Axis1 Grip Torque Demonstration

Founder/ CEO Luis Pedraza compares Grip Torque at address in this follow up video.

Hi Lis Pedraza from axis one with a follow on video to the one we posted a couple of days ago uh we’ve had a couple of comments uh some want to see me do a 20 foot putt using this revaler others suggest that our Putters are heel

Heavy uh others are implying that maybe we’re altering the task with our fingers or changing weights of the putter so I thought I’d take this opportunity to uh take a different perspective view from the top looking down so you can see that whether our hands and also again uh

Recap what was done previous in the previous video all we did before was move the bottom stabilizer bar from the very bottom of the revealer further up you can see that there’s just a little piece of felt there other than that it’s the exact same revealer there’s a little

White piece of tape that helps us just point straight down and the reason we moved it up was because we believe that the proper way of using this device is to show the torque that is being transmitted to your hands at the grip because that’s where torque is being

Transferred and if you’re supporting the shaft all the way down at the bottom of the revealer you’re in a sense uh supporting the putter head and not truly demonstrating the amount of torque that you see so you see here the uh tow hang putter if I let it go flops about

135° uh if I do the exact same thing with a face balance putter you will see that it flops about 90° and again don’t ask me to make a putt using the revealer everybody knows you can putt with a two ball putter it’s impossible to do that with this revealer

Right now all this is really showing us is that a face balance putter wants to open up 90° from where you want to go now if you take a an axis one putter uh you can see that in the previous video you can spin it and you

Can’t spin a putter if it’s a heel weight of putter so that’s really the test for being a center shafted putter as opposed to heel weighted putter now if you take an axis one putter in the address position you can see that even in this demonstration the putter truly remains

Perfectly Square to where you’re going that’s because the grip axis the shaft axis and the center of gravity are all in one straight line to the bottom of your swing and even if you swing it slowly or at some reasonable amount of speed it remains perfectly Square to where you’re going and then

Finally if you take the directed Force putter as we’ve seen before they spin and there are no weights at the bottom of the directive Force butter and all we have done is place the hook right in the middle of the grip so that it is

Truly on the axis of the grip and not located on the hole that exists to the left of that which is on the axis of the shaft so now if I take this Putter and address the ball you can see that the grip and

The face are in a line right in front of the ball and if I let it go the butter flops about 45° so you really have tow hang Putters that open up 135° face balance Putters that open 90 ° this directed Force butter opens 45° and the axis one Still Remains

Perfectly Square to the Dress uh again you can’t putt with this so it’s kind of a silly question to ask me to hit a 20 foot putt uh this is truly a demonstration tool for what a putter is doing at a dress I should point out that

If a putter opens up and porks in this address position that torque is going to be built into the rest of the swing and made worse upon impact with a ball on offc Center hits so I hope that clarifies a little bit we have not alter the test we’re not doing smoking mirrors

This is purely trying to show a Putter’s pork in the address position thanks


  1. I think the hook being in the middle of the grip is going to mess up the Directed Force because of the forward shaft lean on the press grip. I would be interested to see what happens if you attach it via the hole that is already in the grip, which I believe is how LAB balance it.

  2. You realize the grip bore is where the hole is and it’s at an angle and not the center of the grip right? Quit being jealous of LAB’s commercial and now Tour successes and making these silly videos making yourself look silly by not understanding the way a LAB works (which I’m certain the inventor of and the inventor of the revealer knows how it works). You can find the patents for the grip easily. Even the math is in the patent. The hole in the butt of the grip is where it’s at because the grip’s bore is slanted to create a forward press. You’re being intentionally misleading. It’s gross and makes one question your ethics.

  3. This is really unfortunate. I’m sure the Axis1 is a quality putter, but manipulating the Revealer in such a way that fails to account for the way LAB balances the press grip is just really shady marketing and undermines your credibility completely. Go out there and sell lots of putters by marketing what yours does well, not by falsely manipulating results from a competitor.

  4. Disgraceful company that needs to falsify results to make thier putter look better. Torque always happens towards the heaviest part of a club (hence why the stiffer shaft in a driver creates less torque). Your torque is also created on the shhaft so manipulating the hook to the center of the grip automatically unbalances the whole clube. Either use the hole that's shaft aligned or put a non press grip that's the same weight on the crib. Seriously biggest joke of an add. Hope your company looses business because of this.

  5. Terrible example of manipulative and deceptive marketing. I will no longer consider an Axis putter.

  6. This marketing strategy is pathetic. Even if your putters are great, I hope people see how shitty this attempt is to rip off and manipulate things.

  7. This is such BS manipulative marketing. Going after a competitor by completely manipulating the test is pathetic and unethical.

  8. Booooooooooooooo.
    This is pathetic. Do the test the right way and stop trying to make it look like lab doesn’t work the exact way we know it does.
    You’re absolutely destroying your company with your blatant lack of integrity.

  9. Boy did this backfire again lol. I’d just stop with your misleading videos. You’re really just hurting your product at this point.

  10. I think this is an interesting point. I'm guessing LAB could put a normal grip on their putter and balance it? Thus all the weights they have in them? I will say it would be pretty annoying to change a putter grip and have to send my putter back to the manufacture for balancing every time

  11. Luis, stop. Just stop. You're not helping yourself. At all. The DF hole is where it is because the shaft is angled to that spot and the putter is balanced for that angle. You moving the hook is 100% misleading. Please don't do a 3rd video…unless you care to show your putter moving faster than 0.001mph so your audience can see the obvious torque it has. I can understand why you wouldn't want to show that though.

  12. If the Axis product is "better" than the LAB, don't degrade the LAB by misleading viewers. Manipulating where the LAB is mounted to the Revealer by placing the hook off-center, AND removing any weights from the bottom of the LAB… I've seen the other video, and I didn't want to comment, but this is unethical. Why didn't you just kink the shaft and show us how Axis putters are better that way. I respect how Sam shows how other putters react in the revealer, and I respect even more how he puts out his recommendation of other brands that aren't his own. Not once have I ever seen him talk negatively or try to degrade another brand. This video is truly just embarrassing.

  13. Wow to this comment section…It’s really sad to see how many people are so closed minded that they can’t even CONSIDER the possibility that there may be another way to look at things

  14. You all just need to stop. You’re just embarrassing yourself. The LAB putter is designed purposely not to be aligned to the shaft, but rather to the grip. Balancing in a different hole that it was not designed for is like putting gasoline in the back seat of a Tesla and saying “see, this car won’t drive with gasoline”.

  15. @KevinDemsky
    2 minutes ago
    You all just need to stop. You’re just embarrassing yourself. The LAB putter is designed purposely not to be aligned to the shaft, but rather to the grip. Balancing in a different hole that it was not designed for is like putting gasoline in the back seat of a Tesla and saying “see, this car won’t drive with gasoline”. And you removed the screw from the bottom!! That’s how they balance them! Why don’t you cut off a corner of your putter and see what happens. Just ridiculous.

  16. Everybody is free to use whatever putter they prefer.

    A key difference in the two putters is the axis of grip, shaft, and center of the striking face are in line on Axis1 putters. That also places it evenly between both hands for an even feel.

    Whether you believe the test or not, that should be determined by peer review. The USPTO agrees with Axis1 on their claims.

  17. I am so confused. Why does the toe of the Axis one looks like the toe is trying to flop closed when you try and balance it on your hand before you spin it? Also when it’s in the revealer it looks like the toe is closed. Does slightly closed equal squared to where I’m going? Or is the camera angle slightly skewed? It looks closed.

  18. Thank you all for your comments. Obviously, a lot of you are very passionate about your support for LAB putters. All this video is intended to demonstrate is the amount of twist/torque that is transferred from the head to the grip by a Toe Hang, Face Balance, Directed Force, and an Axis1 putter when in the address position. All putters are equally lined up by the grip, as they are when held in the address position.

    I hope the tone of some remarks will not discourage others from engaging and expressing their opinions.

  19. I've lost all respect for Axis 1 after these misleading videos. Not a good look.

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