Golf Babe

Walker Hayes + Waste Management Recap

Walker Hayes is our guest this week starting at 42:46 ! Before we talk with Grammy Nominated Walker Hayes we get into the recap of Waste Management Week, Predictions for Rivera, Mansplaining how female golf creators should act & more! for all our newest apparel!

This Episode is Sponsored by Easy Rider! May be the greatest beer of our time.

Yeah we’re not in the club but we right next to it me and my crew we are Country Club of Jason Country Club of Jason Country Club Jason baby Country Club Jason Country Club Jason baby welcome back welcome back to this edition of Country Club ajason I am dartman sitting next to who

Is froma is the arist George and Blake wber that’s right that’s right next to him is jar the jerkman Adam and next to the jerman is the pipman Scotty Griffin Pippen stay tuned uh 30 minutes after this episode we will interviewed the wonderful Walker Hayes Walker hay we

Will interview we will interviewed him yeah we will interview him ever heard of him it’s godamn not Swiss beats not Swiss beats fancy like but country fancy if you don’t have a favorite restaurant now you will after that yeah and we’ll just keep that for uh for you to you

Know listen to this part but don’t buffer to to Walker listen to Country CB adjacent to one day potentially listen to Walker Hayes on it skip this part and go to the 30 minute mark but you’re not going to want to skip this part because

We got a lot to say about what happened last week between going to the waste management in Arizona and also Jake uh heading over to Las Vegas and live and our Sports Illustrated hosting gig duties I mean what a crazy week spanic I’m [ __ ] cold is it spirac or

Spiranic I don’t know I think it’s spirac I I think I’ve heard someone say spear I like spinach better I like this spear gat you know PA oh you’re not allowed to say that Mark why she literally took her shirt off to show the goods for our for our camera she for

She knows what she’s doing it it we know what she’s doing a brilliant businesswoman cuz look anybody could just go out and be a golf babe there’s a lot of them but to monetize in the level she has you got to be smart to do this how about basically she’s basically Bert

Cher well how about this anybody can take off their shirt but not anybody can take off their shirt and then have hundreds of thousands gar respect respect uh uh you know when we first uh we were out in Vegas uh backing off people for the Sports Illustrated

Tournament that they were hosting um and she was the absolute star of the show and she uh was very graceful with her time and her presence to let us just talk [ __ ] to her like she wasn’t even playing in the tournament and she came over and and I’ll say this she knew what

She was doing because and we touched I I told her kind of this when she was walking up like I don’t think we would have a job doing what we’re doing um or be in the position that we’re at if it wasn’t for her I mean Paige was uh not

Only like the pioneer of social media golf but she literally left a tour she left the tour to uh pursue Instagram and that was the headlines she left the tour cuz you wasn’t making any money on [ __ ] [ __ ] you can still make money on the tour from sponsor she was

Making a [ __ ] ton of money on sponsor deals like you’re still but you still have you still there was no Instagram platform when people looked at her going I’m going to do Instagram for money they were like what the [ __ ] are you talking about you’ll like I remember those talks

Well and and and I will say it was either last year the year before she was voted the most influential person in golf yeah through not on a tour through herself one of the first people to do it herself say [ __ ] it I don’t need the

Backing just I have a platform let me work off that platform without that like we would be having to [ __ ] ourselves out for any sort of um uh chiy wand CH for any sort of golf legitimacy like a tour like we wouldn’t be able to make money

If it wasn’t for her she walked so we could run yeah and and listen she ran so we could walk yeah she ran so she yeah yeah she where does this tie into our conversation we had with Becky about like uh how like that specific golf CT

Influencer may not be good for the game that like that being said I think that she you can’t she was on the front lines yeah right I think that what has come after is like a water down version and she they like they just like trying to

Grab money from like you know the the gross dudes y but I I just I still don’t know if like showcasing that is what girls have to do to get into golf is a good thing well I don’t think uh I don’t think it may I mean

Listen as as a as a man I can’t speak on what gets a girl into golf like I can’t sit here and be like that’s not what gets cuz it is some girls see that like I want to look pretty on the course and then they find their way they go oh

Actually the game’s cool like I can’t say for sure especially as a man what gets women into the game it’s not it’s also not really your place to say that because you don’t come from that same uh place exactly [ __ ] going on with my voice God damn I lost it from

Carnival barking yeah exactly but having said that like I’m not going to sit here and be like Paige is hurting the game CU she was one of the front lines people that was showcasing women and golf like before Paige on Instagram all we knew about uh golfers were like our Aunt

Barbara’s on the LPGA Tour just like that’s all we knew I just think it is it is giving a voice to the like gross dudes at country clubs who inappropriately hit on car I agree and they’re saying well this is what I see on my Instagram feed that’s who this

She’s play She’s plating to that and you know at the end of the day that’s the that is the lowest common denominator that is absolutely the truth however she was essentially the first to do it and so there is a little bit of leeway for that everybody else that came after is

Like yeah you’re just taking her bit essentially yeah I I am big you guys hear me talk about this all the time but I’m big on the uh you know for golf being such a closed off uh hierarchy entitled sport you need a trojan horse right so I’m big on that terminology of

You know she used her tits and ass as a trojan horse to shoehorn herself into the sport now who knows what’s stored for her in the future who knows we can’t speak on that I’m not going to speak on that for us I think our back off challenge is our

Carnival trick our Trojan Horse getting us into the World of Golf to let our real ideas on how to grow the game flourish and how we think that we can actually be a benefit because you know you guys heard me this weekend like I don’t I don’t want us to only be

Known as the guys that rast people on the HK because it’s a carnival trick yeah it were so much more than that and Paige spanic is so much more than tits and ass you know she got a beautiful face a [ __ ] washboard abs you know thought no I’m just playing like we

Don’t know so I’m not going to sit here and be like it’s not good for The Game Jesus Christ you know like it’s not we don’t know yeah we we can’t we can’t but there’s definitely what are you laugh what are you [ __ ] doing you never

Heard comedy before you never heard of a left turn I just think it it gives a voice to the gross dude that like it’s everything that it definitely does it definitely does one super cool I was I was like Blown Away how cool she was

Meeting her in person but I I just I don’t know how you can like take the joke and be like oh my God you’re crazy I think just Larry you know at the at the Country Club who’s you know smoking Gars out there yeah uh and like away

Getting away from his wife is hitting on car CS more because that’s what he sees his Facebook page but what if what if you could have never got um any sort of Optics on women in the sport before that Optics I think there’s a place for the

Girl in the sport that like like like a Becky or that comes in with comedy and not like selling but I don’t think Becky speaks to women getting into the game either though what do you mean absolutely she does sure but I I but but Becky doesn’t but Becky doesn’t have

Like dude it’s not like Paige speick is just tits an ass she [ __ ] stripes the ball yeah she’s a great player she’s a great [ __ ] player she funny I’m I’m not saying that like she so that’s where I’m saying like there’s there’s parts of the game that Becky doesn’t have that

Paige has so you can’t look at like like I I I hate I hate pigeon H holding Paige into just hits an ass when you have to see like you’re only looking at it from Larry’s perspective as a Larry like but to say like no well like to say that I’m

Looking at it because that’s what’s on her page no I understand but to like what’s on our page is just roasting but if you look behind the lines you’re going to see like this thing of like this meta of growing the game I think the only way to like actually get the

Answer is to ask her and oh 100% that’s why I’m saying I can’t speak for her I know what I don’t know saying is that it’s more than you look at it’s more than just the appearance Jake is essentially saying that even though it’s more than just the appearance the

Appearances all these Chuck and Larry see at the at the Country Club and it’s giving them a gross take a trojan horse but I I see maybe a meta I see past it I know but like the those guys don’t necessarily have the intelligence to see

Past it sure sure and that’s that’s kind of a problem that’s a slow burn that’s a Slow Burn disgusting it’s disgusting it is a we were reading them the other night look at our comment section when we get on the mainstream like with the Trump or um or or like uh Caitlyn Jenner

Caitlyn Jenner like look at our comment section when we get into the mainstream pool that she’s in it’s the same thing but but there’s people that see behind it the meta of what we’re doing exactly there’s people that do see behind the meta of what Paige is doing yeah uh if

Paige was a [ __ ] golfer and didn’t work on her game and didn’t improve like like I wouldn’t see behind the meta but I see behind the meta of her being like yo let me hit two shots yeah I want to [ __ ] stripe that being said what a freaking

What a freaking opportunity and dude that was I was so nervous were you I was so nervous doing that because dude everybody had everybody stepped up everyone stepped up but I’m just saying like that moment was really scary cuz like all the tournament organizers were there Max Crosby was standing there like

I got to see this and then it was like literally scary it was it was sink or swim right there but that’s the the best possible scenario there’s 20 plus people around Y and we have an audience not to our own horn but we [ __ ] not bro we did everything that we like

Trained to do in that moment like right away it was like all right I’m not the mean guy let me good copper right away makes fun of himself I make fun of himself and like puts her at ease like I I I like kind of like put her up like

You you know said what I said here and then [ __ ] Griff started firing Jake starts firing Robbie was starts hits her with the Maro Robbie that literally backed her off yep she chunked one that we couldn’t put out she was like hey uh don’t put out the chunk like we got an

Opportunity to do more yes which gave us an opportunity to more and I to me that was a part of the meta it’s like hey I’m a [ __ ] woman like let me hit a good one yeah you know like and and we’ve done that for people too I [ __ ] with

That yeah it’s just like it’s you know in entertainment everything is produced in one way or another and so it’s like hey you got to here’s take two let’s [ __ ] nail it and guessed the first one everyone did she drop kicked the first one first swing of the day first

Swing of the day drop kicked it still in the Fairway yep the second one she piped yeah no it it was it was that day that whole day was so awesome like that my faite the only thing that was bad was how cold it was in Vegas I mean it was

Cold in Arizona too yeah no the only it wasn’t bad for you you didn’t stay in a cracked in yeah well also almost died I pretty much St you didn’t stay a crack in you didn’t lose $1,200 at the casino that’s true you wer you weren’t slamming

That Wheel of Fortune slot machine at 4:00 in the morning hoping nobody was secretly dud I got bad beat though on the tables twice by two idiots that played stupid hands you got one bad beat one bad beat I got got one bad beat the

Other one was just you guys we are here to tell you about the newest most God damn Delicious beverage on the drinking beer market damn right and that is Easy Rider Easy Rider Easy Rider Easy Rider can crushing season is upon us Upon Us Easy Rider you can find Easy Rider in

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Beer that I’ve ever put in my mouth he put it in his mouth goed it’s the easiest to drink it just goes down goes down Goes Down Easy Rider also the aesthetic of the beer they killed it there’s like aesthetic an on there with Artic it’s slick Easy

Rider go and just if you have an opportunity in your life somewhere somehow to get yourself some Easy Rider you will not be disappointed and that is my Cub Scout honor easy Scouts Honor Scouts on Earth easyy Rider easy back to the show it’s doco but

Either way would probably work can I say something real quick before we get into the waste management uh I just want to give a quick shout out to to COBRA uh I’m I got here in my hands a brand new set of these forg Tech irons and uh

We’re getting pretty close to being Cobra cucks yep and uh they had us out for their tournament for their like dark speed launch uh in Arizona it was cool got to meet hang out with Ricky uh oh we hang out with him so tough too like we

Chopped it up with him we like killed we almost talked to him we almost said hi to him to hang out withy you [ __ ] you I’ll never let that slide we got to hang out with Ricky he was cool well I dude I saw him like look at me because he

Follow he’s been following me for [ __ ] three years and like but in those moments when it’s a media frenzy that is the worst time in my opinion to connect with somebody yeah because they’re G to give you this like media type Vibes and it’s like dude I just

Want to like talk to you all talk to you about dirt biking yeah um so but regardless uh Cobra has hooked up all the girls this past week with with new clubs and um yeah I’m uh I’m excited for potential future with clubs for me

Plural one and two well and I did hit the dark speed uh dude it’s gonna it’s going to take a lot for me to get off the arrow jet cuz I love that Arrow jet but it’s it’s weird for me to be like saying shouts out Cobra cuz that driver

Is nice bro the driver is really nice the wood that I got is nice too I wish I had two Woods yeah but dude the one wood that I have because you only ordered one so they gave you one well yes I I guess I only ordered one wood yeah so it’s

Like when you’re like oh it’s it’s just like it’s I I got screwed here it’s like no it’s the exact thing that you wanted is what you got well it’s actually not cuz I said the woods and I got one wood so run that one back and look at him

When you say it this just I did say wood there’s just no gratitude at all here not one bit you got two free clubs and you’re mad about inste of pxg and you’re mad about need don’t need anything and you got a Scotty I mean there’s and

You’re wearing the jacket in our face right now nothing’s good enough for this guy nothing is enough for this guy when is it going to be where he goes man thank you guys when are we going to hear that this part of the podcast a little

Later Walker will bring up the hole in the stomach that just never gets filled and no matter how many woods and Scotty Camerons you shove in this hole guys it will never be enough but I want you also to know that hole is what’s going to

Keep Us Alive Keep Us Alive how so so cuz we’re going to keep eating we got to feed that hole we got to feed that hole dog I want those million dooll ideas to come out of that hole I mean I do you want me to [ __ ] scoreboard the

Million ideas million dooll ideas yeah I mean I I I’ll keep scoreboard I I don’t I don’t know if anybody’s asking you to okay well he is I’m not I don’t want a scoreboard here’s what matters this need a here’s what matters need any more Woods Mark here’s

What matters I Just Want to Thank You matters nice I want the five here’s what’s matters it’s a really nice here’s what’s matters guys here’s what’s matters the dark speed has the tech to put you in front of all your friends dude if you want to hit it by your

Friends try the [ __ ] dark speed this thing is a Smasher I literally hit one in our match against Becky uh I hit one 346 yards and it PL into the Fairway just just to put in perspective and that’s uh you know yeah okay it’s a little elevated in Arizona but that just

Shows you the type of distance that you’re rocking and Trish was able to hit one like over 200 yards that’s right that’s big for Trish that’s big for Trish especially because she hurt her back from you know weird angles of deep throat and you know so be it good job

Trish proud of you dark speed go get one now this Friday coming out um Becky Robinson Untitled house life and Trish AKA slip Pippen verus Mar Smalls and bl Deens yep can we keep the undefeated streak alive yeah in 2024 you watch was this year’s Waste Management gone too

Far it peaked waist peaked 100% is peaked they’re dialing it back next year guarantee it absolutely hit its peak this year because too many people the number like of arrests the number of fights the drunk tank was filled like they realized there were 500 almost half a million people came in on Saturday

They couldn’t handle the ticket Gates so people that didn’t have tickets rushed in I think they’re like all right we got to dial it back which sucks Mark and I were talking about this he thinks that it is like here’s here’s the thing I’ll I’ll say my I’ll say what I say your

Peace yeah you don’t need to repeat what I thought your peace is it p i e c or p a i think like sorry I was just going to try to Lead You In I appreciate that but don’t don’t for the clip I was going to

Try to lead you in but you know it don’t don’t yeah yeah it was just the the chemistry though yeah no I just I I I personally I think everyone I think you’ve seen it everyone is going like it’s gone too far we need to dial

It back what’s the game of golf coming to there’s too many idiots getting into the sport how I see it like you were saying that you were so beautifully trying to lead me in is I like to call it Catholic girl syndrome oo is that everybody’s

Always wanting to have sex but when you put chains and put uh like just a box around this thing and so many rules behind it you just get these explosive moments like the Mormon who has just been held with no drugs and then all of a sudden has a cocaine problem when he

Leaves the Mormon ship uh it’s always happening if you look at tournaments like live where the rules are more relaxed you’re able to tuck in your shirts there’s music being played around the course untuck your shirt you can have shorts there’s music being played around the course you’re like

Alleviating this pent up energy so that way there’s nothing that’s going to explode we were out in a Australia there was drinking going on it was a party atmosphere there was beers thrown onto the course but for a Hoin one there was no mud slides there was no people

Getting kicked out no flights no fights because the rules of the game and the rules of the tournament are more laxed so you’re almost letting out the pressure you have you don’t just have one hole of pressure that’s building building building and then the PJ tour has one event out of

The year and we could just let loose that’s not how you alleviate the pressure and that’s what happens is the loens gets let people are pissing on stools people are pissing people are sliding down Hills people are punching other people in the face for getting cut off because there’s too much you know

Also capacity issues uh and it’s crazy and the the focus is and I don’t want this to be misconstrued like live is better no what what we need to do is not tighten up the rules is relax the rules on all the tournaments now y let’s let’s

Let’s have more of a a a relaxed atmosphere that way when it gets to this one tournament it’s not like this oh my God everyone just bust their load bust their load we’ve been busting our loads all year yeah we’ve been having plenty of load busting plenty of load busting

We’re not pent up we’re not 12 rer the PJ tour is trying to do seamen retention exactly what they’re trying to do and it does not work it Seaman retention does not work and the game of golf is growing and the and America likes to have a good [ __ ]

Time yeah I will say you know I did really like the Zack Johnson clip I loved that someone talk talks [ __ ] about his captaincy failure I’m a Ridder Cup captain don’t ser would have been so awesome to be the guy to say the [ __ ] at

Him I shocked he was playing I I thought he was like retired yeah and for people to like I saw in the comment sections of people being like being mad about it and the people that were like being like yo tell this to a NBA player they have to

Deal with this all the time literally and and people will say this well this is golf guess what dog you’ve been preaching this much about growing the game America isn’t a closed off country we like to party and in all of our Sports we like to Heckle we like to

Roast we like to have fun if we want to talk about growing the game in America this is what’s going to happen yeah you’re going to get you are going to get this demographic and passionate fans guess what that’s [ __ ] sick yeah they want to chirp this flat-faced [ __ ] who

[ __ ] our rer ruined America ruined America ruined America how about this hypothetically if every PGA event was like Waste Management in theory how much would that grow the game oh significant if everyone was set up like the waist there wouldn’t be that Spike of being

Over the top yes it would it would stay on a higher frequency yeah right and people would have more fun but you would not see those like this insane Spike that we last week yeah because again Seaman retention and also it’s like this is the this this is the tournament this

Is the one where everyone gets [ __ ] up whereas if they just laid it rolled back the rules a little bit let everybody body chill be like any other sporting event at every sporting event there’s drunk people and there’s yelling and there’s heckling and there’s all that

But why does it go so crazy at the waist because it became the waste the people’s open it’s like a damn busting became Coachella you had uh and you know they’re not going to learn from this what they’re going to do is they’re going to tighten up an even tighter ship

Y um and that’s just the Old Guard way of thinking uh and that’s okay we’ll see we’ll see how it pans out um but I just I hate seeing the headlines of like what is golf coming to it’s like dude you’re the parents of the school shooter yeah okay you’re the [ __ ]

Parents you didn’t pay attention it’s not it’s not the the waste management crowd’s fault it’s it’s the people that tightened up ship and that ran that yep and and you should learn hey everyone parties so let’s let’s ease in let’s open it up a little more and that way

This big explosion doesn’t happen next year and and Jake you you you uh you were able to spend a little time at Live Las Vegas what was that like dude it was fun I mean uh you know I was only there for the morning because I wanted to go

To both a live and a PGA Tour event in the same day yeah um but uh so then I also had to fly back because we had something that afternoon yeah we had our event so but uh the setup was super cool they had their you know like their party

Hole it was cool it was overwater seemed like great Good Vibes yeah um just like it it was just I literally just like saw wo uh like said hi to some of the homies yeah talked to Wade olsby nice who’s like on the uh sitting like in um he’s

Like the alternate yeah so he’s just chilling like I taught him how to like use Instagram repost app that’s tight and uh yeah I mean it it was literally just like I was there for an hour and a half yeah and you know said what up to

Like wo and a couple players I will say hadn’t hit bunker shots will say uh the last few weeks I have been watching the Live Events when you have John R coming down the stretch every week listen to the last the last two events were were literally you had Waco Neiman you had

Sergio Garcia you had John ROM all competing and then it turned out to be a four-hole playoff between Waco and Sergio Garcia and then this this week the final pairing was goddamn Dustin Johnson uh it was John ROM and it was Bryson Des Shambo it’s literally watching the ryer cup every week every

Week so it’s like okay like why why would I want to watch the PGA Tour when it’s dust Dustin Hoffman playing against another guy who who I don’t know and then Scotty Sheffer uh why do I want to watch like these like the guy who won Nick Taylor he’s he’s a great

Golfer but he is um he he he’s autistic no he’s still what like he hasn’t become a name yet in Canada you know but like if you’re go ND you know his name yeah if you’re autistic you know his name yeah I’m autistic apparently these aren

Nice bro no I I I know so much cleaner than the copper I see what you’re saying I see what you’re saying Jake and and it’s and you know I think that that goes to say that they just haven’t built up enough of their personalities on the PGA

Tour because there’s so many players they can’t build their person hard to have their their their brand really put out there because it’s like where this guy come he’s they to like they’ll like try to push random people like I remember when they lost a few people

They were like Tom Kim’s our guy yeah and they like showcase Tom Kim yes like every event and he’s great but like he’s you know he’s not a Bryon no no no also because you know these guys a lot of times they don’t have anything necessarily exciting about their game I

Think Min wo Lee really uh struck a nerve with everybody because he hits the ball far he’s funny and you know he’s got like uh he’s got a personality behind him Tom Kim you know he hasn’t done a whole lot in terms of like winning or be even really being in

Contention he’s just a fun guy you know what’s crazy is I think that we’re to see in the future like if you’re going to want to become a household name on the PGA tour you’re going to need uh social media 100% like but to like create some of your own content yes and

I think that that like cuz even look at like ludvig aberer or whatever um he’s probably the next best player yeah but like you don’t get to know him no and we’re live in a time where you need to know somebody and people are going to

Follow people yeah um and you know I think that you’ll see like that’s you know like John ROM starting to get into the game a little bit yeah he doing [ __ ] with like cway and uh like Bob do sports or whatever yeah it’s it’s it’s hard not

To like somebody when you actually know them and then you watch them and they’re a great player they’re a solid performer whatever it is so I I definitely agree with that you you can follow John ROM’s team uh like Legion or whatever and like there’s going to be a lot more personal

Content of John ROM on there I’m just you know this just really makes me excited for the majors I just like am so excited to see everybody playing against everybody because even and and I look at it like this like live you’re watching these tournaments and every week you

Have household names every single week you have old names competing you got Brooks you got Bryson you got you know uh you know cam Smith you got all these household names and in PGA Tour events unless it’s like for instance this week you know the the Genesis we’re finally

Going to have like a stacked PGA field wood Tiger Woods you know you’re G to have uh Tony fow morawa everyone’s going to be there Scotty sheffler um you know everybody’s GNA be at this tournament uh and you know it’s just the Liv has the bigger names right now so I’m kind of

More interested in that uh and and and until the majors happen I feel like we’re just missing out on so much [ __ ] and it’s really it’s really stupid it makes me sad dude imagine if Riv this weekend had Riv Dustin yeah rier Dustin yeah I I I want I want thought I

Was saying oh my God Riv this weekend at Riv go imagine there’s everybody in the same tournament at Liv this weekend dude I played poker in Vegas real quick this is so funny and I I had to win and I sat there till like 3 in the morning cuz we had a great

Table going on and I was playing with this old Chinese dude and then all of a sudden this like this like uh this like this Pro Player he’s like a pro player but Jewish like cuz then like his like three Jewish buddies came and they were

All talking Hebrew and then like two of them sat down and the guy that had the big stack just gave them money to sit down and play but then they were just getting into hands with each other yeah and we were like what what in the [ __ ] money laundering is going on

Right now and then they were speaking Hebrew and then uh the Chinese guy was he goes he’s like old Chinese he’s like can you understand and I was like no I can’t understand bro he goes I can I’m Chinese Jew and like I was and he kept

Saying it he kept being like me I’m Chinese Jew it was [ __ ] hilarious bro that is I kept wanting to film it but like I don’t know you can’t it’s hard yeah um but yeah he won’t be at Riv this weekend but uh the truth is I I can’t wait for

Majors they need to do a live PGA Rider cup because I want to see the best compete against the best and and if the majors are [ __ ] again this year and don’t and like like they did to gu in the US Open last year where they just

Like literally made up a rule so that it just cut him out uh that would be super unfortunate because we’re going to see more blowback from that we’re going to see a lot more blowback if if if the majors aren’t going to be including some of these big

Names it’s the game is about money it’s not going to happen no they can’t they can do that to Taylor walk Neiman’s one of the best players in the world right now yeah he’s probably top five the way he’s been playing yeah and like he was a

Phenom when he first started and now he’s finally hitting his dude I gave him I dapped him up this man has zero fat on his entire body he’s been working out every single day of his life and he already had a six-pack he’s never not

Had a six but now he’s just like I was pretty pretty turned on yeah I mean I can imagine you do you would do you want to shower with him well I well like when you say you dapped them up and then you go straight to body fat it’s like like

How D him with a hug with a hug I you were touching skin yeah cuz I was like I dap up and you’re like damn this guy’s no body you know you feel some dude and you’re like dude this guy’s strong this guy over here he has your he has

Literally your frame but he just feels were you holding him were you holding felt contentious were you are you strong Mark no but like you didn’t need to like physically go yeah neither but you didn’t need to go like use me as the example were you holding him like wow

He’s so strong I tried to hold on for an extra second so I’m like damn dude I cut you off on the lead in because it felt like you were taking my idea a little bit and then you my idea and said the chran thing Christian thing that was

Mine no no yours yours I was say Catholic girls what are you talking about I literally looked at you and I said it’s Catholic this is my favorite Mark when he gets like so mad about something he’s 100% wrong about what are you talking about I literally said I

Looked at you in the [ __ ] tunnel and I and I was like I got a great idea I said it’s Catholic girl syndrome pent up energy and I no you said I said Catholic girl syndrome it’s not even a thing and you said oh yeah bro this is the [ __ ]

Like you look at me and you’re like oh he can’t come up with a smart idea yet I literally thought of that there’s not even a thing called Catholic girl syndrome I made it up oh no what are you talking about like that’s literally his energy would be like where’s your

Million dollar IDE come you and just lie about this bro why would you try to steal what I was talking about I literally wrote it down I was trying to give you to say my idea because I let you P energy thing idea hey I have a

Question you said pent of energy and I go oh it’s like be a Catholic that’s what I said I’m Catholic you looked at me you go oh no that’s dude that is not what happened J it’s [ __ ] insane I literally before I brought it to you I’m

Trying to fight with you I’m just like no I know I’m tell you how I remember I have Ser but how I remember it cuz I wrote it down in my notes as a joke saying like this is like Catholic girl school with quotation marks girl school

But I literally said it’s like a Catholic going to college for the first time this is crazy hey hey I have this is wild this is wild bro I’m going to have to start recording all hold on hold on hold on I just make that up in my

Head you didn’t I told it to you and you said oh no you said oh oh my god when have you ever come up with like that idea that I literally wrote it down it was a joke because you because you look at me like this I’m

Not I verbalized it I wrote it down I verbalized it I said I have an idea that I’m trying to get off it’s Catholic girl school syndrome okay I’m not saying that you’re dumb I’m saying I thought of it it was my idea what can I just tell you what I remember

Is you go it’s without you getting mad me G screaming in horror right now I said without you getting mad so I guess I can’t I brought up everything I know for a fact I brought up everything we at Cur Leaf no no no we

Were in the tunnel of the plane we were in the tunnel of the plane we were boarding a plane we were literally boarding a plane in the tunnel do you remember we were boarding the plane I looked at you I said hey I got a great

Idea I got and then you said what you said it’s pent up energy I said both I said it’s both this episode is up energy Catholic girl school Sy I literally turned around in the this episode is brought to you by gaslighting you like you’re gaslighting gas your friends you

Think everything I do is so with you you think everything I like I against mark my memory of what happened this is not vindictive literally just my memory fa fair fair I’m saying I I I love you I love you too I hate when I love you too

I love you I I think it’s the Vendetta when I’m just saying I didn’t take all the joints you didn’t dig in the bag okay okay but this is what I’m saying I I literally in my head I know I thought of it because I wrote it in quotation

Marks was you could potentially write something down that I say but I I you didn’t even remember where what happened I the tunnel you thought it was that Cur Lea right so that’s wrong it was in a tunnel correct that doesn’t help my case Hey Jake hold on that doesn’t help your

Cas so when I think of like this idea I want you to Lead Me In but when you like take the credit for the like smart part I have to fight so hard to be smart because of how I look and how I’m perceived so that’s yeah that’s and I

Okay I have a question for both you and Jake an honest question yes what did you mean by almonds that’s all I’m saying bud I love you I didn’t mean to yell at you I just want to get credit for being smart when I’m smart and I know that’s what I

Thought of and I know that was my original take and that that’s all I wanted to credit for I I I don’t I just I hate having my ideas being like Oh yeah and by the way I thought of this it was like yo that’s literally how I

Remember it so I know but you remembered it at Cur Lea it that’s not when it happened it happened in the tunnel when I brought it to you I mean there’s locational memory and then like you know locational I understand as long as you know that this for another time and try

To finish our weekend I love you I love you too thank you yeah let’s let’s let’s finish Jake school I know you I would you’re a Catholic Jew what is that what is that Jake and I almost died in a car crash to end the trip we were trying to leave

Phoenix after a long week and out of nowhere this dude from the HOV lane comes going 90 to 100 miles hour just smashes into the side right side of our car bounces off into the concrete median flies in the air in front of us his front right wheel snaps s into his car

And he skids across eight Lanes smashes another car I swear we almost died I smoke weed once every two years and I pick the worst [ __ ] day to get high you did smoke weed before that day I get high and I see my life flash before my

Eyes it was so crazy I we were standing there on stage and I’m smoking a joy and Griff just Taps me on the shoulder he’s like hey and I was like really no he did that to me and I passed it to him and then I woke up the next day like first

Thing I’m mind was like did Griff hit the joint yesterday like it was like the first thing couldn’t believe it yeah dude then and then the cop came and like I knew that in my car cuz he had to like I I don’t know if cops have to do this no no

No this was definitely not a legal search he was like cuz we’re impounding the or we’re Towing the car we just have to get an inventory of what’s in here and it was like a kind of back door search your car like um I knew that I

Had mushrooms in there and I had a lot of weed I still have from Cura that’s in there like The Whiz Khalifa stuff not that that’s illegal but like you know in there and so as soon as he started searching the car like we were talking about Country Club

Adjacent because he’s a golfer and he’s like oh I’ve seen your guy stuff he was like a fan of the Paige spanic uh one but and so I just I had like a brand new hoodie still panics so I just give him a hoodie on his knowing that they’re like

In the glove compartment or in the center console there’s mushrooms for sure um and so then he just like good play he saw the bunch of weed and he was like oh and then there was a bag of zins that Griff had and he goes oh you can’t forget

Those and then I showed up an hour later and shook his hand and said thanks for taking care of my kids and then I took him to the holiday in dude we went to holiday in express it felt like I was at the Waldorf aoria compared to our the

Cracked in that we were put up that whole week yeah it was Li literally had to deal with a crackhead while trying to go to dinner and couldn’t go to dinner cuz a crackhead was screaming outside yep crazy dude but uh shout out to the PJ tour for being awesome and throwing a

Wonderful event we had a great time shout out to Palm Tree crew uh you know again for putting out such great clothing uh we really love the items uh we will have a match with uh palm tree crew coming up soon shout out to Cobra Golf uh obviously for making the dark

Speed get yours this week and then also shout out to cir Lea uh we are the best Carnival bar markers that you’ve ever hired and we know that and shout out to Voodoo Ranger voodo Ranger shout out to pop shout out to Sports Illustrated everybody who came out to our event at

Popstroke shout out to y’all shout out to F yep yep guys thank you so much for listening uh check out this interview with our good friend Walker Walker hay what up everybody we are back with another episode of Country Club adjacent I’m jark farham here with blar webin Mar

The dart and flipp and Pippin you never know who’s going to come on the the show that’s right today we have a bit of a curveball we’re very excited wonderful curveball one of the great names wonderful curveball dude I clve balls bro clve balls some people throw curveballs we throw cler ballve balls

One of the great names in country music and all of music we have the legendary Walker haaste Walker haast what’s up old salt and pepper himself we have Daddy of six your kids call you Daddy Daddy no no no they’re they’re not allowed they call

Me dad good they call you sir they call me dad but I refuse I don’t do well with the daddy word yeah no no child save for somebody else you know I’m I’m with you but you know to each family whatever but Daddy just sound daddy annoys me now do

You no Daddy you’re like I saved that for mommy only Mommy gets to call me that only mom gets to call me Daddy yeah now Walker talk do you think of your lyrics while you’re trying to attempt trick shots or do you separate time to

To write stuff down I I have to separate time I have to separate time between the trick shots and the lyrics the trick shots demand all that my brain has to offer that’s fair yeah and so so yeah there’s there time allocated to each yeah uh those some of those are pretty

Goddamn impressive they’re insane man we’re we’re on trick shot 262 today and we’re going to do we’re we’re doing we’re going for 365 and it’s not always happy around here man I mean it’s it’s not as fun as it looks it’s it’s actually driving us crazy and my some

Days my kids hate it some days they love it um same with me some days I’m looking forward to it but some days I just got to knock it out you know done why why the why um the the the reason that’s a great question the uh thank you we’re full of

Them we weren’t gonna throw you a clve ball question there not yet yeah also I love I love the way that uh on your show if if you say something like cler it never no one ever forgets it nothing gets by these guys that is that is

Exactly how my family is like if you hit if you hi up at the table you’re gonna hear about it for years I years but so so my family would fit right in but yeah man the trick shots came because socially you know with the socials and

Stuff I don’t really know what to post I typically just turn on the camera and you know video what my family’s doing or what I’m doing and so it gave us you know some activity during kind of a downtime for me so I said hey let’s

Commit to 365 and it’s been a great it’s been a great experience for for me the kids the family we’re also inspired obviously by dude perfect we watch them a lot and um dude they’re fun I mean it gets everybody outside and together achieving something but I’m I’m ready to

Be done that’s fun for the whole family now now how how do you come up with each trick shot like what is your that is literally the hardest part literally I can imagine yeah where do you draw inspiration from we literally like last night my son and I we left the gym and

Walked into Publix and we were like what are we going to do you know quick question when you walked into Publix were you wearing shoes or were you guys Barefoot cuz having been to Publix a couple of times I noticed that that’s a grocery store that you can just walk

Around barefoot in or at least that’s the in Florida in Florida oh this no I mean I think in my in my local Publix they probably let you get away with it like we live in we live in a small town so it’s cool I think there’s

A sign that probably says you shouldn’t but I mean I I don’t think anybody’s looking out for you but yeah we had shoes on when we hit the public good good good good none of them tapeworms so so tapeworms so what happens this was the hot dog one I’m assuming uh no let’s

See last night was a ping pong ball through a little basketball go that we purchased that Publix the hot dog one dude that you know any any trick shot that features my wife is uh going viral I mean because she never she hates them she can’t stand them um they really

Really get on her nerves and so anytime we can get her involved the public loves it um but yeah she threw a hot dog across the the room on Super Bowl night that was fitting right hot dogs got to go with the Airborne Gizzy on Super Bowl man yeah Airborne Gizzy

There you go and she and she hit me in the face a couple times which is funny you know all the kids love Dad getting hit in the face theot yeah and um but man we just that’s again figuring out what we’re gonna do is the hardest part

Of the whole trick shot well I got a great idea for number 269 and a pingpong ball if we go down to Mexico um no that’s Thailand oh my bad yeah yeah yeah Thailand for number 269 keep it keep it oh wow okay yeah my son’s already come up with some dirty

Ones yeah that’s that’s that’s cool I’ll say this um as as a man that never liked trickshotters um I have uh deep dived onto yours and the way the way that you bring in the family gives it everything that I hated about trick shots of like just wholesome and this is fun for

Everyone the thing that I don’t like about trick shots is just like one guy going out there for 4 hours trying to bang in some stupid thing that doesn’t even like look cool when you bring in the family to it when you have more than one competitor it’s fun it’s wholesome

It’s wholesome it makes everyone cheer for you instead of being like damn this is sad yeah like look at this [ __ ] weirdo whose Tinder profile didn’t work out so now he’s just sitting at the rain for seven hours that is interesting when you when you see uh you know trick shot

Trick shot people by themselves you know in a gym hitting a b you know hitting a ball with a bat for hours I feel sad I feel it makes me sad I’m very empathetic to the struggle before we started recording we were talking about my time

In uh Nashville and just kind of going over the same thing of like feeling like I spent one day in Nashville and walked the the hot strip and just saw a 100 Open Mic performers killing someon front of crowd some not in front of crowds and just going through that survivors go cuz

I was performing in the big arena like how did I get here what what about your struggle in the career like um what is something that you think kind of helped Propel you above everybody else in in country what made you stand out ah shoot well those were you know St

When you say the word listen y you guys can relate with this the the word stand out or above that’s not you know that that’s not what ends up happening I I think in my line of work it’s it’s there there’s not like some more talented equals more viewers or more like you

Know same with comedy I mean I know I know a handful of comics that I swear they’re so gifted but they just you know they just didn’t get into that mainstream River and explode you know and and and I hope they’re still trying I think honestly going back to the trick

Shots I know you guys can relate with this you have to be crazy you know you have to be insane enough to continue playing songs in the mirror and honing your craft you you got to be crazy enough to go play those bars and even if you’re killing it nobody’s listening

Nobody cares you’re not really set apart but you’re you’re getting better and you’re and you’re loving the process I guess of just continuing in the dream and and look there’s no guarantees like I’m I’m not here to tell anybody listening that if you just keep doing this this equals that there it’s really

Kind of a crapshoot and almost it’s like God picks Comedians and he’s like hey you will have a special on Netflix and you will matter and and and and this other person may never you know to the to the masses and there’s no there’s no above about it there’s no more talented

About it it’s just it’s you have to just want to wake up each day and continue doing what you’re doing you know singing writing songs and that’s all there is to it and that’s you know if you ask my wife I think she would agree there is a

Insane element to it where I’m sure she looked at me some days and was like why would anyone in his right mind after being dropped by this label or working at Costco or or looking your father-in-law in the face or catching a Gizzy to the face catching a Gizzy smack

Between the eyes and and and you would get up the next day and write another song you you you you might have something wrong with you and that to me that was my greatest asset um and still is you know that that resonates with me

A lot I tell a lot of people that it’s not a Sprint it’s a marathon it’s hard when people are coming up with you that get certain things and you go why the worst thing that you can do to me is be like well why not me yeah you have to

You have to have Blind Faith and you have to have an air of stupidity about you that’s like it’s going to work out in the end yeah it’s like it’s like uh it’s you got to have uh dulu until you suu oo dulu you put on a shirt with cler ball on the

Back dude you’re you’re exactly right you you you if you if you want to make sense I just don’t think you do these types of jobs you know there’s no sense about it you you can’t really explain yeah Walker did did you have did you

Have a plan b or were you all in on it like nope I’m a psychopath let me be I’ll be honest with you guys I I didn’t have a plan B and uh and I definitely didn’t have talent like you know you know you you said you came to Nashville

And you saw the talent it’s it’s not like I it’s not like I would walk down Broadway and go I’m better than that guy there you can’t say that you know there there’s no there’s too much talent and god-given just giftedness in this town

So I I I just loved it I just absolutely loved it I fell in love with the with the songwriting process and the and yeah and just loved absolutely have to love the M yeah the process if you love the process there’s no stopping you exactly and it’s torture it is literally is

Legit torture it’s torture every day it’s just like a trick shot you go in every day and you go what am I going to write about that’s the hardest thing what am I going to write about with no follower like I don’t even know what people want to here

Soig right and you shoot you shoot for that and and then you hope you turn it into your people and they get excited or you hope you take it home and your kids are like Dad that’s great or you know and then you literally do the same thing the next day in not

99.99 times you do that you fail miserably and no one cares and and you get up and sing it and 10 people say uh your voice isn’t that great or it’s not country enough or that lyrics sucks or you know you just you just bear all that

Failure like it’s no big deal and you just get up the next day and do it again because you love it um oh sorry oh no I just want to ask was there a moment in your um career that maybe was a turning point that you went

Oh I might have something here because I feel not really no no I mean I I I I have honestly always I think this town I think if you asked Executives or peers of mine who who have who kind of came up with my class they would say man I

Always I always thought Walker was was pretty good I always thought he had a thing I just didn’t know what you were going to do with it you know I didn’t know where it was kind of that it it was like left of center it was quirky um it

Was it country I don’t know didn’t really know what to call it and um so you know our first hit I say that Loosely it died at 9: but it was a song called you broke up with me and it connected with people out there and and

It’s kind of you know it’s it’s a little bit like Urban you know meets country and uh so it so it it was polarizing like you either freaking loved it or you didn’t think it belong on country radio but we had a bite with that but other

Than that man and just kind of the occasional song grabbing you know some audience members yeah I I didn’t I didn’t have anything in in in my history that was like hey one of these days you’re going to pop off with some applebe song you know and

Then you’re gonna be able to tour and and all of a sudden you know CA because look guys it’s interesting like we we we kept having kids you know and and I know that’s that’s like you’re like a funny had yeah exactly like nobody nobody was

Like hey it’s a really good idea to go and and try to be an artist you know where sexy cells and all this stuff and you’re you’re Captain Family Guy you know that that didn’t make sense at all and so history actually told us you know

The more kids we have and the more comfortable you get in this family life that’s not going to work which is actually funny because that’s what that’s what people come to see now you know when they come to the to the shows fun for the whole family yeah yeah so

Along those lines of just kind of waking up and blindly going into something I’m not sure if you’ve seen uh much of our content but we we did this thing called the back off challenge where we just roast goers um and in the beginning we similar to your 100 day challenge on a

Smaller scale we did a 30-day challenge and of just trying to back people off every day and some days we’re were like we got nothing today so we would just show up randomly at like our local par three mun course Weddington and we would just like literally go up to strangers

And be like hey this is our pitch is it okay if we make fun of you uh and you know just to like without writing anything just all improv in the moment and just see what we come up with and you know it’s just like that kind of like just blind determination that

Actually got us to you know where where we are now that’s amazing yeah uh having like six kids do you get out out to the golf course ever or uh no you know I play usually I’m I’m EI if I’m playing golf it’s usually with my 14-year-old son Baylor he’s really

Good and uh he and not be good at golf yeah he’s sick he I can’t I can’t beat him but he either that or I’m playing in like a a fundraiser um as a matter of fact we have I have a golf event coming up in uh June you know

That’s benefiting to be a Craig Farm but yeah I do I love to get out there in Golf man are y’all you guys good you play do you play golf yeah we can play a little bit uh do you ever play like a yeah we’re pretty much sticks I’m a play

I’m a PGA professional STI I’m not I haven’t passed the Pats test yet I’m mentally mentally already passed it he’s he’s Bob Rotella so I just want to be able to show up to courses and um have that old white guy look at me and go you

Know sir we have to tuck in our shirts here I get to go oh I know I’m a PGA professional yeah don’t talk don’t talk to me don’t talk to me do you ever do you ever get invited to play in any the the prams you ever done any of that no I

Haven’t I’m actually I’m playing in a um I’m playing in the celebrity basketball uh NBA thing this weekend but not not not a golf yeah gotta brag about that come on I want to know your big hit fancy like uh does Applebees did they have a reach out and we’re like let’s do

Something throw you some money was there anything involved there they they had so so you know did they pay you to put the lyrics in no no no they I mean we got paid for the commercial yeah we we got paid and um and what are we talking about here before

Tax number on the Apple trans can’t say that out you could here’s the deal 400 I would say like a 425 type deal type deal wings I know low balling but 750 family of six get to eat tonight plus the chill at least a couple of these kids

Are going to college Applebee slid slid that that uh piece of paper over the table and I was was like bro I got six kids man I’m I’m going need to see this come up but they uh no look Applebees Applebees um at first Applebees was like

Who this guy whatever you know they they didn’t know they didn’t know what was going to happen and then the song blew up and and then man they came bar like banging on the door let’s go let’s do something and uh we actually have a gold

Card that never runs out so so knew in addition in addition to like you know the the endorsement deals and the contracts and stuff that we do together we I have the sickest it’s actually it literally is a a gold shut the [ __ ] up that’s my dream you understand I have

Been a big Applebee’s guy my entire life me to Neighborhood part oh my god let’s go dude give meeno teis that you could ever have also their ribs don’t [ __ ] around Bon boneless bites boneless bites I’m roll up the two for 20 meal me and

My girl trying you know if I’m trying to get domed up in the night I mean I’m going to Applebees two for 20 dude hey there’s kids around it’s insane I can um yeah I mean like I you know after a show if we have an early show I can take the

Whole crew um I take the whole F but my my kids fight over who gets to slap that card on the table each night but Applebees Applebees has been good to us you know I look I didn’t know I I didn’t know anything about um the economy or

You know what they were struggling how they were struggling but coming out of Co man they we we needed the song equally let’s just say that so really yeah yeah exactly I mean it helped them out and I’ve played a couple corporate events for them and dude no lie like

Grown men with tears in their eyes are like hey thank you thank you for yeah know I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s a it’s a it is completely a a win-win for both it’s a it’s a movement now Applebees is a huge part of your children’s oh yeah like a huge part it’s

It’s like their Godfather so you played a bunch of these uh prams and or not prams but charity events I’m sure with other country singers which which ones got game which ones talk the game uh you know I think pretty much I’d say 85% of them are just talk you know and they

Play a lot and they’re they they have like they have handicap that they walk around tting or they’ll be like hey I shoot 82 I have noticed that yeah and then you play with them it’s like dude there’s no way you shot below 90 today I

Got ched by uh I got ched by what’s his face um jelly roll who no the country singer that does stuff with like fourl sometimes post Malone no the country singer he says he’s like well post is sort of a country singer come on now was

It he came to the bir tour we had the picture yeah you he yelled at you had the Phil Mickelson story about giving Phil Mickelson [ __ ] I don’t I will never remember his name I don’t know who you’re talking about Darius Rucker throws a big tournament every year R

Does he is he good I’ve never seen well he claims he’s good but the way he approached me was very contentious and I want to do nothing but put his dick in the dirt um and then also see if he’s actually a good player yeah of course

I’ll tell you I’ll tell you too that you don’t you don’t you don’t want to mess with on the course Jake Owen yep that’s that’s him that’s him Jake Owen did you did you beat Jake no well Jake Owen came up to me and did the thing of like oh

You Golf and it was like and it was like oh buddy oh buddy don’t talk to me like that I am a PGA professional okay pass the P three months he knows how to cerve the ball left or right he cles I clve that [ __ ] bro I got a power CL who else

Who else was probably could have been a legit Pro is Colt Ford okay if you ever yeah he can he he isn’t like you know you wouldn’t see him and be like hey that dude golfs but he can bring it um but those two honestly Jake Jake I’ve seen him hit I

Mean he he’s he’s pretty good right I mean did you play did you see him no he just came up to me after the Bridgestone event and um and uh made me feel like [ __ ] after I just performed in front of 15,000 people and so I got a little

Vendetta I was wondering if you want to be my playing partner and then he can find someone we can go out there and Chow jakeen let’s go dude all right let’s [ __ ] go bro me and Walker vers you and your whoever you want Jake Owen whoever you want the course is yours wow

The dart and the walk we’re going to be in Nashville um actually for so Liv is doing their event down there uh I think it’s in end of June and we’re going to be down there for that and then the week before we’re staying at the hermit

Hermitage Hermitage the one with the the goats right oh I’m so pump to feed lay potato chips we’d love to film something with you out there that week um if you’re around trick shot dude how about this how about we set up a deal with Applebees and that’s they sponsor the

Match can they at least caterer just a week for one week they give us a gold card one week we get a gold card gri they can’t afford you Griff yeah they cannot afford you one gold card would bankrupt at least three locations plus You’ be trying to sell

That gold card on eBay be like oh [ __ ] oh no I’d frame that I’d frame I will say on the on the Applebee’s uh on that Applebee’s train you get really sick like you ever worked at a restaurant yeah oh yeah you get tired of it dude that’s what happens man I mean

We were dude we got that gold card and we went off I mean it was like Uber Eats Applebee it was Applebees all you can Uber you no way you can Uber no you can you can do it all you do that’s a cheat Cod bro that’s a che you get you would

Get the Oreo shake but it would be like halfway melted which is the way I like I like Walker I’ve spent $35,000 on Uber Eats in the last year bro bull not bull 35 a teacher salary trust me Apple trust me look it’s actually in debt to Uber

Eats yeah no I only do comedy for Uber Eats now I have an Uber Eats gold card saying do you feel like you can name everything on the menu at Applebees at this point no honestly I I’m I get the same thing I really do what do you get

What you get I get the bour the bourbon St The Bourbon Street steak damn right every single time yeah and um but I do get uh have youall ever had the quesadilla burger oh whoa Walker what are we talking here talk to me now quesadilla burger it’s just a uh it’s

Just like a quesadilla but with a hamburger obviously in it Insanity oh my God that has to be the widest invention I’ve ever heard and I love it I love it dude I’m ready to eat it dude let’s take this border food and make it American why not I love that

I’ll eat that dude get some wag you um how about this how about uh I assume you’re somewhat of a fan of the game of golf big time to me yeah yeah so having uh been around the sports so long what are some of the things um that you could

See being implemented that would uh allow the game to grow a little more you know I I I think the speed you know could could pick it up like a practice swing minimum maybe I also have you ever seen the movie 10 cup like I I would

Legit I would legit watch a masters if they all had a seven iron like if you only have one car one that would be exciting like the seven iron major y let’s make it more let’s make these events a little more fun yeah ball goes in the water you have

To go get it like you got you have to go the one ball challenge completely I think it’d be cool if the hole moved like while you know while you had to you had a timer and it was like you had to hit it while anticipating where the pen

Was rotating kind of like how MTV used to do the um uh jock Jams basketball games where they had the the three yeah moved then you had the three Hoops maybe a smaller hole on the green for like two under loves carnival games I love you know being being a influencer

We specialize in uh just carnival games you know any one of our G any one of our gigs see this kid at ski ball dude yeah you might as well just [ __ ] be able to sell funnel cake and corn dogs at one of our gigs why not I would love to make

Uh the golf course little carnival game how about funnel dog funel doel dogs would you eat that Walker would you eat a funnel dog i’ eat a funnel burrito funnel dog yeah I’ll eat anything fried like the fried Oreo thing phenomenal all right so so shocking the game a little bit more I

Like that Walker let’s let’s have let’s have a couple events that are more fun I think the game would grow if they had Applebees in the clubhouse and we could get it at the turn obviously obviously Griff jeez you didn’t even need to say that Griff

Is that obvious so so so living in Nashville I’m wondering if you’ve played with uh like who’s like the coolest person down there you’ve played with like I know like Nate burgatti plays a lot of golf have you play with him at all doesn’t Gary or Larry the Cable Guy

Live down there no he’s in Florida Gary the no Larry Larry’s is he in Florida I think orando John Daly’s over there I think Larry uh once he once he did the car movie he like bought an island and left you know he did the uh tomator

Thing but the uh yeah I’ve actually written a song with Nate vargi no way and um yeah he and I hung out for a day and just chilled he he actually met his wife at Applebees not to keep bringing Applebees in conversation but yes yeah

He he I was actually in an airport one day and a and a and a woman’s ringtone popped off and it was fancy like and I was like hey I’m that dude like that’s me that’s me and she and she said that’s my husband’s ringtone it’s it’s Nate

Barazi his wife yeah it was pretty W crazy bro I guess this would be a weird time to take a break guys this episode is sponsored by Cheesecake Factory oh shoot shut up no he’s kidding it’s Chili’s shut up it’s chilies baby back ribs no it’s not uh yeah baratti I

Heard is a stick too I heard he he’s all right he’s like a maybe six handicap Jake was quick to step on that yeah he’s all right I can beat his ass does Nate like Applebees uh I don’t I know I don’t know

I don’t know if he I I know I know he’s glad he worked there you know to meet his wife but I’m not sure if he’s like an actual fan of the restaurant he better be or else we’re no longer friends dude he is he’s freaking funny I

I love that dude he I know his his uh his like specials like I don’t really watch a lot of Comedy like being a comedian but like his specials when we watch his spe like my girlfriend my girlfriend laughs and I’m like I don’t think I’ve ever heard her laugh for real

Before cuzz she just like you get jealous of of course I get jealous bro the things that she D at like glass of milk I’m like she’s [ __ ] crying and and I’m over here like trying to talk about my struggle in my comedy I’m like [ __ ] I need to just write a Starbucks

Joke this is stupid yeah what are you doing dud just give in just give in you know I’ve noticed that about Nate’s stuff like he he brings people to Comedy who don’t go looking for it and my wife my wife’s the same way like she sat and

Watched all all his special stuff and and it’s like she gets it but most Comics or anything funny where I’m like hey Lenny watch this she usually is like that’s dumb you watch that yeah exactly he really does speak to the masses with his comedy I mean they’re they’re really

I hate to say right down the middle because they’re not they’re so irreverent but his subjects are right down the middle and relatable y so Walker what’s what’s down the pipeline for you as far as uh you have an album coming out uh at any time in the near

Future um oh yeah I mean dude this is honestly this is an interesting year I have a lot of stuff that I’ve kind of found myself doing on the side that I I never thought we would ever do and it’s all because of a couple songs but we’re

We’re actually I don’t know if y’all know this but I’m I’m eight years sober which is a absolute Miracle conrat we’re we’re we’re launching a non-alcoholic beer with the company athletic brewing and it’s so so freaking good it’s amazing it’s just a classic logger we’re launching that we’re doing some uh

Clothing that kind of spawned from our merch called Duck Butt Co um we’re working on a kids animated series um it’s called Walker Woods it’s pretty badass and then we’re also we we’ll do tour and we will release new music but really I’m excited about those side you

Know those side projects that you get to do because of the guess yeah exactly because of Applebees right it’s all Apple’s fault but I gotta tell you you know and I don’t know you know sometimes you just get you get burned out with the same stuff you know

Just write writing songs and putting them out um it doesn’t really do it you know it doesn’t hit that like dopamine that that it used to it’s like the Applebee’s menu you just get burned out on it you get tired of it man that’s impossible Griff once again you’re

Saying things that can’t happen no you want to you want you do get T you Jesus Christ you just dropped no it’s all good that was actually just part of his hair my hair it’s all good that was the bird’s nest that was in there you do get

Tired of that thing and the worst thing that you want to do is be tired of like that main work um that main work output you do especially because this is a marathon right so it’s great to have these side gigs to uh not only keep the creative juices flowing but you can

Bring some of that energy into your into your music too right like yeah that’s what’s interesting it’s it’s interesting like uh you just want to succeed you know in in all our lines of work you know we we were just kids or whatever and we had

These crazy dreams you know and and and and look I don’t I don’t know why but everybody tells you that ringing that Bell won’t solve anything and I don’t know why but you’re like whatever it will change yeah and so you you do it

You do it and then and then you have a fancy like and you kind of wake up after the blur of something like that and you go dang I’m the same dude nothing is different you know nothing that matters has been fixed improved solved I I I still lie

Awake in bed going do do do I matter no as a creative you will always have that hole that will never be filled because of the trauma that our parents laid Upon Us wow it’s R very deep and you’re right it is yeah and and and um and you know

Honestly that’s kind of what my family has been learning together I mean we we literally went from like what are we going to do to pay the bills to to that famous family you know how do we spend all this [ __ ] money exactly and then

When you get that you go oh wait this is what it was this isn’t what I was after no creative is like I just wanted that big bank account but to be able to be able to afford those like s gigs those passion projects to turn into that’s all

That we want it seems like taking taking those those th that extra money and investing it back into yourself to be more creative and and and make things that make you happy I mean that’s the most fulfilling thing ever Jud it’s pretty cool Jud appow big comedic

Director said all he’s trying to do is make a movie good enough so he can get the green light to make another movie and that’s what keeps him going and making them happy and it sounds like for you it’s pretty similar it’s that and and just I want to keep my band together

You know I want to make enough money so so that I can you know we can pay their salaries and we can continue to work and their families you know can can have money and my manager and you know I want to keep the team the team going but as

Far as any of that psychological stuff it doesn’t go away with money or success as a matter of fact it kind of manifests itself in different costumes you know it’s it’s it’s like it it it’s still there it just looks a little bit different if that’s that makes any sense

You know so um it’s been a learning experience for us cuz we legit went from like hey don’t do it like that family to hey can I get some parenting advice and that’s that’s a m that’s a mind Buster you know where where where the world changes its mind on you that instantly

Especially when you didn’t change your output at all yeah not at all not at all I literally we my my house is still a wreck I have way more kids than I can parents we know we we keep getting dogs like it doesn’t you know mess with us

But it does we got too many dogs we’ll probably get a new one next week where do the dogs where do they keep coming from you you you could fight them I knew somebody was going to sayle they come from the Applebee’s parking lot unbelievable you can’t say no to them

Dude well it that that’s cool to hear it is um it is a little depressing that we’ll never be satisfied but I think a as a creative you you’re not you’re not satisfied unless you’re creating yeah and um it’s it’s cool to hear that from you someone that’s achieves success from

What you say is like overnight success but the thing is people no such thing people don’t understand the work that has that gets brought into that overnight success decades um yeah it’s it’s insane I actually have a friend who uh you know fancy like let’s let’s just

Estimate it was probably like the 2000th song I’d written you know I’ve been in Nashville since 2004 so that that that’s my batting average guys one for 2,000 okay so not very good walker I know pretty terrible yeah yeah I’ll see you in 4,000 but but look I met I met this guy

One of my best buddies uh he and I connected over um basically the the the Lo losses uh my wife and I lost our seventh child he his mom died about a two weeks after I met him our condolences Walker that’s we kind of we kind of connected dude thank you we kind

We connected over loss and he came to to a writing session with me one day and we wrote a banger first song this dude has ever written in his life he’s in the room and we cut that song on Friday and I couldn’t help but be like you’re such an

[ __ ] I’m just like I I lit I literally wasted my life on this stuff and and and you just hop in one day and oh my God was but thank goodness I love this dude and I’m so I am genuinely excited and I I hope he gets a

Fraking million dollar you know I hope he banks off of this but it’s like damn man it’s easier it’s easier to like uh to be happy for someone’s success when you have garnered that little bit of success and that was the thing that I was talking about earlier is like it’s

So easy to get frustrated at other people’s um totally route um that’s our human nature human nature like Why Not Me Why Not Me yep but uh it’s great that you have had that success to kind of alleviate some of those things um because everyone’s different you know everybody’s different walker uh what

What was the date what was the date I want to give a shout out to your golf tournament that you’re doing you said it was in June oh yeah let me see got to do the number one two three four five six what’s the six what’s the sixth month

January February March April May June yeah June 24th okay is the golf event it’s in Nashville dude y’all y’all should come play man will be BL we’re actually going to be in Nashville uh so that’s the day after Liv ends um so we could potentially stay and

And hang out and it um cuz we’re going to be in nville from like the 14th or 15th until you know like the 23rd which is live so um that yeah that could be super fun um dude I would love this would be freaking awesome man it’s going

To be a good time it’s at Old Naz uh Country Club I think we’ll have like we have some sick sponsors and we also have a lot of cool people playing but the um I think a few holes will have sick trick shots with drones and stuff flying

Around so it’s gonna be it’s gonna be insane you should get somebody like like a hole inone trick shots or like a coach Rusty out there we have to yeah to to you know uh big stuff to win you know where where you you know I want I want

Mulligan bought and then I want people you know trying to ring it for the for a car and stuff I you know we will we will win your golf tournament though I want you to know problem you’re inviting the people that will win is we will win we

Probably won 19 backpacks last year love this um yeah and and trust me there will be some controversy they’re going to look at Mark and be like this they cheated we won a golf tournament one time they didn’t even give us the prize cuz they were like no [ __ ] way they didn’t

Believe won we won by four five shots yeah easily and it wasn’t even a ridiculous score it wasn’t even a ridicul it was a score that is like that that was the score it was and and they looked at us and they said absolutely you will not be winning our massage guns

No and Griff Griff Griff literally yeah no grip literally got in this dude’s face and and and Stone Wald him and and and did like the Good Fellas thing like no you’re going to bring me those massage guns and drove to his house a week later to pick up the new massage

And we got new massage guns yeah the dude wasn’t happy when he saw me he just handed him to me like you you piece of [ __ ] and I was like looking at him like no you’re the bad guy here yeah you’re the bad guy in the [ __ ] slot we made

Putts I hope Jake will be there maybe yall should face off or something adver I’m there baby his glasses came up this [ __ ] guy you should have seen the way this guy [ __ ] looked me up and down Bud he looked me up and down like it like either a he was ready to

Fight me or B I was his grinder dat either way I did not appreciate it it was not cool I wasn’t there but I I felt the energy emanating from how far away you not get you you not looking like they like you in a country crowd that’s

A shocker yeah it yeah yeah it wasn’t but then you got jelly roll here who is like I was smoking blunts with him I’m I’m sober too but cie sober uh which means like one or two beers one or two beers maybe some mushrooms some weed you know Aderall but it’s prescribed yeah

Yeah and then if you know we could find perco setes like that’s just a throwback it’ll REM it’ll be nostalgic for him yeah it’s just Nostalgia I’m Nostalgia sober um well Walker thank you so much for taking some time away from your family it’s probably actually a

Nice vacation um and uh we’re so pumped to potentially get to actually play some golf with you down in Nashville in June and I think we’re in for your golf tournament you know let your kid hop back on Minecraft and uh go work on some new songs bro yes please we need what

I’m about to do you got to get to number 4,000 please get their ASAP quick come on all right love y’all love you love you Walker love You come [ __ ] catch these hands bro

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