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World’s Strongest Woman u82kg | 2023 Official Strongman Games

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Really enjoying this event actually it’s um it’s really good to see I I’ve already said it like this is separating out the best athletes in the world which is exactly what we’re here for momentum is a phenomenon that we appreciate very heavily in the sport of strongman and we

Are surely starting off the 2023 SBD official strongman games with some momentum we are we are how how badly do you want to go out there and give this medle a try so bad even the block that you’ve never done before even I mean if it was a little bit lighter that would

Be great so I could just get a little shot well you got to warm up into it yeah got warm up into it I I might stay back tonight give it a shot I don’t blame you and I you know just the fact that that anchor Yol has been such a

Challenge for everyone for me personally that’s the one that I really want to get under just kind of feel that wobble factor I for the athlete that overpowers it successfully gets it up there that’s got to be so satisfying oh definitely and because again we’ll say it again

These athletes have not had access to this implement this is something we we’ve never really seen before so for them to then come in and you know be one of the many few that again to try this is amazing but then to be able to press

It they’re going to be so happy with themselves now we saw our fastest finish so far out of Andrea Thompson with 32 seconds and change and we saw Lauren Ryder right now with a 40c finish here’s the question will we see a sub3 second time at any point through the day this

Event I’m not sure I’m not that’s that would be a very quick time and with the stability I would rather see these athletes take their time and finish it than try and rush it so i’ put the open category it might might happen we’ve got Rebecca Roberts extremely fast amazing

Athlete very strong allrounder like Andre so what do you think if we think well if we think of it in terms of how much time they have per imp if we’re finishing in sub 30 seconds that’s 7 Seconds including transitions that’s tough the has to be just pinpoint

Precise every single step of the way and sure it’s one thing on the barbell or the dumbbell but when it comes to that anchor you when you’ve got the wobble when you do when we’ve seen that the athletes that take their Time Rack it take their breast and stabilize same for

The block that’s how they get it that is very true so it comes down to do we have any gamblers POS in strong man you know we have seen things be done that we never thought possible so we might we might for me an athlete that stands out in

Memory of someone who takes those chances for the sake of speed I’ve seen it from Alexi novakov over and over again I agree yeah he is one of those ones I think of oh if you’re going to take a chance he’s the guy that pulls it

Off let’s do it I don’t know I I mean judging by the fact that we have 380 athletes just the Supreme Talent from all across the world in upwards of 30 countri countries I think we see it I think we see a sub3 second time and Andre Thompson got very close 32 seconds

Wow she was incredible she was incred so never say never no because you don’t know what is possible in this sport we have we’ve got amazing athletes here today as well experienced athletes very strong technical athletes I’m not I’m not going to say anything because I I’m excited just to

See one of the greatest phenomena that have observed throughout my career as a strongman is that the athletes who get to watch the other classes go throughout the day whether or not it’s their same sex whether or not it’s a similar weight class just because they see something

Done they know it can be done they know it can be done fast that kind of paves that mind to muszle connection before they even step out into the field and some amazing things tend to happen as the day progresses in terms of uh all the athletes taking to the field I agree

And that competitiveness comes in you see that time you think oh okay I’ve done this time in training it’s possible I can do this can I get faster you know and the adrenaline starts pumping when you see there competitors out there when you see your friends out there cuz we

Are you know strong man is a community we’re all friends so it does I still I think I don’t know some like you said anything I don’t anything’s possible I don’t want to say even historically seeing that bar consistently set from one year to the next of what we thought

Was the limit of human performance and then that gets broken and challenged every year I love it oh so do I and that’s why we have implements new implements like this is because the standard is so high now in these athletes that we need we need to push

Them in different ways and we’ve seen that we have to do it looks like our equipment and stag is set for our next class of athletes our women’s 82 kilo class we’ll take to the field and it will be a full four athlete run oh in Lane number one Stephanie

Bano Pano of Canada in Lane number two Nadia Stowers of USA in Lane number three Josie de lash V verier I will again improve on that one throughout the day I guarantee it and in Lane number four Stacy Scott of USA so we’ve got Nadia Stowers there who we

Know is the current under 82s Champion Lane number three let me try that again Josie de rier of Canada I’m going to get better throughout the day I will you’re amazing athletes deserve it they really do they really do but yeah we have um four amazing athletes up

Here with our current under 82 Champion Nadia Stow storm as she likes to go by yes I know straight on to the dumbbell there wow did you see the speed and she is going on to I mean that was a going to see it she got 10 seconds if she wants that sub3

Second time come on are we going to see it are we going to see it we’re struggling with that block get that picked up she’s got it in her lot she is taking her time making sure it’s in the right position wow wow strict press the Yol and around a

40c finish right there from Nadia sters a bit of a fumble with that gripping cost her some time but we have Stephanie and Josie both raising their hands up giving it everything they got well done ladies that was amazing from Nadia there made it right to the end got got the block

Push like you said a little bit of a stumble there but she was just really taking her time and I think that was a sensible thing to do I had the pleasure of sharing the competitive field at the uh ihgf California stones of strength with niio towers and she is an absolute

Monster just so much raw power in every every time she gets to exhibit her strength and we saw it right there with that strip press I know you haven’t gotten to do a block but from my personal experience if you do have that raw shoulder power and if you can

Straight press it then that’s less moving Parts you’re going to have a little bit more sustain control we saw it from Andre Thompson we saw it from Nadia sters that’s the way to go but the big thing if you have the power yes and I agree I think that would be my choice

Of you know technique going into that would be trying to but we have had a weight increase I mean that block is now 168 lb 76 kilos it’s big all right Heat number two Ashley Crawford USA Lane 1 qara Taylor USA in Lane 2 Alexander Barrett USA in Lane three and angelene

Bva France in Lane number four know but all our viewers you will see the weights of each Implement in pounds as we are in the United States right there in the white numbers throughout the the lanes massive massive implements Crawford so [Applause] explosive these ladies are really incredible off Lane also successful 113

Lb now Crawford was such a spectacle to watch at OSG last year she is one of those athletes that just has cannons built into her sleeves it is incredible to watch her over that ability 20 seconds remaining 20 seconds to make through here she’s going for the strip

Press trying to strip press that up 10 seconds under that strict press seems to be zapping a lot of power and time um ran out of time there heat to unfortunately nobody made it to the block but these are big weights 195 lb 88.5 kilos on the barbell 113 lb 512

Kilos on the dumbbell 212 lb 96 kilos on the anchor Yol and 168 lb 76 kilos on the Block they are big they are heavy and they will leave craters if we did not have the ample protection I mean 96 kilos on that Yol is that is heavy

Weights thought is enormous weights heat three in Lane one Rachel black of USA in Lane number two Samantha Gabel USA in Lane number three Donna moli USA and in Lane number four Sarah Halifax of Australia one PN Nicol of this class the 82 kilo class of athlete is an impressive one to watch this is where you have the athletes with some of the larger frames but really acing on as much lean muscle as they can it uh creates very much a predator you

Know just a force to be reckoned with this is my class this is where I would compete in under 82s and the weights that these ladies are lifting I mean throughout all the categories but the 82s is just absolutely incredible some of the weights they are lifting but completely doable as we seen

From Nadia stas and all these ladies need is to see it done once know it’s possible yeah that’s the thing it is possible oh take the strength is there it’s that stability at the top still you just got to you know really work on that and training practice that stability at the

Top cuz that is where a lot of people lose it they have that strength there but it is tough oh my goodness DNA so she gets the down command she did get it good she had a straight arm lockout let’s go oh but that was big points for Donna

Right there in the nick of [Applause] time this is one of the few events that I would say in terms of Kit and supportive gear a helmet might be something I don’t know if it’s allowed in the rules but I could easily see the applications I agree I agree I mean that

Would I think it would give us a little bit more boost of confidence KN we have that head support there all right Heat number four Maria sley of us USA Sophia Sharp Lane 2 USA Sarah Sarah lanzillo USA in Lane 3 and Samantha goggin USA in

Lane four all four American Lanes here I want to call attention to Sophia sharp in Lane number two I met her last year at the OSG Southwest Regional in Houston as a qualifier to this and she was 16 years old at the time wow so if she

Might be either 17 or 18 now but a very young athlete very tall athlete but she has made it to OSG repeatedly that just speaks to some talent and her ability and still a long way to go in her her strength Journey with being so young go everybody

Down 67 time of the fourl each impl has Bre Maria and Sarah threw onto the monster Dumbbell Sarah going onto that yoke now rushing that little first lift there she’s really got to take her time now she’s stabilizing that o no she needs to just take advice and compose herself as we said that is the key component here on yeah you can see

How wobbly that yoke is even picking up with control you have to be patient with it she was just so rushed in her attacking and I don’t blame her I mean the gas metal has to be on but those shoulders are [Applause] fried Sophia and Samantha a little bit stuck on that

Barbell but 195 lb 882 kilos on the bar that’s huge and that’s just the first of four wow as I said I’m an under 82 athlete myself and my Max overhead with the wheels like that is only 80 kilos that is 8 8.5 kilos above what I can e impressed

Massive Heat number five Nicole Nicole white of Australia in Lane one Sam Bello of Canada in lane two Megan Clark of Australia in Lane three and Jessica Galler of USA in lane four so obviously we have got Sam here who has the world record for the circus dumbbell so

Obviously an amazing pressor so I’m expecting good things here a good friend of mine and someone who I’ve had the pleasure of just getting to see refine her athletic ability from one year to the next and she was a phenomenal performer at the sh Classic this year

Yes she was she came second am I right she did I’ve watched her journey from when she started um strong woman and she has progressed so so well I’ve been really looking forward to um seeing her compete Composing herself there getting the chalk on ready put an extra On what are we waiting for here tell lady to stand down that’s a tough thing when the athletes are so amped up and ready and primed yeah and like okay hold on for a second I think that comes with experience as well being able to have that switch something that

I know a lot of athletes struggle with and it’s it’s a waste of energy when you can’t can’t just switch that off that’s well said being able to toggle that switch is an essential skill and it’s not one that we see in a lot of the rookies as they’re very Green in

Terms of their competitive experience but that’s uh that’s one way that they get better is by immersing themselves in these high level where the stakes are high where you do have to have that ability to turn that switch off or else it reveals itself in taking away from

Your athletic potential and you have to go and have that experiences and make those mistakes with that energy that you have and you have there only way to learn how to turn off is by coming to events so all we’re seeing right now on the stage is that we are getting those

Athletes yok Heights exactly where they need to be and again this is where these athletes have crept so diligently and worked so hard sacrificed so much to be here here we want to give them their due time in the Limelight to really exhibit their skill and

Strength and this is what we want to see you want to see accuracy there from the crew as well because like you said these athletes have worked so hard and for a small mistake to be made like the Yol pipe being wrong could completely ruin their their um event here here we Go wow beautiful from s beautiful fast clean and it’s straight into the press a straight power clean from her too easy dumbell there absolutely flying oh little stumble take your time Sam wow she block she’s going onto the block come on Sam we also have mle and Megan on to the

York Sam is going to go for that block can she get [Applause] it you see the fatigue kicking in here in those Shoulders she was holding it for a long time on her chest I can just imagine how much that took out of her she’s got time now come on nothing to lose oh and they’re just out of time didn’t quite make it the speed on that first three implements was incredible that yoke was

A a little bit of a stumble on the first pickup but when she picked up it was Speedy in the second time but unfortunately that awkward block she did have to really hold that lock out for her down her down command and I I want to imagine that took a bit

Away from the Block performance and she held that block for a long time too but lightning speed lightning speed regardless do you think we’ll let introduce these ladies we’ll discuss this bit after we have got the next heat up and Lane number one of

Heat six is kin prow of USA in lane two Donna Moore of England in Lane three Aaron Murray of USA and in Lane number four Chelsea held USA we have some amazing athletes coming out here in this one so again another exciting heat Donna Moore Aaron Murray still two

Athletes fresh off the world’s strongest Nation exactly Donna Moore three times world’s strongest woman I’m excited for this I always appreciate Aon Murray’s facial art that she comes out to OSG with it peering into her philosophies going into these contests it really helps her take a very competitive Persona kind of tuning out

The the normal version of Aon that we see and just the Savage athlete that is ready to claim that world’s strongest title I absolutely love it it’s it’s like flipping that switch she’s got that the makeup on she’s ready this is going to be one to watch oh I’m

So excited I’m so excited and the hairs on my arms are standing up Goosebumps and we are off here we go off M Aaron muray wow on Chelsea Chelsea is a force [Applause] herself wow we have got Chelsea and eron onto the Yol and they like neck and neck

Now who is going to take the lead here oh did she get it she got it she got it wow I love seeing that pause from Aaron before she went to the Press Aaron on the Block come on we got Donna and Chelsea on the York as

Well Aaron Murray on the Block she’s going to get it oh she gets it wow that was Incredible Aaron Murray we’ll see that Donna and Chelsea both struggling so frustrating so frustrating we know that Donna MO is a phenomenal presser she really really is we’ve seen that from Chelsea as well just that yoke that yoke it separates everyone out it is it really really is it is separating out

The the top but what a performance from Ain oh Inc yeah I know just absolutely incredible Erin you know she did a small dip but it was pretty much a strict PR there wasn’t much power coming from those likes that grind was all shoulders it really was and that there’s something extra

Respectable about Aaron is her background comes from a much lighter weight class athlete yes that’s so she was an under 73s athlete and then decided she was moving Up2 41 41 07 seconds Nadia sters is our event leader amazing incredible but Aaron Murray was not far behind and we were talking about Aaron just now this is undeniably the strongest most well-framed version of Aaron that we’ve seen so far definitely incredible athlete absolutely incredible we’ve seen

Both Nadia and Erin at strongest nation and they just blw me away being the light the lighter athletes there they were just absolutely incredible I was blown away Way by their you know their strength and power and their mindset as well just just amazing I’ve got no words

For those two athletes that was that was a nailbiter right there I yeah that was but even Chelsea in Lane number four yes let’s not forget that because we have all the outs are amazing but Chelsea yeah that first two implements flew neck neck with yeah and just unfortunately the Yoke that

Yol it’ll do it definitely want to try it now that’s exactly I want to try it it just it screams Challenge and as if things weren’t heavy enough you’re seeing all of the blue shirts on the field right now changing every single one of these stand or submit pressing implements for our

Women’s Open Class 215 lb 97 12 kilos will be loaded to the barbell 123 lb 56 kilos on the dumbbell 242 lb 110 kilos on the anchor yolk 188 lb 852 kilos on that block wow I mean yeah just Dr jaw-dropping weights it just yeah I don’t have any words for those weights

To be honest because that is crazy but like you said we are at the OSG World final this is the open category we have to expect this weits I’m I’m still wrapping my mind around it because some we got the under 82 women we got Nadia Stowers four reps

41.9 seconds followed behind are Erin Murray for reps 43.94 seconds not far behind then we have Sam how do you pronounce it bellu Bello B okay and she’s got three reps at 21 seconds then we go down to Megan Clark in ninth place with two reps 18.53% only the top two managed to

Complete all four lifts and only Sam was the one to get all three every other athlete only got the first two you’re right you’re right incredible incredible then we have got Stephanie Bano with two 23.4 6 seconds with Sarah Halifax in 15th Place two reps 45 28 seconds then

We have the remaining ladies there Stacy Scott Alexander Barrett Rachel black again beaten by that barbell and those ladies there 53 lb wow we’ve got Stacy in Lane number one she is Off 530 lb started to move with ease for Stacy Incredible Stace Stacey gets it off the Stones get a hang on Dix 200 lb little STS 165 good start with those stones a little bit wobbly there looking at her hands she’s feeling it although wobbly the combined weight here is only 365 lbs compared to 530 lb frame she’s looking good but just Falls a bit short of the time

Cap I have to say one thing that I was thinking as I was watching Stacy come towards us is how awesome it is that we have such a massive timber frame that STI and stone has built that now our women’s class competitors get to lift and carry the

The only frames I’ve seen in history have been the ones at the Arnold Classic Stage and that was exclusively for the heavyweight men’s open but now every athlete here is getting to lift a big wooden frame and I just think it is so freaking cool I agree I think it’s

Absolutely amazing that that you know it’s taken from the men’s open you know and and been putting the OSG World Finals which is absolutely incredible giving these athletes the chance you know and showing them that they are top athletes too and they deserve the best of equipment and best of events and

They’re proven that today these are the world’s best and Heat 2 takes the stage Samantha Goggins of USA in Lane one Jessica Galler of USA in Lane 2 kayin prow of USA in Lane number three and Samantha Gable of the USA in Lane number [Applause] [Applause] four and we are off and we’ got Samantha in Lane number four got a good pick up there but a little Stumble the ladies are struggling here see Jessica l number two really grind him for that maybe just needs to stand up a little bit more she can before moving every inch counts and kayin prow on Lane three she’s not getting it up but it is sliding I’m wondering what

Sort of Judge calls are going to be made for that yeah she’s not going to get that it’s slideing up Come on B and there goes the slide we seeing some sliding here we are not allowed any sliding oh there we go now we’re going Samantha is off wowow she found her

Groove at the very last few seconds she found it at the [Applause] end that’s unfortunate it took a minute but she got that she didn’t give up again I’ll say it again just show us this is why you don’t give up you don’t know where your burst of energy is going

To come from from and you’re going to be able to move by Implement I believe I saw that the judges are not going to give any credit to Lane number three because every inch forward was a slide but can’t help but admire it I mean she she tried she tried

And her strength was causing it to move so there is that our next group of athletes number one all right now we get some more nationalities out here Heat number three at Lane one Ashley bva front in Lane number two Sarah Halifax of Australia in Lane number three qara

Taylor USA and in Lane number four Maria stakley of the [Applause] USA okay our ladies are ready Hands here we go Angeline in Lane one is moved it and Maria in lane four lane two lane three struggling a little bit there to get that Going 530 lbs struggling to move but Lanes one and four are finding a way to get it done come on Angeline and Maria going in front again just pick it up and moving it just a little bit more every time come on you can see that is just crushing the hands absolutely Brutal just see the hand it’s just not the grip must be going on that it is a lot of weight to carry well that was a lot of reps of deadlift that was just incredible I mean the pickups were easy the pickups were easy it’s just that that hands just seem

To not want to keep a grip of that it’s frustrating it is but it’s heavy weight is very heavy absolutely heavy weight see 80 kilos that’s about 180 pounds that these athletes have to weighing at at 530 lb this is getting dangerously close to that triple body weight range I

Mean that’s that’s no joke that is no joke double body weight is one thing but triple body weight wow in Lane number two from Canada Stephanie Pano all right heat four in Lane one Ashley Crawford of USA in Lane number two Stephanie bisano of Canada in Lane

Number four Donna moli USA and in Lane number three Megan Clark so Lane three was Donna and Lane four is Megan Clark we should start seeing some faster Pace on these events now as we move up the leaderboard hopefully seeing some more distance on those frames as we said

Before those stones might be getting a bit lonely yep I think they are don’t want them to get too Cold some final adjustments to the frame on Lane one now these frames by sticks and stone have some adjustable handles where the athletes could have I believe adjusted their pick Heights check this out on the screen that’s the shoulder frame of World’s Strongest Man Mitchell Hooper has now

Dawned an official strongman game shirt with the custom title on the back world’s strongest helper world’s strongest helper right there can’t deny it and we are off we’ve got Ashley in Lane one taking off and we’ve also got Megan Clark in lane four this is incredible Ashley Crawford unbreakable grip

Whatever adjustments needs to be made I’m glad they were because she was a force on that frame and she jumped out of that frame we didn’t think we’d see it but she hopped right out she doing a good job keeping those stones on the lateral aspect of her of her

Cales she’s doing a really good job here do not those down go this is incredible wow Ashley Crawford with the unbreakable grip incredible I believe she finished in a time of 4535 4535 our a new leader I believe yes correct as Crawford well done not one drop not one that was incredible and

There we have it it can be done we still have two more Heats in this weight category in this class completing the entire course your time is 4535 seconds it’s USA is Ashley [Applause] Crawford world’s strongest helper right there Mitchell Hooper sled pushing the frame across the distance for a quick

Reset and we got we got Joe there our camera guy right in the frame and Joe is the man responsible for all the heart pounding opening sequences we see that really get the the audience and us going yeah get the blood pumping getting the adrenaline going for the audience Heat

Number five in Lane one Donna Mo of England in Lane number two Nicole right of Australia in Lane number three Sarah lanzillo of USA and in Lane number four Chelsea held USA we have got Donna more in front of us right now we do and she’s going to come charging toward us I’m

Pretty sure oh Joe why’ you have to get out of the way you were our line of defense get back yeah but Chelsea held was very impressive on that first she was very lot of that Dark Horse potential let’s hope we see that again

John Donna a bit slow on that wow and I think we have got Dark Horse in Nicole white here little bit slow on the pickup for Donna yes but she is still in second here Nico R close Donna is using that front pick technique nothing Donna does is by mistake Oh and we’ve got Nicole in lane two going for the [Applause] Stones Nicole White little slide that from Don’s been told no she has to lift it over the line where she has you see how heavy this Frame is when you’ve got an AR like Don Mo struggling there Nicole white get very close to the finish line but not quite there incredible everybody everybody coming

Off really struggling with the hands I love how it’s habit at this point with any grip event for a strong man or strong woman athlete to just instinctually look at the hands and make sure everything’s still intact yeah is everything there am I missing a finger missing some skin

But near triple body weight on the frame I mean that’s that’s a lot of tension it is okay I think we our final heat coming out now nus sters wearing the gold shirt in Lane number one we’ll have Josie deer of Canada in Lane number two s Bello

Canada Lane number three Aaron Murray USA and in Lane number four Nadia sters USA unites Lane go come go a lot of Canadian support behind us you can hear of course we have Maxim bu and Mitchell Hooper right at the finish line for their fellow Canadian athletes all the way all the way a lot of support from the right now just making sure everything is add

In checking her Stones there making sure she’s happy she is to take off here now this is going to be exciting go we go and we are off wow eron muray is taking off but Nadia goes behind her neck and neck now Nadia takes it jumping out of her flame

Heading back for those [Applause] stones Aaron is right there wow Nadia is a away solid walking there perfect steps with those stones Nadia gets it Ed and not far behind her [Applause] wow Sam Belo giving [Applause] everything plenty of time 20 seconds left that just goes to show you how fast and Aaron

Were little bit more come on well done good effort there from the ladies but Nadia wow okay our placings for our women’s under 82 kilo class Nadia sters our first place Finisher 33.3 1 seconds with Aaron Murray in second 37.2839 measurement 66′ 2 in and all the other athletes getting that measurement

Falling a bit short of completing the total distance but making a respectable score nonetheless 11th Place Samantha Gable carries it for 17 ft three and a half 3 point three and a qu inch Sarah lanzillo 15′ 8 in Chelsea held 11′ 8 in we have 8

Foot 3 in by Jessica Galler and Donna mccoi 5′ Z in with five athletes in this sheet right here failing to leave the starting line we’ve got some incredible energy from the audience today as well absolutely incred incredible look at Samantha Goggins really sticking that lock out and Sophia sharp working so

Hard to get points she gets it yes sucess opening up with a 405lb bar that is big for any single one of these athletes 184 kilos that is heavy bar Second 20 seconds it’s time for these girls to get it under 10 really trying there Samantha really pulling on that bar it just wasn’t moving points on the board is I know some of these athletes didn’t have any points after yesterday but now they have points and it is absolutely incredible to watch them just give it their absolute all Heat number two will take

The Arena floor Sarah Halifax of Australia in Lane number one qara Taylor of the USA in lane two Stephanie bisano of Canada in Lane one and Donna moli of USA in Lane number Foure l number four for the USA On the whistle has blown we are off two that deadlift good thre there for Donna and sah Lane one lane four Stephanie coming up not very close behind in Lane three good at 45 lb on the 455 as well good LIF on that second bar for S Hol Fox Sarah really taking her time and getting composed but you notice every athlete strapped up to this bar for that first bar and on Donna struggling to get that bot up just that right side that right arm pulling down what what do you think is up with that what what’s up

With that teetering bar there maybe her she’s a little bit off off sighted her arm maybe I felt like her arm was maybe a little bit further than the other one I’m not sure it was too hard it’s quite hard to see here Sarah Halifax of Australia successfully lifts that fourth

Bar but here we have our next Heat of athlete just Galler of USA in Lane 1 Chelsea held of USA in Lane 2 Josie deer of Canada in Lane three and Sarah lanzillo of USA in Lane number four I feel like with the flex In These Bars

You’re going to have to be a bit more precise with your hand position and feet position making sure everything’s very Central everything is the same both sides because there is more risk of that going log sided absolutely even being a centimeter off is going to be uh I don’t

Want to say the word backbreaking but it will it will throw off one’s balance for sure and we’ve seen that there you know the hips were the left side looked really good but the right side just wasn’t coming through and unfortunately didn’t get the LI Chelsea held the PACE Center no

Straps maybe she does have some straps but some very small ones Chelsea of course wow that third one was better than the second one she’s getting into the swing of it now and again come on A well executed hitch from Chelsea 560 lbs come on we want to get behind Chelsea we want to see this fifth bar come on you can just see how the back starts round as it tries to leave the ground there she’s leaving it there she’s leaving there she has got more events

She was very very fast oh she’s trying to no chelse thought about it she thought about it she’s been so impressive to watch thus far blazed through those lifts she has been one to watch very strong performance from Chelsea there our next Heat Sarah Gable of USA in Lane number

One angelene bva of France in Lane number two Rachel black of USA in Lane three and Maria sley of USA in Lane number four 560 lbs wow that’s just such a massive bar to be ominously awaiting these athletes at the end of this ladder 254 kilos I mean wow Lane number three

Rachel United States Lane number foury the USA beautiful W there from both Maria and Samantha incredible perhaps a bit rushed by Rachel black kind of getting a lean on the bar but Maria stakley so explosive and fast we have Samantha Gable and Maria head-to-head Lan one and Four Maria it’s no match for Her 25 sucessful sucessful now three the four coming up the with 15 seconds left yes Maria come on get it up let’s go come onow that she wow I think if she was able to get that bar above her knee it would have been locked but definitely

Definitely was just getting up past that little bit and that’s so frustrating when you get and you’re like you know if it can just get up a little bit more you’re going to get the Rip but it is a sticking point for a lot of people yeah

It is and so far Chelsea held is the only athlete to make it to that final bar however a big heat comes up Donna Moore of England in Lane one Sam Bello of Canada in lane two Stacy Scott USA in Lane three and Megan Clark of Australia

In Lane number four of course Donna former world’s strongest woman we’re going to expect big things from her s Bello impressive ly strong performances all year including at this year’s sha classic she will be at both the Arnold USA and UK next year so definitely something to prove from Sam there and

Then we’ll see how Stacy and Megan both do here this is a stacked heat our second to last Heat in the women’s under 82 kilo class and it has been exciting so far with our current leader Chelsea held with four bars and 31.2 seconds can we see that beat I

Think we will and it’ll happen here I think so let’s go ladies there we go s Bello wow wow Sam absolutely flying still no stps she did start to slow a little bit but I can think of 495 reasons Why did you see that see a little bit off that makes the difference it was a tiny bit as she pulled up that far Donna Mo powering through good LIF here we here we are the crowd in here today is absolutely [Applause] electric Megan fighting that come on

Megan Megan Falls a bit short unfortunately this where you see that experience Donna Mo gets her composure but it is Hefty I’m wondering if Donna’s time is enough to beat Chelsea Hells s Bello leaving all in the field our final heat the highest placers after day one

Nicole white of Australia will take Lane number one lane two will be Ashley Crawford of USA Lane three Aaron Murray of USA and Lane number four NAD STW USA 31 second byel still in first place and we heard it there Chelsea held still in the lead Lane so far we have got one

Heat left L this is the last one for the under 82 ladies here we go Nadia br absolute Powerhouse is she she’s very wide deadlift though just Ed not far behind her also Ashley uh Crawford Nadia blowing through it our new leader and she’s going strapless on this last bar can she get

It can she get it Nadia sters [Applause] wow wow no straps Ashley Crawford right right behind her money come on don’t think we see it out of Aaron I am uh I did not think we were going to see it with such ease and to make such a statement Nadia starers here

We have it the official scores Nadia Stars first place five bars in 25.53 seconds Ashley Crawford not even a full 5 seconds behind her the only two women to get all five bars capping off that massive dead deadlift ladder we have Aaron Murray 22.8 n seconds for four

Bars Chelsea held 31.2 seconds for four bars and the only other athlete Miss donore herself four bars in 31.9743 bars in 34.9 3 seconds and angelene Bera the only other lady to get all three of those first four bars every other athlete getting very valuable points but either getting only two or

One bar points on the board even Sophia sharp one bar our youngest athlete there 2136 seconds I loved to see it it gives me chills to think of what such a young athlete competing against this High Caliber of Predator what’s her future got in hold do you think well exactly She’s So Young

She’s still learning got experience and she’s in a place like this already I can only imagine what’s coming for her she it’s obviously very determined very motivated individual if I’m correct she’s 17 W if I’m correct she’s 17 she was 16 when I met her I want to say so

She’s not even over 18 yet and she’s competing with the likes of Donna Moore of Aaron Murray of here we go first lot of under2 ladies let’s see it Sophia sharp and kayin prow head to-head on that6 73 kilo [Applause] bag hey take your

Time this is big 225 lbs this is a big bag I like how Sophia did not let it fall she’s taking out and kin let it follow the away to fix it Alexandra Barrett gets the bag Up she’s fighting it come on finish it girl yes come [Applause] on see she is leaning forward a little bit she’s not really leaning back into it but she’s keeping up that pace she keeping seconds can’t she make 10 seconds she’s going to make it she knows she’s almost

There she’s pulling she’s pulling don’t slip now come on finish it finish [Applause] it that’s so unfair well okay it’s unfair in her in our eyes she fell that she fell we are testing the athletes total comprehensive strength and as much as people don’t want to include it in the label of

Strength coordination Precision agility those are all different types of strength and it’s a it’s a hard thing to do when you’re so exhausted she was the only athlete in that heat to get her tombstone down to that sled but big points however after Heat won this go Ru survival challenge has

Yet to be completed by our women’s 82 kilo class I’m looking at these bags now and I’m thinking with those backpacks on even with the straps around there is going to be some movement in that backpack as you lean forward how what’s the effect on that picking up that Tombstone bag from such

A low pickup well that’s the thing right is I’ve noticed you really don’t want that Tombstone to go down flat because it makes it even lower but I’m looking where these athletes have that harness support and if any of them are even wearing a belt underneath that too now

On the stomach and abdomen section you have a very almost slippery kind of area to where you don’t have that grip where the the stomach’s ability to conform around the object it might be harder to have a secure gripping just speaker Galler in Lane 1 USA Sarah Halifax Australia Lane 2

Patara Taylor USA Lane three and Stephanie basy G Canada in lane four so I do think that bag poses a different challenge in terms of having the backpack on yes I do I’m now watching it and that bag’s coming forward as you’re leaning into it such a low

Pickup um I think that would be challenging Absolut see the bag see how it it just that slight movement lean forward but Sarah Halifax of Australia is is off and moving very well with this 225 lb 102 Kil sandbag we’re going to have a finish here and it’s going to be

Fast nice Pace from s there in lane two let’s keep moving come on let’s finish it be the first under 182 to finish it come on and she does it has got to be empowering to know that she’s the first to see all of her other competitors still so far behind her she’s

Elated still got time I think we’re going to see another finisher here the still Time come on she’s going to get it she did it my thighs are burning watching that finish right there such a [Applause] grind we have a new event leader completing the [Applause] [Applause] course3 43.8 second Sarah Halifax of Australia our leader our Pace Setter in Heat number two but we have four more Heats to go with some serious contenders in this Predator class oh yes team number three Rachel black of the USA will be in Lane one Donna moli of

The USA in lane two Stacy Scott USA in Lane number three and Samantha Gable USA Lane four another All American heat our next l two SC four [Applause] there we go Stacy Scott Lane three look at those long stries as much as I want to say

That that spherical bag is going to be what determines who wins that Tombstone is a full 65 lbs heavier this is where we see the athletes filter apart from each other yeah nice pick up from lane two and look edes ahead of [Applause] Stacy take your pick it [Applause] up this is going well let’s go don’t quit every Donna moli finishes in about 45 or about 46 seconds slightly slower than our leader Sarah Halifax but a very strong finish [Applause] nonetheless this Tombstone bag is proven very difficult at this weight of 102 kilos [Applause]

225 Lane one is down but plenty of people around her she just needed a break she’s okay she’s okay let’s give a round of applause people the effort that these athletes are putting in you know we’ve SE we’ve seen a few passing out and falling over today just pushing themselves to their

Limits there’s a moment there where it’s a bit scary oh you know they’ve got this massive bag they’re carrying they’ve got a massive weight on their bags they’ve got whatever supportive gear but I love how quickly our staff is there Mitch Hooper right there on the scene quick

She’s good the thumbs up is always a a breath of relief not I mean for us one thing but especially her right and breathe she’s okay she taking a minute there just to yes recompose herself that would that is the sensible thing to do but Sarah Halifax will remain our

Equipment leader and we will move on to heat number four Angeline Vera of France in Lane one Sarah lanzillo of USA in Lane number two Maria sty of USA in Lane 3 and jie de of Canada in Lane number four Lan number two the United States l [Applause] numbera [Applause] [Applause] 160 lb 73 kilos in the sphere Maria stakley Angeline not far behind sprting back to that B can we see a nice F clean pickup here Angeline good keeping it nice and low but that’s that makes it a little bit tougher if you can get it higher you’re

Going to move quicker with it but it’s getting it from that low pickup that seems to be throwing everyone when that bag gets so bottom heavy it is very easy with every step for it to want to pull itself free but Sarah lanzillo has a secure grip she’s going to make it and

Going to get that [Applause] drag she knows it she’s nodding every step it’s hers Sarah lanzillo with about 6 seconds left to spare completes the go rug survival [Applause] challenge two Heats remain Heat number five in Lane one Chelsea held of USA Lane number two Donna Moore of England

Lane number three Megan Clark Australia and Lane number four Nicole white also Australia Maria slyy looks so good there but it’s that Tombstone it is it is throwing everybody and you know it’s I think it’s the low pickup usually in a bag shake like this is usually a little bit more

Raised off the floor so that low pickup is very challenging again adding that backpack onto there like you said with that M extra material between you and that bag but not only that the movement in the top part of the backpack when you’re going down and pickup it’s it’s

Got to be tough a survival challenge Indeed what’s going on good it’s going to be a fun one to watch I’ve really enjoyed watching Chelsea held here Donna Moore always a true force to be reckoned with you sure all four athletes are in the second to last Heat for a reason they performed very well on the prior [Applause]

Event all four ladies are off chel wow can’t she keep this up so fast from Chelsea held in Lane one strong legs there super fast work there goes Chelsea that is a good pick up from Chelsea and Donna there a good position be a drag to watch oh anything can happen anything

Donna picking up the piece oh oh my goodness Donna Mo Donna Mo Donna Mo takes it oh Chelsea falls back up Chelsea quick oh frustrating but Chelsea still makes a really good time but very frustrating you know one of the things with falling so close besides it being obvious you’re

Right there these athletes are wearing that nearly 60 lb backpack getting up isn’t necessarily as quick of as a undertaking as it would be without it espe back fatigue well done ladies Donna has really improved her conditioning over the years to where on events like this she is able to shine

Open up the engines and keep that gas pedal down good points 38.3 5 Seconds Donna Moore is our new leader with one heat to go if anyone can beat it they are in this one Ashley Crawford of USA in Lane number one Sam Bello of Canada in Lane number two Aaron

Murray of the USA in Lane number three and Nadia Stowers should be taken to the field in a gold shirt she oh she’s not but there she is oh there she is she’s not in her gold shirt she’s not in her gold shirt but there she is she maybe

Didn’t want to ruin ruin it with ch that might be it keep it nice And let’s go be come on I think this is a really good event for S Bello I agree Nadia is very strong but I don’t know if she will move the fastest Aaron Murray though she is fast yeah this is going to be fun she is fast than ashy Crawford

Always look at Sam Nadia is fast though don’t underestimate her she is very fast but maybe not quite as fast as Sam and picking up the pace there as well wa beautiful pick up there that bag is no match for Sam Bello this is going to be

Close Sam with the flexed arms she needs to stay up keep going Sam come on Sam stay up Sam I believe that was a 29 second finish Adam money behind her Ashley Crawford and NAD still fighting there Sam Bello I had a feeling this was going to be hers I had a feeling also our event leader with what seemed like a sub3 second finish will get the official confirmation that concludes our wom 82 K [Applause] Challenge 295 wow 29.5 seconds there she is s Bello Canada and there’s Maxim brro her partner in power I love that okay so this is our overalls for the women under 82s Sam bellu with 29.57 seconds what a speed sub 30 seconds in second place Ed muray with

34. 32 seconds and in third place Ashley Crawford with 3672 seconds paen clly behind on Fourth Place donore 3835 seconds going on to our next from the 11th to 20th we’ve got Sam sorry Sarah uh Sarah lanzillo at 6869 seconds going down to 20th Place with Sophia sharp and she got a distance

Of 51 ft 5 in and in our 21st 22nd join 22nd there sorry Samantha Goggins and Rachel black 50 ft and 24th Jessica Geller with 12 ft and 10 in nobody zeroed again points points points points points points that’s what we want our Predator Division I like to call it Aaron Murray

Finishes in first place with 91 points three full points over nardio starers and there’s s Bello 83 points Al Ashley Crawford in fourth place with 80 points we’ve got some 70 point finishes by Don Moore Megan Clark and into the 60-point range with Chelsea h Nicole white Sarah lenso and jie

De 57 and 56 points respectively all smiles from Sarah I like seeing the different facial expressions as they start here we go lovely toss there from Josie in from Canada in Lane one again confidence in her throwing oh oh go back but there’s that that speed and

Recognizing she’s back to it fast that 35lb bag Josie in Lane one she gets It Sarah a bit stuck on that 30 lb bag it’s heavy go over I think Josie might have kind a wee bit of a strain there on her legs and hips it’s such Dynamic movement for the hips the hamstrings the lower back the shoulders perhaps just needing a bit of

A good stretch but impressive showing by Josie de of Canada our next two athletes take the Arena floor Nicole white of Australia in Lane one and Megan Clark Australia Lane number two look at this a battle of the Australians is about to unfold let’s go should I go there do it

Let’s go down under let’s [Laughter] go it’s the fin A wow great height there from Megan and Lane two these are flying for Megan Clark impressive height with each toss the Cole just missing out on that third bag There Megan just needs to get a a little bit higher she can get the height all right Megan Clark I knew she had it in her I knew it take if we see there just taking that second just to breathe remain calm she got that last bag well done Megan

Clark she’s happy look at that smile that last bag she says well that 40 PBS 18 kilos that’s Massive 50. 81 seconds puts Megan Clark as our new event leader but with three Heats remaining anything can happen in Lane number one of heat 3 will be Chelsea held of USA in Lane number two will be donam Moore of England both athletes have exhibited tremendous strength in this movement pattern albeit

Not tossing but tremendous power on the deadlift where you you use a lot of that hip drive a lot of that that necessary Explosive Start you will have here I’m really glad these two are together because they’re absolutely amazing athletes and they are I think very similar in their

Strengths that they’ve got so I’m enjoying this right now Chelsea pulling ahead wow Chelsea onto that final back and Donna Mo oh who’s going to get it neck and neck oh this is about prision here and Don gets it donam Mo UK three times Well strongest woman Don

MOA Chelsea giving her all she has 15 seconds this needs to be perfect here Moore cheering her on stage side we’re behind you Chelsea come on [Applause] incredible power both athletes make it to that final bag neck and neck it was a na and when they missed it on that first

Attempt that was a nailbiter but two more Heats remain Lane number one of heat 4 will be Ashley Crawford of the USA and in Lane number two Sam Bello of Canada what a performance from Sam from that go Ruck Sur y wow that was something else she’s an

Athlete that can move and this is an event that involves a lot of moving it sure does confidence in one’s footwork explosive strength although Crawford is always such a calculated athlete she does not allow her speed to take away from her accuracy and that’s going to be essential on the B toss

Here again this category being absolutely stacked all all the ladies have stood out for me in this car what whoa both ladies look at the height on those boogs s bivo Lane number two yes oh just just missing that come on Sam and Ashley Crawford blistering fast times even with those repeated misses by Bello she still musters the power to clear that bag just incredible show of force wow I I’m mesmerized by these bxs how how many times a day do you think we say incredible here at

OSG not enough we need to have a ticker and just just count it every single we need to start counting not enough I can tell you up 24.8 one seconds by Sam Bello and if she had not missed it that gives me chills to think of what it would have

Been wow Nadia sters of the USA takes Lane number one and Aaron Murray of the USA takes Lane number two in this Fifth and final heat of our women’s 82 kilo bag toss this is going to be a good heat wow this is going to be [Applause] Fire number two are going to have to walk a very fine line between tossing their bags not looking at it but also being very sure that those bags clear the standard here we go here we go here we go here we go beautiful both oh oh no no a misses it

No again St pulling ahead again it shows you really must pay attention to whether you’re getting that bag seeing Aaron Punch The Brak Stowers our new event leader with the 22 second and change time we will get the official confirmation and Aaron Murray about a 27 second finish there blistering fast but

A costly costly Miss in terms of lateral distance there 6 seconds on average per Stone that’s going to be tough to beat Sarah lanzillo of the USA in Lane one and joy dealer of Canada in Lane number two number two repres Can Beautiful s moving on to the fifth Stone there fourth Stone sorry both athletes on the 275 lb 125 kilo Stone oh good recovery she saved it wow what a save less than 10 seconds there’s no time push it oh it’s a little bit too soon in the

Lean in there they’ been a little Just a Touch higher she would have gotten that Josie really pushing to the end of her rope getting a little assistance off the field but she is good she is done with the official strongman games What a Feeling our next two

Athletes Nicole white of Australia will take Lane one and Megan Clark of Australia will take Lane number two Australia versus Australia for an epic showdown here at the Charleston Coliseum Megan gives us a smile and a little wave as she walks past there she’s ready Nicole and Megan Australia Australia austral Little cheeky wink there all confidence wow flying from both ladies there Megan just slightly ahead still one motion on those stones wow two for Clark onto the lap and loaded here it goes 300 Megan Clark can she get this final Stone 300 Megan she gets it Megan Clark Now call

White come on Ni Call beautiful 10 seconds here she got time to get this final St three 300 lb oh not this time I am so impressed with how fast this 300 lb stone is going up for some of these athletes AB just well trained and Powerful our new event

Leader Megan Clark of Australia will get an official time but it was fast she gave that wink of confidence and rightly so that was call card right there how we Knew 35.8 seconds by Megan Clark of Australia edging out Nancy Johnson’s time in the previous category by a second only I only in quotes only and here we have two very powerful athletes in heat 3 Chelsea held of the USA in Lane one and Donna Moore of England in Lane number two

Both these ladies been neck and neck a lot throughout the competition this [Applause] weekend Donna just slightly ahead here one Motion in that stone oh a previous record holder on the atlas Stones nice save there from Chelsea on that second Stone Donna being Speedy on this run this is her event she could be the new leader she has to move come on

Donna she got it I don’t know if that beat Megan Clark’s time but it was lightning fast by donam Moore Chelsea held looks so fast from the lap to the load you’ve got time she’s got to go now come on Chelsea oh not there but happy anyway all smiles we will have to get a confirmation of the time to know if Donna came out on top over Megan Clark but that was so fast 35.6 6 seconds Donna Moore fractions of a seconds faster than Megan Clark but our new event

Leader Heat number four lane one Ashley Crawford of the USA and S Bello Canada in Lane number two here I see Maxim Buro pulling up a chair right side of stage Ashley Crawford just comes out for every event with that ferocious look in our face ready to attack the event stesy [Applause] number look at Sam’s one Motion beautiful another one motion Flawless on those first two stones three one motions beautiful Belo onto the 275 she knows when she needs to put that in the lap and stop that one motion which is really well practiced Sam Ashley’s catching up though look at Ashley Ashley

Crawford I believe she’s her new event leader in San Bello finishing also incredibly fast but Crawford came up out of nowhere she did I didn’t even realize and boom she was there wow Crawford will be our new event leader I’m calling it I’m waiting for the official confirmation but that was

Fast and Sam was fast as well Ashley Crawford so incredibly smooth calculated well operated s saying there I nearly [Laughter] died 3322 seconds completing all six Ashley Crawford of the USA our new event leader wow one heat remains Aaron Murray will take Lane number one and Nadia storm starers will take Lane number

Two USA versus USA two athletes fresh back from the world’s strongest nation and I may add they performed incredibly they were Unstoppable in that competition nadus coach Jacob fery Pro strongman right next to Stage cheering her on Aon coach as well alecos both coaches showing their support look at Nadia’s Focus so ready

Aaron getting every stone set she’s not to herself she’s in this moment she’s visualizing those stones I believe she’s ready this is going to be insane we’re sitting forward Ashley Crawford’s time 33.2 two seconds if it’s going to be beat it is here on this heat Nadia just switched on as for

Aaron let’s go oh make sure it’s in the hole Aaron flying right now wow look at this so fast as is Nadia beautiful load Aaron onto the 275 easy to her lap easy to the platform Aaron Murray 300 can she get it n not far behind Muray edges out stars and Star as well look at that look at that wow I don’t know if Aaron was fast enough to beat out Ashley Crawford but it was so close so Close in second place representing the USA storm herself Nadia Stowers and in first place our world’s strongest woman under 82 kgs Aaron Murray moving up a weight class from the 73s to the 82s that foothold is as secure as it possibly could be the world champion the world’s strongest woman Aaron Murray what an athlete previously well strongest woman under 73s like you said moved up a weight class and proved that

She again is the strongest woman in the world an allamerican Podium there folks


  1. Donna Moore is like Mateusz, shes one of the greatest strongwomen in the world even if her deadlift isn't on-par. Most elite strongwomen have deadlifts in the 600s and shes in the mid 500s. The same as Mateusz situation of most elite strongman have deadlifts in the 900s and 1000s and hes in the low 800s.

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