Golf Players

Nobody Is Talking About This Secret Wrist Move That Will Transform Your Game

Ever wondered why the pro’s are able to make the game look simple and effortless yet for you it often feels like a struggle?? Well in this video I reveal one of the key moves that many great players use to allow them to do just that.

This move is almost impossible to see, but it can be measured and I show you how you can take advantage of this unique wrist move resulting in longer, straighter and more consistent golf shots.

Ill walk you through step by step the ‘head down, face down’ technique and show you just how you can use this move in your golf swing, you will be amazed at the results.

Get this right and i’ve no doubt that you will unlock your best golf ever

#golfwrists #wristset #golfswing


Hack Motion

GOLFBUDDY (Use code GBRYAN for 10% discount)


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✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.


00:00 Introduction
00:20 The Hack Motion Device
00:59 Key Wrist Move
02:32 Common Wrist Fault
03:23 2 Key Benefits
04:37 Head Down Face Down Drill
08:18 Drill Stage 2
09:08 Drill Stage 3

In today’s video I’m going to reveal to you for possibly the first time ever just why you don’t hit the ball as solid as you’d like as straight as you’d like as far as you’d like and as consistently as you’d like and towards the end of the

Video I’m going to be teaching you the head down face down drill which is enable you to hit those shots that you dream of we’re going to be using a device that you can see I’ve got on my kind of lead hand and wrist it’s called

A hack motion and there’s a device which sits on the sort of top of my forearm and then one goes on the back of my glove and measures exactly what my wrist does throughout my golfing absolutely invaluable if you’re not playing the kind of golf that you want if you’re not

Hitting it a solid as you’d like there’s a very very good chance that what we talk about in this video applies to you because this is what the best players in the world do and we don’t see these same movements in the golfers that struggle

So what we’re going to do is I’m going to hit a shot hopefully a good shot we’re going to look at exactly what my wrist does and then we’re going to show you what really really common faults are present in the AM game and then obviously we’re going to go through the

Fixes for that okay pretty good shot I would be happy with that strike was good flight was good it went exactly where I wanted it to go now I get the information in a graph I want to keep this really really simple for you so let’s look at that

Graph and what it’s actually measuring it’s measuring my lead wrist and it’s measuring lots of things but we’re focusing on this movement so I going to call this neutral bowed and CED okay so what is my wrist doing well have a look at what it does from the top of the

Goaling from the top of the ging that graph starts to move down which is my wrist moving into this position so as I start my dcing my wrist does this and then what does it do through impact it does this now what’s that movement what would

You class that as that’s almost like a cupping movement what are you trying to stop potentially you’re probably trying to stop this you’re probably trying to get rid of this left RIS cupping through impact so how can I have my risk cupping through impact and still hit a good shot

Because there’s going to be hundreds and thousands millions of goles out there trying to stop the wrist cing like this through impact well there’s one big difference let me hit a shot and this time I’m going to demonstrate a por goling something that I would see weak in week out something

That there’s a very very good chance that you would actually do so I’m going to take a setup here and I’m going to try and hit a pretty poor shot now with a 79 a poor swing with a a poorer result okay actually came out the middle

Of the club but a much weaker strike ball flight was higher went off to the right didn’t go anywhere near as far what did my wrist do well very very different okay again we’re looking at this movement here so what do we see from the top of the Goon what did my

Wrist do it went this way it CED early okay then it did some different things things on the way down but this is the big difference so what do we see great players do great players from the top actually get their wrist going this way more into what we call an

Arching position okay and then as they get closer to impact it then goes and it what I I’m going to call it sort of flicks through the golf ball why is that so important well it does two really really important things for your kind of golfing it controls the club face

Massive massive massive for your golf if you can’t control the club face you can’t play Great Golf and the second thing it does is when the wrist is going from this to this that’s adding speed okay imagine if I’m trying to throw a frisbee and I go this way I arch my

Wrist yes I’ve got speed in my body I’ve got speed in my arm but I’ve got speed from my wrist so if my wrist from the top of the back swing is copping far too too early as I get down to here it’s already CED

The face is open and I’ve got no speed that I can use I can’t use that rist to create any speed so I end up with a swing which is slower and a face which is open now they don’t sound great do they face open slow swing you’re going

To get exactly what I hit over there now the reason that you’re maybe not aware of this is because you can’t see it yes we can measure it but you can’t see it so I’m going to teach you this head down face down drill which is going to get

You to work specifically on this part of the ging to help you get better shots I popped an alignment stick into the ground and when I take it up to the golf ball it’s give or take about the same angle as my golf club if you’re

Pressing off grass you can do this if you’re at a drive range you can sometimes just turn a range basket upside down and pop it through there so what I’d love you to do is is try this little exercise and the first time you do this you don’t need to be hitting a

Shot so I’m going to set to this golf ball but just making these movements is going to learn going to get you to learn what that rist should be doing so I’m going to take a setup I’m going to make a back swing and I should just about miss that stick so

What we tend to see from the best players as we said is they tend to Arch this wrist now when you Arch that wrist or move it to a bowed position look what the face does it starts to point more down towards the ground and when we look

At golfers at this sort of delivery position here what we to see from the best players is the face is often turned down to the ground the golfers at struggle it’s often pointing up towards the sky now if that’s the only instruction you’ve got the face needs to

Point down to the ground it often actually leads to poor a swings poor results because one of the easiest ways to get the club face from here to point down at the ground is to do this so have I got the golf club pointing down at the ground yes but just

Look at what it did to the shape of my swing the club has gone too far on the outside and going to start swiping across it and if I’ve got the face turned down and I swipe across it I’m actually going to hit straight pulls to

The left so what I would love you to do is as you arrive at this parallel position here I would absolutely love you to try and get the face down but I would also love you to get the club head down as well so when I make my

Rehearsals I’m doing two things I’m trying to push the club head down okay look where the face points slightly up to the sky and as I push the club head down I’m going to point the club face down so what I’m doing is I’m going from the top I’m

Going Club down face down and what that’s really training me to do is move this wrist like a professional golfer moves it okay look at what that looks like versus that swing that I did previously would have looked a lot more like this notice how the face is sort of

Twisted open the club is much steeper my wrist is extended here so this little drill I call head down face down head down face down now am I doing this exactly like it would look in a gol sing probably not it’s probably a little bit more extreme than that I’m making these

Movements kind of more defined than they need to be but that’s absolutely fine because I want you to really feel this one of the biggest differences I guess between what the best players in the world do and what Amur do is when I shots you can see

My wrist from the top was doing this which is the right movement helps me hit pretty good shots that’s why I play to a fairly decent level at not one point in my golfing career if you want to call it that have I ever tried to do that it’s

Just something I’ve done naturally which I’m very thankful for but most of you who struggle your natural tendency is this so very often when I talk about these movements people say to me things like so you’re telling me that professional golfers in 0 one of a second are thinking about twist in that

Wrist and doing this no they’re not thinking about it they do it naturally that’s why they’re so good because they were just blessed that they did it naturally but if you don’t do it naturally yes you do have to think about it and that’s why taking swings

Slowly is really going to help so the next stage would be to take this position where you’ve got your wrist in this Arch position here and then through the impact yes now you can allow it to almost flick where now I feel like the logo on my glove is pointing more up

Towards the sky I don’t necessarily want to feel like I hold this on the way through this is potentially a good drill for some but if we’re looking to control the face and put speed in the club we’re going to have to go from this Arch position and really feel like we flick

It when the logo is up so then I’m going to go ahead and show what that would look like we go here head down face down good and then on the way through I would release this way and you can see how hopefully you can see how my logo on my

Glove is sort of pointing more up towards the sky so let’s go ahead and hit one so up head down face down that moves my wrists turn and release okay and you can see my end position my wrist is very very CED hopefully you can see that and the logo

Is pointing up to the left and the club is much much higher than my hands and the ball went where pretty straight so what I did I controlled the face and that allowed me to put speeding the club in a really really efficient way I cannot stress enough that if

You’re really struggling with your irons you’re certainly not hitting them as solid as you want there’s a very good chance that it’s going to be something to do with this wrist position okay what we’ve done today showed you what the best players do what the amors tend to

Do and I’ve given you a really simple drill that you can do to work on it and absolutely no reason why you can’t do this at home without a golf club you can just stand there you can take your s to the top and you can just flatten it and

Then release it up flatten it and release it that’s how you control the club face that’s how you put speed in the club and that’s how the best players in the world do it


  1. Fantastic video! This should be the tutorial with Hack Motion. I stopped using mine because the feedback it was providing encouraged me to hold the wrist cup at impact and it made things worse…slow and slicing. I love the info on the sequencing of the wrist release and how the timing of the release matters versus just trying to hold on to the lauded 'cupped' position. Thanks, Chris!

  2. Thanks very much Chris, really insightful! Another aha moment for me! One question: does it apply in the same way to a driver swing or is this something to cover in another video?

  3. Nice one Chris. Thank you. My CFO thinks I spend too much on tech. This wrist analyser might just “accidentally” have me press the buy now button. 😂

  4. This is literally the famous “No turn cast drill” by Monte Sheinbloom. The first cast throws the club down and the second flaps the wrist through the impact area. It is the secret, but still a skill. Also check out Mike Malaska’s swing philosophy on wrist angles. Pretty similar.

  5. Hey Chris. Great device for showing clients what their wrist are doing in the down swing. Also you can put on your trail wrist to monitor what it's doing in the down swing as well.

    The Pro version allows you to compare with your favorite professional golfers.

    Blessings and peace Chris. You're doing a phenomenal job in teaching and training.

    Best regards,

  6. Great! A comment with a question mark…If youre one (me) with excessively strong grip (lead hand) you will have difficulties doing this. I´m working on this as I simultaneously moving towards a neutral grip, but I think many higher hcps are tought early on to have a that strong grip and need to unlearn that later and incorporate this wrist move in order achieve a closed/squared clubface. Am I right?

  7. Wrist cups after impact into the finish. You’d spray balls all over with timing that flip lol 🎉
    Unless your playing a cut it holds to finish:::😵‍💫

  8. I've experimented with this move and I find I get extremely in to out doing it to the point where I can't do anything but hit big blocks or hooks even at half speed

  9. Thanks for this. It’s not a flip! Look at Hovlands right wrist post impact, extremely flexed he is moving the right wrist aggressively through impact

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