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Bleacher Report Kamara Trade is STUPID AS HELL

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On this episode of saints happy hour we are going to yell at Fleer report for their stupid Alvin CRA trade we’re going to talk Derek Carr being worth what the Saints pay for him that’s right Thomas hit that intro welcome to the award-winning Saints Happy Hour podcast seriously this

Podcast has won awards American Standards are dropping every day the show features Ralph the best host in the world who can barely pronounce his own name much less anyone else’s Marcus Coulson Colston I mean Marcus Callaway Dave is that dude who loves taking bathroom breaks he’s mad about almost

Anything so make sure to lower your volume when he speaks what that freaking clown meme backup that I made Jesus Christ Andrew has sources watches tapes and knows football he rarely shows up on time and wants to commit crimes to help the Saints wi Shawn Payton would have

Done illegal things don’t tell me I’m wrong cuz you know it’s true oh and there’s also Kevin who is great at doing mock drafts but struggles to actually watch Saints games or have a functioning relationship butr wants to know how the doctor’s doing that that ended anyway

Grab a drink sit back and enjoy the insanity oh right everybody welcome to another edition of saints Happy Hour podcast I’m Ralph Malo I’m joined by Kevin hell we got Thomas running the show back in Poland before we start if you find us on YouTube like us subscribe

Share us wherever you when ever you can uh and if you’re listening to the audio only version uh like us rate US review us and go to Saints happy and become a patron support the show we have all our patrons they’re amazing you should join us we’re the most fun Saints

Community Uh Kevin there’s no football anymore my life is a little sadder um you know it happens here’s the thing as we go into the the Saints offseason we have draft stuff which we will talk about but also today on the Twitter reaction podcast we go around social media I want to start

Here this is the season of stupid trade ideas and I I should have told Thomas to put up the meme of you know the meme of the guy with the ponytail and he’s like I give you a bucket of a bucket of a bucket of turds and you give me your

Best players and I feel like we’re in that season and now that the Saints are kind of they’re not one of the drgs of the NFL but I would definitely say the Saints are like in the irrelevant bucket of the NFL like they don’t have a bigname coach they don’t have a bigname

Quarterback it’s New Orleans like no one cares about him so now everybody wants to write their articles about we’re just GNA pick over the Saints bones get all their interesting good players get them out of there get them to places we want them to go Alex K of the bleach report

Says let’s trade camra okay I’m like H maybe that’s but then even worse than that he’s like let’s trade Cima for a seventh round pick my brother in Christ Alex could you spend 20 seconds at over the cap just 20 seconds and be like if the Saints trade

Ala camra it’s a gigantic cap hit either before or after June and you want the Saints take a gig a cap hit and get nothing like that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard and Kevin I think we’re going to have an offseason of this I think it’s going to be trade chimra the

Trade Chris olve to the Chiefs believe me that’s coming down the pike lore Trad like everybody just wants to pick over the Saints roster like a bunch of crows and it annoys me to no end at least if you’re gonna propose the Saints trading their good players give me something

Tangible back not hey clap for him if he wins the Super Super Bowl with the Ravens no Alex and it annoys me to no end and that’s where I want to start Twitter Twitter uh our Twitter reaction I hate I hate these okay so if they were to cut

Camara if they were to cut camarra before June 1st the dead money would be 17.2 million cap savings would be 1.5 million if they cut him po if they cut him uh after June 1st dead money would be 7 million they’d save 11.6 million if they trade Camara for June

1st and this is really what the Crux of this is they would they the dead money would be 17.2 million they’d only save 1.5 if they traded him after June 1st so after the draft dead money would be 7 million a little over 7 million and the cap savings would be about

11.6 at present his cap number is 18 about 18.2 million um you know you could restructure him you could give him an extension like like hon look the option is if you’re looking to try and solve things or fix things and you want to and you want to

Trade him to to to do so look I’ve done enough I’ve done a been doing a bunch of mocks and like look I was moving I was getting rid of Michael Thomas and that was before I found out well technically he’s gone anyway so you he really can’t

Be traded so I was trading him in some scenarios I was moving Marshon Latimore in some scenarios before people said add be easier to trade him after the the some Line in the Sand so I was like okay fine I won’t do that same thing with Camara like I was looking to move

Him and what blows my mind like I’m more out I’m more bothered like I I I don’t even want to say outraged cuz I just feel like some of this some of this stuff it’s either it’s one of two things either the person posting this is incredibly stupid yes

Or which you know they work for Bleacher Report so you know or it’s outrage bait yes which you know somebody who works for a a an online form like Bleacher Report you don’t know so I’m not going to get riled up by this kind of ass by the by the asinine post um

What is silly and annoying is the idea that you’re only going to get a seventh round pick for Alvin CRA you can go right now up to the PFF Mock Draft simulator and you can plug Camara in there for the Saints which I already did I already

Made this trade for 2025 so you trade Camara to the Ravens and I gave them Camara and I could have easily I mean now according to PFF they were willing to give me the Ravens fourth round and the fifth round and I’ll even reset it just to make sure I’m

Absolutely correct on this MH go set that up for seven and this is all I’m doing this is this is not a mock draft episode this is just me try going to the Ravens to make a deal for 2025 so I’m offering them camra yeah I can I can get the fourth

And the fifth round yeah that’s the thing for CRA however I threw in the Saints fifth rounder just to make sure cuz you know sometimes PFF will sometimes PFF will approve trades that seem unfe that seem unfeasible yeah and this is me saying that so but what I’m saying is at worst

You could give Camerra and the Saints Fifth and get the Ravens round four and round five for 2025 I think that’s about I think that’s about right for chimra like you’re going to get a fourth maybe you get maybe you get a comp third because you can trade the comp picks now

And the third round comp pick is everybody picks in the third round so it’s really going to be pick 96 to 105 right so it’s not it’s quote unquote a third pick but it’s really not f yeah which is fine but here’s my thing like if you want to propose these things with

The Saints you got to have you got to take a monum of effort and make it to like a seventh round pick it’s not even worth the cap trouble for the Saints because you’re G to give me a seventh round pick and I gotta create $17

Million more cap SP above the 80 that I already have to create create because I’m trading him before the draft so I gotta I gotta cut a check for $17 million to somebody to make that c happen seventh round pick no no so I’m looking at his I’m looking at the silly uh

Thing and he suggested trading camarra after June 1st to save the 11.8 million that makes the seventh round pick even more egregious because you’re saving cap space you’re getting a 2025 fifth seventh and by the way oh you don’t you’re running back is gone right Pro bow yeah your star running

Back who still played well in 2023 despite missing the first uh what was it three games yeah and listen CRA is not what he was and and I I get I will be fully transparent my anger and vitriol at Fleer report and Alex he not just because it’s stupid and it’s a trash

Article that’s part of it but also part of it is of all the Saints players probably probably of all of them from the 2017 draft and I don’t think this is just me the one that we’re the most emotionally connected to as Saints fans is Camara yeah of all the 2017 draft

There’s nobody else that we’re emotionally connected to not ladimore not Marcus Williams who’s already gone not Ram not Hendrickson you know none of them so I just think as a Saints fan I want selfishly I want KRA to finish in the Saints uniform although I know that’s probably not

Going to happen because he’s a running back and those running back Running Back stories just don’t end well I mean you look at editt Smith you look at other ones I mean the running backs that play their whole career with one team I I would argue probably very very rare Like

Walter pyton maybe Jim Brown because he retired early like it is youron Bettis I think stayed with the Steelers didn’t he yeah but he started with the Rams so but but that’s fair but that’s fair no no no no no it’s not fair it doesn’t count if

He played with one team and it yeah so yeah so that tremendous so so is so like you’re your Nemesis Adrien Peterson like it just doesn’t happen that way like they bounce they Bounce from Team to team right um um so that’s part of it but part but the

Other part is I’m just sick and tired of these media people and even this guy doesn’t even qualify as the smart media but I’m sick and tired of the smart media’s content creator just wanting the Saints to go back to irrelevance and be terrible and they just want to pick over

Their bones and we’ll give a lot here and it’s that there like no no if the Saints like the Saints may end up being 4 and 13 this year but we’re not going to liquidate the team for nothing and it just infuriates me to no end I know I

Shouldn’t care about it I know I should be more like you Kevin but it’s sort it’s just it it’s ins the trade is insulting but I take it as an insult to New Orleans Saints fan they’re basically telling us get bent you’re irrelevant we’re going to pick you over you’re

Going to be a farm team for the rest of the good teams in the NFL and brother I lived the good life for 15 years I’m not going back to being a also ran I’m not doing it willing it might happen but I’m not gonna do it willingly by trading

Everything off for pennies on the dollar I’m sorry I’m I’m I’m upset today I can’t help it there nothing there’s there’s nothing wrong with that like like I’m not saying you can’t be upset I’m saying I’m choosing not I’m saying that I am choosing not to be upet and not to allow

Myself to get all bent out of shape over silly [ __ ] like like this um yeah like I just I don’t know I just refuse to let that uh bother me like that and I don’t think a final thing before we get to the next topic I don’t

Think the Saints are going to to do this I just it’s not in their it’s it’s not in Mickey Lumis DNA to do all this what it would have to be done in the summertime like that just go to me Kevin that just goes against everything Mickey Lumis believes in

Where they’re trying to win every year trying to win every year trying to win every year but this year in June they’re GNA trade lore they’re gonna trade chra they’re gonna do that and they they’re going to tear they’re going to burn it all down right before the season starts

Right as we start to get re engaged in football no I just I don’t I don’t see the Saints path as this being anything that’s realistic and possible to happen yeah it just I don’t know like again if you want to run mock drafts or or scenarios like put a little more effort

Into it Thomas you can you can say Thomas You’re The disembed Voice in po you can be honest with me am I being a raving Stark raving lunatic am I unhinged getting too uh emotionally involved about all these fake trades that people write about probably not man

Probably not you should be mad man that’s right I like you Thomas of the Doom train I’m not I’m not Doom I just I don’t like being taken advantage of I don’t like the Saints being picked over man I don’t like the Saints being scammed like that like that woman on the

Internet to put $50,000 in a shoe box and hand it into a car that was driving on the corner I don’t want the Saints to be that um so this is the next topic that we’re going to discuss and I think this is an interesting one because the first

Topic we just did probably gets fans Saints fans excited they’re like yeah you tell them [ __ ] you tell them not to pick over the Saints but this one might anger people is I saw some Advanced statistics by uh PF and this guy uh the the anal I don’t know what

He’s called the analytics Cowboy it’s uh Ben Baldwin he like merg the adjusted EPA for quarterbacks and the PFF grades okay and I’m gonna say Kevin like Derek Carr he landed just about perfect like he was 13th on the ratings and I got to say like if after the sa season

They had and the season Derek Carr had if you told me when it all shakes out Derek Carr is like the 13th best quarterback in the NFL I’d have been like that’s pretty much perfect like and to make it even more perfect he is the 13th highest paid quarterback by cap

Number so like it is basically almost perfect now people were yelling at me on Twitter saying he’s not the 13th best quarterback that’s not true but like I gotta say Kevin like kind of right let’s look this up quarterback stats and if you just do if you just do

EPA which is expected points uh statistic uh the metrics and the the Nerds um D car was sixth in EPA per dropback oh so I got to go to Pro was ebaa is expected points added um six is a little high I don’t think they have that listed uh pro football reference doesn’t

Have I don’t think they have EPA no they don’t they don’t okay but still let’s see total yards on the season Derek Carr 13th on total yards per season there you go completion percentage Derek Carr 6th there you go man uh let’s see if I can find a where’s the touchdown

Interception ratio it was pretty good be ratio here yeah total touchdowns Derek Carr 10th interceptions thrown he is well that’s unfair to look at cuz he’s okay interceptions thrown 22nd from the top which means like he’s throwing the 22nd least yeah so I mean it’s the top 10 let’s see yards per

Yards per attempt people love yards per attempt Derek Carr 17th been tied for actually what is that tied for what they’ve got him listed 17th but there are others that are tied with certain fra fractions here um quarterback rating Derek Carr 10th in the league qbr which is the ESN number he’s

17th how many times was he sacked 16th overall game-winning drives not many not many uh he just got he just had the one so that’s 27th overall I mean yeah but I mean like the Saints I would argue when you consider that he got hurt yeah he didn’t miss any

Games but he did get hurt the offensive line was a disaster the first one they couldn’t run the ball I would argue you got at the very minimum you got exactly what you expected out of D Carr he’s like he’s in that zone of quarterbacks where you’re like I don’t

Think we can win a Super Bowl with him everything kind of has to go right for him to be good and be a playoff team but on the flip side if you don’t have car are you 100% sure whoever his replacement is are you 100% sure you’re going to get better

You’re going to do better and my answer to that is I am never I am not sure if you got rid of Derek Carr the Saints could do any better so it’s like to me like it proved that the Saints getting Derek Carr maybe you could say it was bad

Because they didn’t win the division and all that but as far as like the player himself like he delivered like what he’s always delivered the per yeah look Derek Carr the person may not be your cup of tea and it’s like you know I I get it he

Rubs some people the wrong way and like sometimes I’m just sometimes I look at the guy and I scratch my head but again what you got on the field like that was it was it was fine like granted we’re going we’re going from a Hall of Famer to a guy that’s just he’s

Fine he’s quality he comes in and like does stuff and like you said he was hurt for he was hurt I don’t know how many games he was had that linger and injury that was affecting him at least one I mean it was and he got a he got

Remember he got put in the concussion protocol right he had the ri like he got the crap kicked out of them right so did again all this stuff it just tells me even if you don’t like the guy you should and I’m not saying you have to like root for or anything

Specifically what you should say what we should all be saying is okay make the team better around him make the o line better try and improve the running game which they did by hiring coach um make certain changes to try and make the team better and if Derek Carr either

Regresses or can’t get better with that or if the team doesn’t get better with that and you want to move on okay I get it but at least make the team around him better so that way when you do finally decide to move on and you want to try

And take a chance on either a draft pick or some other free agent that they’re coming into a better team than Derek Carr walked into like that’s it yeah I’m gonna make I’m going to make a statement here I think this is going to make people roll their eyes or throw things

At their computer screen or whatever when they’re listen to this or whatever I think the Saints are actually pretty fortunate to have gotten Derek Carr and they were pretty fortunate to have gotten him last year because Kevin I’m going to make the case to you if the Raiders had said you know

What we’re going to keep Derek car we’re going to let that bonus hit we’re gonna keep him one more year and he was a free agent this year you would have Atlanta and you would have Pittsburgh and you might even have um Denver not well Denver they’re they’re

Paying uh they’ll be paying Russell Wilson like 40 mli not to quarterback them but but but uh so not them but you would have Pittsburgh and you would have Atlanta and you would have the Saints all competing very hard for Derek car I guarantee you the Atlanta Falcons after

Their Ritter experience from this year they would walk over hot coals to get Derek Carr Pittsburgh with picket after two years of that trash pile and trabis they would walk over hot coals to get Derek Carr and I’m and I’m going to tell you this this was going to prove it Kurt

Cousins who’s like Super Deluxe Derek Carr kind of he’s gonna get $50 million a year Kevin from Atlanta from Pittsburgh somebody’s going to pay right one of these well beone teams is going to pay is going to overpay Kirk Cousins you know like like everybody people like

Look you want to make fun of the Derek Carr contract see what they hand Kirk Cousins that’s right and I think and then you tell me you tell tell me is Kirk Cousins really that much better than Derek Carr that much better not not not pay him four years $200

Million which he’ll probably get and here’s the thing like the saints were really fortunate last year in the Derek Car sweep Stakes is is they were kind of in a way they kind of maybe overpaid a little because they in the end they’re really just betting against bidding against themselves right the

Jets took him for a visit but they were always going to go Aaron Rodgers Carolina has always had the plans that they knew that they were going to trade up so like Atlanta was like we’re all in on Desmond Ritter we don’t need a quarterback so like the market for Derek

Carr was really really soft and I think that benefited the Saints and I’m just saying like he’s worth he’s worth what they pay for him now if you want to argue you can’t win a Super Bowl with them they need to tank that’s a different discussion but like as far as

Like what the Saints got out of him he delivered like and like if you say he’s overpaid like Kevin the cost for the 13th best quarterback in the NFL is $40 million a year unless they’re on a rookie deal like that’s that’s the deal like Baker

Mayfield is GNA get you know he probably won’t he’ll probably get three years 100 million from some team God God you know what God willing the Bucks overpay to keep him and he regresses actually yeah the the or or Atlanta overpays to get him and then he’s a disaster in Atlanta

And Tampa regresses because they don’t they have to go Kyle tras at quarterback see that’s the that’s the dream but guys this has been our Twitter uh reaction P I don’t know we’ll title that but Thomas title this podcast Bleacher Report is stupid with camar tree that’s the title

Of this podcast so yeah I’m sure we won’t get a bunch of those goofballs in our in our mentions coming after I can hand we it’s not us we make Thomas handle all the comments on YouTube um so thanks for joining us support the podcast everybody that does support us

We thank you go to become a patron if you’re not uh thanks to Kevin thanks to Thomas for running the show back in Poland I’m Ralph until next time the bar is closed


  1. If they did trade Alvin kamara I am going to be angry I going to look at Dennis Allen pennywise going to get you he is good for the saints 😈👿😡🤬😤

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