Golf Players

Jon Rahm finally comes clean on main factor behind LIV Golf move

The genuine motive behind PGA Tour star Jon Rahm’s departure and transition to LIV Golf is fully explained in a recent interview. Rahm delves into everything related to his significant move to the LIV Golf Tour in December. This video covers his complete recent interview, analyzing what he has previously stated to connect the dots.

In other LIV Golf Tour news, Anthony Kim is poised to make his comeback to golf as a wildcard entry. Is LIV Golf becoming increasingly formidable? This sheds light on why Jon Rahm made the decision to leave the PGA Tour for LIV Golf.

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John Ram has finally come clean on the exact reason he decided to go and join live golf now we have his most recent interview ahead of playing this week on the live golf circuit and in other news did you hear that apparently the rumors are Anthony Kim is back now as soon as

You get anything concrete on that I’ll be sure to update you so that means subscribe turn the bell and you keep up to date with all the breaking news but let’s go into this story right here here so in December John Ram literally rocked the golfing world when he declared he

Was going to go and play live golf like remember him putting the jacket on the bomber jacket looking very live golfes but I just want to take you back a little bit further and rewind this clock a little bit because it’s important that we do in relevance to what he’s just said so

Exactly two years ago Rah declared his loyalty to the the PJ tour and pretty much a very fair stance that sort of I guess even at that point sent shock waves through the golfing world when he said I’m officially declaring my faaly to the PGA Tour I’m a Pac member meaning

Players advisory council member and I have a lot of belief in jmam and the product that they’re going to give us in the future there has been a lot of talk and speculation about the Saudi League it’s not something I believe is best for me my future in golf and I think the

Best Legacy I can accomplish will be on the PGA tour now I also paraphrasing here recall him saying more money that they offer me is not going to change my stance like you might know the quote better than me now I’ve got a question to ask you now the sort of dust is

Settled we’ve had a one event on live golf do you think John Ram made the right decision for his career the wrong decision like you got to bear in mind yes he’s got ability to play in the Mages for the next 5 years and something probably will be done between now and

Then whether it’s world ranking points whether it’s all three tours coming together but do you think it’s the right or wrong decision I want to do a bit of a poll Down Below in the comments because I believe it’s very very much split this part of me is like yeah he

Made the right decision part of me is like I’m not sure now now the PJ tour have got some backing from new backers over in America but anyway enough about that let’s go into exactly what he said in this most recent interview so just paraphrasing here he declared his FY to

The pg and about Legacy he say he said that he felt it was the best for his golf and something that he didn’t believe in and he wanted to create a legacy now this is what he said in his most recent interview where he admits

The real reason why he went to play live golf it opened my mind to being a little close-minded towards this and maybe I should give myself a chance he was asked essentially why did he go to live golf as an athlete and Entertainer I think I

Owe it to myself to see the other side out okay hear me out gets different different being weird okay I think my biggest concern was a little bit of a negative media backlash and we 100% saw that like look have a look at the media backlash here I mean you could even

Argue right now I’m giving a bit of a back lash because of what he said in the past and I’m only going off what he said then to what he said now so yeah I can understand that he’s a little bit apprehensive about that because of

Everything that he said in the past the way I see it if you want to let’s say improve your position I think you’re free to go to job interviews couldn’t agree more I 100% back that statement but it just goes back to P again paraphrasing this but along the lines of

I’ve got enough money more money is not going to change my life and more about Legacy it doesn’t stop there I have the right to do what I think is best for myself and my family period I’ve said it before as a father as a husband I have a

Duty to set my family up the best way possible not that’s we weren’t we’re extremely privileged people I’m aware of that but it’s my duty now again I want to retake you back to what you said in the past about money is a very different rhetoric now now one minute I don’t want

To sit here and think that I’m criticizing him for saying what he’s saying all I’m saying is I 100% back what he’s done and why he’s decided to go look he’s making his family better in a better position for generations and generations and it’s all relative to the

Situation that you’re in but it just goes again players saying one thing and now another thing coming out it’s a little bit crazy the only one really who we’ve not really heard the opposite from is the likes of like Terell Hatton in recent times have we he’s never really

Said anything too much either way but but I want to ask you a question and we saw these leaked memos didn’t we from sort of player advisory meetings and players meetings in general um that sort of were almost looked like being scripted to what they should say tiger

Being one of them Rory being another and we had them leaked I want to say sort of around April time last year so maybe a little bit more April May June time last year and we we saw these being leaked and at the time I asked you do you think

The players were scripted and I’m ask you that question again do you think Ram was scripted on his previous statements about I want to play the PJ Tour all about Legacy was that scripted by the tour and not what he actually felt and then now he’s getting the backlash from

That I don’t know maybe I’m speculating maybe I’m putting two and two and getting five just a question I wanted to pose to you but essentially that is the real news of why he decided to go and join live golf thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe the channel

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  1. More money, less golf, home on Sundays are reasons to go to LIV. Jon also gets to play in the majors for the next few years. So, I think he made the right decision.

  2. The more interesting question is not why Jon went to LIV(duh)? It is what does he think of LIV and the team now that he is there? Is he safe in his own mind he did the right thing and not because of the money. The VC capital on the PGA side wants a return on investment and not become a cashier for the players. Equity is stock shares and an at profit corporation. Since the equity shares will not be traded in the market like a public offering (IPO) there better be a substantial return on investment as in profit sharing and distribution that has not been realized with several big sponsors falling out. I seriously do not think the numbers work out to sustain the business model. I think it simply is a smoke and mirrors tactic to counter the PIF move and allow negotiating room for the final stage agreement. Everybody needs to see if the real money moves into the private corporation foretold otherwise it is PR and chess moves. Me thinks the sports world protests too much… it is only 150 years of golf legacy and the greatest game at stake. (sarcasm).

  3. Any person is entitled to reconsider job offers at any time. Just because he declined it previously doesn't mean he cannot take a different position later.

    With the complete lack of transparency from Monahan and his back flips, why would not all of the PGA players take a 2nd look at prospective new offers?

  4. Been telling you for over a year…. who's running the PGA anyway…. Jay Monahan LIED to everyone…. still in charge… REALLY…nuff said… UNFUCKING believable

  5. He's 29 years old, Masters Champion, National Hero in Spain, Ryder Cup Champion, has $500M from LIV, Major Exemptions for 5 years. Any other questions?

  6. The PGA is unwatchable the players are mediocre at best the current group Spieth Thomas Fowler etc seem to have lost interest it’s pretty sad when Charlie Hoffman is the high lite of the current PGA season no offense to Charlie. If and when LIV gets a real TV deal and they will Jay Manahan can kiss his ass good bye and anyone that says they wouldn’t take the money is full of shit and that includes all you self righteous idiots in the comments remember it’s just a game

  7. Doesn’t have to justify his reason to anyone outside of his family. Whatever he thinks is best for him and his family is what matters. No one knows what can happen in the future. If he for any reason couldn’t play golf anymore, injury etc. he can comfortably look after his family and many generations going forward. Ok he earns a lot every year “PLAYING GOLF”, what would his value be not playing? Sponsors etc aren’t going to continue paying you if you aren’t playing. You’re earning power is from you playing the game at a high standard. Yes he’s got more than enough now but to keep the comfortable lifestyle you still need to have $$$$ when you can’t earn as much anymore. Investments etc can go south pretty quick so why not get the $$$ while you can. People never know when an accident can derail your life. Have a look at Michael Schumacher, without his big earnings when he was in his prime, I dare say he wouldn’t be able to have the care provided to him now. People say they should just let him go, yeah but remember once you gone, you’re gone forever, there’s no reset button to come back.
    I’m sure John Rahm sleeps well and better than most of his critics and that’s what matters. At the end of the day I think eventually all the golfers will come back together in some shape or form.
    I wonder if they would still offer Will Zalatoris the same amount now?

  8. Every guy that went to LIV went for one reason and one reason only, selling out for money and supporting a murderous regime’s work to sportswash its image and use its blood oil money to take over an American institution. And they are working to take over other sporting leagues as well and as more athletes give up any semblance of morals or ethics in exchange for blood money, we will find that the murdering Saudis end up owning many of the major sports leagues destroying the legacies of all.

  9. The half billion dollars had nothing to with his decision…what made him betray the PGA, his fans and himself was the reality LIV celebrates and encourages his Liberal use of F-BOMBS.

  10. Better question is why haven’t more of the top players left? We know it has nothing to do with “legacy” lol

  11. thing I have thought for years is the PGA especially has turned into a tourism board and have know one to blame but themselves, used to be a 3 month break , now a wrap around season, hard to get excited about the dog and duck classic or the dodar open , and I think a lot of players privately after a period of time get fed up with all of the travelling, I think if they have the option of an extra 2/3 months to themselves and families/give their body a rest and work on their game per year in the same place is appealing and of course the money comes in handy… worst thing about LIV for me is they need an independent tv company covering it as the coverage they have now is just blowing smoke up their own backsides it is sickly … and they need to perhaps have a longer 3rd day so it isn't a ping pong leaderboard as a bit chaotic hard to get any real drama is so much of it is missed in terms of the build up like a back nine on a sunday can be

  12. When is enough money enough. I can't watch Liv. I've tried. He made the right decision for him if it's about the money and nothing else

  13. Don’t all Golfers turn pro for the money? Getting paid to do something you love? The PGA Tour events so far have mostly been lacklustre where big name line ups are concerned.

  14. The Saudi human rights atrocities is the bottom line issue. I think most of these guys have ZERO conscience with regard to who's paying them. I wonder if he's explaining that "as a father"…?

  15. Why would anyone with his skills and accomplishments walk away from such a deal? Only a fool would. Concerning every PGA Tour player who drank the BS that Jay pushed…only an idiot would give him credit; moreover, the PGA Tour. The PGA Tour has and continues to screw their "product."

  16. What do you mean come clean? he doesn't owe anyone an explanation why he changed his job. He now has a job that pays more and he still gets to play top level golf. Again the only losers here are the PGA tour and they will keep losing until they realise that they don't own the top level of the sport and that the rest of the world needs to see top level golf. And all players would still be playing together if the pGA tour had not of banned players that got a better job.

  17. Hard to blame him to favor his family over legacy – I’m sure his wife was happy with his decision, less time playing and more secured income. But I thinks it’s still sad for the game because LIV is zero legacy but maybe a global merger will happen and that will be an amazing choice for him! Let’s see…

  18. Well I’d say yes the Saudi wouldn’t have it any other way keeping control of there players hardly gonna slick out against ones who pay him sick of all this pga. Liv golf it’s all il say it again money driven more they have more they want like most I feel very strong opinionated about the Liv witch il keep most too myself in case of offending people

  19. listen to his talking points , they come from a woman not a man . his wife saw that money and wanted it . rahm have money for his entire family . women want security . not men . set his family up…. means his wife

  20. Every pro golfer on Tour, walks their own path. Security for his family and those around him is guaranteed for a good number of years. In the pro game, things can change overnight. Putting things in perspective only happens, when the options are on the table, and John Rahm, didn't have the option in front of him, when he made his original comments. Once the options hit home, choices and opinions change. The one thing John Rahm never did, was slag those players off who went to LIV, he did the right thing. Respect each person's right to choose, always.

  21. He made the right decision Comes clean? Why do we hold golfers to a crazy standard. Company loyalty vs more pay, less work. Liv has a great lineup that plays in every event. Liv plays in Spain and other international locations.

  22. It is like no one has the right to change their mind? Why is this a story? PGA asked its top players to standby them with unwavering support…..then they agree in principle behind closed doors with the "company" that they were told to vehemently speak out against it. Who cares, this could have all be avoided in the first place if the PGA took this seriously from the start.

  23. It’s a shame his pga legacy came to such a short end. He could have been the best spaniard to ever play in the pga. Now he’s yelling at fans at Liv events 🙄

  24. Everyone has a price. LIV found out what Rahm's was. This is not a knock on his decision. It's reality. I think his decision is based on a belief that the impasse between LIV and the traditional tours will be resolved before his majors exemptions expire

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