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TexAgs Radio LIVE: THUR, FEB. 15 feat. David Nuño, Olin Buchanan, Jim Schlossnagle & more!

#texags #AggieFootball #secfootball #secbasketball #secbaseball

Thursday’s show featured the GO Hour with TexAgs columnist and Heisman Trophy voter Olin Buchanan as he discussed 2024 SEC win totals and way to early Heisman odds. We closed the hour with our QB1, Stephen McGee, talking Aggie football, recapping the Super Bowl and more. The second hour kicked off with Texas A&M head baseball coach Jim Schlossnagle with TexAgs baseball beat reporter Richard Zane. Coach Schlossnagle previewed Aggie baseball’s season opener against McNeese, the overall health of the team and more. Texas A&M head track and field coach Pat Henry joined the program for the track and field report. At the bottom of the hour, Texas A&M head men’s swimming and diving coach joined the show and Aaron Torres of Fox Sports Radio went around college football and basketball to close the hour. The third and final hour heard former Texas A&M basketball player Logan Lee breaking down the Vanderbilt loss and previewing Texas A&M hoops showdown with the Crimson Tide. The bottom of the hour heard The Fan Show, your weekly dose of maroon Kool-Aid, talking all things Aggie football, basketball, and more.

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(9:25) GO Hour with Olin Buchanan
(47:35) Stephen McGee
(1:09:45) Jim Schlossnagle
(1:33:00) Pat Henry
(1:45:47) Jay Holmes
(1:57:54) Aaron Torres
(2:10:05) Logan Lee
(2:36:00) Around the SEC with Callie Garner
(2:44:20) The Fan Show

You know what I love sports love sports sport sports sports sport sports sports sports sports when it comes to Texas A&M where are you getting this information let me tell you welcome to texags I need to talk a little sports with you a David newor here with texags

Radio Billy Luchi here on texags radio Olan yanon we will develop men we will graduate players and we will win championships on the field the best way for us to win is to do it together do you realize everybody knows who you are right now I think we’re

Coming into this year with a new confidence schools are like freaking Texas A&M man like that’s about as pretty a throw catch combo as there is I saw this safety roll the slot fade I knew where I needed to put the ball you had no other

Option but one hand at that yeah man 50/50 ball I got to come down with you know if I’m bet on anybody it’s the Aies so it’s going to be hard to top yesterday’s show very hard to top B bu Canon from 8:35 to 9:35 that was fun it is texags Radio we are presented by David Jeweler’s r Insurance Studio go hour presented by the warehouse at CC Creations this is Coffee Talk presented

By texags coffee beat the hell out of the Morning by going to coffee I’m David Nuno he’s ol Buchanan today is Thursday February the 15 2024 so not that we’re going to celebrate our win yesterday getting coach eloko on the show because that it was great and some good information but

Something he said yesterday struck with me especially when I’m reading this note that our producers put together in our show packet says Aggie’s uh in the NF draft five Aggies invited to the 2024 NFL scouting combine the names you should know them anniah Smith Laden Robinson McKinley Jackson Edan Cooper

And deanii Richardson and I want to spend some time talking about those guys but one of the things that coach Elco said yesterday was that don’t judge us on the right now right like um obviously it’s results business but judge us like how many guys we get to the NFL cuz

That’ll tell you the kind of caliber of program that we’re putting together and I think I maybe my memory me I think he said you know if we get 18 guys in the in the NFL draft or in the in the NFL that tells you something I sure like to

See that number well I wonder if I doubt he means 18 guys all in one draft right but maybe at one time if you have 18 guys on your team that on a specific team that went and you know was drafted over a foure period three year

Period whatever y uh because that’s a lot um that said I mean there’s been some drafts A&M you know especially back in the 90s probably probably had 10 guys drafted well in fact it was was that long ago right it wasn’t that long ago the year with Cullen gpia yeah Jimbo’s

First year uh but you’d like to see a lot of them in the first and second round you know because I think part of the because I think the the thing that sparked the question was it’s not just about the stars is about getting the right fit in your program and then he

Took it and went an extension to that of but how I understood it was developing these guys to be NFL players just because you’ve been anointed this five star who walks on water right does not guarantee you path into the NFL but just because you’re a three star does not

Mean you won’t find your way to the NFL we’re you probably have it in you and we’re going to help uncover it yeah a lot of times and I’ve said this many times and I believe this you those talented three star guys are more valuable than some because a lot of five

Star guys show up with uh entitlement yep uh boy don’t we know it right we do know it and then you get a lot of three- star guys that show up with uh an edge to prove themselves reprove themselves and I think of Eric McCoy and Mike Evans and annias Smith

You know guys like that I’m not saying that all three star guys obviously were going to be that way or all five star guys are going to be disappointing but you know I could go down the list of five star guys here that have disappo pointed and it’s about as equal to the

Three star guys that have uh that have really impressed but to me at home with my kids on a football field and an office setting it’s about accountability people will do what you allow them to do if or won’t do what you allow them not to do if Billy was cool with me

Showing up and sometimes you know starting the show at 9:15 guess what sometimes I’d probably start the show at 9:15 it doesn’t matter what time we start just do a three-hour then you know but there’s a there’s an accountability you have to do a certain thing if you’re

Allowed if certain players are allowed to show up late to meetings that trickles down yeah it does I was not here at the time um but I was told after I got here that uh for all the good things Mike Sherman did that one of the things one of his shortcomings was

Coming from the NFL he just expected the players to be mature enough and dedicated enough to handle their own workout of assignments you know in the offseason and they didn’t and it showed that year I guess it was 2011 when they uh I think was about a

Half dozen games they lost that they blew the the they had the the lead going into the second half or even the fourth quarter and lost and it kind of showed um and then we’ve also talked about this before when A&M has has had good strong strong well um respected

Strength conditioning coaches what do you know they’ve been had pretty good teams but I think all what you’re talking about is culture it is culture yeah you know are you going to work harder are you going to be disciplined are you going to show up where you’re

Supposed to be when you’re supposed to where you supposed to be when you’re supposed to be and then do the players in the locker room not only follow that enforce that philosophy hey man you didn’t run that rep right let’s do it again like and then can the younger players or the

Other players take that information and use it in a constructive way it’s like oh this guy’s got my back he’s trying for me to be the best as opposed to why is this dude telling me what to do well you know some do some don’t but the the

Best teams typically are teams where your older players and established players are dedicated to that culture y i I think of basketball I’ve said before Tim Duncan you know he’s a guy best player on the team he cared about was winning so he’s going to set the tone and everybody follow him so

Um I know in 2012 when A&M was so good they Shawn Porter Shawn Porter was a guy that was vocal and nonsense and demanding and all these things and and guys followed him um I don’t think that they’ve always had that no no and and I think you have to

Recruit those kind of guys yeah Tyrell Dodson was that way maybe it’s maybe it’s a linebacker thing you know Tyrell Dodson was that way uh because I saw him get on guys before yeah um but I I think that A&M it it strikes me that lately that they’ve had

Guys that were more comfortable leading by example which is great because you got to do it it’s hard to hold somebody accountable when you’re not playing well but maybe having to force the the vocal leader type of thing we’re look we’re in a different time we talk about it all

The time but we’re James Franklin had a great bite yesterday and I and I’ll probably read it on the show at some point I got to look for it but talking about how you know if you don’t give me a chance like you chose this University

For a reason if you don’t give me a chance to like teach you and develop you like and you just leave in a moment you know like what are we doing here and at the end of the day these kids have the power to go like whatever dude I can go

Make money over here I can go play here this guy’s promised me a Ferrari and a starting job and I’m out when you’re 18 years old it is when you’re 30 years old sometimes it’s hard to think about what life is going to look like in 10 years

You don’t know but you think you know but you don’t and that’s the power of wisdom yeah it’s true um but especially the younger you are the I think the harder it is to look further down the road but you know there are certain things that I think um are Timeless and

Discipline in sports is a is a Timeless yep quality I mean it’s it’s always going to no matter what the rules are changing if you have a discipline and and accountability that’s always going to benefit you as you try to win championships we all may act like we

Don’t need it and want it but we all need it I am a better person when I am focused disciplined I’m actually happier and I’m talking about like organized in life when there’s I always use the tabs too many tabs open when I don’t have that many tabs open and at least if

They’re open I have them in the right file in the right place I love going into my closet this talks more about me being a weirdo and having all my red shirts in one section all my white shirts in one section all my like it it it there’s a comfort and a happiness

That I didn’t know I had that in me until I got there and sometimes you have to have that kind of discipline and accountability in all levels of life and 18year olds are not right they got to learn it sometimes you got to burn your your hand on the stove before you really

Know but it makes a difference and I think that’s what I took away yesterday from coach Elco a lot of things I took away from it but there’s going to be accountability there’s a a level of preparation that is needed and I wonder OB if they just had a little bit of more

Of that just a little bit more I’m not saying significantly more a little bit more if Jimbo’s still not the coach well um if the stories we’ve heard and a lot of times we’ve heard them from players yep were true then dis and accountability was a a

Major issue MH and yeah if you clean that up sometimes sometimes you got to let a player go and you got to let him go in a spectacular fashion to get everybody’s attention by the way that doesn’t mean just yelling Jimbo was known to yell right yelling yelling is

Is a Band-Aid on the on the on the moment accountability means you do this this happens by the way there was accountability for moose if we disagree or agree there was a rule set in place and he didn’t get the play the rest of that game I wish I wish it didn’t

Tarnish their relationship on the field the rest of his career there yeah because he was great against LSU and he’s really good whenever he played I think it it strikes me that with Jimbo that there was there was accountability it was just inconsistent yeah okay this guy did something I’m GNA hold him

Counter this guy we’re GNA let him have a pass and uh I know that was kind of the case in 2012 as well with certain players got a pass and C and you can probably guess which one um but uh more often than not you know you

Got to you you’ve got to let everybody know that this is how we’re going to do things and if it’s not for you then move on so the the names that I see here for the combine and NFL hopefuls all are names to me that I feel like can follow

The rules we’re accountable U maybe they like for instance I think Laden Robinson did not have the the best two years stint of his career the last couple years AG the guy was a pro though coming to work always came had the right attitude said the right things um he

Handled his business the right way annias Smith absolutely without a doubt McKinley Jackson another guy yeah Edge Cooper Edge to me is what what coaching because I’m going to give DJ Durkin some props here I know that we have some issues philosophically when it comes to

His defense but I’m going to give props to the linebacker core because Edan Cooper took a huge step up last year and some of that has to go to coaching and some of that is Edge Cooper found a way to be Edge Cooper again right like or

Beyond what we had seen but he went about his work the right way and Dean Richardson went about his work the right way yeah um we’ve never heard anything uh about any of those guys being problematic right right all those guys have been guys that were good football

Players I don’t know how good leaders they were because you know again I don’t know if they were the vocal guys or not but good players that uh that seem to be at least dedicated to to try to make this a winning program Richard Zayn says having a colorcoded closet does not make

You weird mine is also organized by color yeah see mine is not it’s barely organized by garment but you tell me where to be at a certain time you’ll be there I’ll be there early every single time unless the flight is 7: a.m. OB says right after

The game we’re going to the airport buddy all right maybe not right after after you write your call so anyway all right if you want to be part of the conversation this morning you can do it a couple different ways you can call us up hey we’ll talk to you

979-6962 what do you think about accountability what you heard from coach Elco yesterday I want to hear from you a lot of stuff on the boards we want to hear it on the radio show 979 693 11150 you can call us up on that Brian Foley

Law hotline or you can text us at that same number look I would if I ran a football team I would run it very similar to I’ve never been in the military I’m not even close to being qualified for that but I love the mindset that they have there about

How they go about their business and that’s how I run my team but with a lot of love too which is military by the way it would depend on what level did you say an NFL team or just aall team yeah yeah I would 18-year old men going to the uh

To the Army can handle it I think 18-y old men going to college football I’m not saying being mean I’m not saying hazy I’m not saying that I’m just saying like the level of discipline requ yeah without a doubt I think uh I think that teams that are

Undisciplined and it it starts with simple things or or what you think silly things in a in practice in a certain things you know make sure you’re lined up the certain way in calisthenics you know there some coaches want everything the same and you think why why is this

Important why trying to build a habit to always do the you know to be disciplined and do right wayam that are not those are the teams you get down on and we’ve seen it here you get down on uh the goal line and somebody jumps I believe when

You take shortcuts it opens the door for other shortcuts true if you don’t open any shortcuts you can’t make another mistake right like if diet for instance you have One Piece of Cake you know what I’ll have another one it’s easy once you said yes it’s easy what what flavor cake are we

Talking around I bought my wife yesterday as I do every Valentine’s and the kids too the girls um I got uh caramel Sundays that’s what I’m thinking about what what I don’t do frosting sucks oh man like it’s like the first bite it’s like oh it’s pretty good and

Then it’s just like I’m good I like cake I bet cake by the ocean right I like it anywhere I can get it yeah I bet you have a lot of cake by the ocean if if you if I’m at the ocean somebody bring me some cake I’ll eat it yeah Nick where

Were we uh I don’t know uh all I’m looking forward to the rest of the show hopefully no more cake talk is uh coach Sloss coming on later on at 9:00 with Richard Zayn hopefully we kind of get an idea of what that starting rotation is going to look like maybe uh

And maybe he’ll drop some nuggets about what the lineup will look like so I’m really looking forward to that that’d be like I on the cake yeah 100% by the ocean Jared Schultz shout out to you let’s go to the angry elephant news and social Center Kaylin Tor is in the house

K k what’s your favorite cake I’m I’m with David I don’t like cake either I’m more of an ice cream an ice cream type of girl you I don’t discriminate I ice cream of ice cream yeah I like strawberry strawberry yep OB what flavor of ice cream uh prein and cream that

Sounds fantastic it is actually pretty fantastic yeah have we ever had ice cream at the same time I don’t think so and i’ I’ve swearing it off really we have we have ice cream in the uh freezer I’m I’m not eating any now I did have

Some on Super Bowl Sunday cuz Arma just a holiday made basically it should be it is a holiday but and we said that that’s it Super Bowl Sunday is more of a holiday than Valentines well hell yeah word Miss Tor uh yeah you got Awkward on there I

Know I apologize I’m good I was going to let y’all go um we’ve got a lot happening in Agy land and around this weekend A&M’s Women’s Basketball team is hosting Vanderbilt tonight at 8:00 p.m. Revenge come on they’re 5 and5 in the SEC coming off two Road victories against W Miss and

Kentucky they have an 11 and two record at home and are beating teams by an average of a little over 21 points in auland they are ranked number eight in the nation in rebounds at about 11.2 per game forward janah Barker is on a hot streak right now of 18 points and seven

Rebounds per game and we talked about it a little yesterday but head coach Joanie Taylor was just named assistant coach for the 2024 USA Women’s Basketball national team and this is her sixth assignment with the USA team she’s awesome she is she is she uh she’s doing

A a magnificent job with that program taking where they were just last year yeah and I mean they’re they are a realistic Contender to get into the NCAA tournament which is remarkable considering where they were last year I don’t think I’ve ever asked her where she stands on Michael versus LeBron but

I think I know the answer to it well she’s smart so it’s Michael but secondly the name of her dog Jordan so I think that settles it I bet you should take uh Jagger over Timberlake as well you know what on the factor I don’t think she

Will I don’t think she will my generation even though that video that we both saw was terrible JT I think my generation still oh let’s ask Caitlin she don’t even know who MC Jagger is well then he’s not that cool I do I know who he is but I probably would go Justin

Timberly thank you that has nothing but she’s not based I’m sure on on factor to be a generational thing is JT cool I think he’s cool I like him yeah he look real cool on uh on Punk see that fight people he no he like got upset and he

Called his mother that wasn’t so cool I’m sure MC Jagger’s just a great Fighter MC Jagger doesn’t have to fight he’s so cool he’s so cool the people fight for him you think M Jagger and Chuck Norris hang out I would think Chuck Norris probably

Listens to a lot of MC Jager yeah yeah probably so I didn’t have a comeback for that one that’s you’re probably right we’re going to hit a break here when we come back on Tex a radio I got some other things to uh get into Rick Barnes is still

Complaining is he about now yesterday he complained about the uh the Buzz Williams thing about walking on the court like it’s still a thing but by the way it should have been a technical but I’m surprised it didn’t get caught not that not that it was going to matter in

The outcome of the game know but he’s still complaining about it like just move on bro maybe we’ll talk about that we just kind of basically did right now the tretor festival time they’re coming back at Texas barbecue and Music Experience returns to A&M’s you’re going to get some tickets yeah Aggie Park

Saturday May 18th and this year’s event is bigger and better tubor Festival bringing you together 35 of the best barbecue joints in Texas for you to indulge in the unlimited samples of their incredible smoke creations and you can’t forget about the music there’s live country music on two stage

Including this year’s headliner country music icon Travis trit Brown I’m kidding yeah Travis trit here was a quarter call someone who cares he’ll be joined by Texas country Legend Pat Green I love Pat Green William Clark green his cousin I think are we discussing here how about

The red clay Strays I thought it was going to be the green clay Strays but okay Cameron saki band don’t know him oh Cameron saki is huge in the in in Texas country whether you want to experience the barbecue and concert or just concert itself there’s a ticket for You tickets

Are on sale right now at trador that is trador so get yours now and we’ll see you at agie Park for the trador festival again that is coming up on Saturday May the 18th coolest n 90-year-old outside of my dad out there Mick Jagger I’ve met never met

Your dad but he he sounds like a pretty cool guy out there playing golf at 90 and yeah 93 years old 93 beat Co beat a heart attack beat hip replacement surgery dude’s balling all right it’s Texas a radio we are presented by David Gardner JW Insurance Studio I do want to

Give a shout out to Ethan Ethan on the YouTube page I don’t know if you I think you were here yesterday when I mentioned it he mentioned he was interviewing to get a fire job he got it so congratulations to Ethan he will be uh I’m not not sure what city but uh

Congrats to Ethan for that excellent yeah it’s go to the angry elephant news and social Center Caitlyn I think we got a few text messages to pay off yeah we’ve got some in here we’ve got bosis from Katie says morning guys I love what he said no BS coach if you’re a three

Four or five star it does not matter there are no rules to be followed I love that hope it stays that way every year not just the first year no rules to follow or many rules to follow sorry there are there are rules to follow There are rules to be followed I think

They will I I think uh Elko strikes me as a guy that says hey this is how we’re going to do it the thing that strikes me the most I feel like I’m talking to Mike Elko when I’m talking to Mike Elko yeah right like like that’s who he is yeah I

Agree with that when there’s certain coaches and and Jimbo I think Jimbo was Jimbo but like we didn’t sometimes he had a lot going on like and too much going on sometimes he’s and here’s the deal I liked Jimbo person I thought he was a likable

Guy but it got to where you know very defensive sometimes he’d say so many things that he sound like a politician talking you know just yeah there’s so much word salad that you came away with what what did he just say but at the end

Of the day I don’t care if you’re rude if you win like I’d rather you be polite don’t get me wrong he he wasn’t that rude very often no it’s not that but you’re right with the end of day a lot will be forgiven if you win if you win a

Bunch of games like I said if Elco is consistently winning nine or 10 games and never wins a national championship yeah I’ll be sad I won a national championship but he will be looked upon in the RC level yeah but RC got fired RC did get

Fired and I think I think he uh personality wise I think he has some similar traits to RC yeah he does Kaylin what else yeah from San Antonio we got the athletic had a good piece on this last year over the last 10 years Texas A&M

Had 133% of its four stars drafted in the NFL draft which was one of the bottom 10 percentages SEC teams often on our schedule such as LSU who had 34% and Alabama with 31% we’re in the top 10 percentages of getting four stars to the NFL recruiting is at a high level

Recruiting at a high level is necessary but that is just the starting point development at a high level you got to develop them and you know I go I always think about uh Speedy noil yeah when he got here he looked as a freshman he looked like a budding star and he never

Got better in fact he kind of declined he was one of those guys I kept on waiting like it’s this is this is going to be the time what you saw fresh man they got something here and then they got Christian Kirk oh look look what you’re gonna have with these two guys

And Kirk was developed but but uh but Speedy didn’t all right let’s uh I did not know we had a caller let’s go right now to the Brian fley law hotline we’ve got Smith in the house who wants to talk a little accountability Smith welcome to Tex a radio what’s

Up yeah you was talking about accountability I’m sitting here watching you know you gotta start at the top when Jim Ro Fisher got that 10year contract yes sir y’all didn’t do nothing to blow that man head up never thought about how 10 years he was gonna perform at the

Time yeah and then you turn around and give him all that money I didn’t givey Smith Smith welcome to my show uh I didn’t give him any money well well you you down there and I’m sitting there watching your show it says Texas H&M radio station no it

Doesn’t say that so what I’m saying is it says texx when the man come in uh y’all gave all that money didn’t give him a dollar years I’ve never given him a dollar you know how know how the world operate no I now couple things we did

Not play a part in the financial contributions to Jimbo Fisher’s lifestyle nobody in this building did so just so we’re clear I agree that when you get a 10year deal right like you call your own shots and you don’t care and that part you are 100% uh correct

Smith I thought that um I understand um why they Ross bjor gave him the extension I thought it was a a bad idea to but I got it but I understood because at the time they had just they had just finished number four in the country yep

And LSU wanted him yep and if you let him after the best season you had had the the best finish you had had since you won the 1939 National Championship the best final ranking if then your primary rival to the east takes him away you as Ross Bor look really bad but but

And I’ve said this on this show I’ve said what they should have done was say hey you know what we’ll give you a bonus but if seven because you still had seven years left on the original if seven years at $7.5 million and US building everything you’ve asked for and giving

You everything you want isn’t enough to keep you here well then best of luck well Smith I I’ll say this at the time it made sense but it was the wrong decision just like uh Mike Elco yesterday saying he’ll be uh graded on how many guys he gets to the NFL along

With his wins right so at the time it made sense three four years later no terrible decision and the original contract Smith Mr Smith I think was uh was was okay because you identified the guy that you thought could be to to get you where you wanted to go and and for

The first three years it looked like it and had you not given him the extension y you might you might have fired him a year earlier Mr Smith you just find our show for the first time recently I really appreciate you calling in yeah yeah this first time out because y’all

You know you know I’m talking about this is not the first time agie did this you know that boy in front of him they fired him at the same time they had to pay that guy $15 million to leave there yeah hey um Mr Smith I’ll throw this in

There outside of Nick sabbin maybe Kirby Smart a lot of people leave with some money Tom Herman Charlie Strong a lot of people have left jobs around college football with a with a paycheck Kevin some actually got 25 million so so that’s a that’s a100 million over the last 10 years or so

That A&M has paid guy football coach is not the coach Mr Smith you call back sometime all right sir and thanks for listening yeah yeah yeah thank you sir appreciate you I think I’m changing the style of the show we’re becoming a caller driven show we’ve always been like information

I think we’re going call I like that Mr I don’t I don’t mind calls I I don’t either but I usually don’t do my show like it’s we have segments for that you know what let’s just freaking open up the phone lines now one time Gabe and I

Had a guy call in and dropped an F bomb that’s not good yeah so we had we kind of we kind of uh we kind of relaxed on the on the calls there for a while but yeah well we didn’t have the five second delay I I’m glad that I paid part of

Jimbo Fisher salary though that’s what that’s what I’m proud of that I have that much money I can tell them to good go bye goodbye I just wish that they had not given him the three more years the extension because I it it just feels like that Jimbo Fisher’s approach to co

Coaching that team changed after that if Mike El ends up winning a national championship then good don’t give him a 10- year extension well but regardless good it got us it got us Mike Elko the Jimbo deal got us my coko so there’s that we’ll see how that works out I’m

I’m cautiously optimistic though all right let’s hit a break here did you or someone you know graduate from Texas A&M within the last uh 12 years are you leading by example in business or in service if so you need to reach out to the Association of Former students who

Want to nominate or want to invite you to nominate yourself or someone that you know for the 12 Under 12 young alumni Spotlight so each year the association recognizes a dozen agies who have graduated within the last 12 years for their business accomplishments Civic or military service philanthropic efforts

And outstanding representation of A&M’s core values Excellence Integrity leadership loyalty respect and selfless service uh previous year honores have included year uh leaders in business higher education Architects petroleum 2024 nominations closed Sunday March 31st so be sure to submit a nomination soon to learn more about the recognition

Submit a nomination visit tx. a12 under2 nominations Tex a radio presented by David Garder Jewelers here in the r Insurance Studio it is the go represented by the warehouse at CC Creations maroon never looks so good with maroon U OB let’s go to the Brian Foley law hotline that’s

Where we’re joined by rqb 1 Paragon financials Stephen McGee Stephen good morning buddy how we doing fellas good I don’t know I don’t know if you got to hear the tell end of the last segment but we had a caller call in and um if for a moment

It felt like the fine bomb show was cool and now the floodgates have opened so we’ve got a caller who wants to ask a football question so we’re going to go back to the Brian Foley law hotline and let Ross ask his Aggie football question Ross welcome to Tech

Tags hey thanks I’ll be quick uh with all the success that Elco had in the off season I want to hear what McGee’s take is about what success looks like for the real season thanks uh for having me hey Ross we appreciate you sir uh Stephen we had Elco on in studio

Yesterday was awesome great 30-minute conversation what do you think success looks like for him in year one you know prior to the transfer portal Hall I thought success could be seven and five quite frankly because I felt like the team that was going to start you know August 31st against Notre

Dame was the one that was out in the field against Oklahoma State minus two key starters obviously or three um and one being your quarterback so I get that we’d be a little bit better than that but I um I just wasn’t too optimistic but with that transer transfer Porter

Hall I now have U my expectations a little bit higher and I think we’ve discussed this in the past and I think it’s uh it’s really changed the college football landscape with the transfer uh portal is that now a new coach where in the past it was difficult to rebuild the

Program with your DNA and your identity you know you’re a pro style offense you got to get a fullback you got you know you got to get a quarterback to pit your system defensively you’ve got to get you know if you’re a 43 team you got to have that great Mike linebacker Will

Linebacker that can run you got to build it out right and it just doesn’t happen day one and so there’s that transition period that can be slow but with the transfer portal I believe now a new staff can come to a program and have a real contender in year two um you know

Next year the schedule is relatively weak for SEC standards um I I wouldn’t be surprised to see them go eight and four um this is way too early to predict I know a lot of things happen between now and then but eight and four I think exceeding any

Expectations would be nine and three obviously what are y’all thoughts well um you know I look at at it and I say look they went seven- six with all the issues they had last year um seven and five in the regular season all the issues they had last year

You’re down to your third string quarterback um you’re bad coaching and you were in a position to win against Alabama old miss you could say every game but definitely A&M Alabama om Miss and and Tennessee and you can make the argument Miami and LSU as well and I just believe

That you should be better with with better coaching uh and that starts with Mike Elco but it also includes your offensive line coach your secondary coach your defensive coordinator your offensive coordinator scheme does matter and uh uh you’re your strength conditioning coach I think A&M is going

To be a better team in a lot of ways so I think you should you should set the the the mark as a good season at nine wins I I’m and an excellent season I’m a broken record here Stephen and OB is probably sick of me saying it but I know

He agrees with me it all depends to me on the offensive line if they figured out the offensive line higher I’m good I if we can get Bryce Foster we like I have a role in it uh dufy Chase bantis all those guys to reach the level that I

Think they should be able to get to then yeah 9 and three 10 and two should be possible if the o line struggles again and we have revolving door at quarterback because of injuries then I don’t know what to tell you yeah it’s a great point and great

Football teams starting the trenches and I know it’s it’s been true for for many decades now and defensive line very important as well I know we lost some bodies up front key key players as well so it’s going to be interesting to see if some of these uh young guys that have

A lot of potential can step in and uh and be key contributors uh we also you know get get some good guys in the portal and so those those faces were all in positions where we really had needs linebacker was kind of scary um tight end you know what’s going to happen

There uh you know defensive backs uh just it’s it’s been a revolving situation at corner right and so I’m excited about the guys you get and then to to ob’s point the coaching effect right I mean there’s just you can’t emphasize enough how important it is to have good

Quality people that your guys believe in and they know the expectation and that’s set from the top down and that’s runs an organized program and I really believe that Mike Elco is that secondly um scheme does matter it it really really does you can put these guys in a

Position to win because you gotta College systems have to be simple enough in which you can install them and a true freshman can come in and have an impact um but I’ve seen it time and time again where I feel like scheme and coaching

Has held us back and I feel like it’s Mo most of the time at the assistant coaches you know level talking to Stephen McGee here on texags radio on the Brian Poley law hotline I’m going to read you this quote from James Franklin on the state of

College football I thought it was uh pretty interesting I think when coaches went too far and were limiting where players could transfer they were abusing that power we went from one extreme to another you can’t tell me it’s good for one student for the student athletes to

Transfer three or four times every time you transfer the likelihood of graduating goes down I don’t think that’s in anybody’s best interest Stephen react look I y’all know where I’m going to be on this this topic I I totally agree you know had this conversation uh

Many times over with with people u in the nil space and the transfer portal it does work out for you can point to Baker Mayfield classic example right um but for the vast majority of these guys if you look at the stats it does not work work out well for them to

Me even if it does work out well they’re going to have a average NFL career which is three years I mean they have now they are in the very top 1% of all college football players if you make it to year three on an active NFL roster but even

Then you’re not setting yourself up to retire you don’t have enough money like that’s just not how this game works you have to fall back on the education I think we have completely missed the boat and for these kids to not be loyal to Texas A&M and not value the degree that

Texas A&M offers I think is a complete shame because I’m living proof of what being a Texas A&M graduate can do to you after uh a career in the NFL I had the average NFL career too you know three years and three weeks and bla you know

Life goes on you got to do something else and so um I I believe that this system has to come back to the education conver ation it is so important because the vast majority of these guys are never going to take a snap in the NFL

And they’re not going to make uh tons of money in the NFL seems to me that the solution is obvious is okay you can you can transfer one time without having to sit out you make your second transfer you got to sit out of year the way it

Used to be yep but the first transfer fine because uh you know sometimes you lose your your coach and maybe the the C got is if the coach leaves that changes it but um I always go back to the whole regiment Neil deal you know he was lied to by Fran Jon yep

And he could have bettered his situation by playing for a coach that would going to put him in the in the uh offense the system that that that he fit in but he was stuck here because the coach lied to him all right right all right let’s hit

A break here we’ll come back with more with Steph McGee Brad’s running company time located at Century Square locally agie owned and operated it is a specialty running store with the best selection of shoes out there whatever you’re looking for if you’re looking for Brooks looking for on for hoko all the

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Too early to go there and start thinking about shoes for the summer thinking about shoes for the holidays whatever it may be brazes running company located at a Century Square below the Star Cinema Grill in College Station again it’s the brazus Running Company Tex a radio presented by David Gardner

Jewers here in the r Insurance Studio go hour presented by the warehouse at CC Creations we go back to the Brian Foy law hotline Paragon financials R qb1 Steph McGee with us let’s play a little Buy sell lease I know Stephen you are a big halftime show guy you love it I mean

From you know so we’re gonna we’re going to have you buy sell lease the last three uh halftime shows all right it was Usher this year I know you liked it when he took a shirt off kidding uh Rihanna last year and then the year before that

Was uh the NWA reunion Dr Dre Snoop Dog Eminem the whole gang so you got to buy sell lease all right um though I I remember very little if any at all of these halftime shows I’m gonna go NWA by I’ll I’ll lease Usher and I’ll sell

Rihanna but I’ve got to hear ob’s take on this yeah I am going to buy going into the kitchen to get a snack at halftime I’m gonna lease going to the bathroom uh at halftime and I’m gonna sell NWA Rihanna and who’s the other one Usher Usher Usher I’m gonna sell them

All because that’s because basically I that that’s what I’ve always done the last three years all right so which halftime show to you was the best you know what uh I’ll say this way back when I thought Prince did an amazing show Prince did

Great and I’m not a Lady Gaga fan but I remember wasn’t she in Houston she would did great yeah and I thought that was actually pretty good yeah M which do you remember any that you like man I the the wardrobe malfunction yeah exactly as a kid that

One scarred me um in a good way I guess uh were you kid I don’t I’m not into the yeah I’m not you know me I’m not into the concert culture like it just doesn’t it doesn’t jive with me I’m not a I don’t know to bad money yeah exactly

I’m not showing up to that um what if there was somebody George Straight George stra George Straight Chris Stapleton like that genre I’d be like man this hits this is this is the one I still think stapleton’s performance last year at the star yeah was the best halftime show SL

Musical performance at of Super Bowl in years I thought it was fantastic it he was fantastic or he is fantastic so but uh he was the national anthem the uh but the halftime shows I’ve gotten where I don’t really watch them yeah I don’t either who’s your who’s your choice for

Next year if you could decide Dave who are you picking I mean I’d probably pick bat bunny but nobody’s gonna like that so let me go beyond that um I think I like your idea of Chris Stapleton I think that would be something that people would get down with what do you

Think he’d bring in some other Duets and it would be fun and yeah I I’d bring in uh the coolest guy in the history of rock and roll MC Jagger even at even at 90 years old 100 years old we’re still having this debate three years later Stephen I don’t know

If you remember it but we’re not we’re not going to revisit it uh hey just for a moment you you played the position watching Patrick Homes at the end of games just uh just how Flawless was he and how great is he he’s so good I mean

He he’s going to be the go if he stays on this trajectory obviously he’s um there’s just not no one really like him you know he’s just he’s such a rare Talent he he combines the ability he’s got that uh competitive greatness when it really matters you remember back in

The day Tiger Woods on Sunday if he was even close to being in contention he just felt like he was going to win and he ended up always winning I felt like and that’s Pat Mahomes he’s got that competitive greatness like when it matters most um you know even when it

Looked like they weren’t gonna have a great team this year you just feel like he they’re gonna have a chance because of Pat Mahomes right and he’s just so good he he’s got it all he checked all the boxes he’s transforming the game and I think how coaches are going to view

And Coach quarterbacks moving forward it’s going to look a lot like Pat Mahomes both of those last two uh Super Bowls they were in a little bit of trouble and then he had huge ug runs took off like step McGee and ran his ass 40 yards downfield to set up you know

Game-winning score game winning score yep Stephen great stuff brother we’ll talk to you soon all right guys have a good weekend see you man run like steveen against Texas hey I obviously have not been keeping up with the news I I knew that there was a shooting at the

Parade yesterday I didn’t realize how bad it got um sucks you can’t go to a freaking parade and bring your kids and enjoy like I remember when the Rockets won the championship everybody like people you would not think would be friends were friends right like like two different

Groups two rival gangs and whatever like everybody was hugging each other loving every moment of it now you can’t even go to it only takes one der one idiot to ruin it for everybody I guess in this case is about three idiots U they arrested them all right M okay ob one of

Them got tackled by bystanders I love that I love that thank you Obie when we come back on TCH a radio Jim Schlagel Richard Zayn together we have Pat Henry a little bit after that Jay Holmes and even Aaron Torres that and mors texags radio e all right we’re back here on texags

Radio we are presented by David Gardner julus r Insurance Studio Richard Zayn’s with me we turn our attention to some baseball uh n it all starts tomorrow Richard and we go straight to the Brian FY law hotline we’re joined by Jim scho schl good morning sir good morning guys how are youall

Doing today good good um I just I guess we’ll start off with uh this weekend coming up just have you figured out and are you ready to at least tell us the rotation that we’re going to see this weekend Oh yeah this is you know this is

Super top secret stuff there’s a lot lot of level of clearance but Luchi uh is is it Billy L’s birthday today right that’s right happy 50th right are we allowed to say that uh I was told that he was trying to keep it the secret but I think he he enjoy it

Yeah yeah we’re not doing that well anyway since he’s not on and he doesn’t have a level of clearance that big shooter does we’ll go ahead and let you know yeah uh Ryan Prager uh Justin lampin and Shane sedo will be the starters this weekend and uh just talk

About I guess the the preparations for those three getting into to this first weekend what you’ve seen from them uh yeah they’ve all thrown uh really well um as I think we’ve talked about at least i’ talked about somewhere Tanner Jones the guy we had a lot of Hope

For uh he was just nothing serious he’s just a little behind everybody else because he had some super minor uh issues at least minor to this point he throws a fullon bullpen today um and should be available to pitch an inning or two maybe next weekend but uh Shane has really stepped

Up and and thrown a ton of strikes and had has has made some good adjustments with coach weer and and so he’s kind of grabbed that third spot uh Cortez do great the other night uh all the games count but craigger has kind of stepped to the Forefront and given his age and

Experience and intelligence and everything that goes with him we’ll give him the ball first but you know sometimes people read a lot into that but uh all the games are important and uh little uh something about the rotation of the earth left-handers seem to get people out uh at a better rate

Than right-handers so we’ll we’ll see if that doesn’t work for us I know you mentioned Tanner earlier just uh is is he somebody you think we’ll be seeing here fairly soon or we’re just still a TBD with him yeah I think I think if all if all

Things hold true he’s GNA throw in the mound today um at a high at a higher rate than he has thrown in terms of effort and uh length and then maybe do that one more time next week and if allall feels great uh then we’ll throw him next

Weekend talking to Jim schle here on texags radio presented by David garders Jewelers Weston Moss I was talking to bronnie before the show today and um he didn’t pitch in the fall but obviously he’s looked really good in the spring how pleased are you with his growth his development and and potentially his

Plan uh very pleased you know very pleased he he’s in a group of uh really talented young pitchers uh Weston uh has you know he missed the fall really really underweight really really weak um underdeveloped in the weight room uh but throwing hard which is a which is

Frankly that’s a revenue for complete and total disaster when your body’s moving that fast but your your uh your arm and your shoulder and everything else isn’t strong enough to maintain that that’s when a guy normally will blow out so we shut down uh let him get

Stronger uh get caught up uh he’s had some really good moments he’s had some solid moments in the spring uh he’s been throwing strikes uh he’s he’s behind in terms of workload of those other freshman Piers like Isaac Morton toic um but uh he’s he’s as talented so uh he’s

A bright spot for sure and a big part of our future um and we’ll look to get him you know in appearance here and there uh that’s really one of keys to our team is can can those older pitchers Prager Lin too Cortez um Ashen Beck obviously uh even

The transfer guys who have some Innings under their belt can they kind of hold down the fort for a while and let us uh give these young pitchers a taste of things as as they as they mature and get used to college baseball um and try not

To be thrown into the fire too quick but eventually you know the cream Rises to the top and the guys who pitch the best pitch the most and I don’t care where you’re from or what your age is if you pitch the best you pitch the most

Talking about health of a pitcher I’m curious to know about the health of the rest of the ball Club obviously at T on Tuesday’s uh open practice we saw there in that last inning Gavin grahovic got hit with a fast ball on the left forearm

So how is he doing and how’s the overall health of the ball Club ahead of opening day yeah yeah yeah you know those things are as you’re playing those inter Squad games right close to the season you just cringe you it’s the balance of making sure they’re ready to go the whole point

Of us having that night practice was to for everybody to see pitches under the light which we don’t you know we haven’t really seen uh until that night uh he actually got hit in the right forearm it missed the front I thought it got his hand which is really scary but actually

Ended up hitting him close to kind of I guess the medical term would be the funny bone um so uh he he hit yesterday we gave him the day off of throwing uh he should be fine you know me you were there you saw the play he made in the

Next inning it’s weird how when a guy has an injury like that the ball seems to find you to to test you on on what you’re hurt he and he threw a rocket across the field I don’t think it felt that great um but if anybody who’s

Played baseball who or who’s ever banged their elbow right in that spot that can be pretty sore for a while so uh we’ll have him probably play catch today if the trainer feels like he can and then and then be ready to go tomorrow but I

Think overall the health of our club is is solid we still have one more day of practice um but we also know that injuries are part of the season and if we have to have every single player uh or at least every single of the front end players be healthy the whole season

To have a good season then we’re not going to have a good season because because that just doesn’t happen I mean part of you know a 60 plus game schedule hopefully 70 games is you’re going to have to endure that and and that’s why you need everybody on the club be ready

To go SCH I want to talk to Travis Chestnut for a minute and uh the way he can potentially impact games at the end uh because of the speed he brings the chaos potentially when he’s out there yeah you know it’s uh Travis is a is a very Dynamic player once he gets

The first base’s he’s a good defender in Center uh he’s actually a really good second baseman um but you can’t steal first and that’s you know that’s that’s the challenge for him is getting on base and uh you know I think I think if he were

In a program that had that didn’t have two-thirds of its Outfield at least at the moment potentially first round picks at some point in Jason and Bron Montgomery then there would be more opportunity for him but it’s a long season uh he there’s no question just

Like you just stated uh he has a very defined role whether it be on the bases or maybe come in and play defense uh in the Outfield uh and move some guys around um and then you know again anything can happen during the season that’s what we saw last year first it

Bad of the year for brck mik he ends up you know diving in the first base and breaking his thumb and every plan that we ever that we had for the season goes right out the door and so as a as a coach I was talking to uh I was I was

Talking to one of our uh biggest donors uh over the course of the week and a super successful guy in business and he said you know as a CEO the best CEO you’ve ever been around and the guy that you’re constantly thinking about what can go wrong and how are you going to

React when it goes when it gets to that point and what’s your plan going to be and I and and I would describe that as me not necessarily half full or half empty it’s just we know there’s going to be adversity and so when X happens are

We are we prepared with you know Y and Z and the beauty of this team is I think there are some options when we hit those moments and Travis would be one of those guys that bring a completely different element uh than really anybody else maybe in the country right from one

Outfielder to another uh for the listeners out there if you haven’t caught the video of Hayden shot being miked up at Tuesday’s open practice go check it out it’s hilarious he brings something special to the table as well and being inside the locker room and on the field how

Important is he to this team both on and off the field heading into the opening Series probably well on the field you know he can hit I mean he has he has the ability to hit the ball out of the ballpark but he’s also got some Jack

Moss in him where you know some of the best hitters I mean the reason you hit 360 is be 350 those guys that hit for a high average at least had a chance to hit for a high average I’m not saying he’s going to do that but they use the

Whole field they can take bad swings and and still get hits and because they’re competitive and they stay they stay in in that bat right the a bad hitter will hook a ball hook a ball hook a ball and strike out uh a good hitter will poke a

Ball be completely out in front uh for example and then reset the bat and be able to hit the ball the other way right that’s the sign of a really good hitter and we have some more than one guy that can do that in Hayden’s one of those so

He’s a really good he’s he can hit but away from the field and his personality um you know he he just just what you said he brings a lot to the table uh what you see on that miked up video that’s not an act that’s real

Um he keeps uh I would say keeps everybody loose but he keeps everybody uh in a good mood including me to be honest with you he and I have some uh some really good back and forth going on from time to time he’s he’s not afraid to make fun of himself he’s very

Confident in his own skin um he he actually has another year left after of Eligibility after the season obviously we want him to have a great year and if he gets a chance in pro ball that’d be great but uh we sure would love to have

Him back I mean he’s he’s going to be a uh epic epic uh personality to have gone through this program sa do you feel that you have a lot of options at the end of games at the back end uh different guys you can throw to close them out

Um I think yeah and sitting here on paper I think a lot of coaches would say going into the season you know you think you have a lot of options but uh you never really know till you play the games right and uh one of the challenges

Of of this team uh of of every team but especially of this team is are you ready to go when your time is called right so guys we’re playing in Squad that means everybody gets to play a lot of guys are getting the pitch well now it’s going to

Get to the point you know we play four games a week that’s roughly 36 Innings baring Extra Inning gamees um if you only get to pitch once every once a week or once every two weeks are you ready to go when the time comes and that’s not

Easy you know and uh in the lineup you know there’s going to be guys that are shuffled in and out because we’re hey man if you’re not doing great then we got to try something else or uh or and there’s also going to be players that we

Ride a little bit longer and the same thing would be with the pitching staff But to answer your question yes there are guys there at the end um I think uh I think Brock Perry transfer from Arizona State’s going to get he’s a unique guy that throws some underneath

He’s going to be able to get a lot of different outs I think Troy waning can pitch at the end of games like he did for us last year we have some freshman I’d rather not throw them out there uh with the game on the line for the very

First or second time in their college career uh but you can’t deny their talent guys like Isaac Morton Kaden Wilson uh people like that Zane badv um and then pton Smith is a is a very unique pitcher uh transfer from DBU um but you know with the exception of badia

Those are all guys that are super inexperienced in division one baseball so yes there are options but U we have to play the game to see who who those guys are going to be speaking of all those options and guys needing to be ready to go when their numers called

Upon someone who is seemingly always ready that you didn’t mention was Evan Ashen Beck and he was just named the ncbwa stopper of the Year preseason watch list given that you’ve got so many more options this year what is the plan to utilize him and how much of an impact

Pcture will he be out of your Bullpen uh I mean the best I’ve said before the best teams I’ve ever been on uh they have what I would call alltime pitcher you know like when you’re when you’re a kid and you’re playing pitball I know people still do

That but or you’re playing wol ball and you scream out I’m alltime pitcher uh the best teams I’ve ever had they have that guy you know Jacob palish was that for us my first year here he could come in the fourth inning and get you three

Or four Innings he could he could close the game out to go to the College World Series and Evan has done all of that so ideally what we’d like to be able to do is not have to use him as much or when we do use him it’s maybe in a little bit

Shorter stin um the average start in the SEC uh last year uh and that includes Paul ski uh a generational pitcher uh is four and two3 innings starting pitching uh it and sometimes I have to get over this in my own mind the days of a guy

Going six seven eight Innings you know that they just don’t happen the players are too good the analytics are available uh it’s just really really tough and most young pitchers today amateur pitchers they throw harder but they don’t throw enough strikes so therefore they throw more pitches in a shorter

Amount of time and they can’t get they can’t get through five or six Innings so that’s where a guy like Ashen Beck comes in bad meev is is a is a strike thrower from the right side um that I think could give us a little bit of length not

As much as Evans but Evan has extreme value he could start a game if we had to do it but his best value is going to be you know picking somebody up in the middle of the game and if he’s fresh and and ready then obviously he’s incredibly

Trusted so if I had to get three outs in the ninth right now to go to the college W series uh Ashen Beck would be at or near the top of that list talking to Jim schlossnagle here on the Brian Foley law hotline texags radio let’s talk about

MCN and some of the challenges they may present this weekend yeah they they they have a they have two really good returning left-handed hitters a guy named Duhan and a guy named hex that are super talented they bunt put a lot of pressure on you with that hex can hit the ball in

The ballpark outside of that they have a lot of new guys um and uh the their head coach uh Justin Hill really knows how to play winning baseball this team won more I think more than 35 games last year and my last year at TCU we played him to

Open the regional um so I actually interviewed to be the head coach at M state twice and they didn’t pick me uh I finished second uh to Mike biano and I finished second to a guy named Todd Butler uh so it’s always been a winning program uh they’ve had a lot of turnover

On this year’s team they steal a ton of bases uh so uh it’s just going to be one of those clubs that we’re going to have to play well to win and the game doesn’t know who you are uh what the name is on your jersey uh the game knows who plays

The game the best and we’ll have to play it the best to win but I’m excited to get going I think our weather looks like it’s going to be okay for tomorrow Saturday might be a little chilly with that North Wind uh which definitely changes the game and Sunday looks to be

Solid so uh for this time of year I think our weather is going to be about as good as you could ask for so hopefully the 12th man will show up we have some great crowds and and get off to a good start you mentioned the 12th

Man in playing in that ballpark uh coming into year three you’ve got a bunch of new guys on the on the roster what have you been telling them about just how special it is to play in front of this atmosphere and this fan base uh I don’t think I have to tell

Them they see it you know today’s today’s age you see it on social media or you or those guys have been in our ballpark to watch us play uh or they’ve uh or they watched on TV but you know being in the Batters box is way different so those two fall games help

There’s no doubt about it because we always get great crowds for our fall games uh so that that helps a little bit um I think you were there the other you’ve been there a few times when I’ll pump I’m pumping crowd noise through the sound system to try and speed up their

Heart rate and uh try to make more game likee but it’s never like the real games and that’s why we just have to get in the games and and a guy like Gavin grovich who’s super talented um his his heart rate’s going to be sped up you know Lavalette was talking to me

Yesterday about he’s like yeah man I’m I I still get sped up but I I thought I knew what I was you know getting into when I played my first game last year against Seattle University but I never really knew so we just got to play and

And we’re going to have to um ride through the through the ups and downs of the season but handling the crowd and but being in front of your own crowd to start the season is obviously I think better than having to go on the road so

We’ll see we’ll see where it leads us scho thanks so much for your time we’ll talk to you here next week all right appreciate you guys gig gig Jim schl we see him at the Ballpark too but on this show next week any uh takeaways uh it’s good to hear that

Gavin grahovic healthy yeah uh all left-handed starting rotation for opening weekends very interesting but certainly capable guys um yeah there’s a lot to take away anytime coach slosh nichel talks yeah he so awesome to hear from he gave us some some really good analysis and info thank you Richard for

Joining us here of course when we come back on Tech sags radio Pat Henry going to join us right after that we’re going to have Jay Holmes and right after that we’re gonna have Aaron Torres and right after that we’re have Logan Lee and okay you get the idea right now if you’re

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Harmful drugs call QC kinetics right now for a free consultation that phone number is 979-4523 452 6000 that is 979 452 6000 we’re back here on texags radio we are presented by David Gardner J here in the r Insurance Studios time for our weekly conversation with Pat Henry brought to

You by bra’s Running Company your local agon specialty running store save 10% in store when you mention the code texags 10 Coach Henry how are you thanks for letting us come in than thank you buddy sorry for the musical chairs we had a a show yesterday that pushed things back

But you’re here can’t believe you let El come in and and push me away well it it wasn’t really the elk all right it wasn’t the elk it it it was maybe that I kind of understand we have you know we had to we had to break it all down I

Understand Hey so uh how you feeling about things you good we’re yeah this is an off week uh competition off week course we’re training but uh sec’s being next week and so um this is preparation well my my guy curus went to Boston and I know a bunch of the

Others went to Clemson how did that go real good y uh Clemson meet we had uh well our high jumper Lamar diston took over the lead in high jump in the United States and and has what the number two jump in the world right now not college kids all people right U

And uh we had a short hurdler both of these people were SEC athletes of the week this is uh jco Scott um he is our one of our short hurdlers and he ran ran 760 that’s number two time ever run at Texas A&M and so he’s uh he’s coming on

He’s a new guy and he’s doing very well well it’s interesting you bring up Lamar every time you come in yeah and we’ve gotten used to it that that’s the level that she’s at yeah she uh and that that’s the positive thing there’s a level of consistency if you

Can continue to talk about somebody from week to week then something happen is happening good the thing I’m as pleased about as anything is that you know she’s healthy that means her fall was really good she trained hard you know we start first day of class and we never stop and

So she uh she’s trained well and I think it gives her an opportunity to be healthy through the very demanding times of being a jumper or any athlete you mentioned Jay what can you tell me about Jay what what what kind of tell me about his background a littleit he’s a he’s a

New guy he’s he’s a Texan he’s uh transferred in from a D2 school um he’s a a short hurdler he runs the the 110 hurdles and he he uh he’s runs on my 4×4 right now he runs uh he’s really four or five guy but but this week he ran very

Well and he’s a 400 intermediate hurdler so he’s got great range uh big guy I think he’s 6 63 6’4 uh so he’s a powerful guy he’s he’s doing very well for us the 4×400 relays top eight times in the nation both of them did yeah both groups ran better um

And that’s the goal we’re going to try to run just a little bit better again this next week but uh well we ran three three4 low and we ran uh we ran uh three three 29 plus on the ladies side so we’re coming um this is a good group of quarter

Milers right now but our team our team is well our team is healthy right now um just keep uh keep the emotions in check for for another week don’t don’t expend everything right now and and wait till it’s time to to do that and uh relax train work hard and uh hopefully

Everything will come together I’m going to be try to Dr Phil here I’m I’m going to analyze you I feel like you’re in a good place like with with the team I’m looking at you and I think you you like the trajectory right now well the group

Is doing well um I you know I’m I I am pleased with our team right now uh you know this is a tough League I mean this is a really tough League we could we we may have the opportunity to be a little bit better at at the

National meet than we do at the at the conference level just on a depth for depthwise but we’ll see you know the conference meet comes down to I can I can take 27 men and I can take 27 women to the Championships so we have 54 56 athletes

On each side so half our teams at home right it’s deciding which 27 which people can score at the conference meet and and you can have some people that you know might not might not score at the conference meet who who have a little bit of a chance to be a little bit

Better at the next one so it’s it’s interesting to watch how this happens from time to time but uh you know we that doesn’t sound logical but it happens from time to time so you know we’ll kind of see how this this group of 27 goes let’s talk a little bit about

Boston Victor and Jonathan moving up to number three and six all time on the &m 5000 yeah both of them uh both of them steep on the track got in great competition you know the distance people want to all go to one place they all

Want to run in a circle and they all want to run together you know and they all want to and they’re it’s very competitive very competitive so so sometimes you get a great time our concern and my concern is there is are are you competing are you beating

People lots of times you can run a time and not beat people just because of the environment so the goal is to beat people not just run fast times right this next week really lamara she’s jumped 6’5 and a half if she jumped 6’3 and wins then we’re good

Right you know and we could even shut her down if she’s winning at that point you know so that goes for most every event you you you have to be able to compete it’s not just about time or distance or height it’s about who you beat and you know it’s like the Olympic

Games um who was second in 100 meters we think about first yeah I mean you know in in a week’s time it you know nobody knows but they know who won David Goggins has this thing where he talks about taking Souls right and taking

Souls and and I think it kind of goes to what you’re talking about of when you’re running in a pack and everybody’s running their best time right but then you’re like later and you take off and then you break their soul because they were running at a higher Pace than

They’ve ever run and you are just now you’re competing yeah you got to go into territory never been to do that and and that takes that takes a mental preparation and going somewhere where you’ve never been before is is the challenge and that’s that’s the that’s

Those are the people that get just a little bit better and that’s what how do you coach that is it just through the Reps and doing it at practice well repetition is how how you learn skill and how you learn how to to to to do things right but our sport like most

Sports uh the mental aspect of it is just uh uh huge it’s a huge aspect of Athletics and and in my sport stepping on the track and knowing today or on the runway today I’m going to get the absolute best out of myself now I might not win

It but if I get beat it’s by somebody who who beat me right I didn’t let I didn’t let them beat me I I had my best effort I know what I’ve done to this point I know where I am training wise health-wise I’m going to get the best

Jump out of myself or Sprint I can get out of myself today and then then let’s see how that ranks can you look in an athlete’s eyes and know if they are if they got it that day different athletes different eyes yeah you know some people

Are dead panned and some people are you can see it in their eyes they’re ready to go you know but some people got to get off in their own world other people need people around them other people need to talk more than others you know so it’s that’s the Dynamic that’s

Interesting to watch let’s close out with the uh sec’s coming up obviously we we’ve got some time but uh mindset leading into it yeah kind of what we just talked about is that you keep you got to keep Mo emotionally you got to stay in check you you C you can’t run

Your race or or or jump this Saturday it’s next Saturday right and if you sit around and and you think all day long for the next six or eight days about just what you’re going to do more times than not I think that you cause yourself issues I think you got to

You got to do your normal routines go to class walk do the things that you normally do it’s always going to be a little bit more in your head a championship of course but you you you still have to keep that a little bit in check and then

On next Saturday everything’s there and you’re ready to go that is Pat Henry brought to you by brazus Running Company your local agie own specialty running store save 10% store when you mentioned the code texags 10 yeah thank you so much for coming by we’ll talk to you

Soon thank you when we come back on texags radio Jay Holmes will be here in studio talk a little men swimming and Diving that and mor it’s next on texags radio all right we’re back here on texags radio we are presented by David Gardner Jewelers r Insurance Studio sec’s coming

Up for men and women swimming and Diving at Auburn coming up very soon we got Jay Holmes on the men’s side to break it all down my lifting partner what’s up Jay oh yeah getting some getting some lifts done getting some reps in so you bet

Let’s uh let’s talk about the season and we’re chitchatting a little bit during the break really good undefeated in the Dual meets um a big test still ahead but just to where we are you got to feel good about the position we do I mean it’s always uh nice to when your team

Finds a way to win and there’s been a couple of those meets that we kind of had to go searching for that because it wasn’t coming easy it wasn’t pretty and so for our guys to continue to find a way to do it has been it’s been fun for

Us it’s been stressful a couple times but that’s just part of the job so but yeah we’re we’re excited for where we are what our team has been able to get done but we have a the ultimate test is coming up next week well stressful too

You were mentioned some of the team that you you still have to face and just so talk about that test the real test starts with the sec’s that’s right and that’s how assing and Diving is Judge completely on how you do at this one at

This one meet uh and so yeah we’ve we had we’ve had some good competition so far but we have yet to see Florida and they’re the defending champs by you know they’ve several years in a row we haven’t seen Auburn yet uh they’ll be very very tough we haven’t seen Georgia

Yet so there’s a lot of teams there that we haven’t seen that uh there’s a lot of questions about how we’re going to do um against that those teams uh and so a lot of things have to happen right but that’s why we do this thing right

Preparing the best way we can and then we’re going to throw them in there and see what they do you were talking on the podium the other day about explain how it plays out because there nine sessions in a row am I how does that work well it

Is it’s just it’s a it’s a it’s a four and a half day meet and so you have a a morning a morning session and an evening session morning session and evening session because the mornings are the prelims and so you have to do well enough in the morning in order to make

Sure that you’re in the right heat you know if you don’t do a good job in the morning then you then you’re sitting around in the evening and that’s that’s how you you lose right you need to make sure that you’re in the championship Heat and make sure that you’re in that

You’re get your people in the in the so that they canc s it not but it is nine nine sessions in a row and it’s great to have a great session but it really doesn’t make a difference unless you put nine in a row together well Baylor last

Year put nine in a row together right he did he did that was really fun uh you know he won two events got second and another one a staple on our relays we can put him pretty much any place uh and he’s uh he is so fun to be around well uh Rachel

Put some notes together diving Returns His top four scorers from last year’s meet and they’ve all had a phenomenal year really diving has uh been something that we’ve been able to count on all year long u in every dual meet everywhere we went they’ve been consistent they’ve been you know scoring

Really great points for us and between those four guys there’s almost at least one of them that is really on uh and so for a dual meet schedule that’s great because you know at least one of those guys is going to be getting it done uh

For a conference meet uh you know it’s great to be winning events but you need depth is what Happ what carries you at a conference meet you need your your whole all 22 guys scoring so to have four divers capable of being great uh there’s not very many other school actually I

Can’t think about another school in the SEC that has that maybe Tennessee might U but we are excited for what they have got done I mean our diving coaches you know Jay Laro and Jeff bro they they’ve helped us be consistent in that regard right and we’ve gone into

A lot of events and you know our guys have been one 123 one 123 uh and so that’s uh that’s a a great feeling for a coach to know what we have diving Victor um won the one meter and then earned the silver in the three meter yeah always count on

Victor Victor’s pretty rock solid uh and he’s he has one you know SEC championships before scored incaa uh and he’s uh really strong up in the board talking about bending a board right that guy can bend a board because when I mean it’s uh it’s fun watching

And see the the height that those guys get because they are skying over there it’s it’s not it’s not normal I don’t know the answer to this and it’s maybe a dumb question how does one decide I’m going to try that like I mean we’ve all gone to the pool like we

Jump it’s scary right like no it is how does one say I think I want to be great at this I think it’s just always happens when they they’re younger and they just maybe their parents put them in their right places and but you know diving and swimming is two different types of

Mentality right I mean the swimmers are kind of a little bit more of the grinders for lack of a better term we just stare at the black line and train a lot go the divers are all most of them are a little crazy right no I think you

Have to be a little crazy to be a diver yeah because they’re up there doing and whenever they miss on a dive it might be really painful and but they just got to get right back on get up there and go and you have you know the analytical and

The crazy and it makes a great team doesn’t it oh yeah it’s it’s it makes for an interesting Dynamic that’s for sure how about Alex uh holding top five times in the nation in brushstroke actually Alex is our highest ranked summer right now I mean of course you

Would think that Baylor would be because Baylor has so many events but Alex is our highest ranked swimmer right now and so uh for Alex it’s it’s always fun for us because he’s he is an emotional swimmer yeah he’s whenever he’s on he he’s pretty electric and so he’s a lot

Almost every year he struggled in the middle of the year which is kind of you because he he’s you know ranked second or third in the NCAA right now in in in an event but there’s a couple times in a dual meet he’s getting fifth right which

You know we it’s almost I can’t say it’s funny but in hindsight it’s just like how can this guy be like here sure in December and January and all of a sudden he’s here so it’s it’s it’s a huge difference but it’s it’s he does the work he’s fun to be

Around it’s fun watching him do what he does but yeah he’s actually our high ranks from he’s he’s ranked higher than Baylor and then uh let’s close out with this I mean you know the competition that’s ahead that’s right but you like the way you were all responding so far

To the season and now just go prove it that is exactly right and there’s it is going to be a a dog fight or however you want to however you want to call it because there’s a you know it does mean a lot this conference meet yeah you know all

The teams there this means a lot to every team there and this is the test and ultimately we want to be we want to win this thing uh we want to do well enough to get to the nca8 with all of our people uh because that’s that’s that

That’s our second test sec’s is always the first big test right and then after that NCAA everybody remembers NCAA sure and uh and we just got to get our people there I appreciate you sir thank you David thanks for letting me come in you

Got it all right uh good luck by the way we’ll get you when you come back thank you all right when we come back here on Texas aags radio Aaron Torres will join us we’ll go around a little spin in college football and the NFL he’ll talk

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It’s a beautiful day here on texags radio we are presented by David Gardner Jewelers we are here in the r Insurance studio and now it’s time for around College athletics brought to you by milic reserve a college station Community reaching homes Trails farms and wide open spaces with a mission to

Build a healthy Community around nature take part in the Milan Reserve Community with a Conservancy membership learn more at Milan we go to the Brian Foley law hotline and that’s where we find a to the T Aaron Torres good morning buddy hey good morning David you know uh

Been here by my phone since 7:35 Pacific 9:35 centr when you normally call me you call me late and I will say you know I got the late call Emily from texags who calls me every week told me that you need to be a little bit nicer to me that

You’ve been a little rough on me lately you took a few days off when you knew I was going to be in now you’re calling me late uh got we got talk offir about this this oneid of relationship that we’re part of right now D Ain I can’t hear you

With the freeway traffic in the background I’m sorry what was that whoa shots fired I’m trying to get my morning I’m trying to get my morning steps in and this is what Emily’s talking about you know it’s always bullying me because I’m I’m I’m you know I’m trying to get

My morning steps in new new year new me and all I get is criticism criticism criticism I what’s going on here I was actually kidding I don’t hear anything it sounds like you’re in a museum hey there you go I wanted to talk to you

After I wanted to talk to you after the Tennessee Victory unfortunately I got to talk to you after the Vanderbilt loss that’s where we are with this A&M basketball team it’s a metaphor for the whole season man I mean you know and we you and I have I mean obviously look you

Know November December the the the the primary topic of conversation between the two of us and I know on on your show has obviously been any any everything football related portal etc etc and so I think it’s kind of been lost over until now what what a a bizarre season this

This this thing has been in Texas and I don’t know that you could fully call it a disappointment yet but at the same time I mean I think you sort of can I mean this was a team that was picked to finish second in the league you referenced Tennessee which was picked to

Finish first in the league I still think they’ll probably get there by the end of the season and so you have this great home win and you follow it up with a a loss to what is either the 13th or 14th best team in the league in vanderville

And so it’s frustrating I know Aggie fans are frustrated and I think the other thing to David is that it’s one thing if you’re losing games because you’re just not good enough or there’s injuries or there’s this or there’s that I mean listen there has been stuff but

For the most part you know listen especially the last couple weeks you know you know Tyrese radford’s been there Garcia uh so it’s not like there’s this down body after body after body or something I I don’t there’s no other way to put it it’s disappointing then I get

Any agies fan that’s frustrated given the excitement coming into this at one of the things that I read uh that you tweeted actually was that you know a lot of people think that this season in college basketball is wide open and it might be wide open for second and third

Place but not for your Yukon Huskies well you know I did something that I don’t normally do and I I kind of regret it is that you know I don’t generally go after other people in the media and you know listen the athletic put out an article about the parody and

College basketball and and I thought it was a little misquoted um because I do think because this is an argument that I’ve been making for weeks and of course people criticize me when I first said it uh because that’s what the internet does and then Tes ends up being right about

Stuff and nobody nobody gives me credit for it three four five weeks later but I I do think that um parity is just a weird word to use because I do think across the board things are a little bit flatter than they’ve ever been and this

Is stuff I’m sure you and I have talked about both the nil with the portal you know all these schools um have raised money to spend on players and I think in a league like the SEC and a league like the Big East and a league like the big

12 um the difference between say team two and team you know 11 is it what it once was and I think obviously you know Bandy Bandy beating Texas A&M is a great example of that uh South Carolina being sort of towards the top of the standings despite what happened last night is a

Metaphor for that but I also do think to say that there’s parody when there are two teams that are running away with the sport right now it just seems weird to say and that’s obviously Yukon and Purdue at the top of the standings doesn’t mean that they’re the only teams

That can win the national championship but it’s like you know if Alabama and Michigan were at the 80% of the Waypoint both undefeated and everybody else in the SEC and the Big 10 had two or three losses in football we wouldn’t say there’s parity uh even if the middle and

The bottom of the leads were bad so I thought it was a weird thing but I do think it speaks to the fact that right now in college basketball it does feel like it’s Yukon for doing everybody else and it was interesting because I did a interview in Indiana the other day not

As fun as texx I might add but that’s neither here nor there and I kind of asked the guy I said listen you guys as as as local guys always have a better pulse for the fan base than I do I said you know Purdue coming off this historic

Loss in last year’s tournament Purdue’s coming off you know they they haven’t made a final four since 1980 but I said I kind of feel like it’s kind of final four of USS for them and he said nope we feel the exact same way over here so that’s an interesting kind of metaphor

Dichotomy as well as you’re taking a program that literally hasn’t done something in 42 years but they’ve been or 44 years I guess now I’m getting old um but but it it would be considered a failure if you don’t do something you’ve done in 44 years but that’s kind of

Where Purdue is but I think it’s also kind of a metaphor for the season where there are two teams that are just clearly A Cut Above everybody else talking to Aaron Tores here on Tex aags radio presented by David Gardner Jewelers I want to read something that

You had put out there these are the down years for the Chiefs and Mahomes and I thought it was really interesting the way you phrased it because Joe burrow Justin Herbert Jaylen Herz all these guys are on the rookie contracts fairly soon they won’t be and those teams will

Have to pay the price which will mean they won’t be able to get the same kind of talent yeah I thought yeah I I you know I was lucky enough uh I was I did the the national postgame show for Fox Sports Radio you know we came on

Literally right after the game because we were on at 11 PM Eastern and um you know obviously we didn’t expect overtime all that good stuff in the Super Bowl so we we talked about this game from every angle like every other Outlet did but that was something that struck me I was

Thinking about was like these were supposed to be the years that you get the Chiefs I mean they had to give up Tyreek Hill who’s probably still the most explosive playmaker in the NFL um because they couldn’t afford him because the Mahomes new contract now I know

Losing Eric the enemy has nothing to do with salary cap or anything but that we thought that was a big deal now they’re coming off back toback Super Bowls and I do think that’s a topic whether it’s jayen hurts in the NFC in Philly whether it’s Justin Herbert whether it’s Joe

Burrow um those teams are not going to be as strong as they have been in the past so it’s an interesting thought and I think that’s kind of crazy to think about these were the years you’re were supposed to get the Chiefs and yet obviously the Chiefs have now went back

Toback super at it was short but it was great there’s a joke there but I’m not going to go there yes sir thank you for very much for your time buddy later B at there on the Brian fol La hotline I made it really awkward didn’t I it’s all right when we come

Back it’ll be awkward with Logan because he’s my buddy we’ like to make it awkward we’ll talk uh some Maggie Hoops a little bit more in depth get his perspective on what has happened so far and what’s going to happen and then the fan show guys after that they’ve got

Nothing but maroon Kool-Aid for you that’s how it’s going to roll it is TCH a radio presented by David Gardner Jewelers and we’re back here on Tex a radio we are presented by David Gardner Jewelers r Insurance Studio the Logan Lee with us hey buddy I’ve got a bone to pick what

Did I do wrong I don’t know if anybody can see what camera are we on right here I hear the basketball uh right here voice coming out in you those two colors should never be together where are we oh right here those two colors should never be together whoever did

This should should be fired um well I don’t know if you’ve noticed that maroon and white doesn’t look great on white paper and and and ink there are a thousand colors on a a on the clip art computer we’ve been doing this for three years first time somebody’s complained about it by the

Way uh your girlfriend Buzz Williams wears the team’s opposing colors to shoot around every shoot I learned that from Tom Hart so that’s the same thing we’re doing with the the color font here we’re just what do you mean what do you mean that’s how is that that’s the same

Thing we’re just paying you know if we ever play Baylor again that’s what it’s going to look like yeah but we’re not right now so why is it here I chose the the wrong tee flavor for the record this sucks oh my God just like just like this color

Scheme you’re on a roll today there’s a theme of the show today well I was drinking the maroon Kool-Aid last week heading into the Tennessee game remember you texted me like tell me more I know I said holl at me and and I was right until they got to Vanderbilt and they

Decided to and look these things happened I want to get inside the mind of a of a player cuz you’ve been there but like they didn’t rebound offensive rebound well like they normally do they turn the ball over a lot you can’t if if that’s how you beat teams is by

Suffocating them and you don’t suffocate them you don’t win games and they gave them a chance at the End by the way really good defense on that final play but they gave them a chance to believe they could win at home and that’s what Vanderbilt did it’s it’s tough to

Imagine beating the number six team in the country twice on your home court because Kentucky was number six when they beat him Tennessee was number six when they beat him and then losing to to the worst the what I I heard the at segment he said the 13th or 14th best

Team in the conference you you’ve got to reward that worst team in the conference the first or second worst team in the conference yes the first or second worst team in the conference and you go and you you really just play bad yeah it’s it’s it’s a microcosm of the entire

Season so far because you see how they play well and then all of a sudden they they have a questionable loss or they play questionable they haven’t had I mean they really haven’t had a bad loss this year until that game outside of let’s I take that back outside of

Arkansas that that those two are qu like how does that happen if you are trying to to move up in the selection committees size and not be a 789 seed it’s better to be a 12 seed at this point I mean I I don’t I don’t understand how how you can

Come out and not be prepared that’s a that to me that’s a that’s a that is a mental game but is it prepared is it energy is it like you’ve been a player it’s hard to bring at every game but when it becomes the entire team you know didn’t bring it you

Know I believe Olen asked Buzz about is this a trap game you win this one and then you go to to Vandy is this a trap game and and he said there’s no such thing as a trap game I think there is when you’re dealing with 18 19 20 21 year olds they

Start thinking hey we beat number number six Tennessee we’re going to crush we’re going to crush Vandy and then we don’t have to worry about we’re going to go in there and we’re going to win it doesn’t matter how we play cuz we’re going to win cuz they’re not good we have fans

Thought the same thing though right we we as fans probably thought you I don’t know I’m I’m pretty sure the last time I was thinking I was saying that is a must when you can’t lose that game you can lose any game you can’t just walk in and

Because that’s how this team is yeah I I I mean unfortunately that’s how this season is if you don’t if you aren’t mentally prepared to play your best game night in and night out as as a guy on the A&M roster you could lose that you could lose that

Game it doesn’t matter who they’re playing and they they’ve proven that with the Vandy and the Arkansas game it it’s just I it baffles me but here they still control a lot of their own absolutely that’s that’s that’s why that’s why I get so frustrated is because they can control

It and they can still win a bunch of games and make this season what we thought it was going to be well I don’t know if they’re going to play the number six team in the country again I think they’re tapped out when it comes to that

I mean I I don’t maybe in the tournament I don’t know man I don’t know I don’t know I I don’t know where the season’s going ain’t that weird that we’re in February middle more than middle of February and we still don’t know yeah because because it could be a

Really good year and we a few days ago I was like they got a CH they were only two games back in the you did we we went through the whole schedule if they win this one if they win this one if they beat Tennessee if

They do this you know that’s a they’re probably end up fourth or fifth in conference that’s a a four or five seed in in March yep however I believe there were two games that we said they couldn’t lose and that was at Vandy and Arkansas at home a team

They’ve already lost to those are the two games that that would hurt your resume in in complete totality but we also thought hey it’ll hurt your resume if you don’t win the Tennessee game and they won the Tennessee game and so they they’ve kind of flip-flopped on I think

What everybody was was was was thinking the outcomes would be it wouldn’t completely surprise you if they go to Bam and win either right no because they have the skill set they have the talent to do it obviously I look at how they played against Tennessee unfortunately we have to talk about the

Tennessee game knowing what happened at Vanderbilt yeah had we had this conversation before the Vandy game I would have probably told you oh yeah they’re going to be a four seed in in March they’re they’re they’re on their way to get maybe third or fourth in conference they they’ve turned it around

This is this is the uptick that buzz has and they’re they’re not looking back did you think they were going to win that game even when which one the Vandy gun the whole time like I never thought they were going to lose that game there was

The only time was when when Vandy hit a three and I think it made it 6966 or 6663 something to that effect I was like oh I don’t know and then they scored immediately after they didn’t hit a bucket they hit free throws but I thought all right and when they took the

Lead I was like the defense is going to be on point and the defense was on point it really was good I mean it was it was a bad offensive looking play in my opinion we’re just going to dribble until we don’t have time to dribble

Anymore I don’t know if I ever thought that they were going to lose that game just because of how bad Vanderbilt is I mean they’re they’re bad that’s a bad team that is a bad basketball team and A&M just kept shooting themselves in the foot and it it is what it is now

Unfortunately now I I don’t know where the schedule is I don’t know I don’t know what that looks like but pull it up they’ve got to win they’ve got to win more game like then because of the victory over Tennessee I thought all right now you have you can lose one of

These games you not your shouldn’t lose one of these games that are tweener games and you’re you’re okay you can’t lose the Vanderbilt game you can’t lose the Arkansas game but if you look at the totality of what’s left of the schedule it I don’t know I don’t know what’s if beating

Tennessee is means more than losing to Vanderbilt I think the loss to Vanderbilt probably hurts them more than the win over Tennessee that’s bad I I do so here here’s the schedule you’ve got at B home versus Arkansas to Tennessee you host South Carolina and I

And I think that’s that’s a must- win in my opinion man that’s a that’s a tough game too Georgia on the road tough tough home versus Mississippi State it’s a win and then on the road to Old Miss and I don’t know like Old Miss huh what’s that

I think that’s a win I I think the two Mississippi games would be a win you didn’t beat him at home yeah yeah but I I I just maybe that’s maybe that’s the The Hope talking and and the belief that this team is going to something’s going to

Click and they’re going to be able to be consistent you look at at the way that they played against Kentucky the way that they just completely dominated Tennessee in all facets yeah they did I mean they they they took care of Tennessee in Every Which Way choked them

Out didn’t let them come back there was no oh Tennessee made a and made it close that didn’t happen I kept on waiting for that run to happen I thought it was going to happen too at some point and and I thought with the lead that they

Had that A&M was going to be able to hold on and really I didn’t think that they were after after the first four minutes of the second half I didn’t think that that A&M was going to lose that game at all however Vandy changes my entire thought

Process of the season and so Alabama’s tough Arkansas you have to to win at man playing at Tennessee after what you did to them at Reed Arena I mean that’s a tough game that’s a really tough game you win the games you’re supposed to win

The rest of the way at this point we played this game last week we’ll play it again here yeah but which games are they supposed to win you’re supposed to beat Arkansas supposed to beat Arkansas you should beat Georgia you should beat Mississippi State I me you should that’s

Three more wins that gets you at nine that doesn’t get you in the tournament you need another one yeah I mean it might get you in the tournament but that that’s you’re hold 10 I think you’re safely in so you’ve got to win that the South Carolina game just go beat Alabama

And then all of a sudden conversation changes and if if they beat Alabama we come back and we talk about Arkansas Tennessee South Carolina those are all games that that are that are winnable and and can catapult you into a projected seed that is you just

Look at some of the losses this team has had I know right like the Arkansas loss you know the LSU the the first game of the season I thought that was a really bad loss cuz I didn’t think LSU was going to win as many games as as they

Were as they’ve won so far um Auburn was tough Kentucky I was thankful for Kentucky because if they started 0 and3 in conference I I feel like Not only would fans have jumped off the the support but I think the national media would have jumped off the support but by

Them winning the Kentucky game and going even though they were one- two one-2 over Kentucky at number six at the time you think okay they’ve turned it around then they go and lose to Arkansas then they beat LSU on the road they beat Missouri which Missouri is a bad team

But they beat him that’s that’s that’s a game Old Miss Unfortunate but not necessarily a season killer that’s that’s that’s still okay you’re still survivable you you beat Florida in in a really good win because Florida was hot fla they they had won they had won some games you’re thinking

Okay here we go they win that game they go to Missouri win that game beat Tennessee all of a sudden you’re like okay that’s three in a row mhm you beat a hot Florida team you did what you were supposed to do against Missouri you beat

The best team I think in conference in Tennessee and then you go to Vanderbilt well you look at it since January the 16th your three losses are for a combined Five Points yeah I mean but those three losses look who they lost too Arkansas and

FY Old Miss is a team that I’m still trying to figure out because I think they’re like A&M in a way that they’re really good on certain nights yeah and on certain nights you’re like they got guys that can score and if those guys can score then then they win ball games

Kind of like A&M yeah A&M has a couple of guys that can score and if they’re scoring they’re hard to stop ask Tennessee Tennessee couldn’t stop Wade couldn’t stop boots and then I mean the guy that holds it all together Anderson Garcia he was just a monster in that Tennessee game how did

He didn’t do much what was his stat line I it was like six and five or something like that four and five that’s tough that’s tough I’m gonna I’m gon to pull it up I’m going to give you the exact numbers because I don’t I don’t

Want to speak out of turn um so just say something tap dance for a second tap dance for a second I I think we it has become evident that it’s not just Tyrese and Wade even now 86 and four in 24 minutes I don’t think did Wade score in

The first half I feel like he did not I don’t think he did I I know it was like the first 15 minutes he hadn’t scored I don’t I don’t remember if he even scored in the first half and how does that happen it’s not like vanderbel has great

Defense no I mean that’s that is a big factor in this year’s team and maybe it has something to do with leadership because as as we’re going through and I hadn’t really I hadn’t really thought about that put much St stock into that aspect of it but maybe it is the

Leadership where where are where are these guys consistently night in and night out we we hear Buzz talking about you know Wade Works on it he’s always there he he works hard everybody knows Tyrese Radford that dude is bluecollar Guy he is going to work his tail off

Anderson Garcia he’s a bluecollar guy he’s going to work his tail off but where if if those three don’t show up I mean they’re the leaders of the team they have to show up one way or the other physically vocally like either lead by example or get in somebody’s face and

And tell them to step up and I don’t think that’s there between those three gentlemen 52 points which you would think is good but nobody hit the 20 point mark right and we know the record and we know the record when Wade scores too much right like they they

They need they need to have balance but it be more of a 60 40 balance right like our guys need to get most of it these three guys or these two of the three guys need two of the three need to definitely be in the 20s yep but when that doesn’t

Happen how do you navigate those Waters you just lose you just chalk it up as a loss there’s got to be something else there’s got to be a way to either get them involved and make it easier for them or get other people involved why would you when you play A&M

Not just and I told this to shoe BR yesterday I just wanted to get your thoughts build a wall around the yeah I know I use that ter build a wall around the paint and be like just shoot on me guys we’re just going to wait right here

We’re not going to allow boots to attack us like we’re going to have four points and you’re going to have to go through four of us if you want to hit three-point shots and that’s how we lose to you fine but we’re not going to allow

Boots and Wade to just live in the paint attacking one because I know it’s not that simple but one because Wade would get hot and once Wade gets hot then it’s it’s over for that team I think I think Houston dodged a bullet by not having Radford out on the

Floor because of Wade’s performance had had Radford been on the floor against Houston that’s another big win A&M would have had um so they dodged a bullet teams are trying to when you prepare for this A&M team you have to prepare for what’s going to they’re going to make

Everything that they shoot so we’re going to have to defend their best game and their best game is defending wade six feet outside the three-point line their best game is forcing Tyrese right because he’s always going to come back to his left and I say always that’s what

He 90% of the time he’s GNA come back to his left so we’re always going to play him to go right and you have to prepare for that so you can’t just say well let’s just sit back and and hope that he’s not on tonight because but I mean

Obviously it’s not going to be just that game plan but like to me like the teams that have really affected A&M have either just taken the ball out of Wade’s hands as much as possible and when you have boots that the level he’s been playing at Rec that doesn’t work anymore

Right but my philosophy would be like I’m just not going to let them drive on us and you know what I will double team Wade so do you think it is it is more productive to take the ball out of Wade’s hands or boot’s hands I think it is more productive to

Take the ball out of boot’s hands now that you bring it up I do too I do too because Wade you you kind of know what you’re gonna get he’s gonna fire some shots he’s gonna come off a ball screen he’s gonna he’s gonna shoot a a little mid-range

Uh it’s when Boots goes off absolutely it’s it’s when he can get to the bucket and he can create that contact and he can make teams collapse on him right and he’s scoring at the at the basket D he he’s one of the best I’ve ever seen

Attacking the rim really at least at the college basketball level he’s he yeah he’s I mean I don’t want to say he’s Unstoppable because we saw what happened against Vandy but he most of the time it is tough to stop him when he gets his momentum going downhill and getting to

The bucket yep because he makes things happen and Wade benefits from that Anderson Garcia benefits from that Manny benefits from that sure solo benefits from that but if you take him out of the game I think it slows everything down I think the game gets more stagnant for

The for the offense because if if you have if you have Manny we’ve talked about this if you have Manny bringing the ball up the court it may get passed once but but more than likely he’s coming off a ball screen he’s attacking the rim trying to get a shot and no one

Else is touching the ball if you have Wade bringing it up he’s going to pass the ball but he’s passing the ball to relocate to get the ball back to shoot it yeah I’m going to give it to you here we give him it right back exactly and so

When you get when you get Tyrese involved I think that the flow of the offense I’ll we’ll put in air quotes offense I think it has come down to a one-on-one basketball game using ball screens that’s what A&M is be honest that’s hard to guard when you have good

When you have good ball handlers when you have guys like Wade and and and Tyrese that’s hard to guard how often and maybe College basketball’s different and we’ll close with this does a ball dominant and they got two not just one but a ball dominant oriented offense go far in

Basketball when it’s your when it’s your only form of scoring I mean you may get to the second weekend but to get to that next level other forms of scoring you have you have to have a team you have to have a third guy that can score you have to have

Which is why I was happy to see Henry back off absolutely you have to have some type of set offense to when when they’re not making it happen you can rely on hey we’re going to get our post an easy an easy basket at the bucket or

A guy coming off a ball screen curling whatever it is and they don’t have that right now Logan thank you sir yeah man appreciate you Heritage films time that’s chance mlan company your heritage that make document films about your family they do it about your parents they just tell your story like

Who doesn’t want their story told Logan wants a story told he needs to call Chance mlan up right now and just be like hey let’s tell the Logan Lee Story uh the awesome career at A&M the awesome career at Tech sags the awesome entrepreneur career I should say like

This guy’s just blowing up he needs to tell that story so his kids later on can watch it be like that’s right we did go through that I forgot about that he did have that cup of coffee for 10 years at texx that’s right he did do that and

Then he built this Empire and then their kids are going to be able to see oh that’s what my grandpa was doing see that’s why Heritage films is awesome it tells the entire family story and chance mlan is the one to do it 2our documentary he can also do the year Flix

Which is reserved for the younger kids in the family maybe entering fifth grade you know you want to tell the the Q&A and tell that story right what the kid is into what he wants to get into where his friends are whatever it may be what movies he’s watching and then later on

You follow it up with another Benchmark video talk about freshman year of high school talk about your freshman year at Texas A&M when you get your ring and now you got your four-part series there with the year Flix the website is your heritage your heritage 71383880800

Welcome back into texags radio presented by David Gardner Jewelers r Insurance studio time to go around the SEC Cali Gardner is in studio hello howdy how are we we we when I speak for we I’m G speak for Caitlyn and myself I think we’re doing well is that correct yeah we’re

Good good you know what’s funny what’s funny there’s no way to press that button without it causing a ripple effect throughout the world it’s like an earthquake it’s like you just yeah it’s it’s inevitable it’s the it’s the button okay kay she didn’t answer go ahead you’re

Just GNA hear it I want to go back to earlier in the show when we talked about the Super Bowl Halftime performers I think we need a little bit of justice for Rihanna I didn’t say anything no not you disrespectful to the re I think I

Think you know she had a very iconic performance and I I think she deserves some respect but I also think put some respect behind my name her name for sure but here’s the thing not my name I don’t need it here’s the thing K let’s be

Honest yeah no matter who it is people are going to are going to criticize for sure that’s what the halftime show has become because who is the most iconic singer right now okay I’m not going to go there not Taylor let’s if it was who who George Straight I think

There’s going to be a huge uge group of people who are just going crazy for it and then you’re going to have a bunch on the other side like why are we listening to this Oldtimer yeah right absolutely and he is a legend he’s the boss right

He’s the he’s not the boss you know what I mean he’s he’s the man and so that’s what it’s all about complaining because it’s not your JRE and you can’t wait to have your act up there right I agree I mean I had I had critiques for Usher but

I think he was also fantastic but I don’t think Usher should have taken a shirt off I think that was a little bit much I I think if you’ve got to be in a different level of competition if you will absolutely continue on absolutely let’s get into it so recently I would

Say about probably 10 minutes ago EA Sports released their teaser for the college football 25 video game and I myself am not a gamer okay but I have a brother who’s a big one and he is very excited and they were very excited back

There in that room so I felt the need to to mention that on here uh I had a problem look I only watched like five seconds of it because it was during a segment it just popped up so Nate and for Fort wor sent it on text were

Showing the Rose Ball I was like you know it would have been cooler had it been I don’t know Coffield that’s just how I look at it you know I have to agree with that I mean just let’s just be honest A&M did get a did they did get

A highlight they showed a rendering of one of our jerseys so okay okay so we were we were thrown in there um the Auburn South Carolina game last night was a big disappointment to me I really wanted South Carolina to win that one why did you want South Carolina to win

That one um I think you want South Carolina to be ranked very high for when A&M beats him at at AR number six that’s E I like the way you think there you know well that would have been really nice for us but that was the largest win

Over AP Top 25 team in Auburn’s program history they handed South Carolina just their fourth loss of the season and they are 13 and0 at home this Seas the score on that one 101 to 60 61 101 to 61 40 40 and all of Auburn’s home wins are by double digit

Margins this year so they are prominent at home yeah Alabama is in sole possession of first place in the SEC they are 9-2 in the conference with both of their losses being on the road the last time A&M played a ranked team in Tuscaloosa we won by 16 so hopefully and

We are six and0 in our last regular season matchups with Alabama so hopefully we can do it again this weekend MLB training starts this week and my Rangers are coming off their shortest offseason in organization history which is really exciting for them and Wyatt lford who is a graduate

Of the University of Florida who played on their World Series team last year was on the spring training invite list so he is itching to make a crack at the opening day roster so hopefully that happens for him uh baseball this weekend MCN is at A&M and Tennessee plays in the

Shriners children’s college baseball Showdown facing Texas Tech OU and Baler at Globe Life in Arlington and SEC women’s basketball South Carolina is now 23 and0 and they have two weeks left of conference play so they’re hoping to be completely Undefeated by the time the SEC tournament rolls around the agies are

Seventh in conference and they have a chance to climb in the SEC standings as they take on Vanderbilt tonight for Revenge as we mentioned earlier and then a home rematch against LSU who is ranked number 13 at Reed Arena on Monday all right they got to get that one I got you

Sure for sure very good stuff thank you so much absolutely when we come back on this show that we call tech tech sags radio excuse me the fan show guys are here we’re going to have Matt Browning and Sutton Turner in the house we’ll chitchat with them right now though

Caller number one we’re going to give you a free car wash from agilan Express Car Wash in South College Station off of William D Fitch in Greens Prairie they are agie owned and operated and they have the friendliest staff out there but we’re going to uh they they offered

Monthly membership but we’re going to give the first caller right now a free car wash from agilan Express Car Wash in South College Station 979-6962 hey everybody it’s texags radio we are presented by David Gardner Jewelers we’re here in the r Insurance studio and it’s time for the fan show everyone’s

Favorite everyone’s favorite show when you say everyone you mean everyone just everyone in the room it is brought to you by Gerard construction custom home builders for the Brothers Valley since 2002 they don’t just build homes they build relationships you can learn more at Gerard Dash Matt bronie hello good

Morning how are you I’m good buddy son how are you howdy howdy way Diaz so we’re going to start things off with a very simple formula and we’re going to let Caitlyn take it away yeah so we just want y’all to tell us what’s on your

Mind this morning o you want to go first I I’ll happily go I like how you color coordinated that I yeah color coordinated blue and white yeah uh you no there not a lot of maroon on today uh although you know the maroon colored glasses are are are in full Force after

The Elco interview yesterday loved that but uh I mean I guess we’ve got to talk about basketball hey we got to talk about basketball um I I man I I’m at a loss I I don’t quite and and and I’m going to admit I did not actually physically watch the Vanderbilt game

I’ve seen every game you watched the last possession though no I didn’t even see it all I did was I I I was so busy that day by the time I got home and got everything done I look at the score I just checked the score and I I I was

Just put my phone down and I was like I cannot believe that so I was at I was at Tennessee great electric atmosphere we took him to the Woodshed y um even chanted overrated which I didn’t particularly like I chanted chanted I chanted I didn’t particularly like that

Part I I don’t mind rubbing Rick Barnes Rowdy Rick’s face a little bit but I’m one of those if you’re going to do it to a team that’s that’s that is better than you you know I mean why why take away from your it doesn’t take it away it’s

Just a say I agreee if somebody yells at LeBron James you suck all of a sudden does the entire crowd like you know what they’re right I’m changed my mind I’m but I’m a big fan like had that been Texas that came in and their number you want to you

Want to rub it in their face but um um and by the way if you get a chance make sure any of your UT of your your Texas fans you te you text them anytime you can about Tennessee call them UT that will drive them Bonkers it’s the best

Ever by the way but to go and win that game game you beat a scrappy Missouri team you you beat a hot Florida team all in a row we think this is it the it’s the tables have turned here we go and the the tables did turn the tables did

Turn I just it’s just mindboggling I I don’t quite understand how you the roller coaster ride you know we’ve talked about it you we every year under the Buzz Under Buzz we’ve had we’ll have downtimes and then we’ll have up times this time they’re shorter the the the

Roller coaster the the the the ups and downs are are are closer together than they have been in the past so that was a tough one and uh um confusing to say the least yeah I think the from a basketball standpoint uh we are um either a really good team

Or a really bad team and when that doesn’t win you tournament games you have to be consistent um and I actually it kind of reminded me of um our good friend Jimbo fiser that could win a really big game and then lose a really

Bad game yeah um and I um I I you guys asked Buzz um in the press conference you guys asked buzz on the radio about Trap game oh I don’t believe in that I don’t believe that by the way that by definition that was a trap game and we

Got trapped um and so um just really disappointed um in in in that however like you started out Mike Elco as I texted you feels comfortable in his own skin as he was sitting here he was talking with two guys that he liked and talking about football that he

Liked and didn’t even when you um or Billy um talked about the Chris Dante um question about you know moving it to Thanksgiving or whatever and he’s just like put the ball down just just like we would just sitting around talking just comfortable in his own skin in thankful

To be here family thankful to be here so um that’s my high level I’m just going to let the basketball just go and it be another year uh of uh high expectations low performance there he is Sutton breaking it down all right kitlin what else you got um what is y’all’s biggest

Question mark after Elco was in here yesterday about A&M football heading into the spring game question mark um I don’t know he answered a lot of stuff I mean the guy you ask him a question he’s he he’ll put it out there like like there’s not a lot of Coach speech there

Is just him like you said like like s just said it I felt the same way it was like him just sitting around with the guys talking football and um um you know every time I hear him I I’m I’m I’m I get more excited about the hire you know

And knowing and getting getting his take on on the breakdown of everything he’s had to go through what’ you say was it was 79 days at that point he’s been since he’s been hired so today’s the 80th day of his employment with us and I mean just all the stuff you know jumping

Through the Hoops of of player retention to recruiting to portal to every single thing else and all the things he’s done and um and just having him break that down and and and and just Hammer up with you and Billy made it I mean I get more

Excited about him all the time I don’t know if I have any real question marks as of right now I mean come season if we go get a couple games there might be some question marks but right now I I’m pumped I I love the hire and I think

It’s I think it’s I think it’s uh uh um I think the sky’s a limit right now yeah I I don’t have a so before it was we had massive holes right uh uh defensive back specifically cornerback specifically wide receiver and and it was like who is going to fill

Now we’ve got a lot of players in both those sets uh sides of the ball and both those position groups and my question mark is just like who’s going to play right I mean that’s going to be fascinating because you’re going to have to have a a roster at the spring game

Because you’re not going to know any of the players that are out there because they’re all going to be basically new I mean obviously moose and couple of guys that have been but majority of those guys are going to be new so that’s exciting to me is like wo it’s going to

Be neat to see who steps forward and who’s going to be our starting guys I sent you guys this talking point and things are never as simple as if this is the case this is what happens but just for conversation’s sake does it feel like this program really for football just

Football we’re talking here is just missing accountability and it looks like that’s been taken care of and organization from being back on the track that we need to have or is it deeper than that uh I mean from from my standpoint I mean we obviously know that there’s a

Ton of talent still I mean a ton of really really good players on our football team I mean you I mean the the 2022 class is still still largely intact I mean there’s a lot of really good players still on that football team um you’ve got a bunch of guys coming in

That that there’s question marks but you know you we trust in the that you know this is what we do with a new staff you trust in them you got to trust them to to bring in some guys from the portal and there were some big names in the

Portal and there’s some names that we don’t know very much about but you’re hoping their evaluation was good and all that so um I think that I think accountability is one of those things and um just by sitting listening to him in that interview yesterday that’s something that that seems like a

Priority to him he is not he he he he’ll have his his he just seems like the kind of guy that’s going to have his thumb on the pulse of that of that locker room and know what’s going on and um I mean we saw it with the Duke teams I mean

Those Duke teams were were good they never I mean they didn’t quit they played hard and that’s what we want that’s what we want all this talent to do I think U yes accountability is one discipline is another I would put it all in the the form of culture I mean let’s

Whether it’s a true rumor or not and you would know I don’t um smok and weed at the South Carolina locker room like if that happened under Jimbo’s watch I mean I mean what kind of culture are we talking about here I mean this is major college football that millions and

Millions and millions of dollars go in and you’ve got that kind of stuff going on so yeah that was a thing that had to be changed for us to have any success did that hold us back absolutely was that one of the reasons why Jimbo needed to go absolutely is that something that

We hope that Elco will fix and he’s talking like he’s addressing it absolutely so I’m really excited about the culture piece because you’re not going to win any football games without fixing that culture all right let’s do this let’s hit a break I want to hit a

Break a minute early so when we come back on the show we’re going to play the three reasons why game three reasons why a and basketball will make the tournament you guys got to come with three reasons three reasons why a and baseball will make make it to Omaha and

Three reasons why football will will capital letters make the uh college football playoffs we’ll get into that and more you’re listening to texags radio presented by David Gardner Jewelers here the fan show brought to you by Gerard Construction we’re back here on texags radio we’re presented by David Gardner Jewelers here

In the r Insurance Studio it is the fan show brought to you by Gerard construction you ready to play three uh three reasons why I love it let’s go all right Sut you’re going to start with s game time all right okay give us three reasons why A&M basketball will make the tournament

So um I think it’s spelled ni T oh stop come on you cannot be all out on this this team has beat this number six team in the country twice so I think we finish up Nine and Nine uh okay I think we go uh four uh three and four the rest

Of the way um so yeah we’ll be the bubble team does the bubble work well for us I have to say with my Bas on it is not um but if we do get in uh um it depends if we have the team that played Vandy and the team that played LSU and

The team that played Arkansas or we have the other team uh that that shows up in the tournament and so one or the other I think we’re one and done or maybe two games and done do me a favor can we pull up the schedule real quick because I

Understand what you they shouldn’t have lost the vanity there’s no doubt there’s no doubt uh but if you look at their last couple losses what is it three losses by Five Points combined right right and that happens in conference play games are going to be tight they’ve

Got to but when you’re 21 down that’s my problem is the team doesn’t show up when we’re not playing well well but in this stretch of SEC play you since the LSU game which was a terrible second half horrible right I think they played really well at Auburn really well all

Right uh they’ played great against Kentucky they came back from Arkansas which was terrible and has always been a hard place for us to play but they lost on the last second shot LSU they took it to him mizou they took it to him Miss just good team they’re just a good

Team they’re not a great team they’re a good team Florida they beat a really hot team so at best we can we can play three good games but we’ve got a fourth one that’s a stinker on average all right so if you play three more in a row of

Really good games and you beat Alabama and Tennessee and Arkansas I think you’re tell you like I’ll put all the chips in that Tennessee is counting down the days that we come to Knoxville hopefully that’s what they’re thinking about right now and they lose before I’m different than Sutton thank

You three reasons why he told me three reasons to punch myself yeah so I’m completely different so if you look at that you look at our schedule coming into this yeah when we play good teams we play them tough either we beat them which we beat Kentucky we beat Tennessee

I mean those are the only two ranked teams we’ve played in conference thus far right so we we played them hard we played Houston tough I mean took them down to the wire last last second shot we played you know the non-conference games that we played you know the teams

We lose to yeah these teams that we lose to are oversight games right yeah we should get like a half a point just for being close yes I mean so you look at the fact that that the team FAU this is hang grenades yeah so here’s my thought

My thought is we go in we’re going to play we’re going to play uh uh Alabama tough we we we’ve shown that we play tough against good teams when they go in there folks focused they play tough and I hopefully I’m hoping and again now I

Did not watch the Vanderbilt game so all the last you know I all I saw was the final score the last time I saw this team on the court they were dominating the best team in the conference dominating so I know that that team I know that that team exists and I know

That there is still plenty of time for that team to show up and I I see us I see us I see us going I see us winning I Tennessee is Tennessee is going to be bad we have seven games left yeah I like you like I got I say we go

Five and two okay but I asked three reasons why and I’m going to give you my three reasons why one of the best back courts in the country right there’s no doubt about that you’ve got glue guys that are to me you need on Championship

Level teams and I’m not saying this is a championship level team but Anderson Garcia solo those are the kind of guys that you have on Championship level teams and I’m going to use history as my indicator and Buzz William in February does fantastic at A&M right that’s the

Fact yeah he he’s not undefeated sorry he’s not the 72 Dolphins but he’s pretty darn good when it matters so that’s why I’m giving you those are my three reason those are my reasons as well I I love it I think we’re I think we’re in the

Tournament all right proba had a very low seed but we’re in the tournament we’re running out of time okay three reasons whym baseball will make it to Omaha you start us off Bros is very good at what he does and uh um I mean this

Team is uh um this team is just going to be it’s going to be so fun to watch they’re going to be really really good I think we’ve really upgraded pitching so there’s my reason slash is really good and the pitching is going to be quite a

Bit better there’s my two reasons two of the three and I would say I’ll take the I agree with everything you said and our lineup our hitting lineup is stacked this year I mean we have no weaknesses I mean when bronny went through with you maybe last week um what he thought the

The bad lineup was I I there was no soft spot in our lineup and so that right there is going to be awesome and I think one of your other questions is who’s the best athlete on Texas A&M’s campus and I think it’s going to be Braden uh

Montgomery I think him yes he’s not his a he I think he’s one of the best athletes um he and Connor are the two best athletes that I think that are on our campus right now and I think he’s going to dominate this year okay um let’s do three because we’re running

Out of time football three reasons football will make the playoffs all right so gets to go first go you go first three reasons why um I think we’re going to have a good culture um I think it’s going to be a consistent culture that’s starting right now and uh and

It’s going to be build in accountability I think our coaching staff of top to bottom uh is going to be empowered to do what they do best especially from an offensive coordin standpoint which we haven’t seen in six years um and third I think that our talent and culture are

Going to finally match we’ve had talent for six years but we haven’t had the culture and I think we finally put both those two things together yep and then you you you you sprinkle in the fact it’s a 12 team playoff does gives gives more opportunity and you cannot tell me

That that roster isn’t one of the 12 best rosters in the country um with the new coaching staff culture uh new schemes everything else I think that uh uh if we get all the pieces all the pieces together we definitely have the talent to be there for sure David Edmund

Who was banned from the show for a little while I didn’t ban him somebody did so question for the fan show guys and we got maybe a minute it says uh what happens if we go to Coffield on the first game of the season and we beat

Notre Dame what does it do to your expectations next year oh can you imagine yeah it’ll be Sky High yeah we’ll be insufferable it yeah it’ll be and and we have a couple of nice sweet games after that um but you know we got we’ve got a couple of conference games

Early so I think it’s going to this place is just going to go I think we are going to win that game yeah it’ll be like it’ll be almost like when Jimbo that first year with uh Clemson and it was so close to happening right there at

The pylon you know we get over I mean because it was we we lost the game but it still felt around here like we had won the game because everybody’s like holy cow this is going to be amazing I think that’s the the vibe that was a

Long time ago I know long time ago gentlemen thank you very much thank you David thank you buddy all right Kaylin thank you very much uh Nick and of course the folks at Brian broadcasting and all of you for watching us and listening to us that’s going to do it

For texags radio on a Thursday tomorrow Billy Luchi I think ol Buchanan I think Mark French I think and the baseball Bunch guys we’ll see you manana

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