Golf Players

Around the Horn | Justin Fields responds to Instagram unfollow drama – CFP adopts 5+7 model for 2024

Around the Horn | Justin Fields responds to Instagram unfollow drama – CFP adopts 5+7 model for 2024

JY controversy is there any other kind Nike Vapor premiered by Fanatics engineered to improve Mobility moisture management and fit some players say it feels like paper the lettering is small look at First’s name and the pants near seethrough we’ll take that around the horn but not before we take our friend

Ja Adon Around The Horde huzza paskall Hall of Fame my heart skipped a beat when I heard I was a Gog the bonus for making a haul in this show is enormous let’s see how big it goes these photos are incredible too Jay look at that one young and D they getting the

Scoop with the Zu head let’s go around the horn you also have a Super Bowl bonus coming your way because you can send it with KC by3 you nailed that too carpal tunnel situation for reality here with this fling we’ll get to that later college basketball all season I’ve been told

Parody no one team March is going to be wild that was not fair to Yukon defending champs 24-2 going into last night 14 game win streak they just beat number four Marquette by 28 they were the unanimous number one but down goes Yukon last night kraton number 15 on

Their own right and they were a buzz saw last night 8566 and then Danny Hurley go out fans storming in that got heated as well I want to know if any of you are lip readers but Kevin clar Around the Horn to you number one takeaway with number one going

Down perhaps the weirdest streak in sports the last time Yukon won a road game against a ranked team was 2014 19 attempts ago that was against Memphis so long ago that that was a conference game that’s astounding two head coaches ago in that time period they’ve won two

National championships so maybe that’s a fluke maybe it’s nothing but how about about this when they get in foul trouble with their bigs they’re a different team kinging early in this game yesterday gets in foul trouble he barely plays in the first half um height is their

Superpower I saw it first H firsthand last year against Miami at the final four I wish that game went differently but that’s what they have kinging 7 fo2 monster needed to be on the court when that didn’t happen uh kraton was lights out they they they shot lights out they

Were a buzz saw as Harley said Bill Barnell take away from Yukon going down this is not a throwaway the team game this was a reset the PlayStation game Yukon was three of 16 from three half their normal rate kadon 14 of 28 from three when the opposing team’s

Hitting 50% of their three-pointers against you it is going to be a tough night we always say the NBA can be a maker Miss League college basketball can be that Jay D you have a takeaway from Yukon going down yeah especially you just look at the three-point shooting

And often that tells the story of every basketball game these days so you’re going to have these off nights that there’s so much variance now right height might have been a bigger factor in the age when teams weren’t jacking up so many threes so you can Rite it off

The the problem is can you ride it off in the N blade tournament and that’s the one concern going forward is that can you find a way to win a game in the tournament and Advance when the three-point shots are going down and last night uh Connecticut didn’t showed

They could do one concern take away from last night’s number one law well once again I got to I got to agree it’s just three Point shooting you know this team against uh against Marquette when they crushed him over the weekend 13 for 23 from the three-point line Marquette was

Like five of 21 it’s such a dominant part of basketball right now whether it’s in high school or college or the pros we see it over and over again there’s so much Reliance on longdistance shooting that you die by it when you can’t hit it Kevin Clark stat that they

Don’t win on the road against ranked teams or good teams is that something or nothing J D for you it’s it’s a concern but it’s not a major issue if they’ve won championships including last year my can keep going on as long as you’re you don’t have to play

On the road per se in the NCA tournament it’s neutral sight although this year where’s the final fours in Phoenix and Arizona could be an opponent there right and maybe that would be more like okay maybe I’ll take that back there you go KC we’ll move on story we have field social media

Update which is not something Shirley Povich ever wrote but bag of s it if you like fans and reporters know Fields wasn’t following the Bears on Instagram but was following Kyle pittz and bejan Robinson then the gambling odds for Fields next team started moving because gambling on player trades is now

Something you can do and the Falcons became the favorite Fields has since told the investigative reporting team ofan Ras Brown and equinus a brown uh their podcast that he stopped following the Bears hand handle yes and the NFL’s handle yes because he doesn’t want football on his timeline right now in

That wide raging interview he also talked up the Pittsburgh Steelers so take that for what you will Bill Barnwell your takeaway What fields had to say and everything surrounding this uh investigation I don’t buy that Justin fields’s social media follows mean much of anything he’s following Justin

Jefferson and KJ Osborne so he wants to go to the Vikings but he’s also following Garrett Wilson and Alan Lard so he wants to go to the Justin Fields is going to be the auto QB for everybody in the NFL in 2024 I don’t buy that Justin Fields unfortunately has no

Control over where he goes this is not a Julio Jones from a few years ago where it was a guy making a lot of money trying to get a new deal or forcing his way out Justin Fields is going to be traded and we’re not going to find out

Where that happens most likely until we get past the combine we’re not going to only see what the Bears are going to do but also what those teams in the second tier the third tier the Steelers the Falcons the Raiders what they’re going to do if they’re going to trade up for

JJ McCarthy if they love B Knicks or if they’re going to go after Justin Fields instead we’ll find out more hopefully for Justin Fields sake in a couple weeks but not to Breeze past your headline then you believe a trade is coming 100% 100% a trade is coming Kevin Clark to

You yeah 100% a trade is coming and this is Justin field starting the process of trying to control something he cannot control geography is Destiny for a Young quarterback and Chicago 3 years ago was not a like he was failed by aing that didn’t

The best out of him he had this year the outside the pocket throws in the NFL at 30% he did not use the middle of the field enough he needed to be coach to do that more way too many deep shots I feel like with the right coaching staff he

Could really take off and by the way he’s the best available quarterback on the market that isn’t Kirk Cousins and so I think that this should be a bidding war and it should be one of those teams that wants to win now that can coach him up Kevin blackone your takea away from

The last two days worth the follows unfollows and of course this this interview today well St Brown in the digital age where social media is such a big thing and where people grow up in social media I’m not going to dismiss that his follows or unfollows on social

Media mean absolutely nothing and not only that if you’ve ever been around athletes in the midst of trade talks you know that some of them don’t take it too well um it’s a very diff them for their and they do like to as they say turn

That noise off so I can kind of understand why he would not want the NFL in his feed if he’s checking it all that all that often or the Chicago Bears because it might not be something that he wants to concentrate on J D Kevin you’re the oldest one on this

Panel you’re the one putting emphasis on social media and telling us we should follow it don’t you remember a couple years ago Kyler Murray unfollowed the Arizona Cardinals everyone speculated about what that meant what did it mean in 2023 he played for the Cardinals so I’m not putting any stock in follow

Follows or unfollows especially for someone that does not control where he will be playing next season that is in the Bears hands they’ll have to find the best deal for them the the the trade that makes the most sense and I think yes it makes the most sense to trade him

If for no other reason then you reset the clock on a rookie scale uh contract for your quarterback and we’ve seen how much that can help you put your team together I think black is still just in followed you ja uh I know what you said Bill about the minations of the combines

And and leading up to the draft there going to be a lot of you know Discovery the discovery process is amongst us but your gut right now on who’s in Play for Fields I would lean towards the Atlanta Falcons a team that needs a quarterback has pieces up front at receiver along

The offensive line they are set defense was better last year then a lot of people notice just the offense couldn’t take advantage to me they’re a team that could say hey we are one piece away from winning our division I don’t know that any of the other teams in the Justin

Field sweep Stakes whatever passes for the Justin field sweep Stakes can say that about their roster minus a quarterback Kevin Clark yeah Atlanta’s number one for me the two right behind it are teams that don’t seem to be involved at all Denver and Pittsburgh those are teams good

Offensive coaching staffs I think they could he could Thrive there I I would I would get involved if I was one of those team when you hear him talk about Pittsburgh like he did today on the podcast maybe there’s something black of stone he loves home seems like Justin

Field’s going home would be the the thing to do I mean he he Thrive there um they love him there why not go to a place which likes you as a place as opposed to a place you’re coming from which didn’t necessarily Embrace and J D I like Pittsburgh they certainly need

Him the question is would it be the best for him because they’ve had turmoil at the offensive coordinator uh spot as well morning will take a break right there adande 57 Blackstone 10 Clark 19 barnwall 15 you guys want a bonus make a Hall of Fame you’ll be a bonus there we

Go it only took 40 years the three of us should be allowed to team up against the dond 5753 much fairer score wondering what is the record in this gym ja Dand 57 points all-time scoring record Around the Horn history Sarah Spain 74 so here we go that was that was a

Halloween episode Hall of Fame bonus gets a Don of 57 let’s go around the hord buy or sell one college football playoff it’s a unanimous vote it needed to be a unanimous vote to approve the five plus s model for the 12 team playoff and here we go five highest

Ranked conference Champs most likely SEC Big 10 Big 12 ACC and then the next seven ranked teams at large in order ja what could possibly go wrong one thing that could go wrong is punishment for the bye now you can play Saturday and then have three weeks until

Your first playoff game if you’re one of the two teams that gets to buy also if you play the max four playoff games you’re talking a 17 Game season for a college football team that’s too much Kevin black it’s don’t you buy or sell

This new model no I got to sell it you know until the players get their their part of the pie but the other thing about this is is going to make everybody mad about the SEC even more because we just know that in the last four years

They looked at it you would have had four teams from the SEC and in 2023 six teams from the SEC more hate for Kevin Clark buy or sell this model I’m selling it six teams was always the perfect model there’s nothing that makes me feel worse than when my

Team loses a college football game that’s you staring into the abyss for a month after a tough loss I feel like you have to protect the best regular season in sports you have to protect the scarcity no sport does scarcity better than college football if a three or four

Team power two conference gets in team gets into the playoffs that starts the erosion of the entire sport protect regular season more Auto bids more Cinderella stores so you would have preferred a 16 play of all the models that were out there though buy or sell this

One I I would have got given a few more Auto bids I think I just think that that fewer fewer at large teams would be would be better I just hate the idea of the a fourth best team in the SEC getting that was in play they were think

It’s six and six it’s gone five plus seven now Bill Barnell fire sigh I’m selling Kevin’s point that this is going to start the erosion of the sport was it not the erosion of the sport when Florida state had a perfect season and didn’t make it to the playoffs last year

I mean it it it was this was a brutal situation that’s not going to be repeated because of this new system my only concern Saturday December 21st three semi-final games and the first NFL Saturday of the offseason on the same or season on the same day do not like that

Combo keep my NFL and my college football day oh I’m sorry you’re going to have a full day in your couch one will be in the afternoon the other will be in the evening the other will be late night it’ll work for you oh whoo is Barnwell we’ll move on Red Sox Camp

Raphael de is telling Red Sox front office to go get some help quote they need to make an adjustment to help us players be in a better position to win everybody knows what we need you know what we need and they know what we need KB by

Herself well I buy it and he said this uh ear in last season everybody knows what they need they need pitching they didn’t go out and get any but maybe he might want to share some of that $313 million salary that he get from the Red

Sox to bring it someing I don’t wow that’s a spicy take from Stone Clark yeah uh I I love everything about this I you know bad ownership is currently a plague of baseball we’ve seen it and that’s a new found thing in with the Red Sox only been the last

Couple of years but rich people respond to one thing shame and that’s what de is doing here I love I I don’t buy that that that that Rafel Des needs to share his income with the rest of the Red Sox roster John Henry just led a group of owners who invested

1.5 billion with a billion dollars into the PGA Tour this is a team that’s running a lower opening day payroll than they were in 2015 they could go out and sign Jordan Montgomery or Blake Snell and John Henry would not fat in high j d i buy the sentiment of course you want

To improve the team but you have to sell the impact when you have the team president saying that they’re paying attention to payroll it’s not going to go up so no they’re not investing that type of money in the actual Red Sox uh unfortunately though hey B I’m stunned

About your your argument here that R should be giving his money back to share the wealth you have another chance here go please that’s a good point I take my point back no I’ll take your points back thank you very much let’s go Around the Horn uh let’s talk about this jersey

Controversy the new baseball jerseys Nike Vapor Premier by Fanatics was engineered to improve once again Mobility moisture management and fit look at the lettering very small No Frills no customization the pants appear to be see-through at this point right can we agree with that players have told the union they’re unhappy with the

Uniform some described it as papery players have hashtagging Fanatics uh Fanatics responding we dropped the ball here Dan B Swanson was one that said the Cubs colors aren’t even right and I was waiting for the first long hyphenated name to come out Evan Grant covering the Rangers delivered with B character look

At that that is a parenthesis around his body Kevin Clark buy or sell these new jerseys I’m selling it I’m shocked Rob Manford said the criticism will eventually die out this goes to something that again is plaguing the entire sport right now which is the people making decisions don’t seem to

Love baseball the aesthetic in baseball was the best in any sport they undid it what in a week this is now what baseball is supposed to look like cubby blue is Cubby blue bring it back bring back the the the jerseys we love the hats we love everything Bill

Barnwell I’m selling it but it’s not about the jerseys it’s about monopolies Nike and Fanatics have an exclusive contract to make these jerseys and these monopolies work out they they hurt fans in every single aspect of sports whether it’s jerseys whether it’s video games whether it’s buying tickets to games the

Fact that you only have one source to get the thing you want is hurting fans because there’s no repercussions and these companies are getting paid regardless of whether they help the the sport you D there’s a good article in the Atlantic about this about basically the trade-off between Aesthetics versus

Performance that these manufacturers have to make but you know we’ll get over it in the 70s the traditionalists were upset that they went from the wool buttonup jerseys to the polyester pullovers now everybody’s nostalgic for those powder blue 1970s jerse I hear what you’re say me but your argument is

We’ll get over it very interesting argument there from Mr ad now Kevin blackistone to you it’s not about the Jersey it’s about the pants I don’t want anybody I don’t want to look at baseball players and see through their pants come on stop it if you want to if you want to

Let them cool off down the waist down then give them some of those gry lazinski shorts that the white socks wore shortly one year MH I do remember those too all right the band 60 there you go that’s where it stops for you today black ofone right here is where it

Stops for you today thank you I’m peeping the Corduroy though I see you there professor and Clark as well Barnwell aand D what type of Showdown is this if you were to chokey or lose after all the bonus you got that would be thrilling let’s go Yankees Camp look at

Sto look at ston he lost weight and look at judge something judge said I want your view of his toe which he missed almost half the season for last year Toren ligament after he ran at the Dodger Stadium will take constant maintenance for the rest of his career constant maintenance for the rest

Of his career is that an alarming thing he just said ja extremely alarming and to make it worse since my beloved Dodger Stadium is responsible did this to him on behalf of the city of La I apologize Aaron you believe it Bill Barnell how about you it’s ABS it’s absolutely a big concern

It single-handedly sank the big payroll the biggest roster in baseball last year at the Yankees so with a multi-year contract it has to be the biggest cont not a multi-year there decade left and he’s saying the rest of my career will not it will take maintenance that was a

Stunning thing to hear we’ll split the points we’ll move on in the history of own goal we have been own go so own goalie it’s a Gazo Philly Union playing in the KCK Gap champions league right before the start of the MLS season and it’s an own goal like that bill who do

You blame I blame bnus the defender this put it out into touch he’s Norwegian the best striker in the world earling Holland is Norwegian he’s not going to score a goal as good as that one all year I don’t know about that but yes uh Jay who do you

Blame you had to put something on the kick so the opponent wouldn’t get to it you blame the keeper it’s the Keeper’s job to keep the ball out of the oh no it’s the defender kick the ball out the keeper was in absolutely no man’s land D

You going to blow this showdown three Red’s Camp ell the crw foul ball up a hunter green into the players parking lot and found its way to Green’s back window broke the window green told De La Cruz that he’s going to have to pay for it Cruz said no

You make more money than me Red’s colist Mike petria reported all over this J who should pay the insurance should pay what like he can’t have a mayback and not have insurance on it accidents are going to happen that’s why you have insurance you hold him accountable I I I blame hunter

Green for parking the maybox so close to the stadium you got a second car bring the Subaru to to spring training leave the naok at home all right J and D you’re never going to lose point for sake the insurance company should have to work for the let’s go take your FaceTime Hall

Of Famer you deserve it thanks so much thanks for the Hall of Fame a quick microcosm of just how great things have been since I got the news phone call rings as Bob Ryan he has five words congratulations welcome to the club how cool is that speaking of the

Club it’s time to bring back the adande lounge a special occasion that calls for it Hall of Fame Edition Allstar Weekend Edition Gary Peyton is on the list Reggie Miller’s on the list Shaq is on the list Mitch Richmond’s on the list Nancy liberman’s in the club Annie Myers

Dale is in the club all welcome can’t wait to see all of you in Springfield there he is our Hall of Fame so happy for you J see fore foreign spee speee e speee fore foree foreign spe speech spee spee spee speech speee for doing good foree spee foree byeee hello take go

Ground foree for Fore speee a now St you by foreign spee fore spee fore speech for speee spee fore speech spech speech fore speech speee fore spee speee for


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