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Matt Jones recaps Kentucky’s dominating performance over Alabama

KSR host Matt Jones got to do a very positive post game monologue for the second straight Saturday evening as the Kentucky Wildcats hammered the Alabama Crimson Tide 117-95.

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The cats with an absolutely dominating performance beating Alabama 117 to 95 to go to 19 and8 on the season with four games to go and beat a top well I guess Alabama’s 13th team in an awesome rup Arena you can give us a shout uh

Billy will open it up at the end of this segment when you look at this game there’s a lot of ways to go and a lot of things to talk about but to me the most interesting like way to look at it is to say Alabama shot 57% from the field and

Was never in the game after the first eight or 10 minutes I mean you shoot 57% you probably think you’re either going to win well you probably think you’re going to win and they lost by 22 points at one point they were shooting 54% and they were down 35 Kentucky absolutely

Offensively was a machine I mean they were a machine Kentucky shot 63% from the field they were 13 for 24 from three at one point they were 13 from 13 and eight of 18 uh Justin Edwards career game become goes 10 for 10 from the field which this

Stat again I love Kentucky basketball history stats because you know we have such a rich history so I like to think about this stuff Justin Edwards that’s the third most field goal attempts made in a game where you don’t miss one in UK history Kenny Walker was 11 for 11 once

And Rodney Dent was 12 for2 once and now Justin Edwards who is not a is not a big not neither is I mean Kenny was kind of played a similar position but 10 for 10 only the third player in UK history to have double digit field goal attempts

And not miss one who would have ever imagined he would be that guy this year but he has 28 Antonio reees was great again with 24 big Z with 18 and like played really well not just like random points played really well it was a perfect fit for him tonight with the way

Alabama plays and what my biggest takeaway from tonight is when Kentucky plays this style that you just saw better than anyone in the country right now I mean I think you could make a strong argument that the three best like running offensive teams are Alabama Kentucky and North Carolina and Kentucky

Is now beating both of those other teams so if you get in the tournament and you get against a team that likes to play like that I like ky’s chances a lot because they kind of out Alabama Alabama today hit more threes you know got up

And down the floor they gave up 95 and were never in it was the game was never in doubt that’s pretty awesome and it was interesting after the game listening to the coaches and Nate oats said something kind of uh kind of interesting he said I sort of wonder if CS found his

Lineup because they may just he goes if we if you can’t stop that offensive lineup it doesn’t matter if they can guard and I I’ve kind of wondered about that all year I mean the difference though is how good offensively they can be when Justin Edwards is like that

Because he went long stretches where he basically played three guards Justin Edwards and a big whether it was most it was a visich most of the time Ugo a little bit but Justin Edwards at the four playing like that like you can’t guard him and basically if you look at it both teams

Were scoring a lot the first 10 or 12 minutes of the game and then Kentucky went on a run where Alabama didn’t score for like 10 possessions and we we built up a 12 or 14-point lead and never looked back from then but if if you go look at the way

They played from about the 10-minute Mark in the SEC in the first half to the 10-minute Mark in the second half Edwards was playing the four most of that time and they just could you can’t they could not guard Kentucky because there’s just too many offensive weapons

And the fact that he can be at the four and shoot threes like he did he went four for four I mean he’s not going to do that every game but that’s still awesome and then you had Reeves who was great Dillingham had good minutes you know Wagner did play particularly well

But he still kept it going Shepard made shots Shepard had well I guess Shepard had six it felt like he had more than that but he he or eight but he had uh six assists so you get a game like that like I mean that lineup you can’t play that

Lineup against everybody but that lineup of of of Shephard Reeves Dillingham Edwards and and Z you know they could score 150 points now they might give up 140 but if they’re shooting like that I don’t know that it matters against some teams now can they do it against a team that plays physical

And grinds it out that was a question Bill rafter talked about uh during the game and I don’t know the answer to that I mean you look at kuy’s wins they’ve beaten a certain kind of team their best wins are against teams that are pretty good offensively North Carolina Alabama

And Auburn they’re bet they’re worst losses are against teams that are physical and slow it down so we’ll see but they get a team like this in the tournament they’re not you know they’re not lose and it gets me to well there’s four games left in the

Season two of them are Arkansas and Vandy at home let’s assume we win those although Arkansas’s playing better but let’s assume we win those that makes you 21 and eight then you’re at Mississippi State and you’re at Tennessee let’s just say for sake of argument you split those be 22 and N all

Right you’ll go into the SEC tournament you may or may not get a buy it’s going to be close depends on which of those games you win probably but you’d be 22 and nine and I think you’ll end up with that record as a four or

Five would you want to be a one seed and see this team sitting there for you in the sweet 16 I don’t think you would because when they play like this they can beat anybody and it’s also worth noting you know we’ve talked about a lot at various

Points the struggles of this team but it is worth noting how close they are to being a two- seed or maybe even contending for a one I mean Rob Dillingham misses a free throw against Florida they also chose not to foul but either of those things go different they probably win that game

Was kind of a fluky play there at the end of the LSU game although in hindsight Dillingham if he was there probably would have boxed out and then at A&M they had the ball and just turned it over you know those are three games that easily could have gone the other

Way and what if they were sitting here 22 and five and going for a one seed we have a completely different view so this will be the most hard to anticipate March for Kentucky that I think we’ve ever had I mean in 2014 they went on an amazing run

But I don’t know that we went into the tournament thinking they would this year they could go into the tournament and I there’s almost nothing they could do that would surprise me if they won the whole thing it wouldn’t be crazy if they lost the first round

Depending on what their seed is wouldn’t be crazy I mean it’s GNA be nerve-wracking but it’s exciting because you still as today showed you still can’t give up on this group because they just are so explosive when they’re going and I think it’s worth also saying obviously Justin

Edwards played amazing but he deserves a game like this he’s taken a lot of criticism he underachieved for much of the year but he is probably in the last five to six games next to Reeves been our most consistent player it’s kind of been under the radar

Because he hasn’t put up huge points but he’s been our most consistent player and he’s become a really good Defender and Cal stuck with him the whole time um a lot of people myself included were saying man why does he keep starting him well it’s paying off right now and if he stays

Consistent he gives you an option especially if Cal’s willing to play him at the four he gives you an option to just become unguardable offensively at the at the three he’s now a lot better than he was but at the four I just think I I don’t

Know how you guard this team if he’s playing at the four the way uh he is so it was a great win great crowd nice to get a Kentucky a win at home in that kind of environment we’ve had we’ve had three really good environments here in

The in the second half of the year and it was nice to get a victory in one of them and now uh go to Mississippi State on Tuesday night another midweek game in you know in a random SEC town and we need to get a victory


  1. If we keep letting teams score in the 90s it still shows we have no defense. No one seems to get this. We all scream final four the second after they win a game. Our shooting is not going to be this good every game. How does everyone not see how bad out defense really is. But continue on with the soon to be brought to reality celebration.

  2. At the 2:00 mark in this video Calipari is literally on the floor 😂 Get em coach…Have supported you for years and not gonna stop now…GO BIG BLUE

  3. Sorry I’m commenting again but look at the players, coaches anddd the fans at the 3:45 mark in this video…Gives me chills to see…When we’re all one unit nobody can beat us 🤙

  4. The best formula Kentucky has to win games is to play Wagner and Bradshaw as less as possible. But, with Calipari placing the NBA draft over winning games that matter, that is doubtful.

  5. Hey Matt, there’s some strange happenings going on here, Ky. Can take apart some of these top rated teams, yet lose to a weaker team. It’s as if they seek out and stalk a good team and then easily beat them. Yeah, go figure.😅

  6. So happy for Edwards that’s the player coming into the year people were predicting could be the number 1 pick in the draft

  7. The game was awesome, but these are the two worst defensive teams in major college basketball, so temper it a bit.

  8. “You can’t play that lineup against everybody” .. I’ll take my guards over anybody in the country

  9. Sheppard quitely had an amazing game. 2 threes, 4 steals. Got robbed on a 5thl they incorrectly said he stepped on the line. 6 boards, 6 dimes. The ultimate team first superstar! Ill never complain about a guy scoring total when the team racks up 117!

  10. It is too much to hope for, but what if Z feels cheated and decides to come back for a full year? Imagine him with 20 more pounds of muscle and greatly-improved conditioning. He has really good skills; especially as a passer.

  11. With 4:06 left in the game it was 104 to 71 and they scored 24 pts to our 11 no defense, and yes defense matters. Thought I was watching the NBA All. Star game 😢. Let’s call it what it is Alabama just ran out of time!!!!

  12. Matt l really enjoy listening to you and l m a big uk fan and lm very well tonighAND THEY HAVE SUPISEME THE WAY TEAM IS PLAYING MY NAME IS SALLY HAMMONDS L LIVE IN THE PART WESTERN KY ABOUT 50WEST OFPADUCH KY

  13. Great win but a bit of fools gold… Still gave up 95 points.. extremely rare to shoot 63% that hides a lot of bad…as good as the Auburn win and this win looks you still have the LSU game losing a 15 point lead… That's my concern with this team…I don't see the consistency it takes to win 6 straight in the NCAA. Sincerely hope I am wrong.

  14. Thank you I feel like I’m the only person saying that. South Carolina and Tennessee beat us all game and looked like the better team, those are the only games we didn’t really have much of a chance of winning

  15. its crazy how BBN tries to undermine Dillingham when he's averaging 15 and 5 off the bench says he is hot and cold how can you be hot and cold and lead the nation in points and assist off the bench this is why alot of pro style players stop going to college

  16. Ky's offense is a hard threat with Z in the game offensive IQ goes to 500, it should have been like this all season Z first option to start, he has passing, shooting, ability and creates offense keep Z in the game his defense will get better, he gets to open spots and sees the floor what a waste or maybe Cal is keeping for secret weapon

  17. Antonio Reeves and Reed Sheppard are going to become Kentucky legends in march. Can't wait to see who we draw in the final four.

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