Golf Babe

Swinging Success: Highlights from The Lady Captains Golf Tournament by Croton Motors at Ruiru Sports

Gratitude in Full Swing! 🏌️‍♀️🎉
Our Managing Director, Francis Wanjuki, and Operations Director, Sophie Ndungi, extend heartfelt thanks at The Lady Captains Golf Tournament. Proud to be the title sponsors, their speeches reflect our commitment to excellence and community support.
Stay tuned for more highlights from this unforgettable event! #crotonmotors
#LadyCaptainsTournament #GratitudeInFullSwing #crotonmotors #golfers254 #golfkenya

This is thr on Motors the people who have given us this day they have put their resources their time their effort for them thank you very much coton for being here I will now request you to make I’ll give you six minutes not three thank you

Yes thank you very much uh good evening goas my name is Francis waj um the MD croon Motors and we are honored to be here I think this is our third time to being R and we always excited to come here we appreciate the effort that we

Have or rather we appreciate the the support we have received from members of Ral Club over the last one year for sure my team can say that we have gotten good business from this club now I’ve been given 6 minutes so be very quick uh where did we start croon

Motors we started in Japan from around year 21 uh I worked in Tokyo uh anyone who bought Vehicles all year 2305 all the way to 2010 most likely the car you bought was from A system that we created uh there was a company called trade cvw and what we did is we put

Together all the dealers in Japan those days if you remember at accessing internet was very hard and even the Japanese companies they didn’t have a single website to use so we we brought all the companies together and showed them how to export vehicles uh 18 years

Later here in Kenya we doing the same what we have done with this team um we literally take you to Japan two ways if you’re looking at importing a vehicle we have direct direct link to all the auctions in Japan we go to the auction just like the Japanese when we do that

What will happen is we’re able to lowerer your cost other than lower lowering your cost we able to assure you of the quality of a vehicle uh that you’re buying um why C again rooted from principles in Japan if you have to the Japanese people you find that trust is

The key thing so at protto we make sure that the information we give you from the condition of the vehicle the mileage and all that is all genuine what you realize is the auto the youth car market in Kenya is not very regulated so they I think

People think of going to a dealership and you have to get afraid to T because you’re not sure of what you be given I can promise you that we have a young energetic team that is always ready to support you it’s always exciting to see

Someone walk in all the way to the point that we sell a car to now we not only selling cars once in a you find that in your parking there is that car that has been there you’re wondering do I let go do I keep it and it’s

Holding again we are assisting our customers however you bring the vehicle to us and we’ll give you value for your money we ear a commission from the price of the vehle so we are not looking at suppressing the price we are looking at giving you the highest price POS so we

Are looking forward to you know having more and more people uh from Ro CL coming to us in protto now literally what we have done is more of Amazon but now we are dealing in vehicles we are shipping lots of vehicles we buying lots of vehicles

Every day we have lots of suppliers from Japan who have partnered with us we have a PO of more than 300 vehicles in the Kenyan Market that we cannot find uh in Japan I think we have a pool of more than more than a million car at any one

Typ be surprised to note that houses in Japan in a single day they auction roughly 10,000 car one sitting and each car sells in exactly 60 second so if you’re looking at buying a vehicle don’t worry about yes is what you have in in Kenya but if you think you want

Something special come to us give us the work relax and my team will make sure that you get uh your vehicle uh in good time uh now there’s something else we do for those who are from here who have bought a car from us anytime you buy a

Car from us we give you something else we give you a dozen trees our name proton is actually a tree Midori but what we felt is we called ourselves Midori Motors there might be a problem somewhere but here we are um so I want to invite the operation director to tell

Us a little more about our corporate social responsibility good evening members Lady Captain thank you I’ll take just one minute my name is Sophie I’m the operations director at our CSR now seeing that we are named after a tree we love trees and there’s a bit of a

History behind that but what we do for every car that we sell we give our customers 12 indigenous trees to to go and plant the reason the main reason is of course because the environment is extremely important we have all seen it’s now raining in January when I was

Small it used to rain on March 15th on the dot because it was predictable now it’s no longer predictable so we need the trees so that is one reason the other reason is because buying a car is a significant purchase we want you to remember remember even long some of

These trees because we give Maru walk we give the P we give the coton of course silver off by the time this trees mature the car May no longer be there but you will look back and remember on this day I made this purchase at proton Bots and

We want you to hold to those memories because we believe that selling your car is a beginning of a relationship and not just a transaction so that is in very very brief our CSR so we uh what we would want to do actually and I spoke I

Was here last week for The KES tournament and I spoke with the captain and we agreed that we are going to Fashion a tournament around planting trees we are ready to sponsor a th000 or 2,000 trees to plant um here so we are going to discuss behind the scenes and

Invite all of you to come back play a bit but also plant trees together and I believe that would be really exciting so thank you very much sponsor before you go there’s somebody else I want to make a a short spe Nick good evening

All uh my name is Nick a I’m in charge of digital marketing and social media and social media so through this campaign we’ve been working closely with Lady C and yeah I’m I’m glad to see that it’s been a great campaign our online marketing has done really well and like

To thank her for the opportunity thank you thank you very much and I thought if you allow me or don’t mention we have a team of 11 people willing to serve you any time doesn’t mean that you only come to us when you’re buying a car when you

Have a question your gu is talking to you in Japanese I speak Japanese she speaks Japanese we’ll be able to translate that for you and also we are looking at growing our team if you have someone young at home who you think can join this team we hiring


  1. Croton motors the best car dealership🔥🔥🔥, Honesty, prompt response and readiness to serve is a pack from them apart from their CSR, 101times i recommend Croton motors🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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