Don’t Turn Your Shoulders for a Driver Golf Swing

Get my 3-part full-swing training series that will help you tap into a level of power and consistency you didn’t know you had. And the best part? It’s completely free!

Click here for the Posture Pod Swing Trainer:

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Golfers make several common mistakes when it comes to turning their shoulders in the golf swing. These mistakes rob them off distance and make it difficult to hit the driver straight.

In today’s lesson you’ll learn the PROPER way to rotate the golf swing, starting from the ground up.

Improving your rotation will help you get more power from the ground, improve your contact, and help you find the center of the fairway.

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→ The Best Ball Striking Tip I’ve Ever Received –
→ What Should My Right Arm Do in the Golf Swing? –
→ Tilt, THEN Turn Your Way to the Perfect Golf Swing –
→ What GOOD Golfers See When they Swing –
→ The Golf Swing is So Much Easier When You Know This (Do THIS Before Every Swing) –

Ballstriking Blueprint:
Consistency Code:
Simple Swing Solution:

Hi I’m Zach, thank you for visiting my channel. My goal here is to help you play the best golf of your life while having as much fun as possible!

I’m a PGA-certified golf instructor and have been coaching since 1997. I’ve been named a Golf Digest “Best Young Teacher,” a GolfTips Magazine “Top 25 Golf Instructor,” and Southern California PGA’s Teacher of the Year. I’ve worked with golfers of all ages and levels, from 4-year-old beginners on up through touring professionals. My students have included nationally-ranked juniors, touring pros, celebrities, and CEOs, but wherever you’re at on your golfing journey, my goal is always the same… to help YOU play your best golf!

I started playing competitive golf at a young age, ultimately reaching #3 in the California junior golf rankings – just behind another promising young golfer named Tiger Woods. I also played collegiate golf at the University of Southern California and professional golf on the Omega Asian Tour.

I work with students in-person at my studio in Valencia, CA, and teach golfers all around the world through my YouTube channel and on my website: Thanks for stopping by and drop me a comment if you have any questions or would like to get in touch!

Don’t turn your shoulders in the golf swing how could that possibly be true but I’m here to tell you it is okay they will turn but unless you’re doing it correctly from the ground up and using your lower body you are not turning your shoulders correctly and it’s leading to

A loss of distance and some mishits with your driver so I’m going to show you exactly how we can do that with my little friend the posture pod right here it’s a great little swing trainer that I’ve been using for quite a while with my students and it’s really helped

Players to engage their lower body correctly okay so when I talk about from the ground up the spikes are in our shoes for a reason right like a football player cutting back and forth on the field right using the ground correctly to really Drive we’re doing the exact

Same thing in the golf swing well at least good players are check out a couple of these examples here okay you’ll see the first person there is basically just taking it up just with their hands and arms only there’s going to be a big lack of distance usually

Things like that occur because they’re trying to stay still they think that if they stay still they’ll Hit The Sweet Spot of the club but unknowingly they’re not generating enough force and enough momentum okay how about the next fellow there that’s just moving all over the place just so wild and halfhazard this

Drive he hit went about 165 yards despite all that effort right we would call that one powerless effort this last one here this is a gentleman that he’s a good player right he’s about a 12 handicap but the swing is still very upper body driven so his lower body

Moves but it moves after the upper body moves so there’s still a lot of trouble and issues with generating consistent power off the te hitting nice long high high launch low spin drivers okay so what we want to learn to do here and you can kind of see here this

Posture pod is really cool it’s got this plastic platform that you stand on but this is actually it takes some good effort it’s spring-loaded down here it takes some good effort to push this back and a couple of the common things that I’ll see right when when players are

Trying to make a swing is they just think to themselves okay we’ll turn back turn through turn back turn through so this is a very upper body driven motion and I’m not actually using the powerful muscles in my quads my hamstrings this whole posterior chain right my

Glutes what it really feels like when you make a powerful golf swing okay because a first we engage that to start obviously if you’re standing here like this we’re probably going to be doing something a little more with our arms and our upper shoulders okay so one of

The first things you do when you start is we’re getting a little bit of this connectivity with the ground pushing my glutes back slightly pushing my legs into the ground okay from this point one of the first things that will we’ll see good players do is you’ll see this

Engagement in their lower body as they go to start so they’re driving into their Trail leg and they start to push their Trail hip back and around so you notice from here I’m using this glute through my leg to push this posture pod back that’s what actually turns the

Shoulders so it really is this ground up ground up just means it starts from your foot to your knee to your hip to my rib cage and then to my shoulder and that’s how we see the shoulders actually moving ground up on the way back ground up to

Start down and then ground up on the way through if you see shoulder rotation in a good golf swing it’s emanating from the ground if anybody’s standing there just moving their shoulders like this it’s very upper body driven and you’ll see when I do that from this view my

Head is going to be moving all over the place which really is going to affect me hitting The Sweet Spot okay so in order to really keep it keep it still and keep our upper body still we really want to learn to master the movements that

Happen down here okay so I’m using the posture pod today and like I said you’ll even see before I start my swing sometimes there’s a little bit of gyration here just before I go because I’m kind of just pumping a little bit of power into my feet into my glutes into

The ground because I know that’s going to how that’s going to be exactly what iates my golf swing is I’m feeling this connection to the ground before you see anything else go to move you’re seeing that happen and then through here this happens before my shoulder okay it’s

Milliseconds but I do not move my shoulder first before I move this okay when it comes to talking about turning the hips it’s not just this I do see a lot of players who you’ll notice here I’m on the posture pod they turn their hips but you see how there’s some early

Extension into how I’m turning my hips you watch when I do it I’m driving this posture pod rearward okay so I’m actually pushing the ground in this direction to create rotation back so my foot my trail foot pushing this direction to push this back reentering

Now back on both and then I’m pushing in this direction to push my lead hip back as I’m coming through those are all the things that are happening all the forces that play Under the hood when good players are hitting a ball when you watch a good player set up to hit a

Driver they get up to the top of their back swing and they look powerful and loaded telling you it’s all through here that’s really making that happen here’s a great back swing I can hit it really far I’m extremely loaded here’s one that doesn’t look too bad but I’m telling you it’s totally

Different I’ve raised up and out I haven’t used the ground correctly and from that point on I’m going to start to do things in the downswing to try to create power I’m going to Lunge at it I’m going to come over the top I’m going to early extend I’m going to flip it

Because I never really loaded correctly I can’t unload correctly okay so you know um obviously you can take a look at the posture po it’s fantastic I don’t expect everybody to go out there and buy it another way you can go about working on this is just take take your driver

Put it behind your back and I don’t know if you can see here I’m putting a little bit of resistance on the shaft here so I’m pushing both hands in this direction so from here I feel like somebody is resisting my turn and I can kind of feel

Through my lower body me pushing back so my hand is pushing this way and I’m driving my right hip back that’s what creates a shoulder turn right from here okay so from here I change directions that’s kind of the squat and the the lower body starting and now I’m driving

My left hip through I’m pushing it in this direction just to have a little bit of resistance and I’m pushing that lead hip back and around and that’s what brings me to my finish okay it’s really difficult to use your lower body it’s not natural we get so consumed with

Holding the club in our hands swinging the club with our hands and arms getting a nice whoo if you really want to play Great Golf and hit it farther you want to tap into what’s going on down here okay and just the fact too that once you

Really get yourself set and and strong into the ground it’s going to really help your balance right uneven lies with being on the 18th hole and a little fatigue setting in if we can really connect ourselves through the ground properly it makes a huge difference on our ability to consistently repeat

Impact hey it’s your coach Zach Allen here and I hope you’re enjoying today’s lesson and all of my years of coaching and studying the golf swing I’ve discovered there’s only one thing that separates the best ball Strikers in the world from the rest of us I call it the

Magic move and you can use it to generate effortless power and consistency in your game since I don’t have the time in this short video I’ve put together a three-part web class where I show you everything you need to know nothing held back I call it my

Magic move training series and you can get the entire thing free of charge by clicking the link in the description below you won’t find these videos anywhere else so click the link right now and join the over 100,000 golfers who have already gone through this incredible training and now let’s jump

Back into today’s lesson so another way if you’ve got a willing friend that you can kind of get in there and figure out am I really using my lower body or on a scale a 1 to 10 am I using at about a three maybe I could bump that up to a

Six or seven how can I tap into the ground and my legs and my glutes where I can really kind of power up my golf swing so I got Aaron come on in Aaron he’s going to make a a driver back swing and he doesn’t actually know what

I’m going to do but I’m going to I’m going to resist him I’m going to hold his shoulder and hold his hip now make your back swing okay and I’m holding them fairly tight and you see how the arms still travel back there right there’s not much

Happening down here where my right hand is and there’s not much going on with his shoulders do it one more time okay okay so his shoulders did move a little bit there not much down here go ahead and I want you to do the same to me so

Don’t let me turn push my hip this way don’t let me turn my lead shoulder and so it’s great I know he’s there so one of the first things I’m going to do is I’m going to dig into the ground just a little bit more I’m not going to be like

This but I’m going to really kind of connect myself to the ground and my spikes to my shoes and as I go to swing I’m still able to fight these muscles and he’s pretty strong right he’ll tell you so he’s not going to be able to hold me because I’m pushing the

Ground to create my shoulder rotation I’m pushing my legs are pushing here that’s great man thank you very much um and so what happens there and you know just just so we’re clear when my legs are pushing the ground they’re not both doing it at the same time you know

Because definitely there’s people who I’m going to use my lower body and they get this look it’s like no no no we’re going to use our Trail leg mostly in the back swing right so as I’m here as I start to get on my trail leg to begin

And I start to drive it back okay the dominant force is in this leg on the back swing now it shifts right they’re both pretty equally balanced I’m pushing down into the ground and now I’m going to go into my lead leg so this lead leg push is creating this rotation so just

Know that it’s you know when when you talk about I’m going to use my lower body well can mean uh a hundred different things to to everybody right we really want to be specific with how can we use our lower body to really create powerful Dynamic rotation right

How can we get that to actually be the driving force of what’s making my shoulders turn and what’s what’s going to eventually send energy out into the club head okay so try a couple of those different things if you’ve got a friend if you’ve got just the club behind your

Back if you’re interested in the posture pod we’ve got a nice discount code my students have been loving it in person I’m putting quite a few of them on there and it really helps just raise their level of using their lower body from a

Five to a seven from a seven to a nine they’re just getting better connectivity in their golf swing You Know Jack Nicholas was very famous for saying good players play from the waist up which is most of what I see he goes great players play from the feet up okay so he’s

Definitely talking about part of where he got all his power from you know his nickname was Fat Jack but his legs were like Tree Trunks and he just pounded the ball out there with his legs created a lot of tilt and turn with that lower

Body so look into that see if we can kind of get you in different ways maybe it’s the club behind the back drill just different ways to go ahead and really access your lower body okay if you’re interested in more drills about the lower body and you want to kind of

Really take a deep dive and how can I do that I’ve got got one specifically here that’ll really show you what happens to it on the downswing and how the club responds to that lower body action but I’m so glad that you guys are joining these videos with me glad you stuck here

To the end feel free to like And subscribe it really helps the channel keep going all right until next video we’ll see you around hopefully with your lower body working better


  1. I purchased the ballstriking blueprint, now it’s free. Should I wait until the posture pod is free? Personally I thought this tip was great manly because my upper body does all the work.

  2. My 2 cents: I use a kettlebell. I get in my golf posture and swing it back and forth like a golf swing with my arms going from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock. It gives you the feeling of how the feet, legs, and hips can be used to propel the upper body in the swing.

  3. Ernie Els said he tries to turn his bellybutton 6 inches to the right on the backswing, reversing on the downswing. I tried it, works like charm. The only thing that I added was to that I feel was I try to keep weight on front foot as I move the bellybutton to the right. I feel this creates more torsion or spring like pressure.

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