Reverse Mulligan Challenge! | 9 Hole Disc Golf Challenge

Reverse Mulligan Challenge at Northside Disc Golf Course!

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What’s up everyone we’re in Springfield Missouri at Northside Park we’re going to do a little reverse Mulligan challenge let’s get into it all right so the way the reverse Mulligan works is that at any point in the round after a shot you can take a mulligan you have unlimited Mulligans

However if you take a mulligan that gives the other person a reverse Mulligan which is essentially just a cancel shot so if I use a mulligan and then I throw a good shot Jacob gets a reverse Mulligan he can immediately cancel that and we’re all square again

We’re going to flip to see who goes first TS is going to be Jacob TS it’s going to be me o Jacob all right so hole one is 370 ft you won’t be able to see the basket from here it’s just straight down that Hill important thing to note here this

Is probably the newest course in our area Cameron and I have both not played here so we’re both going in blind heard a lot of really good things about it but whole one 370 straight there if I hit the trees I guess that’s fine we got a lot of wind today too yep

I think I going to be all right that’s going to be in some tall stuff I think I might have a pitch out all right we’re going to get a little strata H I kind of have a gap but definitely not easy that’s it oh we got a long look there might be

Mulligan on the putt there all right probably I don’t know 25 something feet for for part I really need this oh pulled that I I really don’t I think it’s too early to take a mole again I think I think I’m going to pass oh I got a

Little C1 look here honestly a really good result all right guys hole two here is about 160 ft it’s just right up this hill just kind of throw it right at the basket hope it scoots up past the trees little deep that’ll be all right Eagle Envy get off that oh my gosh

Dude is it mull I’m going to take a mulligan all right I’m taking a mulligan and I’m struggling early uh as prug but I’m going to try the Christen tar two time pure the question is do you have to take your Mullan yeah yeah you definitely

Have to take the Mullan I’m going again okay third times the charm holy cow I guess let’s keep running all right we’re going to try forand this time finally all right ladies and gentlemen he doesn’t know this yet but if he misses this putt that’s great for

Me if he makes it I’m definitely using one of the reverse Mor on him he’s I don’t think I can make this putt after all that I’m taking it I don’t care ho three is a par 4 it’s 475 ft you’re not going to be able to quite see

The basket it’s right back down the hill towards a creek side that’s be and then over the creek side to the basket about 125 ft on the other side of the creek it looks like it’s just kind of get through down to the opening and then pitch

Across so I’m just going to go actually with a t- bird forehand go with something a little bit I want to try to throw it soft and on Heiser just kind of let it filter down there I mean I think that that tree is like okay it’s just like in the middle

There all right things got real ugly real fast did I take three or four Mulligans there I took four Mulligans there uh so I technically still got a three on the hole but now Jacob has four reverse Mulligan so if I throw a good shot here he can easily just pull that

Away which if he was smart he would do if he was nice he wouldn’t but uh he’s not oh get up get through it was low but I think it got to the bottom of the hill yeah I think we’re going to have to see that one

Again no we’re going to Club up with with a destroyer I honestly it hit a few things but I think it might get at least down to the bottom I can pitch out we’re going to let him play it so we’re on hole three now and I’m struggling to say

The least uh I’m three Strokes back Jacob’s got three reverse Mulligans after he just used one so uh I don’t foresee myself winning this but uh we’re going to give it our best shot cuz why not that’s what we’re out here to do all right that was a great use of the

Mulligan by Jacob got to give him props to that uh I’m sitting in the woods here I got a little forehand roller option so I’m going to go right here and see if I can just roll it out into the middle of the Fairway oh baby oh

Baby I just got to the other side of the ditch but are we am I keeping that I think I want to see it again all right best roller of my life part two curl I’m right in the middle of the Gap I don’t know if you can see that you

Want me to do it one more time do it one more time s save my other do one more time when we’re all square I didn’t want to save my other all right very cut off here on this angle part of me kind of wants to try a really like high under

Stable shot but I don’t know feel like all those br an are just going to knock it down so we’re going to go zlex Captain’s Raptor just go a little skip shot I’m honestly just trying to hit that tree right before it and get a skip over oh bummer mull yeah needed

That oh I need to miss the tree ah it’s not a bad spot though a little better all right so job used to Mulligan so I finally have a reverse Mulligan things are looking up uh I just have a pretty stock forehand into the green here

Imagine this goes in and then you just reverse Mulligan that would be tragic huh all right so I am for sure trying to make this just to keep it a buck fitty with y’all there’s a big wall right behind the basket so if I blaze it past

I’m probably going to hit the wall drop right by the basket if I make it then Cameron is basically forced to use his reverse Mulligan unless he’s silly so I feel like there’s just no risk and all reward oh yanked it though bummer all right now we’re on hole four

But you might be asking yourself Jacob that looks like a new hoodie and you would be correct we’ve got cotton hoodies and cotton t-shirts we’ve got blue we’ve got red we’ve got black we’re going to put pictures of them on the screen right here those are all available at Ozark Mountain disc right

Now go get you some you can be sporting them out on the course we really appreciate it all right now now back into the hole really short really skinny Gap you know what I say when I see skinny gaps on the disc gol course I say

Why throw when I can roll it through so Captain Raptor forand roller little short that’s okay though all right I’m down big here it’s a no guts no glory I’m just going to try to punch a forehand straight through that middle Gap or yank it

We’re going to go ahead and take a m again all right same disc same thought process execute this time or pull it again it’s kind of a rocking a hard place for Cameron right now cuz he has so many reverse Mulligans built up cuz at this point say he had just thrown a

Great shot with his second Justice all that that means is that I would have taken it away and made him do it again it’s kind of a tough place to be but I guess we’ll see if it works out for him wow you want me to do it again no I’m

Basically Lightning McQueen in Cars what is it three or four I’m fading fading fast uh got a little probably little stepper jumper here this one would actually be really huge to make come on ah I mean you know you would have had to have made it twice

All right hole number five 190 ft pretty tight Fairway very straight I’m going to be just taking a really soft pa3 got the Ezra Robinson pa3 these are still 25% off at Oar and in the store so go pick you up one they fly a little bit like

This all right that was crushed but uh hit the Gap I’m going to go pixel here uh these are not 25% off but they are available at oer Mountain discs oh have mercy dude I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore cuz part of me wants to throw

Again I want to throw again but if I throw a good shot you’re just be like and I’m just going to be like well what am I doing maybe you throw two good shots in a row I’m going to take a mulligan cuz I have nothing to lose at this point

Pure just like I’m about to do this Gap it’s called speaking it into existence oh oh you shut your mouth dude I’m taking it all right I’m going to be honest I don’t even know if I can get through this Gap right here this not my day it never

Was okay throw me a putter it’s just stop the bleeding yep it’s as good as it’s going to be for me it’s as good as it’s going to get nope figured that was happening yeah do it again now what’s going to feel really awesome is when I absolutely bang this putt again

Yeah it has crossed my mind ah too far oh yeah tell them how it feels all right ladies and gentlemen hole six 175 ft straight down the hill to an elevated basket here I was just telling Cameron I actually lost count of how many R Mulligans I have at this point

Pretty sure I have like three or four back cuz he took one off the te and one on The Fairway so we’re going to call it four he did just use his only reverse Mulligan on me there it was good use good use saved me from getting a birdie

It’s a good use of the Mulligan I got I got I got some space I I I got got room to run here so I think I’m going to try to make it like I’m throwing a basket hey I’m probably going to hit a tree but I’m trying to make

It yeah thre a basket height sometimes it’s just your day you know sometimes we’re going pixel it’s all I can say it’s all I want to say uh of course do I throw another one I mean what am I doing what what am I actually doing being out here with you right

Now I’m going to throw another one always was Kristen SAR if you watch this I’m sorry oh so much Heiser hit the same tree yep yep yep yep they’re going to be sitting right on top of each other but I’m going to take that one cuz why not

Actually turned out to be incredible use to the Mulligan by me because my pixel ended up right there so this extra probably 6 feet of feet of space all I got to do is scuber over this thing now and uh we’re in for two I think it’s under the basket not

Sure elevated basket nothing we haven’t dealt with before Oh my gosh yeah I’m G to have to go and see that again oh my gosh dude how many times you going to make me make this putt come on I’ll do it again I’ll do it again all right you can try one more

Time yeah I got I got one more I think yeah I think after this you’ll have one more not going to lie did not feel good about that one I was very nervous also I’ll pick you up again cuz uh in case anyone cares to know where Jacob’s

At right under the basket all right hole seven is a par 4 360 ft goes right up this Alleyway and then dog legs right to the basket so I’m assuming it’s just kind of pitching to the corner and then a straight shot over to the basket so I’m

Going to try my t- bird forehand again I’m going to try to just throw it flat and see if it’ll turn over down the alleyway I’m not trying to bite off a lot but like I said I got I got room to run so I can’t tell it’s quite far it’s too

Bad yeah I think it’s going to be all right but I don’t know if it’s quite as far as you’d like to ESP Raptor haven’t thrown it today so I haven’t thrown it bad today but uh first time for everything right this is just so stupid all right this one’s cuz I’m mad

I’m throwing this as hard as I can oh also M again felt good don’t know if it’s good I going have to go and see that one again no way dude oh have mercy I’m taking it I’m tired of throwing off the tea all right now let

The record show here I did just take my last reverse Mogan Cameron is uh he’s heading up the Fairway he’s going to a shot I think it was probably my best use I could have had there he’s not happy yeah let’s go and put the score up right

Over here let’s just see where we’re at might go down as the most unsportsmanlike move uh in Channel History I think that’s a veteran move Mr Yari if you ever see this I just want you to know they made really pretty discs for you this year skip

Shot oh going to be honest you were in the way of that I’m going to do I’m going to try again oh the Wall came in really fast there oh okay that’s one clubbing down going to the mid is that going to get there too yeah

This almost further the wall is just a lot closer than it appears do it oh please dude please don’t do it in my benevolence I will let this pass oh my gosh they always say there there’s one shot in your round that keeps you coming back that that putt right there was that

For me I I might have just hung up the discs after this one but by the grace of God we’re back all right y’all ready for this one heads up red 48 on the cam over there sure uh oh do I have a all again uh yeah go

Ahead and try it again all right it really wasn’t that hard I literally just dropped it all right you got lucky all right because I am amazing at this game I have the box finally um ho a 365 it’s right in this grouping of trees I’m just going to send a flex

Forehand ah low I’m going to go again all right Mulligan I’m going to go back in with the Beast here oh I ripped over on it all right first time well actually except for whole one second time on the back of the box uh I’m going to go with the K1

G how does that go all the way through the trees not bad at all that’ll play Oh have mercy dude I literally can’t catch a break out here starting to get a little much yes I’m going to have to see it again yeah I knew that

Was you don’t have any after this I have one more after this you have one more after this all right ladies and gentlemen hole 9 last hole for us 260 ft dead Straight Ahead into the pile of trees up there we’re going with a little metal flake md1 mind Bender oh

Baby all right the old Sayang don’t uh don’t cry because it’s over smile because it happened I’m doing the opposite all right I’m crying because it happened I’m smiling because it’s over going hex ideally hit the same line cuz that was pretty sweet ah it’s about the closest I’ve been to

The basket all day nope left all right guys that is going to do it for us this has been Northside disc golf course it’s one of the newer courses in Missouri really liked it first time playing it loved it a lot of short holes um but honestly the way the

Course is being kept is really cool every t- sign uh had like a broom next to it to sweep off the concrete pads they have canopies and benches where you can sit so it’s really cool course the back n’s going to be done within the

Next month I think we ran into a guy that’s been upkeeping the course within the next month they’re going to have the back nine ready so we might come back out and do another video let us know if you liked reverse Mulligans our first

Time trying it out if you want to see at some other courses let us know I was able to take it down today definitely gives me some a much needed boost of confidence I’ve been on a little bit of a cold streak out here against Cameron

So feels good to get a win today we’ll see you guys in the next one Ozark Mountain disc to the Moon we’ll see you later


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