Don’t TURN Your Shoulders In The Golf Swing (HUGE MISTAKE!)

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All right guys in today’s video we’re going to talk about why you shouldn’t just turn during your back swing a key element that you have to have in there if you want to set up the correct downswing pieces so you can hit the ball solid have a consistent swing hit it

High and far all the things that we want to have JT and I work with a lot of different students that have the issues that we’re going to talk about in today’s video obviously here with Mr JT Thomas appreciate you um you guys have seen the videos with JT before I’m sure

We link his info down below if you want to connect with him after today’s video highly recommended JT in this video um we’re talking about the player who makes a back swing with the attempt of only turning uh some of the problems that come along with that some of the things

You need to make sure you have in your back swing and what we need to do on the way back to set things up really well on the way down one are two really cool cool drills I think let’s start with sort of showing why the side Bend piece

Is so important y for sure right and so um I know we like to do the visual if I were to take my normal setup yeah exactly this is really easy right so you can you can see that Eric’s been over towards the ground right so this is his

Spine angle he’s been over he’s got to hit the ball on the ground now we’re going to talk about or show a bad version of a back swing where we would only turn right so what would that look like only turn only turn you notice now completely lost this inclination that

He’s had he’s standing straight up now uh Eric just stay there and don’t try and hit the ball just swing where would the plane of your swing be yeah so we’re talking we’re talking way three feet below where the actual ball is so our brain’s not going to let us do

That sometimes you might top it or miss it really bad most of the time it’s going to do the same thing so go back to that top of the back swing flat and then now how would I hit that ball right so I have to steepen my body steepen the club

Do a lot of steepening pieces and now my brain’s going to freak out start to stand up we get all kinds of stuff so there’s a classic Swig that we see pretty often right and I I think that’s such a powerful thing where like if we

Go back and we just turn because all the time we see players try and just turn just turn just turn and they don’t have the second piece which is the side Bend yeah and gosh I think that’s such a good visual which is so true literally from

Here we would miss it yeah and the point that JT showed me when he first showed me this was hey Eric what would you have to do here to get down to the ball and just instinctively I was like okay well my body would have to rebend over yeah

And automatically without me doing anything the shaft gets way way way way way steep yeah and so if you’ve seen yourself on video or a lot of the golfers we see they’re like hey my down swing so steep I can’t fix it and like well you got to rewind the video a

Little bit because what caused that was you went back looking like this which led to here yes so I think that’s such a powerful visual JT and so kind of let the cat out of the bag there a little bit but the thing you need to have with

The turn cuz you got to turn got to turn we’re not saying like the title don’t turn it’s just don’t just turn yeah don’t just turn yeah so the second piece we need is side Bend yes and I know you have kind of this drill if you walk me

Through this um to feel the side bin if you want to feel with do with the turn yes so um great to feel this side bin yes hands to the side going to feel your back like be very neutral like just standing straight up and down zero what

You want to happen is when you do this drill you’re going to feel like you reach down and touch your lead knee without forward bend so without changing your spine location and with also not changing much of your hip location so the proper way would be how Eric’s doing

It right now you can see to have some crunch here on this lead side some expansion there what you wouldn’t want right is so now Eric do it bad where you move your hips so he doesn’t really create any see a lot right so he just

Lowered he got down to his knee but not from actually bending his spine and you won’t feel any stretch here and the side versus this way yeah versus if you do it this way you’re going to feel much more of the stretch um through each side so

This this shouldn’t go that way really at all when I’m doing this no shouldn’t go that way at all and so I’m also not to your point from this side I’m not I’m not going going like you’re not reaching towards the yes exactly so you’re not reaching down towards the front you’re

Reaching down the side of your leg and when I do this once or twice I kind of feel that oblique crunch how do I combo this with the turn like what do I what do I do with that yes so now the feeling after this drill is one where you just

Take your left hand and you try to reach it over behind your right foot and I’m keeping this yes okay so not going like here and going oh okay yeah exactly yeah so staying in that position yeah and then reaching back yeah reaching and you want to make sure you reach enough over

Your right foot so we don’t want to kind of get stuck in this side bin um which is again probably maybe not the worst thing in the world for a lot of people out there but um we want to make sure we are then starting to add in or blend

Some of that rotation so got it okay so I’m not I’m not just going like here I’m not going to just here n okay and one of the things when we’re doing this we’ll do this with a club in a second to kind of know that I’m blending these two

Together notice when I do the side Bend from face on if we drew the circle around my head yeah if it was just side Bend and no turn if you’re the golfer that goes this way too much where’s my head go yeah exactly too far forward

Yeah but now as soon as I add in the rotation piece that’s going to bring my head back to where I started and the JT’s Point how do I know I’ve done the rotation piece enough too much or too little is more or less you kind of

Finish where you started EX in that Circle more or less um so if I put a club in my hands if I do that once or twice I’m kind of doing that to get a feel yes doing that get a feel and then I want to how do I and then I’m like

Okay let me try and transfer that when I swing a club yes exactly so I did that feel you’re going to try and recreate those feels I would say guys when you’re practicing this and trying to get these FS right that’s the whole point of the

Drill right is to find that feeling so we’re looking for that feeling again well and I know too like one of my if one of my faults if I have some faults that come in a while would be that I tend to definitely go flatter with the

Shoulders the arm starts to rotate and I go a little bit under this way so I I right away when I feel this if you guys are like me the Turning part feels pretty easy for me but that that feels like my body is closer to the ground

Than normal it maybe it feels in my mind like I’m maybe lowering an inch or two probably I’m just not going up and as much as I normally do yes ex but we’re trying to like keep our inclination in the ground relatively close from the down line okay so I’m feeling that same

Thing kind of here mhm and then back behind me y so obviously that looks quite a bit different than this would be the bad y here exactly and I know like there’s a couple of main reasons we want to do this in the first place y one of them builds in something

On the way down I like the way you say that you remember the yeah so uh essentially what I said was we build in the steepness on the way back so meaning we build in hitting the ground on the back swing um and so that’s a really big

Deal and again it it makes your brain feel like I have a I don’t have to hit the ground on the way down which again is what we see in so many poor golfers so many poor golfers tell their brain that they’re not going to hit the ground

And they’re like how can I hit the ground I got to hit the ground the ball’s on the ground that is such a big concept I hope that’s like not so simple that it goes over and we don’t get that if you’re someone like me sometimes too

Where I would go flatten up and I got to really work to take a divot yeah yeah and hit the turf what JT is saying there and I’m saying this again even for myself as much as you so when we do the side Bend piece I’m keeping my body’s

Inclination to the ground the hitting the ground’s already built in yes so the hitting ground is already built in so if anything I’m actually reducing how hard I hit the ground on the way down which is which is what we want and so that’s such a big deal for golfers who uh can’t

Figure out how to create a low Point can’t figure out how to have a nice divot they either take too big of a divot or don’t take a divot at all this would be how we do that so yeah big deal here we build it in on the way

Back y so good yeah that was really sometimes I think to do these videos and I’m like gosh I hit it as good as I can but I do I hit it freaking good things for sure really really does so when we go back that’s building in the hitting

The ground yeah it also has an effect on the shaft pitch yes kind of there’s like a benefit number one right of doing this on the way back is building and hitting the ground but benefit number two like if I do it bad versus good how do that

Change the shaft yes exactly because itang your forearm so how how your shoulders work with your spine directly correlates with how this mass of your club and how your forarms roll so for example let’s do the bad version yep so your arms are just listening to your

Shoulders right yeah so it’s going to be very hard for you to even try that we on the back swing we see a lot of really good golfers with a shaft a little bit steeper than where we started or maybe just on plane let’s say like a good like

A good one would be like here yeah yeah exactly so we we’ want that to to kind of match up and that help helps us again hit the ground so when we go back if I do the shoulder piece correct that also helps keep that club kind of riding

Right up the plane line you saying but if I went too flat with the shoulders that would also go too flat with the club yes and just like God that just when you go back if you’re getting farther from the ground and turning and you got to try and find it there’s only

One way you’re going to go which is this way you know and it’s actually pretty good if you can do that and still hit the ball you should be proud of yourself you’re an anomal yeah you should be proud of yourself it’s pretty hard so I’m going to feel that same thing and

Again how do I know I’m doing it too are too little when you’re watching from face on there’s some Shadow drills you can do but more or less you draw the circle around your head your head should stay yeah pretty much in that Circle if

I do it bad watch how my head goes way to the right you can have some rightward motion but we’re not saying you need to be perfect there but that’s kind of the how much or how little yeah okay so I’m going to feel the same thing steepening on the way

Back and you were saying with that too JT that was pure yeah so good you were saying with that too cuz I need a little bit more of that yeah for sure we steepen it on the way back and have the side Bend mhm and then we got a shallow

Like that gives us the opportunity to be able to shallow that on the way down yes like if I want good right side Bend and good downswing pieces I need to actually have good left side Bend first on the way back exactly so a lot of times your

Brain’s goal you guys have to understand this I know it might seem so simple but it understands our goal which is to hit this ball that’s on the ground okay and so we we’re very aware of that and so if we aren’t doing things that tell our

Brain we’re going to hit the ground we’re going to find ways to hit the ground okay yeah so so like meaning if I go like this and I’m like I go here that doesn’t tell me I’m going to hit the ground no so so I’d have to find it this

Way yeah and there’s no way from from here I’m G to I want to go here I would never hit the ball you never hit the ball exactly so so it’s really what I’m doing on the way back that makes it a big deal one last little nugget with

This too is just when you do when you do this you know just how you describe the back swing right so if you’re too far away from the ball in the back swing right what’s one way you could get the club to the ground right make it longer

Right so now just letting go of these angles doing so many things I mean there’s so many so if I’m tall and away from the ground there’s one way I can get to it how do I do that this way so so many people want to fix that part

Okay so so if I go here and maybe I don’t do that as a reaction necessarily yeah but I’m still I still got to get to the ball with the early release exactly so there’s so many ways we’re going to fix 20 things just by you understanding

How to do this in the back swing so if you’ve been searching for what should I do in my back swing I can’t fix this I can’t fix that if you start here just let your brain work for you some brains are a little bit better than others but

Let it work for you a little bit to help you figure out these other pieces near impact so so good dude like building in hitting the ground on the way back you’re going to notice again like JT said if you’re the flat especially in the takeaway if you’ve been going inside

And rolling way too much that shoulder’s almost guaranteed going too high with it yeah keep that keep that side but on the way back and I really like that thank you dude I really like that little drill like that like that’s such an easy way

To feel it and then you go in with a club right away so yeah these are so good I feel like we should do this twice or three times a year like it’s so important we do the same videos over and over hopefully you guys enjoyed that any

Questions always leave a comment down below if you want to hook up with JT for in person if you can get with them I wouldn’t wait too long we’ll put his info down below put JT’s info Instagram down there I can contact you through there um any questions always leave a

Comment down below appreciate you guys watching


  1. I think the other tricky part about "finding the ground" is that the trail arm tends to be slightly bent at impact, which is different than your address position, so there's always a feeling like I need to get a bit lower to the ground on the downswing to make up for the slight arm bend. I'm not sure what the correct body compensation is for this at impact, other than just practice and muscle memory. Thoughts?

  2. Feel like you’re keeping that arse on the wall which generally means to lower a bit as you go back. Huge key to a powerfully connected swing.

  3. Great video this and coincidentally I was just working on this on the range this afternoon. The difference in strike was unreal. I thought I was side bending enough but looked at video and the shoulder plane was way flat due to lack of it.

  4. This is huge, "hitting the ground is built in" never thought of it this way. Now i can extend create power and control my lowpoint instead of trying to reach down to hit the ball at all. Wow. Totally the other way around

  5. That’s not turning your shoulders. The lead to this video should be, as well as what your demonstrating is lifting your upper body from the waist and losing your spine angle. Nothing wrong with turning your shoulders as you have said in your other videos.

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