6 Best Golf Putting Mats in 2024: One of these is NUTS

If you’re looking for the best putting mats for your home to help you practice and lower your scores, chances are, one of these is right for you.

Which golf putting mat is actually right for you depends on your budget, space, constraints, and feature requirements. In this list of the best putting mats I’ve tested, I cover a little bit of everything to help you get an idea of which product is best for you.

Full Written Review (Updated every time I review a new mat that’s worth adding):

Productions Mentioned:
Prime Putt:
SKLZ Accelerator Pro:
Big Moss:
Perfect Practice:
Callaway Odyssey:

00:00.     Want to lower your score by 5 strokes? You already know how.
01:16.     What should you look for in a putting mat?
02:41.     I’ve reviewed 6 of the most popular mats but that doesn’t make this a comprehensive list.
03:27.     The Most Realistic Mat.
06:02.     The Most Fun.
07:58.     The Cheapest.
08:44      Best for Practicing Breaks.
10:27.     Best Practice Aid.
12:01.     Biggest Mat on a Budget.
13:04.     Wrap Up.
13:27.    Close.

ABOUT BREAKING EIGHTY: Honest Product Reviews and World Class Golf Courses.
Hi, my name is Sean Ogle and I’m the Founder of Breaking Eighty. The goal of this channel is to provide honest, unbiased golf reviews to help you find the exact product for YOUR needs. I’ve personally tested everything I review here.

You’ll also find videos about some of the best golf courses and resorts in the world.

I started Breaking Eighty in 2012 with the goal of creating the golf site and channel that I’d personally want to read and watch. Over a decade later, this holds true more than ever. I hope you enjoy!

Do you want to lower your scores by five Strokes yeah sure we all do I bet you even know what you should do in order to do that the fastest practice your putting 42% or something like that of all Strokes on the golf course are putts

So why wouldn’t we go do that more often because well it’s not that exciting it’s not that much fun necessarily even though it’s the easiest thing you can do I can sit here in my office I go to my bedroom I go to my living room I go to

My backyard you can putt just about anywhere yet so few of us actually work on that part of our game if you are serious about lowering your scores and serious about working on your putting and practicing that one of the best things you can do is get a putty M to

Have a dedicated place in your home where all you have to do is go pick up your Putter and start rolling putts as you might guess not all putty mats are created equal some are big some are small some are cheap some are expensive some are authentic green likee

Experiences some are not some have alignment lines and training AIDS so trying to figure out which one is best for your needs can be a little bit tricky and that’s what we’re doing in today’s video I have tested six of the most popular putty mats on the market

And I’m going to share with you which ones are worth fine which ones are maybe not and who each one of these is the right fit for and so if you’re looking to improve your putting if you’re looking to practice more at home keep watching I think you’re going to love

Today’s video so real quick before I go into today’s video Let’s just cover some of the basics what should you be looking for when it comes to a putty mat well the first thing you should really figure out is what’s your budget are you looking to spend like 50 bucks or are

You willing to spend a little bit more money to get something that’s going to be more authentic or better for your practice so set your budget figure out what you want to spend and then we can dial in recommendations from there another thing to consider is how

Realistic do you want your putty mat to be are you looking for the absolute most realistic green like Turf possible or you cool with a glorified carpet that’s just going to allow you to practice on a more regular basis or are you trying to find something in between if you want

That realistic experience expect to spend a little bit more money but if all you’re looking for is a way to practice and you don’t really necessarily care about that realistic feel then there’s lots of options out there the next most important thing to consider is size how

Much space do you have for this thing are you looking for something big are you looking for something small is it something you’re planning to leave up permanently or you going to put it away at the end of every use depending on your answers different mats are going to

Suit you better and that’s one of the things we’re going to cover as I go through these six recommendations and finally the last thing is some extra features aside from just some grass and a hole what else are you looking for are you looking for brake pads to simulate

Braking putts are you looking for alignment lines are you looking for a back stop are you looking for a ball return different mats are going to have different features and sometimes more features isn’t necessarily a good thing we’re going to talk about that in the video but think about some of the things

That are important to you and some of the things you’re looking for in a mat and the last thing I want to say before we jump into our recommendations is I reviewed six of the most popular ones on the market I have not reviewed everything so this is not fully

Comprehensive a couple of the ones that stick out I haven’t had a chance to try yet are the putout mats and the birdie ball mats which I’ve heard great things about so take all that with a grain of salt and continue to do your research

But the six that I have review are some of the most popular out there they cover a wide variety of different price points and experiences so one of these is probably going to be the right fit for you but I just wanted to point out there

That there’s a lot of products out there and I’m only one person so there’s only so much I can do that said if you’re watching this later on click the link below I will link to the written review which I update every single time I update a new putty M so if you’re

Watching this 6 months after I published it and you want to go see if I have updated recommendations check the link below and you can go see them there all right let’s just jump right into this with the most realistic putty mat and that is the prime putt mat compared to

Every other mat I tested this one blew everything else away in terms of a realistic putting experience so the one I have is 3 ft x 12 ft which is pretty big a lot of people aren’t going to have that much space but the prime pup mat

Does come in smaller sizes as well I will say though that being 3 ft wide it allows you to actually stand on the map which gives you a more realistic experience and pretty much every other product I’m going to talk about is more or less glorified carpet some is better

Than others some’s more realistic than others but this is the only one where the nylon Synthetic Turf that they use I know that they specifically researched it there was all sorts of technology that went into trying to create the most lifelike Turf possible and honestly it

Shows the ball rolls true and when you roll the mat out it’s a thick and heavy mat which helps it to lay completely flat right from the get-go it comes with a branded wooden back stop which adds to the kind of elegant feel this is probably the best looking of all of the

Mats I tested because it is more minimalist in nature you don’t have crazy alignment lines you don’t have a ball return to deal with so it doesn’t have some of the features of other mats but if you were just looking for the most authentic most realistic experience and something that’s going to look

Pretty good in your home this is the map for you that said there are downsides for some people not having Brak pads not having a ball return those are going to be deal breakers this is also an expensive M the one I have being 3x 12 is is

$499 which is many multiples over most of the other devices that we’re going to talk about in this video so while you can get smaller models which I think start at around $300 just over it’s still going to be one of your most expensive options the only other thing I

Will say about this is compared to some of the other mats it does feel just slightly slower like I would say it feels like it’s probably a 10 and 1 half on the stim meter which let’s face it that’s what most of us are going to be

Putting on a regular basis and along with that the one thing that doesn’t quite seem as realis with this mat is as you putt the ball you can almost hear this like skittering sound as the ball is going across the nylon Blades of grass um that sound just doesn’t quite

Feel realistic the ball rolls super true it rolls flat because of the way the grass is it’s not like a 13 on a stim meter it’s not like you’re rolling it across hardwood floors so that feels accurate and true but that sound always just felt a little bit off to me that

Being said this is still the most realistic mat I have tested if you are looking for a very high quality very realistic very elegant mat I would definitely check out the prime putt all right next on our list is the most fun putty mat or could also get the award

For most Hightech and that is putter this thing is awesome this is one of the coolest new products I have reviewed in a very long time essentially it’s a big metal box you set it down you roll out the mat you set up the ball return you

Plug it in you connect your phone or iPad to Bluetooth and then you have your own putting simulator essentially that has over two dozen built-in games built-in practice modes there is so much you can do with this putter is like the Ultimate Party golf mat or the golf map

For people that hate practicing so a few of the different modes that are built in you can play horse there are 27 different spots on the mat you can pick which one of those spots you want to hit from you’re playing with a friend if you

Make it they’ve got to make it too otherwise they get a letter you can play beer pong you can practice all the putts from 3T from 4 feet all the way on back you can climb the ladder where you hit from 3 3 ft and 4T and 5 ft until you

Miss and then you go all the way back again you can play with your friends online there’s high score leaderboards this is the most fun way to practice your putting now this thing doesn’t come cheap it’s $599 and overall the mat itself is certainly not as realistic as the prime

Putt we just talked about but it is definitely better than some of the other more carpet based mats that I have tested I’ll have a dedicated review on putter soon but honestly in over a decade of reviewing products this is one of the coolest Golf Tech products I have

Ever used it makes me excited to practice it makes me excited to have people over to play games uh it just actually is getting me putty more which is pretty cool there are a couple downsides to putter for instance when you’re putting on the right hand side

Near the ball return it can feel a little unnatural putting to the hole from that angle and the incline going up to the hole doesn’t feel quite as realistic as a putty mat that fully lies flat but if you’re Tech oriented you can get over some of those hiccups and you

Don’t mind the high price tag putter is definitely a putty mat to consider all right we talked about the two most expensive options on our list let’s go to the cheaper side what is the best cheap putty mat well the one I have used for over a decade is the skills

Accelerator Pro and let’s be honest this thing is nothing fancy you can pick it up for 50 or 60 bucks on Amazon the plastic construction feels very cheap the carpet is Razor thin and so if you’re just looking for a really cheap putty mat just something to get you

Practicing more something you can put in your office or your basement and has the convenience of a ball return then the skills accelerator Pro is great but compared to any of the other ones on this list the quality isn’t great the carpet isn’t great um don’t expect a

Super highquality product but over the last 10 years this is a product I have put dozens of hours into so it can certainly get the job done all right next on our list we have the best putty mat for practicing breaks and that is the big moss series of golf mats so one

Of the downsides of a putty mat is you’re pretty much just practicing straight putts and even though that’s what most of us need uh it can get a little bit boring you want to try and mix things up a little bit and there are two different mats that I’m going to

Talk about in this video that come with brake pads so basically these are pads that you slip under the mat so it’s going to simulate a real break on a golf course and big moss is the one that actually does a pretty good job with it big mmats come in all sorts of

Configurations and sizes so no matter what you’re looking for or how much room you have there’s probably going to be a good fit for you and compared to other products that use brake pads these ones actually felt pretty high quality and I was actually able to create relatively realistic breaks of course anytime

You’re putting these pads in on an at home putting mat especially one that’s not super expensive it’s not necessarily going to lead to a super realistic experience which is kind of the case here but it was definitely usable I will say I would stay away from the big moss

If you’re looking for something that’s very easy to take apart and very easy to set back up so there’s a lot that I like about the big moss putting green but it comes with a lot of stuff and depending on how you feel about that that could be

A good thing or a bad thing we have a chippy mat we have little white things to put under the hole we have brake pads to add brake we have little whole fillers we have a flag we have a back stop so if you want something that you

Want to easily take away put out not have to deal with a bunch of stuff this probably isn’t the one for you that being said if you’ve got a playroom or a basement or someplace where you can set it up and leave it up then this is

Definitely one of my favorite mats for the price okay on this one we’re going to call this the best practice Aid and this is one you’ve probably seen if you’ve done any research on putting mats and that is the perfect practice mat it’s endorsed by Dustin Johnson so that

May make you want it or may immediately make you not want it now I actually liked this more than I expected to but there are definitely some pros and cons so first off this one is more narrow than most of the other mats I’ve used

It’s only about a foot and a half wide if that and after using some of the other ones that were 3 ft wide I really do enjoy the extra space on the perfect practice putty mat itself they also have like printed on grass that just looks super fake and super cheap and they

Paired that with like a mahogany Wood Construction for the ball return so it’s like they’re trying to be fancy but then they have this graphic on the mat that looks anything but so that’s kind of weird to me but I will say from a practice standpoint the ball return

Works as advertised and having two different size holes is really nice so if you putt for 5 or 10 minutes on the smaller one and then move over to the bigger one it actually does its job and inspires more confidence and makes the hole feel bigger despite the fact I hate

The graphic on the mat itself the alignment lines are actually very nice of all the mats we tested this one has the best and most useful alignment lines and it even comes with a separate alignment mirror to help you really dial in your alignment so while looks-wise it

Feels a little weird I actually found myself really finding it useful for practicing and the fact this is one of the smaller mats also makes it one of the easiest ones to set up and put away if you don’t have a permanent place for it and finally the last one on our list

Is probably the one I would recommend the least but there is a certain person that might be a good fit for and that is if you were looking for a big mat on a budget price and that’s the Callaway Odyssey putty mat so my version of this

Is the same size as my Prime put mat it’s 3T wide by 12T long and having that big of a mat just allows for a lot of Versatility allows you to practice longer putts it allows you to stand on the map which is really kind of nice the

Downside of this map though is the turf quality is the worst of all the ones I tested next to the skills accelerator Pro the foam on the bottom that elevates the holes just feels really cheap there’s no back stop which is kind of annoying especially as the hole kind of

Starts to fade away from you on the back so it’s almost like pushing the balls away from you there’s also no alignment lines or ball return on this one so you’re not getting many of the features aside from just being a bigger mat but even on those smaller ones the turf

Quality is the same which is to say it’s not all that great so consider this one if you need a big mat you don’t want to spend a whole bunch of money on it but otherwise I would probably check out one of the other ones in this list so there

You have it of all of the putty mats that I have tested those are the ones I would consider if you looking for the absolute best of the best most realistic mat you can get I would check out the prime PT mat if you hate practicing and

You want something that’s going to be fun for you and your friends and family I would check out the putter mat and if you’re on more of a budget and you’re looking for something more feature heavy then I’d consider a couple of the other mats on the list with that my name is

Sean Ogle I’m the founder of this thing here breaking 80 where we talk about cool golf products and cool golf courses if you got some value out of this maybe consider hitting subscribe hit the Thumbs Up Button leave a comment let me know if you have questions on any of

These or any other mats I know there are a lot of other mats out there that I have not reviewed so if there’s one specifically that you would like me to review drop a comment let me know I’ll update my blog post and later this year

If I test enough new mats I will do an updated version of this video with that I thank you so much for watching I hope you have an excellent day and we’ll see you on the next video peace


  1. Thanks for the video Sean. I ordered a Puttr and it should be delivered any day now. It hit all the marks I was looking for and you mentioned. Keeping me entertained and fun for the whole family. Plus I love data. More data please!!! Thanks again!

  2. I have the perfect practice mat and I love it however I am seriously considering the ExPut it appears to be what launch monitor is for the rest of your golf bag but for the putter. And yes you can geek out on all your data numbers just like the Bushnell/GC Quad anyway I would love to get your opinion on it thanks

  3. The PuttOut AirBreak due out next month looks very cool. Thanks for this video Sean….looking to get one of these soon.

  4. I have the Perfect Practice Roll-a-Putt due to needing something small and easy to tear down and put away. It’s not perfect but great to get some putts in and easy to set up and tear down. And I got it on a sale for $65 so can’t beat that.

  5. I roll putts on a 6' mat almost every day. I try to get to the practice green when the weather allows at least once a week. My putting is decent, but there is room for improvment. I think working on chipping and pitching is equaly important to lower your scores, and thus your handicap index.

  6. Great video! I feel like another consideration is whether you want to pack it up/how easy it is to setup between sessions. I like my BirdieBall, but since getting an ExPutt RG, I find myself rolling it the most – if you haven't tried it definitely give it a shot. Being able to practice 15-50ft indoors is amazing.

  7. I'd be interested to know how the Birdie Ball mats stack up to these. I like that they have two different stimps depending on which direction you are putting. I've never used one, which is why I posed the question.

  8. I like my Big Moss, although the wife doesn't appreciate it in the kitchen. 😂 I don't have a lot of room in the house, so the kitchen it is🤷‍♂️

  9. I just practice on carpet. I use beer coasters as target holes. If you can consistently roll the same line and length then your technique is good.
    Reading greens is another topic…

  10. The fastest way to lower your scores is not to improve your putting…but having practice putting greens at home can only help!

  11. I opted for one of the ones you didn’t review, the BirdieBall Classic. Things I like about it are it is 4 foot wide and allows me to stand on it but it can be purchased in a variety of widths. The roll is extremely true and so is the speed. Although they sell a bag to store it, mine stays down 24×7, 365. I would not recommend it for people with pets as I believe their toenails or clause could damage to the surface. Since I got mine they haves produced other models that are good both indoors and outdoors, and are perhaps more durable for those that need thst

  12. I've had the Perfect Practice mat and the Puttout mat. I much prefer the Puttout. The Perfect Practice one seemed too fast to me, hated the printed grass pattern. I feel the puttout rolls more realistic and is easier to store if you don't have a place where you can leave it out.

  13. surprised no wellputt mats have been recommended. I'm on my 2nd and is very good quality. Better than puttout which I found too slow.

  14. Bought the big moss….could not get it to lay flat.,.they said put it in the sun…noting worked, I sent it back

  15. Need to have a look at the wellputt lineup. I reckon you'd find it a good mix of most realistic and best practice aid

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