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The College Football Playoff Is Now A 5+7 Format… Why The Pac-12 Never Stood In The Way!

The Monty Show discuss why the Kirk Schulz and the Pac-12 were never going to stand in the way of the College Football Playoff committee voting to change the format to 5+7 model. The Pac-12 was never going to stand in the way and that was confirmed through this process

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The biggest stories in sports today as always the college football playoff approves a 57 model where we are now going to get the four highest ranked Conference champions and the highest ranked G5 conference Champion Auto bid into the college football playoff and then the next seven highest

Ranked teams but will that be the setup or will the Big 10 in the SEC make college football history today when the uh managers meet today the playoff management committee is going to meet today and it is expected that the SEC and the Big 10 are going to ask for more

Spots and more money Jake do you believe that they get more spots and more money I I just don’t know how they wouldn’t get more spots and more money I I they have all the leverage they’ve got all the they’ve got all the ammunition they

Need to to go out and get this type of requests done and again I I I think you have to consider who’s asking I mean again if it was the big 12 or the ACC asking yeah you’re probably not getting that done but because it is the Big 10

In the SEC because they have been the ones to dominate the college football playoff because frankly they’re the ones that control the money in college football in in the big picture they have every right to ask for more so to me yeah I do think that that it will be

Granted I do think that we we come out of today with some type of uh maybe I don’t know if it’s a final decision today but I certainly would expect momentum forward absolutely and maybe we do get a final decision but the point is

I do not expect it to be no that’s not happening I I don’t think that’s the direction we’re heading we are definitely heading for hey the biggest and baddest in college football are going to play in a God here and and and there’s going to be a ton of money

Attached to that and it just it’s the Natural Evolution right like obviously because you are the biggest and baddest schools in college football you’re going to attract more advertising do more TV time basically just more of everything so again to me this is a very reasonable

Ask and for the Big 10 what’s really interesting is this Dynamic of yeah you haven’t been the best football conference top to bottom but you have been you’ve done enough right you’ve been in the college football playoff regularly and you’ve got the money so I don’t know how you how you get around

That fact they control college football and that’s why I do believe this would get done yeah I think it’s hard to ignore the influence that the the SEC and the Big 10 have I don’t think there’s any doubt and and I think the other the other thing here

Is how much consideration does the college football playoff committies um and the managers how much consideration do they give the G5 are we at a point in history now where we’re just going to write the G5 off into their own Championship because I think that’s that’s one of the only solutions here

And it is why I think you had the Pack 12 too fighting so hard yeah um you know it’s interesting some of the conversations I had yesterday around what enabled the college football playoff to to get this 5 seven vote to a unanimous level you know it people are are saying

That there was a negotiation behind the scenes and that instead of $6 million a piece that the to are going to get $8 million a piece right and that they were essentially given uh $4 million in total for the next two years to take a hike and I think it’s a very interesting

Dynamic because as Kirk Schultz says and as we’ve been telling you since really October Kirk schz was never going to be able to stand in the way of the college football playoff going to a 57 because he doesn’t have the leverage of the relationships and the one relationship

He has that he really needs is the Mountain West right because a 57 gives the Mountain West a better chance albeit still slim gives the the the Mountain West and other g5s the opportunity to put two teams into the college football playoff does that continue I I struggle

With this and I think a lot of the people we talk to in college football and in the TV industry they struggle with it well I just think there’s such an opportunity to elongate the playoff season for college football like you know look at you know you look at

College basketball and you know even if it was a tongue and Chic comment like you know the three weeks we get of the the bracket like that’s a great three weeks for college football fans but you’re also talking about three weeks so when I look at college football I say

Okay you know obviously we have bowl season but the bowls are really just kind of blah like nobody really gives a damn like the biggest thing that I remember from games yeah like the biggest thing I remember is the Pop-Tart Bowl where all that stuff happened the

Players ate the poptart okay cool that’s fun or Caleb like in the comments section yesterday when we were talking about Caleb Williams in the NFL draft yeah oh he was crying after a bowl game why do we care about that why do we care that he missed a bll game or I I

Think we have to stop valuing December bulls and put more value on the college football playoff bow yeah and I think we need to we we need to elongate the new year new year 6 series if you will we need to take the environment that’s

Created in the new year six bowls and we need to elongate that and we need more games of lever yeah we need to that that’s where I think the G5 conversation comes in because I because yes the G5 is not going to go out and beat an SEC or a

Big 10 team or or frankly even even mid to Upper tier Big 12 team with all due respect you’re not you’re not beating them so if we can take the g5s and we can give them an opportunity to lose to the big boys and then go out and compete

For a championship at their own level that’s a great thing for the sport and I I think the that this again I bring back the the ACC question if the ACC somehow dissolves and I am one of the people especially after a couple of conversations I had this week about what

Happens if the ACC in in Florida State you know they find a road to come to a negotiated separation are you really telling me UNC is going to hang around for that are you really telling me that Duke’s going to hang around for that are you really telling me that Clemson as a

Football University is going to hang around for that because you look at what’s at stake at Florida State if they wind up paying the ACC and again I’ve been told it’s 300 million at a minimum if they paid the ACC $300 million to walk

Away I I I think it it is going to be very difficult for North Carolina and Duke to just hang around yeah I don’t think you can just hang around as those are two power Brands and they’ve taken a step forward and I know you know Ry Leonard

Leaves Duke I get it but but you you still have big improvements happening in those two on the football field but the Big 10 is it’s been described to me as desperate for basketball they know that they are missing a massive chunk of Revenue because they’re not getting

They’re not getting a a significant a significant tournament share yeah and obviously you know UNCC and Duke are great fits in the Big 10 I I don’t I think we all agree on that that’s not really a difficult thing to understand but but I do think that you know when

You look at the ACC the question of okay if the if everyone’s goingon to leave the ACC if the ACC melts down that’s just encouraging the god tier setup hey like let’s move away from conferences let’s have let’s have tiers in college football and we’ll schedule out of those

Tiers and what used to be non-con games yes will now be hey there’s a requirement that as part of your you know 12 game football schedule you got to have two g5s on there let’s say or you got to have this or that like that’s what they’re going to that that is why

If you remember uh you know we’re in February last month in uh like early January we talked about hey this idea that that Charlie Baker’s rolling out this concept of a what he called a subdivision what we’re calling a god tier that’s why they did it because they

Can see the storm brewing the ACC after what happened out west in the Pack 12 it is the only way to satiate the G5 and the have knots in the P4 it’s the only way because it keeps your conferences together and it allows these these universities that

Want to play at this higher more expensive level it allows them to thrive and it does not crush the lower tier and I I think when you look at the ability of of of a Minnesota to take the money that they leverage in the college football landscape through this NBC this

Massive Fox NBC TV deal in the Big 10 I don’t know does a Minnesota does a Purdue does an Indiana I mean you think about the Lesser teams in the SEC does Vandy ever make it into a god tier I don’t think so because again the one thing that is so

Striking about the Big 10 in the SEC when you compare the two the SEC is so damn dominant on the field yeah and they make so much less in TV money than the Big 10 who’s not dominant on the field yeah that’s the thing that’s so shocking to me the Big

10 I I understand it you’ve got you know the supposed hundred million windfall I totally get that but if you’re the SEC the SEC is the one who I think has really been driving this ship because they have Clarity that they can’t do this on their own MH and I think they

Recognize that if they go and they try to to do a cash grab all that’s going to do is either make them more money and give them more access or create a god tier because you can’t tell me that the Big 12 is gonna is just going to sit by

And idly watch this happen no and and I respectfully with the the god tier setup I think you know you need the Big 12 just by sheer volume of teams included in the whole concept like you can’t just have two you can’t just have 24 teams

And that’s it if you’re just going to combine these two conferences like that’s not enough teams you need more in in the upper division to make it all work and and that’s why I say I think the Big 12 will always have a spot and it really helps you and again this is

What we talked about with with George kov in the Pack 12 just the same way it hurts the Pack 12 and continues to uh with what George kov did and didn’t do as a commissioner it helps and pushes forward the Big 12 that Brett ymark knows how to do business and knows how

To be creative and find Solutions I I look at this meeting today and I think the other thing and I know several people in the comment section have said this and let me see if I can find Ward Manuel being the chair now um Robert fer there you go Ward

Manuel being the chair of the college football playoff management committee that’s a big deal yeah because again I think Michigan is going to struggle for the next several years to get into the college football playoff I think they’re going to have a tough time and we’ll find out again September 21st

I think is a huge day but hasn’t that always been the messaging in the brand from the Big 10 hey even if we’re struggling we’re still making more money than you absolutely yeah and Michigan’s gonna get their TV money no matter what right but I I think the the Big 10

Sitting on top of the the the totem pole right now in the committee makes a difference I think it matters so we’ll see how it all plays out uh boss frog good morning to you with a $100 donation appreciate you dude thank you uh overdue

On my Monty dues here’s a cot to support the show and allow me to torment Tanner in the group chat you guys are are Monty our Monty members only Instagram chat is phenomenal yeah it has been now Dakota shows up and you know we forgive

Him I maybe the word is tolerant no I’m kidding guys like Dakota tubs Tanner plumber boss frog um OG Gary’s in there I mean all the the heavyweights are in there yes uh which is why I’m in there it’s a it’s a w yeah um but it’s a

Phenomenal group of dudes hit the join button join our members only content DM Jake he’ll get you any of the members on the Instagram chat it is a phenomenal group of guys yeah we’re do in here right now we are yes we appreciate Joseph Harper the king of all prize

Picks yes uh but we appreciate guys like boss Frog who support the show because we can’t do this show without you you guys I think you’ve seen our business model is changing we are back in mornings um and we are far less focused on uh our Partnerships as we as we you

Know really focus on our content now and I think that’s exactly where we’ve wanted to go and we’ve talked to a lot of you about that that’s the other thing we always reach out to our to our members only group we kind of have a we we have our own Monty show management

Committee right uh whether you know it or not uh but join the members only group support the show we appreciate that we always appreciate your tips anytime a guy like boss frog gives us $100 we put it right back into the infrastructure of the show uh all of

Your membership dues whether it’s you know $9.99 a month or $1.99 a month go right back into the infrastructure of the show for things like wall wraps better lighting um we really appreciate that right here on the Monty show so thank you for that boss frog always good

To see you when are we gonna when are we gonna get back out in golf yeah man well we have already golfed I mean it’s when is boss GNA join us you know yeah because he did not join us well we worked together I was half bombing

Though it was he did a ride along yeah you know uh and by we need to get Darren Ingram we need to get together this weekend yeah gotta gotta get the tune the swing tune because we got some big golf coming up we’re going to spring

Training um in the middle of March um looking at greyhawk on that trip going down to Copper Rock in St George love some Copper Rock Golf the first weekend of March got some big golf coming up so we need to uh we need to get with Darren Ingram

Um no finer PGA professional you need a you need a teacher Darren does great virtual uh lessons uh he does great video work I cannot say enough about Darren Ingram also in our members only group uh on Instagram funky Ingram what’s his name on Instagram I want to

Make sure I get it right there’s a number in there isn’t there yeah I think it’s funky Ingram 7 I I think that is probably true that’s correct uh but Darren is the the PGA Pro um up at can ingram7 there you go uh Darren Ingram is

The uh PGA Pro and the director of golf up at Canyon Golf in Park City which is our home course uh All Summer Long uh we’ve played with a bunch of our our listeners up at Canyons we love doing that uh but if you’re somebody looking for golf lessons you guys there’s no

There’s no better teacher Darren Ingram absolutely changed my game um and if you want yards off the tea if you want better iron play that guy has absolutely changed my swing yeah so I am uh stoked get back out but good to see you hey real quick before we get too far away

Let me read some of your college football comments because we do need to get to Dak and his $60 million contract yeah come on man uh Mike Smith long time no see uh missim Mo the sounds that sounds like a bad song miss you Mo exactly right uh phenomenal Hebrew My

Guy where have you been what’s up dude phenomenal good to see you man uh Dakota tubs miss you Mo sounds like uh a sound that South Park would write with some super twangy country accent miss you Mo exactly right hey momy uh Brandon Butler I punch way above my weight class I’ve

Heard that yeah I’ve heard that uh I also wish very well tonight wish you all the best all of our Ray rale Salt Lake uh opens their season tonight how is real not on the backdrop man how’s how did it not make the graphic man uh it didn’t make it

Intentionally uh real in inter Miami Leonel Messi yeah his his Adidas line got crushed yesterday on its release those sambas are sweet though uh Ray and Inter tonight so uh good luck to all of my uh RSL supporters appreciate you uh RJC man bottom line Notre Dame is the

Outlier everyone seems to not mention because the power they yield will implode the Big 12 I don’t know how they implode the Big 12 but I think there’s only one place they’re going it’s the Big 10 they are have always been they have always said that the Big 10 is

Their is their football home if they’re ever going to join a conference yeah and if the SEC and the Big 10 are successful today in this meeting I think there’s no choice this is what we’ve always talked about with Notre Dame remember access to the playoff TV money and scheduling well

Now access to the playoff is very limited for them if this if the the Big 10 in the SEC grab two more spots it’s very limited and any way you slice it they’ve got a win four games now so it’s going to be a longer Road um that’s why

You play the games Jake it’s right drock college football playoff quarters 1231 one game Fiesta 1-1 three games peach rose Sugar Bowl I think you got it we got to get to 16 yeah in a minimum but I I think December football has to matter in

College yes and the the layoff I think is too much listen if you’re one of the conference champions you deserve a byee you do but the month of December being zero games is too much in my opinion big blue Hees horses Manar uh who’s the

Worst MLB owner oh it is Fisher with the there’s no doubt it’s Fisher with the a the guy does not want to win period he does not uh go Astros hell no come on guy uh sh is a freak of baseball genetics oh and it’s about loyalty and not just a job

Okay that’s there’s a lot in that the Cubs don’t spend money period they don’t and now they own part of the PGA Tour congratulations um it’s like Ryan Smith and the Utah Jazz they don’t spend money they they’re not going to spend money that it requires to win if they happen

To trip and fall into a playoff run great you traded away your two biggest contracts and did not replace that money yeah Cody Bellinger is just sitting out there waiting to sign with the Cubs has said he wants to be a cub they’re not even negotiating with him according to

Tom rickets the uh sit on your wallet guy that owns the Cubs you know RJ cman new uh Notre Dame is a New York school homes okay uh OG Gary Notre Dame is a perfect fit for the Big 10 they have USC and Michigan as Rivals and probably will

Add Stanford later on down the road I I don’t disagree with that at all thoughts about the Royals tying up Bobby wit Jr I think it’s the only move you could make and you’re getting a new stadium and I think it’s always good to have a franchise player it’s always good to

Have someone that’s making the most money that’s the most marketable that the the that Kansas City can get behind I was I was actually in Kansas City when he signed that deal rolls rolls and people were excited about it certain somebody in your life is a big Royals

Fan yeah and uh you know so everyone was all excited about that and that’s cool Bobby wit Jr that’s cool that’s cool whatever it pisses me off that I did not pick aen Hill last night on Taco Tuesday I actually stayed away from it it

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