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Alex Cora and Sam Kennedy continue to get candid about Red Sox struggles and spending parameters

Red Sox Insider John Tomase joins Mike Felger on Sports Sunday to discuss comments from both Alex Cora and Sam Kennedy as Red Sox owner John Henry remains silent through spring training.

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So Alex cor was asked did he give the team a pep talk on the first day of spring training he said no not really let think about this for a while it’s one of those things where you look around and you look at what we’re trying

To accomplish and what we have tried to accomplish since I got here in November of 2017 but at the end of the day we are who we are teams are going to go through stretches good and bad not everyone can be the Dodgers he said so that’s Alex

Cor basically saying yeah uh fellas uh we are what we are we are what the front office has given us and we’ll just try and make the most of it and it feels like everyone is either conceited or called out John Henry so the question is

Does Henry hear it yeah uh I do not think he does I don’t think he cares I I said this to you the last time I was on BST he’s got that sort of let them eat cake attitude like that’s how he’s looking at the fans that’s how he’s

Looking at his own team I don’t think anything gets through to him at this point I think he thinks we’re close these young guys you know Roman Anthony played today and he walked twice see Kyle teal took a couple of good swings I don’t know if he fouled one straight

Back I like that kid swing like they’re looking at it like we’re close to our plan coming to fruition we’re just going to stick it out Henry is above the noise he was there talking to reporters Mike Silverman chatted with him a little but the only thing he would say was oh you

Guys here to write about Netflix like just like throwing it in our face treating us with contempt that’s how I feel like Henry is treating us and you think it’s a him thing not an organization 100% 100% that’s why you have everyone coming out you’re talking

About it K Kennedy like they they’ve had such mixed messages from the top partly because he won’t say anything John Henry will never say anything so it’s left to Tom Warner to say Full Throttle and then have to walk back Full Throttle it’s left to Sam Kennedy to say if you don’t

Think we’re trying you’re a liar and then a week later to say well actually we do have a budget and he’s intimating that it’s maxed out so I we’re hearing it from every corner of the organization it is directed at one person I am 100% sure that okay well speaking of Kennedy

He’s uh been the one front office member really talking to the media this winter and this week he talked about the status of the team as well as the lack of spending I see the Boston Red Sox as a force in Major League Baseball um the standard of Excellence has to be there

We’re about winning championships and we know where we’re picked to finish in the American League East this year and that does not sit well with us but it is what it is and we got to get out and start playing games we we have Set uh parameters uh for him and he’s operating

Under those parameters can we surmise that there is additional room from where you are now compared to the parameters that you’ve set you know I I do not want to talk about specifics related to payroll or parameters because it it does nothing to help us competitively and look I I think

The focus on on spending is fair and reasonable given where we’ve finished uh the last couple years so I thought that last comment was uh almost unprecedented there almost never will you hear a front office member of a pro team say no there’s a budget you know almost always

What they say is whatever our people need is what we give them we will do everything we possibly can to have the FI the best team for the fans of Boston and win a championship you almost never hear them say yeah there’s a budget and he say so like it’s like this

Combination of calling out Henry and conceding which I that to me is what really would disappoint me cuz yes they’re bad John but they’re not bottom of the league bad I mean they should be a wild card Contender a wild card Contender and which means if you make

The wild card in today’s baseball you have a chance to do something in the postseason but it feels like they all just sort of folded their ts yeah I mean just go back to last year if they trade for Jordan Montgomery at the trade deadline instead of the Rangers they’re

Probably in the playoffs they weren’t that far off that’s how close they were yes they’re a 78 win team but they fell apart after they did nothing for two straight trade de headline so Sam Kennedy finally acknowledging the truth yay I’m all for that but it’s it’s too

Little too late like if you wanted to make that message clear you say it at the beginning of the off season and we’ll catwall about it and we won’t be happy about it but at least we we’ll know and you won’t be full throttling us

In our faces and telling us to take it finally on Henry do you think that his the way he’s managing the team is a business decision or a baseball decision business I think it’s totally business it’s looking around saying you don’t need to spend like the Yankees the

Dodgers the Padre’s whatever you don’t need to spend like the Mets to win you can spend like the Diamondbacks you can do what the Orioles are doing right now with all these prospects that’s how you win that and I think you’re seeing it across all of his other sports he’s

Upset about all the oil money coming into the Premier League and so he’s trying to almost head that off at the pass in all of his Sports and being like no we are not going to play that game and you know who loses us


  1. Every fan needs to boycott this disgraceful team and not spend a cent on anything Red Sox related . Mabey when they loose money the light bulb will go on

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