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‘It was a filthy house… but so much fun” – Jason and Travis Kelce on being college ‘degenerates’

From Jameson water bottles to throwing furniture on the lawn, Jason and Travis relive their glory days as roommates at the University of Cincinnati.

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The athletic article by uh Justin Williams uh was hilarious we need more stories about the college house what is your favorite story from sharing a room in college um yeah the athletic had a great [ __ ] article they interviewed a lot of our college teammates um most of

Really made us sound like the generates but yeah that’s well I mean what college football player isn’t if you’re not you’re doing College wrong um thoughts on the article uh did you guys know your former roommates were being interviewed for it um yes I did I got I got I got

Asked by a few guys um if it was cool I’m just like [ __ ] dude it’s always cool I was I completely trust all of them nobody told me [ __ ] I made sure to tell them don’t hold back like tell all the good stories and sure enough they uh

They mentioned all the really good ones like Zach’s mom uh walking in on me uh firing up the garage uh before one of the games Absol hilarious um and that’s that’s how I was living back then um what were your thoughts on it dude I

Thought it was good did you you read it right you read it right I did read it I thought it was awesome um it’s cool hearing from former teammates and guys that we live the man that house was so special I mean big am of championships that house has had roll through it

Between me you Derek wolf and Zach like Zach oh man it is crazy we got some [ __ ] Hardware we got some Hardware boys amount of parties and fun we had those were I mean listen don’t don’t get much better than the times that we were in that household for sure dude you

Ain’t lying man um gosh what is what’s one of them that that wasn’t shared though I feel like a lot of them were were pretty good they had you uh punching a hole in the wall there’s one with Craig Parmenter where you know exactly which one I’m

Talking about it’s cuz our entire living room was out in the front law dude Wolfie just decided to become a Furniture mover at some point and then decided to start doing the people’s elbow on Craig parman on a mattress I don’t even know how to describe it like Words W describe you

Can’t yeah you can’t Replay that dude like we I was in was in I don’t think I’ve ever laughed harder you haven’t i’ I came out because you were you and [ __ ] Zach were in tears like to the point where you couldn’t breathe like I was like dude if they laugh any harder

They’re going to [ __ ] explode their hearts are it was so close [ __ ] um what was a what’s a good one from there man [ __ ] I don’t know yeah there’s just so many man we talked about the hot sauce we talked about [ __ ] just how we had a big ass trash can like

A dude it was it was a filthy but so [ __ ] so much [ __ ] fun house man yeah endless memories I just remember the the Davis Family owning owning the home and the fact that uh Evan had to patch up all the walls and maybe redo some floors and some doors and some

Windows uh by the time we were out of there so shout out to EV Voltron as I call him and shout out to Gail and and the Duke Greg Davis for uh man for Great Dane yeah dude the one of the best families that I’ve ever [ __ ] come

Encounter with man no doubt just the absolute best man shout out to the davises um I wish we had more stories but uh if you haven’t if you already read the article you notice that uh we were pretty [ __ ] shitfaced the entire time so uh not a lot of memories really

Come to mind um it’s pretty accurate yeah but we can probably talk about a few there were a lot of great stories in the article should we uh play a quick game of um confirm or deny was some of the ones that were mentioned I can I

Mean they were I can confirm all of them right now they all pretty nobody made up a story yeah go ahead um during a house party Jason was a little inebriated and ripped a sink out of the wall well that wasn’t at the house that wasn’t this house that was the previous

Football house yeah and Trav wasn’t even there yet because this is my rookie year but yeah a bunch of the older guys had a house and I was a freshman and at some point um I tried to use the sink to get up and it started falling out of the

Wall and uh then before I knew it the whole sink was in my hands and water is getting sprayed on all over the place and heroi Nakamura who also played in the lead shout out to heroi one of the guys living in the house he wanted to

Kill me and uh as a as a seventh degree black belt and Judo or whatever martial art he and his family did it was uh something I was not too fired up about uh but yeah that was a that was a fun one for sure that happened it’s a true

True story also Jason once uh he confirmed that one Jason once uh filled a water bottle with Jameson around St Patrick’s Day and drank it during a spring practice he didn’t just drink it himself I also I also gave a speech before practice after that was after practice okay remember you were

[ __ ] hammered when you did the practice when you did I was just furious that they made us practice on St Patrick’s Day like why are we not getting St Patrick’s Day off this should be there’s no way we should have to come to practice right now I was so mad

There’s no reason why we prti on say Patty’s Day retro retroactively I think or retrospectively I think uh probably makes sense of practice I mean just practice and then go have fun but at the time I didn’t make sense to me so I decided to take matters into my own

Hands so Jason put a uh the old Gatorade wristbands the the the like the Liv strong wristbands Gatorade made one he put it around the special water bottle that had Jameson in it and he didn’t put ice in it ladies and gentlemen this was no you don’t want to dilute that down

Hot as balls in [ __ ] Cincinnati spring practice and um sure enough we’re all getting psyched out by Jason trying to come hydrate us yep and giving us a bottle of Jameson no doubt hot Jameson at that um was not the uh surprise you were hoping for but I mean made for a

Good memory and Jason’s speech after that day after that practice was one everyone will remember about how Jason’s ancestry came over to America was a very uh St Patrick’s Day speech for sure yes was it was it was exactly what we needed um so we can confirm that one um I once stripped

During a charity fashion show I actually um deny this one because by the time I got to this part of the uh of my so I didn’t do the Chiefs I mean the Chiefs I didn’t do the Bearcats women’s 101 day until I was like a junior or

Senior so this was you they stopped doing the fashion show by the the time I went uh by the time I was a part of it no no no this you this was 1,000% you I did not strip I remember this happening this you remember this happening cuz you were a

Part of it you were you were the one in you’re confused on this this was you you were the one in a [ __ ] jockstrap this was not me TR this was you it’s not me all right whatever they got rid of it I’ll confirm it because I know for a

Fact you did this at one point you just don’t remember doing it no so you don’t remember getting on stage with John Goble and being in nothing but your underwear no I didn’t do that they promise switched it from a fashion show to a it might not have been

A fashion show but whatever it is you strip down I remember this happening this is so false nobody wanted to see me strip down that’s why they to stop Furious I’ve never magic miked anything like this we had a giant outdoor garbage can sitting in the middle of the living

Room stacked with pizza boxes this is I mean this it was more than pizza boxes it was everything you name it cans Pizza beer leftovers and we didn’t have a lid it just stunk up the entire [ __ ] place it did and uh it was actually useful it was useful it was exactly what

We needed because we were a bunch of filthy animals and the trash was uh piling up was filled yeah it was just piled up so what better than to put a huge uh outdoor garbage can in the living room make it easy on everybody yeah confirm uh Travis missed his flight

For well we already know that’s true for the University of Cinna graduation that happened way after the fact but yes that is in fact a true statement yeah I can’t I got to confirm that one that was a that was a mess up on my my behalf um

And uh thanks for the uh diploma either way thank you love you guys all righty that does it for no dumb questions brought to you by Buffalo Wild Wings let’s go sports you’re disgusting that hurts so bad I I [ __ ] up the clap cuz you sounded so disgusting hey hey hey


  1. For any wwe fans..this reminds me of the stories when edge ane christian were housemates im college

  2. I'm done for now. I can't stand all the f bombs anymore! I know there's a lot of excitement from Super Bowl and stuff but remember you've got young kids and Swifties following you now!

  3. This was my favorite part of Wednesdays episode! You guys just went into a magical time in your lives that most won't admit out loud. It's what makes you guys great, it's the same M.O. I've used all my adult life while telling people stories about the past. Never hold back any embarrassing part of anything, it just makes it more real and people like it more, I swear. I've told people about peeing in a beer can in a cold garage the night before and mistaking it for my fresh beer the next night, it's like that. You guys are a great team!

  4. haha you guys are pretty degenerate…. why do you think we all tune in? Ya so anyway the best man in my wedding was a middle linebacker for KU, he played basketball too, anyway he got drunk and carried a pizza oven out of a Pizza Hut when he was drunk, thought it would make a nice addition to the frat house. lol. you kids. I was up there drinking in Lawrence one time and we went bar hopping with John Riggins when he was really hot stuff. We had a lot of fun.

  5. Taylor Swift finally found her prince. Will you guys eventually work on getting married? I know you guys are both busy when it comes around football and she’s doing. When is football season?❤❤❤

  6. ❤😊💄💋😚😚😘😍🥰😛😍🥰😘🤪😘🥰😍 you and Taylor, and personal lives I wish people would give you guys your space paparazzi poker nose s somewhere else in my own business give you and Taylor your space❤❤😍🥰😍

  7. Jason, I liked how you partied at the Chiefs house. Your belly looks smashed right to their window. That was a way to go out of the season pass football.❤❤

  8. I'm sorry, was there jock strap fashion show talk, or was that my imagination? Might need further review on that 🤓

  9. I went to TOSU 1987-1991 and I crossed paths often with the Sullivan brothers from Lake Catholic HS. They were fuckin menaces who ran rough shod over that campus. They were fun to party with, but a night out with them guaranteed you'd to get mixed up into some drama at the bars. "Degenerates" for sure. Lol.

  10. I just wish Travis would forget the "F" word. Has nothing to do with Taylor. He has so many kids and adults that following their podcast and hang him on a pedestal as to how he portrays himself. You would think he would be conscientious of his audience. I love my grandkids want to be like him, I do not want them to talk like him.

  11. I admit that there are times when I need to listen to the conversations more than once, because I get lost, between their laughter and mine!!! Please, never stop being so authentic, and hold tight to your convictions and your memories so as not to get lost among so much madness and fame!! a greeting from Spain❤❤❤Sorry if I have any mistakes writing in English, but it is not my native language

  12. I don’t use the F word but if Travis or other guests they have on their podcast can’t say it, I’m going to Hulk out! It happens naturally, just leave it alone.

  13. Derrick Wolf was really good friends with my cousin they actually graduated together. He wanted to date her so bad and she just wasn't having it. She really regrets that lol. Anyway my daughter is also a Beaver Local Beaver alumni.

  14. Hey guys! The young fans do not need to imitate your language style! Please tell your stories! Uncle Travy, your nieces need “headphones” College life is right on! Love your stories, try to control alt delete!

  15. My oldest grandson is sophomore at the University of Cincinnati. He is living w/5 guys off campus. I keep sending him toilet paper and paper towels at his request. What are they doing with all of these?

  16. This video reminded me of when my son graduated college and his sister (14 yr old) and I got to see his Frat House room for the 1st time AFTER he had moved in 3 yrs earlier. OMB.. It was scary….. then the dirty clothing on the other bed started moving.. Scared the heck out of his sister. It was his roommate coming out a drunken sleep.. LOL Yes.. Filthy Place.. BUT he doesn't live like that now..

  17. This brought back so many memories- I lived in the gaslight section of Clifton, and heading over to the houses off McMillian, and later seeing my daughter enjoying the same experiences. As to hear The Cupboard is closing……

  18. Not Swifties pretending Taylor doesn’t cuss ( just like she doesn’t drink😂) and hypocritically policing others as they usually do…😏

  19. Floored. I thought this kind of college experience was just in the movies, like Animal House! Fascinating. 😂😂 I can almost hear Sir David Attenborough narrating the scene now.

  20. Stupid Travis should have stayed another's two days with Taylor in Sydney rather than to fly all the way to party in Vegas in the presence of those scantily dressed girls ! No respect for Taylor! Travis better improve as Taylor's boyfriend! Clean up your f* mouth and don't be an embarrassment to Taylor!!!!

  21. Neanderthal man hid my comment. Let’s go sports bar clap clap I’ll say and do anything for money clap clap. The clapping seal. Sad not funny.

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