How To Make A “Hands-Free” Golf Swing | Eric Cogorno + Erika Larkin

Golfers, would you believe me if I told you that even though your hands are the only thing connected to the club…

The truth is EVERY time you’ve hit a great shot you’ve made a “hands-free” golf swing?

Well, in this video, Forbes featured instructor Eric Cogorno is joined by Golf Digest Top 50 coach Erika Larkin…

To discuss how to turn your mechanical, stiff golf swing… Into an automatic, natural, true-swinging motion… that can’t help but produce perfect timing and perfect contact.

Join Erika and Learn the #1 swing-fix sequence…That turns your forced, unnatural swing…Into an effortless, automatic, true-swinging motion…

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Fix Your Contact with Martin Chuck and the Simple Strike Sequence:

Simple Strike Sequence

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Hey guys Eric agoro here with performance golf to my left Miss Erica Larin Golf Digest top 50 coach rank the best coach in the state of Virginia believe I saw as well so pleasure to have Erica here with us today and in today’s video we’re talking about how you can have a

Handsfree golf swing now I know that sounds kind of crazy how the heck can you make a golf swing without your hands they’re actually on the club but I think what’s important here Erica is that we don’t want the hands to be controlling the golf swing we want them be going

Along for the ride and in today’s video Erica is going to show us a couple little things that you can do in your practice to get your swing get that effortless golf swing that we’re all looking for Erica if you could take our setup here and kind of if you could run

Us through I know you have a couple of techniques that you use with your students y on how they can learn how to take the hands more out of the golf store yeah I think it’s proving to yourself that you don’t need to use your

Hands in the golf swing so I like to say you have to give up control to get control and sometimes when we really directly manipul at with our hands it just makes things worse we actually Rob ourselves of speed and we just end up twisting the face releasing early

Holding on blocking the release I mean there’s so many things that are related to using the hands too much at the wrong moments at the wrong moments you know um so for that we have to prove to ourselves how we can make a swing without quote unquote using our hands

They are going to be followers they are going to be holding on and at some level just reacting to our swing and I call it being massively active the hands are definitely going to be doing some job they have to hold the club but they’re

Going to be more reacting so this is a few there’s a few variations on this we’re going to go through a few different ones but I have some grip tests grip tricks if you will that we’re going to use to to to show our golf swing that we don’t need to use our

Hands directly so we’re going to take some fingers off the grip we’re going to start with you’re going to love this one cuz it’s the I love you sign okay we’re going to only use our middle two fingers to hold on to the club with our Trail

Hand so that’s my right hand um my pinky can stick up or if you want to try to put it down gently it’s okay but those are really the main two fingers that are going to just re remain on the club with that trail hand so getting comfortable

Being able to actually make a swing without your pointer finger your thumb or your pinky on the club is kind of different you realize gosh yeah I can’t use my right hand so much to do anything it’s there but it’s it’s not able to manipulate so much when you take those

Fingers off so then I would really challenge you to hit a few balls start with some short swings keep the position intact and you’ll be able to make some contact you’ll surprise yourself at how good contact you can make yeah with only two fingers on the golf club with that

Hand another variation on this one which is pretty cool do the double guns okay so here’s double guns you’re going to take your hands on the club but you’re going to make basically just point the gun okay pointer and thumb are going to be up and off on both hands so you might

Have to kind of take a baseball grip to do this one so now my pinky is on so double guns okay and we’re going to go back and forth this one definitely feels this is like leveling up now this is a little harder like a stage two the stage

Two if you can do the first one then move on to this one so we’re going to give it a try here definitely a little harder it’s almost like I could feel my my left wanted to find the grip but try to resist the urge to grip on midswing yeah

And help anything happen so double guns is really a great variation last but not least and this one is just another version you can just do the good old pie sign okay two fingers out leave the thumb on and this is just another version of kind of the first one but

It’s just see which one you like the best see which one works good yeah for you so we’ll do one more there just to show you all three options so here’s my piece sign two fingers out on that right hand we’re going to hit one like

This nice so I’m going nice and easy you can work up to a fuller swing but I think just to make a half or 3/4 swing and show yourself you don’t need all that tension and pressure and manipulation uh that’s a it’s a big moment uh aha moment for a lot of

Golfers to experience this yeah I could imagine and I know before I want to try some of those but before I hop in I know there’s also a visual that I saw you doing sort of like with the pen does that play into with this and how

The grip pressure works at all yes so um basically I mean think about it right a true pendulum model is the weight hanging on the end of a stick or a rope and if I wanted to get a pendulum swinging I really only need just two

Fingers on the club just to pinch it and takes very little you know effort to get this thing swinging and then it almost kind of swings itself once you get it into motion so there’s not a lot of effort or again hands doing much to get that club swinging in a relatively big

Pattern I mean if I just get some momentum going and I’m still only have two fingers on the club it doesn’t take much the difference just as a a juxtaposition to this if I grip with my whole hand and squeeze tightly and now try to get the club moving there’s no

Swing here it’s totally just tense here everything is kind of locked in with my wrist I’m I’m squeezing onto the club purposefully tight just to you know really create that awareness that this is not not how we swing the club this is total manipulation and I just feel like

It takes a lot more actual muscle energy from my arms to lift the club into space so you know less is more here let’s just do the least amount of work possible and and really facilitate how we can create a swinging motion that is going to take care of generating and automating that

Speed uh and that fluidity that that’s going to produce really consistent solid shots yeah I love that Eric obviously when I do this and how little effort that feels like that takes and then immediately as I was just trying holding it on and having my arm go I feel how

Much effort that is and it sort of makes me think of the people that we work with right the people that are watching this video and obviously we have a lot of people that come in that say you know I’m really putting a lot of effort into

This swing I feel like I’m really trying hard and I’m not getting a lot out and the reality is we have people who have a lot of shoulder problems they’ve got different back problems different injuries that all that effort just compounds those doesn’t make it easier whereas I think what we’re talking about

If you guys can put some of this into your swing as well if you have those nagging injuries this is going to make the golf swing in the game a lot easier yeah sometimes people create injury they invite injury by doing so much pushing and pulling on the club because they’re

Just engaged so much in awkward positions on the way down totally and so that totally proves that point is we don’t want to create these you know awkward moments that are creating stress on our body stressing our joints we want to move naturally in a way that’s that’s

Natural to to you to your body so for that reason as as how your arm wants to fold up and unfold like Let It move the way it wants to move uh good things will happen when you do that and you don’t push the club around try you’re really

Again you’re forcing it and you’re you’re essentially moving the club off plane the more you manipulate yeah there’s another conversation yeah let me I’m dying to try some of these ER let me hop in there so okay so let’s go through some of these and I haven’t done these

Before the first one we did was the heart okay right so I’ve got yep now I do is that just the trail hand that’s off or this is going to be both it’s Trail hand so the pinky and the forefinger are off just like that

There’s your I love you sign I love you perfect yep I know it’s it’s tempting to want to hook that pinky leave it off there there you go creeping in there right away and my thumb is off as well okay thumb is off yep just two fingers and so obviously as

We’re doing this yep so like my immediate senses here are I can feel the weight to the club more that’s for sure my grip pressure feels very neutral definitely not and I feel the need for my body to move yes cuz you can’t use your hand i’m not

So there’s no yeah the minute you start to try to grab onto the club you’re actually probably underutilizing your body right so get the body moving okay so this is off here and I’m just doing sort of like a little slow one here start got that pinky out of habit keep

The on keep the pink it just wants to hook on here we go oh yeah okay you did it so noticeably I’ve never done that before noticeably I feel the need for my body to move like especially on the way down and through when you guys do this and do this now if

You’re sitting watching this try this out and feel how much especially Erica I could feel it on the way back for sure but gosh I really feel on the way through yeah my sort of bigger muscles body moving arms are relaxed so the pinky and index finger and thumb now

You’re trusting it now I can see you’re relaxing into it yeah those and those feel really good like I’m I was little I don’t know if I was going to hit those or not those feel really good yeah it’s a little nerve-wracking cuz you know you’re you

Have to trust that the swing is going to take care of business it’s not your hands taking care of business the swing okay and then we did the um p on is third so double guns just imagine both hands you’re making two guns like this

So now you you can get this one on there you go that’s it thumbs off four fingers off and this is like a slightly more advanced oh yeah oh yeah okay so you made this look very easy pointer finger too this okay yeah yeah I’m really putting you through the ringer today

This one I can feel so if I felt the first one as like a ah maybe I felt it five or six out of 10 this feels like eight or nine out of 10 yeah it’s harder for sure gosh what a nice way to feel the hands out like honestly let me just

Hit a little BMT one with this this is this is out and this is out best shot of the day I I you know I think all of us when we’re watching videos and see drills and stuff at least I am somewhat inherently like skeptical yeah about how things

Work or not this is of the things I’ve done you know over the past 15 years feels like the most direct while it seems very simple underneath all that feels like that’s doing like 20 different things for free right yeah right like I’m feeling a lot of really

Learning how to get my body moving with just a really simple drill so just for the sake of time let’s say I would do that a couple more times now I’m doing the two fingers yeah this is the thing about these different grip positions is

You come up with your own I just want you to feel like you could be playful with this and explore and come up with your own hand positions it doesn’t really matter it’s just about giving up that control of using your hands too much yeah that was beautiful too and

What you might find is maybe all of a sudden a little bit of a a hook Miss starts to develop a hook uh tendency or pattern starts to show itself yeah like if you’re somebody that is a slicer and leaves the face open when you actually

Let go with your fingers it it’ll help facilitate a more natural release all of a sudden you might start turning the ball over like you hit one of those a little bit more left yeah that’s part of when you start stop using your your right hand so much in this case okay

That when you swing through and use your body the club releases more naturally and so for somebody that’s been blocking that and pulling and holding the face open all of a sudden you know they have to let it go to be able to even make contact with these drills so to your

Point there’s you know double triple bonuses of doing this as a test as a little playful experiment on the driving range or just even into a net in the backyard you know you don’t need to be worried about perfect ball flight it’s about can you make contact and and can

You coordinate this and just start to build trust that you can use your hands a lot less than you’ve been using them I love it it’s it’s sort of an interesting middle ground for me when I’m doing those drills of like I feel like I’m

Using my body a lot more yet it feels way easier less Force less effort and my arms and hands are doing significantly less I think you’ll feel those same things when you do it maybe you use those even as a warm-up just to start to get some feels as you’re going you know

Do your reps as usual I think the beauty of this and the beauty of Erica’s uh system that she put in the true swing which we’re going to tell you more as soon as this is over there’s a lot of things like this that on the surface

Level seem pretty simple and they are simple but there’s so many things underneath that they do for you for free that don’t require you to have a lot of force effort and a million different swing thoughts so I think uh let us we’re going to tell them a little bit

About how they can get that system here next all right guys hopefully you enjoyed today’s videos I had a blast doing those with Erica like I mentioned her true swing sequence I think is awesome I watched all the videos and they were absolutely killer not only do

You get an unbelievable deal I mean 47 bucks for that come on but you get unbelievable bonuses as well there’s her onc course program you get unlimited swing reviews so Erica and her team can guide you through step by step this entire process that’s ridiculous and also her mental game program and live

Q&A and not only do you get all of that included with the program you also get a 365 day money back guarantee so there’s literally no risk here for you to try this I’m telling you you’re going to love it we’re going to put the link in

The first link in the description down below you won’t regret trying it out


  1. Tremendous lesson. I have tried having more passive hands; from watching a lesson from Faldo and especially Harrington. I have accomplished this a few times, and with tremendous results…but I'm not naturally able to keep it up over the entire round. I will certainly use these drills….and I'm checking out the offer later this week for sure. Thanks guys! 💯

  2. I agree that the two of you make a great team. During the pandemic, I discovered Eric's YouTube channel and Erika's True Swing book. (I also read Ernest Jones: Swinging Into Golf. (Great read)). You guys are my favorite internet coaches. I signed up a couple weeks ago to Erika's Performance Golf and I am working my way through the True Swing training videos. All of this is great stuff. Thanks for putting this together.

  3. Great ideas unless you suffer from (Vikings Disease) Dupuytren’s Contracture, I can’t release certain fingers in each hand. However i can use the concept and soften the grip more than normal.

  4. I tried this and struck the ball INCREDIBLY well!! Basically, I relaxed COMPLETELY the hands(wrist and finger) probably a 2 on the grip. Swing back and let the body do the work and the loose hands grip allows the face to react instead of feel manufactured or manipulated. Very shallow divots. Was only exerting about 50-60% effort into it and still out driving my partners.

  5. Can’t wait to give this a try at the range today. Erika is such a beautiful and classy lady. Excellent instructor.

  6. I disagree. Arms contribute the most speed. The lower torso must trigger at the right moment when the arms are coming down.

  7. I'm actually hoping no one in my golfing group watches this because, I bought her true swing program and I was completely amazed at the difference in my ball striking. I have always struggled to get the ball first and then a divot. Her lessons made this easy and automatic. I find that I still want to use my hands to hit the ball and when I do it usually results in a fat shot or quick hook. BUT, when I leave the hands out and use her sequence, I flush it. I have taken lessons from some of the best instructors on earth over the years, and while they are all good, none of them explained it the way Erika has. Truly the best $47 golf expenditure I have ever made!

  8. First thing I noticed when I did one of these drills is the feel of the clubhead and my ball drawing to hooking which is new for me. Thanks for these videos they will certainly help me

  9. This team up could crash the internet. For God's sake put it on its own system independent of world banks, the military and mass communication in general. We have rights.

  10. THE secret to the golf swing is in the hands, and only the some of the older golfers knew about, like Bobby Jones. That’s a bad grip; so limiting.

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