Golf Players

Bobby Jones Golf No.1 Putter Instruction

Let Bobby Jones give you pointers to better putting and lower scores. you need a short game to play better golf.

[Music] 44 years ago there was not a single golf  course in the United States and Robert Lockhart   was arrested for hitting a golf ball in Central  Park New York the first golf club was organized   in 1887 with seven members since then the game has  gained a new player every 13 minutes today there  

Are 4 million golfers in this country playing at  6,000 private subs and 2,000 public courses and   the national golf championships are rated the  most important of individual sports it affords   Warner Brothers sincere pleasure to present  Bobby Jones in a series of pictures entitled  

How I play golf after devoting half his life of  29 years to National and international competition   Bobby Jones retired the first and thus far the  only recognized golfing champion of the world   wearing the four crowns representing the open  and amateur championships of Great Britain and  

The United States gained in the season of 1930  in what has been called the Grand slam of golf   an achievement never approached before and in all  human probability never to be accomplished again   Bobby has been playing golf since he was 6 years  old competing in major championships since he was  

14 and studying the game all his life naturally he  has learned something about it and in making this   series of pictures Bobby’s ambition is not only  to bestow useful hints on the expert and explain   the fundamentals of good golf to the average  player and the The Duffer but also and most  

Particularly to arouse interest in this greatest  of all individual sports among those who never   have played golf and are unaware of its charms and  benefits here he is swinging away on the practice   tea warming up by hitting a few shots with  every Club just as he does before the start of a

Championship well I guess that’s enough for today have a strength put on that shaft please  oh Bobby hello dick how are you good to see you   you want a good laugh yeah what’s up well Frank  Craven and Joe Brown are just coming up in the  

18th Green Oh I know that pair they play their  own private Championship every day that’s right   well let’s see that that ought to be good please  don’t tell me how to hold my clubs I’m not trying  

To tell you how to hold your clubs Joe I’m simply  saying go through them that’s not telling you how   to hold them listen to find you any lessons we’ve  got a pro here at the club and I’m just a about  

As good as you are oh will you please keep quiet  Joe I make this shot please don’t tell me when I’m shooting it’s your shot now look  at them Bob they’re like a couple   of bandam roosters they said they  take it seriously all right do they  

Do that every day every day and far  into the night will you please keep quiet that’s quite a shot which one was that  that’s Craven it looks like he’ll win   this hole he’s stoned dead well if he  thinks that you listen to Joe cry get  

Inside that one my boy yeah if you fell in  a cricket come out covered with goldfish   give me a club boy it’s the first time you  have laughed today yeah you know the old   guy you last last last last yes I’ve heard  it watch this one get that right hand over  

A little more Joe I would please Frank  let’s not talk while we’re shooting no please too bad Joe you’re in the Trap I saw where  it went you could watch that right hand oh Fu  

Look at Joe now he didn’t care for that shot at  all anybody can half pop a ball and roll X this   pin is pretty lucky oh listen to the birdies you  never hear me do any squawking no I know I’m deing  

This here remember this is for a box of B kid  all right give me the nibbly and get out of the way boy what a shot yes and that makes the situation  entirely different too oh boy Thum shot you

Boy nice day don’t forget to box the  balls wait a minute going to give me   this give it to you sure this little  one you mean conceited yeah I made   mine didn’t I shoot all right all  right that’s the way you feel about

It nice p Frank don’t forget the  ball well Frank yeah come here a minute Frank I want you to know Bobby Jones oh  how do you do Mr Jones to you I’m glad to know   you sir did you see what happened over there  been it Dead with hard luck just that long the  

Big Buzzard wouldn’t give it to me well you know  the object of the game is to get the ball into the   hole those little short putts kind just as much  as a longer one you uh Miss money like that well  

I miss a good many but I practice hard on them  you do eh the little ones do certainly want to   do me a favor I’d like to come on over here show  me how you do those things will you all right I’ll  

Be glad to don’t you say anything to Joe how to  work you come with day no thanks I’ll see you   at the clubhouse all right now let’s start with a  short put like the one you missed a moment ago all

Right wait a minute how do you hold your  putter the same as all the other clubs of   the overlapping grip I used to do that myself  but several years ago I made a change in my   putting grip which has helped me a great  deal if you’d like to try it I’d be very  

Happy to show it to you I’ll try anything if it’s  going to help me well here this is my normal grip   with every Club except this one overlapping in  this way in putting I turn my hands until both  

Thumbs are straight down the top of the  shed and then I change the overlap like this in this position the hands are free to work  back and forth with no tendency to turn in either   direction I always like to feel the club very  lightly in my fingers so that there’s not the  

Least bit of tension in either hand or wrist it  is then an easy matter to swing the club straight   back and straight through the ball that feels  great I think you’d feel more comfortable with  

Your feet the closer together when you’re spread  out that way you you set your body like a rock I   always like to stand naturally and just bend  over enough to reach the ball I like to feel  

A little looseness in my knees I don’t try to  putt with my body but I never try to keep my   body still I like it to be free so it can move  if the stroke demand it you see something right

There the whole idea it seems to me is to do  the thing in the simplest and most natural way now now after you got a nice light grip on  the club and an easy comfortable position at  

Address the next thing is a back swing and in this  connection it is important that the club be swung back and not lifted the best way to accomplish this is by using  mainly these fingers of the left hand that  

Keeps a club moving low and inside the line if  the right hand is used too emphatically at this   point it results in lifting the club like  this so that a smooth stroke is impossible   what I like to see is a long smooth unhurried  stroke which literally sweeps the ball along the

Green one of the main things to  remember is to be sure that the   back swing is long enough for the length of the putt that looks easy enough to be able to do say  is that Calamity Jane well this is not the  

Original the old girl herself been shine so  much her face became untrue I had to have this   copy made with a straight face otherwise  it’s the same Club well let’s have ball

Suppose you step over here and hit a few I’d like  to see you do it all right it’s a nice long swing now that’s right stroke it  straight through toward the hole that’s fine h bring me a victim  hey Frank come on pay me that box of

Balls I’ll put you once double or nothing  your what okay I’ll be right there don’t   go away here’s where I got even and  I think you better leave me out I’ll   watch him over here come on this a you  certainly are a glutton for punishment  

Don’t want to make it free do you sure  go ahead p no no no it’s your honor as usual listen for the clink very good very good for you Joe  not good not bad you’ll be about there in three I’ll give you your next one

Joe how was that oh that was great oh boy now see  that you don’t forget it oh I won’t and I bet he   never does well just remember that long long  back swing M and you’ll find that your putts  

Always go up to the hole never never feel like  you’re hitting the ball just a nice long sweeping stroke watch for the next episode  the short approach shot to the   Green in the Bobby Jones series how  I play golf coming to your theater soon help

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