Golf Players

Legendary Sportscaster Lanny Frattare is HERE | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 96

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guests: Lanny Frattare and Vinny Magliulo.

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Yes Mom hello everybody and welcome to punchlines I’m Frank Niko longtime comedian and a lifelong sports fan so this show is just perfect for me I have a blast doing it and when the show is over and doesn’t count anymore today maybe I’ll do something amazing like

This dunk that Le monk did last night for the Sacramento Kings clocks expired but why not throw down hey that is impressive the ref is even like okay uh you can’t call technical after a game now usually the other team might take offense to that right so maybe there could be some

Retribution next time the uh the Kings play that Spurs Spurs that’s right it was wemi that’s right I don’t going to be much of Retribution because I mean the Spurs granted the Spurs almost won last night yeah they did they were B they were n Point underdogs yeah did

Escape but should we talk about it right now let’s talk by the way first of all let’s see M McClung do that in an NBA game oh wait he doesn’t play in the NBA but he won the dunk contest um twice let’s talk about the California parlay

If you watched the show yesterday I said hey it’s National California day we got four California teams in action we didn’t necessarily want to bet them to win so Ryan came up with the genius idea let’s bet the money lines and take the favorites let’s take the Warriors over

The Lakers yep let’s take the Clipper uh let’s take the Thunder Over the Clippers yep and sacto over uhan San Antonio yep all the home team all the home teams it was plus 222 and the date yesterday was 222 boom it hit Ryan hit me he hit me up

Like towards the end of that the time when the games were going he’s like did you bet it I’m like yeah I bet it I bet it lightly so we won but yeah we got a winner gave out a winner so hopefully everybody it was a team eff yesterday

Yeah exactly uh it was nice it was nice to uh look at my account and see a little and it go up there you go it green for once yeah a win for one the Super Bowl I hadn’t really I hadn’t bet much since the Super Bowl I think and you of course

Went what 14 and six on Super Bowl exactly yep yeah I I think I lost about 80 or 90 bucks it wasn’t too bad it was all saved because I took took KC to win I mean that was my biggest bet and then I won $5 on

Heads nice nice that was good I I wanted Tails I didn’t want uh let’s see here uh so Bob Dell is in the room Bob Dell uh he’s like oh my God Lanny that’s right Lanny F Terry is going to be on the show I’m going to go ahead and say it right

Now because I’m very excited he’s my favorite play-by-play announcer of all time from 1976 to 2008 he did over 5,000 games for the P Pirates I didn’t say the town good save yeah and Lanny fer was on the call for one of the most famous Infamous plays in

Sports history that everyone knows about it’s reach pop culture we’re going to talk about that later with Lanny because he called the game and today is the anniversary of when it happened back in uh was it 85 or ‘ 86 I think I wrote it down somewhere I wasn’t alive so you

Weren’t alive okay thanks for pointing that it’s 1985 so 15 plus 24 39 years ago 39 years ago ly was there we’re going to talk about that we’ll talk about spring training and if that wasn’t enough today another guy whose last name ends in a vow will be here for the first

Time ever I think on this show y I’ve known him I talk to him all the time he’s here all the time he usually does Sports by the B you yell his name i v v Vinnie Mal will be here yay Vinnie so we got Lanny Vinnie Frankie Ryan you see

You screwed everything up everyone we could do Katie kayen Katie it doesn’t work Annie Annie shaie that all works Ann’s feeling Ann are you feeling better the show’s making her feel better already ladies and gentlemen and’s a little under the weather but she’s a trooper because she’s Wonder Woman so

Anyway Big Show today I’m very excited about it um today is febru I I’m going to get the date right today will you what what what did I do wrong him okay February 23rd there you go February it’s the first time I think this week that I’ve

Got the date correct uh anyway February 23rd 2024 it is episode 96 and I want you to listen up to this 96 episodes of this program that’s more episodes than Mor and Mindy did that’s right Mor and Mindy only did 95 you ever see Morin Mindy Ryan I don’t

Think I’ve ever heard of Mor and Mindy oh my God you’ve heard of Mor and Mindy I’ve heard of Rick and Morty oh Jesus he’s heard of Rick and Morty uh Bob I’m dying here do you hear this I’ve never heard of Morin Mindy Moran Mindy how about this show now

Moran Mindy only that’s Robin Williams that was his breakout show he played an alien okay Pam Dober now you know it okay I know Robin was Welcome Back Cotter only did 95 episod we’ve done more episodes now than Welcome Back Cotter and do you are familiar with

Welome Back Cotter oh my God this is you know I swear I’d never be that guy he’d be like oh these kids no you’ve never heard of Welcome Back Cotter either can’t say that I have no you guys don’t watch like Nick at night and stuff

Anymore that was when I was a kid that was George Lopez Nick and KN was the George Lopez show I uh I did a show at the University oh I can’t say wake up in the middle of the night to low rider yeah I think we all have I lived in LA

But I uh uh I opened for George at the University of my home Town many many moons ago good guy we went out had a sandwich nice guy uh Gilligan’s Island did 98 episodes so we haven’t cut Gilligan is we’re gonna catch Gilligan Island next week very exciting because

We will hit because of leap year that will be episode uh 100 right leap year we figured it out the 29th yeah yeah so next Thursday I’m sure you guys have so many surprises planned for the 100th episode right we’ve got a surprise for everybody on the next day 101 yes uh 101

Down I have to somehow dress up as a Dalmatian U details to come because I lost a bet to Ryan who proposed that idea that was a good idea yeah and I thought oh he’s gonna have to come but you had to come as a penguin so it’s my

Turn so Gilligan Island you did 98 we’re coming for you little buddy little buddies with the skipper called Gilligan uh Bob Bob has to be there having sympathy for me let’s see here uh btown dummy uh beat toown dummy did Frank just get unfrozen like Dr Evil and only

Reference shows from 40 years ago yeah because I’m talking about the amount of episodes we’ve done Christian uh do you know uh Dr Evil Ryan have you heard of Dr Evil yeah okay so sorry Christian you’re referring to a movie that’s 25 years old George Lopez yo George Lopez Jerry

Jerry’s down in the basement uh nanu nanu Bob Dow that nanu nanu is what Mor would say Mor in Mindy Nan Nan shazbat that was his swear word shazbat say shazbat I want to hear you say shazbat am I supposed to say it like that yes that’s how he said it shazbat shazbat

And then he’d shake hands like this you’d split fingers like well it’s that could be our secret Shake Ryan shazbat Moran Mindy anyway uh Frank sent me to the B I did not send you to the basement throw him in the bathroom it’s like a bronx tail anyway Bob is here uh

Bob’s very excited so is Frank mergie is here very excited about Lanny Frank mergie by the way big shout out to Frank mergie for helping me get Lanny on the show today so that’s going to be fun uh so it’s episode 96 no collash today we did 95 yesterday

I’m told there is no collash so what do you have for us today young Ryan mccormic the champions of 1996 I like it all right let’s see it champions of 1996 hit it okay uh of course that’s why he went with it Chicago Bulls are in there

All right Chicago Bulls I’m more wi with it because of the center of what the the center logo oh you put Dallas Cowboys right in the oh they beat the Steelers in the super bow yeah you son of and by the way I think I’ve mentioned this before it

Was January of 96 I was here in Vegas it’s the only other Super Bowl I’ve ever been to Vegas for Frank mergie was there that’s when the hot dime incident happened after the game we were so bombed that the Steelers lost I bet all these different bets the one bet I

Forgot to bet was the Steeler straight because they did Cover should have won the game anyway me and Dave gich and Frank mergie and Dave sire a bunch of my friends from pittsburger here Dave saw a dime on the street and he went to pick

It up and it was it was hot some young kid had lit it with a it was a trick they were doing back then they take a lighter and heat up a dime and figure oh people are going to pick it up to throw

In a slot machine so he picked it up and Dave Dietrich was a big dude he he wanted to hurt them but he did not that’s my memory of the championship of 1996 so you have a couple gold medal winners there is that Edwin Moses no no Michael Johnson yes it is Michael

Johnson okay edes I’m already I can hear I can hear btown dummy typing now Edwin Moses was from the 80s so Micha Micha Johnson Michael Johnson yeah uh he was the male athlete of the year that that year as well yeah how many Golds does he have

Wrapped around his neck there um so two he won the he broke the record in the 200 meter and the 400 the four I remember him the four yeah and he was the first male athlete to win both of those gold and both of those in the same

Olympic wow oh that’s great and that sadly that’s the Olympics that were in Atlanta I just realized 96 Olympics where Richard juel and the bombing they’ve made movies about it some people were hurt I remember watching the the coverage live back east on said where I was but

I’m not going I might have been in California by then anyway I remember watching the footage and you it was like the loud boom you heard it all right and then the female uh you’re tricking me there is that a swimmer Joey B got it

I’m not looking is it a swimmer yes it is a swimmer it’s not it’s not little Janet Evans it’s uh L Nikki or what are the initials k I know she’s got three names uh Jackie join her cury it’s not her a avd ABD a v d v is in Annie

Victory Day yeah no what’s her name Amy Van diyen oh I I’ve heard of her name I would have never got I was thinking of the other the real oh wow look at that Amy Van Dy way to go Joey B oh she’s from Fort cers Fort Collins Colorado

Where Colorado State University is yeah I remember the name but Janet Evans is another 80s name she was the the first US woman to win four golds in the same games was she really yeah wow yeah I do remember the name wow very good let’s see here cannot believe that Ryan never

Heard of Mindy thank you makes us all feel I know Joey B I didn’t say the p word not who’s not Sean that is Sean how much am I up to what’s the tally at 45 bucks yeah all right I didn’t say it all right let’s see here I have another challenge for

Frank uh no reference before 1999 hers a nickel in the swear jar he’ll be down four grand by the end of the week we’d like to live in the past all right so anyway uh that’s fig so let’s take a look at the champions in 1996 Michael

Johnson van D all right you got the bulls the bulls right there that’s Michael Jordan time yep they beat the sonics beat the Sonics in six games yeah they beat the sonics take that btown dummy that was his team oh you don’t even have a team anymore do you they

Moved to Oklahoma uh the New York Yankees won the World Series the last out I believe was made by Charlie Hayes uh caught it at third base I can see that replay he was a pirate earlier in the year and of course now his son plays

For the the Pirates Brian Hayes and the other Champions were Kentucky Wildcats was that Calipari or was that patino that was patino I think Rick patino then you have uh Nebraska yes yep they beat Florida and the Fiesta Bowl wow that long 62 to 24 oh my I remember that

Beatdown that that was Tom Osborne maybe maybe I don’t remember but anyway Nebraska and then you got the the lanche Colorado Avalanche won the Stanley Cup yep they swept the Panthers their first cup uh franchise history unbelievable all right well there you go hey Frank

Yes sir ma’am I mean to be fair with Ryan yes I mean how many how many of your parents shows could you name or your grandparents shows CU like technically you are like maybe could be the age of Ryan’s grandparents oh come on in you’re in my boat I could name a

Lot of my parents shows because you got to remember and there was only three or four channels and all the reruns of like you know Green Acres or The Honeymooners but what what about the other ones like not Leave it to Beaver before that like the Don The Donna Reed Show did you

Watch no I didn’t watch that okay okay all right all right but you know I mean John Travolta was on Welcome Back cter Rob and Williams they became major movie stars the movies that you’ve seen you know who John Travolta is shut up you know what it’s 2112 ladies and gentlemen

And I can see uh one of my childhood uh Heroes is already on camera I’m gonna put the headsets on I uh mentioned earlier ladies and gent nice Lanny have you ever hit yourself in the eye with the headphones oh my well that’s going to be something we

See in upcoming shows ow god that hurt anyway this gentleman as I said called for over 5,000 games for my beloved Pirates Lanny I’m not allowed to say the hometown because I gave it up for Lent and every time I say the town that the

Pirates are from I have to give $5 and so far I’m up to $45 this gentleman was the first play-by-play announcer that I grew up to love uh ladies and gentlemen he’s also here on a special day which we’ll get to Lanny F ter is here ladies

And gentlemen lny thank you thank you than very much this is this is such an honor for me and I I mentioned it to you yesterday when I texted you we have a mutual friend in Pittsburgh Ryan Recker who works for Channel 4 that hooked us up I actually I have several autographs

That I used to get from you because at Three River Stadium you used to come down and I don’t know what inning you would you would be at the home plate area there and I used to get free tickets from Rick Rhoden who came into my parents video store Rick Rhoden

Johnny Ray Jason Thompson Manny sento all these guys would come in and you would be down there you’d grab I don’t know I for some reason I Vision you with an ice cream cone maybe or something I don’t know but I got your autograph many times anyway thank you for being here

Well well thank you and um I’m really honored to be on your show uh Rick Rhoden um one of my favorite people um Kent bigger staff and I Kent was the trainer Pirates we played a lot of golf together and uh and very often we played

With Rick Rhoden uh and you know very often guys that are really good golfers like Rhoden is um they they don’t like playing with guys that aren’t good golfers but but but Rick Rhoden was was a classic to be with and uh um I’m glad I

Had time to to spend with him thank you for inviting me to be on your show um I um I’m I’m honored by the nice things that you said about me thank you please I’m telling and Rick rhen just just to take it a step further he used to get uh

Further he used to uh farther’s distance further was the proper anyway he used to get me tickets because he came into the video store and then 25 years later I’m in Palm Springs with some friends and there’s a a a golf tournament there and

Rhen’s there and I go up and say hi to him and he remembered me and like you said Rick rhen I mean he he wins a lot of those golf tournaments he plays in man yeah yeah um you remember Rick had osteomyelitis that as a child yes yes

Yes that’s right as a as a child he was playing on a slip and slide there was a a pair of scissors in the grass and and so he had he had some physical disability in his leg but still became a major League player and a great person

And could hit the ball that’s back when pitchers him and Donnie Robinson those were the two yeah I I was going to say Rick wasn’t as good Don Robinson was the greatest hitting pitcher I ever saw he was without question without question so Lanny I got my one foul ball I got at

Three Riv stadium was Tom Siver P it was July 6 81 Tom sver pitching Dale Barett hitting and I got it it was close to under when I got the ball I held it up and I looked up to you guys in the booth I was very excited so I probably went to

500 games at Three Rivers and you were there of course in 79 when when the Pirates won their last World Series how exciting was that for you I know you’d only been with the team maybe a couple years at that point right you started in

76 yeah yeah so to see the Pirates win the World Series that I I remembered I was only 10 but man I it’s been too long but what was that like to be there for the Pirates winning well good news and bad news uh the bad news for me

Personally was that we were not allowed to do the 79 World Series I worked with milel Hamilton at the time and we weren’t allowed to do the World Series and even on radio wow no not even on radio I didn’t know that and and the ironic thing about it was that they

Really were not a lot of pittsburghers who cared whether Lanny and mil did the World Series but then the following year 1980 Harry Callis and Richie Ashburn with the Phillies they weren’t allowed to do the World Series and then there was a big hubub about it they got it

Figured out um but um when I think back of all the magical things that happened you remember the Kent tby playing Left Field San Francisco and he caught the last out because Tanner wanted him to get the last out which he did yeah he moved him to left I remember yeah the

Deal was is that if he didn’t if if Mike grant grant Jackson came in face came in to face darl Evans and the plan was because Mike Ivy was on Deck the plan was that if if Mike if Grant Jackson didn’t get the final out te would come

Back in and face Mike Ivy but think about it what are the odds that a guy who’s a relief pitcher should be in the outfield for one batter and that one batter and a left-handed batter a pull hitter darl Evans should hit the ball to him also on

That go ahead sorry also on that trip also on that trip in San Diego we played a 19 inning game and Roberts uh three times in Extra Innings had the bases loaded and the count of three balls and two strikes on the hitter and got out of

All three jams and we won that ball game wow yeah that listen I remember John moner’s Grand slam all that stuff that was you know that was my childhood right there and that’s why you were a huge part of I’ll bet I’ll bet you don’t remember that was a Sunday in Pittsburgh

Tug mgra came into the game remember this Steve noosha was four for four in the game and John Milner came in to pinch it for him left-handed batter against the screw ball pitcher Chuck Tanner was convinced that was and then six days later in Philadelphia edot hits

A grand slam off tug mcra yeah tug mcra who famous famously said tug do you prefer playing on grass or asurf and he saidwell I’ve never smoked asurf so I just remember that when I think tug MC now in the game today in the game today with baseball with all these changes uh

Do you like now we had Denny nelon Denny I’ve known Denny since his rookie year in Pittsburgh no another great guy another great guy and he’s flying out here again from March 12 to the 15th he’s going to co-host from uh here in the studio I’ve known him I met him his

Rookie his the day he got called up I met him at a bar uh kangaroos on M mcnight Road in the North Hills where I where I lived and we’ve been friends ever since and we uh Ryan our producer asked him uh if there was one rule if

You were commissioner for a day what would you change and he absolutely hates the 10th inning rule with the guy starting on second um how do you feel about some of the changes the pitch clock uh are you a are you a throwback guy or do you like the new

Changes well I heard what somebody once saying I agree I’m I’m old but I’m not necessarily oldfashioned yeah there’s a lot of things about the game that I’m not in favor of but but having been out of it now 15 years let let me tell you

Uh let let me just change the subject a little bit I gave a speech to a group of baseball people uh you know what saber is Right statistical people and and I gave a speech at PNC Park about a week or so ago and um the the title of my

Speech was are Vin Scully Jack buck and Bob Prince relevant today and the answer is no yeah if Vince Scully Jack buck and Bob Prince came along today they would just be another noise not noise they would be just another voice in a conglomerate of announcing teams which would be

Separated between radio and television and maybe uh and and they would not have the impact on the game that that they did my biggest I know I teach I teach sports broadcasting at Waynesburg University and we have an outstanding Sports broad broadcasting program and so I spent a lot of time analyzing the

Industry and I I am so disappointed that there are so many things that are transpired in broadcasting one of the things that was really great about baseball broadcast was that fans were afforded the opportunity to let the announcers shut up and you could hear the game you could hear the the game

Breathe you could hear the game M you know the murmuring of the crowd and and that doesn’t happen anymore every broadcast team I mean consider Vince Scully did the games alone okay he didn’t need a color analyst okay when when when Jack buck and Mike shanon worked together okay they didn’t work

Together Bob Jack Buck did his a couple of innings and then Mike came into his couple of innings and Jack walked around the Press Box same thing with Bob Prince Bob Prince did his couple of innings Jim Woods came in did his Bob Prince walked

Around got his got himself a a an orange juice at least that’s what he said it was um and and um you didn’t have to have this constant chatter this constant talking um I mean consider Jack Buck Vince Scully Ernie Harwell those guys they were play byplay announcers telling

You stories it wasn’t about the analytical aspect where you always had to be super analyzing why did he hit the ball to right field and you know the guy backhanded stop and watch his feet they wouldn’t I’m telling you they would not be relevant to

Well you know I I was born in Pittsburgh and then we moved to LA in the in the mid 70s for about 5 years so the first games I ever heard uh were Vin Scully so I had a transistor radio AM radio so I heard Vin call the games and he had uh

Ross Porter and Jerry dogget I think but I think mostly it was just Vin and I remember listening to Jerry Royce pitch a no- hitter against the Giants I think it was eight nothing and that was like one game that really stuck with me and then when I was 10 we moved to

Pittsburgh and and that’s when I discovered uh Lanny for ter now I used to take a little tape recorder to the games and sit up in the the orange seats the orange and yellow seats in level five and 600 and I would record myself calling games and I have those tapes

Somewhere but that was something I really wanted to get into but of course I ended up becoming standup comic but now I’m kind of doing sports but um what do you think of uh um the Pirates this year now we just saw see people are blowing up his phone he’s an important

Man Lees on um so what do you think of I like seeing that they paid Mitch 77 million yesterday uh there they have three long-term contracts which of course they’ve never really done so how do you feel about the Pirates their win total this year we have it here at South

Point is it 70 it was 74 or 75 I believe so I don’t know spring I hope Spring’s Eternal I’m obviously excited so what do you think of the buckos this year Well I gotta be honest with you I I don’t I don’t follow them as much as I

As I did one of the things that I felt when I left the ball Club after 2008 was I wanted to do something else and and um and I I wanted to worry about different things um I I I still care about the

Game but but in as a matter of fact I do uh I do West Virginia un University baseball for ESPN plus now um and I also do a lot of high school baseball and high school basketball here in Western Pennsylvania um you know my my my the

Reality is that as it relates to the comp competitive balance of baseball it is my belief that first of all the Players Association which runs the game does not care about the competitive balance of baseball and I also maintain that the major markets don’t care about the competitive balance of baseball Y and

So what needs to be addressed in my opinion is what football has done uh and what hockey has done and that is um you know salary cap in some kind of way to excuse me to make it uh be a better balance for fans um that want to be

Loyal but the other thing too is is that is that players aren’t going to be loyal because in the final analysis even though a player because his agent tells him so a player will say Jay I want to be a pirate the whole rest of my life

That’s not true they they want to go where the money is and they in some cases will be hoping that that money will will lead them to championships Etc so um um you know there’s as I said player association has always run the game yeah we’ll continue

To run the game and um and so many things that need to be fixed uh will not be because the Players Association and agents won’t allow it to happen yeah that Union’s way too strong all right let’s Chef gears to basketball one of the reasons we specifically asked you to

Be on our program today and again thank you uh I want to take you back in time we’re getting into the time machine here February 23rd 19 85 now you were there Courtside and I’ve been teasing what what today’s anniversary was in the show this is the infamous Bobby night chair

Throw and we’re showing the video now and we can hear your voice as he throws the chair now it was early it was 5 minutes into the game I think it was 11 to6 Jean Katy and Purdue uh in Indiana what did tellal US take us back

To that moment and what the heck you were thinking uh when he threw that a couple things that are that are some somewhat ironic to me I have probably been asked about the Bobby night Cher game more than anything else in my career 5,000 major league baseball games

And yet that is the one that gets me on shows like yours well I met with baseball I could talk baseball all day okay all right okay and and and and second thing everybody always says to me including my students you know uh what

Did you say what do you mean what did I say I just describe what happened okay what a couple of things about that first of all at the time my son David was about 4 14 or 15 and I’m into presidential history and and my son

David was into it as well or still into it and we went we went from Pittsburgh to Indianapolis and visited the Benjamin Harrison home the night before so he was with me uh for that game and he vividly remembers all of what transpired and then the ironic thing I worked with a

Guy named Bill hosit who was a great Ohio State basketball player played in the NBA a little bit what when the game was at 4:00 and it was a beautiful day in Blooming and and when when coach Knight came out I said coach Knight looks like he is

Ready to go play golf after this game and after he threw the chair Bill hosit said I guess coach Knight’s tea time is earlier than we thought it was going to be he got nine in at least that’s hysterical yeah so so um but I you know I don’t I don’t remember an

Awful lot about it other than I mean I couldn’t tell you the final score and and that and uh if you look carefully at the video there are some handicapped people in wheelchairs over there uh in the area to which he threw he threw the

Chair um you know the ironic thing is is that um um coach Knight is never on these reunion dates yeah uh coach Knight never calls and says hey Lanny we’re celebrating a reunion today he’s never called me since then um not that i’ expect that he would but um yeah throw

He throws a chair and if you look there’s a couple of folks yeah and so didn’t they do something with that chair didn’t they it became uh a famous chair I think so I think I read somewhere yeah it’s it’s become like a famous chair and the one point that when

I rewatched it again last night for the millionth time he when Jean ktie is talking to the refs he goes over and actually almost pushes Jean Katy out of the way to talk to the refs which by nowadays he’d be suspended and there’d be controversy and every show would be

Dis it but uh what a moment just it’s hard to believe for me that was 39 years ago so wow um now Lenny you uh it was 39 years ago 1985 yeah 39 years ago right is that 14 38 years ago wait I was right

15 I was right 39 I was right the first time anyway so Lenny um you do you’re you’re at wburg uh excuse me wburg college where you were you you’re a professor university wburg university which I’ve been to I’ve done shows at w andj is close by right it’s out that way

No that’s our our traval that’s your our trial and I shouldn’t have brought that out by way I got I got to tell you that that it was it’s so much fun being on the show with you when you when you texted me and said I’m a comedian I love

Humor as a matter of fact uh I think humor is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us and I just I just love it and uhu um I have to be careful because at times I tell jokes that turn out to be borderline matter of fact I

Have a joke that I tell at Banquets and I’ve told it probably 20 times but it’s such a good one got i’t no you call me you call me later and I and I’ll tell you the joke okay we want to use it it’s it’s just a fabulous joke but but when I

Do banquets I just I just what I’m trying to not that I’m a standup commedian like you are but I I really love when there is some humor in the room and and things aren’t taken all that seriously I do Hall of Fame Banquets and all of that and and so I

I’m always trying to find that little and and I love the fact that you know for example I did a banquet recently and I went around the room beforehand so that I met some of the people that were in the audience that were friends of the

Hall of Famers and I met this one guy and he’s like 89 years old and uh and I said are you so and so’s father and he goes yeah and I said well where’s you know where’s your wife and he said she’s sitting across the table from him so

Later in the evening when I you know when I introduced I I introduced he up and I did the same thing you know for the audience I said sir how many years You’ been married he goes oh 62 and I go where’s your wife and he goes you know

And I point out hey there’s the secret to marriage ladies and gentlemen always have your wife sit across the table for me when you have dinner with them I I do I just I just love humor it’s F it’s fun and and when it can be I look I’ve I’ve

Been a million Banquets like well not as many as you but several of those Banquets and and that’s what everyone I think you want to hear the sports stories you want to hear the behind the-scenes stuff the funny stuff and and ban I I do banquets they’re fun to do

Because if you know some of the people and you know some of the inside stuff it makes it a lot of fun so uh that’s really that’s really wonderful now you have a golf tournament as well right that you uh do regularly I do I do 37

Years we raise money for thing a place called family links hey um uh and I appreciate that you know that you know Bob Prince uh means a lot to me uh Bob Bob was a great friend of mine Bob told me earlyer in my career that I had to be

A part of the community I had to do things to help um serve that I had to be more than just a voice on the air and that was great advice advice for me and um you know I’ve always be deeply indebted to Bob Prince for U tremendous

Advice that he gave me and and by the way before I say goodbye um and because I don’t know how long you want to keep me on how boring I am might boring but but uh I got to make a comment about my good friend Jim Leland oh God I was

Gonna ask you Hall of Fame this year yeah yeah uh we are so those of us in Pittsburgh are so thrilled uh that Jimmy’s been inducted into the Hall of Fame it’ll be July 2st it just so happened that I live right next to the country club here in Pittsburgh um Jimmy

Leland lives not too far from the country club as well so we play a lot of golf together um and nobody has done more for me in baseball than Jim Leland um I’m very very blessed that Jim allowed me at some point during his tenure with the Pirates to uh to be in

His in Inner Circle um and I don’t think there’s ever been an announcer and a manager that have had the kind of relationship he used to invite me up to his suite after games wow and um and and and I would be there when his coaches would talk about players and and the

First time it happened I said to him Jim I shouldn’t be here and he said no I trust you and so the the the great thing about it is that I was privy to a lot of behind the scenes information and Jimmy allowed me to find subtle ways to impart

That information to to the Pirates fans without necessarily identifying him but the great thing for me as a broadcaster you know if I if I knew that Jimmy wasn’t a big fan of a particular player then uh I didn’t have to necessarily let the audience know that but that didn’t

Mean that I would I wouldn’t be making you know gra great comments about that player when I know you know that they were about about to trade him so Jimmy’s done so much so much for me and and and I’ve got to get to Cooper down on July

21st I’ve got to find a way to be there to uh to take in what a Monumental day that’s going to be for all of us who have great respect I I he just as as great a manager Jimmy Leland is he’s even a greater friend everybody should

Have a friend like Jim leand I love that and and I just saw him at the hall of fame signing his plaque and and seeing his plaque there’s a clip online of him and and I I’m I’ve never been more excited for anyone I got to watch play

Or whatever to be in the Hall of Fame than Jim Leland and I’ll leave you with this question then uh as a pirate fan uh Dave Parker does Dave Parker belong in the Hall of Fame oh without question he belongs as a matter as a matter as a

Matter of fact that whole the whole the whole Danny meraw is not that’s a shame to but I mean but but but here’s the deal okay Barry Bonds Mark Maguire Roger Clemens all those people should be in the all of Fame they were never sus supended okay they were never suspended

Plus did major league baseball teams take money from fans while those guys were chasing records the answer is yes okay so and what what annoys me is is that the all these Sports writers here’s the thing about the Hall of Fame when it started and they handed the balling to

Sports writers those guys were covering 162 games a year that doesn’t happen anymore okay and now they’ve got people here in Pittsburgh voting for the Hall of Fame that probably watch 10 12 15 games a year um and mostly on television and and they have this moral compass

They keep acting like they’re they’re the you know the number one person as it relates to morality and and it’s it’s absurd it’s absolutely absurd and they ought to change the balling they ought to change the voting and as a matter of fact I maintain that major league

Announcement would be better Ser yes to vote for the Hall of Fame yeah absolutely you’re there at every game so I couldn’t agree more and Dave Parker I hope before it’s too late they can get him in and that’s something he can see he deserves nobody played the game

Harder than Dave Parker that’s true and I even I remember seeing him uh you know after all the controversy of what happened and still watching him play I’ll never forget the game I was at he hit a homer he rounded first base he was heading to Second and I guess it was

Maybe Joe lyette or Alon it was like 80 or 81 called him back because he missed first base first base or third uh Al first Bas it’s m so they call him back and he had to go back and hit first base and he did it so slow and when he

Went back he stamped on the on the the Bas and the crowd went nuts and then he continued his slow tried around the Bas but the Cobra was one of my heroes with pops and everything and so were you Lanny for Terry I this was a Big Thrill

For me I really appreciate it um I can’t thank you enough for being on the show and talking about Bobby Knight which I know you’ve talked about a million times and and being able to talk Pirate baseball that was a thrill for me so I

Appreciate it and like I said I met you a few times when I was about 12 years old and I hope to do it in the future now that I’m I’m older than 12 years old don’t forget to call me so I can give you that joke okay oh you know I am

Trust me I appreciate it I will call you it is it is but the thing is if you use this joke ever you have to find a way to give me credit for it I I always give credit I will do that okay thank you awesome all right uh we’re gonna take a

Break guys we’ll be back with Vinnie malulo Lanny for Terry ladies and gentl I’m calling him right now ladies and gentlemen thank you Lanny South Point offers all the types of entertainment you’d expect at a first class Las Vegas Resort did you know our 400 seat showroom is one of Las Vegas’s

Top destinations for live entertainment enjoy live performances by classic Vegas entertainers bands and Today’s Hottest comedians plus a rock and dance floor you can also enjoy live entertainment at the Grand View Lounge where you’ll feel all the Vibes of Old Las Vegas enjoy the music and if you love to

Don’t miss the dirty at 12:30 our very own free comedy show every Friday night at 12:30 a.m. in the Grand View Lounge the dirty is 100% free so arrive early go to or call the box office at 7713 6 for today’s performances at the showroom and the Grand View

Lounge when you’re ready for your favorite cocktail stop in and unwind at one of our seven specialty lounges there’s a bar around every corner cuz you’re in Vegas baby South Point Casino has plenty of attractions for the whole family catch a movie our 16 screen movie theater includes two XD extreme screens

For the ultimate in viewing sound and luxury after the show treat the family to a variety of treats at our oldfashioned ice cream parlor Kate’s Corner we scoop up a variety of creamy concoctions including smoothies hand dipped cones milkshakes malts sodas and Sundays at katees there’s something for everyone

And if you still got time to spare our Bowling Center might be right up your alley voted best of Las Vegas it’s a great place for friends and family fun 64 Lanes a pro shop snack bar and arcade and while the kids are bowling

You can play Slots and sip on a drink in the alleycat lounge while overlooking the lanes for our more serious and professional bowlers the South Point is also home to a separate tournament bowling Plaza [Laughter] no way that is classic joke I can’t share it I’d love to but I can’t uh yeah so there you go hold up the sign uh apparently Vinnie I said Pittsburgh uh five three times five times during the interview five more times so the tally I feel like uh Ed

McMahon and Jerry Lewis Here calling for t tany uh so I’m up to $70 I’ve said uh well five into 70 goes um 20 14 times 14 times since I lent and you’re not allowed to say it is I volunteered this idea for Lent that I won’t say my

Hometown every time I do put $5 in then we’ll take that money and we’ll place a Futures bet or we’ll go out and have a drink uh as a crew so I thought i’ I thought I honestly thought the over under was around 20 bucks so we’re going out drinking and where and

And once again and where are you from again Frank I’m not that see Denny Denny Nagel tried to bait me a few times yesterday I’m not I’m not falling for it I’m not going to fall for it it’s early it’s early I still got 20 minutes left

In this show uh and I believe for the first time uh from Sports by the book and he works here with Chris Andrews and Jimmy varar Vin man here everybody first I sent your audition I I was FL that’s right I’m responsible that’s right baby Vin is responsible

Vinnie and an and Chris I flew up from LA and we did a little impromptu audition about 20 minutes in the studio and I don’t know how many other people they talked with that’s we didn’t need to talk to anybody else after was done it was the dinner that clinched it we

Had about a 2our dinner over at the Silverado steakhous which you should come to because it’s amazing food but uh yeah it’s good to have you on the show and these guys you buddy of course he’s taking a little time off a little deserve time you know there was a time

FR This was um uh bookmakers like vacation once the Super Bowl was done yeah well we’d be gone for like a see you in a month yeah right you know a lot of shows on TV are taking a few basb it was pretty standard and that’s when we

Started to put up College baskets now of course we put them up from day one wow and uh how things have changed and thankfully you know there’s so many things that have changed for the good yeah although a month off wasn’t too bad yeah there’s no offseason any and

The NFL I mean but now everyone’s talking about the draft immediately and there’s draft draft draft you know this NFL just I I will tip my cap to them they they always stay relevant no matter what time of year it is it’s amazing and U you know credit them for that great

Great PR great advertising but also you know we’re always in look ahead mode now Frank more so we look at all the baseball stuff we’re doing now right even though you know you teams are just starting exhibition games um you’ve got to keep track of what’s happening with

The NFL in terms of uh you know some free a agent signings and how they impact uh teams uh any trades that take place um the next thing will be with the uh the NFL draft and the clustering of trades and draft picks you know how how

You know how they may impact um the the Futures and things like that so and of course you know now as college basketball becomes front and center because we’re getting ready for for the tournament you know so there’s always uh uh something and it’s better to be

Busier now I mean was just it it I’m I’m happier now with the fact that we’re busier yeah on a more consistent basis for the calendar year yeah absolutely I mean you stay busy and things go faster and there’s no LS in life uh we could

Talk about the NFL draft the the Bears have the first round pick what do you think of that uh Ryan what do you think they should do pass see that’s what he has to give up for Lent he’s not allowed to talk about the Chicago Bears quarterback situation and he’s much

Better at me avoiding the topic boy I could tell he’s really enjoying that too he’s like he’s like like is he tied to his chair because he he wearing show him your jersey show did you see he’s got a Cubs Jersey on nice blue Cubs Jersey

There so if you if you say Bears which I won’t try to bet you but if you say Bears is it the same thing is it like an open tab at the bar no no it’s I have to mention the quarterback’s names yeah you can’t talk about Caleb Williams or

Justin Fields what what if they what if they decide to draft somebody else like well can you say may for instance can you can you say a different name well yeah I guess that would follow in the quarterback situation you guys have more stipulations than we had for the Super

Bowl right the draft is after lent so I’ll be good for a yeah I’ll have a month after lent to talk about this about the draft so he I listen this is my own idea so this is where I screwed up uh I should have I shouldn’t have

Done this um so there is no football but we do have a football game that we wanted we want a football event that we want to show Vinnie a clip of Vinnie take a look at this clip I don’t know if you want to handicap this or not but

This is apparently something I don’t know what country it’s in but take a look at this Dutch uh the ice ice football yeah it’s ice football football played on ice so here you go there you go so there’s the snap and the guy’s got the ball and he’s running very gingerly

Around the end will he score he’s at the 10 he’s at the touchdown so they’re not on skates they’re just running on ice ice football I’ve never heard of this but we used to do that in in in Brooklyn all the time because it was was freezing outside I mean

And we didn’t have helmets or anything like um no I’m I’m No I gave it up for Lent yeah right I came a football was was it Russia or czecho uh somewhere Dutchland I what was that Dutchland yeah somewhere in Germany okay somewhere in Dutch Dutch well I mean what is that

Where Holland and Germany exactly is that like a new like sort of like Al what I went with the account all right it’s yeah Germany oh my God you better start talking about your quarterbacks because you’re you’re re you’re redefining the the European map so uh so listen we got a lot of

Basketball now now Friday’s in college basketball obviously I remember uh you got a lot of IV League action but Saturday’s the big stuff and you’ll be uh yeah you’ll be talking tomorrow I mean right now I listen I I follow the ACC most intently so does Ryan he’s a

UNCC fan why do you follow the SEC I’m because the Panthers Don’t make me say their first word I have a Futures on the Panthers that I put in I’m not allowed to say it but right now I for some reason Tennessee keeps to be keeps the

Team that I keep watching play and Houston I don’t know I don’t know who would this seems like a wide open year I know we say it every year but who are some teams you’re looking at like okay this is a future people well everybody everybody kind you know the Blue Bloods

Right and things and by the way you know so today you’ve got a lot of Ivy like you mentioned and uh Metro Atlantic uh oh du’s playing and yes that’s where I went to school for a semester you and Chris yeah CH Chris uh did he go to D

Too oh no wait he went to Robert Morris robt he’s Bobby Mo yeah he went to went first semester but I had a 3.2 blood alcohol level yeah all right anyway and so but what you want to pay attention to with the ivys today in your handicapping is that they play tomorrow

Too they go back to back oh so the the ivys that are playing today they’ve got games tomorrow and you want to so last week we were talking about this there was look ahead spots where you know the top uh teams in the ivys were playing on

Friday but then they were playing heads up the next day so there’s a little bit something to look at and then of course the ivys they kind of get a jump on things that way for their conference tournament because the conference tournaments as we know are successive

Days so um you know they they added the uh the ivy tournament a few years back and you know so that’s something to keep an eye on how teams respond to that so just a little bit but now as far as your uh uh your hometown team which you won’t

Say I’m not allowed to okay in in the ACC pit plays um can you say pit yeah I I’ve been saying pit I’ve been allowed to say pit is he allowed to abbreviate or or is that like a half drink that’s I got 250 I got to put 250

Well you just said pit so put 250 in there I’m just I just well I I just asked her I mean again I want to know the rules part of part of my job is see I don’t want any controversy when somebody comes to cash on a very definitive yes you got it

Or I’m sorry information but um no Ser in all seriousness pit is a dangerous team yeah I think so I mean look what they did to Duke twice yeah um they’re they’re a very tough out and there are teams that are emerging now in the various conferences like like pit if

You look at Iowa State’s not been a secret I mean if you look at the big 12 there’s that’s the best conference that there is I watched a lot of Big 12 but when you you want to start looking at look at Washington State they beat Arizona again last they swept Arizona

This year dogs in both in both games so you you want to start looking at teams that again are playing real good now and who are beating quality opponents I mean if you look at last week Arizona uh was in uh uh that number one spot you know

Joel lardy does his Bracketology on a regular basis does a good job with it a lot of folks follow it and um you know he’s got to take Arizona out of that that number one spot now in in in the west so but you know Frank you start looking at

Teams that are you know playing really good now and this is this is the time of year that they want now it’s not about of then you have to determine who’s peing too early and who’s really got some consistency and I think about it in the two cases the two teams we mentioned

In pit and Washington State they’ve demonstrated some consistency too so um you start looking for teams that are that are dangerous um what do you think of Katon now every on talking about cranon it’s a sexy pick I know and what they did to to Yukon was insane I mean

That was that was an annihilate I mean everything it was the perfect storm right now I’d like to see for me what I like to see is how they come out of that game and now what they what they do this weekend right because uh was it an

Anomaly now kraton’s been you know they’ve been touted for a while you know their name yeah um I I think you know the the the Big East is is really not as not as strong as it you would think but but think about it three teams last week

That were LED in number in number one spot Arizona yeah uh you know the Connecticut and Purdue they all got beat and they’re probably you know somebody’s going to get beat again along the way whether it’s before their respective confence conference tournaments or or

Not uh now you’ve got to see I I like to see and I think what’s important for folks to watch is how do teams respond or how do they uh come out of that game into their next game so I think in the case of kraton was it and anomaly now

Let’s see how they move forward these these next these next few games but that’s something to pay close attention to for sure yeah absolutely um uh I have a first of all I want to say the Washington Post did that article on you guys last week that you got to look up

It was on Chris Andrews and Jimmy and and and Vinnie here in the sports book they called you a young dairo uh yeah I think uh yeah he did uh he did reference that that happens from time to time and from my understanding Frank uh and again

I know that you get recognized wherever you go it it you have to you know you kind of just downplay it all but I understand I think it happens to to Robert Jiro a lot so like today’s Friday he’s probably at his favorite Italian restaurant you know down a little LLY or

Something and he’s got to go got you know what you you you God God you look like Vinnie Mayo he’s gonna be said again this Vinnie Vinnie guy again I love it now did you collect uh I want to move I want to post with punch lines I want to do a

Few of those with Vinnie why not um did you collect cards as a kid baseball cards yes okay so where is your baseball card collection uh or did you give it away or did your mom throw it out a combination of things actually I um I I

Still have a few yeah same however not not the good one because of course you know uh Mickey Manel made made your bike sound more like a Harley so he’s not going to understand what you’re saying right there to explain this do you understand what he’s saying with the the

Bike and baseball cards us and Kaden I am not even going to look at so anyway K you know what a clothes pin is you do know what a clothes pin is I mean it’s you know cuz I know we have dryers now with like you know 15 you know you know

Computer chips in them and everything use we put uh you used to put cards on the spokes of your bike to make it sound like a motorcycle also a milk carton I used to put a milk carton on the back and you’d pedal and it would the

Cardboard cart and it would make it sound like a motorcycle know about the water bottle what’s you did a water bottle yeah that was a wiser Choice yeah you kids were definitely ahead of the financial curve like I said because the better the player like Mickey Man Hank

Aaron Willie ma oh you had like you know you had a brand new Harley you had yeah it little cool but little little did you know many years later that was six figures were P the neighborhood gone I had Pete Rose cards and I hated Pete

Rose but I put all these I I had a whole wheel of Pete Rose cards I’m like holy crap I should kept those cards right Roberto Clemen so I do have a a few a few uh still but certainly not what I so I’m fascinated by this thing called

Breaking is that what it’s called the these people they open these Live cards all right so go show the wiana clip so this this this card yeah this is the the first one okay so this is the guy opening it do we have volume on this by

The way for vinit here please oh my God louder please oh my God so there was a some one dealer put a $100,000 bounty on anyone who could find this card so this guy they so now online Vinnie people open a car they open aack

Pack of cards and they they put it on the online they open a yeah and people watch it like me so wait a second this card is worth a quar of a million dollars saying right now is it autographed by him or does it have like

A like his it’s like a one of one so it’s like the only card only version of that card printed right so it’s like gold so there was a guy that was offering 100 grand for it but already they say it’s maybe worth a quarter of a

Million dollars so what here’s what gets me about the the card collected today there’s there’s so many um series there’s so many TOS I get so you’re saying that this is one of this is the only card only one only one with that gold surround meanwhile though but

There’s probably a million with a different trim around it right okay yeah when we were growing up yeah and not so long ago when you were guys were K there was a rookie card yeah right a rookie card a rookie card yeah okay my son

Who’s now 34 right he went a few years back when Bryce Harper was a rookie okay he wi give me I want to buy some Bryce Harper rookie card right okay exactly Vegas guy b gets a bunch he gets a stack of them come to find out there’s I don’t

Know 20 30 50 different Bryce Harper cards gold exactly which this orange border or this blue what how what they belong in the Bo and put them back in the bicycles [Laughter] folks you got how many rookie cards are there I got a rookie card yeah I got a

Rookie card so I said look it up and oh yeah I got a rookie card yeah it’s worth 5 cents yeah exactly wait a minute I paid a dollar for it when he was a rookie well I I told the story I had a Mark Maguire rookie card when he was

With the Olympic team oh and when I first moved La I was running low on money so I took it to a card store and it was worth the Becket guide said like 75 100 bucks the guy I had two of them he goes I’ll give you 40 for both I’m

Like fine and I did it and then he got caught with the stairs everything and it went down the so I W out on that I W out on that one but I do have some rookie I still have some I have Clemens I have Gwyn I have Ricky Henderson so those are

Pretty valuable then there’s another clip okay is this another wmy card all right show this one to Vinnie volume up please okay so this is a one this is another six Fe this is in Japan yeah so another one that’s one of one one of one yeah so watch him slowly reveal he

Believes it’s he sees the foil he just going Wy is he just excited or having an earthquake I’m not sure what’s going on over there I but I love I I sit there and when I’m scrolling through Tik Tok they know the algorithm now I will go I’m not going to watch

This and then I sit there for 10 minutes and I watch people open packs of sports cards I know and I’m fascinated by it it is fasc I mean you there you can bid can’t you bid on boxes of cards now or packs of cards and things like that and

They take that exacto night to open the box and I’m always nervous like oh my God if you go to D you’re going to cut a card what are you doing listen you know I think it’s you know it’s fascinating I mean if you want to get into I just

Think today it’s it’s so difficult for let’s say you know you’re a parent you hey you want to buy some cards dad I want to go out and buy some card let’s buy a pack of cards you that cost you 500 I’m telling you I used look they

Were a quarter with the gum I when I was a kid I’d get a box for my birthday that was my big Pride I loved it now I’ll be at like Target and I’m at the checkout and they have like a bunch of cards so I’ll grab a couple packs and then it’s

They’re like $8 a pack I’m like wait what did I grab you know like the other thing now is with the cards is this grading yeah mint 10 you got to be yeah I mean so you’re tell so again let’s go to one which is 89 griffy okay Upper

Deck yeah there’s a whole great but is it graded yeah like what do you mean graded right so you got a guy with a loop like a it’s like he’s a gemologist he is he there’s a slight dog here on the corner wait a second you know I

Think he’s got a nostril hair in this one I noticed I can’t see in the other what wait what do you so you you send this in to be graded correct okay and then it comes back in a sealed plastic you know hermetically sealed and like

Loose I know some guys I got a buddy of mine who does this right he sends it in he goes you know what I don’t like that I think that I I send it in I know it’s got to be a 10 he gets it back it’s a

Nine yeah what does he do he cracks it sends it back in he keeps sending it back in until he gets a 10 finally get one a couple of times got a 10 gets a guy after lunch I’m like what what this guy have a clean this guy had a clearer

Loop a cleaner Loop what was there one more cracking or was that it yeah yeah Caitlin Clark’s oh Caitlin Clark watch this all right Caitlin Clark card I think this is one of one two sign so watch this I think it’s out of five

Out two out of five yeah this is a so she signed this yes and he turns it over let’s go and he’s already putting it look he’s already putting it in the little thing which I would be nervous in dog here two of five two out of five and doesn’t even

Have her stats on the back either it’s just specifying that’s it’s an autographed card now with the one of five be worth more than the two five the number one no not necessarily there’s some people put more value on specific numbers okay um but it would still have to be graded

Naturally right right so the three of five might be graded higher yeah right it could but see that’s what makes me nervous he has that little the little slip he wants to put but if you put it in wrong you just cost yourself 50 Grand you afraid you afraid I it’s fascinating

No question you’re on Sports by the book with I am going to sit with Jeff parl today yes indeed on free throw Friday free throw Friday fre throw Friday what is free throw Friday oh it’s basketball season so we used to have football Fridays now we have free throw Friday so

I like it I like the alliteration what are we going to do for hockey uh get the puck out of here I don’t know what we’re going I’m not sure we’ll have to be careful well listen we appreciate you guys watching don’t forget there’s so many more shows like sports by the book

Coming up today at 3 o’ we have race Day Las Vegas with Ralph srao which you can get all your horse picks and great winners from Ralph Show’s doing great and our newest show Brendan gon’s gone racing usually Thursdays at 10: uh it was this week Wednesday because there’s

Or next week it’ll be Wednesday next week it’ll be Wednesday because uh we have a race in town the penoil 400 which I’m going to next Sunday I’ve never been to a NASCAR you should go I’ll be out there Saturday I give away free betting tickets oh to to fans South Point wres

Bet betting tickets in fact I’ll be on with Brandon uh this week okay well you jeffley you know the only guy I bet in NASCAR it’s got to be Joey L Jo come on he’s the one come on he’s the only isn’t I don’t who are the other

Drivers any more vows here I don’t see Gibbs blay trucks Hamlin I don’t see you well you could change a couple you know so you know you can you know you can you know TI Gibby you put instead of GIB put an e on his you know oh Austin Dylan

Austin dillow there you go Austin D I can make them all at time how much time we have well I’m GNA I bet Joey last week he didn’t win but I got him 12 to1 uh next week so anyway we have great shows here at South Point Studios again

Live chat room thank you for always uh watching is there anything uh Frank mergie has to lay down he loved it he loved the Landy F Terry that one was for me so we appreciate you guys uh Landy F ter who I grew up listening to so that

Was great and Vinnie was here F ter niiko Mal and I believe down Friday there you go you got to love it have a good weekend everybody this is punchlines live in Nevada every Show

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