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Watch short highlights from the match between Italy and Ireland in Dublin.

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[Applause] shrill blast of the whistle from Luke Pearson we’re off and running at the Aviva Stadium as Ireland against Italy it’s the third match of round two three or four three four guys from the Irish defense they’re passing the ball wider to get round them big Drive of the legs from GRE

Speaking of which hen Shaw on the floor on its way and it doesn’t find home there was no real conviction in that it has to be said yani’s coming off his wing that’s him to make the tackle off Crowley who gets it off to Nash and Casey and iron

Are building and building and building in goes Jack Crowley Crowley with Ireland’s first try Crowley with his first International try Casey McCarthy pulls it back Ireland have nothing outside of Nash but Nash will try and burst through Crowley great hands oh wonderful moski she that was a thing of

Beauty Ireland in for their second try the Crowley release one blue can’t get that where’s the ball Porter is in search pops it off James Ryan doesn’t get there in there is rat to stop him Aron will go again I think they’ve got there they have just too much power in the end

Conan pops over and Ireland have tried number three taken by Ryan Sheen in at the back the mall begins to rumble and Shen should be there and is’s there Ireland have their bonus Point try she with his second of the afternoon that’s his eighth International try referee keeps his hands by his sides

Ireland march on Jack Conan G hanging on RAD there as well surely Ireland will find a way yes they do 23 phases okay there is a defar complete as of yet for me and he could uses himself to try to get back to his mat again [Applause]

Mat it’s it’s close enough to be tackle complete here matchie fores completed yeah I agree with you it’s no try the player goes down to the ground with him and then another man so it’s going to be no try fellas we in agreement exactly most practice it’s going be no

Try I think it’s t complete and then he goes off his KNE da again got one for England last and again it’s not malicious instinctive you go there oh I’ve done it you know it’s one of those he was badly injured and didn’t make the Rugby World Cup as a

Result of it but that well as you say kind of instinctive nothing overly malicious but the decision was easy for still holding on to that 22 the Italians just not letting him cross but here’s James low hits the go low 5 m 3 m 1 M SW

Try James low reaches out of big long arm to ensure that Ireland have try number five he has a big boost but he’s got Pace too remember irand playing with Advantage free throw of the dice Vander Flair pulls it back Harry burn moski gets it away Crowley Gibson Park

One more should do it Nash to the corner LS to do job done call the Nash Park running everywhere like a good feret that he is balls out the back hold your time hold your pace wait for something to happen and all of a sudden lovely hands Gibson

Park is there and Nash just says right this may hurt but I’m going to get over that try line just puts his head down look at this keep the ball available look at the depth look at the depth wait for it again it’s a numbers game we’ve

Got one more than you and that’s what happens try he knows he’s made a mistake look we’re all human they no try they not on so we’ll finish with the six tries and the 36 points and they’ll be disappointed in Gibson park with a r

Smile but in the end it’s been a really good day at the office for Ireland Crowley and Conan two for Dan in second half one of those along with low and Nash six in total the Italians just could not find their way never really brought an attacking threat and that is

Why that score line Looks the way it is it finishes AA Diva Ireland 36 Italy Nil


  1. Ireland are currently the best team in the Northern Hemisphere, they really have been consistent and these are the fruits of their labour. Well deserved 🇿🇦

  2. I was dreaming about a victory…but It was just a dream..irishes prove themself again giants for us. Anyway good work lads you did what u could. I say good luck to Ireland. They deserve to win this six nations.

  3. My disappointment is with how Italy failed to exploit the relatively poor talent of England seen in Rome the other week; certainly not for the defeat against the Irish team with bigger and stronger players: anyone understands that the way they made the last three passes in the second try look easy, denotes an extraordinary quality against which a team of decent professionals like the Azzurri can only getting hurt

  4. Muy Bien Irlanda 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 y Mejor cierre d video cn el sonido d fondo, The Cranberries … "Siempre Dolores" 💚💚🇦🇷

  5. I am Italian, I am always that guy who says Forza Azzurri but this match leaves me dumbfounded. I see no concentration, it seems that there is a lack of desire even to tackle the opponent. Come on boys "disciulatevi"

  6. Is there ever a match that Italy is competitive? The excuses always seem to be 'young side, rebuilding, new coach etc'. Same excuses, zero results.

  7. That no try was typical of the farce that is the rugby laws. We need younger, more sensible rugby administration leading this sport. No other sport in history sends players from the field as much as rugby. Yellow cards are rare in league and american football, let alone red. Those in control need to wake tf up.

  8. I know they’re not the extended highlights, but these short highlights could really benefit from some replays of tries, especially when in this case multiple (like 6) replays of a disallowed try is shown. Plus the occasional kick at goal.

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