Golf Babe

I Flew to Italy to Play a Match Against Her

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The biggest of THANK YOU’s to the Takomo crew for making this trip happen! It was an absolute joy. More content like this to come this year and much more content of all of us over on Takomo’s Youtube channel here:

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Is totally giving colge golf right now guys are like that’s good that’s good and girls are like put it all right this is a match hey friends welcome back to another clar hugle video today I am out here with Sabrina and ala welcome to the channel thanks for having me back Claire

Absolutely she goes Claire she’s like already intimidating me CLA we are out here at the beautiful Royal Park e rovery Golf Course nice job and where are we at what country we’re in Italy yes we are in Italia yeah thanks for reminding me of the country yeah we’re

Literally in Italy right now they were so kind to give us the golf course all to ourselves today so we are going to be filming some amazing content for you guys I cannot wait for you to see everything that’s coming out from this course there’s lots more over on

Tacoma’s Channel I’ll have their Channel Linked In the description box below thanks to Tacomo for having us the Tacomo girls yes we’re the Tacomo girls and we’re we’re proud to be yes so we are playing a highly requested match we already played a match against one

Another and you guys loved it so it’s time for a couple of rematches we’re filming first nine-hole match on my channel and then we’re going to do a rematch over on Sabrina’s Channel because I’m sure whoever loses is not going to be happy and we’re going to

Shot at it so it’s on we are actually College Rivals we at the same time we played in a couple the tournament and it’s time to find out who the better golfer so this is this is an important match highly requested match we’re excited for it let’s get

Into it all right guys it is a dog leg left I assume Claire and I both have not played this course before so we’re both seeing it for the first time this beautiful morning oh here we go first t- shot of the day gorgeous all righty really good whoa whoa

Whoa wait a second guys you know when it’s the morning and the Sun is glistening so it’s hard to see anything that’s what’s happening right now to me but I can’t get there it’s like 270 so I’m just going to lay up with the five and hopefully just have kind of a wedg

In or something like that great thank you is on fire right now girl we’re two shots in but no for real your shots are really pure today it’s a new year and a great time to work on yourself one goal that I set for myself in 2024 is to work on improving

My symptoms of anxiety and depression while I would classify these symptoms as mild and transient I know that I deserve a life free of unnecessary emotional suffering and so do you if there’s an area of your life where you’d like to see Improvement therapy can help you achieve your goals speaking with a

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Wider range of expertise than may be available in your city to get started click the link in the description or visit visit slcl Hogle from there you fill out a questionnaire that will ask you questions about what challenges you’re facing and what kind of therapist you like and then better

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Start living a healthier happier life click the link in the description or visit slcl Hogle clicking that link helps support this Channel and it also gets you 10% off your first month of betterhelp so you can connect with the therapist and see if it helps you thank you to betterhelp for

Sponsoring today’s video now let’s get back into the match all right just like her going with a five iron little layup going to leave me with about 100 yards and I’m just going to aim at those trees through the Fairway swing is swinging nice CL thanks yep really happy with that

Content happy with this cont contact oh my word this is weird because this is the first time we’re doing a match the rest of the week we were doing team activities and Claire was my teammate I know the energy is sh Wait we have to switch it around here I don’t know how

To feel about you anymore Claire and I are saying how I’m a super fast-paced person like everything I do is like this and everything she does is more like we are going slow so when we film I’m like Claire let’s go look good short fade or don’t go

There okay that works yeah really good thank you ma’am I wonder how these greens are rolling it looks like they just recently punched all righty we’ve got like 3540 ft for our first birdie we’ve got unfortunately punched and sanded green so we’re going to have to

Give this one a good wrap to get it all the way to the hole that was good oh my God sit St that was slow down was it slow or fast I I didn’t I feel like they were actually kind of normal yeah okay good put

That’s good thank you ma’am oh I guess it was I have to stop putting it if someone gives it to me like I should pick it up um okay so I’ve got like six seven feet here I I have to make this to have the first

Hole wow dang okay these greens are kind of challenging cuz they are punched and sanded yeah just stopped short tough okay she’s one up through one three wait like 289 it’s really short it’s a dog leg left so I’m just going to go straight lay up with the 3-wood and

Probably have like a 100 in hopefully so should work I guess yeah it should work okay that works perfect like literally perfect and good let’s go find it get one back all right I have 90 yards so because my last one didn’t quite get there with the

Wedge with the 56 I’m going to do the 52 we’re still calibrating yardages for the day not good it’s crispy we’re on I’m coming out of the rough again I’m just going to chip with a 56 here I think that was so bad nice unforced air by

Sabrina there I am one down so um odds are T putt will get me back to all sare here he’s in for par so I’m just going to full send it towards the hole just want to get it there back to all square on to Hole

Number three I’m back with the honors so I’ll show her the way give her a little bit of Clue as to which club she might want to hit I’m going to go with the five up this hill that was pretty good yeah really good contact really good shot nice short

Maybe like 15 ft really happy with that I think I’m just going to go with the five iron as well here we go beautiful swing just a bit right of it she’s on the green couple of Birdie putts couple of Birdie putts nice I don’t know let’s here we go

SI good pot nice pot you’re in that’s good for Park thank you ma’am all righty got to at least get a two here so good speed’s imperative but it would be nice to go one up why are these lowkey kind of fast okay good that is good all square whole

Four so uh this is kind of a midlength par four I’m just going to hit this driver over the bunker there it’s 170 to carry I think I got that that looks good little bit left see if our left went in the bunker through theway yeah yeah you got to kind

Of cut the corner over the bunker yeah I was debating hitting a rewood but I just don’t want to hit like a 160 yeah club in so I’m but you have to hit a really good drive you have to hit a great drive it’s either like three-wood long iron or

Just pray you hit the driver good so just going to try to hit the driver good you got this oh right there with you shoot it looked good for a long time it’s hooking a little bit you’re good hang on you’re short of it you’re good yeah should be

Short so weird because I you my mist is more of a fade but I feel like I’ve been hitting more left I would prefer this lie not to be in the bunker I’m just going to try to hit an eight iron really solid right that was an L uh let’s see

If I can get up and down from like uh what was I 130 let’s see if I can get up and down from 115 okay guys I have 136 I’m just going to hit wait yeah 136 but I don’t know if I should hit a nine

There a bit downhill I think I’m just going to hit an eight oh and I th it and she th it right it’s stuck so nicely just like boom you have like 20 ft for birdie so I’m definitely going to need to get Z down for par here we

Go5 off of a downhill lie that’s going to deloft it a bit I’m just going to try to hit a really really solid pitching wedge oh It’s just tough rough okay probably going one down here but got to keep trying I guess it that was pretty good actually

It’s yeah give it a run if it’s close you win this hole it’s not a taing that was not the time for me to be nice I know just make it beautiful all right okay she’s one up we’re through four holes onto hole number five I have honors so it’s a front

Pin H I’m trying to think I don’t know why I kind of just want to hit a punch six that was really bad and that’s going to be short no it’s perfect you’re playing really solid thank you okay I have a seven iron and um yeah her six like kind of barely

Got there feeling a bit weird about it but I don’t know I’m just going to stick with my CL definitely hits it a bit further than me because her impact position is this and mine is this that’s not sure it is though if you look at our

Swings in slow-mo you will see the casting all right that good car you’re fine okay I’m On The Fringe I hit it a little bit left but it’s fine I think I can put it let’s get one back well I mean maybe not on this one maybe on the next one

Just going to try to get this close I feel like it’s uphill and then I don’t know sit good you’re good so she’s in for part that means got to toput this good speed’s imperative and it’s a little bit left to right let’s see if we can make it get

One back back to all square if not to for sure really slowed down on the road there was a huge mud on it yeah there’s a big piece of mud on the skull this looks good Claire are you sure yeah it’s good sure sure okay fine or yes sure or

Yes I guess if you want to put it you can go ahead and Lord knows I don’t want to put it okay fine you good you’re good okay guys are like that’s good that’s good and girls are like put it and it’s like a foot and a half we should play a

Match where we can say in the beginning no gimmies cuz in college golf there was no gimmies like a gim is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard it is cuz you know that we’ve missed like shorter putts than we’d like to admit cool she’s still one up all

Righty okay here we go I’m aiming at the cloud let’s do it oh no that is a hook oh oh and it hit something we shall see I don’t think we’re gonna see anything it’s in the bushes should I hit a provisional can drop up there drop up

There with a hazard stroke hopefully we don’t find anything because this is a big open door for Miss Claire seah hog uh just to clarify last name is pronounced Hogle Hogle not Hogle if you ever meet me and you’re like oh my God are you Claire Hogle I’m going to be

Like no I’m not goodbye nice yes very good crispy yes Queen and fi Fairway in Red me celebrating the dub before it’s happened all righty guys I’m dropping shall I drop so like here yeah you can drop right in here 167 good shot that is right by the pin I think really good shot sure you could say far I could I really could Claire I thought

It was an auto win so I definitely had to hit a good shot there this is giving college golf Vibes she was dancing around I was like this is giving college golf that would happen a lot like you’d be like one up on your opponent and then

They just hit it like really close and you’re like okay 1 4 2 I got to hit this close sounded very clean Claire Nice Shot man stop okay I hit it close as well that was good okay if I can make it she won’t have a chance deaf want to make this

Neither of us are as close as we thought we were I know I’m like 30 ft and she’s like 25 eight left to right up the hill that looks good just didn’t get it there all righty so this has to be made it’s totally giving college golf right now okay guys

So the only goal right now is I have to make it this is for par so I’m just going to really go for it that was not even close at all all righty back to all square okay oh the turns keep tabling the turns are tabling all righty all square to the

Next T which is yeah hole number seven three to play all square this is a match okay um so the bunker on the left or like through the Fairway there is only 200 to carry but it runs out at like 240 gosh this is a tough choice a toughy

All right I’m just going to hit a drive I feel like I want want to hit a driver cuz I’m like just thinking how far it’s like definitely not smart cuz we’ve never played this hole like or this course that works just carry the bunker no is it short it’s short all

Right well at least the ball’s in play I’m just going to go straight with the hybrid because that’s what I was thinking all righty that was high but it shall be fine there you go nice you’re in good position do you know when you would play

And it would be a kind of a getable part for and a girl would take out a drive and you’re like oh absolutely I’m so aggressive like what I just did there is a major reflection of like how I play but the thing is I feel like you get

This cuz like our drivers are so like they’re relatively consistent and so it’s like I don’t know if it’s like a I guess I imagine this to be an easy carry I don’t know what happened I think I hit it a little off the heel it’s like risk

Reward it’s like it’s risk reward and the risk doesn’t feel that big because I feel confident in my driver you know Claire’s fine there she did not roll into the bunker I have 92 yards it’s a front pin okay I’m just going to hit a

52 no and she chunks it this rough is so rough but it kind of rolled up like it doesn’t look like too hard of a chip it’s not a hard chip but not what we wanted okay so mine is in like the thicker lettuce it’s still super like

Wet out here cuz it’s been rainy the last couple days this is pretty thick lie but I’m just going to do a full swing 56 it’s only 74 yard so this should get there I’m going to try to like open the face a little bit and just full swing it like kind of

Steep that sounded good see the number okay yeah that’s good that’s so weird that a full swing 56 only goes like 70 yards cuz that’s like 70 yards yeah this stuff is crazy thick you actually need to like legit Club up out of here so anyways birdie putt let’s get

It I like this chipping lie this lie way better than the one I had on the second hole so that is a plus I’m kind of feeling a 52 here kind of going to try to hit it up on this hill and have it roll down a little it looks like it’s downhill

Uphill sit down please really thank you YouTube golf is usually super chill but this is definitely G me giving me college golf by right I find it fun though I like it me too I’m into it bro bro I knew she was going to make it I

Had no doubt you got to got to focus on this I was nervous all right okay uh still all Square going into hole number eight yes ma’am Okay so we’ve got a par five here 200 to the bunkers through the Fairway on the right I am just going to hit a beautiful solid

Drive over the bunker just ahead of me on the left that’s what I’m thinking that was perfect Claire thanks should be good find the Fairway for me we don’t need a shot from the rough that was perfect nice drive fingers crossed oh no Sabrina are you joking that’s really

Gone he didn’t find it oh wait here it is wait that’s not it you can drop over here cuz there’s cart path there so drop over here you’re in a good position that smart of a play here no Claire you got the actually there you go I don’t know guys

Guys no I’m 170 got a tree in the way but I can see the right edge of the green obviously I don’t need to be incredibly aggressive because Sabrina is having a tough hole just a nice solid six it’s going to come up a little bit

Short so I’m just going to aim right where there’s an opening like I don’t have to hook it around the trees I don’t have to be perfect okay definitely wasn’t perfect but it’s a good miss par five par five up up there in the Fairway we’re fine

I’m just not feeling good about this hole I don’t know what is good with my driver 107 in the huge rough which everyone knows that I hate so okay done you win this hole one up going into nine you hate to see the concessions all right tight hole this the angle here

Here is kind of cutting the corner it’s got to go over that bunker on the right nice nice nice thanks yeah that was good poo okay guys I’m retiring my driver I hate it right now so I’m just going to hit a through wood usually my

Mist is a huge slice so it’s so weird to see the ball going left but Claire mentioned maybe I’m not getting to my left side which like probably makes sense really nice really really really good sit sit that’s good you’re short nice and you’re in the Fairway I should have

Just hit my three-wood on the last hole we really good you like your threeway it’s really not like a disadvantage down hill a little bit I think I’m just going to go with a full pitching wedge here here we go oh oh bye all right guys the door’s open

Pulling it today really pulling it today we have a whole extra match coming up on Sabrina’s channel so go check that out little rematch moment good solid shot here we go a long way um 80 yards 56° wedge all righty little birdie putt let’s go I’m done Zo not an easy

Shot just going to hit and see where it goes all right guys pretty sure Claire is going to close it out I attempted did not work out well it is okay okay all right let’s see if I can make a birdie here it’s not

Going to feel too bad if I make a birdie anyways right okay story of this whole around everything was short nice win Claire just like in college golf we I Never Hug did you actually but they would be more like this yeah I was like all right fun

Match that was our first match on my channel rematch time over on your channel let’s do it and you are how are you feeling competitive no I’m just kidding though this will be good Claire played great it is fun because I feel like we kind of go back and forth and it

Makes it absolutely intense so it is fun next match let’s do it let’s do it it’s going to be linked in the description box below go ahead and check it out thanks again for watching don’t forget to like subscribe do all the things that help this Channel and leave a comment

We’d love to hear what you thought about this video if you want to see some more from us and we’ll see you in the next one bye bye

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