I Tried Discs off TEMU?

Today I play 9 holes with only discs from Temu. If I can’t shoot under par with just these discs I have to give one away in the comments so let me know which one you’d like to throw!

Oh yeah do it w that’ll get you going what’s going on everybody today we’re going to be out here playing with some teu disc these things actually feel pretty good for coming off of you know t-u style we’re going to be out here playing WWF with the eagle wigs as

My putter that’s right Eagle wigs for all the Baldi Eagles out there and then uh we have the Bison mid-range 5403 and then we have have the star bat nice little MVP gyro technology kind of going these actually feel pretty good the plastic is kind of nice this bison looks

Like a rock and the eagle wigs is pretty sure Eagle McMahon’s new signature disc so we’re going to toss them out there see how we do on a little nin hole we got about 200 fet we’re starting out hole eight just right there let’s do the bison here on the

Backand oh miss the Mando and on a car cut cut that that car already had a disc on it yeah we’re going to try you know what let’s just do let’s try this Eagle wigs out on forehand oh it flipped I knew it’s not that stable all right well we got a

Little look for par here guys we got a goal if I can’t shoot under par with these guys we’re going to have to give one away so make sure you like subscribe and leave a comment down below which one you want to win and we’re going to be

Picking one random person we got a pretty long look here with the eagle wigs kind of flicking it up there yeah should be an easy par there oh almost missed that one a little close for comfort okay we’re going to try this uh star Bat

Out got to throw it on a lot of Hiser wow it still went left straight OB Straight Out of Bounds fortunately I think we went over on the left side so we’re going to have a little look for a par we’ve got a little damage report on

The fake gyro took a little bit of a chunk out of it honestly not too bad though held up pretty good the bat is right here so I’m just going to play it from like right here we got to save this par oh and I throw it straight to the

Ground it’s a good approach though nice little bogey all right we got ho 10 double Mando it’s off to the right a little bit you might be able to see it through the trees I think I might throw the Bison actually I think I might throw

The Bison try to get it a little turnover shot oh wow okay it’s not as flippy as I thought it actually kind of panned out but had a nice Glide to it I like that a lot it’s pretty similar to a rock got a little look here maybe we can clean up that

Bogey going hit it with a little floor to flip yeah this hole is only 180 ft so we got to get the birdie we got to clean up this bogey going to rely on this bison cuz that eagle wigs is uh a little too beefy for me ac

It oh my gosh that bison’s so good what in the that might go in the bag nobody take that from me you can’t don’t comment down below say you want the Bison it’s mine I’m pretty much a tap in nothing is a tap in with this uh premium plastic

Wig oh it stayed we cleaned up the bogey let’s go sh all right we’re going to be throwing out there to that blue basket it’s probably about 300 feet we’re going to throw the bat what oh nice dude that’s nice nice oh oh man not bad that was actually dope

Had a good drive don’t mess it up we got this birdie dang I’m just trying to give one of these things away holy cow couldn’t capitalize on that last birdie that’s all right we going to see if we can get this one blue basket where it’s about 240 downhill going be going

Eagle wigs now go left okay it’s a straight Eagle wigs now I don’t know what happened to it but it didn’t have any fade that time all right we ended up with not too bad of a putt here probably like edge of circle and uh we got a little shorty basket

So ah so close I just can’t get these birdies dang it we’re going to the Yellow Basket this time on the Cupcake it’s like 220 something like that going go bison again good old Bison see if it turns for me a little bit oh yeah do

It off the dang cupcake wow these things are really good I’m seriously thinking about putting that bison in my bag I’m not going to lie wow woo that’ll get you going two Aces on the on the the teu disc almost what thankfully I didn’t hit

This and go like 100 ft roll away there let’s get this party come on yes looks like I’m keeping my teu disc today maybe maybe we got some more holes left little damage report on the Bison got a little chunk out of it but it’s a little roughed up it’s honestly

Not that bad though for slamming onto the concrete pretty good holding up good we’re going to throw it on this one it’s 180 ft got like a left to right kind of weird swirly wind so so we’ll see what happens wow yeah dude I really like the Bison

I’m not going to lie that’s actually a really good disc just a solid disc I’m going to throw a giggle shot with the star bat on forehand going to try to like super Heiser skip wow just a little pole tap star bat all right looks like another tap in birdie

Oh it tried to jump out it really tried to jump out and then that star bat end up right here I mean come on a couple feet higher and I think I would have aced with the star bat why are these so good what I wish I could play a

Tournament with these honestly but I don’t think they’re pdj legal actually I’m pretty sure they’re not they don’t say anything about being pdj legal what what M do you think these guys are copycat after what do you think this this Eagle wigs is comment and tell me

What you think think that this looks like Beed Beed mid-range and then this one I’m not sure at all maybe like a crave or something it’s pretty flat maybe a little bit like thicker Wing than a crave these are pretty pretty solid discs not going to lie uh we’ll

Throw all of them right here a final final hole we’ll go buy some first since we’re going to take that one oh it flipped oh my it flipped and went straight what a good kick should be an easy part maybe birdie all right wigs yeah that one’s definitely more

Stable than the than the Bison that’s parked and the star bat here we’ll put this on a little bit more Hiser ah too much wow it flipped and went right see if we can’t make this last putt come on good job vle wigs now let’s see I just hate putting with premium

Plastic I hate putting with premium plastic okay at least we only got a par all right guys got pretty lucky today I’ll get to keep my tumu discs pretty excited about that cuz I’m excited to do more videos with these again I would go play a tournament with these like you

Know like I may I’ll do like a tag round or something where you know I can actually use these discs but let me know if you guys would like to see that leave a like and a comment do all the YouTube stuffff appreciate you guys and we’ll see you next time peace


  1. as of 12th feb the bat and bison are pdga aproved but the eagle wigs is still not approved 🙁

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