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Build a HUGE Back, Biceps, Shoulders With Scientific Dumbbell Workout

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0:00 Nick Shaw Pull Workout
1:30 Shoulders
3:12 Back
7:02 Biceps

Hey folks Dr Mike here for Renaissance periodization this is Nick Shaw CEO of Renaissance periodization and ifbb professional men’s physique athlete good news he’s here because we are doing a pull workout with only dumbbells this is something you can do at home we’re going to hit shoulders we’re going to hit back

We’re going to hit biceps you’re going to learn how to train super well even if you don’t have a ton of equipment let’s get Started all right folks we have just a few exercises to do today so this workout won’t take long and it’s going to be ultra effective we’re going to actually start with shoulders and I want to explain to you why you can start with back or shoulders or biceps it doesn’t

Matter a ton but here’s the thing in this workout we’re starting with shoulders because back is tough to train and it makes you really tired and back training utilizes your biceps as well so we want to hit shoulders first to get them while they’re fresh and the thing

Is when your shoulders are tired it doesn’t really interfere with any of the other back stuff we’re going to be doing if you want to rep prioritize you want biceps to be most important you want back to be most important this workout is more for an allaround look whatever

You want to prioritize you just move to the beginning of your workout if you’re using the RP hypertrophy app link in description by the way then you can always move your exercises to wherever you want start new programs where you rearchitecturing is going to start doing bent lateral

Raises which hit the side part of the shoulder here and the back and you’ll notice he’s bringing the dumbbells all the way up as high as he can and he’s controlling The Descent because your muscles grow a ton when you control the Descent and as soon as he’s done he’s

Going to go right into the side laterals that means that his shoulder is going to be pre-exhaust it now he’s in a mechanically more advantageous easier position so he gets real close to failure in the bat laterals and then real close to failure again in the side

Laterals and that’s going to Nuke his shoulders right off of planet Earth this also hits the traps to give you that Tom Hardy yolked look I’m still working on myself but I got a waste to go we are going to do three sets total but they’re

Super sets which means he is going to do one set of bent laterals no rest a set of side laterals we’re going to write our reps down in the RP hypertrophy app we’re using to plan this whole workout and then after that he rests about a minute wherever it takes to get his

Breathing back and then he’s going to go another boom boom rear and side rest again rear and side three total sets that’s it slow Yes let’s go three more yeahoo good stuff very good 15 lb dumbbells will humble you they Will now it’s time for back training delts are done this is the dumbbell pullover you got one dumbbell in your hand there’s just one simple goal it’s to stretch your arms back behind you as far as possible keeping them relatively straight he’s going to go Ultra slow to

Stay safe and to load the musculature you can tell his lats are stretching like crazy and he’s going to come back up and remember it’s going to get hardest at the bottom that’s a great thing because when you do a lot of tension under stretch it grows the

Muscle even more but you have to be safe you have to go down super slow and find a place where your shoulder joint Comfort is saying hey it’s okay to keep going more awesome yes good beautiful beautiful yeah man that stretch is pretty wicked good excellent what the

Dumbbell pullover allowed us to do was to actually train our lats and here’s the thing if you start with something like a dumbbell row which we’re going to do next you end up hitting all of the muscles of your back really well except your lats aren’t positioned Ultra well

In a dumbbell row to be stimulated very effectively because that stretch component is missing if you’re in a dumbbell row you bring down here down here there’s not a ton of stretch on the lats lat stretch occurs over here but we already hit the lat stretch with multiple sets of pullovers Nick’s lats

Are pre-exhaust it they are now going to be one of the limiting factors along with the rest of the back in next exercise the bent over dumbbell row let’s kick it to that warm up and show you the Technique Nick is going to get into the bottom of a stiff-legged deadlift position you’re going to notice that his lower back is going to be totally flat he’s going to stretch as deep as possible while keeping his chest up we want the scapula to come forward but we

Don’t want to round here nice straight back Big Stretch he’s going to come back squeeze the dumbbells up here for a split second and then slowly control the Ecentric technique is a big deal on this we’re going to do three sets 10 to 20 reps but really anything from 5 to 30

Reps works just depending on how heavy the dumbbells are that you have at home good keep that back flat stay a little bit more upright four more one chest up even at the bottom two chest up there you go now that’s tough three and then one last one big

Moves perfect slow and rack you guys notice at the top of that last rep Nick really struggled to complete the repetition with good technique we never ever want to break our technique down you want good form from start to finish but as it gets really tough to do the

Good technique you know you’re in that challenge Zone you’re close to muscular failure and that’s where a lot of growth is stimulated so if all your reps kind of look the same and they kind of feel the same and everything’s nice and easy yeah you’re working out but you won’t

Get the best results every set you’ve got to push it and not maximum the idea is challenge in every session with excellent technique and over the weeks progress progress progress just a little bit a little bit more weight if you have multiple dumbbells or a rep here and

There added in addition if you have the same dumbbells if you have the RP pery app it does this planning for you so it sets a goal for you but even if you’re just doing this without the app just challenge yourself a little bit More all right folks last exercise of the day is the dumbbell standing bicep curl there are many different curls you can do at home there are many different kinds of dumbbell curls there are many different kinds of technique to each one we’re going to do one of the variants

That’s very effective that doesn’t mean it’s the only one there’s a ton of different ways to skin a cat and remember the cat hates all the ways in any case you’re going to want to keep a very upright posture actually arching your back and lifting your chest up

Because you want that bicep to stretch at the bottom a little bit more than usual giving you a bit of extra growth and what Nick is going to do is he’s going to curl in an arked fashion all the way up to here can you stop here totally this is just a slightly

Different variation allows you to feel the peak contraction of your bicep a little more get a little bit of a mind muscle connection and then on the way down he’s going to control that Ecentric really slowly Arch his back chest up reach back and come all the way back

Just 20 lb dumbbells he has huge arms he’s a professional bodybuilder that’s all he’s going to need after this whole workout but it has to be high relative effort it has to be close to failure if we don’t see suffering faces he’s fired no way they work for him I’m

Fired slow yes that hurts more it’s supposed to hurt more good slow five more one slow no breaks either Two 3 four five oh a couple more couple more couple more yes go go and then slow as if you’re going to do another amazing good stuff ouch that hurt me just looking at it got guys what you just saw is something really important Nick finished

His last rep barely you didn’t see him do any of this no bad technique that’s Point number one no matter how close you get to failure just do your good technique if you fail no big deal just write down however many reps you got no problem the second thing is also super

Important when you’ve gone just almost a failure and you finished the rep the Ecentric The Descent the controlled lowering is the next thing left over it’s not just like it ends and you throw the way the dumbbells you could but consider this muscles grow the most when

A crap load of tension is imposed on them when they are the most fatigued when is your muscle the most fatigued when it’s just reached its Pinnacle of performance here you use that opportunity to kick the muscle while it’s down so that you can slowly lower

And this is going to be awful and painful as if you’re going to do another repetition and then you put it down that extra lengthening contraction that extra Ecentric even though it’s half a repetition has a vastly disproportionate effect on your muscle growth from from that whole Set two or three More one More slow Nick how do you feel tired man it’s a lot harder than uh than it looks than you’d think yes crazy your Technique was excellent you pushed yourself hard great at home dumbbell workout even though we’re in a recording studio but uh I actually live here I

Have no home and we’re going to end this on a sad note folks Link in the description check out the RP hypertrophy app we have an awesome diet coach app too that can help you with your dieting needs and anything RP we generally think we have some decent products check it

Out let us know good ways to help you thank you so much for tuning in we’ll catch you guys next Time


  1. As a 39 year old guy who has just for the first time ever joined a gym, would you recommend something like this to start reshaping my physique?

    I'm 5'8 170 lbs at the moment.

    Over the summer, I got down to 160 while running about 15 miles a week, but put some back on after Halloween and the holidays.

    I have virtually no muscle mass, it's just skinny arms and legs with a good gut.

  2. Has anyone ever tried this? I thought about doing a meso cycle 3 ir 4 weeks to see what it does..but i was thinking instead of doing 3 exercises on a body part monday do 1 exercise monday and the next tue and the 3rd on wed and then take 3 ir 4 days off … that way its like im doing same work in a week but each exercise will be more fresh bc im getting a 24 hr rest between exercises for the week ??? Maybe 3 sets flys mondaybthen 3 sets incline dumbell press Tuesday and benchpress wed… then off till Monday ?? Or would the latic acid from mondays workout hurt my set on Tuesday and be more of a hinder vs if i had just did them all on monday ???

  3. I don't know why I thought Nick was not that big..I knew he won his pro card last year but listening to the podcast every week my brain didn't not picture him like that lol

  4. Is this his actual working weight, or for demonstration only? If so, how many reps did he do on each set? Specifically the shoulder & lats pullovers.

  5. For that first back exercise, I don't feel it in my back at all, it feels more like a shoulder injury waiting to happen.

  6. Tried doing the two arm DB row with my forehead resting on the back of an incline bench. Awesome stretch and contraction and my back got pumped the hell up!

  7. Love from India ,sir. thanks for your valuable information,you are giving the best information on YouTube. Really helpful .

  8. Ask for help to make a video of Bodyweight exercise  and Dumbbell exercise for forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulders, traps, neck, back, lats, chest, abs, lower back, obliques, upper abs, lower abs, glutes, hips/kegels/pelvic, waist, hamstrings, quadriceps, thighs and calves…
    and also ask for help making a video of exercises for finger, sole feet, palm and exercise for symmetrically slant the body such as shoulders, face and other body parts.
    Sorry if there are any wrong words for your attention
    I say……. thank you for your attention
    From : Muhammad Haqqul Yaqin YAYAK              your fans

  9. PLEASE could you show us an arm, back and shoulder routine using bands but freestanding and not attached to doors or walls, or what have you.
    BTW congrats on the million plus subscribers. You rock!

  10. 33 yr old dad here. Overweight. I’m very very novice to lifting. Done a bunch of group exercise stuff over the years. Watching this channel has been super super helpful and educational, which is empowering. Hoping to get strapped and handsome for wifey again using stuff I’m learning here. Thanks a ton. Hopefully my clicks and views are topping up the Lamborghini fund ❤

  11. I hate pullovers. They dont feel good at all. Idk if im doing it wrong, but they hurt, and its just not worth the effort. Id rather do standing pull downs

  12. I think he just called me a third class employer😂😂😂😂. I mean there's free coffee in the break room. What else do these people want from me ?!!

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