Watch short highlights from the match between France and Italy in Lille.

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So the smoke from the fireworks almost clears and matus jali gets his underway and an early touch for the Italy Captain but that was taken on brilliantly that time by budah Hall and now it’s the captain olival and the French are really throw flowing here the

Arm is out from the referee France are in the shadow of the post and I think that Kristoff Ridley wants to take another look at this grounded at the base of the post walk’s gone forward that’s olivon juggling Tempo by the way is he in Tempest you can see him there bottom

Right hand corner okay Kristoff so there’s no clear knock on so stick with your onfield decision thank you try he should be able to pass the ball it wasn’t you know a hard pass to do just to cross his body right-handed but we all make mistakes and he’s made a big

One the pressure being applied and the penalty in the water duties good on him Ros draing it in well they’re playing a penalty Advantage by S of thinks couple wats oh menello that was wonderful hero oh oh and then the knock off but I think we going to look at something

Here we need to come upstairs okay time off we’re just checking ah head contact well that is halftime Martin but again I did see Dy fly up in the Midfield he did recognize something there here we go watch out point of contact please bang so look again it’s a it’s a very

Physical contact but he has is that head on head Christoff it is head on head we will listen head on head and Lads he’s upright isn’t he so it’s definitely Foul Play well it’s going to be a penalty there’s no medication Foul Play and it meets our yellow card threshold so we’re

Going to send it to the bunker okay Tempo we’ve got a decision yes Kristoff the who’s the number again number 12 okay it’s um it’s foul play cuz he’s upright and it meets our yellow card threshold so he is going to the sbin D sent to the sin

Bin with the review to the bunker let’s listen it now to the referee thank you okay so um the bunker referral has come back and the yellow card is going to be upgraded it’s a high level of danger with no m so Dante is sent off for [Applause]

This and they Never Say Die attitude I thought they’d just kick it off can he kick this oh no yes halime in Le Italy on the board 40 minutes utterly dominated by France there a big decision to make during halftime it could well change the complex of this

Contest okay so um the bunker referral has come back and the yellow card is going to be upgraded to a high level of danger with no mitigation so Dante is sent off for [Applause] this it is 10 points to three seven points between the team on there goes the captain

Olivon Oh that was stolen but illegally so by federo Ruta well that’s just the start to this second half Barney once more on to lucazi menello just popping up off his right wing zulani this time oh and the pass was loose gari did rather well there to

Secure that good counter up coming from France but it’s a penalty this got to go this has to go well it have finished just once within 10 points of France in France in the Six Nations that was back in 20 16 Italy have to be precise here ly surely this time

Capoo Italy have scored the unthinkable has become possible huge kick he’s got it that’s brilliant it’s all tied up 13 a piece well look at the uh timing of that men onello into the red this is it who’s going to be brave can Italy get a turnover can France find some magic

From somewhere there he goes Mo they’ve got that they turn that there a penalty penalty there was always the risk fa G cannot believe what he’s watching all good nothing clear H GC and there’s a water guy the there’s a there’s a water guy on there that’s just right in front of

Everyone I’m sorry GC oh off the post and the ball is still alive it’s taken into touch and by the thickness of an upright France have got themselves a draw well it was chaotic for that penalty garbc in the end rushed into it toaso men and cello at the end of a dramatic Afternoon


  1. You don't often see Italy bring that level of dog/steel to the party. They were resolute in the fight.

    That's what's need Italy. That's the benchmark. Bring that every game and you'll soon be winning as many as you lose.

  2. On aurait dû perdre aujourd'hui et pareil contre l'Écosse.

    Nous voilà de retour dans le marasme des années 2010.
    On aura eu une belle équipe pendant 3 ans quoi. Super.

  3. I wouldn't be shocked to some day find myself cheering for Italy over Ireland😂😂 They're constantly improving, and they deserve to win so many games but fall short. I'd love to see them become contenders in the next couple of years!

  4. Insane last play. The referee speaking right next to Garbisi saying there’s a waterboy on the pitch, that’s two problems and there is NO WAY the advancing French player is ten meters another two problems. Italy should have had that penalty retaken, if it was any other of the nations in the six nations their reputation in the mind of the referee would have afforded them that. Shocking. Italy should have won that – Irish ☘️ opinion.

  5. Shocking ref. How can you let a water boy wonder around in front of the kicker and enforce a clock count? Clear distraction

  6. Fantastic work from Italy – expected a one sided hammering but clearly not.

    What a strange spot European rugby is in at the moment

  7. They had to give him red after Tom Foley debacle at WC final. Ridiculous red regardless. The italian player so called effected by foul play carries on . World Rugby is a joke.

  8. Wait a minute.. you're allowed to charge down a conversion, not a penalty! Wow. Us tier one nations really know how to look after each other.

  9. I love French rugby, but that looked like GAMESMANSHIP with the water man behind French players; players who were not 10 metres; and one of whom was walking towards the kicker. Deserved to be a retaken kick !

  10. Utterly appalling refereeing at the end. The French moved while a penalty was being taken and were too close to the ball. Only correct decision was another penalty 10 meters closer.
    I am normally very sympathetic to rugby refs , it is really hard, but this was not hard, it was utterly incompetent in a 5th team club rugby game.

  11. I don't play rugby (but I've followed it for years) and I've too much "football mentality" for sure (ie I give too much importance to the referee's decisions), but I think that many times in this sport, there is too much refereeing subservience (sorry, I don't know if is the correct English word) to the big teams (they, like France today, are already much stronger, why make things even easier for them?).
    The first try was not to be conceded, otherwise what are the referees on TV for? The French player makes a double movement, it's not continuous, it cannot be a try (not to mention who the final kick had to be repeated).
    Someone could say: if it was as you say, the referee wouldn't have red-carded the French player at the end of the first half, ok, maybe it's true (in fact I'm not talking about bad faith) but I've seen many reds for that kind of foul in recent years, so that decision is right (after all, Italy, precisely because of its fouls, has often found itself in conditions of numerical inferiority, if you make a mistake it's right to pay).
    That said, France's technical and physical superiority was impressive in the first half and if they not made all those mistakes, they could have scored at least a couple more tries, but I liked the attitude that Italy defended with (I like to think that many French mistakes were also due to the merits of the Italian defence), logical that in the second half, France paid the price for the man less.
    At the end of all, we all know the difference of values between the two teams (there is nothing you can do in this sport, if you are less strong, you lose); I hope this match will give to Italy the necessary motivation to end this tournament in a decorous way.
    Slowly the Italian rugby movement is growing (we have seen this for a couple of years now with the under-20s), unfortunately until we are able to expand the base of players, it will be very difficult to be competitive against the best teams (this will be important, as well as creating a winning mentality that, inevitably, we don't have yet).
    Sorry for the English and the length of the comment (assuming someone understands it and takes the time to read it). 🍺

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