Golf Babe

3v2 Scramble Match with a Special Guest Pro!!

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Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel today we have a 3v2 match we have me and Mr MC Boucher welcome back to the channel for another match out here at Star Pass Golf Club in Tucson our threers team is going to be these wonderful ladies over here we have may

Brennan Sarah winter and Lucy Matthews the director of golf out here at Star Pass Lucy thank you for joining us guest on the channel thanks so much for having me first time on the Channel first time in a YouTube video pretty much yeah first time ever now this is going to be

Our tiebreaker match 3v2 are girls better than guys at golf we’re going to find out right now let’s go Ma we told you guys that we were going to bring that Hole oh man so good he bang I thought we had him there first hole here uh 200 yard par three pins tucked on the right side of the green I’m going to go first and let Mac do something real interesting Shot Ben’s on the green so I’m going to try to hit this one very high this might be the highest shot you’ve ever seen on the channel really yeah I’m excited like this thing is going to go very high what was that that was a that was a Dy

Bar okay oh oh my God okay well Lucy is not impressed on to the I guess I didn’t do a warmup okay oh Man that’s in the hotel that is in the hotel all right well just knock that in for par and you’ll be Gucci all right Lucy all right want to go first you want to go last you want to be in the middle whatever you guys want to mess up

Your VI you want to be the ringer sure yeah cuz I’m yeah want it could go either way go the middle yeah I like that yeah we’ll find our yeah if we need to move it around we will that sounds great thank you you’re Welcome it’s I love that Sandra you really love that bunker don’t you oh so how are you feeling right now oh I’m feeling good I got this don’t worry I really wanted to put that on the green for you we started we’re starting off hot today this good this is good

Chance to contribute this is a golden opportunity way to like relax her into the channel guys you know this is the best case scenario for her up please be good get up there it is all right we’re up there we’re up I literally missed the ball completely about a 25 foter here here

It’s going to be slow up the hill and try to get Ben a line here you were reading the screen a lot different left Edge firm I like that got it surrounded try good you want to go first first same order going to do left Edge um yeah is that good mhm we

Like it magnet right there try oh nice TR here good roll okay Lucy all right this is it oh nice good try all right well no blood first toll all right Jaylen well through uh through one hole we’re all square bunch of pars here heading on to the next which is a

Par 4 going to have to lay up or go I I don’t know no wind I might go for it today how long you been a star pass I’ve only been here for about 3 months so you know the course probably as well as I do

I think I might have played it more than you have then I know how the golf industry works I think you have honestly I do think it is a beautiful golf course and it’s a really good layout too obviously with Phil Michelson winning here it’s a PJ tour caliber golf course

It’s not quite as long as PJ tour courses these days it is shorter so did you play golf in college did you play I did yeah I uh I played up in Missouri William Woods University Willie Woods yeah ow Twi how do you know that I play

Is it is it ni so I played at Kansas Westland I played I also played at Iowa Western definitely played against them and how long you been in the golf industry almost 10 years I know since I I I worked in golf before I came over to

America cuz obviously I’m not from here yeah I figured that out did you go to William Woods like as for the PGA program or did you go through the PGA program while you’re working while I’m working it’s not easy it’s like you whole degree whilst working whole time

Well director of golf at Star Pass it’s awesome yeah congratulations on the new position thank you very excited it’s a great place to be and you’re always welcome Here all right we’re just going to hit this uh down the right side with a little bit of cut let Ben take an aggressive line I’m actually going to try to hit that helicopter all right nice that ball was in play that was good that was really bad

You yeah okay all right we’re going to rip big dog just up the left side maybe a tad bit of cut but just trying to get into that second Fairway it’s like a 320 carry oh it’s just a hair too far right that had the gas for it though hit the bridge seriously

Though bounce you know what I think it’s short of it cuz you spun it I know what to do hit it hard we going for it I think all three of us are going to go for it one of us will make it over we have to we’re not here to lay

Up no that’s fine that’s going to be over oh Mar go go over I see if should I lay up I put one play you try I’ll and then if not I’m known to be quite spinny there just give the s p gas all right I’m going to really let this one

Loose oh that good Set set set down that could be okay there’s chances that that’s pretty good that’ll be all right I left the face open you it you hit some good ones I think that’s really good that didn’t look good mine it’s fine like I’m literally 2 you’re you’re

Chilling you’re just a a length from the hole I’m a long iron specialist all three girls hit it in the stuff long had just got into the hazard so we’re going to take mine so we’ve got 85 yards the flag I’m going to hit a little cut six

Iron I’m going to try to hit some normal shots just get back on track cuz when I screw around too much my game goes pretty so much start a little right or a little hang that’s on the green be honest you don’t want to be right at this flag I

Look like a full weight full weight all right you heard the man just but that’s fine it should be pin High middle the bunker that’s good yeah pin High middle of the green probably about 30 some footer I mean to be honest this start to this nine is quite difficult it

Goes really hard part three pretty challenging Par Four and the next Tool’s hard if we can maybe make one bird in these next three somehow Go full gas after that all right we all went in the waist so we’re dropping we have to get up and

Down for par which I think we can do we have 100 yards Sarah okay we’re good 100 yards choke down on my pitching wedge oopy that’s fine it’s okay it is not fine I love the bunker today you’re going to take the same approach as me choke

Down okay we got that can take down we’ll make that what do you think of those shots Road Runner 30 footer for birdie another 30-footer I’m going to make this I’ve got a great line on it this is going in got to hit it go oh I had the line

That’s I like that I like that putt though understanding speed control and putting is leaving one a foot short from 30 ft is not bad just couple of good lag putts to start the day from 30t feet putting it to 8 in both times feel good about that new idea

For you start your social media account it’s going to be called just the tip by Ben we’ve talked about that yeah just tips by Ben but inste just the tip and then like we we also talked about doing uh like whole Vlogs where I really walk

You through my process and I’m going to call it giving you brain I get it I guess I don’t have a brain I’ll go straight all right downhill are we nervous we’re going to make this to tie with the boys cuz we went in the crap we got three putts at this

This is Not what a PT that was so F that was so clutch all right well the girls tie it up I thought we had them there Mac we still alive we got we got Lucy in here knows the greens apparently it’s like she works here or something great power for both teams all square

Through two head into the third another part Three hole number three par three 209 yards I guess Max’s going first he’s got seven wood in hand not as much wind today so this might be a little bit less of a struggle than it was the last two days kned on wood so good

I think we’re going to like that one ma well now that my partner’s in there tight I’m going to hit a nice six iron right at it cut slide oh how’s that not cutting I hit that kind of clunky Doo fine yeah really off the wall bad to be

Honest what you got I’m going to hit a seven I’m going to put something on the green so Lu he doesn’t feel pressure but you perform well under pressure Lu so we’ll see how that if that carries on we’re going to do something this whole

May’s going to stick a close 7 iron 141 it’s going to get there okay balls in play got chip at it oh no oh that’s fine I’m going to put this pretty close I got a little six in my hand I just switched clubs So ni very nice good shot come on I had a great shot here but I just didn’t want to come up short took more club and now we have about a 60-footer downhill right to left not one that we can get overly aggressive with no way

Oh and we got a little aggressive I I don’t mind that though I showed you line I I don’t mind it either this thing runs out a lot the screen from Back to Front slopes so much oh I take a lot of Pride my speed control and it’s been dialed today I’m

Going to aim for the shadow of the flag good speed oh I hit that on like the Heel think more than the flag yeah the brown spot Eh okay that was just a little too out to the right in between the flag and the brown spot I like that make it do that that’s not enough okay no blood all right we need to make some birdies through three holes no blood all pars first three holes are

Pretty difficult out here at SAR pass especially on the Palmer side so three pars isn’t that bad we’d like to see some birdies starting here number four right here Star Pass 391 yd par 4 pretty downhill t-shot here this thing’s going to run quite a bit so

I think I’m going to back foot a four ir and try to hit a little trap draw oh boy sit down what was that watch that for us Sarah thinks that one went left I think it also went left this is one I just need to get and play now and I’m

Just not very good so it’s be Hard that’s so good so good that is just top tier right there that was pretty gross if I’m being honest okay there’s crap at 2:30 so I have my five wood Sarah’s got her five iron and we’re going to do good on this hole we’re going to birdie this hole watch for

Sure for sure loves his sit down just a little bit by m is that good all right I’m going to hit by Five that’s not very good I mean just to keep warm Lucy she is Lucy okay wow well all squore through three but to be fair to everybody here not some not overly easy golfers man two person Scramble with 220 Yard part 3es it’s kind of tough honest got 131 yard

Back right stick Going H A little flighted pitching wedge in there trying to hit the green h h that t- shell some sling spin on that I’m pretty happy with that honestly I thought it was going to juice a little bit more right but pin High I got 50° in hand this is

Going to be a very not quite a full 50° go ball nice that’ll do balance on that swing really felt like I stuck my fall through on that okay I will be the guinea pig I’m going to hit my pitching wedge we have 113 yard we’re on a little

Bit of a hill but it’s not that bad sting it kind work not I did that on purpose I didn’t want to hurt the grass didn’t want to make a divot you know did that on purpose appreciate that that’s really good Sarah that’s pin High great y now there’s no pressure on

You see for one oh nice watch this watch this K come on come on we’ll see we’ll see that was a good bad Ben and I both hit it to about 20 ft my putt was impossible so we’re going to take BS okay I’m going to go right Edge

Sounds great I like right Edge yeah you might be about a ball and a half out two balls out yeah it definitely went left more than I thought I like two balls out you know after watching yours I didn’t think it was possible to leave it short

I know mine quick eh yeah we’re going to go right Edge y I like it good speed wow that was so bad another par we just finished hle 4 we’re having ourselves a pillow fight if you’re still watching thank you we’re going to make a bur this Energy 187 playing 165 It’s mighty down pin’s kind of in a front left little finger just going to try to hit a pitching wedge hard just got to compress it oh right There think that’s pin High just left of the green should be a pretty easy par from there cars don’t win championships no I’m just not very good at golf so I kind of just want to hit a normal shot we’re going to go 7 ir and just go really soft at

It oh no came right out of it should a driver we should chip in can’t driver like I was going to 103 we like this new pin spot like I’ve been there a few times so this going to be good cleaning the grooves so I can

Really spin this one in the hole at a 50° yeah let’s switch up the order maybe that’s what’s wrong that it in on oh SAR we just had to change the order Yahoo now you guys can go for the dunk oh this could be in jeez guys

May all right okay sure give us a chance guys we really taking advantage of you guys missing the green you wen’t kidding we’re not here to mess her up we not good toce you guys are coming on strong here coming on real we just needed a warm up

You guys can you guys knock it off well Max’s going to go first he’s got a seven wood at the very least let’s put some pressure on them to make to win the hole I want to see you guys make this all right Sarah this one’s for you thank You I didn’t hit it hard enough I don’t dislike that though that was good well uh I got 58° I’m going to do a slightly more traditional play land this thing about a yard short I think this is a charity try okay I don’t hate that chip

Though I mean from here I’ll take three feet all day long and twice on Sunday except for when they’re probably going to make bird uphill outside left have no idea I would say like a ball outl you got this may yep Lucy you know what to do Lucy’s going to

Clutch up she you know we need this Budd it’s important wow you’re so clut first birie of the day yes A Budd up and you guys are one down got it that is how that works yeah we’re one up we’re one down they’re one up we told you guys that we were going

To that hole and we done did it and we did Lu see the Ringer I got an idea Jaylen we’re going to make four birdies in a row I want to see that from you you probably aren’t going to get much help for me drive the green for us and then off the races what is this 340 par 4 yep

348 par 4 not quite downwind like it was the last couple days but should be able to get one up there close I was going to hit righty but Ben seems to think that he’s not in play so not going to do that cut driver get it in

Play bunker I think it’ll be fine left yeah it’s fine sure chill the order worked last time when my first made a birdie so I’m going to go first again just drive her up the right side hopefully get something close cuz Lucy said she’s a weapon with her wedges

So that you hammered that Sarah in the bunker short of it okay okie dokie I think I need to aim right on this hole that’s what I’ve learned okay be fine man really yeah oh nice swing right down the middle that’s how you do it boys that is how

You need the same distance as you guys watch this ready yep one two three yeah you guys doing trick shots yeah sort of okay so 70 yards I say we make another birdie okay just a little out to the right but safe that’s what that first

Person’s job is to just like make it safe give you guys a good visual I hate this yardish just kidding I love it I hate this cool no that’s going to kick right yeah that’s good okay didn’t stick it though we got to stick it all right somewhere between those two

Yeah go too much check make one of those CS 80 yards I believe little 56 punch one in there and stop it quick 95 by the way is it 95 yeah I didn’t want to tell you cuz you’re not really a yardage guy but yeah I hit 86 I

Need to hit at 95 apparently so all right well we got a 95 y I got a wedge I’m going to hit it close we need to make a birdie here this five Pars in a row stuff ain’t good set set he good par the golf is so hard up

Pill probably 25 ft I’m do Sarah oh my God huh okay that’s good yeah uphill pot just got to put some good speed on it this should be a good time to turn things around good halfway there Ben part is the number to beat Lucy gave me a really

Good read so I’m just going to sink this get in I mean it’s good to be aggressive it’s better than leaving a short break good P me that was pretty good weight oh nice it a go and we’re still one up three holes to play this is my

Favorite hole in the course right here stay tun it’s going to be a fun One everything kicks pretty hard to the left here so I’m going to play this thing up the right try to put something in the Fairway for my teammate and there were two pigs right behind you they were it did spook me there was a pig or two that was just coming out of

The bushes right when you hit yeah he’s right there hello un sure but Ben he got a little spooked by a couple pigs charging at him which is uh part of golfing in the desert you got those wild boes so honestly just get it in play Here that’ll be just fine oh yeah okay we have Driver no kidding a little bit I think we safe got 346 par FL I did a little hookie thingy I’m going right down the middle there we go that clutch all right we got this my ball managed to find Earth we got 169 here pretty good angle at the flag I like that we’re up high here as well pardon my French I’m going to make

A good golf swing I’m going to hit a golf shot close we’re going to tie this match up going into the par five there you go spe the number yeah job hold on that was one of the better golf shots I’ve hit in this video

Uh we have 155 to the pin so we got to get one on the green make a putt yeah that could be good just like that yeah on the green see first person puts one on the green and then they can attack it sa now I have no pressure I can just miss

It oh this looks really good nice yeah hey Lucy show them who’s boss all right oh this is really good kick left go that way nice three on the green right three on the green easy work for the ladies just putting these guys to sleep Lucy what do you see OD you’re

Really good at reading greens am I yeah there’s a big kind of Mound right here so right to left I think so sit down hit it we should have pulled the pen youit that so hard that’s one of those where I’m not sure if pulling the pan would have

Been no it might have been off the green it was either in or off the green I’m going to I’m going to tend it okay yeah oh my goodness good putt is this the easiest putt ever it doesn’t break much does it you had it the Jews the girls leaving the door

Open for us we need to make this putt this is a big putt here I’m like Sarah okay okay all right all right all right so I am going to lack one in there I think what is happening here he’s always long and Ben’s always yeah the absolute most

Average middle of the road not great not bad golf you have ever seen in your life with a couple of laughs with a couple of funny Moments part five 550 yards definitely getable try to get one in place so Ben can step into one if I was a betting man there’s zero chance this stays on the planet or it’s perfect good The Recoil was more swing speed than the actual golf swing itself that was pip let’s go

Of the day ma some boba like you might have just heard Sarah say I got a little extra motivation on this one Sarah’s going to buy us Boba if we make Birdie on this hole Boba if it’s a yeah so it’s like so imagine a drink so imagine a

Drink put some stuff in it right some balls it’s actually really good got to go right that’s got a cut that might be okay this the straightest Drive ever that was nuked I think we’re going to like that going to step on this drive for Boba watch this for Boba for Boba

For the girls sit don’t hit cart path you’re hitting it so hard today fine it’s really spinny it’s going to hit cart path though hit well you win some you lose some and I lost the ball literally going hit no it’s not it’s going hit car no it’s not

It’s going to hit no it’s not it hit car there’s a lot of room on the left right on this hole yeah take it right at the one the stick there off the cactus off the cactus Lucy I’m so sorry can go up you know who you

Look like dead Orlando Bloom I get that sometimes and I say absolutely I’m like a I’m like the Walmart version the Kroger version so good heel banged it it was medium off the shaft but you know what best when they when they needed her most great great all right DOD fader starting

Just to the right of the 250 steak and leak it to the 150 steak hell yeah brother 300 that’s easy for you can I tell you guys something Mac is such a good caddy if I was ever good enough to play on tour I would pay him so much

Money to caddy for me cuz he’s so good I can’t break 110 on my own ball it was good shot just leaked it a little right it might be short of it I just it’s fine I’ve I don’t think I’ve seen you Mish hit a DOD ever in my life

May you doing that you know what they say may you have to know I have to what do they say I think you you know what they say I don’t have to tell do I know what they say right but for the viewers at home what do they

Do choke down that’s what they say de die do o d o d d o o choke up that’s a golf debate actually is it choke down or choke up I started choking down but now I mid choke may I just choke down like half normal grip sweep it no half for

Her she needs to choke down I’m choke down choke down choke down half in she make your normal three swing choke down yeah you’re just coming on top of it like a normal driver but it’s so good the pose is incredible good yes to be honest that’s

Perfect that oh that was a good it rolling all right the inspo is from you guys I’m in the Fairway you’re here oo good drive Mac Mac out drove me I smoked mine too 200 y here so I actually made a natural Eagle here yesterday and I’m

About to make a natural Eagle again today it’s my favorite hole brings up the best of me I was playing my own ball right now I think I’d be 13 overpower through 7 this is going to get me back to 11 overpower for the day actually I

Got to match everything I did yesterday all right here we go Ready Cut oh right in we’re not going to do that all right go a little go stop it oh what you like eight then yeah you’re two clubs longer than me wow that was good that is not

Ins shot close make a 30 I actually 90 playing 70 75 okay so like the same one we had on the one hole phone oh that was clip good swing Sarah come down down ho you put a little bit of that has some nip on it that they call it some

Nip this could be really goodick right oh that was unlucky get out sco sco yeah I didn’t he that good okay that’s F my eight iron came up like 45 yd short so Max’s going to scoop that for me and then we’re going to try to knock in that eagle putt

When the hole it’s match play so the video could be over on this hole okay but it won’t be because Max’s going to make this putt back to back Eagles in this hole turn what’s going on it won’t turn if you hit it so hard I’m hearing some

Predictions from the peanut gallery that I’m going to leave this one short just you wait I mean if was a betting man oh no oh dear oh dear oh dear like we have a birdie Putt and we have to make it to tie the hole left or right

Down I’m about 100% sure at least he’s it’s my prediction of he leaving it short oh no what I think that was Ben pting that was a b karma karma is okay we got to tie this come on girl nope got she got there all right all

Square going sare is this the last hole this the last hole we need that birdie got the fact all square drivable par 4 says it’s 333 and kind of cut it a little bit I’m going to kind of take it right over that Cactus hopefully I get a bit of the down

Kick and can get it up to the Green Oh I like that rip it’s got sit though yeah it’s got set ah I think it’s actually okay I don’t know what’s over there but I I think we might be on fre yourself up I’m freeing up give yourself a real I’m

Getting a full turn in I haven’t done that yet today saying who’s daddy you really really leaned into that one right um I really hope you’re in play I judging by I don’t think we are I think we’re going to be dropping which is pretty fitting with how bad we’ve both

Hit it we were kind of negative back there but we’re looking at the layout there’s a chance we’re in yeah just Rift driver kind I just set the 150 trusting Mac so good yes man the best one of the day man got one good drive today that

Was pump that was good and it was right where I told you to haveit it no I listen the pressure on this one sit down ball that was pretty bad uh may like aect SP play so dear de dir is that de or yeah that’s that’s all are those are those

Pigs oh my God po right did you hear it that absolutely an out hit 100% hit house dead serious by some miracle Max ball stayed in play it’s a little bit of an upslope towards the crap here I think you managed to pound it right into it to be honest this

Actually almost got to the green so I maybe I hit it harder than I thought this is Mighty birdi B I think we got him right where we wanted Little W shot over bunker this have a lot of spin on it I love this Mac I love this

Mac Oh a little short it’s fun a lot yeah looks like it’s like 6 ft though 69 yards nice nice uh yeah I mean I see nothing else to do here but just hit one nice and stiff oh it didn’t spin max out will 8 footer we’ll just knock that in for

Birdie we need a dub I don’t like bunker shots I think everyone knows this it’s an easy shot though easy for you you’re gifted naturally it’s actually very hard that is that was really good um you might be in the danger though okay oh my goodness it’s F so

Good oh no oh that might be really nice oh got a couple looks at birdie here really just a putting contest to see who wins the match are you guys taking yours mag are you want to give us a line or do you want to take s not us a line we’re

Not giving them a line you didn’t bring my putter they can’t win with the way they played damn all right right to left I think it’s going to left okay not much okay what did do straight pretty straight pretty straight that’s y yes nice man y well done yeah I contributed good job

Nice this is your first time making a really big putt under a lot of pressure Ed and I are really good Putters if you guys make this what are we doing for the playoff rock paper scissors I’ll do I’ll give you a thumb work dead straight was

This like 11 ft you think doesn’t matter cuz it’s going in the hole come on Partner turkey thank you okay knock her in he didn’t leave the sh he did not leave the sh oh boy mac daddy this the pressure fun fact I’ve actually never

Made a pot over 5 ft in my entire career and that’s dead serious like I am so bad so bad terrible Potter R wall how did yours go left I don’t know I don’t know but like but like Sarah said I I didn’t appreciate the way she

Said it but it was correct we didn’t deserve to win that match way we play today ladies congrat congratulations on a good win Lucy May way to go well so soft it you lasted this long I don’t know why you did good birdie by the

Girls was the star of the show well I didn’t know done it without you big to make this lot fun you got to work on your putting we got to work on we got to work on a lot of lost 12 golf balls in nine holes we’re working out the k hope

You guys can work out how to find the Subscribe button and hit it cuz we would appreciate that it would be very helpful to us thank you again to Star Pass thank you again to trun thank you to uh JW Marriott for putting us up hotel rooms

This week have been fantastic and I’ll see you guys in the next one Goodbye


  1. When can we expect the "Giving You Brain" & "Just the Tip" series to drop? I actually think it would be great content, in addition to having phenomenal names! You'd definitely bring in a new group to your fan base 😂😂

  2. Just saw Alexa Melton on Martin Borgmeier channel…she’s hilarious and really good…would be a great colab

  3. Swing looking good Ben. I remember seeing the slump of the rights for a bit on GG. Smashing that shit now

  4. Mac just goofs off almost every single video. He is a good golfer but rarely actually plays golf. Not a huge fan of it.

  5. Mac Boucher is a perfect example of why most people in Europe can't stand Canadians. They are like the even more rude version of Americans.

  6. just thought about 3:54 what would be my fav MATERiAL for"clubs" it possible, to make some "irons" like the driver FOR EXAMPLE made out of some wood !??

  7. Ben, your videos are great all the time. But you gotta get this crew, with Mac and the Ladies together more often. Some of the best golf viewing on YouTube ever!! The vibe and the chemistry between the 4 of you (and in this one, the 5 of you) is epic. More of this. Lots more.

  8. Been a great series of vlogs at Starr Pass. I just want to wake up there everyday and play a round with you all. The kind of groundhog day i would never tire of 👍

  9. I just realized what is happening here!! This group of harlots is making the rounds they have been appearing on multiple channels. I wonder if all it takes is a round of golf and batta bing !!

  10. 13:59 Oooooh, Sarah. I can't count how many times I've doinked an ankle or knee or a shin with a golf club. LoL.
    I'm laughing with you…not at you.

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