Golf Players


Can David beat me if he starts the round at -5? Let’s find out!

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Songs used in video:
Music track: Endless by Damtaro
Royalty Free Music for Videos (Safe)
Song: Summer Vibes
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios.
• [No Copyright Music] Summer Vibes – C… | Creative Commons – Attribution ND 4.0


Discgolf, ace, acerun, hole, in, one, hole in one, holeinone, hio, Järva, discgolfpark, Stockholm, Sweden, putt, putts, challenge, pleasure, Discmania, Discraft, Innova, Latitude64, Disc, Golf, Discs, Highlight, Simon Lizotte, Lizotte, Paul McBeth, McBeth, Kevin Jones, Garrett Gurthie, Calvin Heimburg, Eagle McMahon, James Conrad, Ricky Wysocki, Gannon Buhr, Isaac Robinson, Anthony Barela, Adam Hammes, Nikko Locastro, Ezra Aderhold, Brodie Smith, Drew Gibson, Jeremy Koling, Paul Ulibarri, Nate Sexton,

What’s up people today David is going to try to beat me but I get five Strokes L he’s approximately 900 rated I’m 980 somewhere pretty tricky tight course today 18 holes but if you hit your lines definitely scoreable let’s kick it off all right hole one 77 M for me a

Backhand turnover you want to go through these two trees here and then just turn right the whole way I’m going midnight prowl first shot of the day that looks a bit tight but a nice kick and I’m like 5 M from the basket good shot I’m going to

Throw the midnight prow High flip quite tricky hole for me Skip it’s all right it’s C1 I guess midnight prow is the way to go on this all nice pot it didn’t feel good but it’s in very icy nice pot but it’s in nice star frame

On hold one this is actually a tricky hole if you guys are new here to the channel consider subscribing if you enjoy the content I upload every Sunday so if you like consistency that’s me leave a comment down below what you want to see next and we might do it hole two

110 M quite a tricky line I’m going with my more overstable strike just throw it straight let it drift right and then just pan out and go straight this is a really good birdie if you can get it especially for you since you’re left-handed yes turn turn turn turn

Turn oh good kick horrible angle I’m going flip it D2 highp that’s so bad that’s unfortunate oh I just shanked it scramble to well you have five Strokes to to spare so basket is behind there somewhere 4and roller go for it get out I think it’s out right behind the

Tree scrambling for the bogey no the one to miss that was so bad smells like a double bogy parked framed up so nicely when you landed it sounded like it was ice over there and it’s a downhill slope behind it so I’m a coward all right hole three 45 M kind of

An island hole but not really it’s kind of like an island down there but it’s only OB left really short one going with a bar forehand maybe a bit of a ace run okay not an ace run didn’t have the height but I think it’s parked Cloud

Breaker link linky pexa linky pexa let’s see an ace run I’ll try is it short nice line a bit short for the ace but I think it’s a birdie it’s a birdie great PT a bit High very smooth I like it thank you I have a tap in hole

Four 78 M slightly uphill for me a backhand turnover here you really want to hit the line because if you go too far right it’s very thick woods and if you go too far left you’re going to be in like a swamp area with a lot of trees as well going with a

Crave no get out what happened you’re in the tree line you should have a approach as well that was really bad I’m throwing in an instinct really nice is it good you flash the shanes probably a bit short for the ace but I think you’re inside C1 okay I was

Really lucky I went straight through all of this and now I’m in C2 short but David is parked so he has a birdie here no didn’t heer yes one stroke back let’s go all right TA in par and David for birdie very nice feels good whole preview the

Birdie boy whole 5 91 M tunnel shot very tricky I’ve heard rumors that someone has aced this hole that’s me that’s me I’ve aced this hole with an onyx before unfortunately I don’t have it anymore I lost it it was one of my favorite discs but uh I have this protype Annex signed

By polymer Beth let’s see another Ace then I’ll try flip oh no I missed the line I’m going with the essence just slight Heiser to Baby Annie I’m happy if I get up there somewhat close too much Annie oh no it actually flipped a bit more than I thought it would threw it

Kind of exactly how I wanted but now I’m scrambling for par I’ll make up for the layup on hole two and I’ll actually go for this one come back oh that was so close to hitting the last tree but I’m parked nice Gap this might be stupid but we’ll

See oh no oh no Circle sge for the par I didn’t give it push so easy maybe start putting with the Sonic it’s so easy one stroke back all right hole six 72 M par three just straight ahead looks very open but the line is actually quite tight I’m

Going with my flippy Luna on a he flip to straight hopefully I was really low but I think I’m like C1 Edge I’m not going to blame it but someone hon to their horn and it really got in my head sonic mhm boy that’s so bad scram SC town I blame the

Weather and Jesus Christ I’m in scramble town no Prime position this calls for the Tilt I don’t know I never saw it land but it looked good halfway maybe C2 I don’t know 13 M I believe I believe no nice try closer than I thought nice birdie thank you for the

Bogey and a two-stroke swing ho s 132 M par 4 actually Eagle B but the problem is if you go for the eagle and miss the line you’re going to have to scramble probably for a par so I’m just going to lay up in the middle midnight prowl

Straight ahead on a high flip just land in the middle miss the tree perfect in the middle nice shot I’m going for it I’m throwing my hies you’re still in the lead so do you really need it yes okay oh my God please miss oh my God

David sit sit no oh really good line yes it faded out a bit early but I’m quite happy very forehand 50 m Straight Ahead give it a bid nay come out ah that was bad where is it left C2 middle maybe I think I’m just going to

Have to lay up for a par all right what’s the thought process here I don’t have a direct line to the basket so I have to lay up by the basket or in front of the OB by the basket that’s risky I know get over it yes I’m stupid I’m I told

You do you regret your life decisions yes this is not a good spot oh sit sit okay should be a par OB all of a sudden tester for par great pot dude par safe very nice like it’s unnecessary to take a birdies you know just for the Highlight make a par

With ob short tester for par I got stuck on my thumb and it was really high but it’s in hole eight this is a relatively new hole I don’t like it at all it’s a 85 M Gap shot through here then you want to push left but still

Going forward so it’s a really weird hole and it’s uphill very tricky and very tight I don’t know what to do on this hole so I’m just going to blast my Hades up there I’m happy if I hit the Gap I did not hit the Gap oh no that was

Actually a really bad shot that’s good for me and I’m really scrambling I’m throwing a forehand with my D2 back hand there no option as a left here so I’m just hoping to hit the Gap oh my God Miss that’s a great shot still not a bird chance it’s too straight it didn’t

Go left okay you can see the basket there better position than I thought it would be new disc hoodies I’ll throw forehand through this tight Gap and I’ll try to get it to go into the basket and get a birdie why not if you do that I

Will be sick to my stomach that’s what I want oh my God that was close I don’t like that I threw it too high in the beginning though so I hit the branch but I’m happy with the result this is where David’s pretty good t-shot landed not even inside

C2 it’s a par I actually went a little bit too far so now I have a bit of a tester nice scramble but it’s in nice scramble thank you thank you all right hole nine 155 M par 4 you want to push over this hill and down to the left and then as

You can see on the T sign here right at the end so it’s kind of a for you backhand flex line and you could get a eagle but I’m going shrike heif flip trying to land it by these two Boulders right here miss it come on no way the one

Three to miss that’s just annoying are you going for the basket no but I’m going with the hes so I have an easy approach so aggressive but not too aggressive yes control aggressiveness sounds good uh h a bit too much right but it’s possible that I have an approach 10 out

Of 10 difficulty cuz I had to push it really far right to then go really far left and then come back and go really far right so I really have to use the whole farway here did you sleep just a tiny minut maybe C2 this was maybe not what I was

Going for still a long look no oh my god oh the branch I liked it did you yes was it going in probably not under under making it hard for yourself or maybe Annie did I help you maybe I take it back good bid I am recording how did you miss that

Doesn’t count I’m okay if you make three in a row I I’ll give it to you ho 10 it’s called the lightning bolt and you can see why here it goes like a lightning bolt and it’s a par five 202 M so first shot for me a forehand through this Gap

Let it finish right and up on top of the hill really overstable ballista oh that’s good no no it was a perfect shot but it just stopped and then rolled left you want to go as far right as possible and what are you doing on this

Can are you the wish version of Simon Liz yeah does that make me the wish version of Eagle yes it does someone has already said that you look like a Walmart version of MC yeah I saw that com that’s funny and people have told me

That I look like Simon L we are the wish Crush boys wish Crush Boys Make A Wish Crush boys I’m going stand still with instinct no uhoh oh I was so close scrambling again nine here it is beforehand just trying to get into the farway well I think that’s good it’s good but

It was a horrible shot I would have landed up there and had a perfect straight shot but now I’m too far left and I had to do something I don’t know no last tree of course I want my old H is it would have flipped up to

Flat there and I can’t do those type of trick shots anymore I really miss my old hits if you have it please give it back I just really want my Hades you can barely see it right there I’m in the rough it’s decent forehand through the

Right Gap and then get it to turn and go left hopefully n oh my God the one thing I can’t do I’m in such a bad spot dude oh yes oh thank you Jesus Christ please Lord just hit the top of the hill and it just got over I thought it was

Going to stop and then just roll down the hallway David has this tester approach for par it’s so bad perfect distance I’m okay with the par you haven’t got it yet great put dead center ho 11 par 4 143 M zigzag through the woods OB left you can barely see the

Basket down there and with a perfect shot actually Eagle ball so I’m going to try to do it with the Hades again oh my God that’s down there that was so good could be C2 I hit the line perfect it was a bit too low though so I didn’t

Really carry the whole way I’m throwing the D2 hard hole for me to Eagle but I’ll try to get down down there so I have an easy approach May too flippy yes I’m scared of these two trees no one has hit it before so what do you think about Sonic forehand this

Might be very stupid probably but I believe in you great position for the par and a perfect position for forand Sonic R time a bit too flippy but it’s a chance just outside C1 and I’m over there I’m actually almost pin high so it was further than I

Thought oh no it fell down as well tricky putt but it’s still a eagle chance I have to go for it no way so close that’s so sad I really want wanted it why is like how player number two is best player in the world always really sad I didn’t get the eagle

But still a birdie and you got a bogey so still two stroke swing but it could have been three I think you’re ahead of me now hole 12 the classic two stroke swing hole double Mando 60 M straight to the basket if you miss the double Mando

There’s a Drop Zone by the trees and you’ll probably get a bogey but if you make the Mando you’re probably getting a birdie straight Luna straight on just do it no it faded oh my God perfect height just a basic link into the basket into the basket yes we

Like I actually would have given you a birdie if that went in how I’m missed it I went OB and I almost a it I mean I’m not sad but I’m not happy as well I would have given you a birdie because it’s an ace but you miss the Mando so

Plus one unfortunately it’s not in yeah I said I was going to ace but I didn’t a so I’m not happy save the par I’ll try oh I tried nice try from almost a to Bogey isy budy that’s another two-stroke swing unlucky number 13 for you a basic

Backand Heiser kind of yep pushing heer pushing Heiser yeah for me either a flat to turn backhand or a forehand 106 M basket behind there somewhere but I’m going shrike I’m not expecting a bird here I really don’t like this hole ah get through please get through please thank

You well now I actually have a burn chance straight through everything I missed the line but I think I’m in C too so that was really lucky thank you flippy Hades on a steep piser oh [ __ ] not as planned no the footing on here is very weird so

I’m scared to commit now we can see the basket it’s so bad first normal jump pad of today just outside see1 let’s go love those distances where I can just straddle jump P oh it almost cut through yes it did we’re here on hole 14 which is the longest right to

Left pushing shot you will ever find here’s the farway OB left but the basket is like over here Heiser flip that still pushes left and just go as far left as possible I’m happy if I’m inside C2 I might have done it actually I think I

Actually went over the O but I got through and I think that’s almost as far left as the basket forehand with the D2 oh it’s so bad get through everything that’s OB yeah that’s OB this is the OB line goes all the way around there so David is throwing through the OB area

See1 um pretty much parked tap in for the bogey tap in yes that was left but it was in maybe not a tap in but a nice P all right we’re here at hole 15 which might be the weirdest hole in the course it’s a 121 M

Par 4 Mando right there and then you want to go straight right after the Mando the actual Fairway is tighter than just just scrambling in the woods I’m going to try to throw past the farway oh a bit low but almost a perfect shot really close to the man of sign though

Linky pexa that’s very different from what I did yes oh miss get out of it um decent a bit too short as you guys can see I’m too me from being in the intended Fairway but now really bad spot really bad Seuss on a forehand what no I like the line that’s

Sad yeah and like I said before this is the intended Fairway but from where I am if you just go left of these two trees it’s completely open that’s my life hack for this hole straight fd3 that’s way too far I accidentally put too much an on it got to make uh yuk

Happy he would be proud o Boogie nice butt it wasn’t actually as far as I thought how many birdies is that in a row ho 16 57 M straight downhill couple trees in the way and a drop off behind the basket I’m going with my sky

God spy heer up to the left like Spike Spike Spike Spike eer the trees were in the way but I’m in C2 at least no oh no I felt it straight out of my hand that was bad that was for six birdies in a row what

Do you think about your slip no one saw it so it’s okay yes we saw it we are kind of losing daylight here but we’re on whole 17 125 M par 4 with a dog leg right so you just want to go straight here and then straight up right force on a forehand

No oh my God it went through am I little the luckiest player in the world probably among the Hades as usual I’m in the middle positive thinking I like it no too straight right yeah too wide yeah almost out in the faway again and I have a short approach for the birdie

Overstable fd3 on a flex slime should be a birdie right yeah parked nice hello David hello I’m inan uh the deep trouble unfortunately there’s a net right here protecting the next teapad and David is right there so Tom Mar nice probably C2 short or something just is it tap in from

Suu shorty you missed the tap in bro definitely not a tap in but hopefully still a birdie yep birdie and I’ll give this to you last hole hole 18 OB the entire right side and past the basket there’s a lot of ice by the basket so we’re going to

Have to be touchy to keep it involved I’m just laying up with the Pyro is that OB maybe I don’t know that’s not good linky pza oh it’s so bad stay in maybe there’s one tree down there if you hit that tree you’re inbounds if you didn’t you’re out of bounds really

Unfortunate turn of events I just checked the scorecard and if I would have got the birdie hair I would have got minus 10 which is really good and a new record I think but I went OB and now I have to make this to stay atus 9 headwind sit it’s safe I’m just

Standing still how am I gliding I’m just standing still I’m alive I’m under the basket so you see T it good finish to a very bad round I’m OB again I thought the OB line continued out and then went around but it’s all the way over here and I’m putting 4

A5 which is really unfortunate because then I went down from – 9 to -7 and I think my record is – 8 he


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