of the people man get an up close look at you here’s Rory now out of the bunker Rory must be licking his chops right now see watch Charles how easy this is okay

Wow nothing to it filthy beautiful to be fair it was only a gentle up slope there it wasn’t full on where where you know it’s a severe up carry over from five right there for Rory for the taking unmissable good for you man thank you here nice nice

Thank one par in the bunch at the par 5 six about 350 to carry the bunkers got that done that’s rather large I mean run the ridge here we go ride it back ride it back wow well done that was pretty tidy there nice great birdie got to do a little

Pressure very nice so we will carry over all sorts of swes and ridges to deal with how cool is this place and especially at night what a great look my God just a little bit deep there good line wrong Club oh hit it go go stay good that’s dude

Draw think it’s okay over there you’re inside the Rope line there Rory you’re good oh thank you addition of the match Rory Mao straight right go go and go left ah here it comes that’s amazing see he he asks his b gently what to do and it listens it’s just when I

Say it doesn’t scream at it does he no but it just amazing oh my goodness speaking of amazing this ain’t good it’s pretty impressive you made contact with that that was pretty darn impressive I don’t know what any but you guys are talking trash probably but no that was amazing giving them the

Opportunity and everybody the opportunity to just come out here and enjoy every aspect of golf good put dude thanks good good that’s good thank you to do it so close sneaky left it’s much narrower up there if you go with driver but he has launched this nice camber from left to right here

In this Fairway got it surrounded here at number 10 Biz um let’s check in with you oh hit it Trevor you’re being so rude you’re buying drinks tonight why is it your advice listen Safety First what is that that’s so bad are you serious right now oh no

Way that up there yeah that that’s good thank you you’re welcome ni crazy what a short thank you hang in there stay first bounce was kind this is nice see again he was nice to his golf ball I can’t understand why people talk to their golf ball I never understand that

Close the door here at number 12 no sit sit Max will probably give you that yeah yeah that’s good Rory you scoop that one out big guy a oh my God inom look at that you just did something cool yeah woohoo thank you that I know I

Already missed one of those I didn’t want you have to go through what I went through oh oh man so that’s pretty fancy hell man we’ll get you spit that’s not bad but it’s not 42 and a half I know so Trevor Rory say something interesting like normally when you’re

Trying to you just try to swing easy with the same Club he said I took more club and I guess how do you explain that yeah less Club head speed less spin but he took more Club he said more club and did it softer okay that’s a great tip

Set that’s about where I thought it would go yeah I don’t have that wedge I took out the one wedge I needed all righty all right youngest competitor in this match 20-year-old Rose Zang has class tomorrow at Stanford and trying to go in with a

Bracelet the wait hold on this is not a good sign I just lost with okay we’re chilling oh do it oh do it oh do it good try there is your match winner thank you very much thank you Rory last ho H for 1.1 million


  1. Those in charge of advertising should be fired. It’s like they didn’t want anyone to know this was happening. My local high school advertises their games better.

  2. women vs men is silly and playing 12 holes is even sillier. Max Homa should be fired for choking so bad but this was as close to unwatchable as it gets.

  3. Shot tracers a bit behind and not really tracking the balls… Good to see this format

    A bit more advertising may have been needed, don't mind highlights but would have liked to watch the whole thing properly

  4. I didn't even know this "match" existed. Did anyone play besides Rory? 12 holes riding in a cart would have been perfect for Tiger, and someone might have watched. How embarrassing! And Rory talks down about LIV?

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