The best new golf ball for mid handicaps? 2024 golf ball review

Jeff talks about the new Legato golf ball and how it may be the hottest golf ball in 2024. While it’s ideal for mid handicaps, it is truly a great balk for all levels.

– non sponsored review –

Hey guys welcome back to Modern golf I hope you guys are having an incredible day and better week I wanted to kind of go over this Legato 385 golf ball and so I’ve been testing this the last couple months to really see how this golf ball

Performs and their home mot if you never heard of Legato you probably like most uh a newer brand kind of getting cracking into the golf ball scene the last few years this golf ball is really ideal for to me the mid- handicap player um their whole uh I want to say slogan

Or how they want to go to to market for business is have a good performing if not a great performing golf ball at a really good price point that doesn’t break your bank so so I’ve been testing this ball out and again this is the LTX

3085 and I’ll just go over kind of the specs you guys will see here the feel is their softest ball between this and their other 4090 golf ball uh the flight and I noticed this uh right away was it’s a higher ball flight uh the distance is they consider their longer

Ball uh it was very similar to me between this and a prob1 and a tp5x and certainly the strickson balls I play um didn’t notice a huge difference long game Spin same can still work the ball with this golf ball um but again I it’s

A lower spinning ball this is not a um uh incredibly uh spinning golf ball off your long irons or drivers uh the iron spin I thought was was good really hit now I’m playing at the end of the year beginning of the year where it’s soft and wherever I’ve played it’s been soft

Um but really have enjoyed the ball and certainly the short game Spin which I really appreciate it is um incredible I really thought this was a great golf ball I think these guys were doing a great job for it but I want to show you some details as

Well uh that I think is different with this ball obviously um one I love their logo it reminds me of kind of the Cadillac logo I think is super cool I also really liked um the Bold track here I think it’s a very cool uh thing

They’re doing and I and you guys have watched we did a review and a kind of a video last year of not only the putting um stripes and really um the visualization of golf balls and how they’re making these visual aids more prevalent and really you see this from every brand Titus just

Redid the prob On’s kind of sight line um Taylor Made has done it Callaway has done it Srixon with the with the split has done it so I think you’re going to see more and more in that in 24 and 25 but if you haven’t checked out the

Legato uh golf balls they’re really really good golf balls I’ll put the link in the description this is not paid for I actually have been testing these and really like this golf ball to me it’s very close to um uh some of the shrick on tour uh golf balls that I’ve been

Using I really like this ball I’ve donated a couple so I only have I mean I think nine of the 12 maybe eight of maybe yeah nine or 10 of the 12 that I’ve started with um but really really good golf ball if you get a chance check it out the Legato LTX

3085 great golf ball Great Value uh for you guys out there looking for kind of the new ball the other thing and I’ll I’ll wrap up here quickly what I love um is this is not a golf ball that everybody plays um just like the other brands we’ve done last year with golf

Balls so if you’re playing this ball and it’s in a fairway or wherever nine times out of 10 you know it’s yours cuz most people aren’t playing it and I know Legato is saying no no no we want everybody play it I I understand but for the guys who aren’t playing certain

Brands this is a very cool way to find your golf ball without um being the the rest of the herd let’s say but any if you haven’t had a chance check out the Legato again LTX 3085 again not sponsored just trying to find something that’s different uh there’s a lot of

Kind of neat golf ball brands that are out there and this is one that uh we’ve talked to and really really like their golf ball so we’ll continue to test this um this ball I have sent this to U friends of mine who are high handicaps and friends of mine who are low

Handicaps so at the end of the year when we do our best golf balls obviously we’ll bring this one back around and see how it performed but so far really impressed and again I played about a seven or eight handicap so for Mid handicap I think this is a great great

Golf ball anyway guys thanks for watching we will see you next time thanks guys

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