Golf Babe

Sketch Finds Love On Jynxzi’s Edate VS 20 Women (Funniest Edate Yet)

Sketch Finds Love On Jynxzi’s Edate VS 20 Women (Funniest Edate Yet). During this segment of the stream Sketch attempts a speed edate to try and find love on Jynxzi’s stream. Sketch does funny things throught the stream so watch till the end. Fortnite creators watch and other streamers to see if Sketch can find love. If you enjoy make sure to like subscribe and comment your favorite part of the video.



Oh here we go Bella Bella just joined sketch Bella oh my sounds great here oh oh sketch oh hello hi there can you see me I’m not sure if I’m doing this right yep yep yep you got it all perfect your mic’s on camera’s on you’re good to go

Uh this is sketch where is my camera oh oh okay do you see sketch at least I I do see sketch but I would love to is this right oh I wish I could see myself I don’t know why I can’t oh no no no we

Can see you we can see sketch you can see her right sketch I knew we were going to be in the NBA I didn’t know we were playing the Golden State Warriors come on what is I love what we’re doing now oh you look great here love the dress

Here where what’s what is I’m muting my mic yep that’s awesome there oh it’s not a dress but thank you you like the red I I love red I do uh you know I don’t know okay okay uh jinxy you’re gonna have to talk a lot here I’m going to

Just no problem at all so Bella um what are your favorite uh Hobbies uh sketch wants to get to know you a little bit my favorite hobbies are well I’m a content creator so I make a lot of videos with my friends and it’s like my favorite thing to do nice nice nice

Sketch uh what are your hobbies sketch playing video games I’m just going to shoot you straight it’s uh pretty simple here I’m going I’m playing on um I don’t know I’m Star Struck right now I don’t know diie I’m I’m very nervous here okay it’s okay it’s okay

We’re doing good this is uh this is you know you made it to the next round you really did you you really got me here okay okay B gold buds are here gold buds are here seriously okay seriously batt you made it to the next round um are you

Happy that you’re in the next round to talk to sketch again I am so excited I’m ready I’m ready to I’m ready to give you an nil D here you know what I’m saying yo yo okay all right Bella the next round three years three years okay think about

It it’s okay all right sketch that was a [ __ ] train wreck but you go you you gave her the golden buer give me some bait here I’m out here floating by myself I’m treading water okay I’m not [ __ ] Michael Phelps I’m just [ __ ] getting new to this thing sorry for

Cussing you sketch I’m trying my best to help you G I really am bro I really am trying my best dude like you know I Carri that whole conversation okay you want me to try this time yeah bro I want to see some ribs sketch we all want to see rids I

Don’t have any I’m just kidding I have plenty of it okay let me try let me start trying here all right you can drag the next uh uh uh girl in here sketch take it easy bro oh Cindy I feel great here come on here come on

Cheers Cindy uh turn the camera on cdy whenever you get the chance bottom left wait have what’s the best camera spot you think bottom go bottom left you sure okay they’re just gonna say too small and too big and move it and move it check and we enjoy something uh all

Right Cindy left it’s all good she may have got nervous one okay sketch oh yeah what would you rate uh isab not is that is that that’s not on me there that’s not on me there okay nine I don’t know I tell you know nine out of 10 on Bella

Nice no 10 no that’s a 10 here I’ll tell you you know I’m going to start off high and I’m going to work my way down instead of doing the opposite turn on your cam in the bottom left you don’t have to do anything just turn on your Cindy just turn on your

Cam I’m trying you’re good you’re good no problem oh she left the all right Cooper sorry for screaming it’s okay wait who is Cooper what is going on my roommate here come on seriously we had a you said this was a date here I’m you know the last Shick didn’t even dress up

What’s going on sket new girls here uh Kanani yeah oh uh hold on wait Cooper what the no no [ __ ] thank you brother it’s a date whoa oh Kanani’s here sketch I’m here okay I’m going to do bottom left chat I think that’s the best

Cam spot all right uh sketch do you want me to like intro like sketch are you g to talk tonight or what man like what I I’m going to try to I’m really trying to I need to I’m I’m try I am going to talk

Here now on give me to just hijack this thing okay hello I’m uh my name’s sket here you know what is uh I don’t know what do you play baseball or something I mean yeah I I do it all you know I I I play sports you mainly do a track you look

You look like a very strong man you look like you play sports too you know I tried it wasn’t very it wasn’t that great for me are you sure no actually I was very good this is um this is like a you know very bumpy to

Start here I’m sorry that I didn’t give you the best time I’m not I don’t uh you know you’re very beautiful though you know if we’re talking about just those things like and if if I don’t have to give you an interview like I’m just G to

If I I’ll give you a rank I’ll give you a rank you’re you’re number one so far you’re number one so far and you’re 10 out of 10 wow okay but it’s uh I don’t know what’s uh what is you know I don’t talk to many girls playing video games and I would

Say I play video games 99% of the time so 1% at a time to bump into some chicks about to piss my you see okay you know and 1% of that time I bump into some hot chicks and Bam I bumped into you look at us you know

You’re I might as well I need to buy a lottery ticket you know if I bought one I would split it with you you would how that’s the first date for me okay 50/50 you just where we going where’s our first dat going to be at I don’t know

You uh what do you what do you like laser tag or something I play laser tag and [ __ ] I don’t know we can go to we can go to round one as arcade you know I don’t know what about uh what about oneone in basketball like seriously

Seriously one onone I don’t know I mean I might be pretty good at that one so I don’t know if you want to like you know challenge me on that one all right CU if I whoop you for the first date that’s that’s a pass that’s a

Pass here I give a that’s our second date there okay I have 20 more dates here is that what you’re saying I can’t breathe bro um so sketch when you said that’s a pass do you want to eliminate her bro take a sip with no in a no no that’s a the next

Round there I’m saying that’s just that’s that’s number two there okay I’m about to cry next girls better start no you better not cry here it’s another to be emotional about here come on this is the all yes get just realistically bro just meet like 18 more girls bro that’s

It here C’s right here I’m playing a girl Cy what’s up uh this is Cy I don’t know how to say her name but I want say C 18 more 18 more girls yeah 18 more girls do you got that in you oh she left the call all right um we’ll drag somebody

Else sketch oh here’s Lil uh lils oh there we go uh your mic’s muted by the way Lil oh sorry sorry Lil this is uh my friend sketch sketch this is Lil uh all right hi sketch I’m M my mic hello will what’s your name um You can call me Wills

What are you eating meat meat nice got a big of meat over here oh you like my room here I do I think it’s really romantic thank you that’s what uh you know imagine the second day this is only the first I can’t do this seriously

And I guess I’m supposed to ask you a question here I don’t know he the third [Laughter] question it’s okay I’m doing good come on what is this we’re going to get read tins back to back what’s going on I okay hold on hold on you know I’m running a

Gauntlet here okay all right all right I’m going to say okay you want a good question here I don’t know uh what you what’s your favorite TV show um I really like SpongeBob next one sorry you didn’t make that one thank you though thank you though give me some adults in here

Seriously I’m trying to get married okay so it was uh the SpongeBob was what did it for you do you want to eliminate her sketch or do you want to keep her I don’t know she was the scariest one so far so I just didn’t want to see her again

Jie come on I need some back up turn on your camera here I’m I’m fighting this thing alone here all right Chad should I turn on my camera hi I should I do you think it would be better if I had uh my full camera on what do you mean it’s all

What if you give him what if you give him like questions what if you give them give me some questions here I’m coming I’m coming not known for memorization I got you I would have wingman the [ __ ] out of you bro all right ready sketch let’s do this [ __ ]

Sketch I got the questions bro I just you to bring the confidence and the Riz bro I got the questions you got the answers bro cuz so far this is a [ __ ] train wreck G straight up real [ __ ] this is the worst seven minutes of Internet

History all right hi drag the next chick let’s go sketch lock the [ __ ] in right now bro lock the [ __ ] in bro Alexis it’s a nice name you could call her Lexi Lex sketch got a lot of nicknames with that oh Alexis uh this is my friend

Sketch sketch this is Alexis um what is he how come I can’t see myself uh turn your oh I can see you I can see you I can see you just plenty of f here okay Alexis could you turn your camera sideways maybe it’s like the opposite side yeah to unlock it

I think phone you got to unlock it you got to unlock it you got to unlock it I got to unlock it yeah I think it’s locked uh sideways sketch oh oh nice nice nice you did it you did it nice good job all right uh sketch this is

Alexis Alexis’s sketch sketch you have any questions for just meeting her um all right um got your tongue sketch I can do it um Alexis what are your like Hobbies what do you like doing on your free time uh I like to roller blade um scrapbook um Beach a lot because I live

In Florida hey wait wa wait one second let me see your eyes here don’t be lying to me come down come down here let me see yep okay all right not liar okay what uh okay what was uh let me give you some good questions here what’s your ideal first date here what’s

Your ideal first date here let’s let’s take the expectations here hm I really like uh I mean something like camping that would be cool something different Alex like kayak kayak Kayaks with like a little lunch box can you angle your phone up a little bit Yeah Alexis I see

You do yoga or is that just like the pants or do you do yoga No I do I do yoga nice nice what is like your go-to like uh yoga routine routine what do you mean like what do you do in yoga do you do like downward dog [ __ ] whatever in yoga I

Just some stretches it’s more like a thirst trap for me honestly all right um all right sketch so I love what I see I love what I see I don’t like what I hear though so I’m just kidding let me give you a better question here I don’t know

Two you know you’re down by two points you’re on the opponent’s 20 yard line you run or throw the ball you throw the ball oh sketch liked that sketch liked that a lot next round all right next round you did it I love what I’m seeing I love what I’m seeing

Seriously that was actually one of the best questions I’ve asked here so far I’m on fire now all right [ __ ] I got all right next round sketch sketch so far you haven’t uh removed anybody unless I’m mistaken sketch I removed one chick I did out of uh anger and rage who

Was it Li I don’t know let me get comfortable here yeah liil she started talking [ __ ] to me and I’m not buying it wait when did Lil talk [ __ ] she said she liked SpongeBob wrong answer I’m just kidding she didn’t talk [ __ ] but she’s a great

Lady okay so next round I don’t know if I wait what if what about the next check I don’t know I didn’t we taking we taking some hitters here what’s going on here well bro I I haven’t met any of them either bro it’s just like this is live oh

Emma Emma get your camera on whenever you uh whenever you get the chance sketch sketch you got a lady here waiting for you sketch come on brother he oh yeah I love the playoffs I seriously do all right whoa flame on flame on here seriously holy wow now I got a better

Look at what I’m looking at here I don’t even know what to ask here and my only question is what’s next you know what’s next you know if this is just if this is just the front I bet the no what’s next family friendly what’s

Next is I’m going to swell you I’m going to take you out in a date I’m going to pay flowers chocolate I’ll pick you up that’s good for me that’s good for me Chie how long are these interviews here you know I’m a simple guy I’m a very

Simple guy all right all right you know and I I like what I see okay I like what I see here all right all right uh all right next round I think I like what I see here what do you want me to do here you want me to like interrogate them I

Got you know what what high school did you go to how how tall are you sketch hold on I got sketch I got to do this on everyone okay what would you you what would you rank her one through 10 and be honest a thing for redheads I’m not

Going to lie one she’s number one so far that’s my first pick that’s your highest so far oh yeah oh yeah love what’s love what I’ve see there all right so so far [ __ ] you haven’t dude sketch if there’s anybody where you meet them and you’re like yeah

Not going to the next round just say it you know what I mean oh you know we might we could we you know we just skipped it back n that’s what I’m saying just skip it back n hey don’t laugh here all right uh come on seriously all right uh Belle oh she

Left the call nice oh wait oh she’s in here Belle all right left the call again I can’t do this [ __ ] uh you’re doing great here you’re doing great here I’m not even trying yet I’m not even trying yet seriously Cindy oh your mic’s unmuted uh

Can you try to get your camera on C Cindy are you streaming if you are you have to deactivate your camera in oh nice got it working good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] all right sketch that’s what happened the first time yep all right sketch uh this is Cindy uh all right hi

Sketch nice to meet you I’m Cindy how are you doing you’re looking great here doing thank you so much you look great all right thank you I uh I was dressed up and then I dressed down I planned it at the wrong time you know I would have

Double dressed up just for you you’re looking great here you want me to ask some I don’t know I’m supposed to ask questions here yo what do you like to know you know throw me in throw me a rft here GT I’m floating okay uh Cindy what is your favorite I’m

Not in Cindy what is your favorite um thing to do on your spare time on your free time I like working out I like hiking sketch she’s athletic bro she likes working out and Hiking sket all right uh sketch that’s exactly what I wanted to hear okay U sweet sweet

Sweet okay uh sketch uh next round or what are we thinking what do you like to do he likes to work out there you go sket yeah that’s a great question there I like to play video games and I like to work out you what do you like to do for workouts

I like to play lacrosse oh that’s that’s hell yeah that sounds fun um I used to run track so I run and I also left weight did she say run I like what I’m hearing here drink all right cool so next round sketch for sure next round that’s next round all

Right that’s next round there sweet sweet sketch what would you rank her one through 10 one through 10 I don’t know I got six here you know I got a I got a full bill here how about we go what if we take all 20 of them and

We make them face off street fight Style 10 against 10 no no I want to draft them I want to draft these chicks you know I’ve seen them can’t do that they’re all you know you know they’re all hitting the spot you know I’m they we’re hitting

The spot we can’t we can’t do that we can’t have them fight all right um it’s okay next girl uh have sketch you haven’t given anybody less than a 10 out of 10 by the way uh Simple Man here Simple Man here I see two things and I think about one

Thing yo yo yo I’m just kidding sorry seriously I don’t know hello why a lot of people here um hey K could you uh get your camera on yeah it won’t it doesn’t show anything for me to put my camera on not Tex Savvy that’s a big problem for me jinxie I’m a

Streamer I need I need someone that knows how to hold the camera here okay seriously she she got it I think she got it hey okay I changed my mind I changed my mind y I can’t the headset love the headset there oh yeah I’m a nice guy

Here you know I never got a I never fought a D in my wife here I don’t believe it you’re kind of you’re kind of sassy you’re s okay I I like it you know you’re hitting all the buttons here you’re hitting all the buttons here something I just built wait do you

Want to see something I just built let’s see it here you have any hidden talents I don’t know what’s going on I just buil the office Lego oh that’s actually sick as [ __ ] next round Chi seriously oh let’s kick one of the other chicks out let’s let let’s kick one of

The other chicks out wait look oh my god wow I love I love look at her sketch who do you want to kick sketch uh for not her I love what I’m saying here okay I don’t know can you play short stop I she got dragged uh oh she’s back

Oh sorry y see I’m we got the New York Yankees up here youring in this I’ve been playing Kick the Can here I don’t know if I’m I don’t know I got kicked I was going to say what’s your favorite well I didn’t kick anyone I didn’t kick

Anyone everyone blame HIV what were you saying Jinx how dare you I was going to say what’s your favorite Marvel movie cuz like I showed you my little Infinity Gauntlet are you talking to jinx here me here I’m talking to you I’m waiting for your answer I can’t bro yo this

Bman that’s not Marvel yo all right hello okay it’s all right next round next round I love what I see here next round how many people have left here um probably like 12 13 oh wow there’s nothing there all right there really nothing there we’re in the flow right

Now all right we’re in the [ __ ] flow sketch this is just this is just [ __ ] Flow State for me brother for cussing yep cutting here all right all right um let’s see is there a halftime show or seriously we’re oh sketch What’s Your Name by the way hi I’m Ali hello Ally hello

Ally buos Diaz when oh my God love what I’m seeing love what I’m hearing too yeah wait who who am I on a date with uh you’re on a date with that guy up there you’re on a date with the guy with the uh same Tex’s Jersey this number

Seven at the bottom right yeah Ola puy oh oh when is no I thank you I like your room too what’s up what are you what okay so you know if you’re going to if you’re going to take me on a date where where did you take

Me um Disney World haven’t been a while and we could like have fun and go on rides and stuff three years 3 years 15 million jinxy pays a contract we got our n player here we got nine out the starting 10 here already thank you so much seriously wait no we’re gonna we’re

Gonna reinvent this thing here I’m gonna draft 10 and I’m gonna start trading them all right all right I’m okay your she’s the next round this is the next round okay next round I think I should turn off my camera because she just asked who I was

Da like who she’s dating bro okay let me let me let me let me trade can I trade the next pick here hold on okay I like this better I think this is better all right cool all right let’s do it into the next one let’s go sketch um

Who would you say is your favorite so far obviously you haven’t been able to like interview them yet but so far sketch who would you say is your favorite I don’t know man this is going very this is going not as good as I thought I was going to perform here

Seriously you know you’re you’re throwing up some chicks here I feel like I’m at the All-Star Game you know I’m just trying to run threes with my buddies I’m not trying to play The Bull okay what’s the next okay I want to trade the nextre that sounds don’t drag

Yet don’t drag yet don’t drag yet I feel good give me some answers give me some questions here no one don’t one feed me [ __ ] here you know I’m out here by myself this onean Army type stuff you’re right you’re said that you’re right you’re right one second sketch sorry all right bro

Um cool this should be good as [ __ ] now all right sketch ready um see but I don’t think Discord applies it but maybe it does all right let’s see it no no no okay we’re good okay uh hi I check stream how does that look VES that look

Better no one wants to see you guys I’m not I’m trying to move uh yeah it’s good it’s good okay cool all right let’s get it into the next one into GT first off first off we should make a rule here I don’t know what’s your rule

What’s your rule never mind I don’t know no rules that’s my new rule no rules here I don’t know I’m getting very nervous I feel like I’m getting flashbanged every time a chick walks in you know I need some I need a foundation to bounce off up

Here sketch I know you like everyone you’ve met but eventually bro you’re going to have to eliminate everybody but one girl so I’m a nice guy I I don’t know how to say no you got to lock in bro what do you want me to do here

Seriously you want I’m I told you I’m going to need to start trading some people uh hi drag the next chick drag the next cheick oh wait cie Cali yes uh turn your camera on if possible okay all right uh sketch this is cie Kaylee yeah oh Kaylee my bad

Kaylee yep oh you’re good all right how are you nervous um are you are you asking me questions yes do you want me to ask you yeah how about you know you seem like you like to talk so I’ll let you ask me a question here you know love reverse I love that

You know there there you go I love me a question um are your glasses fashion or function CVS question um do you like that we’re crossing our legs the same I do you know I like to match your I like to match your energy here I think

We’re twin flames here I think I feel like I’m catching on fire here I I feel I feel like if I was wearing any more clothes I would be literally on fire so good thing I didn’t wear M same here same here same here and you know

I love the tats I love the tats I’m going to get some myself all right you get some m t here what’s your name here you can put my name on you first what what’s your what’s your name here Kaylee I don’t think so Kaye you don’t want to I’m just kid I’m

Sorry um all right so Kaye I got my starting tin here I don’t know what to say I seriously don’t know what to say I got my starting 10 we now we have the back nine seriously I love what I’m seeing I mean like I don’t know what you all right

Come on I need to see I you know I like to I like to sample before I taste before I indulge you know what I’m saying I like that that’s a good that’s a good mindset you you know do you know how to play golf here uh no but I will learn for

You I’ll be your I’ll be your cart girl yeah all right next round we got the thumbs up uh you’re in the next round Kay I love it I love it I love it oh holy [ __ ] all right um that was a lot of recoiled and not a lot of time um all

Right hey whoa drag seriously you know you’re the one we’re dealing with weapons of mass destruction here come on you got to be you got to be sensitive here oh and vanilla joined left stay here all right I can start trading vanilla welcome to the call um okay leave again cool

Um oh all right oh Kayla uh welcome to the sketch uh eate here uh all right or leave the call too great I’m trying to show them my room looks like what the [ __ ] going on here uh Dakota wait are people leaving here what’s going on here they just I think

They’re joining and just leaving bro I I don’t know why D you got to say something here you got to entice these people b b hold on get your camera on you’re you’re ruining my date here you could have just set me one up one onone

And I would have I would have e layup set some point here come on I can do this myself it’s when you put me in front of 100,000 people here come on no no you’re good sketch you’re good bro you’re doing great honestly sketch I don’t think I’ve seen you get nervous

One time you know I haven’t even thought about getting nervous yet yeah uh it’s a shitty it’s a shitty question here go welcome to the call uh or leave the call yo have eyes what is going on right now guys this is on you here they just keep leaving this is not

On me here bro I swear to God like 11 people have left man um like I’m not even kidding yo Anna or Anna or Anna or an all right leave the call my God someone stay in the call for the love of God uh Kayla welcome to the call yeah hi

Kayla nice to meet you uh can you turn on the camera um yeah I thought my camera was on I don’t know how to uh wait uh there should be a little button that’s shaped like a oh there you go nice all right sketch uh hell how are you doing hi how are

You I’m doing great how are you I’m pretty good what are you up to what are you doing you know I’m Just sh my homie here just hanging out you know to ship the [ __ ] here I’m just kidding I don’t know I’m been uh you know what’s your dream job my

Dream job wait wait wait I don’t know like honestly like any wait hi guys people in chat said said she’s 15 no [ __ ] I thought that’s the same question here wait are they trolling are they trolling is chat trolling uh I don’t know but okay for future reference we’re good I thought we

Were playing college football I thought we were playing colb come on for future reference I don’t even know but chat’s probably just trolling for future reference bro just be like how old are you as like one of the first questions that’s a good conversation starter no maybe not

Actually I don’t know uh I don’t know some girls get really mad at that um all right sketch you’re doing great man uh welcome to the call uh all I see is L I don’t see a name here Lily oh Lily welcome to the call Lily all right Lily your mic’s muted and

Your camera’s off right now all right mic’s still muted Lily camera’s still off Lily sorry okay I think I got it I’m oh you got it nice nice hi well how are you doing I’m doing good howow okay I don’t um butterfly is over here butterflies over here seriously

Where are you loc where are you located you I’m not going to ask specifics you don’t have to drop longitude and latitudes but I don’t know a state or something I don’t know I’m catching D here jinxie I might I might need to trade I’ll trade two oh sketch maybe you

Could let her talk for a second sketch wait sorry I’m getting nervous it’s okay you can keep talking uh so Lily he asked uh like what state you’re in if you don’t want to say that’s fine too no I’m good I’m in Texas oh okay uh wait wait wait sketch aren’t

You in Texas sketch I don’t know I am too I don’t want to give too many specifics here either you know let’s keep it let’s keep it safe here I don’t know we could catch true true true uh you know I don’t know what uh what

Let me think of a question here let me think of a question here you know if you’re were going to take me out of country where would you take me get to Hawaii know that summer Vibes I like that I like that but that is actually in the country oh

Okay it’s okay I think we lost internet here Lily it was a good answer though it was a good try I think we lost internet oh [ __ ] she has TV on oh God uh uh Lily turn off your TV oh my God oh my God um uh Lily okay all right cool uh

Just drag her to the next round we’ll tell her to turn off her TV all right great um yes I did not know she that girl is that girl is 20 she’s not 15 wait wait the girl sketch talk to earlier was 20 yes oh this chat’s so

[ __ ] weird true that true that there all right um come on we’re play I’m dragging her back we’re shoot the over not the under here shoot we we we’re play we play the over not the under I’m sorry my chat was just [ __ ] trolling

My bad yeah um I’m 20 years old yeah my chat is really stupid I’m sorry a little weird yeah that’s okay now she’s mad now she’s mad at me where were we what were we saying in your eyes thank you Chad appreciate it oh my goodness I kind of

Feel the same way but I think you were asking me what my dream job is and honestly um I grew up like up north and I’ve always loved like the Patriots in the NFL so like anything to do with that like I’d love to be a photographer or

Something for why are you shaking your head Patriots he hates Patriots I don’t know I gave you a son here I gave you a really good chance what love it love the ambition don’t love uh uh I I don’t know I’m getting what’s going on here I’m

Catching it’s okay you were very close very close it’s a wrong team seriously uh I think it’s Kayla I think it’s because you said you’re a Patriots fan I think wait we all can love different teams no okay here give you a better question here what do

You y I can’t do you need a better question you ask me a question now I’m trying to get some ideas here I don’t know I’m not thinking on the Fly I’m more of a you know um I’m more of a running run run it run and do it you

Know what I’m saying not just kind of sit I can’t with this kid maybe I mean sports or like football kind of seems like a touchy subject so maybe let’s move away from that no yeah um I heard you play video games what’s your favorite video game no what’s your favorite video

Game Dixie I’m about to fold here okay all right um okay we wait we need 11 to play football though we only have 10 all right come on this all right um on to the next round all right next round great sketch I know you’re horny but dude you have not eliminated a

Single person G like I know how bricked up are you bro sketch you know you’re going to have to eliminate everyone besides one person right lock the [ __ ] in dude next high come on sketch you got to I’m trying to make a deal here B Bell or B oh leave the call

Again yo I’m pretty sure why you give me 20 years come on I mean like what you never think we think I can take 20 people in one BR give me some questions here have I and jinie both yall team up on some questions here I don’t know I

Don’t I can help you in the questions later you see jinie you seem like you’re killing it over there why don’t you just throw me some of your Lawns uh I’m doing fine man but sketch this is all um sketch this is Introduction round bro so it’s like you know you’re meeting

Them right so like it’s better if you ask a question or they ask a question rather than just you feel what I’m saying uh me just carrying the entire conversation uh G I think we’re good as a team you know what I’m saying Kaye uh nice Al here Al

Throw it up and I’ll slam it down I’ll throw alopops I got you all right uh Kaylee this is sketch um wow Kay if you could turn your camera sideways uh maybe I love the glasses here we can hear you uh Kaye could you turn your camera sideways

Haley like sideways nice nice okay thank you you did it good job all right uh sketch this is Kaylee uh Kaylee this is sketch all right good luck hi nice to meet you how doing what said how are you doing I don’t know you’re looking how are you

I’m doing great here I don’t know I feel just headset thank you it’s very uh I don’t know I wear it every day you look great here um thank you so so do you oh [ __ ] so do you have any question so my question here my question here is okay

Uh sketch do you want me to ask the qu like what do you want me to do you want me to ask the question you give me some loud and you here I’m playing out here all right sketch I’m a corner shooter I’m a corner shooter here what’s her

Favorite thing to do my favorite thing to do video games I don’t know how onedimensional here godam it sketch her okay it’s fine Kaye what what do you like to do no wait what’s your favorite what’s your favorite thing to do here let me ask a question here I’m The Man

In the room yo this guy bro I like to work out and go on Hikes a lot I just got back from the gym do you want to see My Gym Fit yes I do all right did you get a good look or do you need another I can’t believe it we have

A 12 man here we have the 12th man here jiny oh right uh all right here we go next round ISM brother next these are too easy I I feel I feel right at home here keep it coming do this [ __ ] anymore what do

You want me to say here I don’t know I’m staru yeah yeah just drag sketch is locked in now he’s in Flow State Dakota you turn the camera on or leave the call that’s fine too you can just keep leaving don’t leave don’t leave don’t leave don’t leave don’t leave oh or

Leave I’m flowing here there’s no way they’re leaving bro they have to be like clicking something yo Dakota hello H Dakota can you turn the camera on Dakota yeah the thing is is like I it’s glitching like I just says go to the waiting room and join voice yeah yeah

Just turn it on on the bottom left bottom left yeah bottom left you should see a camera turn on it just has the mute button option like when I’m in the waiting room my camera works oh wait I’m done nice okay there you go yeah hi hello how are you doing I’m doing

Pretty good how are you doing I’m doing better I uh you know I love the look here nice and sleek and uh you know you looking great here what do you what what do you uh what do you like to do here I don’t know um what’s your job what do

You do for your living um I am a corn star oh my God holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] all right Banner from the server um right so rule one was broken yeah that was like I think I said that three times to not say that all right

Let’s all right all right next well we got our first elimination uh what’s wrong with 13 13 No No 1 no no 13 no no all right uh 13 colonies Brother come on we’re trying to start it we’re trying to start something great here all all right all right um

Vanilla oh there we go vanilla nice to meet you this is uh sketch oh sketch this is vanilla your name’s vanilla no no that’s just my name my name is Martin I love that I love that Martin thank you what’s your ideal date what’s the price range

Um 100 to 200 200 to 300 500 to 1,000 I honestly don’t think I have a price range as long as it’s like sentimental and like Fun so you would prefer s hot whole Simon hot you get the double hes so vanilla prer just like maybe you know not even spending any money just chilling on a beach late at night with Sketch that’s my type of VI yeah wow sketch what do you think of that my

Buddy jinxy he he’s can get us some good airbnbs over here you know I’m already I’m already thinking about the second date and it’s looking a lot better than the first date you know and I have a lot more I have a lot better questions for you when I can

Come prepared you know I’d like to uh I don’t know You this is a train wre man this is a train rack you know we smok there’s a fire and you know I’m feeling hot here feeling hot here we got a smoke show on here okay and jiny next round all right yep next round good work all right sketch I’m going to grab

Another beer all right um how do you feel out gone so far sketch are you grabbing a l shark here what are you doing here either you want me to do either I’m grabbing a l shark or a blo moon I don’t want you to touch

Beer right now dude you’re [ __ ] um all right I’m nervous here come on come on give me something to work with here you give me not much not much okay not much that’s really what’s [ __ ] with me you know I play video games I play video

Games last time I talked to a chick it was because I was all right cool cool cool hit the wrong button on GTA all right all right I’m gonna piss real quick sorry CH quick piss quick piss small snake Little River small Lake small snake Little River look at me it’s

Okay need a Hoover D when I take a piss got an cond over here just does this seriously that could be a fire hazard but uh guess what I took the precaution said it’s in plastic ladies and gentlemen guess what after 13 players so far jinxy when are

We going to start playing football okay I don’t know what to do here come on you want me to pick one of these chicks and you’re going to make me answer questions here [ __ ] I don’t know I feel better sketch I’m back sketch I’m

Back let me see all of them at once let me see all of them at once like let’s do sketch we’re going to do that in the later rounds we’re going to get to the elimination you’re going to pick your winner there’s only a couple more girls

To meet if they could get their cameras to work and speedrun this a little bit but sketch I feel like you’re doing good bro I see the confidence I see the Riz I see the Swagger and I love what I see bro the girls are seeing it too man you

Have [ __ ] I’m so deep I’m in my bag right now am I not brother yeah you’re in your bag I’m in my Satchel I got a satchel charge on me you know what I’m saying all right and I haven’t pulled out any lines yet hello um oh love the

Enthusiasm Sy love the enthusiasm Sylvie can you turn the camera yeah yeah wait um I was trying to use my other camera hey whoa look at that we have the same Jersey whoa I love the dedication jie who who would have thought oh my I can’t

Believe it you know and I love the headset oh my gosh you studied film you know I might have to run the tape here see what’s going on true you know it’s okay I don’t even know what to ask you you know you you’re clicking all the

Buttons here jinxie yeah well wait not jinie my name syv I’ll take Sylvie but it’s all right um so Sy Sylvie what are your thoughts on sketch Sylvie uh what would you rank him on a scale to one no let me ask a question here jinxu you’re

Not going to try to come over here and block me you know you’ve had your fil okay it’s my turn to talk okay you know what do you think what what do you think’s T about me um well your personality your voice is very beautiful I have to say also I

See all the football stuff in back you’re not going you’re whoa I’m a big football what’s going on here okay you know I see the audible you called on the fake shirt there I’d love to see a real one and then you say you like my art and then I say What’s hard

About me you Sav my voice and your you you know what’s you know what hey you know what talk about you your headset oh thank you you know how did Death feel I’m just kidding you’re very cute but you know you kind of syby I think sketch has very nice teeth and um

Uh yeah and a nice a cute smile look at that his hairlines kept together it’s really good it is it is really good hairline I can’t lie and he looks very fit have I don’t and strong but his personality is what really surpasses everything I can’t

Lie I love that like the little dinner table you had set I I have wine too it’s you’re the only one that pointed it out no wait you’re the only one that pointed it out next round next round damn next round baby she set you’re in the Rhythm

Bro thank you than you you know it’s a small things that matters with me here you know I’m going to be sitting on a vault here soon lock the [ __ ] when it comes to the small I’ve been locked in you can’t lock me out you know I’m

Starting to really feel the CET to my amigo over here Haley how’s it going Haley mic’s muted and camera’s off oh nice oh my God nice nice nice she knows how to work Discord skatch that’s a good sign sophisticated women I love what I’m seeing here I love muting my

Mic um oh I needed a picture I’ve been looking for a picture is my turn to talk here yeah I forgot jie jie forgot to say this but y’all have to ask the questions now okay uh all right Haley so uh how’s your night going tonight and uh what are

Your favorite hobbies what do you like that’s not a question question okay now let me ask a question here you know okay if you were going to okay what’s hard to S about me yeah what’s all to Sing About Me Oh that you wear glasses we love a man in glasses

Sketch is pissed sketch is pissed now if I take these off what about now a you’re actually so adorable next Shick JT next [Laughter] Shick come on here I’m trying to I’m trying to play the game I’m trying to play the game Here all right uh well that’s our first disconnect or second disc or no first disconnect all right or second disconnect uh Bell nice to meet you this is sketch hi sketch hello B Hi how are you doing good how are you not good all right sketch talk about ideal

First date it’s your ideal first date fine hi let him cook just let him cook don’t say anything I don’t say anything laser tag or something how about you talking you talking to me can you hear me got you you got to answer what’s your okay what’s my ideal first date me and

You you know somewhere where the water’s smooth and the Sun is bright you know I just love what I see here you know and I love what I hear too what do you uh what do you think about I don’t know me and you long term here what are you looking

For you trying to get married how many kids you know what do you thinking here I’m looking for you sketch I’m looking for you I’m looking for a future TR to see what happens what do you think of that I’m about to piss my pants I’m about no I’ve heard this story

Before heard this story before I do have trust issues last girl you know not good I’m just kidding I don’t know I’m trying to think here on the Fly I like what I see I really don’t like what I hear what sport you play I’m just kidding you know what actually what’s your

Instagram let Swit what do you do on Instagram um it’s B Brooks where’s J Jinx you left me in here alone no no I’m here I’m here um I mean sketch you know I really actually I actually do like wait seriously jiny I made her laugh let

Me keep going all right I’ll mute it I’ll M I like the I do like the smile I do like to smile you know when you smile it makes me feel good inside really I’ll smile more than you there you go are we getting closer yeah next round you did it all right

Next round we’re on fire here jinxie we’re on fire here yeah yeah yeah death sudden death next round next round nice seriously Golden Goal here gold goal here there’s only let’s have a deal on let’s make these chicks run a 400 met Dash here let’s do something real sketch there’s only come

On I’m just get it sketch there only six girls left and then we can get into only six the elimination rounds man oh so we’re very close we’re getting so close here hopefully I don’t have um wait hold on one second um what is the name oh Athens can you turn your camera

Sideways like s hi yeah thank you can you see uh yes but your camera’s like locked right now I don’t know why it’s locked um what do you mean it’s locked it like won’t let it turn sideways it’s like locked what the oh okay wait hold on hold on wait one second um

Okay this should help yep you’re good no problem okay um [ __ ] sketch um how’s it going sketch okay wait can you I’m doing good here I’m doing I’m on fire here all right table’s hot here nice okay there you go good job knows how to work Discord

Sketch it’s a good sign smart woman really really I love the setup here what do you use it for you a gamer you a podcast real quick you real quick can you turn off the TV real quick sorry it’s uh yeah yeah yeah you can’t have that on no good you’re good you’re

Good okay about to lose my [ __ ] don’t talk to my girlfriend like that over there seriously sorry just trying to stay afat here all right we’re good I’m just kidding I’m being I’m being nice here I’m just kidding I’m just joking here I am I don’t know this is going to be

Rough hi hey how’s it going here you look amazing thank you you look better than thank you here you know this is kind of my outfit here I don’t know I wear it a lot you know yeah it’s cute yeah imagine me with I know I plan on doing something playing on a

Game smooth the Sandpaper here it’s okay L for turbulence you know this is more like Spirit Airlines than United I don’t know what do you want me to do here jigy jie I love what I see I don’t know what to say here I’m going to say something let me make a statement

Beautiful thank you yeah black top black chair eyebrows on fleek yeah you know what I’m saying let didn’t take out the trash boxes in the corner yeah don’t look at it I don’t know I don’t know my last girlfriend was a my last girlfriend girlfriend was a hoarder all

Right I don’t know jinxie all right I don’t know jinxie this might have to my last was a hoarder my last girlfriend was a hoarder I’m getting some okay sketch what do you want me to say here I’m not [ __ ] it’s really simple next round or no bro next round next

Round I like what I see all right all right um sketch you have eliminated a total of two people so far it’s pretty good all right we got Jenna Dakota oh all right um as these are just one these are just one V ones for

Me I love what I’m seeing here I do I do love what I’m seeing here look at the mic there hi my name is astred wet with two te’s because I’m double the wetness whoa we got a pigy Blinder in here I love what I’m seeing do you like that do

You get do you get wet often like in the shower in the bar how often do you shower I shower all the time here you know very fresh very clean could I join you yes you can next round next round I I was kind of nervous earlier with you with the candle because

You were literally like over it and it’s okay are you okay things around me it it can get hot and steamy okay but as long as you know you you you you you know when you’re duck below the you know steam there you’ll be fine I dropped

Something wait wait oh my God holy [ __ ] next Shick jinxy next chick jinxy eliminate eliminate eliminate you want me to eliminate her or why do you want me to eliminate her because that’s on you there I didn’t call for it I didn’t call for it you kicked her I didn’t say

Anything to her you just said eliminate what what do you want you want me to eliminate these chicks to their face here I’m a nice guy here you know you come to me buy one get one free not [ __ ] off High drag drag drag thank you okay

Sketch here’s what we’re going to do I actually have an idea you know wait shut up for once sketch okay sketch when you so do you want her in the next round or what you horny [ __ ] next round all right and nice she’s in the next round sketch listen

Just listen to me for one second sketch I was I was having yo y yo yo Morty Morty Morty listen to Rick okay sketch we’re going to have a code if you want to elim elate them without saying it to their face what do you want the code

Word to be something me would onlye cheesee when you say cheese we ban them from the server simple easy all right next have no you do you do you take you you sleep at that at night sket you sleep that you sleep it there at night

That’s not on me there Anna I had it if I had it sketch shut the [ __ ] up 20 minut to be laid up yes hi nice to meet you um this is my friend sketch hello here comes the I do like the way you know everything’s going good for

Me right now I can’t complain here you know I feel like I’m at a museum lots of things to look at not a lot of things to touch I’m just kidding I don’t know I don’t this is going to get hands are sweaty but my mind is clear and it’s

Clear that um you know if I ask you one question and you answer it right uhhuh you will go to the next round okay let me hear it if you if you if jiny doesn’t like what he hears he’ll he’ll kick you from the server okay let me hear

It what’s the question what sports you play in high school um I was a cheerleader so I’m very flexible jeez M did I pass sketch why cheese you don’t like cheerleaders why do you tell me Banner do you don’t like cheerleaders you just gave me the first

Easy out bro sorry I mean like come on you got to use it okay you just you just thought of a safe word we should have had that we should have had that a minute ago all right you know I don’t give a [ __ ] when I when I fly when I

Flying United I got a [ __ ] parachute with my carry on you know Safety First all right drag Jenna and bro I think after this we’re into the next round bro I know I know we’re pring here Jenna turn the camera on and I’m mute Mike sketch I think

You’re doing good bro I’m gonna be honest bro hey Jenna cooking hi she got cat ears uh sketch I do I’m so stressed out I was the last no don’t stress out it’s okay it’s okay okay thank that’s it’s always best for me you know what

I’m saying a you know we always we always Sav the sweet for last year right jinxie you’re right jinie you know he told me something special was coming o and you know I could I couldn’t have wish and I couldn’t have begged for something better here I never said that we’re all

To a great start here you know you I agree I love the outfit you got on there thank you I just got it in the mail what uh what type of skateboard is that can I see the skateboard you want me I don’t know if I do you want me to

Take it off and show you I could take it off yes please who oh I won’t be able to hear you one second let me make sure holy [ __ ] okay I’m [ __ ] all right I thought she meant like her clothes my bad I was about to ban the

[ __ ] all right so this I actually do skate but this is like a fancy like cool little like decorative one it’s like Cinema roll and it’s the same character as that I love this character don’t Hawk you know what I’m saying like I B am Tony Hawk oh thank

You so much I you know I cannot what what else here what’s your uh what tell me something give me ask me a question here you you know I have a better question what what do you think about me is hot here and I’m talking hot

Like uh like what’s hot wait not like what’s not yeah not cute o what do I think hot I’m talking hot yeah I want to know with hot M what’s hot about you I love how expressive you are I think that that’s like I I think he meant I think

He meant like what about him is attractive physically I think is what he meant physically that’s what I mean I just love your facial expressions I love your face what all right I banned her I’m dude I didn’t want a banner but you told me cheese wait so if we would have had

Cheese okay it’s fine we’re to the next round let me try wait how don’t do it yet don’t do it yet let me turn my camera J jiny it’s going to turn it off you have to turn it back on just just do it in the other just do it in the other

Room oh drag me uh Daddy okay all right sketch hold on all right yep yep is this a situation what’s going on here hold on hold on hold on yeah I’m here I’m here brother this is his situation what’s going going on here oh we got the stream plan whoa

What’s going on hi drag me back you dick holy [ __ ] chat there’s like 20 girls in there bro I Know sketch is nervous as [ __ ] stay in here stay in here bro when I click join voice it takes me out you [ __ ] [ __ ] no no cuz you’re joining oh

Sorry for cussing here family friendly the kids asleep all right uh well congratulations uh oh my camera nice hold on second work please thank you congratulations uh ladies you guys made it to the next round only a couple people got eliminated uh so you guys should feel awesome right now uh sketch

This is the elimination round G so you’re going to have to really think of some good questions here sketch um by the way sketch your camera is glitched again ah [ __ ] it at this point let’s just let it ride camera’s glitch you don’t have it 1920 by 1080 it’s like doing the 720

Thing sketch you remember how to fix it right you go to properties properties here 1920 by what 1920 by 1080 and then you’re perfect we’re good to go all right now the real [ __ ] content starts man um sketch you have questions planned or am I just G to have to wing

It I thought we were going in this together brother you said come on we got this is Army of 18 here all right um okay you know if I you know before this thing starts um if I had it my way we would all be good friends yeah and we would

All I can attest to that sketch really doesn’t want to eliminate anybody obviously he has to so you know nobody get in their fings if you get eliminated he’s got to eliminate people uh sketch can you get the [ __ ] camera working G it’s still glitch bro that be mean sorry yeah I shouldn’t

Be mean to sketch he’s a good guy so how are you guys he okay he’s okay he’s he’s not bullying me I’m just kidding too many words uh sketch properties device default you’re gonna turn it to custom 1920 by 1080 and then we’re good to roll

I don’t know why it glitched again that makes no sense nice good job sketch all right oh Iron Man you see that [ __ ] Stark this is the first round we’re going to do probably two elimination sketch or maybe three since the first round uh we got to

You know what I’m saying um sketch do you have a question planned or do you want me to ask a question I mean it’s your date so you know you got to find your uh girl here man am I asking everyone a question or person here so we

Ask everyone a question we go one by one top to bottom it’ll start with Kaye and then it’ll go all the way down there sketch just think of a question man you know what I’m saying sketch you’re looking for uh you’re looking for uh girl man you know what I’m

Saying sketch you got a question oh bye sketch well okay I feel good now um sket got the [ __ ] Marvel Universe looking at me and you’re ask me to ask a question right now seriously I would have I would have wrote down something here give me some warning signs next

Time holy [ __ ] sketch think of anything it’s like the G20 comit here sketch what do you want to learn about them bro just think of something man please Bro [ __ ] okay who what’s which one’s the one which bro you’re asking all of them just think of a question man oh okay uh What

Uh what do you like to do for fun roller Dixie you ask your question here I am a that’s a good question that’s a good question Kaye what you like to do for fun I like to roll or skate not going to cut K not going to

Cut it we’re not eliminating yet stop cut the second Kaye cut the second Kaye there might be something worse just wait sketch we’re not even in the eliminate bro you got to wait I had to cut her cuz you said it but sketch wait until they all answer the question and

Then you eliminate one you [ __ ] dumbass I’m good here I’m feel good here sketch can I ask a question bro you’re a [ __ ] train wreck right now um sketch do you want to ask a question bro I got it K wait k kick Alexa she’s

On her phone kick ala she’s on her phone lovely lady next try I don’t know all right all right no more kicking all right no we’re going to play know we’re going to do this we’re play Simon says we’re going to play Simon say okay all right all right all right good [ __ ]

We’re down here we go s I’m siming I’m we’re going to sketch can I sketch do you want to ask a question bro please ask a question man please you want to ask question bro who stream someone stream is echoing someone oh [ __ ] whose mic is that all right I I’ll ask a

Question [ __ ] sketch is just lost right now um all right uh so why should sketch date you uh ladies what do you um what do you bring to the table for sketch we’ll start with uh Kaylee Brienne top left your mic’s muted by the way Kay and your face Cam’s Frozen nice okay

Um all right WiFi one down one down all right Lily why should sketch date you what do you bring to the table for uh sketch here I play soccer oh okay sketch what are your thoughts on that she plays soccer I love you like I love that’s awesome there that is awesome

There that’s a that’s that’s an honor that guest there cool that is an automatic guess for me there sketch remember you’re not eliminating them yet you got to Yo dumb ass dumb ass you got to wait till they all answer and then you pick your eliminations okay sketch

Okay next up is uh ath Athena uh why should sketch date you is it me a Nessa my bad I’m sorry Anessa I’m hand it’s all good I think sketch should date me because I’m pretty down to earth I like to game I like she

A g um I like doing yoga for fun so that’s something we could do together yeah okay sketchy sketch you are speaking my language here we’re are on the same frequency here really you know if you were in AIO yes I might as well you know [ __ ] it go you’re in the

Final round all right you’re one V oneing one one of the last ones here sketch that’s not how that works but you like your answer great um astd why should sketch date you I’m a boxer I have two belts so I can protect you from anybody and anyone he’s thinking very

Hard okay if you had to pick here it’s me and jie holding off on a cliff who you saving here I can I can save both I’m enough nope wrong answer come on next that’s uh I’m just kidding wait uh I guess I can’t cut anyone now

Here you don’t cut a sketch you’re put me in an awkward spot here what am I supposed to list them am I supposed to make a list here make a list here you got her answer great all right next uh ale Ali ale sorry I’m saued ali um why should sketch date

You cuz I’m a homebody and I like to cook so basically a wifey and I’ll cook you whatever you want you know you are perfect for me and I love everything I hear and I just when I’m looking at 20 girls I get uh I feel like I’m getting blitzed right now with

Everyone going in and out of s and you you would be you know I just all right what we could do together as a team is just something that speaks volumes to me and I really love what I’m seeing here and you know cheese cheese here all right I don’t know okay SC

You’re so cute thank you all right sketch you just giggled dude all right um I didn’t G wait thank you you see what I do there thank you all right uh next bellaa why should sketch date you you um I like to spend quality time with

A person and I feel like sketch you would like me because we could just be home together vibing out what’s your go-to alcoholic drink sorry for uh my go-to alcoholic drink would be ginger ale and uh orange soda that’s good rain she she’s going to cheat on me cheese okay no no no

I so loyal sketch there’s no you can’t cheese right now sketch I already said it wait for them to all answer and then you eliminate bro okay um all just weigh in your options here all right uh Belle all right well I’m reinking again Belle um why should sketch uh date

You um because we can drink together and watch the Texans anytime you want and CJ St should have won MVP did you not win MVP what’s going on okay wait wait she might have known something who’s in her who’s in her twitch right now what’s your Twitch you

On Twitch here are you streaming over there what the I’m not streaming okay I don’t know you’re starting you you’re you sound like you’re hitting all the right buttons in the wrong way I don’t know I feel like I’m getting uh played with you who’s uh okay so what’s uh what team

Is the Texans from Houston O next round she’s got it all right all right um Cindy we’re on fire here Cindy why should sketch date you um I love playing video games and I stream a lot that is awesome you know jiny I think I have my starting 18 here bro bro

What’s wrong with one when you can have 18 here all right you know [ __ ] it let’s start a franchise here no no no if you if each if each of you’all grab a f we can have a 53 man starting roster here you know all right um okay great the San

Francisco 49ers here all right uh Emma uh why should wait wait wait wait cut her she didn’t laugh cut her she didn’t laugh over there no no no no no uh Emma why should uh why should sketch date you okay I feel like I’ve got two

Answers for this so one I love sports I like to play tennis I ski I’m an avid pole dancer um and also I love to stay at home there’s nothing I’d like to do more than just hang out under your desk all day and you know just sit there while you play

Games did you say under the desk she just said under the desk jinie all I’m playing Bill bellich everywhere here I don’t know what to do seriously I mean like these are I I’m playing the I I love it I love it and I can’t complain you

Know if you can if if you if you if you I don’t know all right you’re exactly what I’m looking for here you’re exactly what I’m looking for years I’ve got really bad news though sketch I think I have to eliminate myself because if I don’t leave soon I’m

Gonna be late for this huge did I just get oh I don’t know what just happened all right oh no I’m turning an evil Morty now that’s it all right I’m just kidding next one here it’s good I’m locked in don’t worry oh I just got cut here no no no you didn’t

Get cut Dixie well she Dixie I just got cut here she passed on on you she passed on you okay um that’s not very cool here um okay what the what the hell’s going on if I wanted to go to high school I would have drove around the corner I

Wouldn’t have hopped on a [ __ ] Discord call sorry for cussing all right all right all right k k re K it’s K res uh wait I think sketch just broke something uh K Rez sorry um why should sketch date you well what’s not to love sketch should date me because I’m smart I’m

Loyal which is rare these days and I like to build Legos like what’s more wholesome than that okay this is awesome I love that thank you that’s another touchdown there that’s another touchdown there I I seriously can’t complain here oh by the way um Kaylee Brienne did we ask you a

Question yet or no same question I think you DCd or something yeah I think you disconnected uh no I got the stream froze so I had got kicked out okay well I’ll ask you yeah yeah yeah okay um why should sketch uh date you what do you bring to the table for a

Sketch um well I’m wifey material obviously and cuz I like to cook and clean and support my man no matter what he does and I’m a I’m a really good loyal wife to have so I think that’s why because I would cook and clean for you okay

H you know it’s very tempting but I guess I’m not supposed to reveal my cards till the end what is that’s what’s going on here all right yep cool cool uh K that’s awesome K oh K wait let me ask you let me ask you a question okay you know Michael Jordan or

LeBron LeBron no no that’s a good answer next round okay okay next round um all right uh sketch next up is Kanani uh colani what do you bring to the table why should sketch date you it’s kaani and um oh my gosh you look better than you look better on the

Second date than you did on the first okay a man of here all right I like oh thank you someone turn up the someone turn up the heat in here yeah getting a little hot um you know I mean like to play Mad very simple you

Know I’m like jinxy I’m like jinxy I’m trying to uh I don’t know take over I’m trying to own I’m trying to own the game here seriously with some control you know all right well I’m gonna be on the next mad I like Madden and I like Call

Of Duty as well so you know we can play games together all day what about Wii Sports wi Sports um I haven’t played that in a really long time but I used to be really good at it so you know watch out for the tennis one

I don’t know that was uh that was not a great question there let me ask you a better question here okay the question sketch no I’m not known for thinking quick on my feet but you know you give me like a month trial or something like a three month trial or something I

Can yeah you get I I will I will be very nice seriously like you give you give me a trial here I can make things work I’m like Spotify like I just uh I just want to chance here all right okay sure I I’ll take it anything I can get here we

Go all right sketch slow down nice all right Kayla uh why should sketch date you what do you bring to the table for sketch here like all these other lovely ladies I’m really good at cooking and cleaning but I feel like what like makes me stand

Out is I’m really spontaneous so I like to go out and like have a fun time with you and just try new things but also I like to stay at home and have a chill night in so I feel like we’d just Vibe and just get along really

Well that’s very good though okay okay uh all right is you know I’m not used to talking this much I’m usually I’m using extra in the show here I’m usually not uh I don’t know you know I would have if I had it my way we all be best friends here all

Right all right uh lils uh Lil uh what why should sketch date you what do you bring to the table for sketch um I bring a lot to the table I’m very very very loyal and I’m very easygoing so we’ll get along really well no matter what and I’m very easy to talk

To and I just want to say sketch that I think that you are very attractive in many ways and I’m really good at giving compliments so I think we’ll get along really well I love what you’re saying I love what you’re saying does everyone think I’m a

Homebody and like I don’t know what’s up what do you think I need loyalty what is you think what is why is everyone telling me that they’re loyal here what’s um you know I like I like a little myy here you know what I’m saying all right you know I

My oh yeah who’s oh yeah that you know what she’s going to the next round all right nice guys great um okay next up is s like it’s a world here it’s uh next up is Sylvie uh Sylvie watch should date or [ __ ] sorry uh why should sketch date you

And what did you bring to uh the table there well unfortunately no nothing against all of you guys but I feel like I bring a little bit more entertainment perhaps to the table she’s talking [ __ ] I like the confidence here talk your [ __ ] I be your [ __ ] I can be sure

Yeah but like games I’m sure like we have Discord everyone who plays Discord plays video games shortly that’s not the most interesting thing about you um but I don’t know I I I know a little bit I know a thing or two around the football field I know research I showed

Initiative getting this handmade Jersey I got wine to pair with your table I don’t know I feel like that’s pretty good what else okayy this is an obvious first place obvious first place okay all right uh last I like what I’m hearing we we have some enthusiasm here you know I

Don’t want to be push in the cart here you know I’m I’m I’m I exert myself um I’m doing 20 dates at once here yeah I can’t E I don’t know I want to hear yep all right sketch uh last is uh vanilla vanilla why should sketch date you what

Do you uh bring to the table there I feel like I bring a lot of things but first off I’m a big lover girl and a big family girl but I would want to motivate him every day and I would want to help him build an Empire that’s how I am and

I’m here to bring peace to his life and not be a headache so yeah wow sketch okay you got a lot of great answers sketch now I’m looking for love not an investment here what the [ __ ] going on here I feel I feel like if you love someone you can like I’m

Talking to Bank of America right now what’s going on here you trying to tell me alone here no no I’m saying like if you love someone you’re supposed to be there to support them I feel like most people AR like that that’s true that’s true I don’t have a heart that’s my

Problem I’m just kidding I don’t know all right all right all right all right next round no all right sketch now here see how this works sketch now you have to eliminate two of these girls sketch you have toate two of them two of them take your time think of your answers you

Because there can only be one there can only be one sketch got to pick your uh eliminations here sketch this is the most brutal part nose goes I don’t even know who was last bro sketch pick somebody [ __ ] I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s uh the lady in first and the lady in

Seventh so wait a little slow here sketch sketch you did not just pick off of a nose sketch I’m sorry Kaye Kaye and Bella they were not quick I’m sorry that’s shiny doing it not me no it’s not wait who my DMs are open my are open by

The way seriously none of this is personal none of this is personal purely business for me wait wait Bella is still here someone else jokes is on scat Bella still here someone else just left aren’t there like four Bellas that’s not the Bella I wanted to kick

Anyway I got the right Bella okay come on J JY what are you trying to do you trying to get rid of B she started waving like that I’m like bro all right you got [ __ ] that was exactly oh no sweetie no sweetie you’re uh be playing

Quarterback here in a second sketch can you shut the [ __ ] up for two seconds sketch okay ask your next question bro what is your next question sketch this is the next round I’m a lot quicker When I’m Not Looking At I’m let me look at something

Else let me open up a different app and then let me ask a question sketch I mean dude just sketch question did you what was you want me to ask a question here yes yes yes yes yes um you could go anywhere in the world where

Would it be and why I want to I want to know the why more than the where you know what saying all cool uh Lily Lily Uzi vert uh sketch wants to know where would you go and why in the world anywhere M’s muted oh you’re good all I would say

I always want to go to Greece because I don’t know I just like the scenery over there and I could imagine myself with like sketch over there so you pay for a fight I’m there honey you pay for a fight I’m there oh pay for

Both of us if you want someone to pay for it that boy up there jinie he’ll fly you out there all right first class yeah okay sorry just throwing him on the bus there throw him on the bus there it’s okay Friendly Fire friendly I don’t know all right getting nervous

Here we’re getting down to the last I don’t know 14 or so all right uh all right good answer gree and uh she could imagine herself all right atessa atessa did I say it right yeah you said it right nice okay where would you go in

The world and why anywhere in the world I would go to Paris I think it’s just really romantic a lot of history we can go to museums together and get to know each other and just I think it’s a really romantic place then we did a little lock on the bridge so

Cute I’m trying to be hot not cute you know what I’m saying I’m young and I’m on the come up here you know I’m going to start wearing you know different clothes and I’m going to start doing an aesthetic here and I want someone to

Match it you know I’m not trying I know I’m not just some not some part-timer here all right you know what I mean I’m about to be I’m just kidding I you know I like what you’re wearing though what do you got under your arms there what’s up what’s over

There what’s that orange stuff there you no you got you got elbow sleeves on you got a shooting sleeve on what’s going on here my shooting sleeve what wait I thought never mind get my eyes are deceiving me all right I don’t know yeah I see the same thing you’re seeing it’s

Like a lighting thing um okay um all right good answer uh p uh all right astd uh if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why to come to America and go to sketch’s house cuz I myself am English so I want to see more of America so

Maybe you can show me around I would love that I would actually love that I’m trying to be Inter National and you know I’m fine with you uh you know if you want to come over here you know that’s how we can start the trip here you know we’re going

To be Global here in a second Global Brands oh come on over thank you I I see you’re a boxer too that’s what’s Google’s telling me you’re searching me on Google right now oh yeah search up everyone on Google except a lot of them are censored right now you yeah

I’m all right yeah okay all right sketch great I think you okay cool if you can beat up the girl to your right no I’m just kidding all right uh Ally Ally where would you go if you go anywhere in the world and why um wherever sketch is at cuz that’s

My man and and I want to be with my man he’s so horny he’s so horny he’s so horny and they all a hammer here they they sniffed me out and they found me out quick jinxy I’m not I’m a pretty simple guy you know like they give me a beer

And not even a beer I don’t even know why I was bringing up beer one two I love them it’s fine and I love redhead where’s the redhead at where did the redhead go did I cut her you eliminated her uh Bella uh Bella where would you go if you

Go anywhere in the world and why I would want to go to Korea because I love Korean food and I love to watch ASMR videos so we can listen to ASMR and go do fun experiences together ell your chap St just dropped a little bit but it’s okay um I’m kind of

Mel Kyper I you know like i’ I’ve [ __ ] up before but you know I’m pretty accurate 60% some would say I don’t know that was uh I love you Eric G on the answer there what do you mean by ASMR what does ASMR mean I love coach or something eating like

Eating videos where you can hear all the sounds I love to make ASMR videos it’s my favorite next next round all right all right all right did it again Cindy go anywhere in the world where would you go and why so I’ve always wanted to be a

Astronaut as a kid so I would take you to the moon and back she’s a liar jinxy she’s a oh she’s in she’s on the next round you got to cheese cheese I’m sorry cheese wait what bro what sketch SK just wait wait just wait dude why are you putting the on media River this at the Endo it’s easyy making it more daunting here it’s easy man um [ __ ] got a starting 11 here sketch it’s easy bro ASD said she would come to you Ally

Said she’d come to you um what’s the name here uhis ath Nessa said um something Paris Paris yep and then Lily Uzi vert said Greece SE sketch and Bella said what did Bella say Korea Korea thank you all right uh Cindy Cindy um wait who said the moon

Here who said the moon here Cindy said the moon Cindy said the Moon that was Cindy well I was trying to like because everybody to took my answer so I set the Moon instead I was going to say to go to sketch’s place but every everybody took my answer

So I chose to to sa the moon nice nice it wasn’t it wasn’t some I wanted to like have a different answer okay I didn’t want to be like having the same answer yeah yeah you wanted to stand out all right nice uh krz uh if you go anywhere in the world

Where would you go and why oh I like this question okay so if I can go anywhere in the world I would go to South Africa you can come with me of course cuz I’ve always wanted to see a unrelated but think the Moon is on Earth boys and R elephants like why

Not I supposed to answer these question jig or what I to literally you’re just listen what you to do okay I’ll say I’ll say this South Africa is that what you said yeah South Africa cuz I want to go that’s a that’s a long fight that’s a

Long fight you should have started film with me don’t like to fly here yeah but we can what about what about what about a carnival Cruz me and you you know we get a suite here it’s me and you we get we get a nice port hole you know all we

Need is a little bit of sunlight who cares if the lights go out you know what I’m saying I know what you’re saying I like it okay yeah all right bam all right you know and that’s God damn it that’s our third date uh all right uh

Okay great great kaani I said it right right nice okay kaani if you go anywhere in the world where would you go in why um I would like to go to a Texans game with him and we can go to anyone that you it’s so corny I feel like

They’re being so corny with their an expensive ticket there tickets expensive okay I like what I’m hearing here you know I think if I say something though and they rebuttal they’re everyone’s catching me here they know what they want to hear here okay you know if they have the last

Say I’m probably going to go with everyone here okay well no no you’re good scotch just stay calm man uh Kay all right I’m gonna no I know who to cut I know we’re not cutting yet [ __ ] Okay Kayla we’re doing good here Kayla uh where it’s all doing good

Here ladies and gentlemen how do y’all need anything to drink or anything you know I’m not like jinxy I wouldn’t just invite you over here and not uh not give you a drink or nothing all some of yall look thirsty there we’ve been sitting here for a while I might

Have to go take a piss here in a second sorry for cussing but K where would you go and why definitely Italy for the views and the food I’ve always wanted to go there for like their pasta and their pizza and we could get a nice little

Suite that like has a beautiful view and just go try new foods all day I feel like that’s the most ideal Day Ever all right sketch uh okay um next up is lils uh lils where would you go if you go anywhere in the world and

Why um I think that I would definitely just I’m just gonna throw a Hail Mary here and say we go to your parents house so that I can meet your parents and because we’re in game prent prevent defense sorry you know for the first date you want to meet the parents here

You got to earn that you got to earn that let me see what’s going on here you know I don’t know I’m just kidding you clarify LS did you mean first date or did you mean like no I meant just like anywhere no wait that’s that’s a best

Answer then bam next round yeah yeah yeah yeah next round all right you got another one here Sylvie uh Sylvie where would you go she’s already on to the next round she won with the rebuttal this is just a bonus question syv is that syv here yeah

That’s Sy remember you I was going to say I was going to say your house I was going to say I was going to take you to the to the um Texans game but I thought of something even better than that okay next February there’s going to be the

Texans are obviously going to go to the Super Bowl CJ Stout is going to take them there and I’m going to take you to the Super Bowl to see the Texans boom what’s than that corny chat corny corny corny so corny you know you you are hitting all the buttons someone’s in

Your [ __ ] Lobby over there saying some [ __ ] I can I can tell it’s not it’s not she’s getting coached no she’s getting coach here jinie seriously no you’re you’re a little you’re a little too on point here a little too point maybe she consider research sketch all right uh how many

How many monitors do you have over there tell the truth dog you’re wearing a [ __ ] Texans jersey sketch you’re literally wearing a Texans jersey you’re over here and I’m over here okay next up oh wait sketch left the set up um I’m here I’m listening I got a headset on

Jinxy come on okay next up is vanilla yep vanilla uh what is your um where would you go in the world and why if I could go anywhere in the world I’d probably go back to Boston because I love the TD Garden damn it’s a good answer is anyone a Celtics

Fan yeah hey hey jigy I’m ready to cut this um jeez jeez all right all right wait wait wait wait wait all right sketch so this is going to be two I’m shortterm memory here you get do it two shut the [ __ ] up two eliminations pick them right

Now two eliminations sketch pick them say I don’t know the Nam say their names don’t say the number cuz it’s different everybody’s is different say their names I’m sorry vanilla bean you know I’m just not into the whole Boston thing next person that said something about Boston

I’m going to start throwing [ __ ] sorry for cussing lovely lady um who’s next I don’t know where’s the red head at I would like to cut her twice I’m just kidding I’m just kidding all right sketch kick one more I don’t know I think like I feel like I’m

Getting played over here you know this this lady she look at her she took off her text and stuff damn that’s your red flag what whatever you whatever you say Jordan bord whatever you say whatever you say Jordan Bel over there got cold I just you’re trying to sell me some

[ __ ] guess what I’m not buying okay I’m just kidding you’re a lovely lady DMS are open but uh you know aist love K I’m sorry I don’t mean to be jie you got to do it quick it’s like you can’t leave him in here I’m B I got it out as soon

As you say the name I’ll disconnect all right I got you all right okay dude we’re getting close going to say name I thought it was jez we’re in the top 10 sketch we’ll do one more like double elimination I think yeah uh sketch next question bro what is your next

Question h I don’t know like should it be how many [ __ ] questions do I need to ask here like is this 21 five more okay let I need to know what’s your hidden talent talent show talent show wait I like that one all right what is your

Like that one we’ll start with little Uzi little little Uzi a hidden talent yeah what is your hidden talent okay I’m probably I don’t have a hidden talent I think um okay your mic’s or your camera’s lagging a little bit by the way oh sorry her Talent isn’t Internet it’s

Not internet okay well I don’t think like a lot of people know but I like to like draw and stuff okay sketch what do you think of that can you show us a drawing or something here like am I supposed to take everything for what it’s worth

All right um I you know I’m a really but like everything’s like in boxes right now okay so we just take our word okay excuses here love what I’m hearing you know i’ I’ve heard worse I’ve heard worse it’s about surviving the next round you know maybe that one

Wasn’t for you all right I you know it’s not not everyone has hidden talents you know I’m pretty straightforward I’m an evil genius all right you know I’ve got a hairy chest and I plan on traveling a lot the next year so if you want to be a part of that

DM me my DMs are open stop [ __ ] laughing look at me I’m going to start putting bosy on my chest rolling around in the mud I don’t know I don’t give [ __ ] all right a messa what is your hidden talent my hidden talent is really random but I’m like a really good

Snowboarder and it’s just it’s so Random it’s like you look at me you don’t think I snowboard but I’m I don’t know that’s a pretty public Talent you you have to go to a Park to do that or something National Park to go he said something

Hidden like can you solve a Rubik’s Cube I don’t want to know if you can write a scooter here that’s hidden is a little okay I’m I’m not impressed by the first two ASD you better start you better show up here you better show up here and you I can’t

I show you my hidden talent but you’d have to come here I’m fine with that business casual I love to travel like I said I plan on traveling a lot this year you know all right yeah no I really want to show you my hidden talent but yeah you’d

Have to be here so all right um astd what is your hidden talent mine is completely random and so useless but I’m really good at making paper airplanes so we can have little paper airplane competitions oh that might been a worst answer the night sorry AST but I

Don’t know if you’re going to make it past this one if you if you wouldn’t give it it a second chance here I mean what do you what do you really like to do like do you seriously you don’t run track and field or anything like what’s your 40

Time I’m not trying to like get down and dirty here I just want to know some basic facts here I’m trying to breed athletes sorry for sorry for cutting you off sorry for cutting you off okay that’s what I’m trying to get down here you okay so next question will be what’s

Your 4 time long jumped okay I don’t want to beat around the bush but that’s what I’m really trying to get down to I don’t think I’ve ever long jumped IED out Bella lagged out hi mut wait sorry what did you say what did you say D’s rattling off over there

What’s he Tuesday talking to oh no no no I meant to be muted I’m good uh okay yeah Bella just DC we got Bella back um oh I love who just answered I love what I see dude okay we’re next up is Ally Ally what is your hidden talent

Ally um the only one I can think of is that I’m really flexible and I can put my legs behind my head you know I think if I scroll Tik Tok I would hear that every three Scrolls come on I said a hidden talent give me something I want to know what do

You what can what can you do here show me um show me give me a I’ll give you a better question okay jinxie give her a question here um wait but everyone else answered a different question sketch you know I’m throwing her a life RP here I’m a nice

Guy what do you want me to do here leave him out on the island not just going to mute and start laughing over there you know we’re on the same boat and it’s me and these lovely ladies and you’re leaving us out here yeah just hang out at least appetizers and some drinks

Around here would have made this thing a little smoother sketch all a sudden it’s going to go down on me sketch everyone has to answer the same questions that way it’s fair she can’t get two questions that’ll be unfair okay what was the question again uh what is her

Hidden talent she said uh she can put her legs behind her head and then you said you could see that on Tik Tok every three squirrels and that’s where we left off next cheick sorry that was uh all right um Cindy lady though I seriously

DM are open I do uh I seriously I look at him all the time relax dude all right uh Cindy Cindy um what is your hidden talent see oh you can sing you said love singing yeah sing I like singing okay is she gonna sing or let something rip here

Oh [ __ ] okay um I’m a little beginner so I’m gonna sing Rolling in the Deep by aele no just like the first verse okay I like what I I like okay let’s see it okay hold on give me a second no way there’s a

Fire in my heart oh my God this is so bading is bringing me out the ow ow my Brain ow ow go ahead and sell me out and I’ll lay your he’s trying not to laugh he’s trying not to laugh that you your voice was rolling deep there way to go I love that thank you thank you all right there we go I love what I’m

Hearing love what I’m seeing too you know that still might make the cut there I don’t know K res if it’s only two if it’s only two I’d like to take two with me too K okay K res what is your and T okay so I know this was said earlier

But I have proof I’m a really good painter I painted this freehand do you know who this is this is from Disney Thumper Thumper yeah Thumper from Bambi I painted this by hand from Bambi yeah oh Bambi’s from like 1937 what the [ __ ] going on here they

[ __ ] just a big Disney fan just sorry that’s uh that’s too low cheap speed there by me you know I was just ready to fire one there I felt like I wasn’t talking enough okay you know sometimes I take people down with me that was a that

Was a good painting there you know but I uh I’m also really fast swimmer by the way all right good great good painting fast swimmer uh all right sketch yeah kayani uh what is your hidden talent ah so you know most people be surprised you know cuz I’m a I’m a

Content creator so like uh I make people laugh in person so I be pretty funny and I can also burp on command you can burp on command yes I can could you burp the ABC’s that’s like an extra extra hidden to okay burp like the ABC oh what do you

Mean by extra extra in town what is what are we referring to here w we’re getting some EO in here someone get their [ __ ] under control here he ready is he ready for a burp on command like sketch do you want her to burp on command like come on sketch

Throw me a bone here uh yes and then cheese wait is cheese good or bad cheese is good cheese is like blue cheese all right all right I think you gotta get closer to the m no it was great uh Kayla okay Kayla uh what is your hidden

Talent okay this is really weird but I’m insanely good at the game Uno like I’ve never lost a game in my life and my family doesn’t play with me anymore because they get so mad because I’m so good and I’ve never lost I just keep hitting them with the plus two plus two

Is uno like the no skill in Uno literally will put money on it chat is that no skill in Uno all right um okay great uh lils what is your hidden talent lils um my hidden talent is I’m athletic like I played basketball and soccer for

Like 11 and 12 years and so I’ve also played a bunch of other sports too so yeah I feel like that’s pretty hidden I don’t know okay all right sketch big decisions here you got to eliminate two sketch then we’ll do one at a time got eliminate two really think about it uh

Sketch say the name sketch and I’ll uh disconnect wait Bella Bella disconnected oh wait Bella didn’t answer the question because she need I’m saying wait wait I already said elate don’t don’t eliminate come on here wait Bella can you see me no no ma’am no ma’am oh wait no still oh

Yes yes yes okay great um yes we can see you all right uh Bella the question was what is your hidden talent oh my hidden talent um off the top of my head okay I can can you hear me wait can you hear yes that is awesome I will say your

Hidden talent is not being on time so that’s the first one um next one I’m sorry colani uh let’s get on to round three lovely lady sorry cheese I don’t know rip off the Band-Aid jinxie leave me don’t just leave me after I DC him I DC him okay right when you

Said it too wow we’re in the top seven okay on like you can’t just you smart play there we’ll do one more double elimination then we’ll do single elimination sketch sound good all right yeah I want to fist fight the last person I’m just kid that’s a

Joke that’s a joke that’s a joke I’m sorry I forget we’re corporate now all right all right um sketch you got to ask a question man I mean it’s the game hasn’t changed I want to love all of you I didn’t mean to say that oh there was a

Joke here you know I’m bad at jokes and this guy’s so I have I have to share remorse here sketch ask a Fu question dude okay my question here is now JY I’m there I’m still at this wall here I don’t know what’s up here um I have an idea here actually no

That’s a we terrible idea you want to know my question is yes you know what does what does uh it’s a lot easier when it’s just a 15-year-old little [ __ ] on Madden now I got five girls in here I don’t know what to do jinxy I’m not used to this this is

Like full court pressure you know I’m a jco player all right are called hoopers all right I got it give me something here show me Al I got it what is your dream first date we’ll start with k reses what is your dream first date okay so my dream first day is

Something that’s super interactive I don’t like sitting and watching a movie or going out to dinner I would say something like laser tag or paintballing those are fun I like a team effort you know because if we work well then that means we’re a good team we did not already ask that

One one girl was asked that 20 minutes shut the [ __ ] up you know that’s music to my ears great uh L that’s all I can think about Lily uh what is your uh dream first date okay I’m going say Main Event like so we could play the arcade games and

Like talk you know something like like short what do you mean by short what do you mean by short you would want to spend less time with [Laughter] me I’ll keep this short and simple I didn’t like that answer okay um yeah she here you you

Want to know how long our first date will be 15 minutes I’ll pick you and drop you off it’ll we’ll just call it a [ __ ] Uber sorry for cutting but you know all right really lovely lady lovely lady all right um next up is Anessa what is your dream first

Date my dream first date would definitely be something that we both haven’t done something probably like kindor and like riding horses I don’t know just something that we both haven’t done so it’s new for both of us I think it’d be a lot of fun who’s but no

Cigar no cigar that one doesn’t hit home for me I would like to do something besides that you know I told you I I told you I like video games where the [ __ ] did you think I wanted to ride a horse from sorry for cut scene say video

Games I wasn’t sure what your I think that would be fine then you can talk and get to know each other and play a game at the same time okay the only game you’re playing is with my heart and for that reason I am out I would like to not

I’m just kidding no I’m just kidding wait you know there’s a Redemption shot everyone gets a Redemption shot okay what is it you know I still I’m still just mesmerized here it’s like I’m at the lavore here I don’t know I feel like I’m in Paris France never been here

Before I feel like I’m backpacking through a foreign territory lots of lovely ladies here you know I feel like I’m in an NBA locker room all of a sudden I got I’m talking to [ __ ] LeBron James and all right sket shut the [ __ ] up for a second dude

All right come on I’m trying to put them in my shoes um okay astd uh what is your dream first date um I would like to do something kind of interactive as well but like competitive so like go-karting or like mini golf or just something cool

And then or maybe even the zoo I love the zoo and just looking at animals and maybe we could adopt a little animal together why did you move the camera like that because I wanted to get a more intense view what do you want you want

To see less of me you want to I’m trying to show you my body here you said you like the body I wanted to go down a little bit more but you didn’t you didn’t go down all the way you know your camera setup’s kind of

[ __ ] up too so you’re talking a lot of [ __ ] for someone with a [ __ ] up camera over here sorry for cussing I love you ASD you know what astd is on to the next round all right all right that was interesting um Ali yeah yeah on to the

Next round bam Alli uh allly what is your dream first date um I was going to say mini golf or bowling um since sketch likees video games I wanted to play another type of game and yeah and have fun and be competitive I don’t know what you’re

Kind of confusing me here you know you got the whole daylight aesthetic on your face here like you got the daylight you got the daylight camera on you I’m not sure you you probably might be lying to me what time is it there where are you

What time zone are you in you I’m in Miami I don’t know it’s very all right cool cool cool great all right you don’t like the lights I’ll turn it off C no not not the lights it’s the Miami it’s a Miami part here um Cindy what is your dream first

Date I’m thinking we can go to one of your favorite restaurants and then we can go back to your place and play any video games TN Peaks me the game of man I like what you’re saying there I like what you’re saying there that would be a

Great time for me as well did you say Twin Peak M I am open after next week here and I would love to run it with you me and you I think we have we have there’s a lot of chemistry here oh my gosh holy [ __ ] Walter White here I feel

Like I’m just something’s bubbling up here all right great great uh Kayla dream first date yeah definitely going to a carnival trying a bunch of crazy Carnival Foods going on rides and then after either going back to yours are mine and you can teach me how to play some video games

Because do you have video games over there what do you mean yeah I like to play like what video games you have show me an Xbox controller or something right now show me a controller I’m not going to get up it’s like across the way liar she’s a liar jinie she’s a

Liar jinxie she’s a gamer let’s go back to your house to game all of the sudden she doesn’t have a controller it’s out in all a sudden you got a controller oh yeah Liv room with all I have a bunch of Roommates we don’t worry I’ll give you a

Okay Kayla if you were to grab the controller sketch if she were to grab the controller would that change your mind at all or no Auto next round for with a controller grab next round if you grab a controller I can’t my roommates are asleep and it’s so like oh my God he

Caught her he caught her he caught her I’m not clapping I’m just okay uh lils uh you are last uh lils what is your dream first dat um my dream first dat I’m pretty nervous in real life so I feel like we should get to know each other over video

Games cuz I do play them um I play for fortnite so maybe we can go to Pleasant Park and have a picnic there or something even though I like what you’re saying here I like what you’re saying here show me a controller oh I don’t play controller I play keyboard and

Mouse well sketch there are PC Gamers dude you know what I’m saying oh yeah I know a lot of chicks that just start off playing video games on PC jinxy seriously who taught you who told you to get on PC there you don’t just start off playing [ __ ] PC gaming here

Come on seriously you just started clicking around what you’re yeah I just started clicking around no how big’s your ex-boyfriend that’s what I want to know I want to know what I got to go up against I don’t have an ex-boyfriend wait what look at me I’m your next

Ex-boyfriend oh your next take a screenshot of this and send it to your next one y he [ __ ] up sorry for cussing all right wow sketch great round there eliminate two you got to eliminate two sketch we’re winding it down here man you got to eliminate to first three

Fire in a good way I’m saying fire like I love them I love everyone here to be honest to be straightforward to tell you the truth I don’t know Alie I love you you’re a great I don’t know you’re great and awesome I love you DMS are

Open you know oh Ally yeah all right uh sketch you’re eliminating Allie unfortunately you know you’re making me do this if it was my choice you in this stream right now yeah yeah yeah you’d have a [ __ ] yacht great all right we got to make eliminations

Though sketch okay let me do one more okay sorry Cindy Cindy to oh dude I thought you were hitting it off I thought you guys were hitting it off you know wait who said they didn’t have a wait who lied about the controller here um that was Kayla Kayla said she had a

Controller where’s Kayla at bottom left it’s up to you sketch this is your date man dud It’s Kayla or Sydney you have Sydney didn’t do anything sorry Kayla did he didn’t do anything you lied to me you said you were a gamer I didn’t lie it’s in my

Roommate’s room and she’s asleep if I could sneak in there and grab it I literally will should I do it I mean if you can if you this survival this is for survival what do you mean this is not this is not some just like short time what do you mean

May you can [ __ ] pull a controller out of your roommate’s room that’s dedication that’s [ __ ] DED her door this is I I don’t know sketch make the call here sket well this is this is purely not a gamer dearly not a gamer here she brought the TV and like everything so we

Game in her room sketch make a [ __ ] decision what do you want to do bro hey I said the kid she’s a lying about being a gamer here sorry for screaming love you Kayla uh go play some video games in I guess all I eliminated her I eliminat

Her all right we’re in the top holy [ __ ] sketch we’re in the top six top six sketch these are like look at us Elite 8 the Elite 8 yeah Sketch this is your top [ __ ] six man uh sketch definitely got some one seeds up in here sketch I’m going to go rock a

Piss think of the next question I’ll be back in 20 you see how he does that to me you see how he does that to me he just throws me out throws me out with the with the dogs here lovely ladies though all very beautiful oh very smart oh very funny

Oh all amazing here you know if I was going to give this is like you know what I’m going to give you all a halftime speech okay why not us why not now Dixie is not in here now so I don’t want to hear any of that other [ __ ] why not

Us why not now you know LS why not you why can’t you win this thing up here astd you know you’re treading water here K you can do it here Cindy love what I see here Lily nice it’s okay though where it’s not a game over and then I don’t

Know I got to look at your you got a long name here and I don’t have great memory all right I’m back what did I miss not a great sign what did I miss fill me in oh don’t fill me in but what did I miss oh s um what’s what we call

It ashed started talking [ __ ] to Sydney and they were in the middle of an argument whoa really yeah they were they were fighting over my love the whole time okay sketch can you [ __ ] think of a question bro I just took a pissed bro I did wait that’s I supposed to

Think of a question there I just pumped everyone up here you’re about to think the entire reason yo so sketch you’re going to think of a question right now sketch because it’s your date okay sketch it’s not my date it’s your date so you need to think of the questions so

That way you can make decisions that you want you absolute [ __ ] num skull that’s why I left for 30 seconds so take another 30 seconds to think of a [ __ ] question [ __ ] cuz we’re in the top six and we need to narrow it down okay sketch can I go pee quickly I love

What you’re saying yeah go take your time she’s going to cheat he going to cheat looking at stealing answers jinie I don’t know what to say here there just like what do you want me to say here how many kids do we want to have you know I

Want to have 40 I want to have 40 is that okay with all yall 40 so sketch you know heyy no sketch I’m not going to save you you need to think of a question bro right the [ __ ] now wa house or IHOP I don’t know come

On give me something McDon never mind let me think you something great here great things come in times of desperate and I’m not desperate but [ __ ] is starting to get suspect here okay you know I’m not known for thinking on a fly how I was labeled that because

I talk [ __ ] for some reason I don’t know like everyone I’m not you want me to ask a question here you want okay what uh how much money do you have saved up for retirement ooh there’s a good question sketch okay KR how much money do you

Have saved up for retirement actually no that’s too deep that’s too deep let me give a better question let me give a better question um H I don’t know what what was your ex what’s your what no I know you’re what’s your ex-boyfriend’s job seriously well I think it’s a red flag

If you keep in touch with your ex so I have no clue what my ex is doing so that’s his life and I don’t want to know anything about my ex I like what is she saying he’s in the P I like what she’s saying keep it in

The P there interesting answer there um next up is look at him that that that is a state prison she’s saying I’m just kidding Lily um what is your e what was the question sketch ex-boyfriend’s job yep you’re a [ __ ] psycho dude what you trying to give me some questions

Here you want me to ask them if they’re flexible or not I don’t know what the [ __ ] to do no no that’s good that’s good uh Lily what is your ex-boyfriend’s job my ex-boyfriend job he actually worked at AT&T easily no that’s a good that’s

Great for me though I haven’t been in a good in a in a good way because I have Verizon Horizon you know okay um okay oh my God he does okay I believed you I believe you you have to show yep all right it’s okay we won’t

See that guy we won’t see that guy and he won’t want to see me either yeah uh ath Messa what is your ex-boyfriend’s job sketch’s question um he worked at a golf course yeah okay all right uh we might run into that guy all right uh ASD what is your

Ex-boyfriend’s job uh my ex was KSI so he’s a YouTuber all right Ash love you see you next time he’s lying there’s no way her boyfriend’s GSI uh he’s lying x x Cindy uh yeah oh Cindy what is your ex-boyfriend’s uh job clue it’s good it’s a good answer sketch that’s a good

Answer what’ you say sketch I think I uh I think I heard the best of this round my lady already there’s still one more no it’s okay she’s I love what she’s saying she hasn’t even said anything yet um lils uh what wait didn’t liil say she doesn’t

Have an ex-boyfriend yeah I never had it okay so there there’s your answer on that all right sketch so now you have like a decision to make your your sketch we’re going to eliminate I would say one but if or I thinking two cuz you can’t

Think of a [ __ ] question dude um what do you want to do do you want toate one here sketch or two what do you want to do sketch think brother do you want to eliminate one or two sketch let me know I’ll give you a

Minute uh I guess what do you want this is your show here you want one or two here well so I was going to say one but I can’t honestly see you thinking of four more questions to be honest um it’s a trade give me a second here give me a

Second here all right okay KSI stuff was cap I was just trying to impress you but I do have two controllers here if you want to play so she is capping okay wait we have controllers we have controllers you know you know you don’t have to flex on

Me you don’t have to flex on me I just need to see proof here all right what he Kayla K do you have any controllers in your room she’s gone uh Kayla’s not even here SC where’s the redhead chick at I’m just kidding love her she’s my favorite

One so far I accidentally cut her hopefully she has my number or not my number my DM it’s open for all of y’all you know this isn’t the end of conversations this is like Shark Tank you know I got to make a decision um all right sketch can you [ __ ] eliminate

Somebody please man I’m sorry as you lied to me off the Jump though seriously it’s about I love you though in in all the greatest way it was a pleasure um all right sketch do you want to eliminate one more or do you want to do

A new question we’re in the [ __ ] top five sketch late game late game sketch five top five we might as well leave it here leave it here let’s get some serious questions here all right so here what I put on hi eyes uh hi eyes no eyes but it is in

Hiv’s date like I’m sure hi Vis is bricked up right now dat sketch okay what do you what do you say on dates you’re talking like this is the most dates I’ve done in my life here seriously I don’t even [ __ ] just I just chill I play video games like you

See what I do here C ideal vacation this is they already said that they already he hasn’t been watching the stream here watch in the Stream here they already said that come on brother you’re thr me under the um I have a better question and then always I try to say

That and then hope something hits there I’m just kidding like a question man it could be anything bro I thought the savings question was kind of cool man it shows like if they’re AER or not I thought that was an interesting question for sure somebody in here might be $50,000

How much money how much how much how much money you spend in a year that’s not even a good question jinie come on you’re throwing me a life raft here dude bro it’s your date man it’s your date you got to ask the questions bro I

Got five dates here so that’s the first [ __ ] problem is said I had 20 more before this okay what’s your favorite type of food bam boom boom K res favorite type of food my favorite type of food I can’t pick just one so I’m going to say top two Korean and indecisive

Indecisive no Korean and Indian I do like Korean F I like what kind I do like Kore food you said what I like uh gimbop is that how you say it it’s really good I like rice cakes um any type of Korean food is my favorite I like it spicy like

Really spicy I can’t with this kid bro what about you can you handle spice is he breaking character like text mix do you like that you know usually I uh you know dude have bad heartburn when you eat with beef but usually it’s pretty good I don’t know all right it’s

Uh you know what I’m saying all right let me think of a better question here okay what do you what no what what what what what what what airline do you fly bam boom what airline do you fly what airline do you fly KZ [ __ ] it we’re just

Going to change the question Southwest Southwest okay uh I feel like that’s pretty basic but yeah it’s better than spirit it’s better than Spirit Lily what airline do you whoa okay what Lily what airline do you fly I’m sorry but Southwest Okay no Okay where the

[ __ ] are y’all from sorry for curing but seriously I was thinking they were going to say some United [ __ ] you know we can share some miles here y’all are racking up some useless points over there come on we we we trying to do some real trips

Here to do it Southwest I don’t want to just fly to Vegas every other month here what’s going on here uh Anessa uh what airline do you fly Southwest or jsx godd damn everybody flies Southwest here [ __ ] okay interesting um Cindy what airline do you fly um I’ve I’ve got like good

Hospitality here so Delta like they treat me really well it’s go uh liil atena Atlanta she’s out of Atlanta here somewhere close I don’t know I’m just guessing live what I’m seeing now shut the [ __ ] up uh lils what airline do you fly lils um I also fly Delta but I

Haven’t really like flew a lot so I’m I’m not really sure what the airlines are that I L on L you’re on you’re on fire honey seriously holy [ __ ] after this thing we’re have to keep this thing rolling you know just cut out cut out uh cut out

Jie here all right all us can have fun here all right um great great answers from everybody seriously you got really good answers there sketch eliminate one person sketch the elimination um I Cindy sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry bye Cindy I did not mean to I had to this is

How this thing goes and it’s not my choice here my choice he did put you in the top five out of like 20 you know what I’m saying I would put answer nothing was wrong with your answer I just couldn’t bring someone else’s name here and I’m not going to

Say I’m just kidding no one’s name wait no I’m just kidding I’m just I’m so nervous here I’m not used to saying goodbye I only like hello here seriously I’m just why would I ask you a question about vacation and then cut you sketch so I’m going to disconnect Cindy is that

What you want me to do sketch I didn’t no you said all the right things it’s I have no option here seriously sketch do I eliminate Cindy yes or no Dixie I sent the answer why are you making me sit here through this [ __ ] thing here rip it off

Band-Aid seriously this m will [ __ ] duct tape my nut sack to my I’m just kidding sorry came talk here and I’m locked in now ladies and gentlemen final four all right now we’re going to do a 2v2 la first for net okay grab the sharpest object near you

No stop stop all right sketch next question man you got to think of your next question there will be no fighting don’t worry this is getting way better than what was here goes Have Eyes where did we add a chick or have eyes jump in here all right sketch I can’t lie I’m

Bricked up let’s ask body count that’s a great question there that’s a great question there okay body count here there you go let’s start up with uh top Corner start off with uh what is yours scat start off with yours I can’t do this [ __ ] anymore

Man come on it’s not very good here you know I’m more of a I’m a team player here now there’s nothing wrong with I know I think k r four all right four four I double I doubled doubled and added one my body counts four too okay um Lily m is two

Okay why is he guy shaking his head um a a Nessa my seven the veteran a season vet I love it oh good yeah I’m just kid I can’t do this uh lils lils uh zero all right sketch uh you got your next round of answers who do you want to eliminate

Sketch no I want to have the vet and the rook in the next round so I’m going to going to I’m sorry K I’m sorry K you have you’re great it’s just you know your bed doesn’t look that comfortable and I don’t feel like you know solving that problem at the moment

Hey no one’s ever said it was uncomfortable very expensive problem to have amazing you got three pillows there what are you was your TV on the ceiling what the [ __ ] going on cing K resz you did amazing top four amazing I love you great work all right

Sketch I have two questions if you want me to ask because your questions are [ __ ] horsecock thank you brother oh thank you brother it only it only took you [ __ ] three hours to find out dude do you want me to ask do you want me to ask yes

Please we go life fine here I got three questions here uh whoever sent these is locked in should a guy pay for the first date always or would you go 50/50 start with l lily um I say 50/50 unless I don’t know yeah I say 5050 I don’t think like it

Should always be him like always pay no you’re worth Queen seriously no your worth Queen come on you think something you think you’re going to who did you ask him on the date you’re going to split the [ __ ] bill here never come on what is

This I’ve never had a guy pay for me like that I was it’s okay okay you know you ever seen a black card you know when you drop that thing on the when you drop that thing on the table holds weight my friend jinxy has one and

He’ll let me use it whenever I want there it is again look at him okay um all right uh next up is ath Nessa should a guy pay for the first date always or would you split it um it depends I would say I would prefer for them to pay if

It’s like a normal date but if it’s something crazy expensive like that you both are spontaneously doing that I guess it’d be okay for you to go 50/50 but other than that like like a casual lunch or dinner I would say the guy I would like the guy to pay great

Answer great answer there we lose one I thought we had four where did the other one go well you eliminated her I think right I don’t know have eyes I keep thinking wa Let Me Wait no we did eliminate one I think you’re right wait was it it wasn’t Aly it was

Um wait there’s four wait did you again there was there was four and then you eliminated one right yeah e Scot you’re a [ __ ] idiot dude um all right lils um what it wait what was the question oh yeah should a guy pay for the first

Day um so I feel like if the guy asks me out for the first date then he should pay for it but if I ask him out for the first date then I should pay for it because like it was my idea and so you should I don’t know I feel like that’s

Palid first place first place all right sketch you do got to eliminate one here man lock the [ __ ] in I say we make we say we make them make a fire like Survivor whoever can make the highest Fire gets eliminated I don’t know got to eliminate one skatch can’t we can’t save everybody

Got eliminate one sorry the [ __ ] are you getting [ __ ] flashbanged what’s going on under your [ __ ] no I’m not getting flashbang brother all right sketch eliminate one uh buddy um Lily I’m sorry Lily Uzi I’m sorry Lily it’s okay seriously my DMs are open 247 24

I’m a nice guy I’m a nice guy I have great intentions I can show you the world and I can show you magic I don’t know all right oh wow we’re in the top two Lily uh amazing having you on top three amazing performance thank you have

A great night all right we’re in the top two ho you’re saying L I’m getting I’m getting dropped for this what’s going on here and a fan favorite gets dropped here no no no it’s your choices man it’s all you bro exactly like come on you’re

Not going to control my life okay I have I have two good questions here I’m going to ask this one though um what was the worst date you’ve ever been on start with uh it’s a great question here I think we’ll start with as ath

Nessa okay so the worst day I ever went on was a hinge day and I met him at a coffee shop because he didn’t have a car so and then I learned when I got to the date that he didn’t know very much English and he was wearing Crocs and like just

Really it was a really bad outfit I felt really bad he didn’t know a lot of English and it was really awkward it was just really awkward he just didn’t know English okay all right yeah Sketch what are you giggling about over there buddy sketch what are you laughing

About all right the worst the worst day was an ethnic man Crocs just kidding I mean yeah it’s basically what happened yeah okay uh all right um holy [ __ ] um lils what was the worst date you’ve ever been on so I’ve only been on a couple dates

Before like in my whole life obviously but I’d say the worst one was probably the movies because I couldn’t really like get to know them and they just like I don’t know we didn’t really know each other so it wasn’t even really a date it was just like hanging out I guess what

You mean you went on a double date or something how do you [ __ ] up the movies here wait that’s that’s crazy there that’s pretty high maintenance you [ __ ] up you said the movies was the worst date I I mean I feel like getting to know some is

Good what do you want to know me over you know ling a lobster or [ __ ] tuna and Coke sorry for cussing but here sketch here here’s what we’ll do for the final round cuz uh okay sketch listen now this is interesting brother let me know what you think so what if one of

Them deafens they click like the headset button that way they can’t hear the other and then they ask you a question sketch and then you answer you know one minute each deafen undeafen or maybe instead of them deafening hi Vis maybe you deafen them right hiis do you like

That I like that answer I like that answer okay hiis deafen uh lils first we’re going to start with Anessa okay awesome aesome um Anessa ask sketch any question you want this is the final [ __ ] round Lay Lay Your Heart Out on the line here okay um how many

Kids do you want or do you want any kids three three I want a big three here okay I wanted a few too so I just like okay so I only asked one question right that was yeah that was your question that was it okay you just wanted to know some digits

Here yeah I wanted to know if you want kids or not I mean whoa this is awkward yeah I mean do I have to have kids what’s the question here like I know I don’t want the kids right now how many kids you want in the future I’ll

Tell you what my room smell was like cigarettes and that’s all I’m going to say about that subject okay you know what I’m saying I eat I eat chicken wings probably four to five times a week I love chicken wings yeah you think I want a kid walk around here you know

What I’m saying that kid’s gonna eat Chick-fil-A for 14 years until I learn how to cook here okay I know all right let’s see unde LS right okay sketch I feel like you got a good good question wait I don’t know how to Def myself um hi eyes will do it I think

Yeah okay uh lils can we get lils in lils uh okay lils this is it man uh one question for all the marbles here okay what’s the question uh lils uh you were supposed to ask him a question oh I’m supposed to ask him a question I didn’t know that um

Okay so I guess what is one thing that I have to know about you like one thing that I absolutely need to know about you sketch me yes the sky’s the limit with you when you’re with me you know dream about the stars and I’ll give you the moon you

Know you want to go overseas you know you’re going to go on a cruise how about a yacht that’s what I’m talking about you want to you want to drive how about a driver you know you want to eat out how about someone Cooks at her house that’s the type of [ __ ] I’m

On this guy’s [ __ ] yapping for cressing damn look at us oh wow this is going better than I thought it would I don’t know my DMs are open regardless sketch uh do you think you found your winner or do you want like one more question I do you found my winner you

Found your winner all have UND undef uh undeen all right sketch this is it man all the marbles who is the winner of the sketch 20 verse one is it lils or a messa who’s the winner and who’s the [ __ ] loser sorry easy buddy Easy Choice here Easy

Choice here come on this is going to be easy all these people can’t even hear us hey damn I’ll tell you what I’ll take both of them next question no Kidd there’s no three there’s no threesome sketch you got to pick a winner here he’s gonna pick lils I’m calling it

He’s gonna pick lils he’s gonna pick lils he’s muted right now but I guarantee you he picks LS FYI I can’t hear no one am I supposed to hear someone here am I we’re muted we’re muted G just think of your winner talk do you want to ask another talking here

Aimlessly talking this [ __ ] chat who do you guys think is going to win I think it’s gonna be lils it’s gonna be lils trust chat what do you guys think you guys thinks who do you guys G to pick lils he’s gonna pick lils 100% no not 100% 80%

77% 76.2 I don’t know brother I may have get quiet a de barle here I mean sketch if you weren’t you could ask one more question um if you don’t have a Surefire winner it’s up to you I mean I have some questions here you here huh we have something any

Ideas here I need some brainstorms uh let me think I have a good one I have questions if you need a question why should why should you beat the other girl ooh ooh let’s get personal here AA why do you feel that you’re a better match for sketch hey and and you

Don’t you don’t have to put him down I’m not trying to start a cat fight but you know if CA came out it’d be kind of cool I’m just kid I don’t know n is the one telling me I’m just kidding everything everything’s on my own here okay

Everything’s on my own here AA why are you better for sketch than lils get right down to Brass tax here I feel like what is brass tax here come on not everyone knows what the [ __ ] you’re talking about I feel like I’m a pretty good match for him because I’ve been

Streaming for several years and I understand that world and I think it’s something fun that we could do together this guy proper is brass TX you want to get down to Brass TX I mean get down she’s talking right now sketch I think he’s hilarious I can’t hear

Anyone can you not hear me I I don’t know what’s going on this kid [ __ ] idiot sketch unmute your mic brother sketch can you hear me is can you hear me get yeah I can hear you now I can hear you I don’t I think I had you

She was saying what were you saying atha oh I was saying that I I think he’s hilarious I think it would be a really good mask for him because I also love to game I’ve been gaming for several years I’ve been streaming for a while controller controller in the room yeah I

Was controller right here oh [ __ ] oh it’s plugged in it’s plugged in here Li I need to see something all right I need to see something LS why are you I need to see something here LS shut the [ __ ] up LS why are you the why are you the better match for sketch

Here um I think I’m the better match for sketch because I also play video games and I honestly just think that we’re perfect for each other’s cetch and like no matter what like even if go sou my DM anyone hear sketch bro yes how can you

Not I can’t I can’t hear LS seriously everyone I can’t hear I don’t know how not seriously yo I’m trying to fix this [ __ ] here it’s a [ __ ] roller coaster here sorry for cussing family friendly here put the kids to sleep Li it gives you it gives you more time to uh think

About your answer because sketch is [ __ ] he can’t hear [ __ ] uh hi VI what do we tell him to just [ __ ] break his PC I don’t know what to say at this point bro how did sketch this kid’s such an idiot no no okay you’re right maybe wait

You heard me kid you can hear me yeah all right I can hear you I just can’t hear LS you might have muted her bro you probably muted her or something bro no I can hear you okay great I can hear you LS why are you the better match for

Sketch go okay sketch I live in Texas right now and I play video games so I think that we would be really compatible both playing video games and enro he’s not feeling it he’s gonna I like what you’re saying where’s the controller at I do not play controller sketch I’m

Sorry if that’s a cell Jin I don’t know what to do here you’re putting me up against a hard spot here okay she said earlier she stoer Buffalo Wild Wings at this point like I love it she said an hour love both of them she did say if I had to pick a

Choice I’d be happy either way you know what I’m saying she said an hour ago that um she didn’t play with a controller so she is probably telling the truth there I don’t think she plays with controller she might be be a PC Gamer dude um yeah bro you’re GNA have

To choose sketch you have to choose a winner here man it’s a tough choice bro but you got to choose man Ls I’m sorry I love you I I wait I meant I like I pick you like I just don’t who wins just say who the winner is Li I

Picked Li okay all right AA amazing second place you know Whata I love you i’ love you if things don’t work out with Li’s you know I will I’ll call you in 13 minutes all right um I’ll give send you an offer here okay here’s I love what you’re saying here’s my

Question uh so lils like you won the 20 V1 congratulations if sketch were to be like


  1. jynxzi's fake ass laugh made this not very funny tbh it just ruined the funny moments when jynxzi forced a laugh after everything sketch said

  2. "3rd and 2 ya know. you're down by 2 points, you're on the opponents 20 yard line. Do you run or throw the ball" 💀💀

  3. No sketch hate allowed bro genuinely makes me laugh with his one liners wish nun for the best for lil bro 💯🤞🏾

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