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2024 Invitational | FPO R1B9 | Scoggins, Gannon, Huynh, Pierce | Jomez Disc Golf

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Thank you for watching JomezPro Disc Golf tournament coverage of the FPO feature cards first round at the 2024 Invitational!

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Card: Ohn Scoggins, Missy Gannon, Hannah Huynh, Paige Pierce
Course: Olympus DGC | Brooksville, FL
2HotGeese: Madison Walker, Erika Stinchcomb

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Back 9 Chapters
00:00 Start
01:07 HOLE 10
04:26 HOLE 11
07:53 HOLE 12
11:57 HOLE 13
15:33 HOLE 14
20:38 HOLE 15
27:08 HOLE 16
32:16 HOLE 17
36:50 HOLE 18

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[Applause] hello and welcome to the back nine of round one of the Invitational brand new track for our intro to the dgpt Elite Series 2024 I’m Erica stino I’m Madison Walker where your two hot key honk we are a little rusty and um are so happy that you’re joining us for

It we’re excited to be back and we know you’re excited to have us back too right right um we have nine more holes out at the new Olympus disc off course formerly the Grand Canyon we love it here we love starting the season out in Florida it’s

Nice and warm but it is a little windy today right now for under par is leading Holland Hanley had four birdies in a row on the front nine our lead card though hanging out right around the even par range uh it is crazy that um it’s called

Throw down the mountain or it used to be and that all of the mountains in Florida are concentrated in one square mile and we’re playing it legitimately I can’t believe we’re in Florida no it’s very bizarre hole 10 is a par three 308 ft really difficult line

Most women going to take the same path the Drone is flying I like the Hiser flip up play with a flippy Fairway driver trying to just ride along that right side um but then fade just a little bit to the left at the end hitting anything early is is the worst

Just don’t do it this is another uh 300ish foot par three that really stretches out and plays a lot longer than the distance sounds uh the low ceiling and the high floor if you will are both super difficult to navigate especially on the angle you want we also

Had a ripping right to left cross one here that made it hard to get your disc to hold on that angle that heer pushing angle really straight for long enough to get to the green own almost does it but that is a really common mistake is hitting that right side Missy just kind

Of kisses off that tree gets a little skip double bouns oh yeah she was kind of doing the bail out play bailing out to that left side farther down is a great play it makes for a really easy up and down or even a long putt but she does get lucky Hannah

Catching some uh cabbage over on the right hand side and just filtering down to the bottom of that goalie but it’s not bad I actually think she might be edge of circle and have a look Paige is in no man’s land yeah she kicked early and far to this left side didn’t look

Like she had anything over there it’s so difficult to recover the footing is bad there’s a bunch of those tiny trees you’re in jail have you seen anyone do anything besides the right side Gap no uh well I played with a lefty today I was wondering I assume Leah s he like

Almost parked this hole cool own gets out of there pretty good she’s inside the Sur Circle for a par save pages fourth still just trying to get up to the green here she’s running it not scared of the hill behind the basket oh she did not see that oh now

She did that was a really fast rollway Hannah just chipping up that’s a smart play Paige another obstructed putt here this was another one of those par 3s that is very bogey aable 42% of the field taking a bogey I mean all these holes are easy if you just land in the

Fairway there were only three birdies today solid scramble there from own and only five people getting to Circle one this is one of those ones that I could say when it’s less windy that more people will get to Circle one but it’s honestly just a hard hole even without

The wind yeah I think most good shots are kind of short left Circle too or your Missy genon you absolutely Park this thing yep one of only two people to park this hole today other birdies Natalie Ryan and Ellie Ezra midling Natalie Ryan holding strong at four down Holland Hanley moving back to

Three along with henna and Ella hole 11 another new hole this one’s kind of tucked back in the corner 330 ft plays a lot longer or a little longer than that the low floor again I mean the high floor and the low ceiling in play again really effective effectively using

These beautiful live oak trees it’s a slight bit uphill as well with the basket perched on this sloped green there’s an out of bounds line on the right hand side if you get real wild but it’s not really in play unless you get a bad kick this is another very tight line

Just like the last one I like this play yeah Missy doing the shanken flex if you will mhm oh I will is that just outside the circle yeah nice yeah I’ve seen a quite a few women try to go I guess it is kind of an

A shanken flex go to the right side of the tree that own just hit with something stable that Fades back and skips it’s just place so much longer than 330 ft Hannah actually takes an even earlier gap on the right side uh it looks like she gets nearly pin High

Scary CU if you catch an inside tree you can find that out- of bounds going that direction PA just going straight at it um catches some Moss uh but then gets a tree direct and is actually in a great spot that’s a pretty typical landing spot going early left where we anywhere

From where own is to where paig is it’s very normal a lot of competitors going to find themselves there with a short approach only four competitors out of 43 got to Circle one on this hole today Paige giving it a run why not there’s a backboard Hannah from a knee throwing a

Touch forehand here even though this is a very difficult t-shot um it is one that’s a little easier to recover from wasn’t bogied as much Hannah did find a weird spot oh miss see that was an interesting catch by the basket it was back to back birdies that feels

Great good I did want to see this again I feel like it just goes gotcha like a single chain then it like really swoops in here let’s see it oh yeah weird Missy gives a little fist bump two birdies in a row to get back to even there’s some momentum

Hannah with a good save there after catching that little tree on her approach shot Missy one of only three birdies on this hole hna Bloom Rose and Natalie Ryan also getting the birdies just like holon this is another one where I don’t know if we’ll see that

Many more birdies I don’t think we’ll see many couple of day yeah maybe a handful at most all right everyone getting off this hole cleanly even got a sweet sweet birdie from Missy Ganon and that’s it for par 3s for the rest of the day whoa I didn’t think about that Crazy yeah time to stretch it out hold 12 par 4 606 I really love this t- shot uh OB line on the left hand side some Danger on the right our basket is longer it’s the one that’s straight ahead through the Gap the mo basket is shorter

Right so you just want to throw something that lands anywhere in bounds to be honest um I like right side a little bit more than left side cuz it you know lines you up for this nice little tunnel shot you can get way down there because you’re up on this hill I

Like kind of a heer flip to turnover shot um you do not need to be a big arm to get most the way um because there’s so much elevation here no I threw a shot today that I absolutely loved I thought it was amazing but it went so straight

That there’s no way to get to the green after that I kind of had to chip chip to get myself a putt so um huge is not necessarily the way you want to go more like Erica said of a turnover I think a forehand is a great is a good play I

Haven’t seen anyone do that Miss’s going to be a little bit pinched on the left that’s yeah that’s great mhm there’s a couple extra gaps like you’re not as lined up to the main tunnel on the right um where own is but there’s a couple of different gaps she can choose

From over there Hannah trying to get that just to flip it does a little and that’ll be fine but again she may just not be able to access the green we’ll see if she’s pinched or not just a little bit more flip up and I think that would have been

Really great off the teapad here we had a Tailwind pretty true but as you throw out over this um Valley Valley yes after you as you throw out over this Valley it’s pretty swirly and you don’t really know what’s going to happen Paige just going to go

All the way all the way all the way to the green she might be in circle two land even Missy just going to try to cut through here and does a great J she cuts through too far wow she would she would yeah Hannah pinched she’s trying

To get through this line of trees it works huh okay huh so that’s not easy there’s just nothing there is that feel like they’re playing a different hole all right own at least acknowledging that there are trees in the way and Paige very close I mean she’s

Got to be nearly Circle two yeah just kind of chipping one over the tops of the trees really pretty panning forehand shot I like that play just throwing it as far as she can just into the trees shuck it yeah ball don’t lie [Laughter] Missy and a little short on her birdie

Bit as well so this is uh the first par 4 in a while we had five par 3es in a row and all of a sudden the birdie rate jumps up to 3 5% of the field getting this one yeah this is a a really fun one

And you should probably get it or at least get a look at it the approach can be tough but if you’re inbounds off the tea this is one that where a bogey feels horrible horrible you’re like I don’t deserve to be here I’m a failure oh

We can’t have it all you know she can be good at some stuff but not everything not everything uh five down is what it takes to be in the lead right now through 12 brought back by popular demand zlight plasting from Discraft disc that you already know and love now available in lighter

Weights Zite more distance with less effort so our last par 4 was 66 ft with that big downhill this one only 426 and it is because the technicality goes up this t-shot is a turnover that you want to kind of hold on that gentle turn before it slowly Fades somewhere in this

Grouping of trees is great you’re not going to see manyi competitors getting past all of the trees and giving themselves a wide open putt it’s going to be a lot of little scrambly chip shots to get to the green but it’s very easy to mess up this t-shot and hit

Early and make this whole so much more difficult I saw quite a few people go forehand uh man own really overcooked that one but if you get the forehand through cleanly it kind of Skips to the right and then the right side is definitely the most open to approach the

Pin otherwise it’s just a wall if you try to go straight at it ohow Paige trying to go heer line huh I have not seen that I I watch Zach do it as a joke with a for a lefty sidearm it’s there but it’s just so tight and there’s so

Much more trouble over there H we’ll see what she has to deal with Missy with an absolutely gorgeous Flex Shot I think she’s going high speed too let’s see that’s exactly what you want um she’s just going to have the most simple up and down from there very No Nonsense par

Sheer oh my gosh so aggressive I’m throwing like a mid just trying to be center cut but I’m going to send it tomorrow I sent it today I did a I did a wave uh Hannah with a heat there so good yeah Hannah’s strive was incredible got even farther than Missy’s Paige having

To kind of chip up the right side o own going to have a hard time from here I mean not that hard good effort that was great Missy on this right side you can see um a little bit more open than the Drone flight still some Guardian trees

Missy catches the final one I thought Missy had gotten a little further down she was she still had some work left to do own approaching for her par Hannah way down here actually makes this Gap look like a real Gap yeah just a little standstill soft bin yeah when

You’re like 80 ft back from there it’s like that thing’s 2 feet wide how’s anyone supposed to hit it and Paige scrambling from that right side a quarter of the field got to Circle one in regulation five people parking this hole for birdie solid putt there from Missy for her

Par own with a nice recovery as well for par after a very errant t- shot Paige with some scramble skills as well Hannah going to take the only Birdie on the card and one of eight on the day and working back to even Hannah putting together a really

Clean round so hard to do after completely switching to an entirely new bag she looks really confident out there she does even on the putting green that’s hard to switch Putters yeah Natalie Ryan is six down now henna five evina four some great scores out here

Whole 14 big par five 900 ft you want to throw over this little shelf micro Bluff uh there’s an OB line on the left that you can find if you get a kick second shot you can lay up to this right side that the Drone is flying left side is

Also in play uh but that OB line can come into play if you get a flare skip um if you get on the micro Bluff in one shot and have even a a 300t second shot you are definitely in play for an easy birdie if you play your cards right um

Lot of room for trouble though on this hole just like every hole out here yeah the wind was really weird on this shot as well it was sometimes a head wind sometimes a Tailwind sometimes a crosswind it was really swirly down here so it was hard to read the wind and make

Sure you get up and over this micro Bluff what would you say 300 ft maybe three yeah but I mean with some good height like you can see here your own had all the power but you really need some extra height as well um and that

Water is casual um but it’s kind of awkward there’s nowhere really to to play behind it you know oh man paage with a great Crush there nice to see her open up this is like the first drive that you get to throw that’s not downhill where

You just get a really rip one every other time you’re trying to control your angles you’re thinking about the hill you’re thinking about the wind and this one you’re kind of like I’m just going to throw this thing so this is the only spot that you can

Go and it’s still kind of wet that’s enough just for casual relief and that works great though own gets some good distance even though it was only about 4 in off the ground the entire way mhm Hannah second shot here she’s calling for it to get left

There’s a lot of stuff in the middle that you don’t want to deal with on your third shot see Missy pulling out a more overstable disc as well yeah nice shot you want to almost push that OB line yeah that’s it opens up the final shot also I mean there’s a

Very good route on the right it’s just I think a tougher Landing Zone it’s tighter but then it’s an easier final shot we’ll see if Paige hit it she’ll be close owns thirdd she’s got plenty of room to work not going to be able to pick up the birdie here but

Um very yeah very easy par Hannah with a nice turnover here she’ll have a putt for birdie yeah you can see where Hannah was not pushing the OB line how she had to throw that turnover whereas Missy can just throw a simple Hiser there’s a lot of low ceiling going

On on the green anything deep and short right can be a little bit tough to access the basket Paige throwing through a little Gap there and gets inside the circle wow pretty awkward shot there from own has to throw up and over the Saw Grass tries to go forehand kind of

Just airs out and to the right that nose up angle really highlighted he trying to give it a little forehand run on almost completely obstructed but man her posture really makes me think she’s going to make it I think she thought so too the confidence was there

Yeah good looking run from Hannah there just kind of catch is the last Branch a third of the field getting to Circle two for birdie only 20% getting to Circle one and only five people managing to get the birdie H yeah I would have guessed more we will definitely see more in the

Coming days this this hole is also just about your Landing zones trying to figure those out it’s a really wellu guarded green I I do actually love this hole even though a little Bing on paper I guess I don’t think so I think there’s plenty to it that that micro Bluff plus

The guarded green it makes it very exciting plus who doesn’t like saying micro Bluff Missy with a great birdie there only one on the card own going to have to settle for bogey Hannah and Paige with pars now we’re going to walk back up a hill to throw down it then walk back

Down it and that’s the story of uh Olympus dis golf course it is who seven down Natalie through 14 W buring half the holes wild whole 15 851 ft really adding some distance to this second par five in a row look at this big downhill shot it’s so scary

Though because there are trees really tight all the way down the right and left hand side no out of bounds but if you get off the Fairway it can be really tough to recover your second shot you want to land somewhere right as this little white dirt road starts to come

Into effect you can get up and down to get a birdie but it is uphill on the last shot pretty steeply uphill that there’s an out of- bounds line that comes into play about 2/3 down the Fairway as well let’s watch Holland Hanley on a different card oh my gosh good

God look how far that is that is so that is she annihilated that thing dead straight the whole way is she gonna Eagle this right now okay way I don’t know I I don’t know did she go over the right hand side um no she was like just inside of it

It’s just going to be a really easy but look she’s like almost in circle too it’s almost a PT yeah super impressive easiest birdie in the world wow moves to five down with that one uh this is another one where Landing in the center is more important than

Dist but I don’t know that distance was pretty sweet there from made it a lot easier o this is a nice little shot for miss it is I like that she gets it down to the ground pretty quickly nice and straight let’s see that was oh obviously a thrasher

ESP Hannah working that Heiser again but kind of coming over the top of this one she’s going to get tangled up early on the right there’s kind of like a bubble in the middle especially in the left side if you get a certain distance I like I like this like baby heer flip

Play that Paige is doing yeah that bubble’s awesome as long as you just don’t go too far because there is a a tree that sticks out on the left hand side that is just the perfect Guardian from doing anything cool if you land like where on is yeah you just need

To land soft and get a straight Skip and you don’t want to fade at all Hannah has a lot of stuff in her back swing she doesn’t get to bite very much off on her second shot but she’s back in the middle of the Fairway and

Trying to save par if she can get to that next Gap it’s a pretty simple par save but that’s a it’s a far shot that’s great mhm yeah good recovery Missy same thing just trying to get kind of to that Gap make sure she’s not left or

Right and yeah that’s the trouble easy to do own having to go aiser around and there’s that’s kind of the worst spot to be on the whole yeah I wonder what she was thinking here I think I think she’s just trying to Heiser out and around and got kind Juiced it

Yeah Paige not even qu trying to do anything too crazy she likes that little tree kick too oh almost throwing sideways the basket is out to the right but instead of going over no instead of going over the top she tries to pitch back out to the Fairway I

Mean I kind of think that was the safer play cuz there’s like an actual Cliff um to the right that’s all out of bounds that’s all out of bounds all right own gets out on her fourth shot there paig one of the best at this patent pending

Shot though she did kind of mention in that little interview that those are kind of hard on her ankle and she’s still getting used to those yep not quite as much power as she maybe we’re used to seeing but she gets it up there and gives herself a

Bid Missy another reverse patent pening not able to really put much on it either everyone kind of highlighting just how impressive Holland Holland’s shots were solid looking shot from Hannah there inside the circle she’ll have a an uphill putt at the basket it’s a little steeper than you expect once you get up

There you’re like oh oh okay yeah that is what it’s like Missy really long look for birdie here got to be pretty close to the edge of circle too that’ll be a par 15% I mean 15 people getting to Circle two in regulation oh my goodness that would

Have been the weirdest birdie of all time yeah no kidding par save though yeah par save here’s Paige for a birdie also a par yeah what are we what are we doing Hannah actually for a par nice actual far that was a solid butt though really it was actually

This hole was a nice little breath of fresh air because there was no air blowing it was one of the few it was one of the fews where we weren’t feeling a lot of wind it was really nice I felt someone on the teapad but this green really weirdly was fine but

This is the Calm before the storm we’re about to head into the windiest holes of the day and we’re just going uphill the whole way as well so this is where you really got to buckle up and focus because the whole course is building to this moment okay

No it just get starts getting really difficult right yeah the next few holes have a lot of uh places where you can make big mistakes on L on thick here like everything is riding on these everyone excited right now um whole 16 yeah it’s a par 4 724 barb wire fence to

The right that’s out of bounds uh you see a lot of turnover shots or um kind of straight shots on the right side second shot you’re trying to get around the corner and up this hill easier said than done we all know how all these Hills are just bigger than they look you

Know uh it is truly difficult to get a big enough t- shot to um attack on the second shot it’s a it’s a scary shot t- shot calling for birdie here just outside the circle hands it better spin that thing in the wind and look at her Pony show

Whipping like it is windy there you can see the flags in the background look you can hear it she kind of shrugs like oh just spins it right in there makes it look like the wind doesn’t exist this t-shot was weird because the wind was

Kind of left to right kind of head wind but it also you couldn’t really feel it on the teapad so it was weird so you can see it kind of push Missy’s disc and exaggerate that anheiser angle and then it just cut rolls so I think most women

Usually want to throw kind of the flip up and turnover line in the left Gap but I think this was the safer play with the wind just trying to throw straight along the fence with like a tiny fade it’s just so much tighter of a gap so tight

It’s terrifying and lower ceiling let’s see if Paige can execute this turnover shot hers actually holds does it get there oh close she’s pretty close to that corner that’s a solid shot though it’ll probably be kind of a step out forehand from there unfortunately I do like the forehand play here you just

Have to really trust it though cuz that’s to break at the perfect time because look if she gets a skip that’s out of bounds yeah it digs own celebrates Hannah with a tricky forehand shot here just trying to get to the corner not really able to bite off too

Much it’s going to be a really difficult I I don’t think she has a chance at saving par honestly no it’s way up this hill yeah she just gets to the corner and even that’s going to be kind of a tough shot mhm yeah it’s fairly obstructed the Final Approach

If only everything wasn’t riding on this solid shot for Missy yeah going forehand feels crazy there it does she crazy lady in the best way I love her but look at look at it work she’s got a okay huh man Paige was so so close to

Making around the corner that was a huge shot she got kind of buried there in the corner mhm barely able to make it out Missy throwing three going deep um on the second shot here really leaves a nice open approach you see a lot of people land a little short kind of a

Funky little approach from Missy it gets caught up she is inside the circle but it’s going to be some tough putting that out of bounds line is so close to the it is I forgot about that it’s like less than 20 feet mhm on the left you can see

Everyone trying to come in super soft Missy and Hannah both kind of more spinning it on instead of throwing it mhm because if you skip you can find the OB so fast yeah this is a much tighter more difficult approach from this side than what Missy had man I forgot about

That OB that next T sign is out of bounds mhm man I didn’t need to know that was there like I don’t need to think about that it’s okay own for a par save here what do you think 40 four feet man she’s so close on these and

Then she’s actually mad that she misses them which is the best part only one person got to Circle one today for birdie only four to Circle too were you looking at your phone because oh good watch this what a putt wow look at that wide straddle so balanced poised thrilled bouncy she’s so

Happy wow great par from own there were only four birdies today Who besides uh Holland got it cat merch evina Solomon and me oh honk all right I was the only one in circle one I was parked wow okay you you deserve every second of that brag I’m proud of

You thank you that’s why I wasn’t looking at Missy’s But all right tie at the top Holland Hanley catching up to Natalie Ryan there six down through 16 evina right behind them at 5 down and up the hill we go ho 17 this is the same tea box that we’ve had at Grand Canyon but just a different

Hole they combined old hole 16 and 17 you have to throw up and over this hill and over this Pond and there’s an out- of- bounds line all the way down that left side if you go too far and over that out of- bounds line it’s a huge

Cliff byby dis your second shot has to go straight up this little narrow funnel as it and it gets narrower as you get down to the basket the out of- bounds line does uh continue up the right hand side as well but it fades away as you

Get close to the basket so if you’re going to miss miss right by the pin I didn’t even think think about this Gap the first time I tried to play it and Missy does this so well uh this right side Gap I think calls for a forehand

You can make a backhand work but it is tight and but then once you do that it’s actually like a pretty simple forehand birdie pagee going left side great layup there really hard to get across the water going that way we are going to see competitors just like part ways and then

Not see each other for the rest of the hole it is insane I think the whole fpo field is just torn on what the actual play is on this it is pretty 50/50 yes everyone goes all but it 50/50 on which direction and 50/50 on whether it’s forehand or back yes absolutely

Everyone’s doing everything it’s 25 25 25 25 seriously we’ve got the layup to the hill play that we see Paige doing this is great for a forehand as well it’s kind of surprising to see her doing this backhand no I all she needs to do

Though oh okay I was going to say all she needs to do is just get across safely and then it’s a pretty simple upshot but she’s trying to bite off quite a bit here and she’s really going to be pushing that OB line deep but it

Looks like it worked out okay Hannah at the base of this hill really wants this to work right you can see that kind of pine on the corner and that looks pretty good A little bit more turn and that would have been great whoa what I wish I could

Commentate on what’s happening right now I don’t even know where she is or where she’s G but I love it and she’s in bounds wow this is about as good as the backhand Drive gets um for Missy here and then it’s just like a nice little forehand approach she gets just outside

The circle I do not watching other people take this route I do not know how I feel I don’t I don’t know what’s the best play I really do think it’s just an opinion I it is an opinion I like the right I think um there’s a little bit less OB danger

Um oh oh my gosh own how many how many times I like this little step through she does uhhuh God that is one inch short I know she’s been all over it from distance today I wish we had stats on on which Gap backhand or forehand it’ be interesting to see how

It changed throughout the weekend Missy for birdie proving that the right side’s the superior Gap one but she’s one of only two on the day I wonder who the other one was and which way they went was it you nope okay I went I went down the oh is it

Paige she landed inside the circle with that putter shot I didn’t realize that’s amazing proving that the left side backhand is the superior play I’m I’m excited to see how a whole 17 plays out through the rest of the weekend honestly I don’t care about anything else on the course right now

I’m just I’m going to drop out of the tournament and sit there and take these stats for everyone because this is the information people want okay and we continue up the hill Missy getting a trophy for birdie Engle 17 really cool though to have on the dis golf train right now and

Magnus Carlson the best chess player in the world came out today to watch some discol pretty Insane how many times Z she better throw one in on the last hole or I’m going to be disappointed Natalie Ryan um in Solo lead now Holland dropping back to four under with evina 18 is a whole heck of a lot here we go you are throwing way way

Down this mountain you’re throwing from out of bounds if you don’t land safe you take it from where it last crossed or the Drop Zone you can see OB left OB Water Deep you want to throw a forehand or a turnover backhand ideally that lands over here as close to this uphill

As possible which is you know a pretty respectable Cliff like how far up do you have to throw you think uh I want to say 150 ft is that exaggerating maybe a little okay I’m going to say 100 it’s up there um if you don’t land safe on your

Second shot you go to a drop zone up top see Natalie taking it from the Drop Zone which means she did not land inbounds off the tea this is a rip though this is so unbelievably impressive that she got up here wow amazing she goes deep even yeah we did

Have a nice little friendly wind though there it was kind of running into that wall and lifting it up kind of like what Pelicans do you know against a building it just like updrafts holding the discs up and it looks like holding Natalie’s putter up as well she goes way past the

Basket on her aggressive putting attempt but makes the come a from the Drop Zone really impressive six down Beyond impressive out here in the wind that is a round to be proud of we get to watch Holland throw the t-shot as well I love the sidearm here

But you do have to make sure that it hisers you just don’t want it to be too soon because there’s a wall on the short side where you just can’t get your disc back it’s a Saw Grass Cliff I’ve been up there it’s terrifying but Holland just wrapping the corner forever beautiful I

Want to see where that lands me to there it is look it oh is she going to Eagle it is she she’s going to have a look that’s for sure wow oh my gosh second shot up on the flat is incredible yeah yeah incredible is an understatement honestly that’s so cool

No ah it was so windy on the screen dang easy birdie though yeah just a tap in come on her like second tap in birdie that could have been an eagle kind of yeah and five down wow man that’s four strokes better than I projected the hot score at oh really I

Yeah okay I thought a one down was going to do it I thought it I mean Holland shot a three at all stars I know they were different holes and everything but like I think there’s like you said there’s it’s more scorable on the back

And they didn’t play a lot of the easier holes this wind I thought it was going to really lower everyone or um raise everyone’s scores mhm this wind it was pretty pretty head windy left to right I would say largely and you can see how much trouble it’s causing just flipping

Discs over into that right side and they’re thinking I hope I see that disc again yeah I even try to look for mine own with a lot of height as long as it’s far enough it’s going to be fine but she could find the OB deep I think it looks great wow

Great that is awesome yeah it is she can go for it on the second shot she can she might as well because if you miss you proceed to the Drop Zone and she be putting from the birdie from or putting for a birdie from the Drop Zone man you

See all the back hands just turn into that Hills side and here’s the Drop Zone this is where Natalie made it up on the Green from here it’s just unbelievable I wish I knew the distance to get up there I I’m not 100% sure what it is but again

If it’s 100 ft elevated I think it’s like like a full 350 but also way up a hill Paige going for it almost Hannah and Missy both doing the play that most people are doing here the layup you just want to make sure not to land anywhere where there’s some funky

Footing try to get it in a flat spot you kind of want to land you think you want to land on that flat little Hill but you actually want to get past it come on own come on dang she’s inches she will be able to like Erica

Said take it from the drop zone at the top of the hill it’s like what a 50 foot putt 55 MH Miss’s fourth trying to get up to the green and give herself a putt it was oh she has it all day nice this was such a scary shot to throw with

That Tailwind MH yeah it was a little easier to get the forehand up there today I think with the wind but both Hannah and Missy wow working those back hands MH Paige from the Drop Zone kind of a death putt trying to save par I felt the head but it didn’t do it

Oh come on finish with some fireworks she does that’s what you wanted oh my gosh she goes perfect Drive almost makes it drop zone birdie like and this such a headwind putt too what a way to finish love to see it finish with a slow MZ that is awesome there was one Eagle

Today ooh yep Ella Hansen nice ah Hannah trying to save par picks up and rolls pretty mean little roll outside the circle she’ll have a crosswind putt here I’m just kind of nervy like there’s you know some people watching it’s so windy dang she played pretty solid just kind of finished

As you do out here they are tough yes let’s see in on whole this is a crazy set on hole 16 half the field bogied on whole 17 60% of the field bogied and on whole 18 50% bogied so these last three holes are just it’s do or

Die all the pressure it’s where you pick up all your Strokes yeah if you’re having a bad so own one under Missy two under not none of our uh featur card ladies making the lead card Natalie Ryan leading the way at six down evina Solon Holland Hanley five down Ella Hansen

Rounding out the card with her Eagle on 18 with a four down to jump on to the lead card nice we’re going to have calmer conditions tomorrow it might be a little bit chillier but not as much wind thankfully no more rain in the forecast

For the rest of the weekend and um I know everyone’s excited to come watch another round at the new Olympus course yeah definitely I’m excited for another crack at it yeah me too it’s very fun I’ve play played it a bunch of times but this new layout is super awesome so

Thanks for hanging out with us as we knock the rest off and get back into the swing of things I’m Madison Walker I’m Erica cincom we’re the two Hys


  1. The scoring is all messed up again… much prefer seeing the scoring as the coverage card would see it. The story makes more sense when we can see things “as they were”.

  2. It's great to have the start of the season for the fpo and having the 2 HG on coverage. God bless ladies

  3. I love that Natalie plays with a chip on her shoulder and something to prove, better than the self-defeating haters.

  4. Sad sad days for FPO. The women deserve to be supported, but it won't happen. Way to ruin every tour lady's dream this year PDGA.

  5. I'm not gonna watch next round if Ryan is on coverage. At this point its best to abstain and ignore. name calling and hate will do nothing but undermined ones objectivity. The rules are the rules and I support trans rights but fairness matters and science is real.

  6. Was it just me, or were they switching to chase cam on most shots a lot quicker than normal? I would rather see the first part of the flight of the disc from behind and then switch to chase cam – many of the drives were from almost completely front on and you have no idea of where the disc is going at all.

  7. Is it tallent or biology that is the question. I think the PDGA doesn't have the resources to fight this and is waiting for another sport maybe golf to settle it. I just hope it happens soon for the ladies sake.

  8. I'm going to miss the FPO and Hot Geese commentary at times this season, but I can't support the unfairness by watching it take place.

  9. I don’t agree with Natalie being there but I will always support homes, they’re just doing their jobs and don’t have control over stuff like this

  10. love the coverage, the inclusion, the support of everyone and their identity. there seems to be less hate and intentional misgendering of Natalie which makes me hopeful. big step forward for the sport.

  11. so grateful to see more inclusion and less hate and intentional misgendering. lets go. also, what a round, Natalie. DAAANG.

  12. I think the new music is terrible. It's too loud and annoying. I feel like I have to mute the TV or headphones between the fairways 🙉

  13. Ohn is a putting beast!! One of the best in the game, MPO or FPO in my opinion! Glad her arm looks to be doing better too!

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