Golf Babe

#MarriedtoMed Episode Talk | Golf⛳️Cart Girls | An Idea for The Harris’ | SweetToof and G Need to Go

The ladies go golfing, leaving the men to learn some cooking skills; the couples are shocked by Kema’s claims.

Miss Miss Westy don’t try to test me it’s going to get messy just bless me it’s your besy Miss Miss Westy hey just bless me hey up y’all it’s me Erica we are down here girl I was trying to um I was trying to what was I trying to do oh make some

Shorts when y’all Tim stamp stuff I try to make a short of it right quick did I tell y’all to get your protect your energy shirts face your n Face the Nation this is your a protect your energy shirt and it has my little name on the

Back protect your energy go get your shirt come in all colors I have green red gray I love the gray I’m I’m working on another design it’s so cute but I have to work on the design because typically this this really doesn’t take any design like thought or

Anything like that the font is a font pick a cool font slap it on a shirt you’re good Face the Nation so um I think it was Claire or Jennifer one of y’all in the comments said that the reason why the shirt looks so big is because it’s unisex and I was

Like that’s right I have a unisex option that I get you know cuz we from the um we’re from Andromeda over here you know we’re Andromeda star seeds over here I’m trying to be like my grandma we’re Andromeda star seeds over here girl so we love a unisex we know we

Like a oh unisex number honey I’m trying to look for that microfiber cloth that I had you don’t want no problems you just talking here it Is we need to go back into the cosmic mother for a second um maybe one day this week I watched Mary um not mared to Medicine oh yeah Mary to Medicine I watched Mary to medicine last night um it was pretty good um I didn’t take any

Notes like I said I’m taking Carlos shout out to Carlos King I’m taking his advice if it’s nothing new happening and we could just talk about the show we going to just talk about the show I’m not going to be sitting up here taking notes trying to figure out no so

If I miss stuff we just down here talking you know what I’m saying so um sweet too she got all up in Jackie’s face trying to apologize girl back up Jackie is not goingon to fool with you that is a old ass woman she’s going to

Be kind to you because you’re a Child In Her Eyes baby girl so she’s gonna say you know it’s okay girl you you saw her tell her don’t cry like girl don’t shed no tears over this [ __ ] because I ain’t never gonna speak to you again it’s a

Rra you see Jackie was shading said should I C I should have cussed your ass out like your mama should have that’s what Heavenly said so I guess she got that from Heavenly I should have cussed I should have whooped your ass like your mama should have that’s what she told um

Leticia I think she told her that so she apologized to Jackie Jackie was looking at her like girl okay I mean let’s move past it Jack Jackie mentioned it again you said bat she can’t Jackie can’t even say [ __ ] she said batch both time so you already know that you

Calling her a [ __ ] straight like that and I really would love to see the scene unedited because the way it came off it was just like girl what [ __ ] you [ __ ] say what what you want to say [ __ ] you [ __ ] that’s all you have to say you couldn’t

Come up with the words to say I it really felt I mean you could have use cuss words but I really felt [ __ ] up behind the the the jokes that y’all were making about quad and this other woman that I guess Gregory was with all that

[ __ ] happened before me I don’t give a [ __ ] about none of that [ __ ] and y’all around here talking [ __ ] like the [ __ ] is funny so I feel like if you want to talk about Gregory let’s talk about MO yeah Mo let’s talk about your man if we can

Talk about Gregory because if if you want to talk about the husbands girl because we can talk about the husbands let’s talk about you don’t want to know about the husbands no you let’s not talk about the husbands you know how many people have said that they need a

Montage Bravo y’all need a montage of the women saying let’s not talk about the husbands because we got Richards why can’t I I remember her name Erica her middle name is Erica she’s a Virgo Kyle’s sister why can’t I remember her name Kathy Kyle why can’t I remember the Diva’s

Name girl I’m telling you my memory I’m telling you that’s why you can’t be a liar because if your memory is bad just hopefully you remember the memory the what you need to remember Kathy Kathy no that’s Kathy Hilton Kathy Richards Kathy Kyle hey Siri what’s Kyle Richard’s sister’s names Kyle

Cathy I swear to God I can’t remember her name Kyle Cathy and Kim I know her middle name is Erica and I know she’s a Virgo I could not remember remember her name Kim shout out to Kim Richards let’s not talk about the husbands and then Meredith on Salt Lake

City she was like we could talk about you wouldn’t you want to talk about the husband all these shows I don’t understand how are you a you’re just an individual woman um coming in and you’re married but you don’t want anybody talk about your husband or your kids I don’t

Understand where that comes from like I could I don’t even understand if the kids are little I don’t understand if I’m if if I’m coming for your throat girl I’m coming for your throat I’m coming for your entire family tree about to chop the whole [ __ ]

Down I don’t give a damn I’m like soldja boy [ __ ] them kids I don’t care you talk you we’re C we are arguing girl but I just didn’t like the way that she was like [ __ ] you [ __ ] it was just like the way it was cut I don’t know and it’s not

Unedited on um on um peacock it’s not unedited on peacock I just didn’t get it so she apologized to Jackie I don’t think Jackie is gonna forgive her she just like plated to her to like not look bad on TV basically um Toya was [ __ ] with um they went to

Play golf and the guys went to a cooking competition any like Heavenly said if you wasn’t on Eugene’s team you lost period when I said Eugene I was in the kitchen and then I was in the I was cooking while Eugene and then were cooking and I was

Like I [ __ ] with Eugene I’m sorry we don’t want to say too much we don’t want to give the [ __ ] too much because if you give them too much in two weeks they gonna make you regret it they will they make you eat your goddamn words I think

I said something about Usher the other day and I was like here he go talking about he want to do a black love show and how what did I say usher has never said anything problematic about black women didn’t I say that and now you want

To do a show talk about black love how come you just couldn’t do a show called love by Usher because I I guess I don’t know if something about his music is going to be intertwined in the show I don’t know because he he mentioned his

Music in relation to the show so I don’t know but black love get the black out of here like honestly we really have to get we really have to get that’s a Vortex of craziness that you have to get out of all that [ __ ] that that’s made up you

Got to get out of it anyways so isn’t made up black love that [ __ ] is made up because people are people and the way that it looks for the people who are melanated and it’s grossly struggle like look at all the shows look at the programming look at the programming look at the

Programming look at the programming on own shout out to bondie Blue the oppressed women’s Network somebody in her comments said that and and baby it’s stuck y’all be saying stuff and the [ __ ] be sticking the oppressed women’s Network look at their programs didn’t they have a show called Black love and every

Single story the woman was in some Rider die edges gone Corel levels out the gate relationship I was like what go back and watch that show even the ones with the celebrities they had regular people on there there was one woman somebody’s house blew up somebody died and they

Still we still together sleep for some Reeses we still together girl and then y’all be throwing stuff put some respect to to to um Leticia down there with the black espo give us some respect because we’ve been married how long girl what’s the quality of the marriage a quantity don’t mean [ __ ]

[ __ ] i’ rather have four quarters than 100 pennies hello [ __ ] girl what the [ __ ] on some real [ __ ] that’s real who said that um hey Siri who said I’d rather have four quarters than 100 pennies oh [ __ ] that was Al Capone it says Al Capone there’s two there’s two sources that say Al

Capone that’s real um I don’t care how long you’ve been married all you’re telling me is you’ve served time and then I want to see what you have what’s the return on the investment that you made that’s what I want to see anyways Toya is getting on

They go to play golf Eugene is cooking I like Eugene is a good dude that’s a good dude that’s a good dude I seen I feel like he’s well-rounded you heard him say I don’t um I don’t disrespect women he said something I was kind of in and out

I was watching it you know I was cooking watching them talk and stuff like that it was just like you know easygoing episode um but they won uh you saw Eugene he pushed they had to do something with Jack Daniels we did a grilled pineapple and yes we did a

Grilled pineapple sauce and we have with the shrimp you know he was really he was for real Eugene need to go on a cooking competition show didn’t I tell y’all Eugene and Toya and I I told you I have a good ideas Eugene needs to come up

With a cookbook him and his wife together recipes by Eugene and the title of the cookbook should say recipes my husband serves me [ __ ] I want 40% on that book okay on the cookbook and I want uh thank you in there thank you to Erica daero TV on YouTube for giving us

The idea Eugene needs to have a cookbook him and his wife on the cover of the cookbook meals my husband serves me or something and y’all need to play on that because it’s not too I mean Eugene you really need to play on the you got a

Good man Savannah you need to play on that because he girl I don’t even have to go through the stuff of what’s happening and you can’t really say nothing if your husband is looking like Kimu you can’t say nothing to me about it and he keeps saying stuff he keeps interrupting

Alicia in the um in confessionals and I feel like he’s putting on a show by saying you know trying to play the male chauvinist but I feel like he believes some of that and she kept saying he’s just joking he’s just joking he ain’t joking because he keeps saying it if a

Man keeps saying something about his dick not getting suck he ain’t joking girl he’s not and if you think a [ __ ] don’t like his if you like your CL clitoris I’m I’m over here with old people if you don’t like your clor you like your clitorus stimulated don’t you

Okay well imagine that is a clitorus he wants it stimulated and if it could be if it can be placed in a receptacle that’s warn and wet like your mouth he wants to have it in there and then oh when I tell you girl when I tell you it’s so it’s so cringy

To me that you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] when it’s time to talk about sex y’all get girl grow up Leticia what’s her name Tanisha Sweet Tooth and he calls my he what did he call it a a oven a Easy Bake Oven what do he call her her

Vagina she that’s what he calls my down there girl y’all grown [ __ ] up against the wall hopefully you [ __ ] up against the wall upside down on the chandelier hopefully okay but for you to be when it’s time to talk about sex you are a grown ass woman with fertility

Issues you don’t want to talk about sex girl shut up girl when I tell you I don’t like a person who always talks about sex and who is preoccupied with sex I can’t stand it it drives me insane but when it’s time to talk about sex

Baby let’s talk about you and me let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things I don’t have a problem speaking plainly about sex I don’t get Goofy and giggly or nothing for anybody in any setting we are adults we are all here because somebody was [ __ ] okay

And for us to grow up and then be in these adult relationships and it’s time to talk about sex everybody everybody turns into elementary school kids I don’t get it psychologist can y’all tell me what that’s from because I guess it’s supposed to be taboo right it’s supposed

To sex is supposed to be taboo but everybody got here because somebody was [ __ ] and then some some people are just [ __ ] for pleasure right right it’s not just all for procreation a man wants his dick suck and if he tells you a if he mentions it more than once he

Wants his penis suck she was like he don’t go down there and I don’t go down there it’s just what whatever she’s trying to play it off girl you know you want that man’s face motorboating your [ __ ] labas girl you know you want him going to [ __ ] town stop playing with

Me I don’t I don’t know some girls they don’t like it I don’t understand it honey stroke my kitty girl stroke it okay because I don’t have no uhuh and and if you don’t I’m like Rodney I’m grabbing my keys I’m grabbing my panties girl we out of here say you don’t eat

[ __ ] girl girl I absolutely not and if your husband is a non [ __ ] eating male chauvinist you can’t say nothing to me about my husband training me matter of fact you need to be training your husband we need to be training your husband retraining him did

You hear her say um don’t say that you might not want to say that when he says sometimes I can be an America I can be Americanized when he’s helping when he’s helping his wife listen to this shout out to Stephanie Perry she is house sitter vicarious the

Vicans all the girls she has given the girls a light at the end of the tunnel to get the [ __ ] out the diva is on her way but shout out to her she said when she house sits in different countries outside of the United States the men are typically more

Helpful in the United States the men don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground and what she told a story one time the man didn’t even know his own dog had some kind of food allergy or couldn’t eat had to eat slow or something about the animal in the house

The man had no clue she said when she goes o overseas the men are typically the ones who are managing everything the wife is just getting you know getting the stuff and he’s telling her this and that and this and that he the man is typically the house manager over here

They got y’all wrapped up in these weird ass relationship Dynamics where you are a what class a maid a mule and a mattress y’all got the gang [ __ ] up just so that you can throw a dick in somebody’s face Kimu talking about she said you don’t want to be Americanized honey

These American men don’t be helping their wives like that they really don’t they really don’t that’s why Killer Mike is down there trying to incentivize marriage and and people taking how would you incentivize people to pay child support there should be no you should pay it no incentive to pay

What’s the incentive there should there’s no incentive you that’s not that’s not something you incentivize child support girl [ __ ] out of here I’mma incentivize paying a bill girl girl that is the craziest [ __ ] I’ve ever heard that is the craziest [ __ ] I’ve heard in my life girl are crazy

Toya is messing with um Alicia does he allow you to have toys allow yeah does he allow he says he trained you why are you okay with him saying he trained you I am trained ladies not listen it is okay I guess it’s not okay to admit that your husband said

Something stupid like you like so many times when you guys look stupid you know what you’re doing you’re taking up for a man or you’re seeing his point of view and you sound ridiculous I’m about to say something else you sound ridiculous and you sound ridiculous trying to rationalize and trying to make

It okay that this man said that he trained you it’s not okay and it’s okay for you to say yeah that’s crazy I I’m gonna have to say something to him by that because honey ain’t nobody trained me just like Jackie looked over he was like hey she’s trained she’s trained she’s

Trained you’re the dogs that need domesticating you’re the dogs these women are trying to domesticate and put you in proximity to them knowing good and goddamn well y all are dangerous unemotional creatures they’re the ones putting their lives at risk they’re the ones training your ass

Eugene they did a uh they that thing where they were making plates and going out and like let’s make the plates for the husbands and let’s serve our H like girl I just girl stop stop I don’t even understand why y’all play games like that I I don’t want to play

[ __ ] no games I don’t want to play no games like that Eugene lost it because um Toya didn’t give him a kiss she said tell him I’ll kiss him in private and his privates and then they the um the coner the server he goes out and he says

She says um she’s gonna kiss you in private pause pause pause he was like pause pause pause in private in your on your privates or something like that everybody was like ah yeah girl shut up and then Jackie was like you really about to um she was like

Girl I’m tired I just girl just say anything child just say anything I can’t wait till next week until they say um has anyone said divorce did you see how many hands went up I’m trying to tell y’all and what I really would like to challenge married women to to consider

Telling women the truth I know you want the women to be in the club with you and your misery and misery loves company but I think it’s important not to wait until you’re your great grandmother’s age to tell the girls the truth about these men and how men show up in

Relationships I I think it that I think it’s literally a thing to where you don’t want to sound stupid like Alicia really sounded less than smart and saying that she allows him to take care of the money she can’t account for $150,000 I don’t know what she’s doing

It I don’t know what she’s doing I don’t know she’s moving money around and then you act like you don’t know what the f is going on girl I don’t know what’s going on I’m just buying bags girl Alicia got her money put to the side because apparently they made a bad business

Investment when he didn’t listen to her and instead of listening to her he made this bad business investment and they lost a lot of money they lost a lot of money so was that cute I think it was cuter this way it reminds me of a little

Rose can I call you Rose yes cuz you sweet like a flowering blue yes can I call you Rose yeah you know I think it looks better like that um girl got some deliveries coming today I cannot wait I cannot wait for to deliveries anyways and so yeah so I feel

Like Alicia’s might be moving some money around she might not be as dumb and then you played them like all this these roles and things that you have to play in order to just be in a relationship why do you have to do all of that Curtis shut up saying anything

What did he say he said something oh my God I wanted to throw my laptop in the trash I was like shut up Curtis I want to throw my whole [ __ ] computer away because Curtis said something last night God damn it I wish I could remember s

That’s why you need to take notes I should have I should have wrote that down when something Sparks I need to write it down Curtis said something I I I gotta go back and watch it I’ll let y’all know in the comments what he said I was like this

Mother your ass out of here I can’t stand and then Jackie said being here is is already hard girl shut up it should be hard to be in Atlanta where you’re where you’re known where everybody knows your name and this tall ass Jolly Green Giant with trpes in a [ __ ] around

Hartsville Jackson Airport Jackson Hartsville Hartsville Hartsville Jackson I can’t remember which I think it’s Hartsville Jackson I lived in Atlanta seven years I don’t know the name of the damn airport Hartsville Jackson all I know is it’s a Delta Hub child but it’s the busiest airport in

The world let’s ask Siri maybe it’s not anymore hey Siri what is the busiest airport in the world heartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport is the world’s busiest and you more worried about being in Hilton Head honey I’m I’m I would rather him take her out of the

City where you are this well-known doctor how I just don’t understand not girl not only that you girl I can really Jackie is a easy reads sorry she really is I was about to I was about to read her but I just let me just leave that lady that old lady alone cuz

Um Gregory said you can’t you can’t call a old lady a [ __ ] he’s sitting up there talking about yeah so uh I was just yeah I I rather make a what was he saying something about cooking I’d rather be out there playing golf yeah yeah girl shut up hell

Yeah hell yeah shut shut your little ass up did you see and Heavenly when I tell you Heavenly is hilarious to me next week she’s out of out of pocket I don’t care what what you say about nothing and her telling saying that Toya didn’t contribute with a microphone in front of

Everybody you pulled a Jackie what Jackie did to Buffy this embarrassing people we supposed to be Sisters You Ain’t read your Sisterhood email I’m I can’t wait to get on heavenly’s ass you know Heavenly is my girl but I’m gonna get on that trout mouth heer next week

And she’s in the confessional she know she says something wrong she’ be like like um I don’t want to hear nothing about Eugene’s little thing and then she be like was that mean [ __ ] you know it was me she squin her eyes and do like this was that

Mean you know was [ __ ] she don’t want to see eug jeene little thing cuz Toya said um after you get married um the penis doesn’t grow that was her surprise and they showed that they get on the yacht or whatever they they’re fixing the men’s plates um they are talking about toys

Having toys um does he allow you to have toys um does he um we don’t do it to each other um did you know what you were doing this is Toya’s messing with her right Toya and Eugene said they’re having more sex because Eugene said that he’s lost a little weight we noticed

Eugene lost a little weight from last season and you know being a big boy trying to put it down I’mma put it down you can fall in love hey if you put it down right the way I it shout out to Brandy and the other n Chris Brown girl I got T T

What’s her name Tama I was about to call her Tiffany mallerie girl anyway so I thought it was so cute when he was like so it’s okay that I wake you up at 2 o’cl in the morning she was like as long as as you could put me out I

Said I know that’s right I said tell his ass Toya I just love a sex positive Diva I don’t I don’t like a somebody who is preoccupied with sex but when what if we’re going to talk about sex Let’s Talk About Sex like let’s talk about sexy

Things and things about sex like I don’t somebody said the other day that it was deviant Behavior to have anal sex I was like what when you know your Pleasure Principle is in your a-ho that’s not a that’s not God’s cruel joke that is so men can have

Pleasure whether it’s from a man or a woman pegging you it’s so that you can have pleasure sir but you live in a society that everything is hetero you consider Norm normal hetero so it’s heteronormative that you believe in these weird ass ideologies and anything that deviates from the heteronormative

Ideology that you’ve been sold and programmed into believing is the default setting for humans no it’s not heterosexual is not the default setting for humans to assume that everybody walking around is heterosexual is you being programmed that’s a programming to me I feel like I’m walking around thinking everybody is gay

I assume everybody is gay I assume everyone has had some type of relation with the op with a the same gender I do while y’all run around think everybody’s straight I think everybody’s gay or lesbian kissing lesbians girl did you hear what she called us

Mariah I can’t help it yes she called us kissing lesbians girl she said that we were was gay girl kissing lesbians did you like what she called us Mariah what you think she called us gay girl kissing lesbians here she go she called us gay Mariah you like what she called us gay

Mariah what you think baby girl said that we was gay girl we was kissing lesbians girl what about you and your lesbian relationship I to Lisa calling her raggedy ass musty ass husband is she still with that man with the uh curly hair Darren I think that was his name

Darren Daryl or Darren I think his name was Darren girl you know I don’t especially the [ __ ] I really don’t remember commit whose name to memory girl you lucky I call you a name other a real name other than something else like them M over there on Love and Marriage

Huntsville girl whatever name you get you get it if it start with an m whatever come off my lips is that’s going to be your name cuz I don’t got this the same [ __ ] we talking about the same they all the same [ __ ] so it don’t

Matter what we call them did you like what you like when she called us gay Mariah what you think say that we was gay girl we was kissing lesbians girl listen let me tell you this is how funny it is neither one of these hoes is on

The show and I have talking about the review but they Mariah and quad baby when I tell you they need some kind of show together I don’t know if they can get that energy back that they had I don’t even know if we can go back and

Try to like bottle that it’s the same as when Ka and TS Madison were together it’s like it’s it’s lightning in a bottle it’s like you can’t get it you can’t get it everybody can’t bring those Dynamics like that and it can’t be duplicated people will try but it cannot

Be duplicated and you can’t can’t even duplicate it with somebody else it’s you two together that was the harmony until it wasn’t until it wasn’t what else happened on mered to Medicine child um so Kimu and Alicia um she something she doing something with the money he said he’s in

Charge of the money cuse Simone was like girl this lady is a uh a a surgeon I think she’s a surgeon she’s a smart woman you can’t tell me she’s not managing her money um I would ask Kimu what do you think she was doing before you she was bad with

Money before y’all married her or just all of a sudden you she gave you the role to um she gave you the role to um hold on she gave you the role of managing the money like everybody has their strengths and like in my household my grandmother managed the money like my grandfather

Would give my grandmother the money and she I would see her in in her checkbook every so often I noticed my grandmother she’d have all her bills out she was in there with her checkbook managing The house’s finances right so you I feel like that is what partnership I am not opposed to

Y’all being in Partnerships with people I wouldn’t marry I just just that’s just something I just can’t I just you see I’m out I’m out function I’m out function you saw it girl I can’t I I can’t I’m not opposed to Partnerships I’m not opposed to what

Do you call it domestic Partnerships I’m not opposed to that but it has to it I’ve if you’ve been on this channel for any amount of time I’m y’all know I’m not opposed to Partnerships that are collaborative and cooperative and mutually beneficial where where you see

A return on your investment if you are not seeing a return on your investment [ __ ] dump the stock I don’t play those games I don’t believe in holding on to a stock that depreciates no money’s coming in girl what dump it what’s wrong with you and that goes for relationships too sorry

And that sounds bad huh because you’re supposed to work it out and and go through exhaustive years of trying to work it out and figure it out or whatever you saw Damon in the in the in the uh confessional talking about no we ain’t got to talk about that okay

Q you a q you ain’t I need I I need somebody to come out and tell me about Damon in college before medical school I’m talking about undergrad I need to know what the hell he was like I really need to know because this person that I think

It’s all for I think him and Jackie they got the same thing in mind these cameras around you ain’t gonna see me after the fool I might throw a little shade Damon he don’t do none of that [ __ ] he barely even talk child did you see when he was

Like when when Eugene said he takes out um Toya’s weave and he was like I I could barely put on a necklace I’ll be having my son help me with a necklace you know what he told me this morning why how come it breaks every morning why

Is it broken why do you break it every I said girl just put it on the damn thing for me please because I couldn’t see it that’s what Damon said that’s that’s as much as he can do pulling out weaves and stuff Eugene is a good apple he’s a

Good apple until he’s not we’ll see we’ll see I don’t want to give to je Eugene too much but I feel like I [ __ ] with Eugene and I feel like um he’s a good man Savannah I feel like that I do I feel like that and I feel like Eugene

Is very much in touch with both sides of himself he’s a caregiver he’s a he’s a doctor and a cook you are you serve people he’s he’s what sign is Eugene cause he’s like a he’s he’s a server like he serves like that’s just his thing um Eugene Harris do Eugene Harris

Birthday y Eugene Harris III born August 9th as an American emergency physician and reality television personality who is also the co-founder co-founder of no man no man MD to go along with my no man skin care line no man Essentials y’all be asking what my skincare routine is it’s called no man Essentials um so he’s a Leo August 9th so shout out to Eugene he must have his he must have some Virgo in him and cancer he got he has to have either Virgo or cancer cuz we do a lot of ser like we like to serve like that’s like our mission not serve

Like in a maid mual mattress but like serve our community be of service not not being no goddamn housekeeper girl not being no goddamn M girl what the [ __ ] absolutely not um let’s see what else happened on the show okay so we went through all the

Women Tanisha this need this needs to be her last season her and Gregory both hell yeah hell yeah it needs to be her their last season um this is not a friend group for her it’s not the right age group for her and I’m all for like

On um New York Housewives Tinsley was like the youngest she was like in her 30s that she could have been Ramona’s daughter and I think that’s what darinda and her issue was I think D darinda saw her so much of like a child and a daughter that that was their conflict

All the time but like Ramona and Tinsley Sonia and Tinsley all of them were way older than Tinley and she seemed to fit in like she had her problems with them they didn’t really like I think it was more durinda it was really darinda that

Was on her about like her age like she was like on her um but there’s nothing wrong with a younger like you’re 60 you got some girl girls in early 50s some girls in their late in their ear early 50s I feel like Heavenly is in her early

50s hey Siri how old is Dr Heavenly kimes 53 November 17th she’s a Scorpio 53 so you got the young girls like literally and I think she’s like 36 or something like that 35 36 I think um sweet tooth is between 35 and and 39 I I don’t

Believe she’s 40 yet um if she’s not she I don’t know girl um stop dating them old men they transfering that old that old to you they transferring that old to you girl if you if you younger than 35 okay girl um but it’s I feel like

It’s okay for her age range to be in this group is what I’m trying to say in so many words but I feel like she’s not the right girl like quad is the girl like quad in her late I think quad is in her late 40s I think quad is I don’t

Know hey Siri how old is quad web she was born in 1980 so she’s 44 she’ll be 44 this year so yeah I feel like that is the that’s the sweet spot right there like she’s younger than the rest of the girls 10 years years seven

Years eight like more than 10 years more than 15 years I feel like you’re going to have some generation gaps you’re definitely going to have some generational gaps where the person is always talking like she’s still at the age where she thinks being something’s wrong with getting

Old right [ __ ] get old right get to a point where you just really don’t give a [ __ ] like that’s the sweetest part where you abandon all the [ __ ] that they’ve told you you need to put stock in and you realize you don’t see a return on on

Anything from beauty hello to all the [ __ ] that they tell you how you need to show up in the world when you decide [ __ ] I don’t give a [ __ ] about none of that [ __ ] it’s the most free [ __ ] in the world but I think that comes with age so

If you want to be a dumb fool and still running around after old men because you haven’t really gone to therapy to unpack your father wound you get age honey get comfortable settle in in a little bit and then you don’t realiz [ __ ] I was [ __ ] crazy

Running around after old ass [ __ ] men [ __ ] old ass wor [ __ ] with worms and [ __ ] fixing Viagra smoothies pulling and tugging and bopping on a floppy soggy ass dick that been sitting in [ __ ] milk for three days like some old soggy ass frostic flakes any chance I get to drag these sck I

Will girl take care of each other girl protect your energy Let’s Get Down in the comments what I know I missed a liot girl because ain’t nothing really going on it’s the same [ __ ] happening I just missed the part I it’s something I’m gonna get in the comments and I’m G tell

You what Curtis said that I turned my face up and wanted to flip my flip my laptop inside out and throw it in the trash shut up anyways y’all take care of each other protect your energy don’t forget to like the video oh peace


  1. I’m rewatching Married to Medicine and you are absolutely right about Quad and Mariah. There dynamic on tv was 🔥🔥🔥

  2. Lmao Sweet Tea was 31 or 32 when she filmed that season 😂😂 I remember being shocked I’m older than her 😅

  3. Omg I get annoyed by ppl always talking about s3x too! I be feeling like that when I watch TEA-GIF.
    And you mentioned not talking plainly made me think of this guy saying vajayjay to me and I was so turned off 😟😒

  4. Kema trying to control what Alicia says in the confessional had me fired up!
    She wanted to say his dumb ass didn't know how to convert the crypto to cash, but he stopped her and SHE said it was her lack of expertise. 🙄🙄

  5. Heavenly is my girl too but wrong is wrong. You are silly! I malfunctioned! Yes I need a return on my investment 😂! Don't let me know I love you because you are a Virgo!

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